Friends of Bruton

Tour of Historic and Churches of

May 16-25, 2014

Join Father John Maxwell Kerr, Episcopal Chaplain to the faculty, staff and students at The College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia for a very special tour and pilgrimage to many of the most historic cathedrals and churches of England.

Sponsored by Friends of Bruton: Our Worldwide Congregation Bruton Williamsburg, Virginia

The May 2014 tour of historic cathedrals of England sponsored by Friends of Bruton is open to everyone, you don't even have to be an Episcopalian! A message from Father Kerr

I rather hope you will not think of our journey together as mere ‘religious tourism.’ There would be little point in having a priest and scholar accompanying anything other than a pilgrimage, for that is how I do see Bruton’s visit to Britain next May. Look closely at our itinerary: we plan to attend Divine Offices of the at cathedrals, churches and other holy places we shall visit (alas, an exception must be made for !)

My own knowledge of people and places came not as a tourist but as a priest of thirty-five years’ standing in the Church of England. I loved to worship in these ancestral homes of our Anglican faith. Beauty, ancient and modern, of architecture; beauty, ancient and modern, of the great musical tradition we inherit (and to which we Episcopalians contribute to this day); the beauty of holiness - prayer in words ancient and modern, sung and spoken through so many lifetimes - the long history of the Church of England’s inheritance is ours too. I hope that I may be able to draw on my own experience and understanding to add to your visit to these cathedrals. My hope is that our visit may both delight you and enrich your faith.

John Maxwell Kerr, SOSc, Episcopal Chaplain to the Faculty, Staff and Students, The College of William and Mary Friends of Bruton

Tour of Historic Churches and Cathedrals of England

May 16-25, 2014

Springtime at


DAY 1: Fri., May 16 - Washington, DC/En Route Depart from Washington, DC for your overnight trans-Atlantic flight to London.

DAY 2: Sat., May 17 - London D Welcome to London, one of the most exciting cities in the world! Upon your arrival in London, you will be transferred to your hotel. En route to the hotel enjoy a panoramic sightseeing tour of the city.

London is the kind of city that is as thrilling on your tenth visit as it is on your first. The latest in music, fashion, and theater thrives in a city rich in history, pageantry, and tradition. From the gloomy dungeons of the Tower of London to the Poet's corner at Westminster , there's fascination at every turn.

The remainder of the day is free for you to relax, catch up with the time difference, or to start exploring this exciting city.

Dinner: Enjoy a Welcome Dinner at a local restaurant. St. Paul’s Cathedral, London

DAY 3: Sun., May 18 - London B AM: Visit St. Paul’s Cathedral Start your day with a visit to St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is a Church of England Cathedral and seat of the of London. Its dedication to dates back to the original church on this site that was founded in 604 AD. St. Paul's sits at the top of Ludgate Hill, the highest point in the City of London, and is the of the Diocese of London. The present church dating from the late 17th century was built in an English Baroque design of Sir , as part of a major rebuilding program that took place in the city after the Great Fire of London, and was completed within his lifetime.

After your visit you will attend a Eucharistic service (subject to availability).

The Tower of London

PM: Visit the Tower of London In the afternoon you will enjoy a visit to the Tower of London. Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress, more commonly known as the Tower of London, is a historic castle on the north bank of the River Thames in central London.

The Tower of London was founded toward the end of 1066 as part of the Norman Conquest of England. The White Tower, which gives the entire castle its name, was built by in 1078, and was a resented symbol of oppression, inflicted upon London by the new ruling elite. The castle was used as a prison since at least 1100, although that was not its primary purpose. A grand palace early in its history, it served as a royal residence. It has also served as an armory, a treasury, a menagerie, the home of the Royal Mint, a public records office, and the home of the Crown Jewels of the .

Dinner: Enjoy dinner at a local restaurant.

DAY 4: Mon., May 19 - London/Windsor/Oxford B AM: Visit Windsor Castle and St. George’s Chapel After breakfast at the hotel, you will depart for Windsor Castle. Founded by William the Conqueror, Windsor Castle has been changed and added to over the last 900 years. It is the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world and the official residence of Her Majesty the Queen.

St. George's Chapel is one of the finest examples of in England and is particularly noted for its magnificent stone fan vaulting. It is the spiritual home of the , the senior order of British Chivalry established in 1348 by Edward III. Within the chapel are the tombs of ten sovereigns, including Henry VIII and his third wife Jane Seymour. Queen Elizabeth’s father, George VI is also buried in St. George’s.

