
Cell Organelle Review You need…. Table cleared White Board Marker Eraser Mouth Closed! Word Bank

Membrane • • Nucleus Click to watch cell organelle video

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=- zafJKbMPA8&feature=bf_prev&list=PLn6MYtn BEzPt5jgU8uP8lYmvuLg0JyPwn Description: surrounds the cytoplasm Organelle: Structure or Control center Control center

Nucleus Function Larger in plant cells Larger in plant cells Vacuole Structure Removes waste Removes waste

Cell Membrane or Function Chromosome are found here Chromosome are found here Nucleus

Structure Converts glucose (food) into Converts glucose (food) into energy Mitochondrion

Function Gel-like liquid that fills a cell Gel-like liquid that fills a cell Cytoplasm

Structure Allows things to enter and exit the cell Allows things to enter and exit the cell

Cell Membrane (Plasma Membrane) Function Provides support Provides support

Cell Wall

Function Storage site for water, nutrients and waste Storage site for water, nutrients and waste


Function Contains stacks of discs that house chlorophyll Contains stacks of discs that house chlorophyll


Structure Double membrane with inner folds Double membrane with inner folds


Structure Site of (where plant food is made) Site of photosynthesis (where plant food is made)


Function Rigid, green, surrounds plant cells Rigid, green, surrounds plant cells

Cell Wall

Structure Suspends organelles Suspends organelles



No nucleus No nucleus

Prokaryotic Has a nucleus Has a nucleus

Eukaryotic • Create a Venn Diagram using the word bank to differentiate between plant and animal cells.

Word Bank Large Vacuole Small Vacuole Mitochondrion Both Nucleus Animal Cell Wall Cell Cytoplasm Chloroplast Cell Membrane Round Shape Square Shape • Create a Venn Diagram using the word bank to differentiate between plant and animal cells.

Plant Cell Both Word Bank Animal Cell Large Vacuole Large Vacuole Mitochondrion Small Vacuole Small Vacuole Nucleus Mitochondrion Cell Wall Nucleus Cytoplasm Round Shape Cell Wall Cytoplasm Chloroplast Cell Membrane Chloroplast Cell Membrane Square Shape Round Shape Square Shape Identify the PLANT cell Identify the PLANT cell Identify the PLANT cell Identify the PLANT cell Identify the PLANT cell Identify the PLANT cell