The Government used to compile and publish District Manuals for each district prior to 1905. The/manuals became obsolete within a few years of their publication, containing , 88 they did not only matter of ,3 more or less permanent charaoter such as physical characteristics, history, religion and ethnography, as also statistical matters which soon became out of date. The Government decided to replace the District Manuals by another publication known as the District Gazetteer, consisting of two volumes, A and B. The A volume contained descriptive matter and suoh general figures, as might be necessary to explain' the text, and the B volume contained detailed statistics. They also decided

that the B volume, should be brought out periodically, especially after eaoh decennial census. Betwe61l1905 and 1927 A volumes for thirteen districts were published. In 1927 they were discontinued. B volumes for all the districts were published between 1906 and 1915. They were oontinued to be published even after the 1931 census. They were not published after the 1941 census.

Village Statistics, oontaining the results of the census for every village in tfe l'3tate, were first oompiled and published in 1872, at the instance of Mr. C. E. Gover, who was then the Census Officer in Madras. His successor, in 1882, considered that this publication led to needless expenditure and trouble in printing the tables villagewar,. but the Government decided that the Village Statistics should continue to be published. The practice of issuing Village Statistics at every census was f<1!owed subsequently. The Village Statistics merely showed the number of oocupied houses and population of eaoh village and town by religions.

The idea, of preparing the present volume, viz., the Distriot Census, Handbook for eaoh district was put forward by Sri R. A. Gopalaswami, I.C.S., Registrar-General, , and ex-officio Census Commissioner of India, as part of a plan intended to secure an effective method of preserving the census records prepared for ar~s below the district level. He proposed that all the district census tables and census abstracts prepared during the process of sorting and compilation should be bound together in a single manuscript volume, called the Distriot Census Handbook, and suggested to the State Governments that the handbook (with or without the addition of other useful information relating to the district) should he printed and pub~shed, at their own cost, in the same manner as the Village Statistics in the past. In accepting this suggestion, the Government of Madras decided to print and publish the more important. portion of statistioal data relating to the district an~ to preserve the rest of the records in a manuscript volume for any future use, to whioh they may'be put. - , . . 2. The statistica.l data embodied in the District Census Handbook have to be understootl " bom the baokground of the changes introduced in the 1951 census. The most nnportaat '< ... .' ,A1';l


PAGlI: P.lGB PUT 1-"'001II. 1 PrupAOE •• • • v BfCtltm (U). .1 I Introduotory no~ about the district wiih atmaxnr;es. 1 S B'lWDl S~ormation. regarding area, IlUIDber of occupied houses, literacy, distribution of ~m,.. tion by livelihood classes, cul'ivated area, ..-n. STATISTICS. soa.1e industrial establisbment. tad :inoidenoe of leprosy in villages) with appendix giving & list of PAU I. villages with a population exOf:teding 0,000 bu' S~ <'). treated as rural •• •• ." "" • • •.• 76

3 "A " General Poptilatitm TaUeB- Becli. (Ui). 9 Urban ~(Information regarding arM. num~ A-I-A.rea, Houses and Population • • • • 13 of ocoupied hOU88B, literacyf distribution of populB.. A-n-V&rie.tion in pOpulation during fifty years 14 tion by livelihood classes, sm.alI-scale industrieJ establishments and incidence of leprosy in each ward A-ill-Towns and Villages classified by population •. 16 of each census town and city) • I ...... I 3&2 A·IV-Cities and Towns classified by population with PART n. variations since 1901 • • .1 •• •• 18 10 .. C J. H0U8eluiltl and Age (Sample) Tables- A.V -Towns arranged talukWlS6 with pOpulation by

Livelihood Claases • I _ • • _ 20 C·l-Household (size) ... .. '" •• ·.. 110 • • •• • • 22 c-tt-Livelihood Classes by Age-groups •• • • 372 5 ., B " Etanomic Tablu­ C-IV-Age and Literacy •• .. ·.. 87'

B-I-Livelihood Cluses and Sub-classes • • 23 11 .. D~' Social and OuUural TabZes-

B.U--Secondary means of livelihood •• •• • • SO D.l-Languages­

B-m-Employera, Employees and Independent (i) Mother.tongue ...... • • 378 Workers in Industries and Services by Divi.. , (ii) Bilingualism ,381 ...... I - __. . sions and SubdivisiOns •• • • • • 33 n.n-Religion ...... •• 387 '" D·ID-Scheduled Castes and Scheduled. Tn"bea •• 389 I-Distribution of Small-scale Industries by tracts • I 60 D·IV-Migrants-Tract wlere enumerated •• •• 391 fi-Employment in Textile Estabhshments for D-VI-Nan-Indian Nu.tiopals ...... •• 398 Census tracts • • I • • • • • • • 81 ." m-Employment m N(tn.Textile Establiahments for 1).VII-Livelihood. Olasses. by Educational StlmdM'ds.

Census traots _ .," • • I • • • 64 12 lJiatric$ Occupational Ab8mJct-(Abetract, BhowiDB '. means of livelihood groUPB and sub-groups aader . 'I •• L " 1~ oj Lepr'081J by .Livelihood 0Zauu Jor nOll...asricu1tural occupations and the Dumber of self...; Nu1&B _ _ ... •• •• •• 73 suppGrtin3 persona engapd in them) ... .. "". 412

.. Y1I&k.-l" vi

adopted in the past. The people were divided into two broad 1ivelihood categories, the Agricultural and Non"AgrioulturaJ. Four agricultural o~ and four non.. agrioultural classes were prescribed. as shown below:- Agricultural Olas8es- I. Cultivators of land, wholly or mainly owned, and their dependants, II. Cultivators of land, wholly or mainly unowned, a.nd their dependants, ITI.. Cultivating labourers and their dependants. IV. Non-cultiva.ting owners of land, agricultural rent receivers and their depen... dants. Non-Agricultural 0la88eB- Persons (including their dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from- V_ Production other than oultivation, VI. Commerce, Vll_ TranSport, and VIII. Other services and miscellaneous sources. Eaoh of the a.bove eight livelihood classes were divided into three sub-olasses with reference to their (loonomic status as below :- (i) Self-supporting persons, (ii) Non-earning dependants, and (iii) Earning dependants ..

These livelihood sub-classes have been defined in detail in the By... leaf notes attached to Economic Table B·:I included in this Handbook. All non... earning depend.a.nts are economically passive, all earning dependants are economically semi-active. All 8elf~supporting persons are ordinarily economicaJ1y aetivp~ but the classes and groups specified below constitute an exception to this rule :- (1) Self.. supporting persons of Agricultural Class IV, (2) Self·supporting persons of Livelihood Class VllI, who derive their principal means of livelihood from any source other than through economic activity, viz.­ (a) Non-working owners of non-agrioultural property; (b) Pensioners and remittance holders ; (c) Persons living on charity and other persons with unproducti~e occupations; and (d) Inmates of penal institutions and asylums• . EoonomieaHy active persons engaged in cultiva.tion are either cultivators or oultivating labourers. Economio Ta.ble B-1 gives pa.rtioulars of the population olassified according to eicht livelihood olasses and three 8ub.olaases mentioned above.. Economically active persons engaged in industries and services have' been classified with reference to 1;he nature of the OQmmodity produced or service performed. They are l1anher divided into, three sections, viz., Employers, Employees and Independent Workers. I , VII••

rcillarS\,of the economically active persons classified under ODS of industries and services of the Indian Census Economic

ill this Handbook covers the population of sample households and eover a 10 per cent sample population. The method adopted for BIB __ has been described in detail in the fly-leaf notes attached to the

rye718U8 Handbook.-The Handbook has been divided into two parts; ~.Bections, namely, Section (i) containing the general population tables omie Tables (B series), Summary figures for the district by Taluks IT and III relating to Small-scale Industrial establishments and Table L ce of Leprosy; Section (ti) containing the Rural statistics, and Section_ (iii) an statistics; and Part II containing the Household (size) Table 0-1, and relihood classes and Literacy by Age-groups (C-II and C-IV), the Social and D series) and an abstract of non-agricultural occupations in the district. tf included in the Handbook, Table A-IV-Towns classified by population ince 1901, Economic Table B-II-Secondary means of livelihood under each :tnd Table C-II-Livelihood classes by age-groups furnish information at the 'The other population tables in the A series, the summary figures for taluks he Infirmity (Table L) showing the incidence of leprosy furnish information n the district with a district total. The rural statistics in Part I-Section "sic information in respect of every village and town arranged according to In addition to the total population of the villages, and its distribution among elihood classes, information regarding the number of literates. the cultivated illnber of small-scale industrial establishments under categories, textile and and the number of leprosy cases and doubtful cases has been included.

tban statistics in Part I, Section (iii) furnish similar information except that cultivated area in respect of every unit classified as city or census town in the h ward... wise data. All other tables included in the Handbook provide information tUed census tracts with totals for the district.

?,BUB Tracts.-A distinctive feature of the census statistics is its rural urban break ea--wit-h--a-view to compare the conditions and characteristics of the rural and pulation. The rural areas of each district were therefore kept distinct from the reas. For facilitating tabulation these areas were divided into a number of rural an tracts. As far as possible, the rural area in each taluk was constituted into a ral tract. In a few cases however where the taluks were small in size with reference

~, population, the rural areas of more than one ·taJuk Were- t&~en together as a single "ct. The urban tracts have been formed out of a~eas declared as cities and census ll· each district. Every city was treated as .a separate tract. Towns other than '18 grouped together to form non-city urban tracts. Wherever possible, the .. towns ..wuk were constituted into a single non-city urban- traot. In cases where the towns "', , .. had a. population of less than 50aOOf,) ~he towns in more than one taluk were grouped viii tQgether to form a non-city urban tract. ,All the rural tl.~. numbers in one series, the non-city urban tracts in anothe.l .rJeriel. third series. In all the tables where the data have been furnisl have been denoted Ly numbers that have been assigned to then. which the district has been divided and the areas.comprised in each if note to Economic Table B-1 relating ,to the district. The districts, taluks and villages mentioned in the Tables anl shown along with the census location code numbers assigned to ~ census operations. The numbers given to the Tables in this publication correspond .; - - State Census Report. Elaborate notes explaining the scheme of each Table have been intro notes attached to each with a view to enable ,the reader to get a preci~J furnished in the Table. 5. Tables relating to Small. scale lndustries.-In the year 1950 a cen Industries was instituted under the orders of the Government. The objec idea about small industries such as cottage and home industries, small workshops, etc., where articles were produced, repaired or othenvise treatel disposal and small mines.. The enquiry was confined to e8tabli8hment~ Factories Act was not applicable. Individuals who worked on their 0'" employ other people were left out of account. From the data collected thr prepared and they have been included in the Handbook.. Information givi! and ward--wise information for Small-scale Industries have been incorporate I and urban statistics. The details collected and embodied in the Tables are no dered accurate or exhaustive, as the enumeration staff employed had not beel t, the purpose and some cases of under enumeration were noticed. However, the f. in the Tables may be sufficient to give an insight into the nature of the industrif in the different parts of the district.

6. Opportunity has been taken to put in a short introductory note detailing points connected with the district, such as the physical features, climate, rainfait9 :­ and drainage facilities, roads and other communications, crop statistics, educl c; tries and other matters of general interest. The information contained in the j J note is based on the materials furnished by Collectors of districts and Departmen-Je'tiz.­ mento! The District Gazetteer was also freely referred to. The relevant ~paragrapl 1951 Census Report discussing the growth of population in the district has ala, incorporated in the proper place.

A district map showing taluk boundaries, physical features, important roads and. with a population exceeding 5,000 is also attached. It is hoped that this Handbook will serve_as a book ()f reference on matters_relati; the district and that it will be found useful both by Departments of Government an( public. ,J _J~ I. ARPUTHAN~THAN, J. Superintendent of Oen8'li.s OperatiOM, Nt.. aen ". \, . "03 ..- UJ I r I , I £ I I 1 -Q) I z II I I --l§ J:'i:l Z 0 ~ '" :::. "0 "".s ~ '" • z -;:: J!i c f:rl ~ 0" ;:I"" .. .D ¢i =:; ,.. :.0 ""'~ '-' '" ~ 1:\ ..c:I'" :l ~ '" ... ,5 OJ '"g e: 1£'"' oll 'K fr< 0 d .: ~ ~ '" ::T' a! ::I '" § >. ""0 0 '"'.,. ~ "::1 C' 't:j .. !Xi ¢ E "'- V' oj .. ~ '"<> '"d .., ., ~ ;:>il ..0'" ;> s:: ~ '-' ... .,....'" on ""0:.; >- «, _..'" , ;; "" '" " • ..Q ...... t::'" ~ ~ ., ~~ _c; ·z,. t o..! '" «! 0 "'" '" :5'" >'" .;;:: A Q F-i ~ ~ ~ ~ ',:;j 0"'" 0 (5 . ..J Z1 ~ l>'" :JI '0 (\') .J

~ :l ~ III ..l<:: :l I'i! E LL 0. ~ 0 > (1j Ir .. Cl


a:: I- 0 « -0: > I- en <: Ib -c .! 0 i ~ a ~ D.. x.u.I II 4( I-c « .s;, CJ (;. II. . Z c:; ~ 0 - r ' . \ '. . ~ ~: « ~ c( 1" en W ~ >- $' , "co c 1... A. VISAKHAPATIrAJI nlSTlllCT.


I. (a) Situation and physical characteristics.-The north-east to south-west. It is bounde'd on the n'Qrih new Visakhapatnam district is the southern half of by the Orissa State and SrikakuIam districts, on the the Old Visakhapatnam district, the nothern half east by the Bay of Bengal, on the south by the Bay ~'f­ having been constituted into a new distriot called Bengal and the East Godavari district and on t~ Srikakulam in 1950. It lies between 17° 10' and 18°25' west by the Orissa State. The district consists ~t t~ of the northern latitude atld 81°50' and 83°55'• of the following Revenue divisiollB comprising the taJuk\B eastern longitude. The district is elongated from noted against each of them:.I-

Name of the revenue Headquarters of the Name of taluks comprised A:reaof ' Headquarters of the , division. tllV1Slon. in the dlvision. taluk. t&luk. SQ In:LES. Vizumagaram Vizianagaram. .. Bhoomunipatnsm .. 337 . V lzitmagaram 350 Viztanagaram. srung3varapukota . {~CY 282}375 Srungavarapukota. Visakhapatnam . 196 Visakhapatnam. Golugonda f Ag~cy ISS} l.Plams 328 Narasapatam. Gudtml (Agency) .. It8~ Cbintapalli. Sarvasidhi •• ~'1 Yellamancbili. V o.lli {Agency 26i} eerav Plains 233 Cbodav~. Anakapallo 304 . Total' . 15,179

The taluks of Bheemunipatnam, V:isakhapatnam, , (b) Rivers.-The river Machkund rises in tile AnakapaJIe and Sarvaaidhi are situated on the OO&'3t. Madugula HillB in Gudem taluk and flows nea.rI1~ The distriot consists of two natural divisions north at first and then tlll'DB westw-&r

The reserved forests ill Gudem taluk contain rich scrub growth fit for fuel. The estate forests not taken growth of timber and fuel trees and bamboos. The over in Gudem taluk contain fairly well grown timber, reserved forests in Golugonda taluk contain mostly fuel trees and bamboos, those in Goillgonda contain fuel trees and bamboo with limited timber. The fuel trees and those in Veeravalli contain scrub growth estate forests taken over in Srungavarapukota. and fit for fuel. The private forests in Gudem and Vizianagaram taluks are of decjduous type and those Bheemunipatnam taluks contain scrub growth while in Golugonda, Saravasidhi, Veeravalli, AnakapaJle those in Golgonda taluk contain fuel trees. Visakhapatnam and Bheemunipatnam taluks contain

(d) Climate and rainfall.-.ApriI, May and June coastal taluks have a salubrious climate. The are the hottest months. The climate in the hilly particulars of the average annual rainfall and the regions is generally cooler. The agency areas get average number of rainy days in a year are furnished more rains during the south-west monsoon. The below:-

Average Number Average Number • 8l1nuftJ of raIny annual ofrawy Taluk. rainfall in days m TaInk. ramfa.ll ))l days In inohes. a year lllchea. B year. Gndetn .. 40·75 656 Bhlmunlpatnarn 36·69 49·2 Snmga.'Vara.pukota. •. 45-38 64'0 V lsakhapatnam 87·10 49·4 Veeravalh • 42·16 54·7 Golugonda . 44 00 65·4- Anakapalle .. 3916 51·B YlZian&gara.m 41·12 56-0 Sarva.

1891-1940. 1951. r--- --A--_ 1 ...... -.__..._ Temperatur&. Temperature. Nams of month ..---J..- Mean of ActuaJ. Mean of rainfall. Meanor rarnfal,

~ INCHES. INCHES. Daily Daily Highest Lowest Daily Da.ily HIghest LOWflSt Max. Mm. recorded. recorded. Max. Mm. recorded. recorded. J"Muary 80-6 67-4: 90 58 0·43 79'5 66·5 83 62 February 83·5 70·6 98 61 0·94 82'0 690 88 64 M~ . . 87·1 74·6 97 65 047 85·8 74·1 90 67 .. AprIl 89·6 78·2 99 65 071 87 S 79·0 92 76 0·76 Yay 92·0 81·4 llO 68 200 90·S 81·4 97 72 3'32 June 916 8Q-? III 70 4·14 9(hS 81·3 97 74 2·86 .July 890 78·8 101 71 4, 42 88·4 79·6 95 74 15·10 August 89·} 78·6 99 70 [;.I 6 September 88·4 78·4 100 72 6·55 October .. 87·6 76'G 97 69 7·83 (Observawry dosed frOID 1st August 1951.) November 84·0 72'4 91 59 4·67 .Dec~ber 80·7 6-7·9 88 59 0-57 Por the rear .. 88·9 71Hi ttt H 37·89 3

(e) Soils.-The coastal taluks include extensive consist of rainfed tanks. There are 809 minor irriga... sandy tracts. The prevailing rock of the district is a tion sources serving an area of 23,264 80 aores and 28 soft pinkish garentiferous gneiss. Intrusive bosses of major irrigation sources with an ayacut of 17,185'09 granite and diorite are abundant. The soils formed acres. by the disintegration of these rocks are highly ferru­ aDicut across the ginou8 and often sandy. The soils in the district Bheemunipatnam taluk.-An river Gosthani is under construction. This will belong chiefly to the regar or black cotton and red provide irrigation facilities for 1,068 acres of land. It ferriuginous series. Each kind of emf gradually shades is proposed to construct a reservoir on Gambhirama... into another and so the classification is only arbitrary. gedda. Irrigation in the taluk is carried on by open Near the hills the red varieties are predominant but head channels from the rivers Gosthani and Cham­ towards the coast the soil becomes finer and in the pavathi and also from rainfed tanks. There are 603 richest valleys there is a fertile black clay with a ten­ minor inigation sources in the taluk commanding dency to crack on drying. The distribution of soils in an ayacut of 17,132'78 acres and 26 major inigation Golugonda and Sarvasidhi taluks is furnished below in sources with an ayacut of 25,405'72 acres. thousands of acres. Visakhapatnam taluk.-There are 173 minor irri­ Taluk Regar Regar Regaf Red Red clay loam. sand. loam. sand gation sources with an ayacut of 5,492-80 acres and 6 Golugonda . 37 129 516 54·9 major irrigation sources with an ayacut of 1,939'52 Sarva81dhl 78 10·4, 36·3 10·7 acres.

(f) Irrigation and drainage faciliti~ and liability Anakapalle taluk.-River channels and tanks to famine-Gudem taluk.-The region is hilly and as from the five anicuts on the river Sarada form the far as practicable streams and rainfed tanks are used principal irrigation sources. There are 546 minor for irrigation. There are 81 minor irrigation sources irrigation works commanding an area of 20,075'69 with an ayacut of 1,554.39 acres. acres, and 69 major irrigation sources with an ayacut of 15,272°45 acres. Srungavarapukota taluk.-Irrlgation is carried Sarvasidhi taluk.-The Varahanadi and Sarada on by the Gosthani river channels and rainfed tanks. river channels form the more important irrigation There are 1,754 minor irrigation sources in the taluk sources. There are 137 minor irrigation sources with with an ayacut of 55,326 acres and 54 major irrigation an ayacut of 3,367'98 acres and 4 major irrigation sources with an ayacut of 35,663'53 acres. sources wtih an ayacut 18,723'90 acres. Veeravalli taluk.-Irrigation is done by the (g) Area cultivated with food crops and commercial Sarada river chaooels and rainfed tanks. There are crops.-A statement showing the particulars of area' 837 minor irrigation works with an ayacut of 32,41808 cultivated with food crops, pulses and commercial acres and 34 major irrigation sources with an ayacut crops in the various taluks of the district in 1945-46 of 23,865'82 acres. which was the last normal year for the district is fur­ nished in Annexure 1. The district is deficit in food G"olugcmda taluk.-The chief irrigation sources grams. consist of tanks. Two irrigation projects have been sanctioned for execution and two more are under investi­ (h) Oommunication8-(i) Roads.-There are roads gation. There are 528 minor irrigation works with an leading to the adjoinillg districts and the Orissa state. a.yacut of 15,643'18 acres and 29 major irrigation There ar~ 1,041 m~es ofro~ds in the distri~t consisting sources with an ayacut of 4)602'69 acres. of 129 miles of NatIonal Highways, 414 miles of major district roads, 89 miles of other district roads, 262 Vizianagaram taluk.-The river Champavathi miles of village roads and 147 miles of municipal roads. has an anicut near N ellimarla village from which some Their taluk-wise distribution except in the case of area is irrigated. The rest of the irrigated sources municipal roads is furnished below :-

Natlonal Major dlStl'lCt Other distrlct Taluk. Highways. roads rOads. Village rOads TotQJ.. MILES. MILES MILES MILES. MILES. Gudem . .. 74 . . 74 Srunga~pukota 45 17 41 103 VeE'rava1li . 33 32 43 108 Golngonda .. 73 29 102 Vlzlanagaram 21 44 7 27 99 Bheemurupatnam 33 54 26 lIB V lsskhapatnam 25 29 5 22 81 Anakapalle 22 41 17 30 ll() Sarvasldhl 28 21 1] 44 104 Total 129 414 8. 162 894

Visak.-2.t The other district roads and village roads are this district are, the growth of Visakhapatnam town, passable only in dry weather and require improve­ which has a harbour and a ship~building yard employ­ ments. The road communications for villages are ing a large number of labourers, the development oftha inadequate. The municipal roads are In good Agency Tracts and the return of the emigrants from oondition and the National Highways and major Burma, Bheemunipatnam has recorded only an district roads are in fair condition. increase of 5' 7 per cent, as it is a dry and backward (ii) Railways.-There are 58! miles of Broad taluk , and owing to food scarcity there has been Gauge section of the Southern Railway and 69 miles emigration. The coastal taluks of Visakhapatnam, (Broad Gauge) of the Eastern railway in the district. Anakapalle and Sarvasidhi are about the average of The Madras·Calcutta line traverses the taluks of upland areas in the N ortbern Circars. The interior Sarvasidhi, AnakapaUe, Srungavarapukota, Vizia~ taluks are not so well off, while further west, there are nagaram, Visakhapatnam and Bheemunipatnam. A the Agency Tracts, which are very hilly and malarious. branch line connects Visakhapatnam with Waltair These explain the variations in the growth rates in the on the main line, Another branch line takes off from taluks of this district. The large increase of 19' 9 Vizianagaram to Raipur via Bobbili in Srikakulam per cent in the Srungavarapukota agency is due district. to the coloruzation of Araku valley, promted by the Government and large road works wInch attracted (iii) Post8 and Telegraplu;.-A taluk wise dis .. labourers from the plains and even from other districts. tribution of the branch post offices, sub-post offices The Golugonda and Gudem agencies show moderate and post and telegraph offices in the district is furnished increases of 7'S per cent and 7'3 per cent. respectively below:- while the population in the Veeravalli agency is Branch Non-com- Post and practically stationary. (It has shown a decrease of 4 Taluk. Post bimd Sub~ telegraph officI's Post offioes sub-office. persons)." Gudem .. . . 5 .. 1 (Extraeted from the Census Report Part I.) Srungavarapukota 26 1 2 Veeravalh 42 1 I (ii) VitalstatistiCB.-A statement showing parti­ Golugonda 34 1 1 culars of births and deaths and deaths due to various V lZla.nagaram 39 2 5 causes in the district for the decennium 1941-1950 Bheemunlpatnam . 41 . 2 Vumkhapatnam 24- 6 4 is furnished in Annexure II . Anakapalle 25 .2 The average birth rate of 31'3 per mille recorded Sarvasldhl 43 1 1 during the decade differs little from the average rate of TotaJ .. 279 12 19 31'7 for the State. The average death rate of 23'1 per mille is however higher than that for the State 21'2. II. (a) (i) GrtJ1JJtk of pO'p'Ulatian.-The particulars The yearly birth rates have not varied much from the of population of the district and taluks in 1941 and average. The death rates have been coming down 1951 and the percentage of variation are furnished gradually from year to year. The mortality from below:- fevers is considerably higher than in other districtS', Name of the dIstrwt PopulatIon. Perctntage the average mortality rate from this cause during the end taluk of Val'la- decade in the district and in the State being 9' 9 and 1941 1951 tlon 5'4 per mille respectively. Fevers cause on the average Visakhapatnam dlstrlct 1,832,246 2,0'12,698 13·1 43 per cent of the total deaths. A noticeable fall in Agency- the fever mortality is however recorded since the Gudem ., , . 102,098 109,521 7 3 high rate of 12'2 per mille in 1944. The average death Srungavafapukota 32,231 38.649 199 Vee ravalli 7,344 7,340 -01 rates frorn other causes are less than the average for the Golugonda 22,812 24,595 7'8 State. The average maternal mortality rate was 7'2 for 1,000 births as against S'1 for the State and the Pla.ins- annual rates tend to decrease. Srungavarapukota 174,958 187,108 6 9 Vlzumagarrun " 257,513 291,405 132 (b) Medical relief.-A list of medical institutions Bheemunipatnam 220,046 232,619 5·1 Veerava.lli 259,460 280,654 8 2 and their bed strength in the various taluks of the Vlsakhapatnam 161,287 231,907 438 district is given below :- Golugonda 177,713 197,132 10 9 .AnakapaUe 202,520 229,835 13·5 Name of mshtution and place. Remarb. 8arvasIdhi 214,264 241,933 12·9 Gu.dem triluk. "The distriot increase is 13'1 per cent. The QQvarnrnent Dispensary, Chmtapalh 2 emergency bedB. Goverrunent DIspensary, Knahnadeva• The medical officers plains portion has shown an increase of 13'5 per cent peta. viSlt adjoining vIl­ while the agency portion has registered an increase of lages on Shandy days and attend to tho 9'5 per cent. Visakhapatnam taluk has shown an needs of the- hill increase of 43' 8 per cent. The circumstances, which . tnbas. have led to the appreciable increase of population in Govern:rnant DispensaryI Koyyur • II' .... Name of instit.u\ion and place Rema.rks. Name of institution and place. Remarks. Srungt'WII'IpVbt4 taluk. Bheemuntpatnam taZuk. Local Fund Hospitals at Srungavarapu. (8 beds) and Jami (8 Government Hospital. Bheemurupatnam 16 bode. kota. beds) Rural Dlspensar.1eS at Pened.tangi and Pole· Local Fund DIspensary, Kotavalasa palh Rural Dispensaries at Lakkavar8pukota ':\(111 DIspensary, CluttlValass and Kentadakotepadu. V~8akhapatnam talul Government HospItal, Arftku Colony The Medtcal Officers of Araku VISlt adjom­ Kmg GeOrge HospItal, Ylsakhapatnam .. 300 btxls The hOspItal lUg VIllages and reno trams pupJ.l nurses de-r !:ltd to hIll tnbes and midWIVes The -Government Dispensary, Araku Do medIcal college IS also GOVf\l'f\l"OOnt Hospital, Machkund ProJeot 24 heds attached to It Women and ClllldteuB HospItal, Visakha­ 75 beds ThIS HOSPI­ 17 eera1)aUi taluk. patnarrt tal also 18 a trauung Local Fund HOSPItal, Choda-vararo 14- beds and 4 emer­ contro fOr pupd mId· gency beds WIVes. Local Fund Dispensary, Madugula 4 emergenoy beds. Threo Municipal DlSPOnsaries at Visakha­ {iovernment DIspensary, P&deroo (Agency areB. The patnam. one Port HospItal, Visakhopat- med ical Officer also nam, one RaIlway Hospital, Visakha. vlSlta adJoinmg VII. patusm and a Pollee Hospital. Vlsakha. 10 beds lages attendmg to patna.m. the noods of hlll Rural Dispe.ll.Sftry. K.alllty tnoos) Golugonda taluk. 4 nakapalle taluk. Government Hospd.al, Narasapatnam 15 beds G:>vflrnmont HospItal, Anakapalle R beds. Local Fund Dispensary, Nakkapalh 2 emergency beds. Local Fund DIspensary. Sarpavaram Local Fund Dispensary, Kotauratla Rural DISptmSarH~s at Tallapalem, Munaga. Rural Dlspensanes at Gullipadu and Kotta­ paka and Thagarampudl. kota Sa'fVa8~dh", taluk. Vizinagamm taluk. Government HOSpital, Vlzlanagaram 44 beds. Local Fund HospItal. Yellamancruh 8 beds. Government Women and Children Hos· 20 beds. Rural Dispensary, S Rayavaram a 8 pital, VlZianag r m. There is X-ray screening and X-ray therapy at G<>vernment Dispensary, Vizianagaram 2 emergency beds the King George Hospital Visakhapatnam. Facilities police HOspitaI~ Viziauagaram 25 beds. 1 Local Fund Hospital, Gajapatinagaram . 12 beds for radium treatment are available at the King George Local Fund Dispensary, pa.sapatt,irega Hospital, Visakhapatnam. Rural Dispensaries at Jonnavalasa and Alamand,a.. There is a leprosy clinic at the King George Railway DispE'nsary at VizIa.nagaram Hospital, Visakhapatnam. There is a mission leprosy Mill Dispensary at Nelhm8rla hospital at Vizianagaram with 112 beds.

