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Royal Australian The official newspaper of the R oyal Australian Navy WELCOMEthe veteran Oberon class submarine ONSLOW. Greg Sammut.ABOARD later told Navy News: "The Of the last remaining operational Oberon he T~eU~::"ia:o:a~~ s~~;n;~i~~Sar~f 1~~~rR~~! at HMAS PLATYPUS on March 29 (sec page 3), opportunity for women to serve in submarines said HMAS OTAMA would be decommissioned nexlffionth. He said the women will form the 42 members has provided the Navy with a wider spectrum of in the West in Dccember. "Six will go aboard i'IM AS COLLINS (LCDR which make up the standard complement of the capable people to crew the sophisticated Collins "She was due to go in June but was given a si~ Peter SCali) and six wilt join HM AS FA RN Collins class vessel. class5ubmarines,'" monthe~tension," he said. COMB (LCDR Greg Sammut)," CAPT Rick 11Ie 42-person complement is far less than the Asked when the fi rst Collins submarines CAPT Shalders said some of the machinery Shalder.;, chief of the RAN's submarine neel. 67 needed 10 crew lhe Obemos. would be fully operational CAPT Shalders used for Oberon class mai ntenance would be said. ''The smaller number enables life to be more responded, "we are gelling very close." transported from HMAS PLATYPUS to HM AS His announcement came 0.1 a dockside press pleasanl. There are beller living conditions:' He suggested the new submarines would pro STIRLING to continue the supply of services to conference following the decommissioning of Commanding Officer of FARNCOMB, LCDR vide a longer "life" than the Oberons, OTAMA, I~::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~iiii~~~~~~~~~~:7~~-:n:;;;.fiC Chaners' ....~ I 9- nL-6 i. "The flight 1001.: 30 f d ~:~~~~;.d we found 0 U n "He was lYing In a - I t :~.!~:~Ig:a~~g and on IS e or7:,:~7n;'~o ~~';:: Tleus~r~~a:ns~r~:~~; descended 10 about a have combined to save mCIt'Cofflhegroundand e ight men from the held the helicopter!" waterless West Islc\ on hover. Ashmore Reef. nonh-wcst "Stcve Patcrsonjumped of Broome. offlhe skid and helped There was urgency \he walker 10 Ihe aircraft. attached to the rc5CUC mis- sh'~u1~~~~~m pb~ll:~ ~~~sl:a~~~ a~rc~~~~~~! him over the skids and one of the men Iyingpronc in~?~~ ~~~~:t.leavc his ~~I~a~a~~ ~~:r~n~ch~ • Uresaver .. LCDR Day, 1m behind to be picked ~~~I~~~~h~:~~CI~~t:~;~~ soldi ers to save the life attached to the Austra his guide andaskc:d him UP.,bi ~i~ gu~~ ~ale~ a s dc6ni~!~dli~~~h~~~'I_ helped so many of a 52-year-old Aus· lian High Commission to go for help. Inj[iallYSlUnncd th310ne copter Cfew found th e Australians during tralian trapped by severc: in Port More>.by. "'The guide made it minute he was lying sick manali"e. World War II. are still Day. and foor Australian Illn ess on the remote He told Navl' Ne .... s: out and at 10.30am on in the bush and the next The: helicopter lert "'':lter Kokoda Trail last month. "Early in March' an Aus Thursday. March 18. we thing he was on board a supplic:s for the eight as the: It was the second res trahan aged 52anempt received a message helicoptcr and heading RAN patrol boat HMAS cue from the trail by an ed to walk the Kokoda. through the rOOlO of the to Port Moresby. GAWLER (LCDR B. Australian rescue team "Although he look a Koiari Development "He was \'ery appre- Victor) sped to the M:ene. since January and in local guide he was ill Authority that an ciative of thc re~cue:' GAWLER later took on t!'