ISSUE 59-10 October 2017

In This Issue From the Helm p1 Chili p2 Parking / Key FOB p3 Social Committee p4 Misc. Ramblings p5 Fall Clean-up p7 Thanks to all of you who came out Friday night Jazz p8 for the Elections Meeting at the club. We had a Don’t be that guy p10 Pictures p12 good turnout! By holding an inperson voice vote Next month p18 for our uncontested candidates, we were able to Calendar p19 save the club a substantial amount of money.

Save the date! November 4th is the Commodores Ball. We will host it at Bluewater Hall. It will be the setting for the end of the year Submissions due by the 4th Tuesday of the GTYC Awards! I'm also excited to announce month prior to that The Lucas Paul Band will entertain us! We publication - 500 words have pulled a public liquor license and or less please encourage everyone to invite friends! They are a [email protected] great dancing band! See you at the club! Commodore Phelps Social Committee: Chili

Jed Mooney - Social Chair

Breaking News: UM vs. MSU Football game to kick off at 7:30pm on Sat. Oct. 7! After a long status at TBD on the two universities’ schedules, fans now can prepare for an evening match-up, as opposed to the early afternoon contest preferred by UM’s Coach Jim Harbaugh.

What does this mean for GTYC? It means we can finalize plans for this year’s Annual UM-MSU Football Tailgate Party & Chili Cook-Off: 6:30pm Saturday, October 7. The GTYC bar will be open from noon that day during the afternoon for the spectator crowd at the Cornwell Memorial High School Regatta, and, once the regatta is over and awards . . . awarded, we will set up serving tables to lay out the tailgate party food & chili cook-off entries for the 6:30 feeding start. Sampling & voting on your favorite chili dishes will continue through the first half of the game, with the votes being tallied and results announced during half-time -- Prizes: 50% of door to 1st Place, 20% to 2nd Place, 10% to 3rd Place -- plus the usual additional Games of Chance (“Squares”) opportunities to win $$$ during the game. Whip up your favorite award-worthy chili recipe and/or tailgate food item, gather the family and friends, and spend the evening sampling all of the goodies and cheering your gridiron heroes on to victory! -- $5 at the door (kids under 13 free). Key Fob & Parking Page Heather VanStratt

Key Fobs Our current security key fob system is antiquated and we are no longer able to program key fobs for new Active Members. We will be installing a new reader pad to our door when the majority of fobs have been distributed. In an effort to offset a portion of the cost of the new entry system, the Board voted to charge a one time fee of fifteen dollars per fob. Every Active membership will be issued one new fob. Additional fobs are available for purchase. We will send out notification when the new door hardware has been installed. In the meantime, please use your existing fob for entry to the building.

Parking Lot Clings The parking committee has worked over the last year to maximize our available parking. We will be issuing parking clings for Active memberships. These clings are to be placed on the driver-side windshield bottom corner. The clings will be used to track parking lot usage, and inform future parking lot decisions. Moving forward the clings will become essential in parking in the primary lot. Social Committee

Jed Mooney - Social Chair

CRAFTERS NIGHT: The first Crafters Night of the Fall will be Wed. Oct. 11, with some rope splicing demonstration & instruction included as a special attraction among the other crafts of choice. Starting in November (11/1/17) Crafters Nights will move to their traditional “1st Wednesday of the month” schedule through April. Keep an eye on your GTYC updates e-mails for announcements of special interest crafting programs.

As mentioned above, the Cornwell Memorial High School Sailing Regatta will be held at GTYC on Sat., Oct. 7. The following Sat. & Sun., Oct. 14 & 15, GTYC will host the Michigan High School Sailing Championships. These events make for some interesting spectating, as we have an opportunity to see the future of our sport interacting & competing. A great way to partake in a good dose of sailing camaraderie – and rumor has it there will be socializing catalysts in the form of adult beverages available to the adult spectators during both of these sailing events.

Anyone interested in helping out with creative planning and participation in GTYC Social activities should contact Jed Mooney ([email protected]) – we could use more crew & a boat load of fresh ideas as we crank up for the winter social season and go into 2018 with a full sails! For instance – would someone like to step up and organize the monthly Euchre parties anew? Misc. Ramblings PC40