(c) Water-supply and drainage arrangements.­ supply and draina.ge arrangements. There are five There is protected water-supply through taps in Choda­ water works serving Visakhapatnam town. The parti­ varam town in Veeravalli taluk and at Vizianagaram culars of the number of drinking water wells cons­ Town. Visa.khapatnam town has protected water tructed in each taluk are furnished below;-

TaInk Number of drinkmg water wells Remarks. constructed. Gudem 8 (Government) 13 Government wells are ill progress. There a.re 1,4:75 umnhabited VIllages where wells are not l'equired. Srungavarapukota. 57 (Government) 30 Government well works are m progress. There a.re prIvate wells: and streams 10 the places WIthout Govent­ ment wells. Veeravalh 196 (Government) 70 Government wells works are in progress. Private wells serve places where there are no G

(d) Fairs and Festivals- Veer«valll tcduk SECTION I-WEEKLY SHA!>.""DIES 1 Madgo16 9 Govada Goluyanda talttk 2 MedlVada. 10 Ohodavaram. Name of vlliage. Day when held. 3 Paklrsahebpeta. 11 Tlmrr8m. Narasapatnam Saturda~T 4 K Kotapadu 12 Ravikavtttt:t.m. Kottakota Do .} Kmtah 13 1.\1 Kotapadu. Nathavaram Tuesday 6Cowduvada 14 GujJah (Agency). Vemulapudl Woduesaday. 7 Konam 15 Dovar&palh K.D. Peta MOnday 8 Vooranarayanam 16 Vaddadl. Kota.uratla Saturday. Buchammape'ta. Monday Gudem taluk. KOJugunta . Thursday. 1 Gutulapalle 6 RoUtala. Makavarampalam Tuesday. 2 Hukumpeta 7 SUJ8nakota Golugonda ThUl'Sday 3 Ventam8mub 8 Chintapalle. Srungavarapukota taluk. 4 Rudakota. 9 DOwlluru. 5 G Madgol0 10 Kakarapadu Kothavalasa Tuesday-Cattle and Vegetable Shandy Alamanda Monday-Cattle Shandy. SEOTION II--F'EsTIVALR. Boddam Sunday-Cattle and Vegetabl~ shandy, Name of Village. Name of festIvaL Vizianagaram tal uk VlZianagaram Sunday-A big shandy both f1f com· Gudem tcduk. moditles and cattle People from LammaSIUgl Lakshmana festival. the neighbourmg taluks take part Antharla MahBslvarathri festIval Bhee~nu1Hpatnam taluk Pedavalasa Bodade festlval Mopada Tuesday-Cattle Shandy. Chlttival&qa Sunday. 8rungavarapukQta latuk Boyipalaray. hamlet of Monday-Genrral Weekly ShandiHl Srungavarapukota . SlVaratn day Gambluram Punyagmthlrtham AnandapurBm Thursday-Gonoral 'Weekly Shandlos VeBravalll taluk Savar8vllh Monday-General 'Vee.kly ShandIee Venkatesw8r8swaml Kalyanam Visakhapatilam taluk Vaddadi Chodavaram GouriswarasWami festival Saturday Sunday Mindl Golugonda talu/,_ Balacheruvu Monday Bahghattam Mahaslvaratn Gajuvaka ,. Saturday Choomalapadu Do Pendurthl Wednesday Dharapalam Do AGENCY (8 KOTA) Kasipatnam Wednesday-Veogetables and frUlts V~Z1.anagaram taluk Shandy. Sra vanapournami day Sunkarametta and Aruku FrIday-All agency products~ food grainst etc V~'Jakkapatn(Hn taluL month Weekly Shandies Bre held In the followIIlg places in the Sunhachalarn In the of April Ohandanayatr~ festival. People from all Over Indit taluks mentioned below :- takA part" Sar1)aswh~ taluk In th6 month of February-Batlung 1 at t h( sprmgs 1 Yellamanchlh 12 Dimill. Applkonda In the month of March footlval. 2 purushottapuram. 13 Kothuru VlSakhapstnam In tho month of Apnl-'3rt Rama. 3. pulapartlu 14 Velucheru naVaml 4 Etlkoppakfl. 15 Kondakerla 5 Penugollu 16 Hal'ipalen:!. AnalcapaUe taluk. 6 Rayavaroro 17 Melupaka Auakapalle Nookalamma ft'shval 7 KoruprOlu 18 Jagannadhapuram 8 Nakkapalle. 19 Somahngapalem SO/I'Vaaidh'i! taluk. 9 Chin.adodcligallu 20 Kokkirapalle. Vupmaka Venkateswaraswaml festIVal 10 Godieherla. 21 Pedapalli Dharapalem Maha!'Hvaratri. 11 Srir&mpuram, A ;w,kapaZle t.al1tk. III. Educational institutions.-A statement showing­ 1 Anakapalle. 4 the number and nature of the educational institutions 2 Tallapalem. 5 Kasimkota. with their strength as on 31st March 1951 is furnished 3 pe.ravada. 6 Thwnmapala in Annexure III. 7

IY. Industry-(i) Cottage and 8mall-8cale.~A state­ V. Gencral.-Visa.khapatnam, Vizianagaram, Aanka. .. ment showing the important cottage and small­ palle and Bheemunipatnam are the municipalities in scale industries in each taluk and the approximate the district. ~ number of persons employed in them is furnIshed in Annexure IV. There is a Government Sugarcane Research Centre at Anakapalle. (ii) Large-8cale industries.-There are no large­ scale industries in Srungavarapukota, Veer valli and Visakhapatnam is a sea port with a natural harbour. Golugonda taluks. The nature and number of establis­ There are a Naval Base and a ship-building yard at ments of the la.rge-scale industries in the other taluks Visakhapatnam. and the number of persons employed in them are furnished below;- Waltair, adjacent to Visakhapatnam, is the head­

~umber of Number of quarters of the Andhra University. N aturo of Industry establish. persons ments employed. Visakhapatnam is famous for carving works in Vizianagaram, taluk. ivory and sandalwood. Otl Mills 22 364 Jute Mills . 1 2,139 On the Simhachalam hill 8 miles from Visakha­ Leather and leather products 18 475 Metal PrOducts 11 198 patnam there is a temple dedicated to Varahanara-­ Bkeemuntpatnam taluk. simhaswamivaru which is visited by pilgrims from Jute MIlls and Jut(} Preas 2 About all parts of India. The way to the temple runs through 3:000 Vi8akhapatnam tal uk. , terraced fields of pineapples dotted with mango, Transport 8nd Transport equipment in- 3 3:933 jack and other trees and passes up a broad flight of cludmg ship·bullding. well-kept stone steps. The temple is the most famous, A nakapalle tal uk. '()il Mills . 6 169 richest and best sculptured shrine in the district. Sugar' Factory 1 145 Bheemunipatnam is a sea port. There are ruined 8arl'a..<;idh~ taluk iSugar Factory 1 119 Dutch buildings in the town. 8

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Visak.-3 10


(Vide ltem III of the Introduction.)


Gudem Srungavarapukota Veeravalh r------A- Strength Strength. '{trength Type of EducatiOnal InstItution. / No Boys. GlrlS. No Boys. Girls No Boys Onls. 1 College of Arts and Science 2 ProfessIOnal College 3 Hlgh School for Boys I . 346 13 2 703 :~3 '4 High School for GuIs .5 Anglo-Ind1.8n HIgh School for •• Boys. 6 Anglo-Indian High School for GIrls. 7 Trammg School for BOys 8 Trammg School for Gll'm 9 BaSIC Trammg School · . •• •• 10 Onental InstitutIon •• ... 11 Anglo-Indian Middle School 12 MIddle School for Boys 1 144 3 13 MIddle School for Grrls 14 Elementary School 67 2,276 486 148 8,752 4:,1l2 136 7,205 2,512 (Agency) (Agency) (Agency) 15 Brune School .... 16 Anglo-lruhan Primary School •• - 17 Adult School - 3 95 1 34

Golugonda.. Vizianagaram. Bheemunlpatnam. Strength. Type of Educational Insiltution. Strength. Strength. No. Boys. Girls. No. Boys. GIrls. No Boys. GIrls. 1 College of Arts and Science I 888 35 2 ProfeSSIOnal College ... 1 64 6 3 fugh School for Boys · 1 506 27 3 3,208 288 - I 527 44 4: High School for Girls ·. - 00 1 7 III .5 Anglo.Indum High School for ·. • • .. .. Boys. - - 4) Anglo-Indlan High School for ... • • •• .. 011'18. - - •• ? Trainmg School for Boys ... 1 335 4: 8 Training School for Girls •• 9 Basic Training School ...... •• - o. I 72 10 OrIental Institution ... •• .. 1 60 - . • • - 11 Anglo-Indian Middle School •• •• •• 12 Middle School for Boys • • ... 1 198 4 ·. 13 Middle School for Girls ·. • • .. I 72 137 6,958 14: ElementEU'Y School •• 3,201 214 1l,631 6,476 118 6,460 (Agency) 3,186 15 Basic School 3 192 98 2 55 •• ·. .0 16 Anglo.. Indian Pri:msry School •• .. .. -o. 11 Adult School •• ·. I 61 3 46 i t03 -- • • 11

t-A. VISAKHAPATANM DISTRICT. ANNEXURE III-cont. (Vide Item III of the Introduction,-cont.


Vlsakhapatnam. Anakapalle Sarv8.S1dhl Total ~ 'l'ype of EducatlOnal Institution. Strength. Strength. Strength. ~. A.,. No. No. No. No. r 1 Boys. Gll'ls. Boys. GirlS. Boys. GIrlS. Boys. GIrls. 1 College of Arts and SClence •• 4 1,466 116 ... • • •• ... 5 2,354: 151 2 ProfesslOnal College •• 2 419 83 •• ...... - 3 483 89 3 HIgh School for Boys .. -... 5 3,851 102 3 1,789 96 1 652-- 33 17 1l.582 636 4 High School for Glrls 12 00 ". 2 812 3 19 923 5 Anglo-Indum HIgh School for 1 270 ... -... - - ...- -- 1 270 ... Boys, - - - - 6 Anglo-IndIan HIgh School for 1 52 172 1 52 172 GIrlS. ------7 Traming School for Boys , ...... - ... .. 1 335 4- 8 Trallllng School for Guls .. .. 1 ...- 108 ... - --- 1 108 9 Basic Traming School .,. 1 75 ... - -... -o_. 2 147

.oo • oo Ill• - 10 OI'lental InstatutlOU ... - ...... -•• ... .. 1 60 ••• II Anglo-Indian MIddle School 1 48 42 - - - 1 48 42 •• - ...... oo • - 2 12 Mtddle School for Boys ... ·...... •• •• - - .~ 342 '1 13 MIddle School for GIrls • • .. .. • • ... oo • •• '. .. 1 72 14 Elementary School , . 91 10,771 6.632 115 7,965 3,272 121 -7,353 3.931 1,147 69,371 32,874 (Agency}. 15 BasiC School . . 3 109 42 •• ...... • • S 356 14() 16 Anglo-IndIan Primary School •• 1 • • 96 •• ... . . , , 1 •• 96 17 Adult School 5 54 9 253 3 106 31 852

NOTE- 4. High School Jor Girls: V~z~anagaram Taluk (I)-at VlZUl..­ ll8l1l.. I. Colleges oj Art8 and Sctence: V~z~anagaram Taluk (1)-at nagaram; Vtsakhapatnam Taluk (2)-at Vlsakhapat Vlzlanagaram; Vi8akhapatnam Taluk (4)-at VlElakhapat­ nam.. 5. Anglo-Indwn H't{/h SchoolJor BrYg6: Vtsakhapatnam Taluk (I) 2 Proje881analOolleges; Vn3.anagaram Taluk (I)-at Vlzlauagaram -at Visakhapatnam (Traimng Colloge,; V~8a.khapatnam ~T Bh~mun'tpatnam Taluk 3, High School for Boys. Srungavarapukota Taluk-( I)-at Srun­ (I)-at Bhimunipatnam. gavar~pukota; V~ztanagaram TaJ,uj,_ {3)-at .VIzlanagaram 8. Tramtng School (Ord'mary) for Chrlo: Vuakhapatnam (I)-at -2, Santapetar--I, plnmunl,patnam Taluk (I)-at V lsakhapatnam. Bhlffiurnpatnam; VeeravaU~ Taluk (2)-at Veeravalh-I 9. Basw Trq.mmg Ekhoal.'j ~ V1,zianagarcz.m, Taluk (I)-at Vontl and Madugula I; V1>8akhapatnam Taluk ({i)-at Vlsakna­ thadl, Vtsakhapatnam Talu~ (I)-at Visakhapatnam. patnam; GQluganda Taluk (I)-at Narasapatnam; Anakapalle Taluk (3)-at Anakapa.ll~-. 2 and JiasImkota-l; lO. ON ental Instttut'tOn. (Sansknt College): Vizianaqaram Sa-rvusuIh'l. Taluk {I)-at YelamanchilJi. Talu/" (I )-at V IZlanagara.m..

Vieak.-3A 12


(Vide ltem IV of the Introduction.)


Golugonda and Gudem Taluk Srungavarapu­ Srungav~apukot3 Veeravalh. Golugonda (Agency). kota (Agency). (!iron-Agency). (Non-Agency). ,--__...J .... ______,._ ..... N sture of Industry. r---__,I"-,---\ · , ,. • (I) (ti) (i) (11) (11) (1) (ll) ( I) (ll) Cotton glflwug and pressIng .'.~ ... .. •• oo. .. "-1 " 18 Cotton weaving -. 13 95 390 881 2,642 1;657 4,655 861 3,106 Jute pressmg .. ••• .. . . , , , MMufactura of ivory artIcles • .... ·. .. Vegetable 011 pressing ...... 10 36 .. . 35 84 176 474 25 54 Manufacture of dairy products .. o_o .', ...... •• • • Millers of cereals and pulses .... •.. .., ... Manufactur.e of sugar and syrups •• • • .... " . H 49 ,,57 Gur manufacture ·. • LO ... ~. 355 PrS'~ervatlOn of fish ... OJ • ... ~ .

TOIlet manufacture .... "t: • " .. ~. Cobblery •• 6 19 Tobacco ma.nufacture •• '- ...... 0 •• •• .DO CIgar manufacture • • • • 0 0 ... Manufacture of other tobacco products ·. .. .,. 23 7Q 10 31 19 Copper, brass and bell-metal works o. .'. .. - 58 • 0 4: .{ Toy makmg' •• i. 0'. •• .. 8 Pottery .[. • • ... 64 244 17 98 340 112 376 19 73 192 649 79 Basket malnng ...... 98 327 •• 266 12 65 26 103 - 12 41 Industry in wood and leaf ..• ... - - ..

Vlzlanagaram.,. Bheemumpatnam. Visakha.patnam. Anakapalle. SarvaBlCilll. Natura of Industry. '1 .. (i) (11) (1) (Ii) (i) (11) (1) (ii) (1) (u)

0 .. Cotton gmnIng and pressing ...... - - - 971 126 430 408- 1,475 1,092- 3,330 ... - - 1.697 - 4,374 ~otton weavwg •• ... . .Jute preSSIng •• ... •• •• .. 17 65 - 8 18 - - Manufacture of lVOry artICles. .. •• ... .. •• •• 78 281 14 38 43- 14:5- ...... 164 Vegetable 011 pressing . 562 Manufacture of daIry products - ••• •• 12 56 - - 22 MIllers of cereals and pulses ... oo. 19 40 •• .. '7 •• 7 29 Manufacture of sugar and syrups • oo •• •• •• 379 2,296 6 16 -5 18 8 - 55 79 Gur manufacture .... •• •• 310 PreservatIOn of fish .,...... 17 62 Toilet manufacture 12 34 53 llO .. 2'1 76 Cobblery ... •• •• - - ·. TobaccO manufacture .• 38 115 ... ·. 47 130 CIgar manufacture ...... • . Manufacture of other tobacco products 84 114 Copper, brass and bell-metal works .• 16 55 .... Toy making - ... 17 49 89 354 68 176 Pottery ·.. 88 847 462 87 324 "Basket making 143 10 40 Industry in wood and leaf no 402 ·. 86 340 NOTE.-Subd~mBUm.S'- (1) Number of EstablIshments.

(h) Approxuna.te number of persona employed m them., 13

1 ..A. VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT. PART I Section (i) A-GENERAL POPULATION TABLES. A-I-Area, Houses and Population. This table shows for the rural and urban areas of 3. "VIllage" is the revenue administrative unit each taluk. and for the district, the area, the number within de:6;ned boundaries. This table gives particulars of inhabited villages and towns, occupied houses in respect of all villa.ges containing one or more groups and the total population with distribution by sex. of habitations. VJllages with no habitations are not included in this table. 2. The district area shown in column (2) of this 4. "Town " is a place of usually not less than 5 000 table is that supplied by the Surveyor-General of inhabitants, possessing distinct lU'ban' characteristics. India. Area figures furnished by the Central Survey Cantonments have been treated as forming part of the Office, Madras, have been adopted for the taluks. towns in which they are situated. The total area of the taluks as furnished by the Central Survey Office, Madras, shown withIn brackets in 5. " Hou8e ".-Every dwelling with a separate main column (2), differs from the area of the district fur­ entrance has been treated as a house for census nished by the Surveyor-Goneral. purposes.

Number mhablted. Occupied Houses. Taluk. Amam sq. mIles VIllages. Towns Total. Rural. Urban (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Gudem 1,869 1,419 .. 18,714 18,714 SrungavaTapukota 657 646 1 43,819 4:2,232 1,587 V lZlanagaranl .. 359 184 1 53,245 44,236 9,009 BheemUUlpatnam 337 176 I 44,978 43,079 1,899 Veeravalh 594 246 2 62,812 .58)156 4,656 VlSakhapatnam •• • • 196 72 1 35,149 24,211 10,938 Golugonda 516 178 2 46,800 41,430 0,370 AnakapaUe ·. 304 144 2 48,909 41,723 7,186 8al'vasldhi .. 347 143 1 51,087 49,124 1,963 District Total ·. 5,201 3,208 11 405,513 362,905 42,608


Persons. Males Females. __A..__ r- A.- .- Trunk. Tota.l. Rural. Urban. Total. Rural. Urban. Total. Rura.1. Urban. (8) (9) (1O) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) Gudem 109,521 109,521 .. 55,831 55,,183 •• .53,69Y. 53,690 Srungavarapukota 225,757 217,034 8,723 110,911 106,628 4,283 114,846 110,406 4,440- 291,405 224,301 67,104 143,887 110,614 33,273 147,518 113,687 33,831 BheemuUll tnam . 232,619 222,142 10,477 115,086 109,914 5,172 117,533 112,228 5,305 Vooravalh 287,994 265,758 22,236 141,088 130,273 10,815 146,906 135,485 11,421 Visakhapatnar 231,907 123,866 108,042 116,801 62,181 54.620 115,106., 61,684 58,422 Golugonda. · . 221,727 194,148 ". 27,579 llO,554 97,065 13,489 111,173 97,083 14,090 Anakapa.lle · . 229,835 181,175 48,660 111,042 87,521 23,521 118,793 93,654 25,139 Sarvssldhl · . • • 241,933 229,896 12,037 117,992 112,126 .5,866 123,941 117,770 6,171 D' trlei Toial ·. 2,072,698 1,767,840 304,858 1,023,192 872,153 151,039 1,049,506 895,687 163,819 I I 14

1-A. VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT. A-II-Variation in Population during fifty years.

This table compares the populatIOn of the district the population of taluks and the district as constituted and of each taluk in the district as ascertained at the at present. Census of 1951 with the correspondIng figures of 2. The present Visakhapatnam district IS the the five preVlOUS Censuses. The figures recorded at the southern half of the old Visakhapatnam district previous Censuses have been adjusted for subsequent which was bifurcated in 1950. The northern half territorial changes, if any, in order to afford a correct of the old district was constituted into a new basis for comparison. The adjusted figures show district called Srikakulam.

Net Taluk. Persons. vanatlOn. 1901-1)1. (1) (2) (3) (4~ (5) (6) (7) (8) Ageney­ Gudem 1901 63,468 ,31,269 · 32,199 - - - 1911 79,035 15,567 39/j41 8.272 39,494 7,295 1921 96,965 17,930 48,700 9,159 48.265 8,771 1931 104,873 7,9DS 52,531 3,831 52,342 4,077 1941 102,098 - 2,775 51.936 -595 50,162 - 2,l80 1951 109,521 7,423 46,053 55,8,1) 3,895 53,690 3,52S.

Golugonda " , ... 1901 33,929 16,833 · 17,096 - 1911 40,436 6.507 20,143 3,310 20,293 3,197 1921 18,048 - 22.388 8,809 - 11,334 9,239 - 1l,054 1931 20,831 2,783 10,167 1,358 10,664 1,425 1941 22,812 1,981 11,309 1.142 11,503 839 1951. 24,695 1,783 9,334 12,183 874 12,412 909

Srungavarapukota .. 1901 16,686 . 8,537 8.149 . 19H 24,,322 7,636 12.355 3,818 1l,96'l 3,818 1921 21,771 - 2,551 11,048 - 1,307 10,723 - 1,244 1931 30,292 8,521 15,143 4,095 15,149 4,426 1941 32,231 1,939 .. 16,121 978 16,110 961 1951 38,649 6,418 21,963 19,663 3,1)42 18,986 2,876

Veer8 val1i . . . . 1901 7,590 3,908 3,682 1911 11,233 3.643 5.762 1,854 5.471 1,789 1921 10,055 - 1,178 5,152 - 610 4,903 - 56S 1931 5,293 - 4,762 2,712 - 2,440 2,581 - 2,322 1941 7,344 2,051 3,716 1,004 3,628 1,047 1951 7,340 ~4 - 250 3,744 28 3,596 ,-32 Agency Total 1901 121,673 . 60,547 · 6:1,126 - . 1911 155~026 38.358 77,801 17,254 77,225 16,099 1921 146,839 - S,187 73,709 - 4,092 73,130 - 4,095 1931 161,289 14,458 80,553 6,844 80,736 7,606 1941 164,485 3,196 83,082 2,529 81,408 667 1951 180,105 16,620 58,432 91,421 8,339 88,684 7,281 Pla"ins­ Golugouda • • .... 1901 123,507 61,308 · 62,199 1911 137,295 13.788 67,820 6,.312 69,47t> 7,276 1921 139,000 1,705 68,689 869 70,311 S3& 1931 156,944- 17,944 '17.768 9,079 '19,176 8.865 1941 177,713 20,769 88,919 11.151 88,794 9,6l8 1951 t97,132 19,41H 73,625 98,371 9,4.52 98,761 9,967 1901 188,028 .. 92,394 · 95,634 - 1911 191,455 3.4-27 93.446 1.052 98,009 2,375 1921 200,744 9,289 98,6'18 5,232 102,066 4,057 1931 225,762 25,018 111,644 12,966 114,118 12,052- 1941 257,518 31,751 12'1,948 16,304 12!J,565 15,447 1951 291,405 33,892 103,377 143,887 15,939 147,518 17,953 Bhaemunip8tnam 1901 167,413 .. .. 82.516 84,891 1911 171,700 4,287 83,879 1,363 87,821 2,924 1921 170,609 - 1,091 83,JH - 525 87,256 - 566' 1931 191,060 20,45l 94,618 11,264 96,442 9,187 1941 220,046 28,!}S6 .. 109,894 15,276 110,152 13.71() 1951 232,619 12,573 65.20b 116,,086 5t19~ 117,533 7.381 15

i .. A. VISAKBAPATNAII DISTRiCT. A-ll-Variation in Population during fifty years.

Net Talnk. Persons. VarIatIOn. variation. Moles. Varla.tion. Ji'emalea. Vanation. 1901-51. (1) (2) {3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Plai'fl.8-Cont. Srungavarapukota 1901 187,724 67,741 69~983 . 1911 142,543 4819 68,535 - 79~ 74,008 4,025 1921 141,094 - 1,449 66,622 - 1,913 71-,472 464 1931 160,063 18,959 77,189 10,,)67 82,864 8,392 1941 174,958 14,905 81,958 7,769 90,000 7,186

1951 187,108 12.]'~O 49,384 91,248 6t 290 95,860 5,,860 Vlsakhapatanam 1901 110,652 54,393 56.259 · . 1911 114,211 3,565 .55,37:1 980 58,844 2,585 1921 114,665 448 54,805 - 568 /)9,860 1,016 1931 134,287 19,622 66,070 11,265 68,217 8,357 1941 161,287 J7,OOO 79.470 13,400 81,817 13,600 19.51 231,907 70,620 121,255 116,801 37,831 llli,1_06 33,28g Veeravalb 1901 209,228 .. 101848 107,380 . IOU 222,532 ] 3,304- 101,291 6,449 115.235 7,855· 1921 221,810 - 722 105,188 2.109 116.622 1,387 1931 284,818 13,038 112,507 7~319 122,341 5,719 1941 259,460 24,612 125,694 13~ 187 133,166 11,425 1q11 280,654 21,194 71,426 137,344 IJ t6.50 143,310 9,544 ..Ana.kapaII& 1901 165,478 .. 79,218 . 86,260 ISll 169,751 4,273 79,719 I)oJ 90,032 3,772 1921 167,710 2,04J 77,818 - 1,901 89,892 -140 1931 182,546 14,836 8/),440 7.622 97,106 7,214 1941 202,520 19,974 .. 96,054 10,614 106,466 9,360 1951 229,835 27,315 04,357 111,042 14,988 118,'193 12,327 .8arvQsidhi · . 1901 160,761 76,973 .. 83,788 · 1911 168,941 8,180 79,847 2,874 89,094 5,306. 1921 170,044 1,lO3 78.973 - 874 91.071 1,977 1931 192,063 22,019 90,757 11,784 101,806 10,236 1941 214,264 22,201 10.1,503 12~746 110,761 9,455 1951 241,933 27,669 81,172 117,992 14,489 123,9111 13,180 plains TotaJ · . 1901 1,262,791 616,391 . 646,400 · . 1911 1,318.434 55,643 635,916 19,525 682,518 36,118 1921 1,825,676 7,242 634,127 ~ 1,789 891,549 9,031 1931 1,477,563 151,887 715,993 81,866 761,570 70,021 1941 1,667,761 190,198 816,440 100,447 861,321 89,751 1951 1,832,593 224,832 629,802 931.771 115,331 960,822 109,501 District Total · 1901 1,881-,464 676,938 . 707,526 · . . 1911 1,473,460 88,996 713,717 36,779 759,743 52,217 1921 1,472,515- - 945 707,836 - 5,881 764,679 4,986 1931 1,638,852 166,337 796.546 88,710 842,306 77,627 1941 1,882,246 193,394 .. 899,522 102,978 932,724 90,418 1951 2,072,698 240.452 688,234 1,023,192 123,670 1,049,506 116,781 16

1.A. VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT. A-III-Towns and Villages classitled by Population ..

This table shows the total number of inhabited towns (2) Towns and villages with poplJ}ation of 2,000 and villages in each taluk of the distriot distributed to 10,000- (a) WIth population of 2,000 to 5,000. on population basis under three main hea.ds Wlth subw (b) With population of 5,000 to 10,000. hea.ds under each as follows :- (3) Towns and villages with population of 10,000 and above- (1) Towns and villages with less than, 2,000 (a) With population of 10,000 to 20,000. population- (b) With population of 20,000 to 50,000. (c) With population of 50,000 to 100,000. (a) Population with less than 500. (d) WIth population of 1001 000 and above. (b) Population between 500 and 1,000. II. For definition of a "Town" and "Village" (c) Population between 1,000 and 2,000. see fly-leaf to Table Awl.

TOwns and VIllages WIth lesa than Total PopulatIOn. 2,000 populat.Ion. ~ __..A_ ' __-.., Total num­ ....__A ber of ~ PersOllil Males FemalM Total. Taluk. mhablted ~------...... _ towns and Yumber Villages Males Females_ (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Gudem 1,418 109,521 55,831 53,690 1,418 55,831 53,000 Srungavarapukota. 647 225,757 llO,911 1I4,846 621 67,764 69,309 V lZianagarAIll 186 291,405 143,887 147~518 159 71,729 73,446 Bheemunipatnam 177 232,619 115,086 117,533 138 53,585 54,142 Veeravalh 248 287,994 141,088 146,906 208 79,529 82,50!} Visakhapatnam 73 231.907 116,80l 115,106 51 24,536 24,475- Golugonda .. 180 221,727 110,554 111,173 148 50,848 50,734} Anakapalle 146 229,835 111,042 118,793 122 53,554 57,464- S&rvll6ldhi 144 241,933 117,992 •• 123,941 105 53,694 56,006 District Total 3,219 2,012,698 1,023,192 1,049,506 2,970 511,070 521,771

Towns and VIllages WIth less than 2,000 population-cont

~ __..A, Less than 500. --., 500--1,000. 1,000-2,000 r-.A.-...-_-." ,_----- ..A ___..___ Taluk. Number. Males Femalos ---~ Number. Males Females Number. Males Females.--. (9) (10) (II) (12) (131 (14) (10) (16) (17) Gudem 1,405 52,016 49,940 13 3,815 3,750 •• Srungavarapukota .. •• 537 23,808 23,335 43 15,804 16,332 41 28,152 29.642 Vizianagaram 36 5,088 5,219 - 58 20,821 21,168 66 45,820 47,05g. Bheeml.lDIpatnam .. •• 48 6,655 6,534 - 51 18,786 19,11.5 39 28,144 28,493 VooraValll 74 7,915 7,872 - 67 24,795 25,484 67 46,819 49,153 ViBakhapatnam 11 1,434 1,531 18 6.633 6,622 22 16,469 16.322 Golugonda • • ...... , . 66 5,222 5,103 39 - 14,629 14,556 43 30,997 31.071 Anakap&lle .. 31 4,523 4,836 - 39 13,958 15,064 52 35,073 37,564- Sarvasidhi .. 14 1,936 1,969 ... 37 13,241 13,436 54 38,517 40,601 Dlatriet Total .. 2,221 108,597 106.339 865 182.482 135,527 384 269,991 279,906 17 i-A. YISAKHAPATN AM DISTRICT. A-ill-Towns and Villages classifted by Population.

