Contact address: P.O.Box : 707 Yaoundé (Cameroon) Telephone: Cameroon : (237) 677 71 94 98 / 697 42 42 32 Email: [email protected] [email protected]

Summary  Over 11 years of experience in managing data, conducting health and/or demographic surveys in many countries in Central and West Africa  Over 08 years of experiences in implementing and evaluating result-based financing in Cameroon, Burkina-Faso, Liberia, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad, Djibouti and Haïti ;  03 years of experiences with Service Delivery Indicators (SDI) surveys  Member of many research projects in Africa and in the World  Fluent in French and speaks enough English

Education University of Paris-Dauphine (FRANCE) 2018 PhD dissertation : „Poverty, Malaria and Health System Reforms in Africa: Three Studies Applied in Cameroon’ Doctoral advisors: Pr. Sandrine MESPLE-SOMPS and Dr. Anne-Sophie ROBILLIARD

Institute for Training and Demographic Research (IFORD)(CAMEROUN) 2007-2009 Professional master in Demography, Master‟s Thesis: Dynamics of the relationship between standard of living of households and diarrhea- related morbidity in children of less than three years in Cameroon

University of YAOUNDÉ I (CAMEROUN) 2005-2006 Master's degree in computer science - Option: Calculation scientific, Master‟s degree thesis: The securing of data circulation in a local network of enterprise by the CRYPTOGRAPHY

University of NGAOUNDÉRÉ (CAMEROUN) 2004-2005 Bachelor of science and technical information (STI) - Option: Calculation scientific,

University of NGAOUNDÉRÉ (CAMEROUN) 2003-2004 DEUG in Sciences et Techniques de l'informatique (STI) - Option: Calculation scientific

Classic High School of MAROUA (CAMEROUN) 2001-2002 TRAY C



Others trainings Bujumbura, Burundi April 2014 Topic : when technological innovation meets health care financing innovation Organized by : PBF Community of Practice

Washington, DC, USA June 2015 Topic : Measurement and Accountability for Results in Health Summit Organized by : World Bank

Paris, France June – July 2015 Topic : 3rd NOPOOR Summer School Organized by : Paris-Dauphine University, DIAL,

Yaoundé, Cameroon February 2016 Topic : EQUIST Training Organized by : Unicef

Washington, DC, USA (Online) May - June 2016 Topic : Results Based Financing in Health Organized by : World Bank

Publications  Younoussi Z, Beninguissé G, Nouetagni S, Nganawara D, Saidou H, Tanang T, Seke, Tchouapi N, Nsoa P. “Final Report of the Baseline Survey of the Impact Evaluation of Performance-Based Financing in the health sector in Cameroon” 2012.  Kuepié M and Saidou H “The impact of fertility on household economic status in Cameroon, Mali and Senegal” CEPS/INSTEAD, Esch-sur-Alzette, 2013.  Nouetagni S and Saidou H. “Differential impact of female migration on the living conditions of households left behind: The case of Cameroon” 2013.  Younoussi Z, Mimche H, Nouetagni S, Nganawara D, Saidou H, Seke K, Chouapi N, Tjomb J.C. “A look to the south: Profile of migrants and the impact of migration on human development in Cameroon” Research report ACPOBS/2013/PUB12, 2013.  Joseph K. Wulifan, Albrecht Jahn, Hervé Hien, Patrick Christian Ilboudo, Nicolas Meda, Paul Jacob Robyn, Saidou Hamadou, Ousmane Haidara, Manuela De Allegri, “Determinants of Unmet Need for Family Planning in Rural Burkina Faso” 2015,  Lidwine Sonia De-Banguirys, Alice Noel Tchoumkeu, Charles Emmanuel Moute ; Saidou Hamadou, Firmin Zinvi, Frida Essomba; Estelle Pasquier, Pierre De Beaudrap, Gervais Beninguisse, “Procédures de transfert des données statistiques collectées avec appareils mobiles du terrain au serveur: cas de HandiVIH”, 2015  Saidou Hamadou, “Poverty and Malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa: Case of Cameroon”, thesis article, 2015  Joseph K. Wulifan, Jacob Mazalale, Albrecht Jahn, Hervé Hien, Patrick Christian Ilboudo, Nicolas Meda, Saidou Hamadou, Ousmane Haidara, Paul Jacob Robyn, Manuela De Allegr “Contraceptive Use among Women of Reproductive Age in Rural Districts of Burkina Faso”, 2016  Saidou Hamadou and Anne-Sophie Robilliard, “Malaria shocks in children under 5 and mothers' participation in the labor market in Cameroon”, thesis article, 2017



