Antonio Pont Amenos

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Antonio Pont Amenos ANTONIO PONT AMENOS BORGES S.A. Flix, 29 43205 – REUS Phone: 977.309000 Email: [email protected] PERSONAL INFORMATION Born: May 26, 1934 Married with Mercedes Soriano (from Madrid) Father of 5 children: Antonio, Nuria, Ana, Reyes and Marina, and grandfather of 16. Languages: English, French, and Italian ACADEMIC STUDIES ♦ Baccalaureate at the religious association so called “Escolapios” brothers in Tarrega ♦ Professor “Intendente Mercantil” at the Business School so called “Escuela de Altos Estudios Mercantiles de Barcelona. ♦ Oil Technical by the Oil School in Barcelona ♦ Diploma in Business Management by I.E.S.E. SCHOLASTIC ACTIVITY ♦ Spanish President of AIESEC (Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales), attending the congresses in Milan an Wien, and having untied this association from SEU and moved its seat to Barcelona. He is International Senior Member of AIESEC. CIVIC ACTIVITIES ♦ President-Founder in 1968 of the Junior Chamber in Reus of which he is International Senator having attended the congresses of Gothenburg, Brussels and Edinburg. ♦ President-Founder in 1979 of Rotary Club in Reus. In 1957 he received from this association a Scholarship to study in the USA but he could not take it up. This was however the origin of the granting since then of a yearly scholarship to Spanish students by the American Rotary Club of Georgia. He was awarded the Paul Paul Harris Medal of the International Rotary. ♦ From 19775 to 1985 he has been General Director of EXPRO-REUS, the Catalana Consumer Fair, having organised in 1984 the International Nut Fair. ♦ He has been the organiser of the I and IV International Nut Congress held in Reus in 1980 and 1984, having promoted the foundation of CEFRUSE (Spanish Nut Council). ♦ President-Founder in 1995 of “Gresol Empresarial de la Catalunya Nova”, organisation which groups the main businessmen of the area. ♦ President of the First and Second International Congress of the Mediterranean Diet held in 1996 and 1998 in Barcelona during ALIMENTARIA. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY Borges Enterprise Group, of familiar character in its fourth generation devoted to oil, tree nuts and dried fruit business and agricultural explotations. These products are being traded under BORGES brand. The enterprise received the Export Reward of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce in 1969 and 1973, the Golden Salima in Brno (Czechoslovakia) in 1979, the Export Reward 1987 of the Generalitat of Catalonia, the reward “Marketing Lider” 1987 of the Barcelona Marketing Club, the reward “Gaspar de Portolà” in 1991 for the business promotion between California and Catalonia, the Export reward 1991 of the Tarragona Marketing Club, “Mejor Iniciativa Empresarial 1994” (Better Enterprise Initiative) of “El Periodico”. Reward to the Enterprise with Major Export Vocation 1995 of “La Actualidad Economica”. The Borges Group has been selected twice as one of the 500 more dynamic Enterprises of the European Community (Europe’s Top 500 Dynamic Entrepreneurs). In the 1998 marking of “La Actualidad Economica” it has been the most admired Spanish Enterprise with the number 41 and 5th of Foodstuff Enterprises. ♦ Member of the Board and Promoter of Privat Bank ♦ Ex Regional Adviser of Catalonia of Banco Central Hispano. ♦ Vice-President 1st of the Board of Directors of the Agrupacion Mutua del Comercio y de la Industria. ♦ Member of Management of the