Misc Ramblings PC40 Ahhh SUMMER . . . . finally arrived!!! What an interesting weather pattern we have experienced this past few weeks. I’ve heard predictions of both heavy and light winter ahead so who knows what we’ll get. Last Friday, the 22nd, was the Autumnal Equinox somewhere around 4 pm. Welcome to FALL!!! Did you know that you can balance eggs on their ends on either Equinox. I got one to balance the day before, but didn’t have time to play around on Friday. Had a very enjoyable Labor Day weekend doing my 20th and LAST Red Fox Regatta as PRO on board Duchess, a 46’ Bertram and a great platform for RC. Both Jeff and Mary Ann Maier were aboard along with Charlie Harrett from Boyne City and Rich Hodgson, owner of Duchess. We had a great time although the wind pooped on Saturday and we had to shorten course at Horton Bay, but Sunday was a full course all the way to the A Mark in front of the Depot. Participation was up slightly this year which is encouraging. I’m heading to Gull Lake for a few days to Chair the Protest Committee for the Vintage Gold Cup Regatta with 12 classic wooden Stars entered. Among the entrants are none other than Paul Cayard and , both well known Star World Champions and Olympic Gold Medalists. The Star Class has a rich tradition having competed in the Olympics as the Mens Keelboat until recently.

(continued on next page) Misc. Ramblings PC40

Misc Ramblings (continued)

How many of you have and use AIS??? AIS stands for Automatic Identification System and comes in many forms. I used the one on Liberty during a delivery to a couple of years ago and it worked quite well. We had a few alerts, but never saw a boat due to the haze that limited visibility to a mile or two. Here’s a recent article from Sailing Scuttlebutt that explains AIS nicely. systems/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Scuttlebutt%204915%20- %20September%2012%202017&utm_content=Scuttlebutt%204915%20- %20September%2012%202017+CID_b121412098d8f3f82ea60560b3e80483&utm_source=Emai l%20Newsletter&utm_term=Details All of you weather geeks and long distance sailors will enjoy this article titled “Tale of Two Downbursts” It is written by Mark Thornton who has a company called Lake ErieWX Marine Weather Blog and he is the race meteorologist for the Bell’s Beer Bayview Mackinac Race. The story talks about the weather events that highlighted this year’s Chicago-Mac race. We’ve got two High School regattas coming up in October. The Cornwell Memorial is Oct 7th. The Michigan State High School Championship is Oct 14 & 15. Both should be well attended so come out and help out or just jump on a boat and watch. And, the TACS Fundraiser is on Nov 11th at the Club so make plans now for a fun evening. Not sure you’ll get this in time, but the ICE Yacht Club’s first meeting is Tuesday, Oct. 3rd, at the Club. Come join us and learn about the fastest sailing on the planet!!! Fall Clean-up Building and Grounds


We are often reminded that our club is comprised of energetic members whose focus is toward water and boating. As Fall progresses our focus adjusts, for at least a few hours, to pride of ownership. Past Clean Up Days have proven that we stare a group of generous and talented volunteers! Saturday, October 21 , from 8:00 a.m. until around noon, we will gather to clean, polish, weed, and repair the building and grounds. Sign Up job sheets will be waiting for you in the entry hall and we will be delighted to share your company for an hour or all morning.

st If you cannot be present on the 21 , consider contacting the Building& Grounds Committee to arrange another time. Some jobs, like pressure washing the building exterior or cleaning the parking lot, are most effectively done with fewer people around.

Participants who expect to work on landscaping may want to arrive with their own tools. Coffee will be available. Please contact the committee if you could donate some quick-to-eat snacks. A few vehicles will be on the grounds to accommodate utility trailers and landscaping materials. Otherwise, we request that you park across M-22, in the lot off Carter Road, to keep the area open to volunteer work.

Maintenance occurs year around. Our volunteers could not keep up with the needs without Clean Up days and your help. Thank you! Building & Grounds (Dietrich Floeter, Phillip Speering, Jay Moorhead, Annie Floeter) Suggestions, questions, contact [email protected] Social Committee: JAZZ

Jed Mooney - Social Chair

RETURN ENGAGEMENT: Cherryland Jazz Society announces The Cake Walkin’ Jass Band is coming back to GTYC on Sunday, October 22nd, to perform their special brand of original, traditional, New Orleans & Dixieland Jazz. If you had the good fortune to attend their 2016 performance co-sponsored by GTYC & Cherryland Jazz Society, you know what an entertaining, up- beat, and fun show this group brings - and if you missed it last year, you won’t want to make the same mistake again! This Toledo area-based ensemble (played at the famous Tony Packo’s Hungarian Restaurant in the 1980s) is in its 48th year, and still cranking out early 1900s jazz throughout the midwest and beyond. No strangers to northern Michigan, the CWJB has played in the Traverse Area Jazz Festival and the Schuss Mountain Jazz Festival in the 1970s & ‘80s, as well as a number of weekends over the years at the Terrace Inn in Petoskey, and for the CLJS at the Waterfront Convention Center on East Bay in 2008, before their inaugural appearance at GTYC one year ago.

Admission of $15 will be waived for GTYC members. Buffet available, including lasagna, salad, and hors d’oevres – cost is $14 for Buffet. Dining & drinks at 2:30pm, with the Cake Walkin’ Jass Band to start playing at 3:30pm.