St. George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle

Lunch: Enjoy lunch on your own at a local restaurant (Arrangement to be made).

PM: Excursion to Oxford In the afternoon you will travel to Oxford where you will visit the Bodleian Library, which is the main research library of the University of Oxford. It is one of the oldest libraries in Europe, and in Britain is second in size only to the with over 11 million items.

Oxford University and the Bodleian Library

Then you will visit Christchurch Cathedral, which is the College Chapel as well as the Cathedral Church for the Diocese of Oxford. On this site stood the church where Oxford's patron , Frideswide, was buried in the 8th century. Around her shrine in the 9th and 10th centuries a group of priests lived a communal life, doing pastoral work, and in the 12th century the became the Augustinian of St. Frideswide. By the 13th century it was a major place of pilgrimage.

Christchurch Cathedral, Oxford

After the visit, you will attend an service at the church (subject to availability), and then you will be transferred to the hotel.

Dinner: You are on your own for dinner this evening.

DAY 5: Tues., May 20 - Oxford/Bath/Wells/Salisbury B,D AM: Visit the After breakfast at the hotel, you will travel to Bath. Upon your arrival you will visit the Roman Baths. The house is a well- preserved Roman site for public bathing. The Roman Baths themselves are below the modern street level. There are four main features: the Sacred Spring, the Roman Temple, the Roman Bath House, and the Museum holding finds from the Roman Baths. The buildings above street level date from the 19th century. Visitors can see the Baths and Museum but cannot enter the water.

The Abbey Church of Peter and Paul, Bath

Visit Bath Abbey Next, you will visit Bath Cathedral. The Abbey Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Bath, commonly known as Bath Abbey, is an Anglican and a former Benedictine monastery. Founded in the 7th century, Bath Abbey was reorganized in the 10th century and rebuilt in the 12th and 16th centuries. It is one of the largest examples of architecture in the West Country. The Abbey is particularly noted for its fan vaulting. It contains war memorials for the local population and monuments to several notable people, in the form of wall and floor plaques and commemorative . The church has two organs and a peal of ten . The west front includes sculptures of angels climbing to heaven on two stone ladders.

PM: Visit St. Mary’s Church, Bruton Parish, In the afternoon you will proceed to St. Mary’s Church in Bruton. The Church of St. Mary the Virgin, which lies on the hill above the hamlet of Bruton, is the oldest and most important building in the village. The oldest parts of the Church date from about 1290 although little remains from that period. The chancel was rebuilt in 1743 for Sir Charles Berkeley. The Berkeley family has had a long association with the town and church. William Berkeley left Bruton for America and became Colonial Governor of Virginia. Bruton Parish Church in Williamsburg was named in honor of William Berkeley.

St. Mary’s Church, Bruton

After your visit you will be transferred to Salisbury for Evensong in the Cathedral and then proceed to your hotel.

Dinner: This evening dinner at your hotel is included.

DAY 6: Wed., May 21 - Salisbury//Canterbury B AM: Visit This morning you will visit Salisbury Cathedral, which is formally known as the Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Salisbury Cathedral is an Anglican cathedral and is considered one of the leading examples of early English architecture. The main body was completed in only 38 years, from 1220 to 1258. The Cathedral has the tallest church in the United Kingdom (404 feet). It also has the largest and the largest cathedral close in Britain (80 acres). Salisbury Cathedral contains the world's oldest working clock (from 1386 AD) and has the best surviving of the four original copies of the (all four original copies are in England). Salisbury Cathedral

PM: Excursion to Stonehenge In the afternoon you will proceed to Stonehenge, a prehistoric monument in , England. One of the most famous sites in the world, Stonehenge is the remains of a ring of standing stones set within earthworks. It is in the middle of the most dense complex of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in England, including several hundred burial mounds. Archaeologists believe it was built anywhere from 3000 BC to 2000 BC. Radiocarbon dating in 2008 suggested that the first stones were raised between 2400 and 2200 BC, whilst another theory suggests that bluestones may have been raised at the site as early as 3000 BC.


Visit Later you will travel to Winchester, where you will visit Winchester Cathedral. It is one of the largest cathedrals in England, with the longest and greatest overall length of any Gothic cathedral in Europe. Dedicated to the Holy , , Saint Paul, and Saint , it is the seat of the and center of the . Proceed to Canterbury.

Winchester Cathedral Dinner: This evening dinner will be on your own in Canterbury.