 Saidou Hamadou “Impact of Performance Based Financing on Therapeutic Remedies for Malaria in Cameroon”, stateco, 2018  De Walque, D. B., Robyn, P. J., Saidou, H., Sorgho, G., & Steenland, M. W. (2017). Looking into the performance-based financing black box: evidence from an impact evaluation in the health sector in Cameroon (No. 8162). The World Bank.  Noah Haber, Paul Jacob Robyn, Saidou Hamadou, Gervais Yama, Herve Hien and Guenther Fink, “Surveyor Gender Modifies Average Survey Responses – Evidence from Household Surveys in Four Sub- Saharan African Countries”, 2017  Takondwa Mwase, Julia Lohmann, Saïdou Hamadou, Serge M. A. Somda, Valery Ridde and Manuela De Allegri “Determinants of inequities in utilization of maternal health services in Burkina Faso” International Journal for Equity in Health, 2018

Papers under review  Kuepié M, Sall M and Saidou H. “Impact of climatic chocs on children mortality in Cameroon, Mali and Senegal.” Under review,  Nicole A. Perales, Guenther F and Saïdou H, “Quality of Clinical Assessment and Child Mortality: A Three Country Study”, Under review,

Professional Experience Main Coordinator, Consultant, AFTHW Ouagadougou , Burkina-Faso The World Bank Since November 2016  Wrote Terms of References for PBF endline survey firms recruitments;  Reviewed and adapted questionnaires;  Evaluated the firms proposals (technical and financial proposals);  Evaluate and validate all programs and controls programs for managing data during the collection  Collaborate with the firm and local administration  Train recruited firm and investigators  Coordinate data collection on the field  Coordinate and manage data during the collection  Coordinate the Impact Evaluation analysis

Main Coordinator, Consultant, AFTHW Yaoundé , Cameroon The World Bank Since Jully 2017  Wrote Terms of References for Service Delivers Indicators (SDI) and Health Facilities Assessment (HFA) firms recruitments;  Reviewed and adapted questionnaires;  Evaluated the firms proposals (technical and financial proposals);  Evaluate and validate all programs and controls programs for managing data during the collection  Collaborate with the firm and local administration  Train recruited firm and investigators  Coordinate data collection on the field  Coordinate and manage data during the collection  Participate to the analysis



Technical Coordinator and Data Management Specialist, Consultant, AFTHW Port au Prince, Haïti The World Bank August 2015 – mars 2016  Analyzed firm‟s proposals  Reviewed and adapted household and health facilities questionnaires  Controlled and performed all tools et programs produced by the recruited firm ;  Wrote controls programs for managing data during the collection  Collaborate with the firm and local administration  Managed and processed collected data ;  Participated to the analysis

Technical Specialist, Consultant, AFTHW Djibouti, Djibouti The World Bank Since December 2015  Support technically the local firm to design/ produced program in CSPro ;

Main Coordinator, Consultant, AFTHW Yaoundé , Cameroon The World Bank Since Jully 2014  Prepared and configured all tablets for collection activities  Reviewed and adapted household and health facilities questionnaires  Designed with Open Data Kit (Odk) forms and programs for tablets  Wrote controls programs for managing data during the collection  Collaborate with the firm and local administration  Train recruited firm and investigators on using Nexus Google tablets  Coordinate data collection on the field  Coordinate and manage data during the collection  Participate to the Impact Evaluation analysis

