Lentic waters in Haryana: Water Quality Status and Recommendations for Future Activities Anita Bhatnagar Department of Zoology Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra
[email protected] • Every day, millions of tons of inadequately treated sewage and industrial and ● agricultural wastes are poured into the world’s waters. • Every year lakes, rivers, and deltas take in the equivalent of the weight of the entire ● human population. • Every year, more people die from the consequences of unsafe water than from all ● forms of violence, including war. • These most polluted freshwater ends up in the oceans, causing serious damage to many coastal areas and fisheries and worsening our ocean and coastal resource • And, every year, water contamination of natural ecosystems affects humans directly by destroying fisheries or causing other impacts on biodiversity that affect food production. • Water forms the most indispensable, precious and the prime necessity of life • Pure water is now a scarce commodity -rapid increase in agricultural irrigation needs, -dwindling water resources - lowering of water table -the increasing water pollution on account of rapid indusralization • About 80% of the earth is covered by water • Inland fresh water availability - less than 1% • Total water resources - are 1123 Km3 Department of Zoology, Kurukshetra University ,Kurukshetra To match the increasing water demand Requires adoption of better management practices. Research and investigations for sustainable utilization of more and more available water Pressure on