Mapping Global Racisms

Series Editor Ian Law School of Sociology and Social Policy University of Leeds Leeds, UK Tere is no systematic coverage of the racialisation of the planet. Tis series is the frst attempt to present a comprehensive mapping of global racisms, providing a way in which to understand global racialisation and acknowledge the multiple generations of diferent racial logics across regimes and regions. Unique in its intellectual agenda and innovative in producing a new empirically-based theoretical framework for under- standing this glocalised phenomenon, Mapping Global Racisms consid- ers racism in many underexplored regions such as Russia, Arab racisms in North African and Middle Eastern contexts, and racism in Pacifc contries such as Japan, Hawaii, Fiji and Samoa.

More information about this series at Yinghong Cheng Discourses of Race and Rising Yinghong Cheng Delaware State University Dover, DE, USA

Mapping Global Racisms ISBN 978-3-030-05356-7 ISBN 978-3-030-05357-4 (eBook)

Library of Congress Control Number: 2018967269

© Te Editor(s) (if applicable) and Te Author(s) 2019 Tis work is subject to copyright. All rights are solely and exclusively licensed by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifcally the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microflms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. Te use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specifc statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Te publisher, the authors, and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. Te publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional afliations.

Cover image: © Suchart Doyemah/EyeEm/Getty Images

Tis Palgrave Macmillan imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG Te registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland Acknowledgements

I want to express my gratitude to Ian Law (University of Leeds). Ian, as an expert on global racism and the editor of Mapping Global Racism series, and I started communication on the subject several years ago. With his interest in the global implications of the discourse of race in China and his suggestions in mind, I wrote the book as a contribution to the book series. I also would like to thank Sharla Plant and Poppy Hull at Palgrave Macmillan for their interest in the book and editorial work on it. I have been encouraged and inspired by scholars in diferent felds and their help has guided me to the same end: an understanding of dis- courses of race in China in a global context of racialization and in a domestic context of ethnic relations. I am indebted to Patrick Manning (University of Pittsburgh), my dissertation advisor and long-time schol- arly supporter, who read and commented on many parts of the book’s manuscript. I also owe gratitude to Edward Friedman (University of Wisconsin) for his comments and suggestions on many parts of the manuscript as they were in the form of research articles. Te com- munication with James Leibold (La Trobe University), an expert on Chinese nationalism and ethnicity, was one of the most valuable

v vi Acknowledgements scholarly inspirations I have received for this project. I particularly want to thank Prasenjit Duara (Duke University) for his strong support and critical suggestions especially during the time of my fellowship at the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore in 2011 (Prasenjit was then the director of the Institute), when I began work on several topics which were eventually all incorporated into this book. I would like to thank Frank Dikötter (University of Hong Kong), with whom I communicated through emails, for his groundbreaking work in the feld and his insight and critical thoughts about racial thinking in Chinese society. Rotem Kowner (University of Haifa) and Walter Demel (University of Federal Armed Forces, Munich) invited me to participate in a conference and included my paper on Chinese racial thinking expressed in pop music in their coedited Race and Racism in Modern East Asia. Te content of the paper is now absorbed into the book. Kevin Carrico (Macquarie University) shared with me his work on the Han Clothing movement when it was still a Ph.D. dissertation and has provided me with many important sources on race and nation- alism in China. Agnieszka Joniak-Luthi (University of Bern) also shared with me her work on the Han as China’s diverse majority. I also want to thank the editors and reviewers of Te China Quarterly and Te Journal of Asian Studies for their feedback on my articles. Te content of those articles is now also integrated into the book. In particular, I thank Akwasi Osei (Delaware State University) and Marshall Stevenson (University of Maryland East Shore) who have broadened my vision especially with their knowledge of and insights on Africa, African-Americans, and Sino-African relations. As a person of Chinese heritage engaged in critical studies of Chinese society and culture, I would like to express my gratitude to my Chinese friends in academia who understand and have supported my work in various ways. Wu Guoguang (University of Victoria) invited me to par- ticipate in a conference and eventually included my paper in a book he edited (China’s Transition from Communism—New Perspectives). His comments on my paper in the book’s conclusion highlighted the polit- ical signifcance of the discourse of race in China’s post-Mao transition. Yang Bin (University of Macao) has been my long-time academic col- league with whom I had numerous discussions on Chinese nationalism Acknowledgements vii and ethnicity. He especially alerted me to the fact that the concept of race was misused in intra-Chinese relations until the concept of ethnic- ity came into being. Yao Xingyong (Jinan University) shared with me his knowledge, life experience, and insights regarding ethnic nationalism in China. Du Chunmei (Lingnan University) has helped me for years with her expertise in modern Chinese intellectual history and Sino- foreign perceptions. Zhang Jianhua (Beijing Normal University) shared with me his expertise on Russian history and racial thinking. Wang Yuanchong (University of Delaware) helped me to understand impe- rial China’s ethnic and frontier visions. Zhou Lian (Renmin University) has discussed with me race-related social and intellectual problems in contemporary China. Liu Xiaopeng (National Chengchi University, ) shared with me his book and articles on Sino-African rela- tions from a race-studies perspective. Jiang Huajie (Eastern China Normal University) shared with me his research on African students in China and informed me of other related historical issues. Qiu Jing (Guangdong Polytechnic University) enriched my knowledge about China’s ethnic minorities. Fang Kecheng (Ph.D. candidate at University of Pennsylvania) informed me of the role of social media in my research subject. I, in particular, appreciate discussions with Tsai Mon-Han (Chiba University) and Wang Ke (Kobe University), two historians in Japan, which fne-tuned my analysis on modern Chinese nationalism. Outside professional academics, I owe many individuals (many of them are writers or work for Chinese media) who discussed with me race-related issues in contemporary China, helped in locating impor- tant sources, or alerted me new developments. I want thank Chen Xubin, Duan Yuhong, Gu Yinsheng, Li Xiaen, Luo Silin, Qian Lang, Tao Xiaolu, Zhu Tianyuan, and many others for their support that I can always count on. I want to thank Delaware State University, my home institution, for its research grants. I also owe gratitude to the National University of Singapore’s Asia Research Institute and the East Asia Institute, for their fellowships in the early stage of my work on the subject. I especially want to thank Ying, Mimi, and Evan for their patience, tolerance and support during the time I committed to this project. Contents