Main Coordinator, Consultant, AFTHW N’Djaména , Chad The World Bank Jully 2014-June 2016  Prepared and configured all tablets for collection activities  Reviewed and adapted household and health facilities questionnaires  Designed with Open Data Kit (Odk) forms and programs for tablets  Wrote controls programs for managing data during the collection  Will collaborate with the firm and local administration  Will train recruited firm and investigators on using Nexus Google tablets  Will coordinate data collection on the field  Will coordinate and manage data during the collection  Will participate to the analysis

Main Coordinator, Consultant, AFTHW Kinshasa , Democratic Republic of Congo The World Bank Jully 2014-June 2016  Prepared and configured all tablets for collection activities  Reviewed and adapted household and health facilities questionnaires  Designed with Open Data Kit (Odk) forms and programs for tablets  Wrote controls programs for managing data during the collection  Collaborate with the firm and local administration  Trained recruited firm and investigators on using Nexus Google tablets  Coordinate data collection on the field  Coordinate and manage data during the collection



 Participate to the analysis

Data Management Specialist, Consultant, AFTHW Ouagadoudou, Burkina-Faso SERSAP August 2014 – Jully 2015  Reviewed and adapted questionnaires for Indigents survey  Prepared and configured all tablets for collection activities  Designed with Real time Analytics (Rta) forms and programs for tablets  Wrote controls programs for managing data during the collection  Trained supervisors and investigators on using Nexus Google tablets  Produced manuals for supervisors and investigators  Coordinated and manage data during the collection

Data Management Specialist, Consultant, AFTHW Brazzaville, Congo The World Bank February 2013- Jully 2015  Reviewed and adapted household and health facilities questionnaires  Designed with Open Data Kit (Odk) forms and programs for tablets  Wrote controls programs for managing data during the collection  Prepared and configured all tablets for collection activities  Trained investigators on using Nexus Google tablets  Coordinate and manage data during the collection

Data Entry Programmer, Consultant, AFTHW Monrovia, Liberia The World Bank November 2013 – June 2014  Developed data entry frames/programs for baseline data entry for baseline survey with CSPro software  Developed data entry frames/programs for continuous data entry for continuous survey with CSPro software  Developed data entry frames/programs for RBF results reporting data entry  Produced manual for using the different data entry.

Data Management Specialist, Consultant, AFTHW Yaoundé, Cameroon The World Bank Since October 2013  Reviewed and adapted household and health facilities questionnaires for the baseline survey in the North of Cameroun  Designed with Open Data Kit (Odk) forms and programs for tablets  Wrote controls programs for managing data during the collection  Prepare and configured all tablets for collection activities  Trained investigators on using Nexus Google tablets  Coordinate and manage data during the collection;  Analysed datas and produced reports and papers

Data Management Specialist, Consultant, AFTHW Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso The World Bank July 2013-april 2014  Reviewed and adapted with the firm, household and health facilities questionnaires for the baseline survey  Designed baseline data entry for Pocket PC (PPC or PDA) using CSPro software  Designed health facilities data entries for PC using also CSPro software  Wrote with CSPro software controls programs for managing data during the collection



 Prepare and configured all PDA for collection activities  Trained investigators on collection data in the field with PDA using CSPro baseline data entry  Trained field supervisors on managing data collected with PDA using CSPro baseline data entry  Produced manuals for investigators and for field supervisor on using CSPro baseline data entry with PDA  Coordinated and managed data during the collection  Exported data for analysis.

Technical Coordinator of the Millennium Villages Project Maroua, Cameroon Ministry of the economy, planning and regional development - PNUD June 2013-March 2015  Coordinate all activities in the site

Assistant Director (Divisional Delegate) Maroua, Cameroon Ministry of the economy, planning and regional development June 2013-March 2015  Coordinate all activities of the Ministry of the economy, planning and regional development in the Diamare subdivision

Data Management Specialist, DEMTREND PROGRAM (Project "Study on the unmet health needs of youth reproductive Brazzaville") Brazzaville, Congo IFORD (CAMEROON) and UERPOD (Congo-Brazzaville) November 2012 – August 2013  Designed CSPro data entries for the survey on "Study on the unmet health needs of youth reproductive Brazzaville"  Wrote controls programs  Processed, managed and exported data collected  Analysed data and produced reports