Towns and villages wIth -A...--pOpulatIon__ of 2,000-10,000 '""-") Total. 2,000-5,000. 5,000-10,000 .A-- _.A ___..A_ r- ~ r- Taluk •. Number. Males Fema.les• Nwnber Males Females. """ Number. Males Females. (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) Gudem SrungavaI1\pukota 26 43,147 45,637 23 31,593 33,763 3 11,554: 11,774 VlZianagaram 26 38!885 40,241 23 29,809 31,012 3 9,076 9,229 Bheemunipatnam 38 66,329 58,086 34 44,465 45,756 4 11,864: 12,330 Veeravalli 39 54~604 57,472 37 47,899 49,954 2 6,705 7,518 Visakhapatnam 20 ~n>645 32,668 IS 25,871 26,696 2 5,714, ,1),972 (jQlugonda 31 .")1.087 51,435 28 39,829 39,912 3 11,258 11,523 AnakapaHe 23 38,006 40,709 20 26,630 28,451 3 11,376 12,258 Sarvasldhi 38 58,432 61,764 36 53,031 55,986 2 5,401 5,778 District Total 241 372,135 387,912 219 299,127 811,530 22 73,008 76,382

Towns and viIIag£s ,dth population of 10,000 and above --- ...A...... ______Total lO,000-20,000. 20,000-50,000

_.A.-~ __, -_.\,,~- r- -A-- Tajuk Number. Males Females.• Number Males Females Numocr. Males Females (27) (28J (29) (30) (31 ) (32) (33) (34) (35) Gudem Srungavarapukota. V:azianagaram 1 33,273 33.831 Bheemunipatnam 1 5,172 5~305 1 5,172 5,305 Veera.valli 1 6,955 6,925 1 6,955 6,925 V lsakhapatnam 2 60.620 57,963 1 6,000 4,54l Golugonda 1 8,619 9,008 I 8,619 9.008 Anakapalle 1 lU,482 ::W,620 1 19,482 20,620 Sarvasidhi 1 5,866 6,171 I .5,866 6,171

District Total S 139,987 139,828 5 32t 612 31,950 1 19,482 20,620

Towns and VIllages WIth populahOn of 10,000 and above-cont _...J...--_-...._...____ ---50,000-100,000. 100,000 and abOve. ,-...._.._--..___ --A " ...A..~ TaJuk Numbel. }ora-Ies Females. Numbor. Mfl..I('s Females (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) G;tm ,. ~gavarapukota •• Vizianaga.ram } 83,273 33,831 Bheemunipatnam VeerBvalli .. Vlsa.khapatnam 1 54,620 53,422 Golugonda Anakapalle .. Sorva'ldh, .. District Total 1 33,273 33,831 1 54,620 53,422

Visak.-4 18 i .. A. VISAKHAPATlfAM DISTRICT. A-IV-Cities and Towns classified by Population with variations since 1901.

This table shows the population and distribution of 4. Where possible, the former population of pla068 sex of Cities arid Towns oftha district at each oftha last treated for the first tinie as towns in 1941 and at this six enumerations. Census, has been extracted from Village Statistics. 2. The following towns have been treated as cities Where this could not be done, the columns have been for the 1951 Census :-' left blank. (1) Visakhapatnam and (2) Vizianagaram. 3. The cities and towns have been arranged in this 5. The popUlation of towllS for previous Censuses table a~cording to their population in 1951 under the are those then recorded. No adjustments have been following six classes ;- made for intervening changes in area.

Class. Limits of population. I .. 100,000 and over. 6. MuniCipality, Panchayat and Cantonment are II 50,000 to 100,000. indicated by the use of the letters (M), (P), (0), III 20,000 to 50,000. respectively, within brackets. IV 10,000 to 20,000. V 5,000 to 10,000. 7. Towns newly appearing at this Census have been VI Under 5,000. printed in 1'talic8.

Net Town. Truuk. Persons. Varia­ Varia. Varia. tion. variation, Males. Females. 1901-51. tion. tion. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Olass I. Visakhapatnam (M) ., Visakhapatnam .. 1901 40,892 · , 20,034 , , 20,858 .. 19l1 43,413 2,52] 21,465 1,431 1921 21,948 1,090 44,711 1,298 22,153 688 22,558 610 1931 57,303 12,592 29,449 7,296 1941 27,854 5,296 70,243 12,940 . , 35,660 6,211 34,583 6,729 1951 108,042 37,799 67,150 54,620 18,,960 53~422 18,839 Olassl!. Vizianagaram (M) ,. Vizianagaram .. ., 1901 37,270 , . 17,817 1911 19,453 , . 37,550 280 17,891 80 19,653 200 1921 39,299 1,749 19,381 1,484 1931 19,918 265 44,696 5,397 22,165 2,784 22,531 2,613 1941 51,749 7,053 .. 25,715 3,550 26,034 1951 3,503 67,104 15,355 29,834 33,273 7,558 33,831 7,797 Olass III. Anakapalle (M) ,. Anakapalle ,. 1901 18,539 · , 9,023 1911 · . 9,516 · . 20,625 2,086 10,165 1,142 10,460 944 1921 20,360 265 10,088 77 10,272 1931 188 23,376 3,016 11,448 1,360 11,928 1,656 1941 29,249 5,873 .. 14,351 2,903 1951 14,898 2,970 40,102 10,853 21,563 '19,482 5,131 20,620 5,722 Class IV. Narasapatnam (P) .. Golugonda ,. 1901 10,589 · . 5,050 5,539 1911 · . · , 11,268 679 5,416 365 5,853 314 1921 11,531 263 5,544 129 1931 5,987 14,005 2,474 6,758 1,214 7,247 1941 16,644 2t639 .. 8,268 1,510 8,376 i. 1951 1,129 17,627 983 7,038 8,619 351 9,008 632 Chodavaram (P) .. Veeravalli .. 1901 7,935 3,880 . . 4,0.$.$ 1911 · . · . 8,242 307 4,053 173 4,189 134 1921 5,853 2,389 2,856 1,197 2,997 1931 1,192 6,624 771 3,220 364 3,404 407 1941 8,379 1,755 , . 4,236 1,016 1951 4,143 739 13,880 5,501 5,945 '6,955 . 2,719 6,925 2,782 Yellamanchilli (P) .. Sarvasidhi .. 1901 6,536 · , .1,175 · . 3,361 .. 1911 ,7~036 500 3,356 181 1921 3,680 319 10~441 3,405 4,896 ,1~540 5,545 1,865 1931 11,763 1,322 5,717 821 1941 6,046 501 9,0$4 - 2,709 . , 4,479 1,238 1951 4,575 1,471 12,037 2,983 5,501 5,866 1,387 6,1'1.1 1,598 19 j .. A. VISAKHAPATNAIf DISTRICT. A.. N-Citles and Towns classified by Population with variations since 1901.

Net VarIa- Varia,~ Vana- Town Taluk. Persons. vanatlon, Male8 tlon. Femal88. bon. tlon. 1901-51. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9}

01088 IV-cont. Bhoomunipatnam (M) Bhoomumpa.tnam 1901 10,312 4.893 · . 5,319 . . 1911 9,314 898 4,348 545 4,966 353 1921 7,495 1,819 3,424 924, 4,071 S9€) 1931 9,629 2.134- 4,814 1,390 4t 816 744: 1941 9,914 285 4,964 140 4,960 145

1951 10,477 563 265 5,172 218 5J305 341)

(Jlaas Vw Koftakola (P) .. .. GolugQnda 1901 5,948 2,986 . 2~962 . 1911 6,913 965 3,37'1 391 3,536 574 1921 6,931 18 3,4'10 93 3,461 75- 1931 8,008 l~O77 3,914 444 4,094 633 1941 8,895 887 4,410 496 4.486 391 1951 9,952 1,057 4,004 4,870 460 5,082 597

Srungavarapukota (P} Srungavarapukota 1901 5,862 . 2,867 2,995 1911 6,385 523 2,964 97 3,421 426 192! 6,049 336 2,809 155 3,240 181 1931 7,330 1,281 3,492 683 3,838 598 1941 7,380 50 .1.599 107 3,781 57

]951 8t 723 1.343 2,861 4,283 684 4,440 65~

Kaaimkota (P) . . . Ssrvasidhl 1901 7,450 . 3~610 · . 8,940 1911 6,784 666 3,135 375 3,649 291 1921 6,418 366 2,902 233 3,516 133 1931 6,855 437 3,145 243 3,110 194, 1941 '1t 455 600 .. 3,606 461 3,849 IS!) 1951 8,558 1,103 1,108 4,039 433 4,519 671)

Madugula (P) VooravaUl 1901 8,952 , 4.221 · 4,'/31 .. 1911 6,611 2,341 3,083 1,138 3,528 1,203 1921 5,966 645 2,739 344 8,227 301 1931 6,346 380 2,939 200 3,407 ISO 1941 6,667 321 3,138 199 3,5Z9 122 1951 8,856 1:689 596 3,860 722 4,496 967

DIstriet Total . . 1901 196,545 95,028 . 101,517 ..• 1911 222,960 26,41f) 107,667 12,639 115,293 13,776 1921 228,813 5,853 111.372 3,705 117,441 2,14S 1931 276,477 47,664 136,74'1 25.375 139,730 22,289 1941 386,112 ]09,635 t . 188,663 5],916 19'1,449 57.719 1951 304,858 - Sl.2fi4 * 108,313 161,039 -37,624 1/).1,819 -43,630

t Some portions or Ganjam district was added to IVisakhapatnam district when the Orissa. Province was formed between 1931 and 1941. * Durmg 1941-51 some of the towns went into the new district of Sl'1kakulam which was carved out of the old Vlsakhapatn8lJ'l distnct. 20

i·A. VISAKHAPATRAM DISTRICT. A-V-Towns arranged talukwise with Population by Livelihood Classes.. This table shows the analysis of the Urban (ii) N on-.Agritultural Glas8es. popJuation in towns by Hvelihood classes, instead of Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their by communities as in the pr~vious oonsuses. principal meens of livelihood from- 2. Under the Inman Census Economic Classification V. Production (other than oultivation). Scheme, the people have been divided into two broad VI. Conunerce. livelihood categories, viz., the Agricultural Classes VIT. Tra.nsport. and the Non~agricultura.l clasBers. There are four Agricultural classes and four Non-agricultural classes VIII. Other services and miscellaneous sources. as shown below :- 3. In this ta.ble the figures for the agricultural livelihood classes I to III are not given separately (i) _A gJ'icultural (1lasses. but have beQn clubbed together. 4. The towns in each taluk oftha district are arranged I. Cultivators (_ f b,nd wholly or mainly owned; in tho order Qftheir population as in Ta.ble A-IV. and thair dependants. 5. Municipality, Pauchayat and Cantonment are IT. Cultiva.tors of land whclly or mainly unowned; indicated by the use of the letters (M), (P), (0), and their dependants. respecti vely, within brackets. 6. For the definition of a "Town" 800 lIy-leaf to III. Cultivating la bonrers; and their dependants. Table A-I. IV. Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural 7. Towns newly appearing at this Census have been rent rectivors; and their dependants. printed in italics.

Livehbood classes. ( ----... Non-agnoultmal classes. \ Pe1'8Ons (lncludmg dependants) who dorlvo Taluk. Name of town. PopUlation. their pnncipal means of livelIhood frorn r--- .. , Persons. Males. Fema.les. V. Production other than VI. Corruneree. f'ulti'·ation. A f ~ r "I Males. Femalee. Males. Fe1'llllJee

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (8) (9) Srungavare.pukota · . Srungavarapukot,a (P) •. 8,723 4,283 4,440 562 583 291 326 VIZla.nagaram ., · . Vlzianagarsm {M} 67,104 33,273 33,831 6,593 6,669 7,824- 7,660 Bhoomunipa.tnam . Bheemwnpatnam (M) . 10,477 5,172 5,305 1,857 1,771 572 786 Veeravalh ·. Choda.varam (P) 13,880 6,955 6,925 673 681 811 842 Dv. · . Madugula. (P) .. 8,356 3,860 4-,496 4-59 487 536 568 Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam (M) 108,04:2 54,620 ·. 53,422 9,935 9,738 51952 6,234: Golugonda ·. Narasa.pa.tnam (P) 17~627 8,619 9,008 1,057 1,034- 809 872 Do ·. Kottakota (P) ._ .- 9,952 4,870 5,082 782 830 238 291 AJl.akapalle · . Anakap/dle (M' 4Q,102 19,482 20,620 2,491 2,M) 3,783 3,908 Kaaimkota (P) , 8,558 Do. 4,039 4,519 641 743 350 42~ Sarvasidhi * • Yellamanehilli tP) J2,037 5~R66 6,171 655 700 656 553

District 'latal .. 304,858 151,039 153,819 25,705 26,7'17 21,728 22,485 ~l

1 .. .4. VISAKRAPATIIAPl DISTRICT. A-V-Towns arranged taIukwiSe with Population by Livelihood Classes.

Llvellhood classes-cont. A_ • Non-agrICultura.l classes--conl • AgrlCultui.'al classes.

Persons (including dependantsl who derive their prmcipal mea.ns of IV. Non.('ultlvating I·III. Cnltlvators, hvehhood from owner" of land, cultlVBtmg Taluk. Name of town .A , agrIcultural rent !abourers and thelr VIIl. Other services receIvers and their dependants. VII. Transport and miscellaneous dependants sources. ..A ..). A. ,_.. ) ,-- r ... Males. I!'emales Males. Females. Males. Females." Males. FelD8les.

(10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17\ ..) VSrunga.varapukota · Srungavarapukota {P} .. 39 33 1,071 1,096 64 50 2,260 2,352 .., Vlzianagaram · . Vizianagaram (M) 2~617 2,711 14,219 14,941 925 920 1,095 930 ...JBheemumpatne.m · . - Bheemumpatnam (M) • 246 277 J,941 2,085 154 108 402 278 Chodavaram (P) Vooravalh 121 101 2,980 2,970 262 296 2,108 2t 035 Do. ·. Mo.dugula (P) .. 36 30 1,279 1,635 115 158 1,435 1,618 ~_ V Isa.khapatnam Vlsakhapatnam (M) 11,149 11,017 26,341 25,722 760 498 483 213

District Total .. 15,874 15.486 64,284 66,388 3,419 3,368 20,529 2O,33i !!

i .. A. VlSAKHAPATIfAM DISTRIOT. E-Summary lIgures by Taluks.

The data oontained in this ta.ble hava boon given 4. Previous census figures of population ha.ve been for each talnk in the district. adjusted with reference to inter district transfers. The rural and urban population figures have 2. The areaS shown in column (2) of the table for the beeD taken a.s they were at the 1941 and 1931 Censuses district and the taluk 'total' are the latest figures and as they are at the present Census, regardless of furnished by the Central Survey Office, Madras. the changes of rural areas Into urban areas and vice The areas given for 'urban' are those furnished versa from Census to Census, for the purpose of calculat­ by the District Officers. The areas for 'rural' ing percentage variation between 1931 and 1941 and have been obtained by deducting the figures for between 1941 a.nd 1951. For calculating density 'urban' from those for district and t,a.luk 'total '. for 'rural' and' urban' for 1941, the areas of the towns newly formed at the present Census rounded 3. The district aI'€la furnished by the Surveyor­ to the nearest square mile have been deducted from Gen.eral, In.dia., which has been shown in Table A-I, the areas given for urban in column (2) for 1951 a.nd could not be a.dopted in this ta.ble as Tal uk-wise figures added" to the areas given for 'rural', in the districts, havft not been furnished by him. The district areas a.nd taluks where new towns ha, vo been recognised. given by the Surveyor-General differ in varying degrees 5. In respect of Gudem (Agency) and Srungavarapu from those furnished by the Centra.l Survey Offioo, kota (Agency) taluks whioh have no urban areas,. Madras. the figures represent the totals alone. 23

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1"" ::§ .._ ~ i ~~ ;:.. ~. I!.. ~ ~~ . \J:; 41(....• 25

i-A. VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT. B-ECONOMIC TABLES. B-I-Livelihood Classes and Sub-classes.

This table shows by rural/urban break-up for .each 4. "The principal means of livelihood II is the census tract in the dIstrict the distribution of popula­ means of livelihood whIch provides the largest or the tion) sexwise, among tho eight livelihood classes and major part of the Income in the case of self-supporting the three sub-classes, viz., self-supporting persons, persons who haye more than one means of livelihood. non-ea.rning dependants and earning dopendants under In the case of other self-supporting persons, it is the each livehhood class into which the economic character­ only means of livelihood. istics of the people have been classified under tho I.e.E.C. Scheme-vide fly-leaf to Table A-V. 5. A person has. been regarded as "self-supporting" if the Income secured by the person is sufficient at 2. The area.s comprised in each of t.he Census tracts least for his (or her) own maintena.nce at the level into which tills rustl1ct has been delimIted for the of livmg and adopted by him (or her) at the time of the purposes of census tabulatIOI~ are gIven below '_ Census. The Income sccured may be in cash or kind. Anyono who is not a "~lf-supportlng" person in this Rural Tracts. sense has been regarded as a dependant. An ' earning , Agenc,}' 12-All the vlllages and pan('ha. In Gudem taluk dependant is a person who secures an income which is yats not treated as census towns- not sufficient to support him (or her), A person who 13 Do ill Sr ungavara! kota, does not secure any income either in cash or kind, is a Veeravalh and ')Golu. , non-earning dependant'. gouda taluks (agency areas) 6. The non~earning dependants Include persons PlalllB 14 Do In Srungavarapukota taluk (plalllB portIon). performing housework or other domestic or personal 15 Do In Vlz1anagaram taluk. serVIces for other members of the same family house­ 16 Do In BheemUlllpatnam hold, but do not include "unpaid famIly workers" taluk or persons who take part along with the mem.bers of l7 Do m Vee ravalli taluk the family household III carrying on cultivation or 8. (plams portlOn) 18 Do m V lSakhapatnam home Industry as a famuy enterprise. These latter talnk. persons have been classed as either self.supporling 19 Do. m Golugonda taluk or earning dependants according to the share of income (plains portion) attributablt to them. 20 Do. m AnakapaUe taluk. 21 Do m. Barvasulill taluk 7. The self-supporting persons shown in livelihood Class VIII include also persons who derive their income N on-Oity [.T rhan Tracts otherwif?e than through productive activity, i.e., No, 3-Srungavarapukota town ill Srungavarapukota taluk, persons coming under the following gronps, details Bheemunrpatnam town ln Bheemumpatnam taluk, Choda­ varam and Madugula towns m Veeravalh taluk, Narasa­ for which are given in the fly leaf to Economic Tab1e patnam and Kottakota towns ill Golugonda' taJuk, B-11I :- Anakapalle and Kaslm!{ota ~owns III Anakapalle taluk and YeUamanc1nlb town m Sarvasldhl taluk (1) Persons living principally on inoome from City Tracts. non-agricultural property; No I-VJzianagaram CIty In VIZlanagaram Mluk (2) Persons living princIpally on pensions, ro~t­ ~o, 2.-VlSskhapatnam CIty m Vlsakhapatnam taluk. 'lances, scholarships and funds; \ 3. The livelihood classificatIon is based on the (3) Inmates of lails, asylums, alms houses And principal means of livelihood of the self-supporting recipients of doles; persons, the principal means of livelihood for earning and non-earning dependants bein e as that (4) Beggars a.nd vagrants; and of the self-supporting pers . ::On' -~ .~ a.re (5) All other persons living principally on income ". -' ~- --...- < \ ~ depa nda n. t «' ~ --..., - t:- i" -.;: derived from non-productive a.ctivity. Visak.-5 26

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• • -e ~ 30

1-A. VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT. B-n-Secoodary means of Livelihood.

This table gIves for the distnct the number of next in Importance to thClr pnncipal means of hveli persons, in each of the eight livelihood classes hood. In respect of earning dependants, it is the mentioned in EconomIc Table B-1, who possess a means of livelihood WhiCh provides the earnIng or the secondary means of livelihood; and cross classifies them largest part of theIr income If they have more than one (according to the nature of such means of livelihood) source of Income. under the same eight livelIhood classes. 3 . Non-earning dependants1 and self-supportlllg 2. The secondary means of livelihood shown for persons who have no secondary means of livehhood self-supporting persons is the means of livelihood are excluded from thIS Table.

Number of persOns dOllvmg theIr secondary means of bvehhood from ..A.- I CultIvatIon of owned land ) ,-..------_..____ Llvehhood, classes. Total Se If-supportmg persOns Earnmg dependants r-----.A. A__ __-., -. ( .A..-__----.. Males Females. ],lales }'emalt's Males Fe-males (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7} AgrwultU1'al Cla88es I Cultivators of land whOlly or mamly owned 27,073 23,000 ~7,O73 23,000 II CultIvators of land wholly or mamly unoWll.()d 1~302 667 567 39 735 628 III Cultlvatmg labourers 1.047 65.1 701 151 346 504, IV Non-cultlvatmg owners of land; AgrICultural rent 102 21 74 7 28 14 recervers

Total (Agricultural Classes) 29t o24 24,343 1,342 197 28,182 24,146

;yon-Agr~cultu'r(ll Classes (Persons who deTIve thelI' prmclpal means of hvehhood from) V l'roduction (other than cultIvation) 3,940 597 a,108 152 832 44.> r:- VI Commerce 631 120 503 ",1.) 128 65 VII Transport 164 27 127 37 ':J7 VIII Other serVices and mIscellaneous sources 3,008 704 2,249 201 759 50:1

To&al (Non-Agricultural Classes) 7,743 1,4.48 5,987 408 1,756 1,040

Number of persOns do riving theIr secondary means of hvehhood from _.A. _ ----.-... II CultIvatIon of unowned land r-- _.._-- --. Ll\ ehhood classt's Total Self-supportmg P61sons Earned dependants -"- ..A r- ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females. (8) (9) (10) (lJ ) (12» (13) Agn.( IJ.l/ural Clas;,es_ of I CultIvators land wholly or mainly owned 3,768 W2 2,282 69 1.486 4:33 II CultIvators of land wholly Of mamly unowned 4,252 4,546 4,252 4,546 III Cultivatmg labourers •• 278 133 151 37 127 96 IV Non-cultlVatmg owners of land; AgrIcultural rent 9 15 6 3 :1 12 receIvers

Total (Agricultural Classes) 8,807 5,196 2,489 109 5,868 5,087 N on-Agrwultural Ola 88e8. (Petsons who derlv6 thmr princlpa~ means ofltvehhood frOm) v. ProductIon (other than cultIvatIOn) - 650 161 531 20 119 14:1 YI Commerce 89 22 61 5 28 17 VII TranspOrt .. 22 4 17 5 4, VIII. Other services and miscellaneous sources 393 89 304 23 89 66

Total (Non-Agricultural Classes) 1,154 276 913 48 241 228 31

i-A. VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT. __B-II-Secondary -- means of Livelihood. Number of persons dOllvmg theIr secondary means of livehhood from ~------~ III Employment as cultlvatmg labOUrer. r------'------1 Llvehhood classes Total Selfosupportmg pArson'3 Eammg dependants """'--__---. ,-___...... ____---, ,---__..A ---. }Iales Females }Iales Females Males Females ( 14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) Agncultural Classes. I CultIvators of land whollv or maInly OWlli:'tl In,::iGl ll~,842 :-\,809 1,61)S lO.7'l2 18,14:4 n CultIvators of land wholly mamly or unowneJ 8,354 5,532 3578 418 4,776 5,114

III CultlVatmg labourers 0 12,990 20,843 12,990 20,843 IV Non-culttvatmg ownors of land. agucultural rent P3 139 ,12 ?l8 51 81 recelvors Total (Agricultural Classes) 40,998 46,356 12,429 2,174 28,569 44,182 iVon-Agnculfural Glasses. (Person,s who d",rl\Tt) theu' pl'lllClpal means of lIvelIhood fl'Om) V Production (other than oultIvatIon) 3,345 3,561 1,398 453 1,947 3,J08 VI Commorce 401 378 142 ,)6 259 322 VII Transport 56 73 7 4 49 69 VIII Other serVICes and mIscellaneOUS sources 1,748 1,-197 649 146 1,099 1,351 Total (Non-Agricultural Classes) 5,550 5,509 2,196 659 3,354 4,850 Number of persons dellvlllg thell' &8condary moans ofhvehhood from r------"- IV Ront on RgrlCuIturalland ,__.._,""------'-- LIVelIhood classes Total Self-supporhng persons Earnmg_...... ____ dependants , ..A.- r-->---A..,.._----... ____ MaIos Females ~Iales Fomalcs Males Females (20) (21) (22) (23) (U) (25) Ag,.~cultural Ola88es I CultIvators of land wholly Or mamly owned 336 45 272 14 64 31 II Cultn-ators of Jand wholly Or mamly unowned 18 12 II 2 7 10 III Cultlvatmg labourers o. •• 56 8 36 7 20 1 IV )1on-cultlvatmg owners of land; agncultural rent l23 6tt 123 64 rOCe1vers Total (Agricultural Classes) 533 129 319 23 214 106 ~Von.AgncuUural G~88e8 (Persons who derIve thmr princIpal meana of lIvelIhood from) V ProductIon (other than cultlVatlon) 262 692 24:5 l4 17 678 VI Commerce 260 IS 246 9 14 9 VII TranspOrt 41 7 37 2 • 4 [, YIU Other servlCes and mIscellaneous sources 894 30 839 15 55 15 Total (Non-Agricultural Classes) 1,457 747 1,367 40 90 767 :Number of persOns denvmg thmr secondary means of hvehhood from

V ProductIon (oth(:)r~------~ than cultlvatIOn) ~______.A______~ ______.

LI vehhood classes Total SeIf-supportmg persons ,----__.A.--._------, Earnmg dependants ,----~----.. Males Females }Iales Females Males Females (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) Agricultural Glasses I CU]tlVa.tors of land wholly Or rnal.1lly owned 8,704 2,018 5,949 36 .. 2,755 ],654- II Cultivat.ors of land wholly Or mamly unowned 2,532 697 1,591 121 94,1 576 III Cultivatmg labourers . . . 1,354 796 766 170 583 626 IV Non-cultIvatIng owners of land; a.grIcultural rent 157 21 100 10 57 11 recolvera Total (Agricultural Classes) 12.747 3,582 8,406 665 4,341 2,867 Non-AgricultUral Olasse/J. (Persons who denve thfllr prInCIpal means of hvebhood. frorn) V ProductIon (other than cultIVatIOn) 9,966 ,>,242 1,408 129 8,558 5,113 VI. Commerco 313 136 It4 23 199 113 VII TranspOrt . . 119 43 14 100 43 VIII. Other serviceS a.nd mlscellauaouB sources 898 207 244 29 654 178 Total (Hon-Agrlcultural Classes) 11,296 5,628 1,780 181 9,518 5.447 32 t .. A. VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT. B-U-Secondary means of Livelihood.

N umber of persons,- ______denvmg theIr second.:try.."A,.... ___ means_ of 11 vehhood from ~--.I--""--- .------, VT Commerce ,------~------~ Llvehhood classes Total Helf-wppol·Lm.g persons Earnmg dependants r--~--"-----~-..... ,-----...... _------, ../1.. ___ -..... l\IaJes Female \{ 11 ales Females Males Fcmalps. (32) (33) (34) (35) (3G) (37) Agncultll.ral C1nsSC8 I CultIVators of land wholly Or maml.y owned 2,673 7.51) 2~O3(1 2:51 634: 508 II CultIvatOrs of land wholly or malllly uuowned 763 166 543 32 218 134 III CultlVatmg labomers 4-00 180 228 50 172 130 IV Non-culLl\·atmg owners of land; agricultural relll :;48 44- 178 21 70 ~3 receIvers Total (Agricultural Classes) 4,084 -1,149 ~90 354 1,094 795 ~\h n-Agncultural Classes. -- (Persons who derIve- thell' prmClpal meaUB of hvehhood from)

)- Y Production (other than cultIvatIon) 5bS 28~ -.),)- 1-1 313 JU VI. Commrrco 2,135 1,0,')0 180 S6 1,97,') !)5! VII Transport 61 36 l) 53 36 VIII Other serVICes and mIscellaneous sources S7b 125 497 ~ 379 116 Total (Non-Agricultural Classes) 3,660 1,499 940 119 2,720 1,380 -" ",' ... Kumber of_-'- persons______uerlVlllg tht'Il ...A_--.._, I'>econdary mearu. of hvehhood from ~------...... ,..----~ VII. Transport Llvehhood classf's ,,----'----'-..----...... --...,------""-"""------...... _------a---1 Tottil Solf-supportlllg persons EaI'lllllg dependants ,--~_---'-~--. ,-----___....A.- ___-, ,---___-"--, __ _

MaleE> FemaleE> Malec Female::-; Males Fema1p s. (38) (39) (40) (41) (4~) (43) .dfJl u_:uliltwl ala ~ ,t." I Cuitlvatorl-l of land wholl~ or mawlr owued 937 182 650 la7 287 45 II CultIvators of land whollJ or mall1ly unowiled 413 10 351 4 62 6 III. CI11tIvatlllg labourers. 74 8 24. 2 50 fj. IV. Non-cultivatlllg owners of land, agncuH.ura1 rent 15 I} 10 l<.celvers Total (Agricultural Classes) 1,439 200 1,030 143 409 57 Non-Agnr.;uliul ul Ola8l.1cs. (Perl'>OllS who denvt theIr prmcll1ai means of hvphhood from) V ProductIOn (oth. r than cultn,atlon) 62 45 3 41 '-;9 4- VI . Commerce .. 67 1 20 1 47 VII Transport 146 23 6 140 23 VIII Other serVIces and mlbcpllaneom, ::,oureel'> 245 26 17 228 26 Total (NoD-Agric:lltural Classes) 520 95 46 42 474 53 Kumber of perbons d8rlvIllg theIr secondary means of lIvelIhood from ___,_---~---~~~~------, VIII Other serVIC€S and mIsccl1aneous sources Llvehhood cla'lses ,_.....-.------__~ ______A.._ __ ~.._...... _~_~_-.,. Total. Solf-supportmg pel'SOllS Earnmg dep.ndants ..A.-___-, r----~-----, A-___ ~ Males Females. Males Ff"male&. Mall'S Felllalef> (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) Agricultural Gla58es. 1 CultIvatorI', of]and wholly or mamly owned 7,235 1,761 5,378 330 1,857 1,431 II. CultIvators of land wholly or mrun]y unowned 1,275 358 801 41 474 317 III. CultIvating labonrt'rs -- 949 629 461 76 488 553 IV. Nou-cultivatlllg owners of land; agncn1tura1 rent 519 77 443 46 76 31 receIvers Total (Agricultural Classes) 9,978 2,825 7.083 493 2,895 2,382 N Qn-Agr'l,{JuUural Glassey. (Persons who denve thelr principal means ofhvehhood from) .

