Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, April 23, 2009 OUR 119th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 17-2009 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J.
[email protected] SIXTY CENTS Clancy, Finn, Mattessich Win; WF $78.2 Mil. School Tax Passes CHRISTINA M. HINKE of Education election on Tuesday. “I always say how privileged it is to Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Ms. Clancy had 2,525 votes; Mr. live in a town like Westfield, and I WESTFIELD – Incumbent Jane Mattessich received 2,505 votes, and think this vote today shows how edu- Clancy, David Finn and Richard Mr. Finn took 2,170 votes. Michael cated our electorate really is,” he said. Mattessich won the three open three- McLane and Kathy Monteiro lost, Polls were open from 7 a.m. to 9 year-term seats in the Westfield Board receiving 1,593 and 2,003 votes, re- p.m. Robert Berman, board business spectively. administrator, said the turnout of vot- “Thank you, voters of Westfield, for ers was one of the highest, saying the believing in what I stand for, and I can’t year 2006 was the highest he could wait to get to work for the children of recall with about 5,000 people cast- Westfield schools,” Mr. Finn said. ing a ballot on the budget or about 24 “I am truly looking forward to con- percent of the town’s nearly 20,000 tinuing my work that I have started. I registered voters.