Assistant Research Officer at the General Directorate of Planning And Regional Development Yaoundé, Cameroon Ministry of the economy, planning and regional development October 2012 – May 2013  Provided technical assistance for the planning and Regional Development

Data Management Specialist, for the Census of population and habitation of Mali Bamako, Mali UNPFA November 2010 - September 2012  Developed census data entry with CSPro software on PC  Wrote controls programs  Configured local network for sending data by census data entry  Trained national supervisors and input operators on using CSPro data entry

Member of the research team of the study on the impact of South-South development in Cameroon on migration Yaoundé, Cameroon IFORD on behalf of the ACP, the international organisation of migration observatory June, 2012 – February, 2013  Wrote questionnaires  Developed data entry with CSPro software on PC  Wrote controls programs



 Configured local network for sending data by data entry  Trained input operators on using CSPro data entry  Produced manual for using CSPro data entry  Processed, managed and exported data  Participated on tabulations and analysis data  Participated on producing the final report

Data Management Specialist, and member of DEMTREND Program research team at IFORD (Project "Study on the unmet health needs of youth reproductive Yaoundé ") Yaoundé, Cameroon AIRD L’Agence, Agence Française De Développement (AFD) And The William And Flora Hewlett Foundation June, 2011 – February, 2012  Designed CSPro data entries for the survey on "Study on the unmet health needs of youth reproductive in Yaoundé"  Wrote controls programs  Processed, managed and exported data collected  Analysed data and produced reports

Member of the research team of MIMADEM Project (Migration, Labor Market and Demographic Dynamics in Africa) Yaoundé (Cameroon), Dakar (Senegal) and Bamako (Mali) IPDSR (Senegal), DIAL (France), INSTAT (Mali), INS (Cameroun), CEPS (Luxembourg), IFORD and AFRISTAT 2011 – 2013  Processed and managed data  wrote tree papers

Data Management Specialist, Consultant Yaoundé, Cameroon IFORD on behalf of the World Bank November 2011 – June 2013  Reviewed and adapted household and health facilities questionnaires for the baseline survey  Designed CSPro data entries for household and health facilities surveys  Wrote controls programs  Configured local network for sending data by data entry  Trained input operators on using CSPro data entry  Produced manual for using CSPro data entry  Processed, managed and exported data  Participated on tabulations and analysis data  Participated on producing the final report

Pilot phase of the mapping of regional economic potential in the Western Region Yaoundé, Cameroon Ministry of the economy, planning and regional development October – December 2011  Produced of TOR of the activity  Designed tools for data collection  Coordinated collection in the field collaboration with the PADDL/GIZ,  Processed data,  Tabulated and analyzed data



 Produced reports and manuals.

Pilot phase of the mapping of regional economic potential in the Western Region Yaoundé, Cameroon Ministry of the economy, planning and regional development October – December 2011  Produced of TOR of the activity  Designed tools for data collection  Coordinated collection in the field collaboration with the PADDL/GIZ,  Processed data,  Tabulated and analyzed data  Produced reports and manuals.

Member of the technical team for the following activities Yaoundé, Cameroon Ministry of the economy, planning and regional development December 2011  Development of the Plan for the Development of Riparian and Riverine Basins of Cameroon  Evaluation of the Activities Sub-Regional Organizations (ABN and LCBC) in Cameroon portions  Monitoring the collection of environmental data and socio-economic part of the Observatory of the Niger Basin

Data Management Specialist, in the context of assistance to the processing of data from the Census of population and habitat in Mali with financial support from Statistics Sweden Bamako, Mali Statistics Sweden On Behalf Of The Mali INSTAT 04 October-December 2010  Adapted the input mask (in CSPro) for a seizure in network edition of errors and verification  tabulated in CSPro  Provided technical assistance for tabulations and analysis data  Provided technical assistance for producing data entry reports