V Prod.uctlon (other than cultlvatlOn) 781 347 25:; 27 526 3,J(i VI. Commerce 436 122 149 19 287 1Q3 VII. Transport. . . 648 272 29 2 619 270 VIII. OtherS3rvlces and illlscel1a1l8ous sources 6,821 4,861 1,153 60 5,668 4,801 Total (Non-Agricultural Classes) 8,686 5,602 1,586 108 7,100 5,494 i-A. VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT. B-m-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

This table gives figures for each Census tract in the 6. The Non-agricultural Classes classified In Econ.omic -district. The areas comprised in each 03nsus tract Table B-1, correspond to the divisions and sub­ denoted by its number in column (1) have been specified divisions into which they are distributed in this table in the fly-leaf to Table B-1. In this table the self­ as follows;- supporting persons in the four Non-agrICultural Livolihood cla.ss. DIVIsion and subdIvISions of the Classes given in Economic Table B-1 are distributed I C E.C. Scheme. in the various divisions and subdivisions of Industries Glass V.-Production other DIviSIon O.-Primary Industries not and Services under the Indian Census Economic than cultivatlon. elsewhere specIfied. Classification Scheme, accord.in,g to their Secondary DiVISion l.-Mming and QUarryIng. Economic Status, namely, Employer, Employee and DIVision 2.-Processmg and Manu­ fa.cture of Foodstuffs, TextI1es~ In.dependent Worker. Leather and Products theJ:'('of. 2. (An) Employer (IS) a person who employs DiVl~ion a.-Processmg and Manu. other persons in order to carry on the business from facture-Metals, Chemioals and Products thereof. which he secures his Iivelihood and pays them a salary Division 4 -Processmg and Manu­ or wage in cash or kind. facture-Not elsewhere specUied. GlaS8 V I.-Commerce . . DivislOn 6 -Commerce. 3. (An) Employee (is) a person who ordinarily works for some other person for a salary or a wage, whether GlasB VII.-Transport Subdivisions 70 to 7·4 of Diviston 7.-Transport, Stora.ge and Com. in cash or in kind in order to earn his livelihood. mumcatlOnB 4. (Au) Independent worker (is) a person who workR Glass VIII.-Other serviCOS' DiviSlOll :J.-Constructlon and Utili- and miscellaneous sources, ties. on his own without being employed by anyone for a salary or wage and who does !lot also employ anyone DivisIOn 7.-Transport, Storage and CommunIcations with the excep_ else in order to earn Ius livelihood. tion of subdiviSIOns 7·0 to 7'4. Division B.-Health, Education and 5. Under the New Indian Census Economic Clas.Qifi­ Public Administration. cation Scheme all Employers and Independent Workers Division 9.-Services not eJsewhere have been classified with reference to the commodity specified. produced or services performed by them lP.dividuaily. Class VIII also includes persons who derive their As regards Employees, all persons engaged in Produc­ principal means of lIvelihood from miscellaneous tion, Commerce or Transport (and not bein.g domestic sources (otherwise than through economic a.ctiVlty), servants) have been, classified with reference to their e.g., income from investments, pensions and faJllily own activity and without reference to that of their remittances, proceeds of begging and other un-produc­ employer. Domestic servants have been classified in tive activities. These are n.ot, however, lncluded in one subdivision without reference to the nature of this table as it is limited to economically active their work. All other Employees (Including all persons engaged in Industries and Services. Hence managerial and supervisory employees, clerIcal serYices, there will be a difference to this extent between the messengers, watchmen and unskilled labour of every total self-supporting persuns of the Non-agricul_ description) have been classified WIth referen.ce to the tural Class in Economic Table B-I and the total of this commodity produced or services rendered by their ta.ble. The reconciliation win be effected by adding Employers. the figures given in the next paragraph. Visak.-6 34 i-A. VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT. B-III-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

7. Details of persons who derive their prm,cipal Class VIII mentioned in t.he fly-leaf to Economic means of livelihood otherwise than through plcductive Table B~I are given below:- activity and who are Illcluded under livelihood

:\1I other Pen,ous bvmg Pel sons hVlIlg lmuateH of pereoll8 hvmg prmclpally on princIpally on J311s. asylums. prmoipally on' Tract No. mcome from perunolUl, alms-houses Beggars and Income derived non-agrIcultural remIttances, and recipIents vagrants. from non­ property_ scholarshtps of doles product.lve and funds. actIVItIes. (I) (ii) (ill) (iv) (v) ~__ ....,J)-'- __""", A t-_.A."-____... A 4 f ) ,.. tr---.A..----\. M. F. M, F. M F, M. F M. F. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (Il) Rural­ .dgm.ey- 12 •• •• ...... 5 13 •• •• 2 18 4 PZamI­ l4. U9 3 16 J 26 110 16 .. 9 21 17 3 11 12 46 18 2 7 2

19 . 04 38 20 1 22 3 64 Sn 21 036 21 l5 21 74 6

Rural Total 1 55 36 16 21 398 265 •• 4

Urban- I City • • •• 20 84 244 16 4 176 99 6 46 2 1)0. •• .. 96 3; 796 :32 13 3 Nen-Ctty JO!l 18

Urban Total 20 180 244 4 9 1,081 149 9 59 Distrlet Total .,. 20 181 299 19 SO 1,479 414 , 63- 35

1-A. VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT. B-III-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and SubdiviSions.

All Industrles dnd ServlC€'S

Tract No Total Employers Employees Indepondent workers .A._, ~~ P M F. M. F. M. F. M F. (I) (2) (:-I) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Rural- Agency- 12 764 567 197 60 2 217 23 290 172 13 1,515 1,285 230 69 489 120 727 110

Plam8- 14 8,981 8,122 859 313 42 1.921 88 5,888 729 15 13,208 ll,890 1,318 738 85 3,847 313 7~305 920 16 Il,160 9,409 1,751 540 42 '2,907 390 5~962 1,319 17 9,001 7,606 1,395 1l!) 37 812 19 6,675 J,339 18 16,447 14,818 1.629 4-0 5,572 370 9,206 ],259

19 7,050 6,270 780 501 55 621 49 5.148 676 20 8,579 7,187 1,392 4))-... 37 1,258 113 5,507 1.242 21 12,703 10,577 2,126 58Q 74 1,765 380 8,223 1,67.

Rural Total 89,408 77,731 11,677 3,391 374 19,409 1,865 54,931 9,438

Urban~ I Clty 14,567 12,598 1,969 544 37 4,934 561 7,120 1,381 2 Do. 23,593 21,228 2,365 4:SJ 30 13,328 1,289 7,449 1,046 3 Non-Olty 22,330 18,55) 3,77,) t)02 27 7,983 2,810 9,670 9a8

Urban Total 60,490 52,881 8,109 1,897 94 26,245 4,650 24,239 3,365 District Total 149,898 180,112 19,786 5,288 468 45,654 6,515 79,170 12,80S

DIVISion O-PI'lm~ry mdnstut''l not elsewher'e specrliec1 Snhlin:'UOll 0 l--Stock Rmsmg. A__ Tract No Total. Employers Employees Imtependent. Emplovers• Employees Independent workers workers. A ,-_..A r '\ ,-----A---.., --. ,.-----A-.., ,-__.A...-, ,.-A--, ,---A----.., M F. }I F M. F. M. F. M. F. ).1. F. M. F. (11) (12) (13) (14) (I5) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (11) (22) (23) (24) RuraJ- Agency- 12 76 32 16 1 11 •• 49 31 •• n 12 12 13 49 6 3 16 2 30 4 3 •• n 2 21 1 Plnl.ns- 14 587 53 7 .380 53 6 358 32 15 792 120 37 11 24 731 lQ9 26 4: l6 419 30 16 1,683 7¥i :?78 49 5 1,356 742 4 6 ;) 114 3 17 597 149 2 595 149 455 109 18 3,31 g. 275 5 3,314 275 .. 198 40 19 368 37 29 3 3() 309 34- 28 1 14,1 13 ~o 753 96 6 1 29 1 718 94- 6 I 22 ]86 ]0 21 3.577 2S4 115 10 106 13 3,356 261 II 19' 112 6

Rural Total 11,801 1,799 491 26 272 2111,038 1,752 84 5 S6' T 3,019 256

Urban- I Clty 142 66 13 U9 6h , 31 .-, .. •• _, Do. 482 33 .,. ... 482 33 .. / ... e.. / .... 13< 3 Non-City .. 925 81 2.f> I 17 3 882 ' 77 " 2 ... ., .. ... 68 18 Urban Total 1,549 180 26 1 30: 3 1,493 176 2 6 112 16 District rotal 13,350 1,979 517 27 30Z 24 12,531 1,928 86 5 92 7 2,131 2'l2 Visak.--6A 36 t-A. YI5AKHAPArNAM DISTRICT. B-m-Emplol'ers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

Subdn'1sion U·2-&arm.g of small ammals Subdnl'I8.1on O'S-Plantatlon Industries. and lU$C{'tS. ------~----~~------~ TJ'tLCt No .. Employers. Employees. Independent Employers. Employees. Independent workers workers. ,...... ----~ ..... ---, r "'\ ~ Y. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M F (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31} (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) l\ural­ .Agency- 12 ...... 2 9 1 8 13 - - - - -.... •• • • I Pkufl.l- 14: •• •• •• .. 15 ·. - ·. -•• •• -•• • • .. 6 5 103 16 ·.. •• •• ... ·. 2 11 .. ·. ·. ·0 •• • • •• 11 18 ·. •• II ·. 51 liB 19 •• ·, 2 20 •• ... 10 7 21 ... - 1 10 7 Dual Total 7 •• .... 2 51 10 1 6 210 4&

Urban- I CitYl 5 32 2 I} - . ./ 2 Do. ·. .. . . , .. . ./ 3 Non.City - 1 Urbln:Total 5 32 t 2 »lItrlc(_Total 7 - 7 83 10 8 6 212 Subrhvlfdon O·4-Forestry and collection of SubdIVISIon {) 5--Huntmg (mcludmg trapping and products not elsewhere specIfied. Game Propagation).

TraetNo. Employers EmployC'('s Independent Employers Employees Independent workers. workers (_~-,}..__" r"---..A---._- __---'..A"----.. ... r---"----.. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) ~ (48} Rural­ Agency- 12 ., _. ... 27 4 ...... 13 - - 4- - 5 •• .. •• PZabil.8- 14 .. •• ·.. 98 1 15 •• •• -8 I ·.. 87 - 3 16 • • •• .. 1 •• ·. 4: 1 17 .. cc •• o 2 18 •• - - 5 •• 152 78 19 1 1 29 ... 116 16 .. 20 -•• - - '1 1 II '2 21 ... - - -I - 10 10 87 7 .. Rural Total _ 11 I It is 596 181 ... .. 3

Urban- I o.ty ... 13 / 8 3 1 .. •• / 2 Do. ... - _/ -_ .. - 33 .. 5 -' - , , - 190 3 Non-City -•• -•• 13 - 11 -3 52 urban Total ~. 18 24 3 231 60 .. 1 24 - 88 14 827 2U 3 DbUlet_Total • • 10 37

"i.. A. VISAKBAPATNAI[ DISTRICT. B-ill-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

:::)ubdlVlSlon O'6-Flshmg DlVlEUOn I-Mmmg and Quarrying. r- ,-- Tract No. Employers Employees. Independent Total Employers. Employees Independent worker~. workers. .I.. .A .. ~ r .... ,.---.A---.. ,.---.A---.. ~ M. F. M F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 1,1. F. M. F. (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (6S) (59) (60) (61) (62) Rural- Age"'~ 12 . 9 2 I 1 13 4, 3 Plaf,""'_ 14 1 124 19 56 2 7 32 . 17 2 15 3 . 119 46 63 2 I 10 1 52 1 16 273 39 1,236 73' 5 I 4- 17 114 38 452 2 402 .2 18 2,906 106 1,034 206 14 1,020 206

19 2 47 5 13 1 13 1 20 . . . 511 35 41 4 1 . 1 40 3 21 102 10 77 3 3,147 241 45 <1 8 33 Rural Total 379 12 116 3 8,208 1,236 1,709 219 28 50 3 1,681 216

Urbe.n- 1 City 83 25 16 2 I 7 8 }. 2 Do. 436 28 I . . . 3 Non-City 11 624 9 602 27 32 - 44 3 526 24 Urban Total U ',148 62 618 29 88 5f B 584 26 District Total 390 f2 116 3 9,85' 1,299 2,327 248 61 101 6 2,165 242

SubdlVlSlOn l-O--Non.metalhc mmmg and SubdIVIsion I-I-Coal mmmg. quarrymg not, otherw1!~e classIfied_ ,- r-- Tract No Employers Employees Independent Employers. Employees Independent workers workers. A.. ..----'---, ( ..----'---, M F M F M F. 1tL F. )1. F M. F. \63) (64) (65) (66) (6i) (68) (69 ) (70) (71) (72) (73) (74) Rura.l- Agency- 12 13

Plat'nl- 14 15 16 17 . 2 18 4- 61

19 20 21 Rural Total 4 61 2

-Urban 1 City 2 Do. 3 Non-City Urban Toial DIltrJet Total 4 61 J 38 i-A. VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT .. B-Ill-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

Subrln'l!'!lOn l·]-Iron ore lUlllmg Subdl\'lSIOn l'3-:\IetaI mmmg eXCf'pt tron o')re mmmg

-, --~~---.. 'rrset. No fndependent Employers Employees I ndepenuent Employel.., Employeeq workors. workers ~-. ~-----"----.... ,.-__.A.-----" M. .I!'. M. fl' M F. "M F. M Ji'. M 1<'. (75) (76) (77) (78) (79) (80) (81) (82) (83) (84) (85) (86) Rural- Agency- • 12 13

Pla~ns- 14 15 .) 3 16 4 17 452 18

19 20 21 Rural Total ., t 5 t 459 Urban- .. 1 City 4 2 Do. • • •• .. • • 3 Non-City 32 40 3 521 23 Urban Total 32 .. 44 3 521 23 Dtstriet Total .. 38 49 4 980 2S

Sub[hvlSlOn I ..t-Crude p~trolf'um a.nd SubdivIsiOn 1 fl-- SLono qnarrymg, day and natural gal) sand pIts

Tract No, Employer~ Employep's Independent Employers Employ000;; Independent workers workers. A , ' ....A._--., r~ t A.. r-"--~ r A.. , M F M F. M. F. M, F M F. M. F. (87) (88) (89) (90) (91) (92) (93) (94) (95) (96) (97) (98) Rural- Agenc'll- 12 1 1

13 • 0- Pla",ns- 14: 7 30 17 2 15 2 1 2 (7 1 16 17 18 R 813 130

19 13 1 20 1 1 40 3 21 4, R 33

RUllI Total 2 21 40 2 963 138

Urban- I Cit.y 1 3 8 2 2 Do. S Non.City

Urban Total .. 1 3 8 2 DisMci Total .. .. :a 22 43 2 971 140' 39 i.A. VISAKBAPATNAM DISTRICT. B-III-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Serviees by Divisions and Subdivisions ..

SubdIvISiOn 1·B-MIca SubdIvision 1·7-Salt, saltpetre and salIDe , substances ~ Tract No Employers Employees Independflnt Employers Employees Independent workers. workers r---A----., ,.--__.I...---., -_ ...... r--_....-~ r---"----., r----A. M F. 1\1 F. M F M F. M F M F. (99) (100) (101 ) (102) (103) (104) (] OS) (106) (107) (108) (J09) (110) Ruro.l- Agency- 12 13 PlaantJ- 14: 2 15 3 16 17 18 2 146 76 19 20 21 Rural Total 5 2 t46 76

Urban- I City 2 Do. 3 Non-City 4 it I

Urban Total 4 5 1 Dlstrle' Total 5 2 4 151 77

DIVISion ~-PrOcessmg and Manufacture-Foodstuffs, TextIles, SubdivH~ion 2·O-Food Industries Leather and products thereof otherwIse unclassified -...... _....,__ Tract No. 'rota' ErnploYI3IS EmployfleS Independent, Employers EmpluyooB Independent wOrk~rs workers .A ,--_.A.-_-, ,..---_'__~--. f .... .A---, r--"'--., ,--~ ,.-~ M ~' l\I P 1\1 F }I F 1\f F M F M F (111) (112) ( 113) ( 114) (1I5) (116) (II7) ( lIS) (II q) (120) (121) (122) (123) (24) Bural- Ageney- ., .. 12 32 .) -I 5 13 194 1'1 1 193 15 7 I Plains-- 14 1,917 167 101 13 282 18 1,534 136 3 ,,) 71 4: 52 )2 15 3,466 387 126 13 1,514 215 1,826 15(} 4 q 1 48 5 16 3,370 468 21 1,t)39 :131) 1,410 12H 3 3 36 4 17 1,585 367 1 3 1,581 367 28 18 1,747 128 ') 4, 1,741 J28 294 82

19 2,008 178 131) ~O 41 1,837 UiS 1 15 20 1,701 206 fl 15 283 26 1,412 ]65 1 3 . 1)2 1 21 ] ,469 507 47 19 48 1.)4 1,374 '"Ire4 4. 9 II 141 2ft 165

Roral Total 17,457 2,455 434 80 4,115 757 12,908 1,618 10 19 96 146 561 275 Urban- I CIty 1.5~ 1.30 '>3 10 217 W 1,276 laO 2 () 142 ... 2 Do ~6_77 '71 G 2 70 _,) HOl 67 64 " :3 Non.Clty 1,553 122 9S 2 .Wll 21 l,l46 q9 2 84 3 Urban Total 3,776 343 157 14 596 33 3,02:3 296 2: 11 1 290 5

District Total 21,233 2.798 591 94 4,711 790 15,931 1,914 12 19 107 147 851 aa~ 40 i.A. VIJAKBAPATlfAM DISTRICT. :&-I1I-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

Subdivision 2'1-Grams and Subdlvislon 2'2-Vegetable 011 and dair'_ Pulses. produl'tg r- "- ~ Tract No Indopendent Employers Employefls Independeut Employers Employees workers workers r= A ..). -, ...A ; ..A ,---...A r----..A M. F M. F M F M. F :\{ F M. F (125) • (1.26) (Ui) (128) (129) ( 130) (131) (132) (133) (134) (13:i) (136) Rural- .t.1gency- 12 3 . 6 13 .. 20 8 Plains-- 14 18 2 Hl I 1;3 23 . 15 22 1 7 28 200 · . 1 .. 3 18 4 16 . ] 131 20 I 17 1 3 33 . 1,219 55 18 2 4- 115 7 411 28 19 13 4 3 . 168 24 20 2 16 4. 158 40 9 2 7 21 4 1 6 158 31 1 2 .. Rural Total 80 9 51 42 1,156 158 1 12 1,652 tOZ-

Urban- I City I 31 142 5 2 6 41 I 120 36 6 ,/ / 2 Do. . :J 6/ . 46 3 Non-City 13 1 34 ~j 15 5 46 7 III 40 Ut.n Total it 3 71 4 163 5 7 6 87 8 281 122

'Jlstrlct To~a1 74- 12 122 46 1,319 158 8 6 -87 20 1,883 224

SubdiVISion 2 3-SugarA--__ IndustrIes SUbcbvlslon 2'4--Beverages ( ---"'----.------~ Tract No. Independent Employers Employoos Ind(')pendent Employers Employe9i!3 workers workers . .A ..A _-" .A.. ""') I .----'---~ M. F. .M. F. !\i. F M F M F. 1\1 F (137) (138) (139) (140) (141) ( 14.2) (l43) (144) (145) (146) (147) (liB} RUral- Agency- 12 ·. 13 .. ·. Pltnft8- 14 ·. . 3 1 15 2 7 a. 16 1 17 · . 1 22 18 19 . . 20 206 4 15 I 1 9 21 3 9 1 44 3 Rural Total 3 215 5 59 1 t 24 a6- Urban- I City .. 3 1 b n 52 2 52 1 2 Do. ·. .. / ../' .. / . . / .. / 6' 64' -'" 62/ 3/ 3 Non-City ·. 2 66 7 4 ~ 6 26 Urban To1&l 2 3 67 13 13 52 9 t 72 140 4 Dlairllt To'" 5 3 282 18 72 53 11 t 73 164 so. 41 i-A. VlSAKBAPATNAII DISTRICT. B-Ill-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

Subdivision 2'5-Toba.coo.. Subdivision 2·6-Cotton Textiles. .A- Tract No. Employers Employees Independent Employers. Employees Independent workers WOrkers .,.A ..A ..A ,---_...A. ) I ...A.-._---.. ( -'- 1 M F. M F M F. M F. M. F. M F. (149) (150) (151) (152) (153) (154) (155) (156) {I57) (158) (159) (160) Rural- Agency- 12 2 8 · . 18 13 2 1 109 6 Pl.ains- 14: 5 20 1 10 52 105 10 1.257 go 15 5 · . 25 2 65 "5 12 3 1,211 8' 16 2 2 2 13 •• 24 907 98 17 3 213 160 18 891 11 19 90 16 29 1.522 121 20 I 3 6 12 42 9 982 W9 21 4 18 5 19 10 I 3 I~OO6 130 Rural Total .. 9 44 4 41 17 245 47 214 25 8,,098 aza

Urban- I City 9 10 ·. 1 .. 3 1 7 223 2Z 2 Do. .... ,fl" .. / .. 1 I' 39 2 .. " .. ' 36 ' 3 3 Non-City 30 80 58 3 urban Total .. 89 90 1 98 5 8 1 7 259 21i District Total 48 134 5 139 22 248 48 221 25 8,857 8+7

SubdiVIsion 2'7-Wearing apparel (except footwear) Subdivision 2' 8-Textile Industries otherwise and made up textile goods. unclasrnfied.

1.'ract No. Employers. Employees. Independent Employers Employees Independent workel'8. worka~ l- A .A ,...--~.A ..A ;. f 1 1 M. F. M. F. M. F M. F. M. F. M. F. (161) (162) (163) (164) (165) (166) (167) (16S) (169) (170) (171) (172) Rural- .Agency- 12 .. 13 17 ·. 24. Plain8- 14 21 2 65 3 4 .. . . . ·. 15 9 3 10 17 28 19 1.281 162· 116 27 16 • • ... 3 2 36 2 2 1,909 33'1 266 2 17 ... 40 11 " 117 18 .. 20 ·. 19 12 8 64 10 1 21 2 20 • • .. .. 12 107 4: 2 39 21 12 8 2 107 4 1 3 2 Rural Total 57 :; 105 5 472 59 22 8,192 500 469 160 Urban- I City 16 14 344 2 20 17 2 2 Do. .. / 334 ' 4' . . .. · . <' 6 3 Non·City 31 11 296 10 11 55 4, 459 40

Urban Total 47 25 ·. 974- 18 31 •• 72 .. t61 46 Dlltrlot Total .. 104 5 130 5 1,446 7i 53 8,264 ill HO 1M Visak.-7 •

1 .. A. VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT. S-Ill-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

SUbdiVISion 29-Leatber, Leather products and DIVISion 3-Processmg and Manufacture--Meta)s, footwea.r ChemICals and products thereof ,---____ --A. _-.. ___ -----~-..A~------___. Tract No. Employ61'8 EmploY6es Independent Total Employers Employees Independent workers workers .J. ,--"""_-. ~ .--~ r--""'---. r--___"___~ M. F. M M F. M. F M F. M. F M F (173) (174) (170) (177) (178) (179) (180) (lSI) (182) (183) (184) (185) (186) RuraI­ ,Agency- 12 , .. . ~ .. 4 2 38 13 14 19 1 19 1 Plain8- 14 2 5 44 . 124 7 12 105 15 8 190 18 124 6 125 6 23 9 93 6 16 30 1 145 2 145 2 17 44 2 649 204 649 204 18 .. 10 •• 42 2 40

19 14 47 1 61 2 6 2 . 53 2 20 .. 45 3 68 1 1 6 1 61 21 1 2 18 S5 7 I 2 1 84 4 Rural To&al 2.5 197 18 376 13 1,362 223 42 2 83 2 1,287 219 Urban- .. I City .' S5 2 241 10 676 10 18 .. 137 2 521 8 2 Do. . .- 60 3' -2,391 ' 15 2 1,920 10 471 3 S Non.. City 3 9 •• 93 3 296 4:5 6 3 47 28 243 14 Urban Total 3 94 2 394 16 3,363 70 24 5 2,104 40 1,235 25

District Total 28 .. 291 20 770 29 f 4,726 293 66 7 2,137 42 2,522 244

SubdiVISion 3'O-ManufRCture of metal products, Subdivision 3 I-Iron and Steel (BasiC otherwise uncla.ssified. Manufacture. ) ------~ -~~--, Tract No. Employers. Employees Independent Employers Employees Indapendent workers workers ,--_..A_--.. _-.A-___ rr--...... A ...... -__, ..--_.A._.,_...... M F M F. M. F. M F M F. .~ F (187) (188) (189) (190) (191) (192) (193) (194) (195) (196) (197) (198) Rural­ Agency- 12 ," 3 2 3 , . 13 16 I Pla'l,,'M- 14 7 II 104 15 8 2 57 5 . 1 1 138 2 v 16 17 649 204 18 40

19 6 1 39 20 . 4, 53 I 21 1 I 1 69 2 Rural Total 25 1 20 1 1,168 214 t 1 1

Urban­ I City 5 43 2 318 7 . 2 Do. . 1 416 3 95 - 55- . 3 Non-City I 24 77 I

I / Urban Total 5 :t 43 2 784 10 t 119 132 1 Dls1rlct 10W 30 2 88 8 1,902 224 t 119 1 183 2

/ ( / 43 i-A. VISAKBAPATNAM DISTRICT. B-TII-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

SulxhVlsion 3·2-Non.ferrous metals (Basic Subcilvision 3 3-Transport Equipment Manufacture ) .- -.A-..- ..A__ Tract No. Employers Employoos. Independent Employers Employees Independemt workers workers ..A A f. ..A. I l- J. M. F. M F M F M. F M F l\f F. (199) (200) (201) (202) (203} (204) (205) (206) (207) (208) (209) (210) Rural- Agency- 12 16 13 3 Pla.na- 14 . 1 15 15 lj 35 16 7 17 18 ·. 1 1 19 ·. 1 14 2 20 '.' 1 •• 7 21 12

Rural Total 1 11 18 7 79 2

Urban- I City 2 9 8 47 66 2 Do. · ...... - 1 ' 1.810 . 8, a Non-City 3 9 134 6 Urban lQtal · . 2 9 11 1 ..1,866 8 200 6

Dlskiet lQtal • ... D' 8 25 J'7 1 .1,873 8 279 8

Subdivision 3'4-Electrical machmery, apparatus, Subdivision 35-Machinery (other tha.n electrical appliances and supphes. machinery) including Engineermg Workshops

Tract No. Employers Employees Independent Employers Employees Independent workers. WOrkers. J. -A .J. A ..A , -, 1 l oJ. ) M. F M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (2U) (212) (213) (214) (215) (216) (217) (218) (219) (220) (221) (222) Rural- Agency- 12 .. •• 13 • • ·. · . Plains- 14 ·. ·. • 4 ·. • • 1 ·. 15 ·. ·. 2 16 .·. . 17 · . I • 18 ·. .. 19 ·. .. .. ·. 20 ·. 2 21 ·. • • .. Bural Total · . ·. ·. 5' Urban- I City ·. 5 39 117 .. 2 Do. ·. · .. 15 "' 2 , . 3 Non-City 2 2 Urban Total ·. ·. 15 5 89 ,.. 117 3 District Total • • • • ·. 15 • • 5 44 117 3 Visak.-7A 44

i .. A. VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT • . B-III--Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Serviees by Divisions and Subdivisions.

