September 4, 2018


MISSION: A spirit of community created through INNOVATION and OPPORTUNITIES


1) Brazeau County collaboration with Canadians has created economic opportunity and prosperity for our community. That we intentionally, proactively network with Canadians to bring ideas and initiative back to our citizens.

2) Brazeau County has promoted and invested in innovation offering incentives diversifying our local economy, rural values and through opportunities reducing our environmental impact. Invest in green energy programs, water and waste water upgrades, encourage, support, innovation and economic growth through complied LUB, promoting sustaining small farms, investment/redevelopment.

3) Brazeau County is strategically assigning financial and physical resources to meet ongoing service delivery to ensure the success of our greater community. Rigorous budget and restrictive surplus process, petition for government funding, balance budget with department goals and objectives.

4) Brazeau County has a land use bylaw and framework that consistently guides development and promotes growth. Promotes development of business that is consistent for all “open for business.” Attract and retain businesses because we have flexibility within our planning documents.

5) Come to Brazeau County to work, rest and play. This encompasses all families. We have the diversity to attract people for the work opportunities. We have recreation which promotes rest and play possibilities that are endless.

6) Brazeau County is responsive to its citizenship needs and our citizens are engaged in initiatives. Engage in various levels - website, Facebook, newspapers, open houses. VALUES

We recognize the benefit of diversity among our communities, resources and work to respect their uniqueness.

We ensure responsible stewardship and we understand the decisions we make today will echo for generations.

We believe in acting with integrity.

We are open and transparent in all activities and decisions.

We respect our citizens through active listening to deliver services fairly and respond appropriately. BRAZEAU COUNTY REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA DATE: 2018 09 04 TIME: 9:00 AM PLACE: COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, COUNCIL CHAMBERS ______

Call to Order


1. Addition to and Adoption of the Agenda (Pages 4 ‐ 8)

2. Adoption of the minutes of the Council Meeting of August 21, 2018 (Pages 9 ‐ 22)

3. Business Arising

Follow Up Action List:

MOTION ACTION STATUS Presentation of Brazeau Innovation Award deadline 0302/18‐03‐06 Municipal Excellence Awards March 31, 2019 Council’s Feedback ‐ Target 0443/18‐04‐17 Energy Efficiency Rebate Program Date: Oct 2, 2018 0617/18‐06‐05 Credit card payment policy Target Date: Sept 18, 2018 0624/18‐06‐05 Test application of SB‐90 dust control Completed 0737/18‐07‐03 Innovative Sewage Treatment Options Target Date: Oct 2, 2018 EPBR Park designation and Willey West 0747/18‐07‐03 sites lost and developed Completed Contact Municipal Affairs regarding 0764/18‐07‐03 off‐site levies refund Target Date: Sept 18, 2018 0802/18‐07‐17 Options for Council Pension Plan Completed Research Wi‐Fi options for community 0804/18‐07‐17 halls and hamlets Target Date: Oct 16, 2018 Administration to meeting with AT 0810/18‐07‐17 regarding strategies for HWY 621 Target Date: Sept 18, 2018 Develop a lobbying strategy for HWY 0815/18‐07‐17 621 with public input Target Date: Sept 18, 2018 Preliminary research into solar 0817/18‐07‐17 aquatics facility at Buck Creek Target Date: Sept 18, 2018 Plan for Modeste and Easyford Target Date: November 0818/18‐07‐17 campgrounds to maximize utilization Budget Discussions Target Date: Application 0828/17‐07‐17 Reapply for STIP Funding November 0838/18‐08‐21 Review Fire Department Credit Card Target Date: Oct 2, 2018 0863/18‐08‐21 List of Past and Current Road Requests Completed

4 0865/18‐08‐21 Cost for Newsletter Completed Resolution for Pembina Zone regarding reduction of potable water use by oil 0878/18‐08‐21 and gas industry Target Date: Oct 2, 2018 In discussions with Investigate resurfacing of Lodgepole Lodgepole Recreation 0879/18‐08‐21 Rink Society Publish Ministers Letter response 0882/18‐08‐21 letter regarding Tornado event Completed

4. Urgent Items

5. CAO Report a) Ministerial Order 047‐18 Exemption (Pages 23 ‐ 26) ‐ Request for Council Decision attached

b) Quarterly Report Notes and Feedback (Pages 27 ‐ 30) ‐ Request for Council Decision attached

6. Delegations/Appointments

9:30 am Evolve Surface Strategies Inc. ‐ Scott Schneider 8. a) Land Acquisition Policy PW‐8 ‐ Request for Council Decision attached (Pages 31 ‐ 58)

11:00 am Public Input Session

12:00 pm ‐ 1:00 pm Closed Session (See Item 16. below)

7. Fire Services a) No reports

8. Public Works and Infrastructure b) Road Request Spreadsheet ‐ Update Report to Council attached (Pages 59 ‐ 94)

c) Road Request ROAD 0175 TWP 481 END to East to RR 35 (as tabled from August 21, 2018 Motion 0864/18‐08‐21) ‐ Request for Council Decision attached (Pages 95 ‐ 97)

d) Road Request ROAD 0183 TWP 482 West of RR 72 (as tabled from August 21, 2018 Motion 0864/18‐08‐21) ‐ Request for Council Decision attached (Pages 98 ‐ 101)

9. Community Services a) Eagle Point Blue Rapids, Willey West Campground and Bridge Construction Information ‐ Update Report to Council attached (Pages 102 ‐ 106)

5 b) Winter Edition of the Seed ‐ Request for Council Decision attached (Pages 107 ‐ 108)

c) Brazeau County News Frequency ‐ Update Report to Council attached (Pages 109 ‐ 116)

10. Corporate Services a) Tax Roll Numbers for Communication Towers ‐ Update Report to Council attached (Pages 117 ‐ 118)

b) Holiday Office Closures ‐ Request for Council Decision attached (Pages 119 ‐ 120)

c) Bank Reconciliation as of July 31, 2018 ‐ Bank Statement attached (Page 121)

11. Planning and Development a) Proclamation of Development Officers Week (Page 122)

b) Bylaw 1002‐18 Omnibus Textual Amendments to Land Use Bylaw 939‐17 ‐ Request for Council Decision attached (Pages 123 ‐ 131 and Appendix A)

c) 18A‐012 ‐ Future Development of Lot 1 Block 12 Plan 022 0104 Poplar Ridge ‐ Request for Council Decision attached (Pages 132 ‐ 150)

12. General Matters a) Application for a road from TWP 504 to RR 81 South, Adam Kanarski ‐ H. Swan (Pages 151 ‐ 152)

b) Provincial Takeover of Carnwood Road Lobbying Initiative ‐ B. Guyon

c) Matching Solar Program ‐ B. Guyon

d) Terms of Reference for the Aquatics Committee as per motion 0877/18‐08‐21 tabled from the August 21, 2018 Council meeting.

13. Correspondence a) 2017‐18 Central‐Foothills Regional Mountain Pin Beetle Summary Report (Pages 153 ‐ 155)

b) Todd Shean Deputy commissioner “K” Division Retirement Announcement (Page 156)

6 14. Councillor Reports Reeve B. Guyon reported that he attended:  Day Speech  Council and CAO Evaluation  Contract Documents and review of CAO contract  Travel to ASB Conference  ASB Conference x 2  Travel from ASB Conference  Zone meeting  Council and Pool Strategy  NSWA  Management meeting contracts, document signing

Councillor S. Wheale reported that she attended:  Regular Council Meeting x 2  Aquatic Meeting  Breton Solar Project Opening ‐ no charge

Councillor A. Heinrich reported that he attended:  Council and CAO Evaluation  MPC  Council and Aquatics Meeting

Councillor K. Westerlund reported that she attended:  Canada Day Parade ‐ no charge  Regular Council and CAO Evaluation  Pembina Zone Meeting  Regular Council Meeting  Breton Solar Project Opening  Eleanor Pickup Arts Centre Meeting  Parks Day Celebration ‐ no charge

Councillor H. Swan reported that she attended:  Council Meeting and CAO Evaluation  MPC Meeting  Welcome New Business Presentation ‐ no charge  Pembina Zone Meeting  Council and Aquatics Meeting  Breton Solar Project Launch

Councillor M. Gressler reported that he attended:  Council and CAO Evaluation  Aquatics Committee  Pembina Zone Meeting  Council Meeting and Aquatics Meeting

Councillor D. Wiltse reported that she attended:  Canada Day Parade ‐ no charge  Council Meeting and CAO Evaluation 7  MPC  Pembina Zone Meeting  Regular Council Meeting  Eagle Point Parks Day Speaking  Breton Solar Launch  Brazeau Seniors Foundation

15. Meeting Dates: a) Mayor’s Gala, Table of 8, September 21, 2018 5:30 p.m. MacKenzie Centre (Page 157)

b) Athabasca Watershed Council Municipal Forum November 17, 2018 Westlock, AB Westlock Inn 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Pages 158 ‐ 159)

c) DV100 Race or Ride After Party, Table of 8, September 8, 2018 5:30 p.m. MacKenzie Centre (Page 160)

16. Closed Session: a) Fire Services Agreement FOIP Section 21 b) IDP draft review ‐ FOIP Section 24(1)(g) c) Twin Ravines ‐ FOIP Section 25 d) Council Pension Plan Options ‐ FOIP Section 19

17. Round Table Wrap‐Up

18. Adjournment


PRESENT B. Guyon, Reeve H. Swan, Councillor D. Wiltse, Councillor S. Wheale, Councillor M. Gressler, Councillor A. Heinrich, Councillor K. Westerlund, Councillor J. Whaley, Chief Administrative Officer T. Kwirant, Executive Assistant C. Whalen, Administrative Assistant K. MacInnis, Corporate Communications Co‐ordinator

STAFF INTRODUCTION Jocelyn Whaley, CAO introduced Jolene Grainger, Customer Service Representative/Finance Clerk

ADDITION TO AND ADOPTION OF AGENDA Addition to and Adoption of Agenda

0834/18‐08‐21 Moved by K. Westerlund to approve the agenda with the following additions:

10. c) Road Request ROAD 0175 TWP 481 END to east of RR 35 ‐ drawings

12. b) Lodgepole Recreational Society request for assistance ‐ D. Wiltse CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ADOPTION OF MINUTES Adoption of Minutes

0835/18‐08‐21 Moved by D. Wiltse to approve the minutes of the July 17, 2018 Council meeting as presented. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

BUSINESS Business Arising ARISING None

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Follow Up Action List J. Whaley reviewed the status of the action items.

0836/18‐08‐21 Moved by H. Swan to receive the Follow Up Action List for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

URGENT Urgent Items ITEMS None


Ministerial Order 047/18 J. Whaley presented a request to agree to the exemption of Section 631 of the Municipal Government Act.

0837/18‐08‐21 Moved by M. Gressler that Brazeau County Council agree to apply the exemption as outlined in Ministerial Order MSL:047/18 from the requirements of Section 631 of the MGA as both Clearwater County and Brazeau County have a common boundary composed entirely of federal or provincial crown land. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Sanitary Sewer Trunk Twinning 2015 J. Whaley presented a request to release payment to reconcile the outstanding amount for the 2015 Sanitary Trunk Twining.

0838/18‐08‐21 Moved by H. Swan to we table the reconciliation of accounts payable with the Town of until more detailed information can be provided. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Planning and Development

Oil and Gas Abandoned Wells M. Boscariol and S. Bennett presented information regarding types of bonds taken from oil and gas lease operators.

0839/18‐08‐21 Moved by H. Swan to receive the report for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

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Hosting of Alberta Development Officers Association (ADOA) Conference 2019 M. Boscariol and S. Bennett presented a request for Brazeau County to co‐host with the Town of Drayton Valley the 2019 ADOA annual conference.