Member of Data Management team for Impact evaluation of the intervention program Services International (PSI) on the community support of the diseases of childhood on the under-five mortality in Cameroon Yaoundé, Cameroon World Health Organization/ National Institute of Statistics (INS) March-June 2010  Designed collection tools  Designed the data entry  Designed controls and tabulation programs

Participation in the workshop of drafting of the report on the profile of children did not take vitamin A in Cameroon Yaoundé, Cameroon National Institute of Statistics (INS) April 2010

Preparation in Survey statistics on climate change in Cameroon Yaoundé, Cameroon Ministry of the Environment And Protection of Nature (Minepat) And National Institute Of Statistics (INS) March 2010  Designed of the terms of reference (ToR)



 Designed collection tools

Member of the technical team for the production of the National Atlas of Physical Development Yaoundé, Cameroon Ministry of the Economy, Planning And Regional Development July – December, 2010  Designed of the terms of reference (ToR)  Designed collection tools

Data Management Specialist, Consultant for Survey Cap of BURUNDI on the knowledge, Attitudes and practices as well as the Sources and Communication Preferences, relatively to the survival of the child: infant and young child, hygiene and sanitation, support of certain childhood diseases (malaria, diarrhoea, ARI), health kindergarten Bujumbura, Burundi National Institute Of Statistics (INS) March 2010  Designed collection tools  Designed the data entry  Developed control and tabulation programs  Analyzed data et participated to the producing reports

EDS/MICS 2010 Cameroon Yaoundé, Cameroon National Institute Of Statistics (INS) December 2009  Trained investigators  Designed data entry

Project EPIDINGUE: «Emergence of Dengue in mutation environments» (on financing RDAS - France) Yaoundé, Cameroon Institute for Training and Demographic Research (IFORD) June 2009  Designed the data entry  Developed control and tabulation programs  Analyzed data et participated to the producing reports

Survey on accessibility to drinking water and sanitation in the city of Edéa Edéa, Cameroon Institute for Training and Demographic Research (IFORD) August 2008  Designed collection tools  Collected data in the field  Designed the data entry  Developed control and tabulation programs  Analyzed data et participated to the producing reports

Skills  Impact Evaluation analysis ;  Good mastery of the software SPSS, , CSPro, SAS, EPI-INFO, SPAD, IMIS, ABDULHADY, QGIS, etc.



 Conception, realization of surveys and analysis of data from surveys and censuses  Good command of computer (networks, databases, algorithms, programming, operating systems, software application (desktop and others), etc.)  Good mastery (programming, configuration and maintenance) of Pocket PCs (PDA) and tablets for data collection  Good knowledge of Open Data Kit software (ODK) , SuveyToGo, CSPro for collecting data with tablets or smartphone working on android system  Knowledge on the use of new technologies in the implementation of Financing Based on the Results in Africa  Project management

Languages  French : spoken and written  English : spoken and written

Hobbies  Sports (volleyball, Football, Handball, etc.)  Reading and travel

References Gaston Sorgho Paul Jacob Robyn Lead Public Health Specialist/HD Sector Lead Health Specialist/PI AFTHD AFTHW The World Bank The World Bank Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Ousmane Haidara Hadia Samaha Senior Health Specialist Sr. Operations Officer, AFTHW AFTHW The World Bank The World Bank Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Rianna L. Mohammed Andrew Sunil Rajkumar Senior Health Specialist Senior Health Specialist AFTHW AFTHW The World Bank The World Bank Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Damien De Walque Berk Özler Senior Economist Senior Economist, DECRG Development Research Group, The World Bank The World Bank Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Christophe Rockmore Senior Economist



- The World Bank Email: [email protected]

Sandrine Mesple-Somps Anne-Sophie Robilliard Chargée de recherche (CR1, HDR), Chargée de recherche 1ère classe (CR1) UMR DIAL IRD – Paris-Dauphine UMR DIAL IRD – Paris-Dauphine Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Samuel Nouetagni Abel Bicaba Professor of Statistics and Demography Director of SERSAP Institute for Training and Demographic Research (IFORD) Ouagadougou Catholic University of Yaoundé Email : [email protected] Email: [email protected]