.Ich it was the involve prepared for the trek. Australian was in trou LCDR Day said. board four Iraqts, three ment of locals INhich led "'Around March 16 he bleon the track. "Back in Port AfghallIs and a Bangla toreSCllC'. took ill and could not "'Four Anny personnel Moresby we drove him deshi. Thcy told LCDR LCDR Day. 38, a for continue to I'I':llk. wcre assembled. Captain to the Commission's Of'ERATIONUffGUAflOISACONFIOEKTIA1TOU-fIlEf Victor they had chartered TEUPHONESERVIC£IlIATPIIOVlDUAIIINfORIIlATIO.ANO mer doctor in the emer '" He SCribbled a note Stmon Bliss. WO Bcn medical centre where I an Indonesian fishing boat IIEfEARAlSERV!CETOAIIYHAVAlPEIISoNNftWHO CONSIOEII gency department of saying he could nOl go White. WO Steve checked hlm oul. to take them to the islet. T'HfY IlAVE lEU SUIJECTIO TO , ACCUSED Of. DfI WITNESS TO Dandenong Hospital IS on. had a high fever Patcrson and Staff "By 5pm he was dis He found all men in AI('( roRM Of olSClIlMINATIaw OR HARASSMENT . presently doing hiS sec andsuspcctedscvcrc Sergeant Steve Brin charged fromtnecentre good health. CAU.fRSWIU.£GIVfNIHFoRMAHo ..... oUTTHEIRIIIGHTSAND ond 12 month billet as malaria. field . We took off from and had bookcd Into a GAWLER took the AVfNUES AVAlWLE fOil FUIITHERACTIDN IF DESIIIED . the medical officer "'He gale the note to Jackson Field at lpm 11\ hOle!." LCDR Day said. eight to immigratIOn offi cials in Port Hedland. -~t.fN_,J~_~I=t,T4W1 Boat handed to Who can advertise ADDRESS~ in Navy News? r~QDing)'SupponCommandAilstraia(Na;y), Whartl1,Pmmalload(IOrmtItiJonesBayRoad)Pyrmonl 'SW2009 Anyone can! POSTALAOORESS NaI'jItM, LwedBag 12,Pyrmon~kSW,2009. Immigration PHOH£.(02)95631207. FAX: (02) 95631600 The only stipulation is that your ad is E_AdCIe$$.lUI'j!IfWS@naI'gO'UU NAVY HEWS ItaERHETWEB PAGE._Jlal'jgow.au in accordance with the guidelines of PU8llSHEO:Io~.DATED. M cnday TYPESlZ£OFPAliE.Approx.38anx26cm.lw1s.8ems. the Media Council of Australia and TYPESE1:Bn;ttPmt,8-10fIriStteet.We1htfilPark.NSW.21&4 the Nav)' News Management Committee. PII(02)91513Ql1. PRIIiTED.Filrtu~~ .1 ADi1tN,m$tr!tt Contact our CondeIPtrt,NSW, Z200 roI'YD£AOONE : Mondayp nor~dateotlSSUt. Advertising Co-ordinator on CIRCULATlON:20,OOlttlp!tsperlSSUt. DI$TRIBUTION:na\IDn,ltostrYmgandiolmtrpmonntl,civilians, Ph: (02) 9563 1539 doclcyards, shipbuilding and tnglnttnng tstablishmtnts, business orQalllSabons,GOYtmJTll!ntdepartments. Oversus 10 ollicialesl.lbllshmenlS, Govtrnmtntdtpartmentsand H~A!:~~~~a~ \~~~: a~t~Crk s~~~S:~~gh~:e t:~~~iC~I~;il~n!~~~n~~: ~:~~~~~ Fx: (02) 9563 1600 pnvate$IJb$Cnbtrs. several days north of Australia. $UBSCRIPTION$:$24perannumpostageWlthlnAtlStralja{airma~and The detention of the vessel and its occupants is the lalest in an increasing number of [email protected] OYtrseastxtl1). incidenlS involving suspected illegal immi grants trying to reach Australia and some of for further details STAFF: t.!artagll'lO EIf~or lCDR Ktl'ln Fib {02)9S631553 AdnrtlSlng:MrGe1)/fCifford(02)95631539; he~~C~~n~C;;~~i~~~~ed HWANG TONG was one of r.