0840/18‐08‐21 Moved by to K. Westerlund that Council supports the ADOA 35th Anniversary annual conference held in September 2019 in Drayton Valley to be co‐hosted with the Town of Drayton Valley with a cap of up to $15,000.00.

D. Wiltse offered a friendly amendment for $7,500.00 and to come out of the 2019 budget.

K. Westerlund accepted the amendment. IN FAVOUR S. Wheale K. Westerlund D. Wiltse M. Gressler OPPOSED H. Swan A. Heinrich B. Guyon CARRIED

DELEGATIONS/ APPOINTMENTS Delegations/Appointments

Resilient Youth in Stressed Environments Intro and Update Dr. Roisin Seifert presented the RYSE project update.

0841/18‐08‐21 Moved by D. Wiltse to receive the presentation for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Planning and Development

Subdivision Status of Twin Ravines Phase 1 M. Boscariol presented updated information and timeline for the status of the Twin Ravines subdivision development.

0842/18‐08‐21 Moved by A. Heinrich to receive for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

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Bylaw 1001‐18 Cannabis Legalization Land Use Bylaw Textual Amendment J. Karpo and M. Boscariol presented Bylaw 1001‐18 amending Land Use Bylaw 939‐17 to accommodate cannabis legalization.

0843/18‐08‐21 Moved by K. Westerlund to give first reading to Bylaw 1001‐18 and set the public hearing for September 18, 2018 at 10:15 a.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Bylaw 994‐18 Redistrict Pt NW 9‐48‐7‐W5M from Crown Land to Direct Control J. Karpo and M. Boscariol presented Bylaw 994‐18 for first reading.

0844/18‐08‐21 Moved by A. Heinrich to give first reading of Bylaw 994‐18 and set the public hearing for September 18, 2018 at 10:45 a.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Bylaw 1003‐18 Redistrict Pt NW 7‐50‐8‐W5M from Agricultural to Agricultural Holdings S. Bennett and M. Boscariol presented Bylaw 1003‐18 for first reading.

0845/18‐08‐21 Moved by H. Swan to give first reading of Bylaw 1003‐18 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

0846/18‐08‐21 Moved by H. Swan to set public hearing for Bylaw 1003‐18 September 18, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearing Bylaw 1000‐18

0847/18‐08‐21 Moved by A. Heinrich that the regular Council meeting of August 21, 2018 proceed into public hearing for Bylaw 1000‐18 at 10:03 a.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

No public input

0848/18‐08‐21 Moved by M. Gressler that the regular Council meeting of August 21, 2018 come out of public hearing at 10:03 a.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Reeve B. Guyon called for a break at 10:04 a.m. and the meeting resumed at 10:12 a.m.

0849/18‐08‐21 Moved by A. Heinrich to give second reading to Bylaw 1000‐18. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

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0850/18‐08‐21 Moved by S. Wheale to give third reading to Bylaw 1000‐18. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


Request for Banking Services C. Swap presented the proposal for banking services for Council approval.

0851/18‐08‐21 Moved by K. Westerlund to approve the proposal for banking services, subject to negotiation of satisfactory contract terms, to the TD Commercial Banking for the initial term of a 3 year period with an option of further renewal for an additional 2 year term. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Updated FIN‐8 County Credit Card Policy C. Swap presented the updated FIN‐8 Credit Card Policy for Council approval.

0852/18‐08‐21 Moved by M. Gressler to approve the updated FIN‐8 County Credit Card Policy as presented. IN FAVOUR A. Heinrich S. Wheale B. Guyon K. Westerlund D. Wiltse M. Gressler OPPOSED S. Wheale CARRIED

0853/18‐08‐21 Moved by H. Swan to direct Administration to review the Fire Chief’s credit card and bring back the information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

0854/18‐08‐21 Moved by M. Gressler to move Community Services forward on the agenda. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

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New Business Card Design J. Whaley presented the new template for business cards.

0855/18‐08‐21 Moved by K. Westerlund to approve up to 250 business cards, vertical alignment, in green, up to $7,600.00 with braille. IN FAVOUR S. Wheale B. Guyon K. Westerlund D. Wiltse M. Gressler OPPOSED H. Swan A. Heinrich CARRIED

PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearing Bylaw 998‐18

0856/18‐08‐21 Moved by K. Westerlund that the regular Council meeting of August 21, 2018 proceed into public hearing for Bylaw 998‐18 at 10:36 a.m. No public input

0857/18‐08‐21 Moved by M. Gressler to come out of public hearing for Bylaw 998‐18 at 10:38 am. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

0858/18‐08‐21 Moved by K. Westerlund to give second reading to Bylaw 998‐18. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

0859/18‐08‐21 Moved by A. Heinrich to give third reading to Bylaw 998‐18. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


Garbage Collection Survey Results R. Evans presented the Garbage Collection Survey results.

0860/18‐08‐21 Moved by H. Swan, that due to the results of the survey, the County will not be providing garbage collection. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Council Minutes 2018 08 21 Page 6 of 14


Floating Treatment Wetlands L. Fischer and Z. Khokhar presented updated information on the floating wetlands project.

0861/18‐08‐21 Moved by M. Gressler to receive the update report for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

PUBLIC INPUT SESSION Public Input Session Reeve B. Guyon opened the Public Input Session at 11:04 a.m.

No public input

Reeve B. Guyon closed the Public Input Session at 11:04 a.m.


Road Request ‐ ROAD‐0175 TWP 481 END to East of RR 35 L. Fischer and Z. Khokhar presented the road construction request for approval.

0862/18‐08‐21 Moved by H. Swan that Council delay any new road request applications until they see an entire list of past road requests.

H. Swan requested permission to remove her motion. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Motion 0862/18‐08‐21 removed

0863/18‐08‐21 Moved by H. Swan to direct Administration to bring back road requests, past and current, to the September 4, 2018 Council meeting. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

0864/18‐08‐21 Moved by H. Swan to table items 10. c) and d) until the September 4, 2018 Council meeting CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


Brazeau County News and Seed Newsletter Frequency K. MacInnis presented options for more frequent communication publications.

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0865/18‐08‐21 Moved by A. Heinrich to direct Administration to contact the local community groups to see if they can meet a monthly timeline and price out the cost of a 16 or 24 page newsletter and bring back to the September 4, 2018 Council meeting. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Reeve B. Guyon called for a break at 11:25 a.m. and the meeting resumed at 11:37 a.m.

Drayton Valley Requests ‐ Omniplex and Pool Roofing C. Loose and A. Driessen presented the Town of Drayton Valley’s request for funding.

0866/18‐08‐21 Moved by S. Wheale to table the Drayton Valley request for the Omniplex and pool roofing until after the closed session. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Drayton Valley Request ‐ Splash Park Resurfacing C. Loose and A. Driessen presented the Town of Drayton Valley’s request for funding.

0867/18‐08‐21 Moved by K. Westerlund to table item 11 d) until after closed session. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Aquatic Facility Committee Terms of Reference A. Driessen presented the new committee title and terms of reference.

0868/18‐08‐21 Moved by M. Gressler to table item 11. e) until after the closed session. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Reeve B. Guyon called for a break at 12:06 p.m. and the meeting resumed at 12:15 p.m.


0869/18‐08‐21 Moved by K. Westerlund to add as additions to the agenda under Closed Session items 11. c), d) and e) FOIP Section 16 and under Meeting Dates 35. f) Ratify Reeve’s meetings. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

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0870/18‐08‐21 Moved by M. Gressler that the regular Council Meeting of August 21, 2018 proceed into “closed session” at 12:17 p.m. for the purpose of discussing: Draft Salary Grid FOIP Section 19, Personnel FOIP Section 19, Potential Gravel Land Purchase SE 15‐50‐05‐ W5M ‐ FOIP Section 16, and Town Requests and Cost FOIP Section 16. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

L. Fischer joined the closed session for the purpose of discussing the Potential Gravel Land Purchase SE 15‐50‐05‐W5M at 1:12 p.m.

H. Swan left the closed session at 1:16 p.m. and returned at 1:25 p.m.

J. Whaley left the closed session at 1:18 p.m. and returned at 1:23 p.m.

0871/18‐08‐21 Moved by M. Gressler that the regular Council Meeting of August 21, 2018 come out of “closed session” at 1:30 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Reeve B. Guyon called for a break at 1:30 p.m. to allow the public ample time to return and the meeting resumed at 1:47 p.m.

0872/18‐08‐21 Moved by K. Westerlund to defer items 11. c) and d) the requests from the Town to the 2019 budget deliberations. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

0873/18‐08‐21 Moved by H. Swan to move funds for ROAD‐0205 to the 2018 budget, from the 2019 budget, from unrestricted surplus. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

0874/18‐08‐21 Moved by M. Gressler that Council does not go ahead with purchasing of SE 15‐50‐05‐W5M for the purpose of gravel. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

0875/18‐08‐21 Moved by S. Wheale to approve the draft salary grid with FOIP Section 19. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

0876/18‐08‐21 Moved by S. Wheale that item 36. b) Personnel FOIP Section 19 ‐ H. Swan, be received for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

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0877/18‐08‐21 Moved by S. Wheale to table the discussion of the Terms of Reference for the Aquatics Committee until after the joint council meeting on Tuesday, August 28, 2018.

H. Swan offered a friendly amendment to use the word “gathering” rather than “meeting”.

S. Wheale accepted the amendment. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


Reduction of Fresh Water Use by Oil and Gas Industry A. Heinrich presented a request to develop a resolution for the Pembina Zone.

0878/18‐08‐21 Moved by A. Heinrich to direct Administration to craft a resolution for the October 15, 2018 Pembina Zone Meeting, to direct the RMA to request a multi‐stakeholder committee to work at reducing the use of potable water by the oil and gas industry (ie fracking or water injection) and bring back to Council prior to the zone meeting. IN FAVOUR A. Heinrich H. Swan B. Guyon K. Westerlund D. Wiltse M. Gressler OPPOSED S. Wheale CARRIED

Lodgepole Recreational Society Request for Paving, Lighting and Hamlet Expansion D. Wiltse presented the Lodgepole Society’s requests.

0879/18‐08‐21 Moved by D. Wiltse to direct Administration to investigate the resurfacing of the Lodgepole rink, in conjunction with the local paving projects, and report back to Council by September 4, 2018, with funds from major facilities restricted surplus. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

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CORRESPONDENCE ITEMS Correspondence/Items for Information

Request for ongoing funding for Eagle Point‐Blue Rapids

0880/18‐08‐21 Moved by H. Swan to receive for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Ministerial Order MSL: 047/18 re: ICF and IDP requirements

0881/18‐08‐21 Moved by M. Gressler to receive for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Minister of Municipal Affairs re: 2017 Tornado Event

0882/18‐08‐21 Moved by A. Heinrich to direct Administration to send a compilation of the events and actions taken to lobby the government regarding the 2017 Tornado event and publish, along with the letter from page 194 of our agenda, so the public can see how the Province has chosen to respond, in the Breton Booster, County Newsletter and online and send the letter to the affected residents. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Reeve’s Notes from Pembina Zone Meeting

0883/18‐08‐21 Moved by H. Swan to receive for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


Agricultural Service Board Member’s Report (ASB) Councillor A. Heinrich provided a report regarding the Agricultural Service Board.

0884/18‐08‐21 Moved by D. Wiltse to encourage the Ag Service Board to plan a Provincial Ag Service Board tour within the next year or two. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Municipal Planning Commission Member’s Report (MPC) Councillor H. Swan provided a report regarding the Municipal Planning Commission.

Brazeau Seniors Foundation Report Councillor D. Wiltse provided a report regarding the Brazeau Seniors Foundation.

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Drayton Valley Municipal Library Board No report

Breton Municipal Library Board No report

West Central Airshed Society No report

Yellowhead Regional Library Board Councillor D. Wiltse provided a report regarding the Yellowhead Regional Library Board.

Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) Councillor M. Gressler provided a report regarding the FCSS committee.

North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance Reeve B. Guyon provided a report regarding the North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance.

Eagle Point/Blue Rapids Parks Council (EPBR) Councillor M. Gressler provided a report regarding the EPBR Parks Council.

Pembina Area Synergy Group No report

Pembina Sentinel Air Monitoring (PSAM) No report

Physician Recruitment and Retention Committee No report

Eleanor Pickup Arts Centre (EPAC) Councillor K. Westerlund provided a report regarding the Eleanor Pickup Arts Centre Committee.

North Saskatchewan Watershed Headwaters Committee No report

Northern Mayors Group No report

Breton and District Family Community Support Services (FCSS) No report

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Alternative Land Use Service Partnership Advisory Committee (ALUS PAC) No report

Aquatics Facility Committee Meeting No report

Regional Hemp Steering Committee No report

Recreation Board Councillor A. Heinrich provided a report regarding the Recreation Board.

0885/18‐08‐21 Moved by M. Gressler to receive the Councillor Reports for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


PRAC Regional Workshop September 19‐20, 2018

0886/18‐08‐21 Moved by M. Gressler to approve two Council members to go to the PRAC workshop Sept 19‐20 in . CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Greener Facilities Conference and Expo November 14‐15, 2018

0887/18‐08‐21 Moved by M. Gressler to table the Greener Facilities Conference and Expo item to the September 18, 2018 meeting. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Newcomer Welcome Event the Max September 11, 2018 6:30 p.m.

0888/18‐08‐21 Moved by S. Wheale to approve the Reeve and/or designate to attend and speak at the Newcomer Welcome Event on September 11, 2018. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Organizational Meeting

0889/18‐08‐21 Moved by S. Wheale to set the Organizational Meeting for October 16, 2018 in the morning. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

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Budget Meetings

0890/18‐08‐21 Moved by K. Westerlund to set the budget meetings for November 13, 14, 15, 16, 26, 29, 30, 2018 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Ratification of Reeve’s Meetings

0891/18‐08‐21 Moved by K. Westerlund to ratify the Reeve’s meetings, West Central Forage and Bikers Against Bullying, and approve the meeting on August 24, 2018 with the Town, County and Telus. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ADJOURNMENT 0892/18‐08‐21 Moved by D. Wiltse that the regular Council Meeting of August 21, 2018 adjourn at 3:15 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


______Chief Administrative Officer

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SUBJECT: Ministerial Order 047/18 Application of Exemption of requirements of Section 631, creation of IDP, for Yellowhead County

DATE TO COUNCIL: September 4, 2018





Report/Document Attached x Available Nil

RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: That Brazeau County Council agree to apply the exemption as outlined in Ministerial Order MSL:047/18 from the requirements of Section 631 of the MGA as both Yellowhead County and Brazeau County have a common boundary composed entirely of federal or provincial crown land.


Recent changes to the Municipal Government Act required all municipalities to create intermunicipal collaboration frameworks (ICF) and intermunicipal development plans (IDP) with their neighbours. Municipal Affairs recently issued Ministerial Order No. MSL: 047/18 which exempts parties from the requirement to create an IDP where the entire area along one or both sides of the common boundary between the parties is composed entirely of federal or provincial Crown land.

Municipal Affairs requires all parties to agree to apply the exemption by council resolution and be filed with the Minister within 90 days of the date the resolution is passed.

We have recently been contacted by Yellowhead County to agree to apply this exemption for our shared boundary with them and as such recommend Council make the resolution as worded above. Administration will forward the resolution to Yellowhead County and once their council has done the same, both will be filed with the Minster.

Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision - MSL 047/18 Page 1 of 2 23 RESPONSE OPTIONS

V- " -i-Optipn : Analysis a. Council approves staff - Compliance with Ministerial Order and request from recommendation Yellowhead County.

b. Council rejects the request as - Non-compliance with Ministerial Order submitted


Operational: n/a

Financial: n/a

Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision - MSL 047/18 Page 2 of 2 24 iVi U n iGi pa! Aifairs Deputy Minister 18th Floor, Commerce Place 10155-102 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4L4 Canada Telephone 780-427-4826 Fax 780-422-9561

August 21, 2018

His Worship Gerald Soroka AUS 2 Mayor, Yellowhead County 2716-1 Avenue EdsonAB T7E1N9

Dear Mayor Soroka,

Thank you for your letter of July 31,2018, to the Honourable Shaye Anderson, requesting an exemption for your Intermunicipal Collaboration Frameworks (ICFs) and your Intermunicipal Development Plans (IDPs).

On July 19, 2018, Ministerial Order No. MSL:047/18 was approved, which provides an exemption from the requirement to create an IDP where the entire area along the common boundary is composed of federal or provincial crown land. The exemption recognizes the limited value In the creation of an IDP, which can be demanding in terms of time and resource requirements, where development is restricted.

The exemption applies, based on the condition that all parties to the IDP agree to apply the exemption by resolution, and file copies of the resolutions with the department within 90 days of the date each resolution is passed. Given your common boundaries and your agreement in principle, all that remains is for each municipality to submit a resolution to this effect.

Although the Ministerial Order provides an exemption from an IDP, It does not provide an exemption for an ICF. The ICF requirements exemplify our strengthened focus on regional collaboration as set out in the recent Municipal Government Act{MGA) changes. The ICF Is reasonably straight-forward in terms of implementation; the process requires a joint discussion about existing services delivered on an intermunicipal basis, and about opportunities to further leverage these or other services through co-operation. Since the time commitment is minimal and provides opportunity to improve both service delivery and local relationships, we are not prepared to provide an exemption from the legislated ICF requirements.


25 -2-

The Ministerial Order aiso provides a one-year extension for iCFs between municipal districts and improvement districts. The extension appiies on the condition that aii parties agree by resolution, and fiie copies of the resoiutions with the department within 90 days of the date each resoiution is passed.

If you require additional advice in completing your iCF, please contact Michael ScheidI, Manager, Intermunicipal Relations, at 780-415-1197, orbyemaii at M ichaei.Scheidi@aov.


Brad Pickering Deputy Minister cc; Honourable Shaye Anderson, Minister of Municipai Affairs Honourable Oneil Carlier, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Eric Rosendahl, MLA, West Yeiiowhead Michaei ScheidI, Manager, Intermunicipal Relations, Municipal Affairs



SUBJECT: August 22, 2018 Quarterly Report Feedback and Action Items

DATE TO COUNCIL: September 4, 2018





Report/Document Attached x Available Nil

RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: That Council indicate by way of motions any action items based on the feedback from the Quarterly Report Meeting on August 22, 2018.


Attached are the notes/resident comments recorded from the Quarterly Report Meeting hosted on August 22, 2018 for Council's review. Administration is seeking Council's direction for any follow-up from the comments, or that the meeting notes be received for information.

2. RESPONSE OPTIONS Possible ways to achieve the main result with analysis highlights. Option Analysis

a. Council approves staff - Administration can action those items Council desires recommendation and provided follow-up to the residents.

b. Council rejects the request as - The meeting notes can be received for information submitted and no action taken.


Operational: Resources and manpower will be allocated as directed.

Financial: Resource will be allocated as required by Council motion.

Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision - Quarterly Report Page 1 of 1 27 Brazeau County Quarterly Report

Funnel! Hall

August 22, 2018 6:00 p.m.

In attendance:

Tina Kwirant, Executive Assistant Jocelyn Whaley, GAG Matt Boscariol, Manager Planning and Development Lynden Fischer, Director of Public Works Dennis Wong, IT Support

D. Wiltse, Councillor 5. Wheale, Councillor B. Guyon, Reeve A. Heinrich, Councillor H. Swan, Councillor M. Gressler, Councillor K. Westerlund - absent

37 Resident - see attached sign in sheet

6:10 p.m. Open remarks from the Reeve including Council and Staff introductions.

Resident Comments:

• Do not piece-meal roads - develop a master plan.

• Concerns with RR 53 intersection at Hwy 39: o Suggested moving the approach farther west, o Leave the bottom of the hill gravel for traction o Pavement will result in a major wreck when it becomes icy in the winter o Currently there is no visibility, o Lobby the Province o Include Emergency Response statistics o Conduct traffic counts o Council should contact the MLA

Cannabis What direction is the County taking? Resident was encouraged to attend the public hearing on September 18, 2018

28 Township Road 474 o Residents do not want the road developed (24 people raised hands) o Why can't we all get roads if you build them for one or two people? o Why does the project keep getting put back on the agenda? o Why only one mile? o Survey the people in an 8 mile radius for feedback o Council does what they want even though we voted at Camwood not to have the road o Sara voted against it and Council pushed her around o To what and whose benefit is this road? o Why not build the road to standard specification? o A goat trail is just pissing the money away o No one will use this road o Residents will use the road to haul hay rather than using HWY 616 o More will use it once it is built o Use county funds to upgrade current roads that are substandard rather that building half standard road o P3 the road - have industry and landowners put money towards it o What will the rest of 474 cost? o If you are going to spend a million dollars, but you are not going to get the land for the remainder of the project you are putting the cart before the horse - have a plan o Why weren't the residents notified that Twp 474 was being reconsidered? o Where are the minutes from the previous meetings held? o The people that are in favour of the road do not live anywhere near the road o The road project was used as part of a political campaign for school busing the results were not relevant o Use the money for the Breton Soccer rather than this road o This is a progressive Council, build the road properly rather than a goat trail o The school bus will not use the road o The road should be part of a bigger project with and end in mind o Why build it substandard if we are a rich County? Do it right. o Putting a bridge across Twp 484 RR 52 to RR 53 would be more of a service road for farm equipment - use the money for that o Eventually Twp 474 will be a thru road form one highway to another o Finish the roads that are already built o What are the next steps for this project after tonight? (Reeve advised that the meeting notes will go to Council and residents will be advised if it is reconsidered)

Breton Soccer Association needs land for soccer fields - 90 kids in the area

Place coldmix on RR 53 south of HWY 616

Residents in favour of using the SB-90 product

29 Suggest to the Province a different w/ide load corridor

Concerns about rural crime and the County only having two Peace Officers

Beware of Solar Farms and signing off on contracts

More signage for agricultural equipment on roads

Concerns raised about fencing road allowances and gates

Highway drivers are crazy and we need more policing

You can't build roads for everyone

• Council should lobby the government for mandatory driver testing



SUBJECT: Land Acquisition Policy PW-8

DATE TO COUNCIL: September 4, 2018

SUBMITTED BY: L. Fischer, Director of Public Works




Report/Document Attached x Available Nil

RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: That Council approve the Land Acquisition Policy PW-8 as presented.


General Background on Municipal Land Policies

Many current Municipal Land Policies are remnants of past policies from times when the municipal road networks were being developed into all-weather type roads from roads that were typically impassible with adverse weather. During those times landowners were more willing to work with the Municipality as there was in most cases a direct benefit to the landowner. The present challenge is that many road projects are driven by development, resource pressures, market factors and cases where Municipalities are developing new aggregate sources. Many of these reasons for upgrading the road are viewed negatively and with no perceived direct benefit by many of the landowners that are impacted. In many cases the landowners are opposed to the project as it may affect their homesite or operation and they see no benefit to them personally. This coupled with Municipal Land Policies that are not proactive and do not fully compensate landowners for their economic losses limits the success of acquiring the right of way required for these projects.