DAY 7: Thurs., May 22 - Canterbury/London B AM: Visit This morning you will visit Canterbury Cathedral, which is one of the oldest and most famous Christian structures in England and a World Heritage Site. It is the Cathedral of the Archbishop of Canterbury, leader of the Church of England and symbolic leader of the worldwide Anglican Communion. Founded in 597, the cathedral was completely rebuilt from 1070 to 1077. The east end was greatly enlarged at the beginning of the 12th century. It was largely rebuilt in the Gothic style following a fire in 1174, with significant eastward extensions to accommodate the flow of pilgrims visiting the shrine of Thomas Becket, the archbishop who was murdered in the Cathedral in 1170.

Canterbury Cathedral

PM: In the afternoon you will have time on your own to explore the city. Canterbury is an historic English cathedral city, which lies on the River Stour. Originally a Brythonic settlement called Durouernon (composed of the ancient British roots duro meaning stronghold and uerno meaning alder tree) it was renamed Durovernum Cantiacorum by the Roman conquerors in the 1st century AD. After it became the chief Jutish settlement, it gained its English name Canterbury, which was derived from the Old English Cantwareburh ("Kent people's stronghold"). Continue to London.

Dinner: This evening you are free to dine at your leisure. There are a variety of cuisines to choose from. London's many restaurants are your passport to a world of dining, from classical European cuisine to robust Brazilian food and spicy Thai curries.

DAY 8: Fri., May 23 - London B AM: Visit Hampton Court After breakfast at the hotel, you will enjoy a visit to Hampton Court. It was originally built for Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, a favorite of King Henry VIII, circa 1514. In 1529, as Wolsey fell from favor, the palace was passed to the King, who enlarged it. The following century, King William III's massive rebuilding and expansion project intended to rival Versailles was begun. Work halted in 1694, leaving the palace in two distinct contrasting architectural styles, domestic Tudor and Baroque. Apart from the Palace itself and its gardens, other points of interest include the celebrated maze, the historic real tennis court, and the huge grape vine, claimed to be the largest in the world. It has not been inhabited by the British Royal Family since the 18th century.

Hampton Court, London PM: Visit In the afternoon you will visit Westminster Abbey. Kings, queens, statesmen, soldiers, poets, priests, heroes, and villains, the Abbey is a must-see living pageant of British history. Every year Westminster Abbey welcomes over one million visitors who want to explore this wonderful 700-year-old building.

Westminster Abbey, London

Dinner: You are on your own to again enjoy one of London’s great restaurants.

DAY 9: Sat., May 24 - London B,D Today will be a free day for you to explore London on your own. You may want to take the time to see some of London’s famous landmarks, visit Covent Garden to see the street entertainers and shop, or visit some of the London’s many museums such at the British Museum or the Victoria & Albert Museum.

An optional visit to the Houses of Parliament will be arranged. Information will be provided at a later date to all those who have registered.

Dinner: Enjoy a Farewell Dinner River Boat Cruise on the Thames. (Please note there is a “smart dress code” and men will need to wear a shirt and tie.)

DAY 10: Sun., May 25 - London/Washington, DC B AM: Your tour ends, and you return home with memories of interesting places and joyful times shared with a group of wonderful people. This morning you will be transferred to the airport for your return flight back to Washington, DC.

B=breakfast; D=Dinner TOTAL COST P/PERSON from Washington, DC: $4799.00 double occupancy Additional Charge: $ 999.00 single occupancy

The price includes all taxes, fees, fuel surcharges, and a $50 tax deductible donation for the support of Friends of Bruton.

COST INCLUDES Air: Round-trip airfare from Washington, DC, economy class Hotels: 8 nights in moderate first class hotels, all rooms with private facilities Meals: Breakfast daily and 4 special dinners Sightseeing: Extensive as per itinerary * All sightseeing in private deluxe motor coaches and includes the services of expert guides and entrance fees Tour Director: Experienced Far Horizon’s Tour Director in England Transportation & Transfers: In private deluxe motor coaches Miscellaneous: Hotel taxes and service charges * Baggage handling and porterage at the hotels


