VOLUME 68 // ISSUE 26 // MAY 8 // MAY 26 68 // ISSUE VOLUME FREE.WEEKLY. THETHE RETURNRETURN OFOF VAMPIRESVAMPIRES Pat yourself on the Bondage for back, Winnipeg beginners New app lets the world w/ Bunny Ben Wa know you #rock Dust Adam Dust Bands vs Filmmakers IV Mark Forward THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG THE UNITER // May 8, 2014 03 GRAB YOUR UMBRELLA, IT’S SPRING This is the first of our four spring/summer issues. If you’re game to get involved, we’re game to have you - email
[email protected] to pitch some ideas or get added to our story list. Our board of directors is also looking for a few good people (students and community members) to sit on it, make decisions, and get involved in our Speaker Series. Email
[email protected] to find out more. Let’s take this opportunity to welcome our new cre- ative director Nicholas Luchak and our new business manager Dayne Moyer - both talented, handsome members of society that I know you’ll love. I’d also like to give a high five to longtime Uniter friend/ contributor Ben Wickstrom for chairing our board of directors for the last few years (he is equally hand- some and talented and we wish him the best). This issue crept up on us - we’ve got plenty to say about the weather, ideas on how you should/ shouldn’t behave, how you shouldn’t hashtag, how you might drink, how you could protest, how you can tell the Prime Minister what you’re thinking, how you should listen to music (outside with a hat on), and even how you can watch musicians battle filmmak- ers to the death* for charity.