The current governing legislation in Alberta dealing with the acquisition of land by Municipal and Provincial Governments is the Expropriation Act, RSA 2000. Many Municipal Land Policies do not reflect and are not consistent with the provisions for compensation based on the Expropriation Act. The challenge is if the situation arises where the required land is acquired through the formal Expropriation process, the proposed compensation offer made by the Municipality will likely be much lower than what the landowner is entitled to under the provisions of the Act. The Land Compensation Board may view the exercise as a waste of time and resources if the landowner

Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision - PW-8 Page 1 of 2 31 may have entered into a voluntary agreement had the initial compensation been based on the provisions of the Act.

RESPONSE OPTIONS Possible ways to achieve the main result with analysis highlights. OpJ^pji. Analysis

Council approves staff Landowners are fairly compensated and kept recommendation economically "whole". Higher success rate acquiring the right of way and less project delays and cancellations. Improved relations with landowners. Improved Due Diligence. Cost savings by acquiring the land through voluntary agreement with the landowner and avoiding the costly and time-consuming Expropriation process. Lower land consulting costs.

b. Council rejects the request as Landowners are economically impacted by the submitted project and are left in a negative position. Project delays and cancellations. Costs for land acquisition and engineering potentially lost in the event of a project cancelation. Escalation of poor landowner relations. High cost in the event the required land is acquired through the Expropriation process. Average costs of Expropriation $100,000 - $200,000 per landowner for fees alone. Higher land consulting costs.


Operational: n/a

Financial: The benefits of having a Municipal Land Policy that is aligned with the compensation provisions set by the Expropriation Act will likely have a lower overall cost than a Municipal Land Policy that does not fully compensate landowners for the impact of the right of way acquisition. The costs associated with project delays and cancellations as well as creating potential long term negative relationships with landowners can be quite significant. The ability to effectively deliver construction programs on schedule will also be improved by having Municipal Land Policies that are fair and proactive.

Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision -PW-8 Page 2 of 2 32 Proposed Draft Policy August 1^^2018

Brazeau County

Policy Name

Land Acquisition

Policy Number


Poiicy Statement

Where it may be necessary to acquire land, or interests in land, for projects which are in the best interests of the general public, Brazeau County will acquire the land or interest in land by negotiation and agreement.

It is the belief of Brazeau County that any individual landowner affected by a project, in the best interest of the general public, should not have to unduly suffer economic losses because of the project. The individual landowner should be no worse off or no better off after being affected by such a project.

Where it may be necessary to acquire land, or interests in land for projects which are in the best interest of the individual, or mutually beneficial to Brazeau County and the individual, the cost associated with the acquisition shall be borne proportionately as the particular case may require.


Payment for Land Purchases

Large Parcel Agricultural Land (Over 40 acres) Land compensation shaii be based on current fair market value for the land based on a review of comparable lands in the project vicinity that have transferred recently. The proposed land values shall be based on use categories such as bush land, pasture land and cultivated land. The same values shall be paid to all owners with the same use type lands (i.e. bush land, pasture land or cultivated land) on each project. Recommendations for proposed land values shall be made to Brazeau County and the proposed compensation amounts shall be reviewed and approved by the Brazeau County Assessment staff prior to utilization.

Acreage parcels(Under 40 acres in size) The land compensation shall be based on current assessed values utilized by Brazeau County for taxation purposes. The land compensation amount will vary on each land parcel based on the site specific assessed values.

Minimum Payment for Land

The minimum payment for any land purchase shall be $500.00.

33 Proposed Draft Policy August 1®* 2018

Compensation for Non-Land Related Items

Additional compensation should be paid to account for items of value that are impacted but not reflected in the land value compensation to ensure that landowners are fully compensated for the land purchase. Some typical items are planted tree shelterbelts, specialty fences, gates, ornamental gate posts, landscaping, relocation/ loss of outbuildings not affixed to the land, relocation of grain bins, replacement of grain bin pads, etc. if the landowner plans to complete the work to replace/ relocate an impacted item an estimate of cost should be prepared reflecting and labour and material costs. For items that are impacted that have an estimated value of over $3,000.00 the Right of Way Agent shall obtain (3) three written estimates from independent suppliers/ contractors to form the basis for the proposed compensation amount. All proposed compensation for damages shall be approved by the CAO prior to any commitments being made to the landowner. Payment for Backsloping, Temporary Workspace and Landscape Earthborrow

Payment for backsloping, temporary workspace and laridscape earthborrow shall be based on 50% of the fair market value of the lands to a maximuralpf $5,000.00 per acre. The minimum payment for backsloping, temporary workspace and landscape earthborrow shall be $300.00.

Payment for Dugout Earthborrow

Payment for dugout earthborrow shall be based on 100% of the fair market value of the lands to a maximum of $10,000.00 per acre.


Brazeau County shall replace any existing fences that are in a condition that is considered adequate for the containment of livestock with minimal repair. A new fence will be constructed 0.3 meters on private land adjacent to the new property boundary to a similar standard as the existing fence at the time of the construction of the project. The minimum standard for the new fencing shall be a four-strand barbwire fence. In the event the landowner prefers to complete the fencing Brazeau County shall compensate the landowner at the rate of $6.25 per meter ($10,000.00 per mile) of barbwire fencing. Payment shail be released to the landowner by Brazeau County upon the completion of the new fence construction.

Temporary Fencing

Brazeau County shall install a three-strand barbwire fence for temporary fencing in areas where the construction will impact lands utilized for livestock grazing purposes. The fencing will be completed on an as requested basis by the landowner. Upon the completion ofthe project Brazeau County will remove the temporary fencing from the lands.

34 Proposed Draft Policy August 1^*2018

Payment for Crop Damages

Brazeau County shall compensate the landowner for crop damages on any disturbed areas utilized for backsloping, temporary workspace and landscape earthborrow. The crop compensation shall be paid for a (2)two year period. The crop damage compensation rates shall be based on the current crop prices and estimated crop yield at the time the crop damage occurred.

Right of Set Off

Prior to the release of any funds payable by Brazeau County for the acquisition of land, crop damages, borrow,temporary workspace, fencing and other items specified in this policy, Brazeau County shall be entitled to set off against such funds any amount which is owed to Brazeau County by the landowner.

35 Review of Brazeau County Land Documentation

Land Acquisition Agreement

Clause 1- remove the wording "free and clear of all encumbrances"

Clause 2.2- remove

Clause 2.4- remove "The Owner releases the Municipality from any claim for additional payment for the Right of Way." Redundant as it is addressed in clause 2.3.

Clause 5- remove the wording "Replacement Fence and/or the" from the last sentence. The Replacement Fence should always be constructed on private land adjacent to the new right of way boundary.

Clause 7- remove. The Owner should not be expected to indemnify the Municipality. Indemnification and save harmless clause not required in a land purchase agreement. Very difficult to convince a landowner to sign an agreement with this clause.

Clause 8- last word "rents" I believe should be intents?

Signature page - replace "his" hand to "their" hand.

Insert Owner Name under signature line.

Backslope Agreement

Clause 7- last line "their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns" should be removed as the agreement is not registered at Land Titles and therefore responsibilities cannot pass to future parties as they would not be aware of such commitments. Agreement is only valid with current landowner as a temporary unregistered right.

Clause 8- remove wording "of lawful money of Canada" unnecessary wording. Obvious payment would be in Canadian funds.

Clause 9- remove last sentence "The Owner releases the Municipality from any claim for additional payment for entering into this agreement, use of the backslope area, removal of earth materials and crop damages."

Clause 11- In first sentence remove the wording "in its sole and absolute discretion" and replace with "in consultation with the Owner".

Clause 13- Revise Owner to Municipality and Municipality to Owner. It should be the Municipality indemnifying and saving harmless the Owner not the other way around. Remove the last sentence completely.

Signature page - replace "his" hand to "their" hand.

36 Borrow Pit Agreement

Clause 5.1 - remove not required.

Clause 6.1 - remove "in lawful money of Canada" unnecessary wording. Obvious payment would be in Canadian funds.

Clause 6.2 -

Clause 7 - In first sentence remove the wording "in its sole and absolute discretion" and replace with "in consultation with the Owner".

Clause 8 - last word "rents" I believe should be intents?

Clause 10 - Revise Owner to Municipality and Municipality to Owner. It should be the Municipality indemnifying and saving harmless the Owner not the other way around. Remove the last sentence completely.

Clause 11- May not be required as Alberta Environment and Parks regulations may require the borrow pit to hold water. Further review may be required. Clause 13- In order to register a caveat it is recommended that some consideration be paid upfront making this an option type agreement or it may not have legal standing and able to be discharged by the Owner.

Signature page - replace "his" hand to "their" hand.

Landscape Borrow Agreement Agreement refers to County throughout. Recommended it be revised to the Municipality to be consistent with the other land related agreements.

Clause 6 - last sentence "their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns" should be removed as the agreement is not registered at Land Titles and therefore responsibilities cannot pass to future parties as they would not be aware of such commitments. Agreement is only valid with current landowner as a temporary unregistered right.

Clause 7 - remove "in lawful money of Canada" unnecessary wording. Obvious payment would be in Canadian funds.

Clause 7.1 -

Clause 8 - In first sentence remove the wording "in its sole and absolute discretion" and replace with "in consultation with the Owner". Remove the second sentence completely. No clause 7.1 (a).

Clause 9 - last word "rents" I believe should be intents?

Clause 11 - Revise Owner to Municipality and Municipality to Owner. It should be the Municipality indemnifying and saving harmless the Owner not the other way around. Remove the last sentence completely.

37 Clause 13- In order to register a caveat it is recommended that some consideration be paid upfront making this an option type agreement or it may not have legal standing and able to be discharged by the Owner.

Signature page - replace "his" hand to "their" hand.

38 Policy Name

Land Acquisition

Policy Number Brozenu pw-8 County'

Policy Statement

Where it may be necessary to acquire land, or interests in land, for projects which are in the best interests of the general public, Brazeau County will acquire the land or interest in land by negotiation and agreement.

It is the belief of Brazeau County that any individual landowner affected by a project. In the best interest of the general public, should not have to unduly suffer economic losses because of the project. The individual landowner should be no worse off or no better off after being affected by such a project.

Where it may be necessary to acquire land, or interests in land for projects which are in the best Interest of the Individual, or mutually beneficial to Brazeau County and the Individual, the cost associated with the acquisition shall be borne propoitionately as the particular case may require.


The amount of compensation payable to a landowner, with respect to an acquisition, shall be an amount which does not exceed the aggregate of the applicable amounts shown on the current "Schedule of Parameters" or an amount specifically approved of by Council.

The Schedule of Parameters shall be reviewed annually and shall be for Land Agreements to be acquired within the next calendar year.

The amounts shown In the Schedule of Parameters shall reflect the maximum amounts allowed approved by the CAO, without having to receive specific approval from Council.

In instances where necessary, procedures under the Expropriation Act will be followed.

In all instances. Administration shall ensure that all "farmland owners" shall on a per project basis receive the same amount per acre for land purchased; and similarly all "acreage owners" shall receive the same amount per acre for the land purchased or as determined from time to time.

Different projects within the Municipality may be at differing land purchase rates. Damages and/or crop loss payments/!^ vary from landowner to landowner on any particular project.

Chief Administrative Officer: Approved-By Council: 92/04?Q6 Revision Dates: 07/09/18: 02/12/10: 93/01/14:15/04/15 Reviewed: 15/02/19

PW 8: Land Acquisition Page~l"oM~

39 Cdmi^nsation due may be traded for other materials or services of equal value at the discretion of the CAO or his designate.

For example if a landowner is owed $200.00 Dollars for 1 acre of crop loss on backslope area, but requests to rather than receive money, receive cat work. If hourly rate on cat is $100.00/hr, the landowner may be given 2 hours cat work rather than $200.00.