Subdivigron 3 6-BaslC mdustrial chemicals, SUbdlvi~non 3·7-Medica.] and Phannaceuticttl fertiitsBl' and power alcohol. preparatIOns ____.)- ---.. Tract No. Employers. Employees Independent Employe:rs. Employees. Indep&ndE)nfi workers workMS ..A ..A. ,.A. ,----'---~ t -1 r= ,..-' "I ..A , A • M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. • (223) (224) (225) (226) (227) (228) (229) {230} (231) (232) (233) (234) . Rural- Agency- 12 .. 13 • • ...... Platn8- 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 1 .. ·. ·. · . 21 .. 1 .. 1 ·. Rural Total 1 .. 1 1 ·. ·. Urban- I City " 2 Do. ,/ " ·." .. .. - . . ·. - .. - • • J 3 Non-City 2 · . Urban 'total •• •• 2 •• •• ·. ·. .. District Total 1 S 1 .. . •• ... ·. - - " Subdivlslon 80 S-Manufacture of Chemical Division 4--Processmg and Manufactur&-Not products othel"W'lSe unclassified. elsewhere speCl£ed. __.A._ Tra.et No. Employers. Employees Independent Total. Employers. Employees. Independent workers. workers. A r---"----, ,.--...A._-.. ( , r--_.A...---.. r-"---l ~ ,-----"--~ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (235) (236) (237) (238) (239) (240) (241) (242) (243) (244) (245) (246) (247) (248) Rural- Agency- 12 1 • • • • •• 19 65 1 9 • • .. • • 56 I 13 • • •• .. .. 177 5 15 • • S ·. 154 5 PlolinB- 14 1~423 154 26 1 23 5 1,374 148 15 1.800 16() 144 11 37 1 1,619 148 16 996 66 39 71 886 66 17 .. .. 781 10 30 751 10 IS 590 ·. • • 590 19 1,596 192 132 6 55 4, 1,409 tS2 20 1,344 186 359 5 61 12 924 169 21 3 1 1,241 158 42 18 51 7 1,14:8 133

Ruru Total 1 •• 22 1 10,013 9SS 766 41 336 29 8,911 862 Urban- 1 City 6 II 1 606 108 10 3 74 1 522 104 2 Do. -22,,. .. 323 6 242 16 3 Non"City 2 3 14 26 3{) 5 ~ 141 51 4 54 28 701 109 Urban Tota! S 3 20 26 41 6 1,977 971 61 7 451 as 1,466 229 Dlm!et Total 3 3 m 26 83 7 11,990 1,203 827 48 787 64 10,376 1,091 '3 i-A. VISAKHAPATNAlf DISTRICT. B-III-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

SubdIvISIOn 4·O--Manufacturmg Industries other- SulxhVlSion 4·J-Produds of Petroleum wise unclassIfied. and Coal. ,..._- r- Tract No. Employers. Employees. Independent Employers. Employees. Independent workers. workers. A, .Jo, ,., A A ( r t , ( '\ M. F. M. F. M. F. " M. F. " M. F. M. F. (249) (250) (251) (252) (253) (254) (255) (256) (257) (258) (259) 4260.) Rural- Agency- 12 1 1 ·. ·. 13 1 •• J ... 39 •• Plaim- 14 8 I 20 4 2S8 107 15 38 6 234 18 16 9 27 228 13 ·. ·. 17 30 .. 339 I) .. ·. 0 18 48 •• ·. .. ·. 19 34 1 18 • • 265 20 .. • • • • • • • • 20 326 9 I 246 55 • • • • • • ·. 8 21 22 3 39 1 345 30 • • ·. Rural Total 486 5 150 6 2,033 249 •• .. o. • • 8 Urban- I City 6 • • 15 226 4 • • 1 ·. I •• 8 323 IQ5 " ' ' 2 Do. ·. - •• " ·. ' ·. ... " .. S Non-City 1 7 11 2 ·. ·. Urban Total 7 83S 7 S4Z 6 1 1 ·. 8 Distrlet Total .. 443 5 488 18 2,875 255 t 1 16

SubdIvision 4·2-Bricks. tiles and ot.heJ." atructUl'al Subdlvision 4'3-Cement, eement pipes and clay products. other cement products. i • ...... 1\,._., • • _ Tract No. Employers. Employees. Independent Emp]oyers. Employees. Independent workers. workers. A A .. A. A. f • 'II r '} t 1 M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Y. F. M. F. (261) (262) (263) (.264) (265) (266) (267) (268) (269) (270) (271) (272) Ruml- Ag6'I'/JCy- 12 13 Plain8- 14 4, 15 . 16 1 1 5 17 I 18

19 • • 2 61 II 20 . ·. I 21 9 15 ·. Rnral Total 10 S 82 11 • • • • •• 5 Urban- I City • • • • •• ...... • • e," I • ... " . 3 / 2 Do. ·. ·. , .. ' • • .... •• .... ·.. • • .t' ... .: / - 3 Non· City 12 ·. 14 3 66 1 •• • • - - - - Urban Total . is 14 7 66 1 3 . •• -- - - District Total ... 2S • 17 7 148 12 • • S • - - " •• 46

1 .. A. VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT. B-III-imployers, Em.ployees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

SubdIVISIOn 4·4--Non-metalllc mmeral products. Subdlvlslon 4'5-Rubber products.

TrootNo. Employers. Employees. Independent Employers. Employees. Independent workers. workers. A 10.. A- I.. ( 'I ( 'I , ~ ;rd, F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (273) (274) (275) (276) (277) (278) (279) (280) (281) (282) (283) (2B4) Rurru- Au.... ncy- 12 28 •• 13 3 • • •• U -4; •• Ptaina- 14 168 14 15 & 1 2 114 18 9 16 5 99 27 17 .. 16 5 18 ... 3~~ 2 9 19 11 10.5 24

", ~ 28 20 ...... ~ .6 .. 3 2 17~ 21 ...... "~ H 1 162 23 .. • Rural Total 16 i5 21 8 1,207 148 9 2 9 Urban- I City 2 • • 40 6 1 10, .2 Do.• ~. · . , 4~. I ". 3 Non,;,City . . 4 ,. • • 83 8 Urban Total , 2 171 15 .. 11 Didrld Total 20 17 21 a 1,878 168 9 2 20


Tract No. Employers. Employees. Independent Employers. Employees. Independent workers. workers. A- A A A A , \ r '\ r , r---"-~ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (285) (286) (2B7) (288) (289) (290) (291) (292) (293) (294:) (295) (296). Rural- Agsncy- 12 9 •• 27 •• ... 13 11 .. 7 98 I Plaim- 14 16 3 1 914 16 a ... 15 103 I 29 1 1,243 112 28 16 29 38 554 26 .. 17 .. 337 28 18 220

19 98 5 24 4 977 127 1 .20 26 5 48 9 492 78 1 21 9 1 10 5 626 80 Rural Total 801 12 159 20 5,488 440 3 •• 57 ... Urban- I City 1 11 243 86 •• • • " 2 Do. . ., .... Ill.... • ... Jo .-. ..•. --' .~ 40 .1.5 ' .. . • • 28 '. 3 Non-City ...... 00 ·e e6 •.1 522 ,s,7 . 2 2 - 6 17 11 11 Urban Total 81 ..S 37 3. 805 188 2 2 6 17 39 it Dlstrlot Toial 384 14 196 23 6,293 628 5 2 6 17 96 it •• 47 j·A. VISAKHAPATNAM: DISTRICT. B-III-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

SubdIVISion 4 8---Paper and paper products. SubdivIsIon 4·9-Prmtmg and Allied IndustrIes.

Tract No. Employers. Employees. Independent Employers. Employees. Independent workers. workers. l- ;.. A f f ) r , M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (297) (298) (299) (300) (301) (302) (303) (304) (305) (306) (307) (308) Rura.i- Agency- 12 13 . '" Plains- 14 II 15 16 .. .. 17 30 .. 18 19 20 I 21 Rural Total .. 30 11 1

Urban- I City 1 3 4,8 8 , , 2 Do. . . V' . . ." .. ..- .. ' ll' .. , ~ . .. 3 Non-Clty 2 8 8 Urban Total 12 5 5& 18 DistrIct Total .. .. 42 11 5 •• 57 • • 16 ..

DiviSlOn 5-ConstructlOn and Utlhtles. Subdlviaon 5'O-Construction and mamtenance of works otherwIse unclassified.

Tract No. Total. Employers. Employees. Independent Employers. Employees. Independent workers. workers. A A A 1 ~ ~ ~ , r , M. F M. F. M. F. M F 1\1 F. M. F. M. F. (309) (310) (311) (312) (313) (314) (3IG) (316) (317) (318) (319) (320) (321) {322} 'Rural- .A.gf,nrty- 12 21 9 U 13 65 21 65 21 , ,

Pla1/n8- 14 209 Il 5 136 1 68 10 15 146 8 7 1 95 3 44 4 .. 16 133 I 8 57 68 1 2 26 35 1 17 75 I 75 I .. 18 420 1 7 412 19 46 7 4 17 .. 25 7 20 450 45 120 13 330 32 I 18 21 331 60 2 105 18 224 42 Rural Total t,875 175 27 1 602 65 1,246 109 2 WI 3i 1'1


I City 648 lIS 45 193 102 410 11 • t /' / ... ~ 2 Do. 2,386 56 14: I f 950 18 422 as ...... -< " 3 Non.City 449 28 105 321 5 , ' ~ Urban Total 3,488 169 82 2,248 t20 1,158 49 fi •• .. • • S'1, DlstricC Total 5,358 844 109 1 2,850 185 2,399 168 7 I. I ~ 85 1'1 48

1·A. VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT. B-ill-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Servi~s by Divisions and Subdivisions.

SubdIVISIon 5'I-ConstructIon and mamtenance--- SubdIvision 5'2-Construction and ma].lltenance-- Bmldmgs. -. Roads,__,_ brIdges and other transport works. Tract No. Employers. Employees. Independent Employers. Employees. Independent workers. workers. A- I. A I F "\ , l- M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (323) (324) (325) (326) (327) (328) (329) (330) (331) (332) (333) (334) Rural- Ag8nCY- 12 12' 13 3 2 53 19 Plains- 14 5 10 1 68 2 89 S If) 7 3 44 2 1 59 3 2: 16 5 1 33 1 9 17 75 1 . ·. • • 18 49 1 2 16 19 3 6 25 I) 10 20 4 109 16 85 13 221 21 62 I 125 1 2 26 8 99 41

Rural Total ao 89 4 528 27 4 1 333 43 336 6&. Urban- I City 44 25 .. "'- 401 v 11 13 2 7 .. ~ 2 Do. 12 " 521 14 298 3S .... ~ -124Y 3 Non-City 18 61 272 5 14 ·. Urban Total 74 607 14 971 49 18 2 145 District Total 94 696 18 1,499 76 4 1 351 45 481 as

Subdivision 58-Construction and maintenance Subdivision 5·4-ConstructlOn and mamtenance Telegraph and telephone hnes. opera.tions-IrrIgation and other agricultural works.

Tract No. Employers. Employees Indep611dent Employers Employees Independent workers. workers. I A r " 1 ~ A M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (335) (336) (337) (338) (339) (340) (341) (342) (343) (344) (345) (846) Rural- Agenc'll- 12 13 Plains- 14 15 2 16 17 18 140 19 .. 20 4 21 Rural Total 6 140 Urban- I City .. 2 Do. ... 3 Non-City 2 10 Urban Total 2 10

Dlatriat Total 8 150 • • 49

i-A. VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT. B-III-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

SubdlVlSlon 55-WOrks and Servlces--EleotrlC SubdIVIsIon 5'6--Works and Servwes-Domestlc power and gas supply and IndustrIal_,.__ water-supply, , A.- I r Tract No. Independent Employers. Employees. Independont Employers. Employees workers. workers ...... A.. A ,----'---, ,-----A--, I j. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (347) (348) (349) (350) (351) (352) (353) (354) (35S) (356) (357) (358) Rural- Agency- 12 .. 13 6 Pla,nB- 14 32 15 31 16 7 13 17 . 18 5 200

19 1 I 2 20 24 21 Bura) Total . 18 200 t 101 2

Urban- I City 1 44 1 2 8 <' 2 Do. •• f 347 • . ! •• J .. , 2 .. , 3 Non-City 28 5 25 .. Utban Total 1 419 1 2 13 2 26 District. Total 1 437 1 202 1 114 2 25 2

Subdlvision 5'7-Samt&ry works and Division 6-Commeroe. BeI'Vlces.

Employers. Employees. Independent Employers. Employees. Independent Tract No. workers. TotaL workers. A. to. A, 1 ~ t ,- i P r---'-----. r---'-----. " ~ M. F. M. F. Y. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (359) (360) (361) (362) (363) (364) (365) (366) (367) (368) (369) (370) (871) (372) Rural-- Agency- 12 9 175 53 29 I 11 135 52 13 3 176 36 3 5 168 38 Pla'tns- 14 5 949 197 62 16 22 4 865 177 15 1,323 254 216 23 99 8 1008 223 16 1 1,039 235 155 30 67 7 817 198 17 953 317 lIS ' 33 12 823 284 18 7 605 239 33 572 239 19 636 169 81 16 30 14 525 139 20 2 859 297 41 8 34 3 784 286 21 17 9 1,399 516 284 12 496 17 619 487 Rural Total 28 18 7 S,U4- 2,818 989 189 809 53 6,316 S,121

Urban- i City • • .. 103 99 3,157 467 312 18 811 19 2,034 480 2 Do. 2 I •• {1,082 2 2,470 366' 165 12 499 27 1,806 327 3 Non-CIty 4 3,268 632 389 16 631 15 2,24:8 601

, Urban Total 2 • • 1,189 101 ... 8,895 1,465 866 46 1,941 61 6,088 1,358 District Total 2 ••• 1,217 119 7 •• 17,009 3,778 1,855 185 2,750 114 12,401 3,47& ViBak.-S 50 i-A. VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRlCT. B-Ill-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

Subdivision 6·O-Reta.il trade otherwise Subchvlslon 6-l-Retail trade m foodstuffs unclassified. (ancluding beverages and narcotlCS.)

Employees. Independent Employers. Employees. Independent Employers. workers. workers. Tract No. t___ ~A ____, f~-'----~~--~ ,~ __-Ai __ ~\ r~---A~---- M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (373) (374) (375) (376) (377) (378) (379) (380) (381) (382) (383) (384) RQI'8l­ Agency- 12 -. .. 10 29 11 136 13 3 5 III 31 52 PIatns- 14 8 1 19 72 18 53 15 3 4 765 151 15 8 9 .. 41 2 197 23 61 8 902 220 16 11 6 7 6 91 23 144 23 60 726 174 17 II 27 8 106 760 15 18 97 7 32 436 228 19 43 9 19 11 272 73 21 5 7 3 169 40 20 4 1 1 42 36 35 7 30 3 634 192 21 155 185 277 101 82 12 252 17 136 373 Bural Total •. 232 17 256 17 1,030 309 667 85 456 35 4,715 1,439 Urban- 90 2 I City •• U9 1 301 10 518 101 101 1/ 311 1 24 ... 2 Do. 131" 1 289. 1,287 - 17 21" 8 60 ' 303 292 3 :NoD-City 194 11 425 5 1,192 302 148 4 132 6 854 271 Urban Total 4M 18 1,015 15 2,997 420 270 12 282 82 1,158 874

District Total 676 30 1,271 32 4,027 729 987 97 738 67 5J873 2,313

SubdiVISion 6'2-Retail trade in fuel Subchvision 6·S-Retail trade in textile (mcludmg petrol) and leather goods. _r-'------·------A-·------~ Independent Independent Employers. Employees. Employers. Employees. Tract No. workers. workers. ,.----A--. r-~ c----'~._-- ,­ ,--_A.. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (385) (386) (387) (388) (389) (390) (391) (392) (393) (394) (395) (396) Rural­ Agency- 12 .. 1 •• - 3 2 13 ------.. - Plaina- 14 2 1 26 15 - - 6 1 I 4 30 16 -... •• 1 . . • • 17 3 12 21 ... 18 1 4 1 24 - 19 3 4 16 2 4 71 13 20 •• 2 7 16 . . 62 16 21 16 23 35 I 12 15 32 3 Rural Total - 20 - 29 1 53 28 45 3 25 868 36 Urban- I City •• 6 3 36 4 81 4: 33 58 179 4 2 Do..• / 1 16/ 2 16 8 6 9" 1 III 3 Non-City - 2 1 7 24 7 28 20 2 100 4 Urban Total 8 5 59 6 121 19 67 3 87 3 390 8 Dlsirlcti Tatal •• 28 5 88 7 174 47 112 6 112 3 658 oM 51

i-A. VISAKBAPATNAM DISTRICT. B-III-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Serviees by Divisions and Subdivisions.

SubdIvlSlon 6-4-Wholesale trade ill SubdtvisIOn 6·S-Wholesale trade in commo· foodstuffs. dltles other than foodstuffs. ~ ______~ ______k \ Tract No. Employers. Employees. Independent Independent workers. Employers. Employees. workers. (__ ._A.. .-(__ A,,-_--. ~.-__A., __ .. J...... __ ~--"l ,- ~"""'--. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (397) (398) (399) (400) • (401) (402) (403) (404) (405) (406) (407) (408) Rural­ Agency- 12 ...... • • ... 13 - .... - - .. - Plains- 14 2 1 ...... •• 15 2 1 3 -2 - 33 - 16 . .. - 17 33 1 261 .. .. - 9 •• 18 .. 1 •• ...... - 19 1 .. .. 4 •• .. .. . 5 20 26 -.. .. •• 21 19 21 69 .. . •• ... 34 4 Rural Total 22 33 21 .. 78 288 3 - 2 - 81 • Urban­ I City 27 31 20 _, 128 .. , 22 ./ / 2 Do. . -... / ...- 2 -_f .... - .. / •• f •• I -3' 3 Non.City •• .... - - - 7 5 1 4:6 .<_ Urban Total 3 27 sa 27 - 133 1 68 3 Distrlet Total 25 33 48 111 288 30 .. 135 1 149 7

SubdtvlSlon 6·G-Real Estate. SubilivlBion 6·7-Insurance.

Tract No. Independent Employers. Employees. Employers. Employees. Independent. r___ A,· workers . ,.Jo..... __ workers. .l f , '-, _ __,.,IL_-.'1 t t t * M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. " (409) (410) (411) (412) (413) (414) (415) (416) (417) (418) (419) (420) Rural­ Agency- 12 ...... 13 • .IA - PZa~nB­ a .. I 15 - 16 .. 17 1 18 19 .. 20 ...... 1 21 5 Hural Total - - - - ", I ... 1 6 Urban­ I Clty 18 .. 17 1,lH; 1 10 2 .. 2 Do. ... 1 24 ( 40 1 ' 41 ... 3 Non·City ... - - •• - - .. Urban Total 18 1 41 1,155 2 51 2 8 District Total 18 1 41 1,155 2 52 2 9 8 Visak.-8A 52 i-A. VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRIOT. B-m-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

Subdivision 6·8-Money.]ending, banking DIVISion 7-Transport, Stora.ge and Communioa- and other finanCIal busmess. tlOns. ---.A. ,- -"-I - ..... \. Independent Employers. Employees, Total. Employers. Employees. Independent. Traet No. workers. workers. A . ~ ~ ~ ____.,..._, r L At t .. -..A M. F. M. F .. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (4.21) (422) (423) (424) (425) (426) (427) (428) (429) (430) (431) (4-32) (4aa) (434) Rural- Agency- 12 ·. ·. • • •• I. • • . . 18 7 18 7 1 20 20 I I 13 •• ·. .. •• " '" • • PlaiM- 14- .. 126 3 108 .. 15 .. • I 16 16 .. 328 7 6 173 6 149 j 16 1 1 50 11 1 .. 30 11 19 17 I. 2 41 1 28 1 13 .. 18 •• 13 2,450 50 19 1,797 47 634 3 19 I 9 58 1 40 1 18 20 3 38 125 1 .. 107 1 18 21 36 148 4 I 115 3 32 1 Rural ToW 1 19 90 11 3,884 82 SO •• 2,436 77 898 5 Urban- I City ·. 14 11 144: 1 85 10 1,228 I 8 14 857 6 357 2 2 Do. .. - a ./ 1 60 ' 41' '1 5,455/ 95 3 -I 3,807 89 1~64:5 -• I 3 Non-CIty ·. - 10 - 42 -I 32 17 900 15 24 1 592 8 284 •6 Urban Total · 27 12 246 2 158 34 7,583 118 41 3 5,256 103 2,286 12 Dlslriet Total 27 tt 265 2 248 45 10,947 200 71 3 7,692 180 3,184 17

SubdivIsion 7·O-Transport a.nd communications Subdtvision '·I-Tra.nsport by road. otherwIse unclassified and mCldental services. __.L \. Tract No. Independent Empluyers. Enlployees. Employets, Employees. Independent workers. workers. ( .J..,1!E:a A. A.. A. A... -. t ,-' +'11""'"" r I """1 M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F, (435) ( £36) (437) (438) (439) (440) (441) (<<2) (443) (44:4) (445) (446) Rural- Agency- 12 13 .. .. 15 .. Plfli'TUI- 14 3 26 l5 .. 15 6 21 .. 98 1 16 1 10 10 18 17 .. 7 13 . . 18 14 140 576 I 19 23 18 20 22 I 18 21 1 47 3 25 1 Rura) Total .. 25 311 14 '181 S

UrhM.- 1 City · . 14 , . 274 345 2 2 Do. •• It...... - - 3 2 6]9 794 1 3 Non.City 24 1 395 8 283 6 Urban Total , , 41 3 1,288 8 1,422 9 District Total · . .. .. 66 3 1,599 22 ~20a 12 53 i.A. VISAKBAPATNAII DISTRICT. B-ID-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions. ) Subdlvislon 7·2-Transport___.. by water. SubdlvIBlon 7·3-Transport by A.ir. \ Independent Tract No Independent Employers. Employees. Employers. Employees workers. workers. ,. .A vA ,. J.. J.. r I ,..- r t F .. r • M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (447' (448) (449) (450) (451) (452) (453) (454) (455) (456) (4:57 ) (458) Rural- Agency- 12 •• • • .., ...... •• .. 13 •• - • • Plains-- 14 .. 15 6 22 16 1 1'1 . 18 ... 5 4.79 34 51 2 62 1 19 .20 5 . 47 21 I 2

Rural Tola] 5 .. 485 40 76 2 "oO 109 1

Urban- I City • • 1 " . 2 Do. 827/ 55 9 3 a 841 ~ 3 Non·C:Ltv I .. Urban Toial 829 55 9 3 3 841 District Total 5 1,314 95 86 5 112 1 841

Subdtvislon 7·4--Rrulway transport. Subdlvlsion 7'5-Storage and warehousing. r- Tract No. Independent Employers Employees. Independent Employers. Employees. workers. workers . .AI .A. .... J... f r---"----. f . t 1 ( . M. F. M. F. M F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (459) (460) (461) (462) (463) (464) (465) (466) (467) (468) (469) (470) Rural- Agemy- 12 .,. IS - -- Pla"6ns- 14 82 15 129 29 16 17 .. I IS 463 12 7 19 6 1 20 18 21 •• 86 5 Rural Tota, •• 7S4 14 41

"Urban- , I City •• 516 5 12 . 48 ... • ·f I 2 Do. •• •-•• .1.- ,/ - 1,514 J ~8 1"- .. ... 2 "' . a Non·City - 67 1 3 .. •• •• - - - Urban Total - - - 2,097 23 14 - - ... 51 2 ... .. District Total .- .... .,. 2,881 37 55 - .. ... 51 2 .. 54

i-A. VISAKHAPATHAM DISTRICT. B-m-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by DiVisions and Subdivisions.

Subdtvision 7'6-Poatal Servl(~ea. SubdIVISIon 7'7-Telegraph ServIces. . - __.&._ • Independent Tract No. Employers. Employees. Employers. Employees. Independent workers. workers. A, ;.. J. II .A .a. r • r "\ r Ii '1 r , r :I r-~ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (471) (472) (473) (474) (475) (476) (477) (478) (479) (480) (481) (482) Rural- Agency- . 12 ·. 18 7 13 '" 5 Plains- 14 ·. 15 23 16 •• 20 I 17 21 18 .. 132 200 19 11 .. .. 20 15 21 31

Rural Total • • 276 8 .. 200

Urban- 1 Cliy .. / 3 1 10 2 Do. ·. ../ 209'- lOa .. 4; .. .{ Non,Clty 120 Urban Total 332 1 113 4 District Total 608 9 818 4

Subdivision 7 8--Telephone Services. SUbdIvision 7·9-Wll'flless services. ,- . ...__ ...... __ Independent Independent Employers. Employees Eroployel'S. Bmployees. Tract No. workers workers. .L _ b A A .A I<. , - r---"-~ ( , ( M. F. '" M. F. 1\'1 F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (483) (484) (485) (486) (487) (488) (489) (490) (491) (492) (493) (494) Rural- Agency- 12 13

Plaint/- 14 15 16 •• 17 18 321 19 20 21 Rural Total 321

Urba.n- I City 4: I 2 Do. .. 278 • 10 .. / . . , 254/ .. / Non.City 5 1 ~ ..- Urban Total •• 287 10 256 Dlsirlet Total ... 608 10 .. 256 55

i-A. VISAKHAPATlfAM DISTRICT. B... I1I-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

DIVISIOn 8-Health, EducatIOn and Pubhc SubdiVIslon 8 I-Medlcal and other Admlllistratioll Health Services. r-- r--- _..A.~ IndApe-udent> EmploY\.-fs. Employees Employers. Eruplo ee&. Independent Tract No. Total workers y workers. r-----"---" .-_..A..._--.... r--"'_-'l ,-~ r--"--; ,--"---. ,-..A.-, lI. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M F. M. F. M. F. (495) ( -!96) (497) (498) (499) (.300) (.301) (502) (503) (50+) (505) (506) (507) (508) Rural- Agency- 12 172 1 ! 170 1 1 I 27 1 1 13 227 9 225 9 2 28 3 2 Pla'l.ns- 14 1,02} 32 9 988 26 24 6 6 14 3 18 6 1.5 1,667 58 8 1,614 48 45 10 8 11 6 45 5 16 606 24 3 553 16 53 5 3 3 2 33 3 17 567 15 514 13 53 2 37 53 2 18 2,704 345 2,704 312 33 357 33

19 398 23 7 343 21 48 2 4 7 10 2 20 554 44 I 515 41 38 3 1 9 2 34 3 21 642 30 .3 542 28 95 2 5 9 I 95 2 Rural Toia) 8,558 581 31 3 8,168 515 369 6S 25 3 502 18 291 56

Urban- CIty 1,821 , _U! 21 1,ilO lIO 90 12 14 8 12 J~ Do. S.O{f9/ 75_.§) 52 2 2,712 743 305 13 47' I 235 11 Non,Clty 2,623 32 27 2A92 32 104 17 3 ~ ~ I.! . Urban Total 7,513 912 100 2 6,914- 885 499 25 78 1 953 243 424 23 District.. Total 16,071 1,493 131 5 15,082 1,400 858 88 103 4 1,455 261 715 79

SubdIVIsIon S 2-Educatronal SerVIces iIJld Research ,---SubdIvlsIOn__1. __ B'3--Army. Navy and AIr force, r--- --_...... __ --- Inrlependent Employers. Employpes. Employers. Employees. Independent Tntct No workers workers c:; ,...--__.A-_-" -"---, r-_"'__' ..A- ,----Jo-, M. F. M F. •M. of. M . F. M. F. M. F. (509) (510) (511) (512) (513) (514) (515) (516) (517) (filS) (oI9) (520\, RUl'al- Aqency- 12 39 13 - - 4:7 6 Pla.-tn~'- 14 3 5S3 16 6 15 407 13 .-,3 16 216 S 20 -' 17 220 18 96 212

19 3 122 14 38 20 144 13 4 21 - 191 IS Rural Total 6 2~O65 297 68 7

"Urban- I City '1 .... 476 55 30 51 I •• 2 Do. I' 6 134' 2' •• or ~ , .. -...... • • t .. 3 Non-Clty 10 543 , 4- 45 ... Urban Total 22 1 1,025 193 75 2 Distrlct Total - 28 1 3,090 490 143 9 .. - ... 56

1-A. VlSAKBAPATNAM DISTRICT. B--In-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by DIvisions and Subdivisions.

SubdlVISIon 8 4-Pohce (other than village SubdivIsIOn 8 5-Y l11age Offict>rs and &fr\. anh" watchmen), lllc1udlllg vIllage watchmen ...... r ~--, ,--- _ Independent Tract No. Employers Employf>es. Employers Employees IndeI*'ndent WOrk&IS work('rs. A.. __, r----"--~ ,.....-.-_..A. ) , ,--....-A---., .-_..A--_-., ~--., M. F. M F. M. F. 1\1. F. M" F. M. F. (52l) (522) (023) (524) (525) (526) (527) (528) (529) (530) (531) (.332) RuraJ- Ageney- 12 25 41 13 13 48 Plains- 14 99 281 15 504 217 16 57 221 5 17 27 .. 220 2 18 526 203 98

19 1 211 7 20 28 208 8 21 30 226 2 Rural Total 1,312 1,876 122

Urban~ 1 City 233 14 ·./. 2 Do. ~ 709 < . . . / " :I Non,CIty 242 .. 76 Urban Total 1,184 90 Distriet Total .. 2.496 1,966 122

SubdIVISIon 8·6-Employees of MUIllClpahtles and SubdlvlslOn 8 7-Employees of state Local Boards. Govel'll1llents.

~ --- Independent Independent Employers Employees Tract No. Employers. Employees. workers. workers. A ...... __, J., ...---A--~ '\ '" """"'I r- M F. M. F. M F. M F. M. F M F (533) (534) (535) (536) (537) (538) (539) (540) (541) (542) (543) (54'), Rural- Agency- 12 8 30 13 87

Pla~n8- 14 5 1 6 15 17 10 414 9 16 4 ... 9 1 17 I 9 18 2 1,138 19 .20 14 3 88 21 31 3 43 Rural Total 80 19 1,824 10 .. Urba.n- I City 244 33 453 8 .. , 2 Do. ·. 274· .. ( •• 233 , 1 ' .. 3 Non.Clty •• o. .. 385 28 • • 1~154 Urban Total .. •• 903 61 •• 1,840 9 ...

District Total • • 983 80 3,664 19 57 i.A. VISAKHAPATNA14 DISTRIOT. B-III-EmpJoyers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

SubdIVISIOn 8 8-Employees of the Uilion SubdIVISIOn 8 !:.t-EropJoyees of Non-Indian

Governments_ __.A.___ Governments. ~ ,--'------~------~ Tract No Employers Employees Independent Employers Employe~s Independent WOrk{)Ts. workers. ,-,-___.A_---.,\ ,---...... __--., ,-----A----... rr_, _,.A"--_-,\ ,..-_'_.A_. _-.\ M. F. M. F. M. F M. F. M. F. M. F. (545) (546) (.")47) (:i4S) (550) (551) (552) (553) (554) (555) (556) Rural­ Agengy- 12 13 PZains- 14 6 .. 15 17 6 27 4: 16 25 . 18 17 u 18 384

19 2 . 20 24 2 ]3 21 12 7 ... Rural Total 464 32 45 17 Urba.n- 1 City 3 6 200 .. , •• 2 Do. 716 373" • f .. ,_' .. / ... •• r -.. 3 Non-CIty •• ... Urban Total •• 719 379 200

Dlstrlct Total .. 1.1803 411 245 1'1 • •

Division 9-Servlces not elsewhere SubdIvISion g·O-Servlces otherwfse specwed. unclassified.