TOUR PRICE: Tour price is based upon current tariff and exchange There is no refund for unused land arrangements or any cost incurred rates and is subject to change. It is based upon a minimum of 20 fully through absence or deviation from the stated itinerary for any reason, paid passengers. In the event this minimum is not met a surcharge will including illness. be levied. RESPONSIBILITY: FAR HORIZONS, a division of Travel Leaders, REGISTRATION AND DEPOSITS: A deposit (by check) of $1000 and/or their agents, give notice that all tickets issued by them and all p/person is required at time of registration, along with a signed arrangements for transport or for hotel accommodations made by them, registration form. A second deposit of $1000 p/person (by check) is due are made by them as agents for the passenger upon the express condition on or before November 16, 2013. You will be billed for the balance, that they shall not be liable for any injury, damage, loss, accident, delay which is due on or before January 16, 2014 either by check or or irregularity which may be occasioned either by reason of defect of any money order. vehicle conveying the passenger or through the act of default or any company or persons engaged in carrying out the arrangements of the tour, CANCELLATION TERMS: or otherwise in connection therewith, or of any hotel, or employee. FH Cancellations received: and/or their agents can accept no responsibility for losses or accidental to January 16, 2014… $200 p/person expenses due to delay or changes in schedules, defaults or overbookings From January 17-February 15, 2014… $500 p/person by hotels, sickness, weather, strike, war, acts of terrorism or other causes. From February 15–March 31, 2014 $1000 p/person All such losses or expenses will have to be borne by the passenger. From April 1, 2014 onward: No refund Baggage is at "owner's risk" throughout the tour unless insured. FH All cancellations must be received in writing. reserves the right to withdraw the tour, or any part of it, to make such alternations in the itinerary as they deem necessary or desirable. FH has NOTE: Comprehensive insurance is available to cover trip cancellation no special knowledge or information regarding any supplier insolvency, and interruption, baggage protection, medical, accidental death & unsafe conditions, terrorist or social unrest, health hazards or weather dismemberment and emergency evacuation and repatriation. A descriptive hazards, other than what has appeared in the public media. For booklet will be mailed to you upon receipt of your deposit. information about possible dangers at your destination please call the AIR TRANSPORTATION: Economy class via any regular IATA carrier. Travel Advisory Section of the State Dept. at (202) 647-5225. For Any cancellation, itinerary change or failure to use confirmed air space may medical information contact the CDC at (877) 394-8747. You hereby be subject to penalties levied by the airlines at the time of ticketing. Air release FH from any claims arising from any causes not within our tickets, once issued, are non-refundable. This is in addition to above control. By using your tickets, you acknowledge that you have read the "Cancellation Terms." foregoing and agree to it.

PASSPORT/VISA REQUIREMENTS: A valid passport is required for AIRLINE CLAUSE: Any airlines concerned are not to be held all tour members. U.S. citizens do not require visas for travel England. If responsible for any act, omission, or event during the time passengers are you are not a U.S. citizen call the Consulate of EVERY country you will not aboard their aircraft. The airline tickets when issued shall constitute enter (even in-transit when changing planes) to check on visa the sole contract between airline and the purchaser of these tickets/and or requirements. ALL passports must be valid for at least 6 months after passenger. the return date of the tour. FAR HORIZONS TOUR PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE: Passport, visa, and insurance, All items of a personal nature, beverages and meals not included in the 30 Two Bridges Road, Suite 250 tour. Gratuities to guides, bus drivers, tour escort, and hotel and restaurant Fairfield, NJ 07004 staff. Optional tours and excess baggage charges. Telephone: 973-355-2729 or 877-482-8747, Fax: 973-355-2701 E-mail: [email protected] Friends of Bruton Tour of Historic Churches and Cathedrals of England May 16-25, 2014


Send this form with a check payable to: FAR HORIZONS

FAR HORIZONS, 30 Two Bridges Road, Suite 250, Fairfield, NJ 07004. Telephone: 973-355-2729 or 877-482-8747, Fax: 973-355-2701, E-mail: [email protected]

Enclosed is my/our deposit of $1000.00 p/person for the above tour of England. Homeland Security rules require that you provide us with your exact name as it appears on your PASSPORT and your date of birth.

Name: (1) ______

Date of Birth: (1) ______

Name: (2) ______

Date of Birth: (2) ______

Street: ______City: ______State:______

Zip: ______Tel: ______Fax: ______


____ I would like to occupy a single room at an additional $999.

____ I plan to share a twin-bedded room with: ______

____I would like Far Horizons to select a roommate (if available) to share a twin-bedded room with me. If not available, I understand that I will be charged the single supplement.

Your reservation will be considered official only after your full payment has been received. Should you cancel after your reservation has been received, the cancellation penalties in the "Tour Conditions" apply. I/We have read and agree to the terms and conditions which apply to this tour, especially noting the cancellation and responsibility clauses.

Signature: ______Date: ______

After the initial deposit, registrants should contact Far Horizons for additional payment information.