The procedures to be taken by the land agent or per5ons(s) as directed by the CAO in obtaining the necessary Interests in land may vary from time to time as situations require, but the basic process Is as follows:

General Land Acquisition Process

1. Determine Land Requirements in Consultation with Construction/Engineering

start and stop points profile per standard, cuts, fills alignments right of way required at intersections relocation of driveways timing purpose

Plan Land Aspect of Project

• set timeline check out variabtes (i.e. pipelines) that may change right of way requirements • decide on how to handle other damages i.e. shelterbelts, entrance structure

3. Prepare Documents

• order titles, check type of ownership, check exceptions, check caveats, other r^hts of way, etc. • draw sketches, calculate acreage • find addresses • make document file • templates for agreements attached

4. Notify Utilities

request pipeline crossing agr^ments request pole moves Telus loop rural gas co^ps

Chief Administrative Offker:, Approved By CDundl: 92/04/06 Revision Dates: 07/09/18: 02/12/10: 93/01/14:15/04/15 Reviewed: 15/02/19

PW8: Land Acqui^n

40 Approval of Agreements

• either CAO approves, if within set parameters and polic/ or Coundl approves • distribute oipies of report to engineering company, ointractor,job hie, etc. • signing authorities endorse documents

6. Secure Agreements

• contact banks for approvai if mortgage exists • caveat (if legal survey will be more than 6 months away or at discretion of County Manager) • pay monies

7. Construction Attendance

• act as liaison tetween owners and construction should problems arise

8. Settle after construction payments

• most OOP loss payments are based on number of acres disturbed • claims release for unexpected damages

9. Tender of hire survey firm to perform legal survey

• send notice pursuant to S»iion 136, Munidpa!Government Act • check final Survey Plan

10. Register Legal Survey

11. Discharge Caveats following plan registration

13. Copies of agreements to land hie

Chief Administrative Officer:. Approved By COundl: 92/04/06 Revision Dates: 07/09/18: 02/12/10: 93/01/14:15/04/15 Reviewed: 15/02/19

PW 8: Land Acquisition Pagr3T>f4- 41 SCHEDULE of PARAMETERS For 2015 Calendar Year

1) Land Purchase Agreements

a) Purchase of farm land suggested average $2000.00/acre(maximum)

b) Purchase of rural acreages suggested average $3500.00/acre(maximum)

c) Minimum payment $300.00

2) Backslooe Agreements

a) Disturbed area $1400.00/acre(maximum)

b) Minimum payment $300.00/acre

3) Borrow Pit. Landscape Borrow

a) Disturbed area $1400.00/acre(maximum)

b) Minimum payment $300.00

4) Fendno Compensation

a) Where the landowner prefers to be compensated rather than having the County install the new fence, compensation Is at the cost per mile of fencing ($10,000/miie or 1600m)

The Parameters as herein set out for the 2015 year were approved by Braz^ the day of , 2015 and are hereby certified correct.

CAO, Brazeau County

Chief Administrative Officer: Approved By Coundl: 92/04/06 Revision Dates: 07/09/18: 02/12/10: 93/01/14:15/04/15 Reviewed: 15/02/19

PW 8: Land Acquisition Pag^*Df^" 42 LAND ACQUISITION AGREEMENT

MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT entered Into this day of .2015

BETWEEN: BRAZEAU COUNTY in the Province of Alberta, a municipal corporation esteibllshed pursuant to the laws of the Pro\4nce of Alberta (the "Municipality")


(the "Owner")

WHEREAS the Owner Is the registered owner of the following lands:

as more particularly described and set forth in Certificate of Title No. registered in the North Alberta Land Registration District(the "Lands"), a copy of vi4iich is attached hereto as Schedule "8";

AND WHEREAS the Municipality wishes to acquire a portion of the Lands from the Owner for the purposes of constructing, extendlr^, or widening a road right-of-way;

AND WHEREAS the Owner is prepared to sell a portion of the Lands to the Municipality for the above noted purposes on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.

NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that In consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, the Owner and the Municipality covenant and agree, each with the other as follows:

1. The Owner agrees to sell to the Municipality and the Municipality hereby agrees to purchase from the Owner the fee simple Interest In that portion of the Lands (as hereinafter defined as the "Right of Way")free and clear of all encumbrances, which Right of Way is shown outlined on Schedule "A" attached hereto and which Is to be finally determined by the Municipality registering a Road Plan \Mth the North Alberta Land Registration District identi^ng the exact location of the Right of Way which shall tie substantially In conformance wifii Schedule "A".

2.1 The purchase price payable by the Municipality to the Owner for the Right of Way beir^ acquired shall be based on the sum of ($__) per acre based on an area of acres with a minimum payment of$

43 2.2 The Municipality may require that postponements of any prior encumbrances to a caveat register^ by the Municipality pursuant to this agreement have been obtained and roistered against dtie to the Lands prior to the Municipality tendering payment of the Purchase Price and Additional Consideration, If any, to the Owner. Othervrise, payment as aforesaid vrill be made by the Municipality to the Owner within a reasonable period of time following execution of this agreement by The Municipality.

2.3 Payment of the Purchase Price and Additional Consideration, if any, by the Munidpality to the Owner shall constitute full and final settlement for the Right of Way acquired.

2.4 The Owner agrees to acxept:

(a)The sum of Dollars($ )for approximately acres of land as fiill and final settlement for the said portion being acquire by the Municipality.

(b)The amount of Dollars($ )GST shall be paid on the condition fiiat the Oi^er inserts his GST registration number.


as full and final settlement for the said portion being acquired by the MunidpaHty. The Owner releases the Munidpality from any claim for additional payment for thel^ghtofWay.

3. From and after the date of execution of this agreement by the Owner and tiie Municipality, the Municipality, its servants, scents, employees, licensees, contractors, workmen and surveyors shall have the full and free right and liberty to enter upon the Right of Way and the Lands, either on foot or by means of vehides, and with such equ^ment as is necessary (in the Municipalit/s sole and absolute discretion), and to remain on the Right of Way for all the purposes of constructing, extending, or widening a public roadway or ditch. During the construction of the public roadway or ditch the Owner shall have reasonable access to the Lands.

4. Notwithstanding the fact that the Munidpality has agreed to purchase the Right of Way from the Owner pursuant to this agreement, the Munidpality shall not t)e under any duty or obligation to imm^iately construd, extend, or widm the public roadway or ditch. The Municipality shall be at liberty to coitotruct, extmd, or vriden the public roadway or ditch when the Municipality in fis sole and absolute discretion considers that the construction, extension, or widening is necessary and/or wanented.

5. If a fence existe on the Lands as of tiie date of tiiis agreement, and should the said ferKe, or portion of the said fence, be required to be removed by the 2 — 44 MunicipaKty to ailow the Munldf^ality to peifonn its work as herein provided, the Municipalify shali be at liberty to do so iMOvided that the Munidpaiity shall:

a) Upon the completion of construction, and at its own expense, replace the fence (or portion of fence removed) with a new fence of an equivalent or higher standard (the "Replacement Fence"); The Replacement Fence shall become the property of the Owner and all ftjture maintenance of the Replacement Fence will be the responsibility of the Owner; and

b) If requested to do so by the Owner, Install temporary fencing for the duration of constniction (the "Temporary Fence"). The Temporary Fence shall at all times remain the sole property of the Municipality.

The Munidpaiity In consultation with the Owner shali determine the location(s) of the Replacement Fence and/or the Temporary Fence.

6. The Munidpaiity shall t)e at liberty to register a Caveat against the title to the Lands to protect its interest In the Lands under this agreement. However, the Owner acknowledges and agrees that the Municipality shall not be required to register a Road Plan for the Right of Way at the Land Titles OfRce for the North Alberta Land Registration District until such time as the Municipality considers that the registration of a Road Plan Is necessary. The Owner further acknowledges that vt^h respect to the Right of Way, the Municipal Secretary of the Municipality shall be at liberty to execute and register the Road Plan and to execute the Affidavit to accompany tiie Road Plan contemplated by Section 136 of the MurUdpal Government Ad, Revised Statutes of Alberta, 1980, Chapter M- 26. The Munidpaiity agrees to discharge the Caveat registered against the Lands following the registration of the Right of Way.

7. The Owner hereby agrees to indemnity and save harmless the Munidpaiity of and from any loss, cost, claims, expenses, actions, and legal expenses on a solicitor and own client bads, made in respect of the compensation paid by the Municipality for the Right of Way.

8. Every covenant, condition and term of this agreement is intended to be severable. If any such covenant, condition or term is found to be invalid for any reason, this will not affect the validity of the remaining covenants, conditions and rents.

45 9. The rights, privileges and obligations hereunder shall extend to and shall be binding upon the Municipality, Its successors and assigns, and upon the Owner, his heirs, administrators, successors and assigns.

WITNESS WHEREOF tiie Owner has affixed his hand and seal and the Municipality has executed this agreement attested to by the signatures of its proper officers duly authorized in that behalf on the day and year first above written.



Director of Public Works & Infrastructure



MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT entered into this day of .2015

BETWEEN: BRAZEAU COUNTY In the Province of Alberta, a municipai corporation established pui^uant to the laws of the Province of Alberta (the "Municipality")


(the "Owner")

WHEREAS the Owner Is the registered owner of the following lands:

as more particularly described and set forth in Certificate of Title No. Registered in the North Alberta Land Registration District (the "Lands"), a copy of which is attached hereto as Schedule "B";

AND WHEREAS the Municipality wishes to enter upon the Lands for the purposes of backsloping that portion of the Lands which is abutting the Municipality's public roadway lands;

AND WHEREAS the Owner Is prepared to grant to the Municipality the right to enter upon the Lands for the purposes stated herein, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth;

NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, the Owner and the Municipality covenant and agree, each with the other as follows:

1. For the purposes of this agreement, the tenn backsloping ("backsloping") shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

a. utilizing earth materials to construct, improve, rebuild, or repair the neighbouring municipal road, as may be required by the Municipality; and


47 b. performing any works in conjunction vWth or incidentai to the Municipality's construction, reconstruction, repairing, or improving of the Municipality's neighbouring municipal road, as may be required by the Municipality.

2. The Owner does hereby give, grant, transfer and make over unto the Municipality, its servants, agents, employees, licensees and contractors, with surveyors, workers, and equipment as may be required by the Municipality, the tight, liberty, privilege, and easement to enter upon, over, under, and/or through the Lands for the purposes of backsloping the Lands abutting the public roadway lands.

3. The Municipality shall limit its backsloping activities to an area not exceeding: acre( ) in an approximate location as shown on the attached Schedule "A"sketch (hereinafter referred to as the "Right of Way").

4. Before removing any earth materials from the Right of Way, the Municipality shall remove and store any organic topsoil from the affected areas. Upon completion of the removal of the earth materials, the Municipality shall replace the organic topsoil over those areas of the Right of Way from which the earth material was removed.

5. The Municipality shall be permitted to remove such trees, shrubs, foliage and debris as shall be reasonably necessary for the purpose of backsloping unless otherwise designated on Schedule "A" as not to be removed".

6. if a fence exists on the Lands as of the date of this agreement, and shouid the said fence, or portion of the said fence, be required to be removed by the Municipality to allow the Municipality to perform Its work as herein provided, the Municipality shall be at liberty to do so provided that the Municipality shall:

a. upon the completion of construction, and at it's own expense, replace the fence (or portion of fence removed) with a new fence of an equivalent or higher standard (the "Replacement Fence"); and

b. if requested to do so by the Owner, install temporary fencing for the duration of construction (the "Temporary Fence"). The Temporary Fence shall at all times remain the sole property of the Municipality.

7. This agreement shall be in effect as of the day and year first above written and remain in effect until the completion of construction. This agreement provides the Municipality the right to enter upon the Lands for the time and extent necessary to perform the within mentioned work only. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, this agreement shall enure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns in order to give full effect to this agreement.