1 “Call a Spade a Spade” 1

2 Two Blacks and One Yellow: Race in Pop Music 27

3 Is Peking Man Still Our Ancestor?—Race and National Lineage 99

4 Discovering China in Africa: Race and the Chinese Perception of Africa and Black Peoples 161

5 Racism and Its Agents in China 239

6 Te “Red DNA”: How Discourses of Class and Race Integrate 295

References 305

Index 327

ix Character Glossary Translation (Arranged in Alphabetical Order in English)

海外赤子 (haiwaichizi) a loyal Child of Overseas Chinese 神农 (shennong) agricultural God 援非 (yuanfei) aid to Africa 海内外中华儿女 (haineiwai zhonghuaernu) all sons and daughters of the Chinese all over the world 天下 (Tianxia) all under heaven 屌丝 (diaosi) an extremely obscene term used to denigrate “losers” 愤青 (fengqing) angry youth 颜值 (yanzhi) appearance value 正黑鬼油 (zheng heigui you) authentic black devil ointment 蛮夷 (manyi) barbarians 黑奴 (heinu) black slave 黑妹牙膏 (heimei yaogao) Black Girl toothpaste 黑人牙膏 (heiren yaogao) Black Man toothpaste 血统论 (Xuetonglun) blood lineage theory

xi xii Character Glossary Translation (Arranged in Alphabetical Order in English)

血染的风采 (xue ran de fengcai) Bloodstained Glory (a song) 资产阶级自由化 (zichanjiejie ziyouhua) bourgeois liberalization 央视春晚 (yangshi chunwan) CCTV Spring Festival Gala 中华世纪坛 (zhonghua shiji tan) China Centennial Monument 中国元素 (zhongguo yuanshu) China Elements 中国爸爸 (zhongguo baba) Chinese Papa (a song) 中国风 (zhongguo feng) Chinoiserie 克黑鬼油 (ke heigui you) chop blackie oil (or “con- quer all black demons oil”) 凝聚力 (ningjuli) cohesive force 本草纲目 (bencaogangmu) Compendium of Materia Medica 汉办 (Hanban) Confucius Institute Head­ quarters, Hanban 熟番 (shoufan) cooked barbarian 亲爱的中国我爱你 (qingaide zhongguo woaini) Dear China, I Love You (a song) 龙的传人 (long de chuanren) Descendants of the Dragon, also known as the “Dragon song” 外交恃强 持剑经商 (waijiaoshiqiang chijianjingshang) diplo- macy backed by force; trade with swords in hands 在非洲发现中国 (zai feizhou faxian zhongguo) discovering China in Africa 鄙视链 (bishi lian) discrimination chain 神州 (shenzhou) divine land 龙拳 (long quan) Dragon Fist (a song) 茹毛饮血 (rumaoyinxue) eating meat with hairs and blood 种族民族主义 (Zhongzu minzuzhuyi) ethnonationalism 驱除智人 恢复中华 (quechuzhiren huifuzhonghua) expel H. sapiens and revive Zhonghua (China) Character Glossary Translation (Arranged in Alphabetical Order in English) xiii