Tract No. Total. Employers Employees. Independent Employers. Employees. Independent workers workers. -t_-,A,,-_-.. ,...---"---.. .---"-, ,...---"---.. ~ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (557) (558) (559) (560) {56l} (562) (563) (564) (565) (566) (567) (568} (569) (570) Rural­ Agoncy- 12 ·. 17 48 1 5 11 48 •• •• 25 13 •• 358 137 48 149 88 161 49 • • -6 88 •• Plaina- 14 1,710 243 86 12 318 34 1,306 197 . II 14 5 15 2,180 316 170 26 272 81 1,738 259 12 3 121 20 160 171 16 1,382 197 37 9 141 12 1,204 176 9 1 4: 28 161 17 ·. 1,906 329 4: 223 5 1,683 320 2 8 18 • • 1,907 386 4: 1.020 II 883 375 13 12 154 19 1,086 170 I12 10 63 9 911 151 6 3 20 1,292 512 7 8 103 14 1,182 490 52 4 30 271) 'H 1,640 560 88 13 294 139 1,258 '408 27 70 89 157 Rural Total 13,478 2,898 553 82 2,588 343 10,387 2,473 12 12 233 186 347 936

Urban­ I CIty 2,758 923 70 6 915 301 1,773 616 4 139 179 1.135 541 2 Do. 3,73tJ 949 2Il 10 2,047 394 1,475 545 .. " .. 19 •• I' 77 3 Non-Ctty 7,13'3 2,680 226 3,692 2,672 3,215 8 72 2,700 2,615 2,127 •• Urban Total 18,624 4,552 507 16 6,654 3,367 6,463 1,169 76 2,839 2,813 3,262 618 District Total 27,102 7,450 1,060 98 9,242 3,710 16,800 8,642 88 12] 8,072 2,999 3,609 1,5" Visak.-9 58 t-A. VISAKHAPATHQ DISTRIOT. B.. m-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers In Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

SubdivlSion 9'l-Domestlc Services (but not mcludlllg servlC6s rendered by members of Subchvision 9·2--Ba.r1;ters and Bea.uty shops. fll11111y households to one another).

Tract No. Employers Employees. Independent Employers. Employees. Independent workers. workers. ~~----L-- l ,~ __~A __~ ,~ r~-.....A-~\ ,.----...... "-.-....\ __ ( M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (57l) (572) (573) (574) (576) (576) (577) (578) (579) (580) (681) (582) Rural­ Agency- 12 I .. 5 12 13 ... • • • • 49 3 Plaina-- 14 · . 6 30 ·. 20 2 19 341 17 15 ·. 17 40 9 17 1 326 16 · . 18 6 7 12 268 17 197 . 474 5 18 283 11 ·. 64 8 19 7 45 24 S 243 15 20 7 3 2 255 22 21 8 1 9 2 48 28 268 3t) Rural Total 548 56 101 is 177 29 2,293 112 Urban- 1 .5 ,1 City· .. 192 97 , l75 2 Do. 64,3· 15 -. IO . . 349 698 464 3 Non-City 546 57 Hi •• 7 404 ] Urban Total 1,.381 169 16 10 12 349 :1,277 465 Diltrict Total 1,924 226 117 23 189 3'78 3,670 517

SubdiVISIon 9 3~--LaundrIeS and Laundry SubdIVISIon 9 4--Hoteltl, Restaurants and eatmg servloes. hou<~es. r-­ ----~------, Tract No Employors Employees. Independent Employers Employoo~. Indopendent workers workors. .--_,.A..__ --, _---'''.....w ____ .-_..A. .. ) r-~ ,__---~---, r-~~~ M. F M F M. F. :M F. lI. F. l\rI. F. (.'383) (584) (585) (586) (587) (588) (089) (590) (591) (592) (G93) (594) RurSl~ Ageney-- 12 ... ~ II ... .. • • .. 13 o • • • o. .... 104 39 15 .... ,1 Ptain8- 14- 34 4 120 1 795 126 13 4: 34- 82 16 13 o. 72 10 37 8 945 69 27 3 19 102 12 16 21 53 771 12 9 15 49 (j 1'7 •• 983 3 . 4 , 5 134 307 18 416 79) 192 I Hi I 21

19 o. 79 8 25 3 596 130 3 4 27 o • 2 20 .. '" 4 9 1 746 185 3 n 88 9 21 •• 61 S 114 32 725 209 14 5 5 88 9 Rural Total _ 971 SO 774 45 6,462 9'76 85 23 103 14 576 379 Urban-· 1 City o. 1 1 177 51 33 6 195 ! 56 )2 206 .... 2 Do. • 0 o- • .. ' .. " 7041 2 576 ' 1 1 a Non.City .0 o. 346 91 223 108 '7

Urban Total ... 1 1 1,227 53 330 6 994 3 163 20 District Total • • 272 30 775 45 7,689 1,{)29 415 29 1,097 17 739 391 69 i-A. VISAKRAPAi"NAM DISTRICT. B... III-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Serviees by Divisions and Subdivisions.

Subdlvihlon 9 5-Recreatlon sorvICO!',. SubchVISIon 9 6-Logal and bUsmesB servIces.

,-- ~ Tract No. Employers Employees Indcpondont Employers. Employees. lndopendont. work~rs. workers.

-,--A I -A A. "'- r 1 A.__~ I , r ,----"---. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M F. (595) (596) (597) (598) (599) (600) (601) (602) (603) (604) (605) (606) Rural- Agency- l2 .,. 5 ... 13 .. 33- -... 143 ... -•• -7 PlainB- 14 2 4: .. 9 .. .. 36 •• 12 15 .. 2 5 21 •• •- • 40 2 5 16 2 19 3 .. ... 27 1 10 •• 17 33 •• ... 24: fi 5 18 20 3 3 258 8

19 2 3 24- 2 1 1 2tl 12 23 2 4 3 21 1 6 3 33 75 Rural Total 6 1. 52 a 165 7 36 613 6 41 18

UrbW1- 2 51 14 24 293 15 52 <4- 1 City , 2 Do. 5 95./ 7l2~ 63 ! 1 ... 3 Non·Clty 8 ... 40 17 39 124 80 Urban Total 15 186 31 63 1,129 15 195 5

District Total 21 t 238 3 196 7 99 1J742 21 236 17

Subdivision 9 7-Arts, letters and SubdivISlon 9·S-Rehgious, ChaI'ltabla and - - journalism 'ifelfare sernces.

--'1 ~ Tract NQ Employers Em.ployees Independent Employers Employees Indepenrlent workers. , workers. ,--__""--, ,---A.. ,-----'--~l ,-----'----. M F. M F M F. M. F M F M F (607) (60S) (609) (610) (611) (tH2) (613) (614) (615) (6I6) (617) (618) &ural- Age71cy- 12 13 8 Plaina- 14 17 17 53 .. 2 I 33 15 I 3 1 17 16 176 6 16 1 13 1 58 5 17 4 . 42 18 2 16 4

19 4 15 1 14 20 Q 1 40 2 21 1 4 11 52 3

Rural Total 17 1 17 64 1 25 2 76 4 389 50 Urban- I CIty .. 2 1 12 3 38 8 153 8 2 Do . . .. / ...... 21 10 10 " 3 Non-City 2 5 1 50 128

Urban Total 2 3 17 4 109 18 291 8 Distriot Total 19 1 20 81 1 29 2 185 22 680 08 Visak.-9A ...... ~

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i-A. VIIAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT. Section (U) Rural S1aUsUcs.

Tlils is an abstract giving a. cOlllplete list of course of the Census of Sm&ll-scalc Industries and the villages and towns in each mlnk in the district number of leprosy cases and doubtful CMC8 are also with sex-wise distribution of population in each given in the abstract livelihood class in the villages alone Among the other 2. For detailed explanation of the livelihood classes items of statistical information furnished. those I to VIII see fly-1eaf of general population Ta.ble A~V. relating to occupIed houses, households, inmates of institutions and houseless persons and literates were 3. The areas included in each Census tract in the obtained from the National Register of Citizens dIstrict have been fluDished in t.he fly-leaf to Table B-I. prepared for each village frOUl the Information recorded in the enumeration slips. VIllage-wJse statistics of 4. A list of villages with a popUlation exceeding textjlp and non·textile establishments collect.ec1 III the 5,000 but treated as rural is given below :-

LY,tli oj vdlagea wuh a population 6Xcwi'ang S,OOO but treated Q8 rural. Number aud name of village. Number and name ofvlllage. Numb&r a.n{l PBme of village. Number and UID\& of VIllage, Srunga'lJ04'aP'Uftota Taluk~ Bhremun~patnam Taluk~ V$8akhapatnam Taluk- Anakapalle TaWt- I. Kottavalasa. 1. Bhogapuram. 1. Malakapuram. 1. Thumma~a, 2. Jami. 2 Cluttivalasa. 3. Konada. 2. Nellimukkur. 2. Munagapaka. V~ram Taluk~ 4. Rum.lt. 3. Kancharapallem. S~MTal"'_ I. Davupalli. 2. Kanapak. Veemvalle Taluk- GoZukonda Taluk- 1. EtJlcoppaka. 3. Nellimarla. 1. Vaddadi. 1. Vemulnpudi. 2. P~aopeta.

Visak-llA. '16 . . .




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.... ~~ ..... 10 rQt-OOO)C ..... eqC'l) ..... lCl (Or-coO) 0 "'" ""' ...... ,..; ...... e-:J CIiI'"'" i .. ;: :: ...... > ,.. .. • ...... • ...... 0 • · tD Viaak.-48 t .. A. VISAKHAPAT.A. DISTRICT. . PART C-HOUSEHOLD AND AGE C-I-Household

This table has boon prepared in respect of a popula­ areas and every fiftieth household in every twentieth tion covering the members of Sample households House-numbering block or locality in Urban areas. selected from the entries in the National Register of Citizens on the basis of one household for every one 2. The Agricultural and the Non-a.gricultural classes thousand households. The sample households selected refer to the four agricultural and the four non-agri­ include roughly every tenth household in every cultural classes given in Table A-V. The Backward hundredth House-numbering Block in the Rural Classes include the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled

Total number of household population. ..A, ...... ,,__.._ Total """'l Total ,-- - Tract No. number of number of Sa~ple of household population.

households. sample ~ . households.

Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Rural- Ageney- 12 · . ·. J9,960 109,521 55,831 53,690 37 176 88 8t 13 · . 15,110 70,582 35,588 34,994 17 77 40 37 Plains- 14 · . 39,476 178,232 86,876 91,356 42 200 102 98 15 .. 46,030 223,745 110,142 113,603 43 191 96 95 16 · . 45,715 222,142 109,914 112,228 53 238 ll3 125 17 · . 58,630 258,261 126,440 131,821 55 249 122 127 18 27,189 123,246 61,598 61,648 71 139 104 35 - ._- - 19 38,744 169,520 84,865 84,655 34 147 69 78 2() •• 43 7 704 181,035 87,450 93,585 27 114 61 53 21 · . 51,982 229,763 112,045 117,718 44 186 94 92 Rural Total ·. 386,531 1,766,047 870,749 895,298 428 1,717 889 828

Urban- I City. 13,613 66,620 32,950 33,670 21 118 60 58 2 Do. 20,255 106,660 53,362 53,298 19 100 45 55 3 Non-City .. 28,519 129,165 62,788 66,377 26 II7 64 53

Urban Total · . 62,387 302,445 149,100 153,345 66 335 169 166 Districi Total · . 448,918 2,068,492 1,019,849 1,048,643 489 2,052 1,058 994 Agrioultural total 269 1,244 &15 629 Non-AgricultW'al total •• • • • • •• , p , . 220 808 443 365 Backward total- • • • • • • .. 228 993 503 49G Non-Backward tota] ·. •• • • •• .. 261 2,059 555 504 3'71

, ]1 , (SAMPLE) TABLES. (size).

Tribes anQ_ lother classes not treated as non-baokward district while columns (6) to (17) relate to the sample by the State Government for the purpose of 1951 households selected. Census. Anglo-Indians are inc1uded among the nOll­ backward classes. 4. The figures have been given for eaoh Census tract denoted by its number in column (1). The areas 3. CoJumns (2) to (5) of the table relate to all the covered by each Census tract have been given ill the households and hOllsehold population in the entire Hy-Ieaf.. to Table B·I.

Sample households. -"-\ Size of household. ( -, Small. Medium. Large. Very large. Tract No. 3 members or lese:. 4-6 members. 7-9 members. 10 members or above., Number. persons. Number. Persons. Numbpr. Persons. Number. Persons. (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17j Rural- Agency- 6 10 24: II 4: 7 52 12 4: g- Il 52 2 16 .. 13 Platins- 15 :n 18 94 8 62 I 13 14 .19 17 86 5 38 2 22 16 20 '550 24 117 8 61 1 10 16 24 52 20 95 8 61 3 35 17 59 69 8 36 4: 34 18

18 29 ' 16 80 5 38 19 II 22 13 71 3 21 20 19 46 18 85 7 55 21

190 363 169 880 57 444 7 80 Rural Total.

"'"- Urban- 4 11 II 55 5 36 1 16 1 City. 4: 11 10 51 .5 38 •• 2 Do. 9 .22 14 69 2 16 1 10 3 N on.City Urban. 17 44 35 175 12 90 2 26 Urban Total. 207 407 204 1,005 69 534 9 106 District Total. 96 221 121 594 46 359 6 70 Agricultural total. 111 186 88 411 23 175 S 36 Non. Agricultura.·tota.t, 85 182 110 540 30 233 3 38 Baqkward total. 129 225 94 465 39 301 8 68 Non·Backward total.

Visak.-48A 3,-,2

i .. A. VISAKHAPATNAII DISTRICT. C-II-Livelihood Classes . This table shows the livelihood distribution by age­ relating to displaced persons which had been noticed groups for rural, urban and district totals in respect during the process of the preliminary scrutiny were of a sample population based on a ten per cent sample removed from the pack of slips for being dealt with taken out when the enumeration slips were initially separately. The pack was then " cut " as in a card­ sorted. The ten per cent sample was taken out as game. The lower portion was placed above the follows :- upper portion and the slips were dealt into two pigeon

Each enumeration pad which consisted generally holes one marked "G" and the other marked H S " of 100 enumeration slips was broken and the slips as follows ~

Sample of population. Livelihood r------~----~

,...--..-.______.___ ..._..__A_. ___ Agricultural_ T. Cultivators of II. Cultivators of Age-group Persons. Males. Females. land wholly or land wholly or III. Cultlvating mainly owned mainly unowned. labourers and .and their and their ' j;heir dependants. . dependants. dependants .

.. •.A"- ___...... , r r-----A---~ Males. Females. Males. Farnall'S. Males. Females. ( 1) (2) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) RuraJ­ o 4,916 2,342 2,574 1,166 1,276 :245 260 318 363 1-4: 15,965 7.860 8,105 4,148 4,273 888 961 1,130 1,173 5-14 44.504 22,8Q7 22,197 11.829 11,374 :2,573 2,587 3,492 3,502 15-24 27.393 13,369 14,024 6.915 6,963 1,608 1,694 2,132 2,267 25-34 27,146 12,899 14,247 6.649 7,478 1,417 1,609 1,8S7 2,339 35-4:4 22,886 . 1I,S81 11,005 6,102 5,801 1,395 1,201 ,1,869 1,986 45-54 17,372 8,866 8,506 4,761 4,364 1,061 885 1,262 1,612 55-64 10,386 5,239 5,147 3,093 2.659 555 515 589 1,002 65-74 .. 4:,831 2,373 2,458 1,486 1,478 186 177 214: 351 75 and over 1,759 963 796 737 471 . 51 60 54 98 Age not stated 10 5 5 1 2 2 2 Rural Total 177,168 88,104 89~064 46,887 46,t~ 9,951 14,693,

Urban­ O I,G56 664 392 37 28 9 10 ·4 5 1-4: 2,797 1,436 1,361 113 III 46 31 24 28 5-14 7,423 3,818 3,605 8Il 331 113 120 75 60 15-24 5,720 2,892 2,828 301 235 76 72 68 50 25-34 4,445 2,143 2,302 192 206 70 86 44 63 35-44 3.377 1,702 1,675 lIS 139 49 47 33 49 45--54 2,947 ., 1.313 1,634 133 129 53 38 17 41 05-64 1,663 768 895 69 65 ' 25 23 14 24 45} 65-74 954 503 35 29 8 10 2 4 75 and QV(1r 236 109 127 6 1 Age not sta.ted • • , . Urban Toial •• 30,618 15,348 15,270 1,315 1,278 449 438 281 324

District­ o 5~972 3,006 2,966 1,203 1,304 254 270 322 368 1-4 18.762 9,296 9,466 4,261 4,384 934 992 1,154 1,201 5--14 51,927 26,125 25.802 12,140 11,705 2,686 2,707 3,567 3,662 15~24 33,1l3 16,261 16~852 7,216 7,198 1,684 1,766 2,200 2,317 :25-34 31,591 15,042 16.549 6,841 7,684 1,487 1,695 1,931 2,402 35-44 26,263 13,583 12,680 6,220 5,940 1.444 1,248 1,902 2,035 45--M 20,319 10,179 10,140 4~894 4,483 1.114 923 1,279 1,653 55-64 12,049 6,007 6,042 3,162 2,724- 580 538 603 1,026 65-74 5,785 2,876 2,909 1,521 1,507 194 187 216 355 75 and over 1,995 1,072 923 743 471 51 61 54 98 Age not stated 10 5 [} I 2 2 2

DIstrict Tot... , . 207,'186 103,462 104,334 48,202 47,402 10,4028 10,889 18,230 15,017 373, br Age-groups. The first five slips were placed in the pigeon-~ole marked "S" were taken out, counted and marked ~, G " ~hen one slip was placed in the pigeon -hole as " Sample " slips. " S ". Thereafter _for every nine slips placed in the No smoothing formula has been adopted in prepar~ pigeon-hole "G ", one slip was placed in the pigeon­ ing the table as in previous Censuses and the figures have been tabulated as actu~lly returned in suitable hole "S" antil the total number of slips left was age-groups. less than 9 and these residuary slips were an put into The figures under age " 0 " represent infants below hole "G". All the slips contained in the pigeon-hole one year. -classes. ,-----_-"----, Non.agricultural classes. classes. ----'-----.... .~------~ ~~~~~ -~ IV. Non.cultivating Persons (including d"lPf'ndents) who derivf1 their principal means of owners of land; livelihood from. ,--__,___ ,___ ,____ .. ____ ,...... ,_.J...... -_.._.~---.....-~ ...... ----.....---___.... agricultural rent Agf'·group. receivers and V. Production VIII. Other their dependents. other than VI. Commerce. VII. Transport. services and cultivation. miscellaneous sources. , . , r , -----,...... __--.... ,---.A----.... r--""'___--. Males. Females. Males. Females. Ma1f's. Females. Males. Ff'ma1es. Males. Ff'males. (II) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) Rural­ 13 22 365 421 63 47 48 35 124- 160 o 56 56 924 968 194 173 67 46 453 455 1-4 135 142 2,351 2,724 547 592 104 147 1,276 1,129 5-14 82 108 1,410 1,638 325 4II 80 74 817 869 15-24 71 98 1,661 1,509 310 311 93 90 8Il 813 25-34 72 74 1,421 1,067 254 221 61 73 707 582 - 35-44 62 90 f136 861 183 181 39 61 562 462 45-54 47 55 563 507 88 123 39 26 265 260 55-64 15 25 275 219 37 40 13 12 147 156 65-74 6 12 55 61 16 18 8 7 36 69 75 and over. 2 1 Age no t stated.

.559 682 9,961 9,975 2,017 2,117 552 571 5,200 4,946 . Rural Total.

Urban­ 5 6 114 55 70 83 62 51 363 154 O 26 20 282 238 178 237 122 123 645 573 1-4 94 . -- 71 716 615 548 437 473 409 1,488 1,562 5-14 .109 58 500 473 419 316 412 295 1,007 1,329 15-24 32 48 399 403 240 373 364 158 802 965 25-34 20 45 226 258 306 222 177 113 773 802 35-44 22 40 160 210 194- 181 70 212 664 783 46-54 17 36 120 136 87 125 45 97 391 389 55-64 15 14 76 50 51 93 27 107 289 144 65-74- 3 6 5 II 89 12 5 71 27 75 and over .. Age not stated • 338 2,599 2,443 2,104 2,156 1,764 1,570 6,493 6,728. Urban Total.

District­ 18 28 479 476 133 130 uo 86 487 304- o 82 76 1,206 1,206 372 410 189 16~ 1,098 .) ,028" 1-4 :229 213 3,067 3,339 1,095 1,029 577 556 2,.7~4 2,691 5-14 191 166 1,910 2,111 744 727 492 369 1,824 2,198 15-24 103 146 2,060 1,912 550 684 457 248 1,618 1,77$' 250--34 92 119 1,647 1,325 560 443 238 186 1,480 1,384 35-44 84 130 1,096 1,071 377 362 109 273 1,226 1,245 45-54- ·64 91 683 643 175 248 84- 123 tJ56 649 55-64 39 351 269 133 40 119 436 300 65-74 ~ ", :30 88 - '.' 9 12 61 66 27 107 20 12. 107 .. 96 •• 75'.aDd over. 2 1 , Age not sta.ted. , I -' <,,' • '.~ :902 1,020 12,580 11,418 4,121 , ~73 2,316 2,141 11,693, 11,8'14 Dlsqiot TotaJ. 374


This is yet another table prepared in respect of the but not analysed by religion as in previous Censuses .. ten per cent samples of the general population (vide The areas covered by each Census tract have been fly-leaf to Table C-II.) specified in the fly-leaf to Table B-1. 2. Age groups 0 and 1 to 4 given in Table C-II 4. 'Literates' are those who are able to read. have been combinid into one age group, and the age and write any simple letter in any language. group 5 to 14 has been split into two sub-groups 5 to 9 and 10 to 14. Persons of age-group 0 to 4 are treated 5. Persons who are partly literate, i.e., persons wh(} as illiterate. are able to read only) have been included among the 3. The figures are given for each Census tract illiterates. Details for such persons are given denoted by its number in column (1) in the district below:-

Total. Age, 5-9. Age, 10-14. Age, 15-24. Ag6, 25--84. .._...... A _--A. , • • _.A-..p , , __ • .A.. Tract No. "'--1 I 1 ,.-----" • l- Persons. Males. F€>males. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Rural- Agency- 12 109 157 2 16 19 18 38 1 13 27 21 6 1 6 Plains- J4 240 201 89 21 7 26 12 36 8 22 8 15 199 130 69 20 22 26 10 30 20 16 3 16 123 101 22 12 2() 5 23 4 20 2 17 310 284 26 37 3 47 6 38 5 40 I 18 80 iH 29 9 2 8 6 14 7 ,4 I 19 83 66 17 5 5 8 3 19 4: 18 I 20 53 .6 7 4 6 1 11 I ,11 4- 21 116 88 28 12 2 16 12 25 8 9 S-

lural Total .. 1,390 1,145 245 136 47 176 55 215 57 i8a 24 Urban- I City~. 24 12 12 1 3 3 .. 1 2 4 ~ 2 Do. .. 121 85 36 41 19 22 I 9 3 4 I 3 Non.City 8 8 1 3 Urban Total ·. 153 105 48 43 22 25 1 10 5 11 {) Dlstrlet Total · . 1,543 1f 250 293 179 69 201 56 225 62 193 29 '

Age, 35-44. Age~ 45-54. Age, 55-64-. Age. 65-74. Age t 75 and over. Age. not stated. _.A.. _..A. __ , ,-_.~_ , A. Tract No. \ ,----..A--l ~ Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. FemaleB~" (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) Rural- Ageney- 12 31 1 20 .. II 2 2 13 5 • 7 2 1 1 .. Plains- 14 23 3 25 ·. 30 . . 16 1 2 15 21 3 13 5 3 4 I 2 16 2 3 7 · . 14 2 3 . . 17 41 4 43 4 37 1 1 2 .. 18 9 2 I 3 2 7 1 1 3 19 ·. 10 3 5 I -, 4 1 1 20 - 5 1 4 2 . . .. 21 10 2 15 . 1 1 Bural Total ·. 157 i 26 140 15 104 14 27 7 8 Urban- I City ·. 1 ! 2 . . . 1 ...... 2 Do. . 6 5 2 · 1 1 1 5 . ·. ·. · ~ .. 3 Non·City - .; . .. 4 ·. . ; i • Urban Total ·. 7 7 8 ·. t 2 1 5 . .. District Total ·. 164 '83 148 15 105 16 27 a 8 5 ... 975

1.A. 'IS.lKBAPATJAli DISTRICT. C-IV-Age and Literaey.

Sample population. Age, 0-4. ..).___ ,-----..-A-~ Tract No. Total. Literate. Illiterate . miterate. r-- _A_------., r---..A.-.-~ ,--_..A...-- ,-_A , Persons. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. ~lales, Females. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) :Rural- Ageney- 12 1I,003 5,707 5,206 206 !) 3,501 ;),287 719 688 13 ·. 7,121 3,628 3,493 23 9 3,605 3,484 433 ~O9 Ptains- 14 .. 17,827 S,88.j 8,942 1,543 329 7,342 8,613 913 907 15 22,785 11,273 1l,512 2,142 426 9131 1l,086 1,263 1,404 16 22,251 11,187 11,064 1,217 260 9,970 10,804 ],361 1,185 17 25,820 12,641 13,179 1,213 142 ] 1,428 13,037 1,246 1,381 18 12,357 6,277 6,080 1,220 23,5 ;3,007 5,845 937 1,136 19 · . 16,951 8,498 8,453 739 119 7,759 8,334 1,045 945 20 18,106 8,741 9,365 1,127 183 7,614 9,182 923 1,021 21 · . 22,947 11,267 11,680 1,236 310 10,031 11,370 1,362 1,453

Rural Total " 177,168 88J 104 89,064 10,666 2,022 77,488 87,042 10,202 10,679

Urban- I City .. 6,690 3,308 3,382 1,736 877 1,572 2,505 377 382 2 Do. 10,924 5,712 5,212 1,531 827 4,181 4,385 974 597 3. Non.City 13,004 6,328 .6,676 909 183 ~,419 6,493 749 774 1,887 11,172 Urban Total ·, . . 30,618 15,348 15,270 4,176 13t 383 2,100 1,753 District Total 207,786 108,452 104,334 14,842 3,909 88,610 100,425 12,302 12,482

Age,5-~. Age, 10-14. --A. ----,---:'\ _.A.- ,--- ,--- ~ Tract No. Literate. Illiterate. Literate. Illiterate. ..A .A_ -'--=-- '\ l r-----"-----.. 1 Males. Females. MalES. Females; Males. Females. l\'Iales. Females_ (II) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) Rural- A!}t'OOY- 12 · . 7 1 805, 739 30 1 '552 . 624 13 · . 389 420 '401 402 Pf,ains- 14 76 49 879 995 215 95 798 929 15 172 74 1,382 1,464 344 121 1,084 1,320 16 · . 62 21 1,422 1,193 188 65 1,256 1,091 17 · . 32 17 1,628 1,609 151 24 1,404 1,507 IS · . · . 68 9 787 954 190 21 604 890

19 33 i) 1,027 1,212 103 31 985 1,032 20 , . · . 60 22 1,111 1,164 186 43 971 1,127 1,377 163 62 21 ~ . 61 26 1,418 1,263 1,461 Rura~ T,oill '"' 571 224 10,848 11,127 1,510 , 463 9,318 10,383 Urban- 282 319 192 I City .. , . .. , " 95 73 269 147 238 '2 Do •.. , 'p 196 78 361 4.80 222 207 525 41.~ ,;J Non·City •• ;, 47 15 7.29 778 174 44 '734 8Q5

Urban Total ~ , 388 t,540 715 ,4t43 1,408 1 456 1" t,Bi' J Disirict Total , . 908 38G 12,- 12,667 2:t28~ 9q6 to,724 U,83t 376 i-A.. VISAKHAPATMAK DISTRICT. C.. IV-Age and Llterac,.

Age, 15-24. Age. 25-34. ___A.-- --. Literate. Illiterate. LiterQ.k. Tract No. ..A _ Illiterate. A.. -..... ( ,---A...-..-~ MAles. Famn-Ies. Males. Females. Males. Females. 1\Ia128. Females... (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2!l) (26) Rural- Ag8'MY- 12 .. 40 3 726 743 68 1 864 1.170 13 .. 1 "64 532 8 419 468 P7.ains- 14 345 84 988 1,540 379 46 1,054 1,43Z 15 421 118 1,463 1,920 643 58 1,062 1,686 16 263 78 1,551 1,574 247 45 1,300 1,704- 17 210 30 1.171 2,104 252 21 1,461 2,161 18 252 68 661 604 163 29 702 691

19 180 43 1,227 1,335 152 21 1,110 1,346- 20 278 68 1,129 1,383 230 24 1,093 1.421 21 298 113 1,701 1,684 273 66 1,419 1,852' Runl Total 2,288, 605 11,081 18,419 2,415 311 10,484 13,936

Urban- 148 I Cit) 520 273 205 403 297 162 373: Do. 380 202 590 736 307 129 454 589 2 1,172 182 3 Non-City 247 42 950 33 741 1.03() Urban Total 1,147 517 1,746 2,311 786 31~ 1,357 1,991 District Total 3,435 1,t22 12,8!6 16,730 3,201 62t 11,841 15,918

Age, 35-44. Age, 45-54.