48 8. Upon completion of constatction and measurement of the areas utilized by the Municipality within the Right of Way, the total consideration to be paid by the Municipality to the Owner pursuant to this agreement shall be the sum of _($ ) of lawful money of Canada (the "Compensation") per acre.

9. Payment of the Compensation by the Municipality to the Owner shall constitute full final settlement of the Compensation, and shall include but not be limited to, compensation for the granting of this agreement, the earth materials removed, and.all crop damages related thereto. The Owner releases the Municipality from any claim for additional payment for entering Into this agreement, use of the back slope area, removal of earth materials and crop damages.

10.The GST in the amount of 5% shall be paid on the condition that the Owner insert his GST registration number.


11.Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the Municipality shall, in its sole and absolute discretion, decide to what extent backsloping will be required. Further, in the event that the Municipality determines, in its sole and absolute discretion, that backsloping will not be undertaken on the Right of Way, no consideration will be payable by the Municipality to the Owner.

12.The Municipality shall carry out the backsiope operations In a good and workmanlike manner and will cause or do as little damage and inconvenience to the Owner as Is reasonably possible in the circumstances.

13.The Owner hereby agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality of and from any loss, costs, claims, expenses, actions, demands and legal expenses on a solicitor and own client basis arising out of the use of the Right of Way by the Owner or third parties. Further and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the Owner also agrees to indemnify and save harmless the County with respect to any costs, claims, expenses, actions, demands and legal expenses on a solicitor and own client basis made in respect to the Compensation paid by the Municipality for the use of the Right of Way.

14.The Owner shall not in any manner prevent nor hinder the exercise by the Municipality of any of the rights granted herein. Every covenant, condition and term of this agreement Is intended to be severabie. If any such covenant, condition or term is found to be invalid for any reason, this \MII not affect the validity of the remaining covenants, conditions and rents.


49 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Owner has affixed his hand and seal and tiie Municipality has executed this agreement attested to by the signatures of its proper officers duly authorized in that behalf on the day and year first above wntten.




Director of Public Works & Infrastructure



MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT entered into this day of ,20

BETWEEN: BRAZEAU COUNTY In the Province of Alberta, a municipal corporation established pursuant to the laws of the Province of Alberta (the "Municipality") AND

(the "Owner")

WHEREAS the Owner Is the registered owner of the following lands: as more particularly described and set forth In Certificate of Title No. registered In the North Alberta Land Titles Office (the "Lands"), a copy of which Is attached hereto as Schedule's";

AND WHEREAS the Municipality wishes to enter upon the Lands fiom time to time for the purpose of removing earth material from the Lands and the Owner is prepared to grant to the Municipality the right to enter upon the Lands for the said purpose on the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth;

NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the Municipality and the Owner covenant and s^ree,each with the other as follows:

1. For the purposes of this agreement, the term excavating a borrow pit ("Borrow Pit") shall include, but not be limited to the following:

(a) removing earth materials fiom the right of way (as hereinafter defined); and

(b) performing any works In conjunction with or Incidental to the Municipality's construction, reconstruction, repairing, or improving of the Municipality's neighbouring public roadway lands, as may be required by the Municipality.

2. The Owner does hereby give, grant, transfer and make over unto the Municipality, its servants, agents, employees, licensees and contractors, with surveyore, workers, and equipment as may be required by the Municipality, the right, liberty, privilege, and easement to enter upon, over, under, and/or through the Lands for the purposes of excavating a Borrow Pit.

51 3. The Municipality shall limit Its excavation of a Borrow Rt activity to an area not exceeding appro)dmately ^acres (0.0) In an approximate location as shown on the attached Schedule "A" sketch (hereinafter referred to as the "Right ofWay").

4. The Municipality shall be permitted to remove such trees, shrubs, foliage, and debris as shall be reasonably necessary for the purpose of the Borrow Pit operations unless othenMse des^nated on Schedule "A" sketch as "not to be removed".

5. If requested to do so by the Owner, the Municipality shall install temporary fencing for the duration of construction (the Temporary Fence"). The Temporary Fence will remain at all times the sole property of the Municipality. The location of the Temporary Fence shall be determined by the Municipality In consultatton with ttie Owner.

5.1 Upon completion of construction fencing of the borrow pit area will be the responsibility of tiie Owner.

6. This agreement shall be In effect as of the day and year first above written and remain in effect until the completion of construction. This agreement provides the Municipality the right to go on the lands for the time and extent necessary to perform the within mentioned vrork only. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, this agreement shall enure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their respective heirs, executors, administrators, sucx^ssors and assigns In order to give foil effect to this agreement

6.1 Upon completion of construction, and measurement off the areas by the Municipality within the Right of way, the total compensation (the "Compensation") to be paid by the Municipality to the Owner pursuant to this agreement shall be the sum of ^DOLLARS ($0.00) PER ACRE In lawful money of Canada.

6.2 Payment of the Compensation by the Municipality to the Owner shall constitute foil and final settlement of the Compensation, and shall Include but not be limited to, compensation for the granting of this agreement,the earth materials removed, and all crop damages related thereto.

7. Notwithstanding the foregoing pro\rislons, the Municipality shall. In Ite sole and absolute discretion, decide as to what extent the Borrow Pit operations will be required. Further. In the event that the testing Is undertaken on the Right of way. but no Borrow Pit operations are carried on. the Municipality agrees to compensate tiie Owner in the amount set out in paragraph 6.1 hereof, and this shall be tiie only such payment made to the Owner by the Municipality.

8. Every covenant, condition and term of this agreement Is intended to be severable. If any such covenant, condition or term Is found to be Invalid for any reason, this will not affect the validity of the remaining covenants, conditions and rents.

52 9. The Owner and the Municipality covenant and agree that the Municipality shall be responsible to reclaim all of the areas that the Municipality has disturbed within the right of way except the actual area of the pit.

10. The Owner hereby agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality of and fipom any loss, costs, claims, expenses, actions, demands arid legal expenses on a solicitor and own client basis arising out of the use of the f^ght of Way by the Owner or riilrd parties. Further and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the Owner also agrees to indemnify and save harmless the County with respect to any costs, claims, expenses, actions, demands and legal expenses on a solicitor and own client basis made in respect to the Compensation paid by the Munlclpaiify for the use of the Right of Way.

11. The ability of the borrow pit to retain water shall not be the responsibility of the Municipality but be at the sole risk of the Owner.

12. The Municipality shall carry out the Borrow Pit operations in a good and workmanlike manner and will cause or do as little damage and Inconvenience to the Owner as Is reasonably possible In the circumstances.

13. This agreement may be registered as a Right of Way Easement or by Caveat against the title to the Lands In the Land Titles Office for the North Alberta Land Registration District and the easement shall continue for such length of time as the Municipality requires tiie use of the Right of Way. However, once the Municipality has completed Its work as referred to In this agreement, the Munlclpall^ shall provide the Owner with a reglsterable disdiarge of the Right of way Easement or Caveat registered against title to the Lands.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF The Owner has affixed his hand and seal and the Municipality has executed this agreement attested to by the signatures of its proper officers duly authorized In that behalf on the day and year first above written.



Director of Public Works & Infrastructure



MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT entered Into this day of .20_

BETWEEN: BRA2£AU COUNTY In the Province of Alberta, a municipal corporation established pursuant to the laws of the Pro^^nce of Alberta (the "County")



WHEREAS the Owner Is tiie registered owner of the following lands: as nK}fe particularly described and set forth In Cerfificate of Title No. registered In the North Alberta Land Titles Office (the "Lands"), a copy of which is attached hereto as Schedule "8";

AND WHEREAS the County vWshes to enter upon the Lands from time to time tor the purpose of removing earth material from the Lands and the Owner is prepared to grant to the County the right to enter upon the Lands for the said purpose on the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth;

NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the County and the Owner covenant and agree, each witfi the other as follo\A»;

1. For the purfx}ses of this agreement, the term excavating a Landscape Borrow ("Landscape Borrow^)shall Include, birt not be limited to tira following:

(a) removing earth materials from the area defined on schedule "A"

(b) pertoimlng any works In conjunction with or Incklental to the County's constiuction, reconstruction, repairing, or improving of tiie Counts neighbouring public roadmiy lands, as may be required by the County.

2. The Owner does hereby give, grant, tiansfer and make over unto the County, its servants, agents, employees,licenses and contractors, wtih surveyors, workers, and equipment as may be required by the County, the right, liberty, pri^rilege, and easem^t to enter upon, over, under, and/or through tiie Lands tor the purposes of excavating a Landscape Borrow.

54 3. The County shall limit its excavation of a Landscape Borrow activity to an area not exceeding ( )acres in an approximate location as shown on the attadied Schedule "A" sketch (hereinafter referred to as the "Borrow pit area").

4. The County shall be permitted to remove such trees, shrubs, foliage, and debris as shall be reasonably necessary for the purpose of the Landscape Borrow operations unless otherwise designated on Schedule "A" sketch as "not to be removed".

5. The County shall install temporary fencing for the duration of construction (the "Temporary Fence"). The Temporary Fence will remain at ail times the sole property of the County. The location of the Temporary Fence shall be determined by the County in consultation with the Owner.

6. This agreement shall be in effect as of the day and year first above wnten and remain in effect until the completion of construction. This agreement provides the County the right to go on the lands for the time and extent necessary to perform the vwthin mentioned work only. NotvidthstarKlbig the aforementioned, this agreement shall ensure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns in order to give full effect to this agreement

7. Upon completion of construction, and measurement of the areas by the Municipality within the Right-of-Way. the total compensation(the Compensation")to be paid by the Municipality to tfie Owner pursuant to this agreement shall be the sum of ^DOLLARS($0.00) per acre in lawful money of Canada.

7.1 Payment of tiie Compensation by the County to the Owner shall constitute full and final settlement of the Compensation, and shall include but not be limited to, compensation for the granting of this agreemenL the eartii materials removed, and all crop damages related thereto.

8. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the County shall, in its sole and absolute discretion, decide as to what extent the Landscape Borrow operations will be required. Further, in the event that the testing is undertaken on the Borrow pit area, but no Landscape Borrow operations are carried on, the County agrees to compensate the Owner in the amount set out in paragraph 7.1(a) hereof, and tiiis steli be the only such payment made to tte Owner by the County.

55 9. Every covenant, condition and term of this agreement is intended to be severabie. If any such covenant, condition or term is found to be invalid for any reason, this will not affect the validity of the remaining covenants, conditions and rents.

10. The Owner and the County covenant and agree that the County shall be responsible to reclaim all of the areas that the County has disturbed within the Borrow pit area except the actual area of the landscape borrow.

11. The Owner hereby agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality of and fiem any loss, costs, claims, e)q)enses, actions, demands arid legal expenses on a solicitor and own client basis arising out of the use of the Right of Way by the Owner or third parties. Further and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the Owner also agrees to indemnify and save harmless the County with respect to any costs, claims, expenses, actions, demands and legal expenses on a solicitor and own client basis made in respect to the Compensation paid by the Municipality for the use of the Right of Way.

12. The County shall carry out the Landscape Borrow operations in a good and workmanlike manner and will cause or do as little damage and inconvenience to the Owner as is reasonably possible in the circumstances.

13. This agreement may be registered as a Right of Way Easement or by Caveat against the title to the Lands in the Land Titles Office for the North Alberta Land Registration District and foe easement shall continue for such length of time as the County requires the use of the Right of Way. However, once foe County has completed its work as referred to In this agreement, the Cfounty shall provide foe Owner with a reglsterable discharge of foe Right of way Easement or Caveat registered against title to foe Lands.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF The Owner has affixed his hand and seal and foe County has executed this agreement attested to by the signatures of its proper officers duly authorized in that behalf on the day and year first above written.