===========~~~:::::::::~~:::::~====~ Pictonal:LSPHSteYeGurrlt!t(02)95631593, them, LCDR Watson said. WARRANTY AND INDEMNITY $Uors' RlpresGlta!lw: POWTR AhvI [lwls (02) 9159 4400 After an unscheduled early relUrn to Australian Advertisers andt'or advMising agen-c ..s upon and by lodging material with the Publisher for AdmtllSlfatlOll.subSCIip:tlOnnglfltralenqms: waters from the south -west Pacific LCDR Watson and publication or authorising or approvII'Ig of the publICation of any materiallNDEMNIFY the MrPtIAJdInsOn(02)95631201 hi s team were asked by authorities to make '"best time"' Pubbher. its directors. employE!e$ and aoems agaInSt 81 dauns, demands. proceedings. costs, to the Arafura Sea to check on the HWANG TONG. e~penses , damages. awartls, judgmenls and any other nabl~1y whatsoever wholly or partially [!alilille ansorogdirec!lyO(lndirecUyineon~WllhlhepubllC8l1onollhemalenal , andWl1hou1 lifl1lbng MIkHMDlln For several days IPSWICH watched as thc master the generailly of the Ioregoong. ir'IderMityeacnof1tlem in reiabOrl 10 delamation. libel. slander of .. .., ...23rd~ switched course errallcall y before heading south into title, infnngernenlof copynghI. in/nngemenlof Irillden'larlt$O( names ofpubticabOrl hiles. unlair Australian territorial waters. LCDR Watson ordered a competItion. bfeach of trade practices 0( fU!rading legu;tation. vootabon 01 nghts 01 pnvacy or "".., "'.., fully armed ooarding party ontO the bo:II, confidentjilfinformallonorlicencesOfr~alty ngills 0(01he< intellec1ual property rights, AND 3tsll.Qy .21s1May Those aboard were handed over to Customs and WARRANT Ihat Ihe material compiles Wllh all relevant laws and regulallons and Ihal ,ts Immigration officials and later taken to the Pori pubtication Win noI9Ive rise 10eny dalm, a9'instor liabiinJeS in the Publisher, its directors. empk7jeesor agenls. Ind. Wlltiout lunillng the gene ..hlyof me ioregang, that nothng he<em is in ".... .. "" Hedland immigratio n detention centre In Western .18I/I~JlI! breach otthe Trade PraCIIOIS Ad t968 0( the Fair Trading Ad t967 O(\he defamatIOn . consumer "" ... Australia. p.-o1edlOn and uIe of goods legislation of the States and Temtories or infnnges the rights 04 any 12th'" Just hours after more than 50 Illegalimmigrams M:ram ".~ . .""'"t6111Juiy bled ashore from a beached Chinese: tug at Scotts Head in ADVERTISING CONDITIONS "'.. '" .3OIhJut,r NSW, RAN and CustonlS vessels were callcd to check on Advenlslng aeoep!ed tor publicalion In NAllY NEWS is subject to the condiOOns set out in thetr .... a smaller craft with 10 Afghanis aboard. rale cards and the rules appticable 10 IKNBnISing laid down lTom lime 10 bme by the MBOa Cout"ICIl 23rdAligusl . 13111 Allgusl A Coostwatch aircraft spotted the vessel ncar Browse of Australia. Every advertisement IS subject to the Publisher's approval and the Publisher may. at 6111 Stplembtr .. 211llAIJgust Island north of Broome and called Immigr:uion. Customs its discretIOn, refuse 10 accept an sdllerllSement for publicallon if it believes the advertisement may inlnnge the nghlS 01 any person or may not comply With all laws and regulallons of the Siaies 20th and RAN authorillc$. Stplembtr 10000Stpiember and Temtories. Tile Publisher accepts no responsibilIty or liab1hly 11"1 relation 10 any bss due to Ihe Customs boat ROEBUCK BAY \\'as dispatched to the scene.