Spanish Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce. ♦ Ex member of the Executive Committee of the Reus Chamber of Commerce and Industry. ♦ Member of the Spanish Chapter of the Roma Club. ♦ Ex Member of the Board of Banco de la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa (BANKPYME) ♦ President Founder of INC (International Nut Council, organisation that co-ordinates and promotes the world tree-nut business. He has been the President of the V World Tree-Nut Congress held in Hamburg (May 1985) and of the First World Tree-Nut Convention held in 1986 in Istanbul, of the VI Congress held in Montreux (Switzerland) in 1987 with the attendance of 700 people, of the Second Convention of 1988 in Lisbon as well as of the VII Paris Congress in 1989 where he was named Honour President of INC. The permanent Secretariat of INC is in Reus. ♦ President Founder of ETC – European Tree-Nut Committee. ♦ He has made speeches in Palm Springs and Sacramento (USA), in Sorrento (Italy), Cairns (Australia) and in Spain. DISTINCTIONS ♦ “Provincial de Tarragona 1976” ♦ “Reusenc del any 1977” ♦ Centurion de Marketing 1980 ♦ Golden Decoration of the Fair of Reus 1985 ♦ Knight Commander of the Civil Order of the Agriculture Merit 1986. ♦ Crier of St. Peter Feast in Reus, in 1987. ♦ Medal to the Municipal Merit of Reus, in 1988 ♦ Medal of Agriculture of Generalitat, in 1988 ♦ “Almendra de Oro” (Golden Almond) of Barbastro, in 1992 HOBBIES ♦ Golf, (having been promoter Shareholder of Golf Reus Aigüesverds) ♦ Travelling, reading and gastronomy, having been President Founder of the gastronomic Confraternity of the “Costa Dorada” (Golden Coast). Reus, January 26th, 2018 .
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    1 ARAGALL REVISTA DE RECORREGUTS GEOLÒGICS ARAGALL, nº 16 - DESEMBRE DEL 2017 ISSN 2462 6309 Editada per SIGMADOT i MUSEU DE GEOLOGIA DE LA UPC I DEL GEOPARC DE LA CATALUNYA CENTRAL MANRESA Portada: ROQUES BLAVES, ESPARREGUERA 2 PRESENTACIÓ Continuem en aquest numero, la publicació de diferents itineraris geològics per Catalunya, dintre de la revista ARAGALL (REVISTA DE RECORREGUTS GEOLÒGICS PER CATALUNYA). Aquesta publicació serà gestionada per la entitat SIGMADOT (Societat Internacional de Geologia i Mineria Ambiental pel Desenvolupament i per l ́Ordenament del Territori), amb la col·laboració del Museu de Geologia “Valentí Masachs” de la UPC i del Geoparc de la Catalunya Central. Dintre del present numero, que serà el desè de la publicació, inclourem diversos treballs realitzats des del Museu de Geologia. En aquest cas, els recorreguts es van desenvolupar durant el mes de maig de l ́any 2015, fonamentalment Així, els dos primers recorreguts es van realitzar per la comarca del Solsonès, dintre del futur Parc Geològic i Miner del Solsonès. Mentre tant, els altres quatre recorreguts, es van realitzar per la comarca del Priorat. _________________________________________________________ 3 SUMARI DEL NUMERO 16 DE LA REVISTA ARAGALL Nº RECORREGUTS PÀGINES 1 RECORREGUT CIRCULAR PER CANALDA 05 - 14 2 RECORREGUT CIRCULAR PER CAMBRILS (ODÈN) 15 - 28 3 MASROIG – PUIG ROIG DEL ROGET – EL MOLAR 29 - 44 4 MOLAR – LA FIGUERA - CABASSERS 45 - 54 5 CABASSERS – MARGALEF - ULLDEMOLINS 55 - 70 6 ULLDEMOLINS – ALBARCA - CORNUDELLA 71 - 88 4 ARAGALL (REVISTA DE RECORREGUTS GEOLÒGICS PER CATALUNYA). Nº 16 Recorregut 1, pp 5 – 14 RECORREGUT DE RECERCA GEOLÒGICA PER LA COMARCA DEL SOLSONÈS: RECORREGUT CIRCULAR PELS VOLTANS DE CANALDA, DINTRE DEL PARC GEOLÒGIC I MINER DEL SOLSONÈS Per Josep M.
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