Director of Public Works & Infiastructure


56 Brazeau County Policy Review

General Background on Municipal Land Policies

Many current Municipal Land Policies are remnants of past policies from times when the municipal road networks were being developed into all-weather type roads from roads that were typically impassible with adverse weather. During those times landowners were more willing to work with the Municipality as there was in most cases a direct benefit to the landowner. The present challenge is that many road projects are driven by development, resource pressures, market factors and cases where Municipalities are developing new aggregate sources. Many of these reasons for upgrading the road are viewed negatively and with no perceived direct benefit by many of the landowners that are impacted. In many cases the landowners are opposed to the project as it may affect their homesite or operation and they see no benefit to them personally. This coupled with Municipal Land Policies that are not proactive and do not fully compensate landowners for their economic losses limits the success of acquiring the right of way required for these projects.

The current governing legislation in Alberta dealing with the acquisition of land by Municipal and Provincial Governments is the Expropriation Act, RSA 2000. Many Municipal Land Policies do not reflect and are not consistent with the provisions for compensation based on the Expropriation Act. The challenge is if the situation arises where the required land is acquired through the formal Expropriation process, the proposed compensation offer made by the Municipality will likely be much lower than what the landowner is entitled to under the provisions of the Act. The Land Compensation Board may view the exercise as a waste of time and resources if the landowner may have entered into a voluntary agreement had the initial compensation been based on the provisions of the Act.

Benefits of Having Proactive Municipai Land Policies

Landowners are fairly compensated and kept economically "whole". Higher success rate acquiring the right of way and less project delays and cancellations. Improved relations with landowners. Improved Due Diligence. Cost savings by acquiring the land through voluntary agreement with the landowner and avoiding the costly and time-consuming Expropriation process. Lower land consulting costs.

Risks Associated with Non-Proactive Municipai Land Policies

Landowners are economically impacted by the project and are left in a negative position. Project delays and cancellations. Costs for land acquisition and engineering potentially lost in the event of a project cancelation. Escalation of poor landowner relations. High cost in the event the required land is acquired through the Expropriation process. Average costs of Expropriation $100,000 - $200,000 per landowner for fees alone. Higher land consulting costs.

57 Summary

The benefits of having a Municipal Land Policy that is aligned with the compensation provisions set by the Expropriation Act will likely have a lower overall cost than a Municipal Land Policy that does not fully compensate landowners for the impact of the right of way acquisition. The costs associated with project delays and cancellations as well as creating potential long term negative relationships with landowners can be quite significant. The ability to effectively deliver construction programs on schedule will also be improved by having Municipal Land Policies that are fair and proactive.

Another key aspect to having a proactive Municipal Land Policy is having flexibility within the policy to be able to address any item of value or any devaluation created by the proposed project. It is difficult to list out every possible item that may require compensation but the rule of thumb should be if it has a value and it is affected it should be considered as a compensable item.

The delegation of the approving authority is also important to the success and timely completion of the right of way acquisition process. Having a policy that allows for approval at the Municipal Administration level opposed to the requirement of Council's approval on each item will allow the process to become streamlined and much more effective.

58 Brazeau County'



SUBJECT: Road Requests Spreadsheet

DATE TO COUIMCIL: September 4^*^, 2018

PREPARED BY: Zimran Khokhar, Project Manager, Public Works Lynden Fischer, Director, Public Works

UPDATE During Council meeting of August 21^^ 2018 Council adopted the following INFORMATION: motions 0863/18-08-2l"A/7o\/ec/ by H. Swan to direct Administration to bring back road requests, past and current, to the September 4, 2018 Council." Administration has prepared a Road Requests Spreadsheet (Attachment 1) of current requests. The spread sheet has been sorted from the oldest to latest requests currently on the road requests list. As per motion 0863/18- 08-21 past road requests list (Attachment 2) has also been included for Council's review. With reference to the current road requests list. Administration has also included individual maps (Attachment 3) as well as a full map reflecting all the road requests (Attachment 4). Council may also elect to discuss these roads in greater details during September 10^\ 2018 "PW Road Tour and Selection" meeting.

Brazeau County - Report to Council - Road Requests Spreadsheet Page 1 of 1 59 ATTACHMENT 1

Legend R

Road Requests List Road ID; Description Application Total Length Status Cost Councillor Public Land Through Administration Date (kms) Requests Requests Locked Road Requests

Currently in road request list, 0 0 ROAD-0175 TWP481 E of RR35 lO-Oct-12 0.56 physical copy of the completed road $156,800 request form not available. TWP 494 East of RR91 to 0652/14 Moved by K. Westerlund 0 0 ROAD-0229 1/4 section 8-Feb-13 0.40 to add the request for an access $118,000 NE24-49-9-W5M road upgrade for N 24-49-09-W5M Request for extension of Twp Rd. 0 0 490 east of RR 71 to access property Twp 490 East of RR71 to (Land Locked currently accessing by ROAD-0228 1/4 section 26-Apr-13 1.0 way of easement through adjacent $275,000 NE 36-48-07-W5M lands)

961/14 Moved by A. Heinrich to add 0 0 Twp 481 from RR50 to Twp. Rd. 481 to the road request ROAD-0230 14-Aug-14 0.804 $241,200 RR50A list. upgrade for drainage issues Currently in road request list, 0 0 physical copy of the completed road ROAD-0176 RR84SofTWP 502 15-Apr-lS 0.80 request form not available. $240,000

2018 Capital Project 0 0 RR65(HWY39-TWP ROAD-0173 24-Sep-15 4.48 $2,400,000 494)

Currently in road request list, 1/4 0 ROAD-0180 RR90 N of HWY 621 25-N0V-15 0.82 has access from easterly parcel as $241,900 both are owned by the same

60 Legend ii Removed Irorsi rodcl request list. Missing copies of the completed road request form. i Compiptpd or under rvmrks. l>o we need to remove from ttie road request list.

Road Requests List Road ID; Description Application Total Length Status Cost .Councillor Public Land Through Administration Date (kms) Requests Requests Locked Road Requests

Currently in road request list, 0 0 landowners changed and new ROAD-0172 TWP 492 W of RR45 14-Jan-16 0.20 landowner hasn't submitted a road $100,000 request.

As per motion 1640/16 road up for 0 0 preliminary works In 2021. ROAD-0178 RR91SofTWP 494 8-Mar-16 2.5 $625,000

ROAD-0170 South on RR 74 to TWP ll-Mar-16 0.52 Removed from road request list as n/a 0 0 485 per motion 1810/17. Site meeting held with the 0 0 landowner on-site May 22, 2018 to Access to SW 22-48-4- ROAD-0194 28-Apr-16 0.8 discuss options. $238,500 W5M Option l = 5ofTWP 484 Option2 = NofTWP482A Road request has previously been 0 0 rejected and letter sent to the RR81{TWP502-TWP ROAD-0227 27-May-16 2.45 residence of the landowner dated $750,000 504) January 20, 2003 & August 18, 2008. ROAD-0171 TWP 504(RR81 - RR82) 22-Jun-16 1.64 2018 in-House Construction $295,000 0 0

Currently in road request list 0 0 awaiting to be placed on the 10- ROAD-0179 TWP 492(RR65 - RR64) 25-Jul-16 1.62 year capital plan. Road request by $486,700 the landowner for nearby ROW.

61 Legend fternovecf frwrsi rotitf requot list, Missing copies of the completed road request form. fomplpted or under uLiorks. Do we need to re move from tfie raad request list.

Road Requests List

Road ID: Description Application Totai Length Status Cost Councillor Public Land Through Administration Date (kms) Requests Requests Locked Road Requests

Requesting to have the road 0 0 request removed from the list as Its ROAD-0177 RR70SofTWP 502 l-Aug-16 0.06 n/a being dealt with capital project CCON14-005. Currently in road request list to 0 ROAD-0181 RR63SofTWP 474 24-Aug-16 0.81 have RR63 S of TWP 474 upgraded $452,350 due to existing condition. As per motion 1644/16, road TWP 473 {RR34 - NW 17-

ROAD-0182 4-Oct-16 - request has been removed from the n/a 47-3-W5M) list. Site meeting held with the 0 0 landowner on-site May 22, 2018 to ROAD-0183 TWP 482 W of RR72 23-Oct-16 1.43 discuss options. $239,000 ROW clearing completed in 2017 of TWP482 Wof RR72. Project split ROAD-0174B {RR53 - 0 0 RR54) on 10-year capital plan for 2019. ROAD-0174 TWP 474(RRS2 - RR54) 26-NOV-16 4.60 $778,000 Physical copy of the completed road request form not available.

TWP 501 (RR73 to 500m 2018 In-House Construction Project 0 0 ROAD-0195 3-Feb-17 0.5 $147,460 E) Road request to upgrade RR83 0 RR83(HWY 620 to TWP ROAD-0197 3-Jun-17 5.28 (HWY 620 - TWP 480) to finish $5,200,000 480) pavement (GBP). Resident is request RR45 to extend 0 0 Son RR45 to NE 18-48-4- ROAD-0223 16-Apr-18 0.25 south and TWP 483 to west. $75,000 W5M

62 Leeend fernuveU (icjr«i todtl lequtfit Ibl. Missing copies of the completed road request form, tompleted or under>rks.

Status Cost Councillor Public Land Through Road ID: Description Application Total Length Administration Requests Requests Locked Road Date (kms) Requests

As per motion 0763/18-07-03, HWY El 616 paving extension request was presented by Cllr. A Heinrich during $1,636,000 ROAD-0226 TWP 480(RR71 - RR72) 3-Jul-18 1.636 Council meeting of July 3, 2018. 1

Resident is requesting RR50 be 0 0 RR50(HWY 616 - TWP upgraded from HWY 616 to TWP ROAD-0225 13-Jul-18 1.63 481) 481. Willing to provide dirt, and clear trees. 1

63 Ratepayer Road Construction Requests Vnli imo 1 Project Location Comments Completed 24-Auq-89 Petition Road Council Decision Two 490 Industrial Road 27-Auq-91 E 1/2 30-50-06-W5M RR 65 Cost Share Project Request 2-Apr-93 Steve Kuovelka Funnell Road Commercial Upgrade Petition Nov-93 Bernice Wedman Hlllis RR 80 Request for Pavement 12-Feb-96 Lodqepole Comm Assoc Lodqepole Access to Undeveloped Lots

