Uncharted Is a Video Game Series That Possibilities
Writing has nothing to do with signifying. It task for teacher and learner as explorers is to has to do with surveying, mapping, even allow for realms that are yet to come. -(Deleuze & territorialization/deterritorialization/re- Guattari, 1987, p.5 ) territorialization as real life circumstances and experiences impede or open up Uncharted is a video game series that possibilities. For Drake, the video game follows the journey of a contemporary protagonist, the final assessment of his treasure hunter. In the game, the player as success is whether or not he retrieves the the avatar Nathan Drake travels to uncharted treasure. In teaching and learning, multiple islands in search of historical treasures. In treasures can be discovered along the way video gaming, game characters or avatars that are often undervalued by educators, allow players to interact with the digital treasures such as student observations, world; however, the term avatar can be more reflections, and newly formed connections broadly defined as a performable between the student and the larger network embodiment of self. The term avatar of the world. These treasures or avatars can (avatara or incarnation in Sanskrit) already be assessed in order to provoke and engage exists within the collective cultural learners in the process of creating their own consciousness. In fact, any manifestation of learning networks. Avatars as a performance an understanding, concept, or idea in a of self produce formative instances as visual, verbal, and/or tangible form and its fragments of understanding and summative performance is an avatar. In Uncharted, the measures as a big picture map of these player, traveling around the world as the instances over time (Naughty Dog, 2007; avatar Nathan Drake, charts a journey.
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