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Research.Pdf (630.5Kb) IRON, WINE, AND A WOMAN NAMED LUCY: LANDSCAPES OF MEMORY IN ST. JAMES, MISSOURI _______________________________________ A Thesis presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School at the University of Missouri-Columbia _______________________________________________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts _____________________________________________________ by BRENT ALEXANDER Dr. Soren Larsen, Thesis Supervisor AUGUST 2008 The undersigned, appointed by the dean of the Graduate School, have examined the thesis entitled IRON, WINE, AND A WOMAN NAMED LUCY: LANDSCAPES OF MEMORY IN ST. JAMES, MISSOURI presented by Brent Alexander, a candidate for the degree of Master of Arts, and hereby certify that, in their opinion, it is worthy of acceptance. Professor Soren Larsen Professor Larry Brown Professor Elaine Lawless Dedicated to the people of St. James …and to Lucy – we are indebted to the love you had for this town. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Dr. Soren Larsen for being an outstanding advisor to me during my graduate school experience. I learned a lot. I would like to thank the other members of my thesis committee – Dr. Larry Brown and Dr. Elaine Lawless – for all of their great ideas, challenging critiques, and the time they devoted to proofreading this lengthy piece of work. Thanks are due as well to other members of the Geography Department faculty and the greater academic community who offered advice and constructive criticism throughout the development of this research project. I would like to send a special thank you to Dr. John Fraser Hart for giving me the opportunity to say that I have fielded criticism from a legend in the discipline. I would like to thank all of my fellow graduate students who have provided some scholarly – but mostly emotional – support over the past two years in Room 2. I would like to thank the Center for Arts and Humanities and the Department of Geography at the University of Missouri for helping me fund my field research in St. James. But most of all, I would like to thank all the people in St. James who assisted me during my field research. I would like to thank my parents for providing accommodations; Kristin Whitaker and the Leader-Journal for helping me spread the word about my work; and Mayor Dennis Wilson, Verna Brand, Myra Ortbals and Bob Wilson for sharing your thoughts about St. James with me. I would especially like to thank the twenty-seven people whom I interviewed, on whose words much of this thesis is based. Without the valuable memories, perceptions and opinions you shared with me, I would not be writing this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................ ii LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ vii ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... viii Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION AND LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................1 St. James, Missouri Sense of Place Sense of Place and Cultural Geography Understanding Small Town Sense of Place Cultural Landscape Theory Landscape of Memory Previous Work 2. METHODS .............................................................................................................26 Hermeneutics Case Study Research Methods Overview Initial Free Elicitation Interviews with Residents Free Elicitation Interviews with Official Representatives Semi-Structured Interviews Semi-Structured Interview Coding Participant Observation and Archival Research Participant Identity 3. RESULTS ...............................................................................................................54 Initial Free Elicitation Interviews with Residents iii Free Elicitation Interviews with Community Leaders Content Analysis of Tourist Information Center Literature Semi-Structured Interviews 4. DISCUSSION I – THE OFFICIAL VISION .........................................................71 Introduction Iron, Wine, & Lucy: Eras of St. James Maramec Iron Works & the Founding of St. James Lucy Wortham James St. James Viticulture Community Planning Documents 1967 Comprehensive Plan Meramec Regional Planning Commission Documents Places that Form the Official Vision James Memorial Library The James Foundation and the New York Community Trust City Hall Tourist Information Center Free Elicitation Interviews with Community Leaders Mayor Chamber of Commerce President Tourism Director Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Coordinator Conclusion 5. DISCUSSION II – THE LIVED EXPERIENCE .................................................105 Introduction iv Prologue – Maramec Spring Park The Older Generation: St. James as Palimpsest Memory Legacy Change Pride The Middle Generation: St. James as Mayberry Quality of Life Place Attachment Civic Obligation The Outsider’s View The Younger Generation: St. James as Cruisescape Where the Teenagers Are – The Landscape of Hanging Out Where the Kids Are – The Landscape of Childhood The Natural Setting Vision of the Future Addendum – A Critical View of St. James Negative Perceptions Pierce’s Extraordinary Dissent Conclusion 6. CONCLUSION .....................................................................................................185 Reflexivity Cultural Memory The Author’s Lived Experience in St. James – A Thought for Future Research Small Towns Today v The Multiple Landscapes of St. James Conclusion APPENDIX 1. RESIDENT SEMI-STRUCTURED INTERVIEW SCRIPT ...............................203 2. SEMI-STRUCTURED INTERVIEW PARTICIPANTS AND STRATIFIED SAMPLE GOALS ............................................................................................204 WORKS CITED ..............................................................................................................205 vi LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Count of Literature from TIC for Areas Distant from St. James .............................66 2. Count of Literature from TIC for Areas Outside St. James in the Ozark Highlands Region ..................................................................................................................66 3. Count of Literature from TIC for Sites in St. James ................................................67 4. Number of Respondents and Separate Coded Statements for each Structured Question Parent Node ..........................................................................................68 5. Number of Respondents and Separate Coded Statements for each Places Parent Node ....................................................................................................................69 6. Number of Respondents and Separate Coded Statements for each Ideas or Qualities Parent Node .........................................................................................................70 7. Number of Respondents and Separate Coded Statements for each Community Capitals Parent Node ...........................................................................................70 vii IRON, WINE, AND A WOMAN NAMED LUCY: LANDSCAPES OF MEMORY IN ST. JAMES, MISSOURI Brent Alexander Dr. Soren Larsen, Thesis Supervisor ABSTRACT The research presented here explores sense of place in the town of St. James, Missouri by examining place perceptions and attachments among residents. Semi- structured interviews were conducted within a stratified sample of 27 individuals to explore the individual and collective memories, perceptions, and lived experiences that contribute to the residents’ sense of place. This lived reality is posited against the “official vision” of St. James – the image presented by tourism, government, development and official history – to explore the question of authenticity on the landscape. The lived reality offers three alternate landscapes of St. James. “St. James as palimpsest” presents a landscape built on memory, legacy, pride and change. “St. James as Mayberry” presents a landscape based on quality of life, place attachment, civic obligation and the outside perspective. “St. James as cruisescape” presents a landscape built on young adult memories of childhood and teenage years lived in the town, the natural setting of the town, and visions of the future. An additional element to this research concerns the issue of reflexivity in ethnographic research: the investigator grew up in St. James but has been away for many years, making him neither a true insider nor outsider. The research concludes with an assessment of the situation of small Midwestern towns at the brink of the twenty-first century. viii Chapter 1 Introduction and Literature Review St. James, Missouri St. James is a town of about four thousand people at the southern edge of central Missouri. It has a central location relative to other places in the state: it lies on Interstate 44, one hundred miles southwest of St. Louis, one hundred miles northeast of Springfield, an hour and a half south of Columbia and Jefferson City, and at the northern edge of the Ozarks region of southern Missouri. In many ways, St. James is a typical small town along a Midwestern interstate highway. The interstate has allowed moderate growth, or at least prevented it from dying like so many other rural towns. It has a highway services core along the interstate, with gas stations and chain restaurants, as well as a traditional downtown
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