Tract No, Literate. Illiterate. Literate. Illiterate. ..A ..A ,..--~- 1 , , r- J.. , Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. FemalE-B. Malea. Females. (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) Rural- Agency~ 2 935 661 18 12 37 .. 551 385 .. 3 8 414 328 8 1 13 .• 4:23 426

Plains- 264 28 1,069 1,108 142 16 14 841 846 276 28 1,237 1,398 ] 77 17 15 970 1,015 232 27 1,2M 1,514 126 15 16 1,025 1,166 1,439 1,815 169 17 205 11 12 972 1.259 18 618 425 114 42 18 123 453 471 114 9 1,034 995 92 5 19 ·. 790 787 20 .. 174 14 1,027 1,205 130 8 794 961 2i 174 28 1,252 1.383 145 11 926 1,113- Rural Total ·. 1,602 173 10,879 10,888 1,tet 12'1 7,745 8,379

Urban- 218 103 161 291 159 54 140 1 City ·. .. 98 79 469 413 181 78 301 .,-',580 2 Do. \ ...... • • ll6' 23 640 766 68 14- '514 3 Non-City .. ·~ 8ft Urban' Total 4aa 205 1,270 1,470 358 148 955 1,ua , ' DbtttCt Total 2,084' 378 11,549' 12,aoi 1,479 213 8,700 I.I 377 i.A. VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT. C-lV-,Age and Lltetaey,.

Age, 55-64. Age. 65-74. J.._, '1 -"--- Literate. Illiterata. Literate. Illiterate. Tract No. ,...--__..Jo. ..A ..A ,...-- , f 1 Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) Rural- Agency- 12 .. 4 241 194 2 1 80 58 13 .. 2 306 215 1 336 139

Plains- .14 78 4 515 594 32 4 233 201 15 80 5 457 594 24 2 166 216 16 74 8 555 743 21 1 96 508 17 105 20 1,089 798 81 4 499 292 , 18 119 22 237 241 149 26 43 330 19 39 4 359 454 19 1 140 158 20 52 2 371 595 13 1 147 215 21 ·. 87 3 469 651 23 I 168 300 Rural Total 640 68 4,599 5,079 365 41 2,008 2,417

Urban- 166 I Cit~; , •• 91 23 75 29 10 24 80 2 Do. 129 30 179 273 34 18 285 218 3 Non-City 51 , 7 ,243 396 20 , 5 I,ll 120 Urban Total ·. 271 60 497 835 83 33 420 418 District Total ·. 911 128 5,096 5,914 448 74 2,428 2,835

Age, 75 and Over. AgE), not stated.

Tract No. Literate. llliterate. Literate. llliterate. """-- r----..A .. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females~ (43) (44) (45) (46) , (47) (48) (49) (50) Rural- , Agency- 12 · . .. 27 20 • • ·. 1 13 · . 20 45 Plaina- 14 11 3 51 61 1 ·. I 15 5 3 47 69 16 4 50 126 .. 17 · . '8 3 519 no 1 18 42 15 103 · . 19 7 .. 42 70 20 ., 4 1 47 87 I 3 12 52 95 21 • 1 .. 1 I Rural Total 93 10 870 786 1 4 50

Urban- I City 8 1 12 22 ·. 2 Do. .. 34 6 43 86 .• 3 Nop.~City 4 • • 8 12 • • . .' ..

Urban Total 46 7 63 120 , ' •• • • ·~ ~ ~ ... District Total ·. 139 17 933 906 1 ..... 4 Ii Visak.-49 378

1-A. VISAKBAPATNAM DISTRICT. D-80CrAL AND' CULroRAL TABLES. D-l-Languages.. (i) Mother-tongue.

This table shows for each Census tract (vide fly-leaf 2. 'Mother-tongue' means the language spoken by to Table B-1) in the district, the languages spoken as the person from the cradle. In the case of infants and mother-tongue and the number of persons speaking deafmutes, the mother-tongue of the mother is each one of them. taken as the mother-tongue.: Telugu. Yo rlya.. ~'Urdu. .J Khond ,-----A-_-. Tract No. (,,------"- \ Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (1 I) Rural- 12 41,396 43,915 6,982 7,297 7,336 2,435 123 36 .. . . 24,430 22,748 10,406 6,843 777 3 5 746 3,263 13 · . 2 14 86,296 91,123 320 91 75 54 148 30 .. 670 659 15 109,176 112,178 460 536 39 30 166 124 16 109,153 111,513 648 613 57 77 17 17 125,797 131,180 17 43 675 585 22 60,238 60,074 259 389 · . .. 1,051 962 18 29 21 19 84,320 84,225 163 163 360 253 87,082 93,375 201 133 40 86 20 2,202 21 110,201 115,379 366 185 ·. 1,485 Rural Total .. 838,089 865,710 19,772 16,293 8,485 4,134 3,124 3,560 1,418 3,922

Urban- 30,304 30,945 254 288 •• 1,545 1,687 I City 819 815 2 Do. 51,625 48,647 600 1,574 · . . . 3 Non-City 61,376 64,993 595 674 160 107 656 597 Urban Total .. 143,305 144,585 1,449 2,536 .160 107 3,020 3,099 District Total .. 981,894 1~010,295 21,221 18,829 8,645 4,241 6,144 6,659 1,418 ' 3,922

"f.Hindi.' ~ Tamil. VKoya. y MaJayalam. ,YPunjabi. A A Tract No. t '"l r ..., Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) . (19) (20) (21) Rura.I- 41 4 2 12 2 ...... 2 3 1,351 2 4 13 46 7 14 .. 27 4 25 11 3 42 67 6 65 15 7 43 7 6 16 1 . . 17 .. .. · . . . . . 99 53 183 51 38 22 105 35 18 1 1 2 19 2 3 .. · . 138 41 21 5 12 6 20 7 21 .. 4 1 63 3 ·. .. Rural Total .. 284 112 421 187 • • 1,851 80 99 105 S5

Urban- 192 68 37 I} City 355 225 277 •• .. 1 522 973 373 S5 327 270 45 392 2 Do. . . ·. NonrCity 86 45 117 75 86 24 •• ... 3 - 481 "0 rban Total . . 963 1,248 'Ie'l S52 •• ~ 331 50 392 Disklet Total .. 1,247 1,355 1,188 589 • • 1,351 561 430 155 427 379

1·A. VlSAKHAPATHAM DISTRIOT. (i) M otker-tongue--cont.

..)Marathi. .... : Guja1'8ti. '{ Kannada . "! Bengali. ~emkula . Tract No. r " '\. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males.. Females. . Males. Females. Males. Females. (22) (23) (24)_ (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (SO) (31) Rural- 12 · . 1 1 13 1 , v 14 .. 2 2 63 69 15 4: 9 8 23 16 16 1 1 .. 1 4, I() 17 2 16 64- 18 19 4 6 124 54 1 19 3 4, .. 1 •• 1 I 20 8 3 7 5 3 21 •• Rural Total 83 11 9 5 11 10 188 62 108 160

Urban- I City •• 204 . 255 81 49 46 23 35 14 31 23 2 Do. 10 10 59 223 47 222 99 24 3 Non-City .. 10 43 14 17 _8 Urban Total 224 265 183 286 110 253 134 38 31 23 District Total .. 257 278 192 291 121 268 267 100 189 18S

1- En~~ish. -V-Sindhi. VMarwari. )('persian. VSourashtra. J. Tract No. r "'\ '\ ,----'------. Males. - Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) .. (40) (41) Rural- 12 13 .. 14 15 5 1 2 16 17 18 49 20 '4 19 ·. 20 21 Rural Total 54 21 2 4

Urban- I City 9 21 8 2 20 25 15 14 8 n 2 Do. ·. 27 122 53 60 2 • • 3 Non-City .• 6 11 4 Urban Total 36 149 61 62 20 36 15 16 8 27 -, 170 61 62 22 36 19 District Total 90 l 16 8 2'1 Visak.-49A 3sb i.A. VISAKHAPATNAltI DISTRICT. (i) Mother-tongue-cont.

I , JKonkani. '(-German. JNepali. _Fre~ch. - _~~ra._ , i IP'" .).. TraetNo. .. r- \ Males. Females. Males. Females. MaleS. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (42) (48) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) Rural- 12 .. 13 •• 14: ·...... 15 1 ·. .. ·. 16 17 ·. IS 8 ·. 1 14 2 19 ·. ·. 20 9 ,,' 21 .. Rural Total ·. 18 1 14 2

Urban- 4' I City 5 4 1 .. .,1 .. 2 2 Do. 14 • • .. 3 Non-Oity 2 .. .. 2 Urban Total · . 5 4 15 2 2 4 2 District Total ·. 23 4 15 2 t 14 2 4 2 2

SWISS.f , YGurmukhi., "( Burmese. Tract No. lMaJes. Females. Males. Females. Males. ---Females. (62) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) Bural- 12 18 ...... 1 14: •• 15 .. .. 16 1'7 ·. 18 19 20 ·. .. 21 Rural Total 1

Urban- 1 City 3 2 Do. 3 3 Non.City 1 S Urban Total .. .. 3 Distrct Total ·. .. .. 1 381

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Visak.-50 386

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D~m-Seheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

This table furnishes the numbers of the Scheduled 3. List of Scheduled Castes relating to Madras Castes and Scheduled Tribes sex-wise enumerated in State as given in " The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) each Census tract (rural or urban) in the district. Order, 1950 " is given below :- 2. Areas covered by each Census tract in the district have been given in the fly-leaf to Table B·I. 1 Adi·Andhra. 21 Dom or Dombara, Paidi, 39 Kudumban. 58 Pallan. 2 Adi-Dravida. Pano .. 40 Kuravan. 59 Pambada. 3 Adi·Karnataka. 22 Ghasi or Haddi, Relli, 41 K urichchan. 60 Pamirli. 4 Ajila.. Sachandi. 42 Madari. 61 Panan. 5 Arunthathiyar. 23 Godagali. 43 Madiga. 62 Panchama. '6 Baira. 24 Godari. 44 Maila. 63 Panniandi. 7 Bakuda. 25 Godda. 45 Mala (including Agency 64 Paraiyan. 8 BandL 26 Gosangi. Malas). 65 Paravan. 9 Bariki. 27 Hasla. 46 Ma]a Dasu. 66 Pulayau. 10 Bavuri. 28 Holaya. 47 Malasar. 67 Puthirai Vannan. 11 Bel1ara. 29 3aggali. 48 Matangi. 68 Raneyar. 12 Byagan. 30 Jambuvulu. 49 Mavilan. 69 Samagara. 13 Chaehati. 31 Kadan. 50 Moger. 70 Samban. 14 Chakkiliyan. 32 KalladL 51 Muehi. 71 Sapari., 15 Chalavadi. 33 Kanakkan. 52 Mundala. 72 Semman. 16 Chamar. 34 Karimpalan. 53 Nalakeyuva. 73 Thoti. 17 Chandala. 35 Kodalo. 54 Nayadi. 74 Tiruvalluvar. 18 Cheruman. 36 Koosa. 55 Pagadai. 75 Valluvan. 19 Dandasi. 37 Koraga. 56 Pamda. 76 Valmiki. 20 Devendrakulathan. 38 Kudubi. 57 Paky. 77 Vettuvan.

4. List of Scheduled Tribes relating to ~Iadras State as given in " The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950" is given below :- I Aranadan. 11 Halva. 26 Kudiya.. 2 Bagata. , 12 Jadapus. 27 Kurumans. 8 Bhottadas-Bodo Bhottada, Muria 13 Jatapus. 28 Manna Dhora. Bhottada and Sano Bhottada. 14 Kammara. 29 Maune. 4 Bhumias-Bhuri Bhumia and Bodo 15 Kattunayakan. 30 Mukha Dhorar-Nooka Dhora. Bhumia. 16 Khattis-Khatti, Kommarao and 31 Muria. 5 Chenchu. Lohara. 32 Paigarapu. {) Gadabas-Boda Gadaba, Cerllam 17 Kodu. 33 Palaei. Gadaba, Franji Gaclaba, J odia 18 Kommar. 34 Paniyan. Gadaba, Olaro Gadaba, Pangi 19 Konda Dhoras. 35 Porjas-Bodo Bonda, Daruva, Didua, Gadaba and Pranga Gadaba. 20 Konda Kapus. J odia, Mundili, Pengu, Pydi and 7 Gondi-Modya Gond and Rajo Gond. 21 Kondareddis. Saliya. S Goudus-Bato, Bhirithya Dudhokouria, 22 Kondhs-Dasaya Kondhs, Dongria 36 Reddi Dhoras. Hato, 3atako and Joria. Kondhs, Kuttiya Kondhs, Tikiria, 9 Kosalya Goudus-Bosothoriya Goudus, Kondhs and Yenity Kondhs. 37 Savaras-Kapu Savaras, Khutto Chitti Goudus, Dangayath Goudus, 23 Kota. Savams and Maliya Savaras. Doddu Kamariya, Dudu Kamaro, 24 Kotia--Bartika, Benthe Oriya, Dhulia 38 Sholaga. Ladiya Goudus and Pullosoriya or Dulia, Halva Paiko, Putiya, 39 Toda. Goudus. Sanrona and Sidho Paiko. 40 Inhabitants of the Laccadive, Miuicoy 10 Magatha Goudus - Bernia Goudu, 25 Koya or Goud, with its subsects-Raja and Amindivi IslandB who, and both Boodo Magatha., Dongayath Goudu, or Rasha Koyas, Lingadhari Koyae of whose parents, were born in these Ladya Goudu, Ponna Magatha and (ordinary) and Kottu Koyas. islands. Sana Magatha.

5. The tract-wise figures for Anglo-Indians are given sex-wise below :- Anglo.Indians. Anglo-Indians. _.A._ r----..A.- "I Tmet No. r- Tract No. Males. Females. Males. Females. (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3) Rural- Urban- 2 1 1 City 4 5 14 2 Do. ·. 336 146 18 7 3 Non-City • • 1 Urban Total ·. 340 152 Rural Total 9 1 District Total 849 153 390

i-A. VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT. D-m-Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

Scheduled Castes. Scheduled Tribes. --.A..- Tract No, ~ Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Rural- Agency- 12 10,241 6,255 3,986 84,026 42,568 41,458 13 5,246 2,383 2,863 34,764 12,965 21,799

Plains- 14 15,844 7,716 8,128 3,455 1,593 1,862 15 .. 20,970 9,970 11,000 3,791 1,722 . 2,069 16 19,796 9,732 10,064 530 242 288 17 20,302 9,740 10,562 9,088 4,586 4,502 18 9,267 4,183 5,084 603 526 71

19 18,131 9,254 8,877 6,751 3,597 3,154 20 10,864 5,140 5,724 73 36 31 21 22,302 10,769 11,533 418 284 134

Rural Total .. 152,963 75,142 72,821 143,499 68,119 75,380

Urban- I City 7,012 3,300 3,712 83 47 36 2 Do. .. 7,564 3,678 3,886 16 8 S 3 Non.City 9,429 5,119 4,310 438 239 199

Urban Total .. 24,005 12,097 11,908 537 294 343

I District Total 176,968 87,289 89,729 144,086 68,413 75,623 391

1~A. IVISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT. D-IV-Migrants-Tract where enumerated. This table gives for each Census tract the number of Name of Country. Males. Females. "persons born in the district and outside but enumerated C. Elsewhere in Europe­ in the district. , Belgium .. 2. The areas included in each Census tract have Denmark been given in the fly-leaf to Table B-1. France , 3. In respect of persons shown as born elsewhere in Germany Groups B, C, D, E and F of the Table the details Holland l'egarding place of birth are given below :- Italy Norway Name of Country. Males. Females. Poland .D. Elsewhere in Asia- Sweden Switzerland .. Indonesia .. 1 Bhutan •• • • 5 • • Estonia 3D2


Rural .... -...-.---.----..... _------_--- ...... ___ -- Agency. -- District, State, etc., or Country where born. --. 12. Qudem. 13. Srungavarapukota, 14. Srungavarapukota.------Veel'avalli and Golukonda. A.._ I r- """""\ I ..J.... ----.. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. (1) FemaJes~ (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Total Population 109,521 55,881 53,690 70,584 35,590 34,994 178,385 86,965 91,420' A. Born in India 109,520 55,830 53,690 70,582 35,589 34,993 178,293 86,911 91,382: 1. Within the State of enumeration 108,387 54,753 53,634 70,092 35,319 34,773 178,203 86,836 91,367" (i) District of enumeration 107,676 .. 54,269 53,407 67.156 33,813 33,343 176,969 85,736 91,233· (ii) Other districts .. 711 .. 484 227 2,936 1,506 1,430 1,234 1,100 134· II. States in India beyond the State 1,133 1,077 56 490 of enumeration. 270 220 89 'U 15-

(i) States adjacent to the State 1,132 1,076 56 488 of enumeration. 269 219 83 68 15- Orissa 1~132 1,076 56 486 268 218 Hyderabad 78 66 12· 3 1 2 Bombay 1 Mysore 1 Coorg 1 1 Travancore.Cochin .. I 1 1 1. (ii) Other States 1 1 2 1 1 6 6 Assam 1 1 Bihar .. · . Madhya Pradesh Punjab Uttar Pradesh West Bengal Jammu and Kashmir ·. 6 6 Madhya Bharat Patiala and East Punjab · States Union. · . Rajasthan Sourashtra 2 1 1 Ajmer '\ Bilaspur Delhi .. Kutch · . . . (iii) Elsewhere in India B. Countries in Asia beyond India 1 1 2 1 1 67 39 2it Mghanistan " Burma 1 1 1 1 54 Ceylon 30 24- China .. Nepal 2 Pakistali 2 Straits Settlements and 1 1 II Malaya. 7 4- U.S.S.R. Elsewhere in Asia . . · . C. Countri. In Europe .. United Kingdom and North Irel8.lld. Elsewhere in Europe

D. Countries tn Africa ·. 2 2 'Union of South Africa 2 2 B. Countries tn America .. C611a.d& •. .. ·. .. United States •• ·. Blrtb place not returned • • ·. .. 23 13 1& 393

TN'ef _bert enumeraiecl..

Tr~~._,. -"- I P~a.i.ns...... District, State, etc•• __,___ , or country where 15~ Vi~agar~. 1~. B,heelllunipatnam. 17. Veeravalli. born. Jo--__"""'\ ____.A...... ____ ~ ( J?ersoDS. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. : Persons. Males. Females. (JO) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)

22~801 110~614 118,687 222,142 109,914 112,228 258,418 126,529 181,889 :,t:otal population. 294,234 110,578 118,656 222,089 109,899 112,190 258,319 126,468 181,851 A. Born in India.

~24,125 110,516 113,609 222,033 109,858 112,175 258,289 126,462 131,827 'I. Within the State oj enumeration. ' . 222,585 109,748 112,837 221.484 109,600 111,884 258,155 126,411 131,744 (i) District of enumeration. 1,540 768 772 549 258 291 134 51 83 (ii) Other districts. 119 62 47 56 41 15 29 6 23 II. States in India beyond the St.ak oj enumeration- 92 50 42 44 32 12 26- 4 22 (i) States adjacent to the State • • of enumeration• 53 25 28 38 26 12 7 2 5 Orissa. 24 12 12 2 2 19 2 17 Hyderabad. 3 3 1 1 Bombay. 4 4 1 I Mysore. Coorg. 8 6 2 2 2 Travancore-Cochin. 17 12 5 '12 9 3 3 2 1 (ii) Other Sta.tes. 3 2 1 Assam. 8 5 3 1 1 Bihar. 1 1 Madhya Pradesh. Punjab. I 1 5 5 Uttar Pradesh. 4! 2 2 5 3 2 West Bengal. Jammu and Kashmir. Madhya Bharat. Patiala and ' East Punjab States Union. 4 4 Rajasthan. Sourashtra. Ajmer. Bilaspur. Delhi. • • ·. ~ -' Kutcn. .. • • • • • • 1 • • 1 (iii) Elsewhere in India• 59 29 30 9 3 8 99 81 38 B. Countries in Asia be,oDd Indil. Afghanistan. 45 IS 27 7 2 5 96 60 36 Burma. ,Ceylon. .. 'China. 2 2 Nepal. 3 3 Pakistan. 9 6 3 2 1 1 3 1 2 .Strait_s, SettlelIlPn:ts and Malaya. .. ·. ·. U.S.S.R. ... - Elsewhere in India. 7 6 1 8 4 2 C. Countries in Europe. 6 4- . 7 6 1 2 .United Kingdom. and North Ireland . I,. • • ·. • .Elsewhere in Europe. 1 1 1 1 • • D.- Countries in 'Africa. 1 1 1 1 ·. ~ pnioll pf South Africa., .. • • ·. 1$... Coun'-ries III Amell.. •• •• ..•- ' Canada. • • • • .. - •• United States• •• ...... ' .. -', . ~ . , ' .. 37 8 29 • • • • ... BII1Il place not returlltd. Visak.-51 394


_ idl _ ....._, ______Rural Tract--cone.J. ______..... ___... ___ _

District, State; etc., or Country , , . ~.------wnere hom. 18. Visakhapatnam. 19. nolugonda.. - .. - - . 20. AnakapaJle.. r-~----~---~ Persons. Males. Females. p'ersons~ Males. Females. ------~,------Persons.. Males.. . Females. (19) (20) (21) . (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) Total Population _ 123,865 62,181 61,684 169,553 84,882 84,671 181,175 87,521 98,654 A. Born In India •• 123,239 61,717 61,522 169,400 84,811 84,589 180,799 87,818 98,481 1. Within the State of enumamtion. 122.527 61,290 61,281 169,385 84,800 84,585 180,645 87,196 93,449 (i) District of enumeration •• 121,773 60,774 60,999 167,883 84,245 83,638 180,164 86,938 93,226 (ii) Other districts •.• 798 516 282 1,502 555 947 481 258 223 II. States in India beyond the State 658 417 241 15 11 , 154 122 32 oj enumeration. (i) States adjacent to the State 361 198 163 11 8 8 21 27 of enumeration. Orissa •• 125 45 80 6 5 I 29 II 18 Hyderabad •• -•• 3 I 2 2 I I Bombay .. 111 63 48 15 8 7 Mysote 53 38 15 •• • • .. Coorg .• •• • • Travancore-Cochin 72 52 20 2 2 2 I 1 (ii) Other States 297 219 78 4 3 I 106 101 () Assam 4 3 1 ... 1 1 Bihar .. 27 19 8 ·. 52 52 Madhya Pradesh 4 4, 2 2 Punjab, 86 65 21 ' .. Uttar ·Pradesh .. 31 18 13 .. 40 38 2 West Bengal' .. 84 62 22 3 2 1 11 8 3 Jammu-and Kashmir 4 4 Madhya Bharat •• Patiala and East Punjab Sta.res Union. Rajasthan 22 14 8 Sourashtra .. Ajmer Bilaspur Delhi •• 35 34 1 1 1 Kutch •• • • ·. (iii) Elsewhere in India. 10 10 ... - - - - •• B. Countries III Asia beyond IDdia. 557 407 150 39 15 215 136 97 Afghanistan •• Burma .. 88 38 50 38 23 15 166 95 71 Ceylon 1 1 China .. ·. fi 5 Nepal .. • • 51 40 11 9 9 • • Pakistan 387 311 76 .. Straits Settlements and Malaya. IS 6 12 1 1 40 32 8 U~S:S.R. .. •••• 1 1 Elsewhere in Asia • • • • 6 5 1 (I. Countries In Europe :it 48 8 .. United Kingdom and North 23 18 5 'Ireland.­ E18ewhere in Europe • • 31 28 3 - D. Countries. in Afrlea ... 4 4 5 3 1 - •• • • • • .". Union of S~uth Mrica •• • • • •• 4: • • 4, 3 1 B. Oountries In Amerie. .. 11 11 ... .. - 9 9 - - Canada ..... '.... - ...... United States _ ... 2 2 .. •• - - . •• .1rtIl plue Dot retutued - - - - - 1ft 47 157 93 895

Taet·WIIere enumerated. Urban Tracts. ~--- -. -, 21. Sarvasidhi. Rural Total. 1. Vizianagaram City, District, State, etc., or country ____.l...- ,.1L - ~born. ~ r f ~ where Parsons. Males, Females. Persons, Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. j (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) ••8P8 112,126 117,770 1,761,840 872,153 895,687 67,104 33,278 38.831 Total Population.

W,72'l 112,020 117,707. 1,768.202 87.,141 895,061 "'973 88,191 88t 782 A. Born In India. 229,680 111,995 117,685 1,763.410 889,025 894.385 65,574 32,262 33.312 1.J Within the State of enumeraticm. 224,876 110,206 114,670 1,748,'121 861,740 886,981 62,074 30,324 31,750 (i) District of enumeration. 4:,804 1,789 3,015 14,689 7,285 7,404 3,500 1,938 1,562 (ii Other districts. 47 25 22 2,780 2,105 675 1,397 928 469 II. States in India beyond the Slalc oj enumeration. 30 16 14 2,3t5 1,742 573 803 612 291 (i) States adjacent to the state of enumeration. 15 7 8 1,969 1,581 438 627 410 217 Orissei'. 7 5 2 60 24 88 .7 23 24: Hyderabad. 1St 75 56 71 4. 27 '~omb~y. 6 2 4: 65 48 19 28 15 13 Mysore. .. .. 1 1 "toorg: . 2 2 .. 90 66 S4 29 19 10 'tre.vancore.Cochin. 11 9 8 465 868 102 594 416 178 (ii) Other States. I 1 9 6 a 2 1 1 Assam. B8 76 12 45 24 21 Bihar. 4 3 1 11 10 1 131 96 35 Madhya Pradesh. 86 65 2t 26 19 7 Punjab. ' ·. '17 62 15 81 52 29 Uttar Pradesh. 12 6 6 125 89 38 73 40 33 West&nga]•• 4 J ammu ~ ~4'Shmir. " 9 8 1 Madhya Bharat. Patiala and East Punjab States Union. 26 18 8 171 130 41 Raj8S~han. 2 1 t 54 45 9 Sourashtra. 1 1 ... Ajmer.:! .. 1 1 Bilaspur. ' ·' . 36 35 1 ·. • • Delhi. • • 1 1 Kutch• 12 11 1 2 1 -1 (iii) Elsewhere in India.

126 &3 68 0 1,174 784 410 119 74 45 'B. Countries in Asia beyond India. .. . . 9 9 Afghanistan, 120 60 60 616 327 289 25 ,15 10·. BUl'Ma. ., 1 1 Ceylon, , , . · . ' ~ 5 5 ·. Chitta. 2 2 66 55 11 53 29 24 Nepm. .. · , 390 314 76 28 19 9 Pakistan. 4 1 3 89 56 88 4 2 2 Str~ts Settlements and -.ya.. 1 1 •• U.S.S.R • e 5 1 ... • • ' , Else'Whe:re in Asia• ·. , . , , 61 58 11 5 3 2 O. "ountries In Europe. 36 28 8 5 3 2 •• U~~I~d~illgdO~an~;1 NOl'th ·. - 31 S8 8 - -- •• , EIse:,,:he:re in Europe. •• f • ... 12 6 6 5 4 1 .~. Co~~trles In Afri-.. - - 11 6 6 5 4 1 , , Union of South Africa.. - o • ... 11 11 '1 1 •• -_ ~. C01!l!trl~ iD Amedea. .. 9 9 - 1 ,_ 1 " Canada. t , •• 2 2 •• - • • ) J UniWd States. - 175 - ta 48 ... 874 199 t I. •• wrth place JlN r_ltd• Visakr-51A , ~~ i-A. VlSAKHAPATIfAM ~ISTRICT. D-IV-...... --: Urban Tracts--cont. "'""'I. 3. Non·City (Srungavarapukota, Bheemuni- patnam, Veera.valli. Golugonda., Anaka- District, State, etc., or Country 2. Visakhapatnam City. palle Sarvasidhi Taluks.) , - anq where born. r-- ~ Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females.

(37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) TotaJ Population 108,042 54,620 58,422 129,712 68,146 68,$6 A. Born in India 107,549 54,436 58,113 129,492 63,023 66;469 I. Within the State ojenumeration. 104,815 53,314 51,501 128,855 62,662 66,193 -(i) District of enumeration · . 96,919 49,040 47,879 125,258 60,799 64~4li9 (ii) Other districts 7,896 4,274 8,622 3,597 1,863 1,734 II. State8in.lndia_beyondtke State 2,695 1,104 1,591 637 361 276 oj enumeration.

(i) States adjacent to the State 1,887 837 1,050 UO 223 187 of enumeration.

Orissa •• 963 503 460 297 149 148 Hyderabad • • - 184 74 110 26 20 6 Bombay io • ·. 228 95 133 16 15 ' I Mysore 189 56 133 22 12 10 COOl'g •• o .. .. Travancore·Coohin •• 323 109 '214 49 27 22 (ii) Other States, 808 267 541 227 138 89 Assam ~ - II7 29 88 Bihar~ .• 61 7 54 37 17 20 Madhya ,Pradesh 116 31 85 24 16 8 Punjab - .. 133 84 49 10 8 2 Uttar Pradesh 139 28 III 8 8 -West Bengal .. 212 58 154 67 32 35 Jammu and Kaslrmir : Madhya. Bharat Patiala. and East Punjab 1 I States Union. Rajasthan 24 24 28 21 7 Saurashtra ·-. 50 34 16 Ajmer ...... Bilaspur ... Delhi ., \ 2 2 · - •• !__. Kutch 4 4 • • 2 I I (iii) Elsewhere in India 39 21 . 18 .0 . .'. ". ", ~ .. - - - JI: countries in Asia beYond India 448 166 282 199 114 85 Afghanistan ...... - Burma 266- 98 168 169 86 83 Ceylon o 0 ... • • 4 4 • • •• China •• o .. II 11 7 Nepal • 0 7 Pakistan ·. 160 57 103 3 3 ..straits SattJ.ements and Malaya. 7 7 ·. 20 18 2 U.S.KR. . . - .. ... ~ ~. o • Elsewhere in: Asia. - •• - .. • • C. Countries in Europe •• 4! 18 24 14 5 9 . United ~dom and North 10 6 4 4- • '2 2 Ireland. Elsew'hertJ in Europe •• •• ·32 12 20 10 .. 3 7 D. Countries'lia Aldel •• 3 ... 3 3 2 1 Union of, South Africa. - :3 3 3 ... ~'2 - -- 1 A" ... B. Countries In America .. 2 2 Canada . . - - ..,. :! 2 United States ·. - ---- .... ·. 0" - " •• BIIth J~ -no~ feW led - - •• •• 2 2 ,_ 397

Tract whell\ enumerated.

