Championing Going home for the forgotten Coal the holidays B6 art of on CAMPUS beekeeping Campus plant, B1 speaker show both sides of industry A5 Eastern Kentucky University THE EASTERN PROGRESS © 2011 Richmond, KY Student publication of Eastern Kentucky University since 19219222 14 pages,pages, TThursday,hursday, NovemNovemberber 17, 20120111 Veterans remembered, commemorated NATIONAL ROLL CALL LED BY FACULTY, STUDENTS KICKS OFF VETERANS DAY CELEBRATION STAFF REPORT
[email protected] Last Friday Eastern took part in a Veteran’s Day ceremony echoed simultaneously at schools in all 50 states. Th e National Roll Call, started by Brett Morris, Eastern’s associate director of veteran’s aff airs, was picked up by 183 other colleges across the coun- try. At Eastern, the ceremony began at 6 a.m. with a reading of the names of all 6,313 casualties of Oper- ation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Th e EKU VETS: reading of the names conclud- See related ed with remarks from Presi- dent Doug Whitlock, Lt. Gen. story on A3 Robert Yerks, Student Body President Rachel Mollozzi and Rep. Ben Chandler. “Th ere was a lot of VIPS,” said Jared Smith, 30, police studies major from Somerset. “Th at really SETH LITTRELL/PROGRESS and SUBMITTED BY DEBBIE VESCIO shows the caliber of event it was.” (Above, counter clockwise) Students examine names written on flags to thank and Th e ceremony also featured a nationwide min- memorialize soldiers. ( Top corner left) Col. Brett Morris is inducted as a member of ute of silence, a 21 gun salute from a VFW rifl e the new veteran fraternity.