Please Email [email protected] if you are planning on attending so he has a rough idea of how many people he needs to cook for. Social Committee: JAZZ

Jed Mooney - Social Chair Don’t be that guy! Winch Grinder

Long time club legend Winch Grinder checking in to bring you up to speed on the family. My half-sister Ruth Railsitter survived Irma's visit to her condo in the Villages, and the antibiotics seem to be working well. Down visiting her in Florida, enjoying the view of the front lawn of the nicest yacht club in town, from the bar across the street, grousing that we forgot to reach out to our Club Secretary in time to get a proper letter of introduction, Ruth and I finished our rum runners just in time. To our entertainment, a slurred not shaken, one too many martinis member of some prestigious yacht club up the coast was making a scene and blaming everyone else for hurricane hillary’s loss and destruction. "And to think," Ruth said "they wouldn't let us in!" "Yeah, don't be that guy" I answered.

It turns out, not all yacht clubs will let you visit, even with a letter of introduction, but many will even if you aren’t a member of a famous yacht club on the left coast. The letter of introduction shows respect for their club. As a guest representing the Grand Traverse Yacht Club, your fellow Club members expect you to always show proper respect and decorum, you know, good manners when you visit. If you don’t, well let’s just say that my half-sister Ruth has ears all over the yachting world, and she’s not shy about sharing your exploits with the rest of the Club.

So, as you head off to visit Ms. Railsitter and her friends at the Villages this winter, if there is a yacht club along the way that you like to drop in on to enjoy the view, enjoy some yachting comradery , have a nice dinner, and maybe even some dancing (not on the table tops Ruth!) please reach out to that incredible Secretary of ours with a few weeks lead time so she can make you and our Club look good with a proper letter of introduction declaring you the fine, member in good standing that you are.

(Continued on next page) Don’t be that guy (continued) Winch Grinder

Of course, then it's up to you to make our Club look good, so “Don't be that guy”. If their club is having a Board Meeting, or other event, it goes without saying that as a guest you don't want to be a distraction. Be thankful for their generosity inviting you into their club. You know, good proper manners.

The same thing goes at home, proper decorum is never inappropriate at a Yacht Club. If you want to tell us how to make the sausage Jimmy Dean, take it in the kitchen. Don’t tell the Past Commodore to move to the other side of the table because his listening to a Board discussion is bothering your conversation.

Respect the fellow member that you share your Club with throughout the year, and the occasional rental guest that is helping keep your dues dollars low. Don't hold a casual business meeting or plan impromptu get togethers at the Club without checking the Club Calendar first, online at (Jordan and Ian are really good about keeping it up to date). If the Cruiser's Fleet or your Board is meeting, then respect their right to use the same club you belong to and don't be a distraction. It's simple, good manners. "Don't be that guy" at home, or on the road.

That’s it for me, I’m done grinding and am heading up to the rail. Next month maybe I’ll share with you some of Ruth’s exploits visiting Danny Boy and Stevie Wonder down in the Keys.

Winch Uncle Homer’s Picture Show

Election Night Happiness Commodore Elect- Bob Clark Vice Commodore Elect - Liz Chambers Zimmerman Commodore – Dave Phelps Director Elect- Mark Clark Director Elect - Petra Kuehnis (stunt double) Rear Commodore Elect- Rob Lovell

Mt Rainier taken from the bow of Kismet in South Puget Sound Washington with our GTYC Burgee flying proudly.

Jim and Lisa Favors aboard their R29S Ranger Tug cruising the PNW Uncle Homer’s Picture Show

Celebrating the Belt

Celebrating something else Uncle Homer’s Picture Show

The focused Hobie 33 fleet

The champions Uncle Homer’s Picture Show

The evening

The rainbow

The evening, the rainbow, the crew Uncle Homer’s Picture Show

The Stuffers (left) The kids (below)

The sunset Uncle Homer’s Picture Show Next Month

The November Waterlines will include a fall family and friends report. Please send a note to [email protected] with a brief summary of what “your people” have been doing this fall. We have kids sailing in high school and college. We have friends and others doing all sort of fun things. We’ll try to have a concise summary of what’s going on with our GTYC family. Calendar

Wed, Oct 4 – It’s Wednesday Nite End-of- Season Potluck & Awards Party Sat, Oct 7 -- Annual UM-MSU Football Tailgate Party & Chili Cook-Off Wed, Oct 11 -- First Crafters Night of the Fall Sun, Oct 22 --The Cake Walkin’ Jass Band Sat, Nov 4 – The Commodore’s Ball Sat, Nov 11 – TACS Fundraiser Fri, Dec 1 -- GTYC Adults’ Christmas Party Sat, Dec 2 -- GTYC Children’s Christmas Party