District Total. Urban Total. District, f;tate, etc., Or Country ,- , • rp -___,.__~ _------..A..------"\ Females. where born. PersOns. Males. Females. Persons. Males. _. (43) (44) .. (45) (16) , (47) (48) 1,049,506 Total Population. 304,858 151,039 163,819 2,072,698 1,023,192 1,021,791 1,048,425 AI )lorn in India. 304,014 150,650 153,364 2,070,216 :1,011,263 1,045,391 I. With'~n the State of enumeration. 299,244; 148,238 151,0~0~ 2,062,654 1,001,903 1,031,069 (i) District of enumeration. 284,251 140,163 44,088 2,032,9'12 14,322 (ii) Other districts. 14,993 8,075 6,918 29,682 15,360 7,509 4,498 3,011 II. State.'l in India beyo'nd the State 4,729. 2,393 2,836 of enumerl.1tlon . . ' . 1,528 5,415 , 8,314 2,101 , (i) States adjacent to the State 8,100. , 1,572 . of enumeration. l,263 Orissa. , 1,887 1,062 /825 3,856 2,593 140 317 141 176 Hyderabad. 251· 117 2t7 Bombay. 315 154 161 .446 229 804 129 175 l\fysOre. 239 83 156 Coorg. 1 1 1 1 270 Travancore·Cochin. 401 155 246 491 221 1,184 910 (ii) Other States. 1,629 821 808 2,094 36 92 Assam. 119 80 89 128 95 , 231 124 107 Bihar. 143' 48 129 Madhya Pradesh.; 143 128 , 282 153 271 -58 176 79 Punjab.' 169' 111 255 140 305 150 155 Uttar Pr~'d6.ah~':~ 228 88 258 West Bengal. 130 222 477 219 352 4 4 Jammu ~d K&shniir. 1 Madhya Bharat. 8 . t 9 8 9 1 1 Patiala and East Punjab 1 1 States Union. 48 249 193 56 Rajasthan. 223 175 26 Sourashtra. 79 25· 106 80 104 .. 1 . 1 Ajmer. 1 1 . 1 _Bilaspul'. 1 1 Delhi. 2 .. . 38 37 2 6 1 I(utrh. '1 6 1 7 30 23 (iii) Elsewhere in India. 41 19 22 53 1,940 1,118 822 B. Countries ~ Asia beyond In4la. '766 354 412 9 A f~hanistan. 9 9 9 261 1,076 526 550 Burma. ·460 199 Ceylon. 4 5 5 4 5 5 China. 46 Nepal. 36 35 137 91 71 398 188 Pakistan. 191 79 112 581 27 4 120 83 37 Straits Settlements and Malaya. 31 1 1 U.S.S.R. 6 5 t Elsewhere in Asia.

. 35 82 46 C. Countries in Europe. ' ., 61 26 128 , , 18 United Kingdom arid 'North 11 .,8 55 39 18 .~reland. '. _, ,.." ., 73 43 . 30 EisewheJ'e in Eurbpe. -- ·42 15 27 23 12 it D. Countries In Arriea. - - . 11 6 5 12 )1 Union of South Africa ., .;J.' .' ·11.. 6 5 23 , , . .',t_;, i 3 14 11 3 E. countries in Am6rica.:· :.: .~ . , - ,8' Canada. : - ~:' ,", <" " ,,3 12 .9 • r.,,"-," •• ~ _ ';.'v b • 2 2 United Stat€s. -.. .. 178 .3 3 377 308

1-A. VISAKBAPATNAJI DISTRICT. D.. VI-.N'on"lndian Nationals.

This table relates to "Nationality", i.e., citizenship 2. The areas included in each Census tract ha.ve· status, and furnishes 8ex~wise figures of Non-Indian been given in fly ..leafto Table B-1. Nationals enumerated in each tract in the district.

Total. Mgh&n, Nepalese. Burmese . Tract No. .4.. ,. .A. -) A- t - =-t I l< Persons. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 9) (1O) Rural- Agency- 12 ·. 1 1 1 • • ·. • • 13 , . ·- ·. Plains- 14 · 3 2 1 2 . ·. • * 1 15 .• 24 11 IS 2 1 11 16 ·. 8 4, • • . 2' w · 17 ·...... • • • • 18 .. 85 " ... 64- 21 • • 19 · . .. • • ... 20 .. .. • • • • 21 · . " 4: ·. ·. 4 Rural Total 125 82' 48 t 4 t 18·

Urban- i City 4:4 22 22 8 • • , ·. ·. ·.- 2 Do. . 212 74 138 1 ·. ·. •• 22 I 3 Non~City" 16 3 13 ·. ·. ·.. UrbaD Total 271 98 173 9 ·. 22 1 Disvlot ToW ·. 397 181 216 10 4 • • 23 1.

African British. Pakistan. non-clasaified. Mala.yan. Gennan. Tract No. A -. ( Y. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Femates. Ma.les. Females. Ma.les. . Females •. (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) -(19) (20) Rural- Agency- 12 ·. 13 ·. Plaina- 14 ·...... ·. 15 ·. ;) I 2 I I 16 · . .2 17 ·. ." . .. . . ·. ·. 18 · .' 49 20 8 2 19 ·. ·. • • 20 ·. ·. ·. ·. ·.. 21 ·. .. •• ·. ·. ·., RUlal Toal · . 58 28 10 t .. ·. 1 S ... Urban- I City 9 21 3 1 ·. • • •• ... 2 Do. .. 27 122 7 3 . .. ·. • • 3 Non·City .. 2 - •• 2- Urban Total ·. 36 149 12 t I · . ·. ·. a- District Total ·. 94 171 22 1 1 I ·. 1 S t; 3'09

1-A. VI!AKHAPATNAII DISTRIOT. D-VI-Kon-Indian Mationals.

Chinese. Dutch. American. Ceylonese. Norwegian. Tract No. , ,----A-~ t • . .. ..A. o _"""'\ Males. Females. Males. Females. , Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) '.Rura.l - Agency- 12 .. , . . 13 · . ,'. Plains- 14 · . •• 15 · . 16 · . 17 · . .. . . 18 · . 2 1 1 1 1 19 .. 20 · . 21 · . Rural Toill 2 1 1 1 1

'Urban- I City 2' Do. .. 1 ,', 1 3 Non.City,. 1.. " ••

Urban Total •• 1 District Total 2 1 1 1 1 1

French. Canadian. Swiss. Arabian. Italian. Polish. ,--_-..A--""""':, ,.-_.A------, Tract No. ,.--""'__""'__--, ,.------'--, .--_.A----, ~---. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) :Rufal- Agency- 12 · . 13 · . ,Plains- 14 15 .. 16 ·. 17 · " 18 , . · . .. > , 19 20 · . 21 .. Rural Total lTrban- 1 City .. • • 1 .. ., 1 .. .. ·. 2 Do. 14 1 .. 3 2 ·, 7 • • 1 ,3 Non-City. ~" • • • • 2 1 2 1

7, , Urban Total • • 15 2 2 2 1 4 2 ·. ·. . ·1

' , ,,2 DIstrict Total is 2 2 2 1 4 ·. 7" • • i r' - , . < ••• 400 i-A. VISAKHAPATlfAM DISTRICT. D-vn-Livelibood Classes This table shows the distribution of the)iterate population sex-wise among the eight livelihood classes by­ educational standards, separately for each census tract (Vide fly-leaf to Table B-I) in the district as well as. ,for the district. . AgricultW'al

I. Cultiva.tors of II. Cultivators of land wholly o~ land wholly or Educational standard. Total. mainly owned mainly unowned and their and their dependants. dependants. ,..-__--A..-_~ A r---.------~------~ ., Persons. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Fema.les. (1) (2) (3) (4) (o} (6) (7) , (8) RURAL TRAOT No. 12. GUDEM AGENCY TALUK. Literate 2,354 2,206 148 1.8~3 25 80 1 Middle School 188 123 65 36 I 37. Matriculate, S,S.L.C. or Higher Secondary. 120 77 43 24 1 2 Intermediate in Arts or Science .. 3 1 2 ... Degree8 or DiplQ'fI'I.a8. Graduate in Arts or Science 7 7 Post.Graduate in Arts or Science .. 2 2 Teaching 2 2 Engineering .. Agriculture ·. Veterinary Commerce _ Legal .. Medical Others ·. Total 2,676 2,418 258 1,873 27 119 t

RURAL TRACT No. 13. SRUNGAVARAPU~ KOTA, VEERAVALLI AND GOLUGONDA TALUKS (AGENCY PORTIONS). Literate 551 388 168 151 60 51 Middle School 242 '210 32 75 1 16 Matriculate, S.S,L.C. or Higher Secondary. 18 16 2 2 Intermediate in Arts or Science 5 3 2

D6{/1'668 or Diplomas. Graduate in Arts or Science .. 6 6 post.Graduate in Arts or Science .. · . Teaching 15 15 6 Engineering .. . -. 2 2 Agriculture 4: 4: 4: Veterinary · Commerce ... 2 2 . Legal". .• ·. • • ·. Medical ·. • • · . • • Others •. . . 4 ·. ·. • • ·. ... Total 845 646 199 282 61 73 48.

RURAL TRACT No. 14. SRUNGA- VAlU,PUKOTA TALUK (PLAINS pORTION). Literate 8~902 7,567 1,335 3,340 386 57 Middle School • . . • • • • • 287 281 6 53 '1 Matricula.te, S.S.L.C. or Higher Secondary. 130 128 2 34 2 Intermediate in Arts or Science 11 11 ·. 5 • • ·. ... Degreu or Diplom/J8. Graduate in Arts or Science •• 6 6 2 ." ·- , •• post-Graduate in Arts' or Science •• 1 1 _" . Teaching •• ·. 261 261 1 1 Engineering . '. • • ·. Agriculture .. •• • • ·. , , • • ·. ·. Veterinary " .. .. • 4 • • • • • • • • .'. • • Commerce " • • •• ·. • • Legal •. · • • Medical 7 1- Others tI. 1 I 1 Total •• 9,606 8,268 1,3tS 3,436 386 67 81 IJJ. ~&Jp~~~ ~. !.. .01- ~_: • 'r!. ~. I • .~. A person who can read and write a simple letter in any language has been treated as literate. cl8sses. Non-agricultural classes. ~ !Y. :No.n-c:tl;lti- Persons (including dependants) who derive their' principal means of livelihOOd from- .. m. Cultivating vating o;wners of 'labourers ~Q. lan.d, ,agriCultw~ V. Production vnr. Other ser~ .the'ii- dependants. rent receivers other than VI. Commerce. vn.\Transport. vices and miscel. and their dependants. cultivation. Ianeous sources. A A .I. f '1 f 1 t Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. ~ales. Females." (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)

85 3, 8 ·48 It> 37 61 12 143 22 2 1 12 2 21 18 45 13- 1 13 I 10 9 ,~ 10. 1 2 ,· .

1 ·. 6' o. ... 2 2· · - · .· . · .· . · . · - , · , . ·. .. ·. ·. · , · - · . . . , :~ . ·. ·. 87 3 10 73 21 70 61 39 · . ~.. , ~1 f,p

85 3 9 13 52 4 28 4 12 ~ ·vQ .a4 2 2 24: 4: 2' 2 55 15 5 1 31 2 3 ·. 2 ,. ,. ,Q 1 • • .. ·. ·. 3 a

(; ·. • • ·. ·. 9 2 ·. ·. ... 2· ·. ·. 5 86 17 54 6 37 85 19 ~7 , 4 1~2 ~

110 64 34 2,2 1,821 164 1,175 228 ' ')~2 J3 898 j9,~ 7 1 91 4: .. ·'. 5 4' 3 5 ~: 1 1 4 ·. ·-:.. ...

.. 4- . ' , 1 . ·. · · - 1 · 1 257 .... , . .. , , . .. • .r - , . ·... !· .. , , . , .. ·.. ·. . ... 3 4 .. .. , .. ·. ... 117 64 45 28 -1,91'8 164 1,184 228 138 43 1,360 3Sg, Visak.--52 "02

, i .. A. VISAKBAPATlfAM: DDTRIOT. n.. ro- Livelihood Classes Agricultural

I. Cultivators of II. Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or Educational standard. Total. mainly owned mainly unowned and their and their dependants. depen4ants. ---'--- _..l, ----., Persons. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Fema.les. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

RUlUL TRACT No. 15. VIZIANAGABAM TALux. Literate 19,389 15,498 3,891 6,000 1,460 1,552 193 Middle School 940 90S 32 237 10 134 Matriculate, S.S.L.C., or Higher Secondary. 219 218 1 40 6 ~termediate in Arts or Science· 29 28 1 9 Degrees or Diplomas. Graduate in Arts or Science 18 18 2 1 Post-Graduate in Arts or Science •. Teaching 169 162 7 23 Engineering .. 3 3 Agriculture Veterinary · . Commerce Legal .. Medical 5 5 Others ·. 2 2 ·. Total •• 20,774 16,842 8,932 6,311 ,1,470 1,693 193

RUlU.L TRACT No. 16. BBEEMUNI- PATNAM: T.uUL Literate 10,541 8,386 2,155 4,703 800 443 92 :Middle School ·. 519 419 100 178 22 12 1 Ma.triculate, S.S.L.C., or Higher Secondary. 157 151 6 57 2 Intermediate in Arts or Science 12 12 5 ... Degreu or Dip'loma8. Graduate in .Arts or Science 9 9 3 ·. .. ' Post·Graduate in Arts or Science •. 1 1 Teaching 116 112 4 13 I Engineering .. ·. 4: 4: .. Agricultm'e ·. ·. . Veterinary ·. · Commerce ·. .. . . Legal .. ·. Medica.l ·. ·. 5 5 1 Others 6 4 2 1 .. Total 11,370 9,103 2,287 4,961 823 457 93

RmuL Tlu.CT No. 17. VEERAVALLl TALUX (Pr..a..ms POBTION).

Literate • • 18,555 16,800 1,755 31137 33~ 8~2 33 Middle School 1,350 1,341 9 75 2 43 Matriculate, S.S.L.C., or Bigher Secondary. 59 58 1 25 4 Intermediate in Ari.s or Science 8 8 ·. Degrees or Diplomas.. • Graduate in Arts or Science 2 1 1 1 · Post·Graduate in Arts or Science .. ·. . Teaching ·- Engineering •. ·. •• Agriculture •• ·. ·. ·. • • ·. · Veterinary ·. · . Co:mmerce · . ·.. . Legal.. • Medical ·. Others .. ·. ·. ·. Total .. 19,974 18,208 1,766 3,238 336 889 sa by Educational Standards. classes. Non-agricultural classes. ,77WII IV. No'n~culti­ Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from In. Qultivating vating owners of labourers and land, agricultural V. Produetion V llI. Other ser· their dependants. rent receivers find other than VI. Commerce. VII. Transport. vices and miscel. their dependants. cultivation. laneous sources. A \. .A I ""'\ I 1 r -" "l r 1 , Males. Females. Males. Females. ~Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females .. (9) (10) . (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)

1,143 128 240 201 2,767 438 1,261 483 152 52 2,383 936 12 1 22 1 58 1 62 1 1 7 382 11 6 10 50 8 10 88 1. '2 2 3 12 , 1

3 12

3 11 1 2 1 122 3

5 •• 2

1,164 129 287 202 2,881 439 1,333 484 ,166 60 3,007 955

366 91 193 175 1,303 221 377 311 14 10 987 455 11 2 14 4 64 49 45 13 95 9 , 31 1 5 2 3 . 5 53 ~ " . ~

2 4 1 1 3 98 .. , . 4

.' .

.. 4 3 2

378 93 249 180 1,372 277 425 324 14 10 1,247 461

565 503 406 232 9,907 212 822 158 8 1 1,113 282 21 4 2 1,148 5 4Q 5- 1 14 4 1 9 1 5

.. • • I .. 1...... "

.. , .. 570 503 441 234 11,059 212 828 158 8 1 1,172 Visak.-53 404

1-A. VISAK'HAPATRAM DISTRICT. 'D-Vtt-tttell1ltmti CIasr'.f~ , Agricultu

I. Cultivators of n.· Cultivato~ 0 ' land wholly or land wholly Dr ,i" Educational standard. Total. ~owned JllIlinly unowned~ their and their

dependants. de_pendtmts., , __.). 1 Persons. Males. Females. Males. Females. l\lales. Females. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)


Literate 6t 172 4,016 2,156 886 248 205 36 Middle School 1,693 1,669 24 190 3 Matriculate, S.S.L.C., or Higher Secondary. 840 818 22 8 Intermediate in Arts or Science 258 258 • • Degrees or Diplomas.

Graduate in Arts or Science 194 193 1 1 Post-Graduate in Arts or Science .• 1 1 Teaching 2 2 Engineering .• Agriculture Veterinary Commerce 47 47 Legal .. Medical · 175 175 Others . 34: 12 22 Total 9,416 7,191 2,225 1,084 252 205 36

RURAL TRACT No. 19. GOLUGONDA TALUX (PLAINS PORTION). Literate ...... 6,940 5,924: 1,016 3,064 434 302 36 Middle School .. 1,476 1,305 171 744 64 62 9 Matriculate, S.S.L.C., or Higher Secondary. 189 186 3 122 3 Intermediate in Arts or Science 4, 4 2 Degrees or Diplomas. Graduate in Arts or Science 8 8 3 Post-Graduate in Arts or Science .. ·. Teaching 15 14 1 1 Engineering .. Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal .. Medical Others 4 4 ·. 2 ·. Total 8,636 7,445 1,191 3,938 498 367 45


Literate 12,193 10,650 1,543 4,843 375 968 77 Middle School 164 148 16 35 1 11 3 Matriculate, S.S.L.C., or Higher Secondary. 117 116 1 13 2 Intermediate in Arts or Science •• • • 17 17 3 1 Degrees or DiplomcuJ.

Graduate in Arts or Science 16 16 1 Post Graduate in Arts or Sceince •• Teaching 4: 3 1 3 Engineering .. 2 2 Agriculture Veterinary ·. Commerce Legal •• • • • • .. .. ·. .. .. ·. Medical .. · . 2 2 1 ·. Others 2 I 1 ·. 4L99 gsa Total 12,517 10,955 1,562 ~ 3'76 80 400 by Educational Standards. N on.agricultural classes.

IV. N on-culti~ Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from In. Cultivating vating owners of ~------~~------...... ------~ laboureTs snd land, agricultural V. Production VIII. Other ser- their dependants. rent receivers other than VI. Commerce. VII. Transport. vices and miscel. _--.A..------.. and their dependants. cultivation. " __laneous --A.---. sources. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (9) (10) (ll) (12) (13) (14) {I5) {I6} (17) (18) (19) (20)

254 81 32 12 653 109 531 632 1,170 150 280 893 3 1 54 8 1 28 4 1,394 7 2 21 14 1 106 1 681 . 6 3 15 240

1 16 176 1 2 · . .. . 47 .'

1 2 ·. 172 2 1 2 10 19 257 81 84 13 737 132 531 636 1,838 155 3,000 925

:271 13 90 80 1,323 54 428 112 4 2 442 285 28 36 13 186 17 80 15 2 167 53 1 16 2 42 3 1 1

1 .. 4 2 11 1 .. ·.

1 1 :.soo 13 146 93 1,512 71 508 6 2 668 342

~5 55 297 204 1,843 227 956 236 86 32 972 337 2 5 2 9 5 2 1 79 9 4 12 14 2 ·. 12 57 I 3 3 · . 3 4

6 · . 9 ·. 1 , .. 1 ·. 1 · . ' .. ·. . . ·. ·. 1 1 1 f692 55 317 206 1,876 228 963 286 1001 33 1,122 348

olasses.. Non-agricultural classes. --__:'---~------", . I IV. Non·culti~ Persons (including dep~ndants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from III. CJJltivating vating owners of labourers and land, agricultural V. Production VllI. Other aer- th~ir d~pendants. rent receivers other than VI. Commerce. VII. Transport. vices and miscel. and their dependants. cultivation. laneous sources. r-,__ --'...A '*'t.\ ,pm" .}+ Tiales. , Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)

7U 185 733 326 1,462 297 1,198 280 80 ' 1,088 454 13 6 80 12 16 21 63 9 135 3 I 57 7 17 8 89 2 I 6 1 3 6

I 2 2 1 9 .. I 38 2 .. 2 8

72'1 191 879 338 1,488 318 1,281 280 98 37 1,377 459

4,241 1,132 2,188 1,325 21,173 1,784 6,920 2,456 1,676 330 8,645 4,102 84 11 204 51 1,630 119 819 63 47 14 2,491 11:1 13 151 14 108 26 36 10 141 1 1,152 28 I 20 10 2 4: 22 277 3

6 3 334 525 2,486 1,014 3,541 2,083 .899 ~ • "5,OOI~ ~ 3,919 2 164 42 259 25 840 88 219 48 1,200 339 .. 164 3 132 4 90 9 • 166 6 1,175 82 •• 79 2 21 1 96 , 34 8 380 20

3 54 2 15 11 44 ,10 2 195 11 . . " .. 18 1 . 7 2 2 , .. 219 . 25 . 2 1 1 . . 25 .. .~ •• 1 10 2 46 3 1 2 , 74 .. 2 1 1 .. 30" i , ., 8 2 2,882 4,912 1 4 3 11 S 817 577 2,916 1,055 1,509 7,094 1,881 691 9,037 4,403 Visak..--M '08

l-A. VISAKHAPATlfA. DISTRIOT. DoO VD--UveUbood C.as Agricultural , __...A.. I. Cultivators of n. Cultivators of Total. land wholly or Educational standard. land wholly or mainly owned mainly un.owned aDd their and their dependants. dependants. .- ~"'------'..A.....""--'_'t f A -\ Persons. Males. FemsJes. Males. Females. Males. Females. (1) (2} (3) (4) (G) (6) (7) (8) CrrT TluCT No.2. (VrSAXlJAP.ATNA.1I CI~Y).

Literate .. .. 22,178 17,061 5,117 98 66 19 Middle School 2,406 1,982 424 4: :Matriculate; S.S.L.O.# or Higher Secondary. 2,464: 2,202 262 9 I Intermediate in Arts or Science 1,944 1,820 124 63 5 Degrees or Diplomas:

Gradua.te in Arts or Science 493 402 91 24 1 Post.-Gradua.te in Arts or Science .. 61 56 5 2 .. Teaching 444 322 122 Engineering " 12 4: 8 Agriculture 3 3 Veterinary .. 22 "21 1 • 0 .. Commerce .. 14 10 4: .. Legal .. 37 36 1 4, Medical ... 285 224 61 69 Others 17 17

Total 3OJ880 24,140 6,240 S78 73 19 NON-Crr'Y UlmAN TRACT No.3. (S:aUNGA­ VABAPUltoTA, BHEE'M:UNIPATNAM, VEEB.6... VALLI, GoLUGONDA, ANAXAPALLE AND SUVASIDm TALuttS). Litw'ate .. 15.576 13,120 2,456 873 350 70 Midme School . . • . 4,150 3,223 927 240 31 Matriculate, SoS.L.C., or Higher Secondary. 1,001 917 84 80 5 Intermediate in Arts or Soience " .• 265 231 34 3 Degret8 or Diplomas.

Graduate in Arts or Science 416 412 4 2 Post Graduate in Arts or Science .. 39 38 1 Teaching 217 206 11 EDgineering .. 11 11 Agriculture 2 1 1 .. Veterinary 36 36 1 Commerce 5 5 .. Legal .. 116 116 MedioaJ 50 47 3 1 ()thers •• - 3 3 Total ... 21,887 18,366 3,521 70 URBAN TOTAL.

U~te _ _ _ _ _ 58,575 42,778 15,897 1,221 621 449 90 Middle School . • . 0 _ •• 9,883 7,982 1,901 331 33 37 Matriculate, S.S.L.C .• or Higher Secondary. I 5,383 4,932 451 174 3 6 Intermediate in Arts or Science. •• • • 2,892 2,708 184 US 5

Degrees Of' Diplomas.

Graduate in Arts or Science _ 1,267 1,145 122 36 2 post.Gradua.te in Arts or Science • 0 ... 120 113 7 3" Tea.clring •• 918 758 160 2 Engineering •• 52 44 8 .. Agriculture ., . • . 0 .. 5 1 4: Veterinary • • • • _ .. 58 57 1 1 Com'merce ., 81 77 4: 3 Leg&l •• ., 233 232 1 4 MediCal •. 375 307 68 73 Others .. 7,832 2,898 4,934 •• .. Total 87,7'14 28,742 1.981 492 91 408

bl Educational Standards.

<:as&eS. Non-agricultural classes.

, . IV. Non-culti- Persons (including dependants) who derive their prinoipal means of livelihood from ID. Cultivating vating owners of labourers and l~d, agricultural V. Production VIII. Other aer· their dependants. rent receivers other than VI. Commerce. VII. Transport. vices and miscel. and their dependants. cultivation. laneous sources. ..J,..._ I. > ...-A.-~ , .)(ales., ·Females. Males. . Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females.. (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)

9 4, 136 299 2,606 365 339 191 1,635 2,148 12,219 2,044 II 5 160 4: 16 20 104 6 1,687 . 389 1 34 5 141 109 4 9 94 9 1,919 129 l:!O 5 39 28 6 29 3 1,569 77

367 61 866 627 3,067 30 3,002 439 469 158 4,126 644 7 I 135 81 180 3 843 87 123 77 1,664 652 103 1 55 2 172 5 22 480 75 30 6 15 4 173 34

15 4 7 .. - 384 4: · . 1 1 36 1 7' 2 197 11 1 · . 1 9 1 1 · . · . 35 2 2 1 S .. 108 · . 2 44 3 1 2 3'14 62 1,167 709 3,817 35 4,047 531 819 235 7,216 t,4$

382 68 1,336 1,451 8,159 1,409 6,882 2,713 3,003 2,938 21,346 6,607 9 1 310 128 599 32 1,699 195 446 131 4.551 1,380 1 301 9 328 115 266 23 282 }5 3,574 286 229 7 66 29 III 6 67 6 2,122 131

S 128 14 34 55 51 21 2 872 49 7 5 5 I 3 94 2 14 · . 29 4: 2 2 738 127 3 3 1 3 4: 34 4 ·. · . 1 ., , ·. 1 .. · . 1 .. 55 _. ·. · . 2 3 2 12 4 55 .. 20 1 1 2 2 203 .. 2 37 3 46 3 192 19 8 3 1 2,884 4,912 1 4 19 397 69 2,394 1,622 9,200 1,719 11,916 7,851 3,832 3,098 33,840 8,628 Visa.k.--54~ 4i~ i-A. VISAKHAPATKAM DISTRiCT.


I.' Cultivators of II. Cultivatots of land wholly or land wholly fOr mainly owned and mainly unowned and Educational standard. Total. their dependa.nts. their dependants.

Persons. Males. Females. Males. . Females. Males. Females. (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (8)

DISTRIOT TOTAL. Literate .. 160,174 127,171 33,003 35,352 5,872 5,868 816 Middle School ·, .. 17,268 14,862 2,406 2,110 142 363 27 Matriculate, S.S.L.C. or Higher Secondary. 7,514 6,979 535 595 5 31 3 Intermediate in Arts or Science · . 3,266 3,077 189 147 5 I Degrees or Diplmnas.

Graduate in Arts or Science • • 1,550 1,426 124 50 3 1 Post· Graduate in Arts or Science •• 126 119 7 4: Teaching ,. ·. •• 1,542 1,369 173 50 1 I Engineering •• - • •• •• 65 57 8 Agrieulture •• -0'" -•• 9 6 4: .. ~ . 4 Veterinary U 58 57 1 1 •• -.:. .-.. ·~ COJDIIlerce ...... w •• 130 126 4 3 ·• . Legal .. U - 237 236 1 6 ..· , Medical -- -... - 577 509 68 75 •• others - - '"4.1 ... - 71 29 42 6 .. Total ...~ 192,587 156,022 36,565 38,899 6,028 6,269 M6 411 blU"tIoul-Standards. oe1aates. Non -agricultural clu.sses. IV. Non-culti- Pe-rsous (including dependants} who de-rive their principal means or livelihood rrom ill. Cultivating vating owners of labQurers and - land, agricultural V. Production VITI. Other ser- .their dependants. rent receivers other than VI. Commerce . VII. Transport. vices and misce)· and their dependants. cultiva.tion. laneous sources.

)Iales. 'Females., Males. Fema.les. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (9) (10) (11), (l2) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)

.t.,623 1,200 3,524 2,776 29,332 3,193 13,802 5,169 4,679 3,268 :29,991 10,709 93 12 514 179 2,229 151 2,018 258 493 145 7,042 1,492 14 452 23 436 141 - 302 33 423 16 4,726 314 1 249 7 76 31 115 6 89 6 2,399 134

4: 133 14 47 55 51 38 2 1,102 50 ,9 5 5 1 4: .. 96 2 4: 29 3 33 7 2 · . ~ 1,275 134 3 4 1 4 ,4 45 4 1 4: 1 1 · ; 55 2 3 2 12 4 104 20 1 1 ....:) 2 . . 205- .2 . 40 3 1 46 3 2 386 19 1 5 1 4: 3 2 2 ·, " 11 86 4,742 1,21.2 4,979 3,010 32,142 3,657 16,816 5,470 -5,738 3,444 47,437 12,888 . .... -G'


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