驱除鞑虏 恢复中华 (quechudalu huifuzhonghua) expel northern barbarians and revive Zhonghua 开除球籍 (kaichu qiuji) expelled from the Earth 相由心生 (xiangyouxinsheng) face refects the mind 川粉 (chuanfen) fans of Donald Trump 国粉 (guofeng) fans of Guomingdang (Nationalists) 五族共和 (wuzugonghe) fve zu under one republic 食物链 (shiwulian) food chain 封杀 (fengsha) force someone out 十五的月亮 (shiwu de yueliang) Full Moon (a song) 港台爱国歌曲 (gangtai aiguo gequ) Gangtai patriotic songs 再见吧, 妈妈 (zaijianba mama) Good Bye, Mother (a song) 西部大开发 (xibu dakaifa) Great West Development 汉服运动 (hanfu yundong) Han Clothing Movement 养昆仑奴 (yang kunlun nu) having or feeding black slaves 高端人群 (gaoduan renqun) high-end population 历史虚无主义 (lishi xuwu zhuyi) historical nihilism 圣母 (Shengmu) holy mother 圣母婊 (Shengmu biao) holy mother bitch 圣母癌 (Shengmu ai) holy mother cancer 游子 (youzi) homecoming or overseas wander- ing son 港台 (Gangtai) Hong Kong and Taiwan 我骄傲, 我是中国人 (wo jiaoao wo shi zhongguoren) I Am Proud I Am Chinese (a song) 我爱你, 中国 (wo ai ni zhongguo) I Love You, China (a song) 皇汉 (huanghan) imperial Han 日本原人 (riben yuanren) Japanese Original Man 昆仑奴 (kunlun nu) Kunlun slave or black slave 神奇的土地 (shengqi de tudi) land of miracle 蓝田人 (Lantian ren) Lantian Man 低端人口 (diduan renkou) low-end population xiv Character Glossary Translation (Arranged in Alphabetical Order in English)

和亲 (heqin) marriage for peace-making 融合 (ronghe) melting 霸道 (badao) military hegemon 我的中国心 (wo de zhongguo xin) My Chinese Heart (a song) 我的祖国 (wo de zuguo) My Motherland (a song) 一带一路 (yidai yilu) One Belt, One Road 一百首爱国歌曲 (yibaishou aiguo gequ) One hundred patriotic songs 正统 (zhengtong) orthodox 北京原人 (beijing yuanren) Peking Original Man 北京猿人的原始之恋 (Beijing yuanren de yuanshi zhi lian) Primitive Love of Peking Man 燧人氏 (Suirensi) primitive people who made fre by wood drilling 种群 (zhongqun) racial group 红色基因 (hongse yiyin) red DNA 红色血脉 (hongse xuemai) red-blood lineage 生番 (sheng fan) raw barbarians 遥远的伊甸园 (yaoyuan de yidianyuan) remote Eden 逆向种族主义 (nixiang zhongzu zhuyi) reverse racism 富强 (fuqiang) rich and powerful 根 (gen) root 根脉相连 (genmai xianglian) Roots and Arteries (a song) 同喜同乐 (tong xi tong le) same joy, same happiness 盗红绡 (daohongxiao) Stealing Hong Xiao (a Peking Opera) 傻白甜 (shabaitian) stupid-white-sweet left 台独 (Taidu) Taiwan independence 不作为 (buzuowei) taking no action 三体 (santi) Tree-Body Problem 华奸 (hua jian) traitor of the Chinese nation 汉奸 (hajian) traitor of the Han people 纳贡 (nagong) tribute Character Glossary Translation (Arranged in Alphabetical Order in English) xv

正宗的美国人 (zhengzhon de meiguoren) true or pure Americans 两黑一黄 (liang hei yi huang) two blacks and one yellow (black eyes, black hair, and yellow skin) 高丽婢 (gaoli bi) unfree Korean female servants, the same as Xinluo bi 新罗婢 胡姬 (hu ji) unfree singing/dancing girls 赔款 (peikuan) war reparations 战狼 (zhanlang) War Wolf (a movie series) 西方左派 (Xifang zuopai) Western left 白左 (baizuo) white left 白富美 (Baifumei) white, rich, and pretty 王道 (wangdao) winning the hearts and minds of people by benign and paternalistic imperial policies 狼图腾 (lang tuteng) Wolf Totem (a novel) 黄种人 (huangzhongren) Yellow Race 黄俄 (huanger) yellow Russians 三宝太监西洋记通俗演义 (sanbaotaijian xia xiyang tongshu yanyi) Zheng He’s Expeditions of the Western Oceans