23-Apr Warren & Candis Brvanton NE 30-48-05-W5M RR 55 Extend Road Allowance 14-Mav-96 Cressman SE 23-48-05-W5M RR 51 30-Mav-96 Rov Brvdaes Extend Road Allowance removed motion 216/13 NW 35-49-08-W5M RR 8? 11-Dec-96 Jim & Barbara Combes Extend Road Allowance NE 35-50-09-W5M Twp 510 17-Dec-96 Own Murray Extend Road Allowance North of Alsike RR 41A 3-Jan-97 Rebuild Road Approach Gordon & Joanne Reid Westbank Twp 494 Rebuild & Pavement 3-Jan-97 Bernard & Sharon Rushton Westbank Twp 494 Rebuild & Pavement 30-Oct-97 CIndv Boaarl Breton Rebuild Road 5-Mar-98 5 mile - new grading to finish NW 9-48-05 W5M RR 54 connections 17-Nov-9a Rose Grelner Violet Grove removed motion 215/13 RR 80 Request for Pavement 1-Apr-99 William Hanson Rebuild Road from RR 40 to RR TWP 474 new landowner - no letter on file see report - completed bewteen RR 4C & RR 35 & .5 mile north 6-Mav-99 Alan Hart Rebuild Road from HWY 39 to RR43 16-Sep-99 Roland & Judee Merkle TWP 492 - haul rd SE 34-47-04-W5M RR42 4-Oct-OG Wayne & Susan Sawye Extend Road Allowance RR 75 4-Oct-OO Cliff Whitelock Request for Pavement Arnold & Donna Olson Request for Pavement RR 75 4-Oct-OG Darcl Cox Request for Pavement RR75 4-Oct-OO Don & CIndv Bierkos Rwuest for Pavement RR75 4-Oct-OG Wayne Bierkos Request for Pavement RR75 4-Oct-OO Nigel & Julie Woollam Request for Pavement RR 75 4-Oct-OO Charles Coutu Request for Pavement RR 75 4-Oct-OQ Robert & Dariene Medwed Request for Pavement RR 75 4-Oct-OO Lola McGhle Request for Pavement RR 75 4-Oct-OG Marge Eliuk Request for Pavement RR75 4-Oct-OO Chris Bierkos Request for Pavement RR75 4-Oct-OG Leon & Ethel Manbow Request for Pavement RR75 4-Oct-OO Chrystal Strocher Request for Pavement RR75 4-Oct-OG Shelby & Tanis Jorqenson Request for Pavement RR 75 4-Oct-OO Cindy Jordan Request for Pavement RR 75 4-Oct-OO Lawrence Lyda Request for Pavement RR 75 4-Oct-OO Phil & Anqeline Gerbrandt Request for Pavement RR 75 30-0ct-00 Lvie & Shirley Sible Request for Pavement NE 13-47-7-W5M RR70 Extend Road Allowance removed motion 214/13 1-Nov-OO Alex Steve Kuqvelka Request for Pavement(Hwy 39 Funnell Road RR 42 long term plan 2020 motion 213/13 8-Dec-OG Brian Imoe Request for Pavement(Hwy 39 - Funnell Road RR 42 5-Jul-01 Jason Huber NW 25-49-05-W5M Ian 2020 motion 213/13 RR 51 Rebuild Road 14-Aug-01 Henry & Bonnie Watson SE 21-50-09-W5M 64 Twp 502 Extend Road Allowance Takeover of Lease 20-Nov-OI Brad Janishewski 1A--1C_y10 C VA/CKJ Date Name Location Road Comments Completed Council Decision

Takeover of Lease 25 20-Nov-OI BradJanishewski 16-16-48-6-W5M RR63 Rd/Residential Access/new rd yes county provides maintenance agreement on lease road 26 9-Jan-02 Desi & Lucie Fald Cottonwood Acres RR82 Request for Pavement Yes 27 4-Mar-02 DouqWestlund Cottonwood Acres RR82 Request for Pavement Yes Request for Pavement / south of 28 23-Apr-02 Pete Calvert RR83 SH620 remove motion 212/13 29 14-Mav-02 Richard Van Ember NE 03-50-06-W5M RR 62 Equipment Trail Yes 30 13-Mav-02 Charlotte Herzog II II Twp484 Extend Road Allowance Yes i3-Mav-02 BillStachnik II « Twp484 Extend Road Allowance Yes 13-Mav-02 Frank Herzoq II If Twp 484 Extend Road Allowance Yes 13-Mav-02 Oscar Frykberg 1. II Twp 484 Extend Road Allowance Yes 13-Mav-02 Linda Mosa If If Twp 484 Extend Road Allowance Yes 13-Mav-02 Sid Postma If fi Twp 484 Extend Road Allowance Yes 13-Mav-02 AlyPostma If II Twp 484 Extend Road Allowance Yes 13-Mav-02 ToddLindah! II If Twp 484 Extend Road Allowance Yes 13-Mav-02 CarlaLindahl 11 If Twp 484 Extend Road Allowance Yes 13-Mav^02 Teresa Pinyon If If Twp 484 Extend Road Allowance Yes 13-Mav-02 Rick Sheridan " Twp 484 Extend Road Allowance Yes 13-Mav-02 Gordon Pinyon If 11 ■ Twp 484 Extend Road Allowance Yes 13-Mav-02 Margaret Pinyon II ti Twp484 Extend Road Allowance Yes 13-Mav-02 Lorraine Ellis II II Twp 484 Extend Road Allowance Yes 31 21-Mav^2 Frank Edwards NE 01-49-05-W5M RR50 Extend Road Allowance Yes 21-Mav-02 Terry Burkett NW 06-49-05-W5M RR50 Extend Road Allowance Yes 21-Mav-02 Bruce Whitelock NW 06-49-05-W5M RR 50 Extend Road Allowance Yes 21-Mav-02 Vicky Badger SE 01-49-05-W5M RR50 Extend Road Allowance Yes 32 15-Mav-02 Rene Belva (120 Petition) SE 21-49-07 W5M RR73 Build Road Across Coulee Yes 33 24-Jun-02 Todd Stables Cottonwood Acres RR82 Request for Pavement Yes 34 2-Oct-02 GaryWiltse Lodgepole Hamlet Request for Sidewalks Yes 35 7-NOV-02 Betty Hamilton RR81 Request for Pavement yes Legal Access required for gravei 36 7-Mav-03 Anderson Sand & Gravel SW 9-48-07 W5M operations Yes Verbal request, approved by Council in camera Request for Grading & 37 27-May-03 Mabbutt Family NW6-49-7-W5M Twp 491 Pavement Yes Larry and Jeanette 38 Dombrosky NW 2-50-9 W5M Twp 500A Request for Access Road cancel landowners moved no further landowner request Request for resurfacing pad in 39 18-Jun-03 Peter Hawryluk D.V. Airport front of hanger Yes Request for Improvement of 40 9-JUI-03 Residents RR51. north of TR490A RR51 Corners Yes 41 30-NOV-03 Jim & lona Holmgren W 1/2 SE 8-50-5 W5 Request for Legal Access remove motion 211/13 Legal Access required for gravel 42 9-Feb-04 Border Paving SW 9-48-07 W5M operations Yes verbal request, approved by Council in camera SW 16-50-08 W5M & NW 43 3-Mar-04 Louise LaForce-Fertig 9-50-08 W5M RR84 Request for Legal Access NO Denied landowner objection Request for Proper Graveling on 44 16-Apr-04 Elmer Thebeau SW 4-48-4 W5M RR44 County Road Yes 45 4-Jun-04 Safronie Hanas SI/2 17-49-06 W5M Twp 492 Request for Equipment Trail Yes 46 20-0ct-04 George & Eileen Hubert SW 23-47-07 W5M RR 71 Access Road Yes 47 22-Oct-04 Keith Coetzee NE/NW 3-48-10-W5M Access Road Yes

48 28-Oct-04 Alberta 62 Commerical Corp Brazeau Business Park RR491 Request for Pavement Yes 49 29-Oct-04 Jim & Diane Ross NE8-49-4-W5M Request for Legal Access Yes 50 Oct-04 Kos Trucking NW 24-47-8-W5M Access to Gravel Pit removed motion 210/13 65

OC o

f 00 CM [Date Name Location Road Comments I Completed ICouncil Decision Ratepayer Road Construction Requests

Volume 2 Project 1 Jan -10-05 Tom & Linda Wail NE 20-49-4-W5M Twp 494 Lease road take over request NO Council denied as access exists 2 Jan 25-05 IV Ranches Ltd. RR61 Road Extentlon Yes 3 Jan 05-05 Public Works NE 10-50-8-W5M RR82 Connection road to TWP 502 Yes 4 April 1, 2005 Carol Petrie SE 06-50-04-W5M Twp 500 Reguest for Pavement Yes Road Extentlon (not on county 5 April 24/2006 Mike Miller NW 15-48-07-W5M Twp 482 road allowance) No 6 Jui-06 Evergreen Gas Co-op NW 31-50-07-W5M RR 80 Reguest for Vehicle Access yes 7 Jun-06 Gerald Mezzo SE 34-49-08-W5M RR82 Reguest for Legal Access yes Request for Road Allowance 8 Sep-06 Louise Anderson NW 17-47-03-W5M Twp 473 Clearing No not our county NW 33 & NW 28-49-05- 9 Apr-06 John & Bonnie Logan W5M RR 53 Request for Access Yes

10 Apr-06 John & Margaret Jacobson SW 06-48-08-W5M RR90 Request for Construction Yes 11 Sep-07 Aldin McRae SW 17-49-05-W5M Twp 492 Reguest for Access NO fence allowed 12 Jan-07 James & Shelley Dorlgo NE 36-48-09-W5M RR 90 Request for Access Yes 13 25-Feb-08 Hugh Houston E 1/2 36-48-07-W5M RR 71 Reguest for Access add to long-term plan 14 7-Mar-08 Greg Campbell NW 02-50-05-W5M RR 52 Access Road NO Council denied as access exists 15 7-IVIar-08 Daniel Mears NE 07-49-04-W5M Reguest for Access NO Council denied as access exists

16 7-Mar-08 Shawn Drover Jackie Calverl SE 10-48-08-W5M RR82 Request for Access Yes 17 10Jun-08 TonI Wong SE 34-49-08-W5M pp> Q2 Request for Access removed motion 208/13 18 10-Jun-08 Alvin Badry SE 33-49-08-W5M RR 83 Reguest for Access Yes 19 18-Aug-09 Adam KanarskI SW 23-50-08-W5M RR 81 Road construction NO denied by council access existing 20 10-Mav-09 Barry and Cindy Bogart NW 08-48-04-W5M RR45 undeveloped R/A construction NO denied access existing

21 5-Mav-09 Robbyn Erickson SE 28-48-07-W5M Twp 484 request for construction no Now Dean Gray see below 22 8-Feb-10 Doris Bower/Jean Stewart SW 22-48-09-W5M RR91 upgrade lease road access removed motion 206/13

23 30-Mar-10 Dean Gray SE 28-48-07-W5M Twp 485A upgrade request for legal acess remove motion 207/13 24 30 Apr 10 Mary Bablak SE 08 18 03 W5M Twp Rd 181 access road to be completed See George Kuny 25 28-Mav-10 Bob Rettle RedQuest Dev NW 07-49-04-W5M legal access via lease road remove motion 205/13 26 2-Jun-10 Lois Emberley NE 01-50-09-W5M Twp Rd 500A Request for Access NO declined motion 204/13 Request for Paving Petition from 27 6-Jui-10 Andrew Prentice Cottonwood Acres residents declined motion 203/13 Finish building roads on the west 28 2-Nov-IO Doug and Zanna Gregerson Cynthia Cynthia side of Cynthia NO denied

66 Date Name Location Road Comments Completed Council Decision Request for legal/physical 29 9-Nov-IO Michael Sass NE 20-50-09-WSM access NO declined motion 202/13

30 30-Nov-IO Myma Land RR42 request for paving Funnell Road NO moved to 2020 motion 213/13 31 1-Jan-11 Henry & Bonnie Watson SW 21-50-09-W5M RR 92 Extend Road Allowance NO declined motion 201/13 32 1-Apr-11 Allyson Donald RR 54 - 60 Twp 484 request for access NO decline due to cost of road 33 12-Apr-11 Deryl Dunlop NW 26-50-08-W5M RR 82/Twp 505 request for access NO remove motion 200/13 34 3-Mav-11 Roger Coles SW 36-49-09-W5N RR91/TWP 494A Request for Access NO remove motion 199/13

35 29-Mav-11 Brad and Carol Vowk NW 27-48-08-W5M Twp 485A request to take over lease road NO denied as legal access exists

36 27-Jun-11 George Kuny(was Babiak) SE 08-48-03-W5M Twp 481 access to be completed ROW already exists 37 26-Jul-ll Brenda Prentice NE 09-50-09-W5M RR 94/Twp 502 request for access NO declined motion 198/13 request to pave Greenwood 38 11-Auq-11 Leslie Anthony Crier RR 53 Lake Road (Hwy 39 - 616) moved to 2018 long-term plan motion 197/13 39 11-Auq-11 Herber Koschewski NE 24-49-09-W5M RR91 Request for Legal Access NO declined motion 196/13 40 10-Auq-11 Nathan Wriqth Lot 1 BIk 3 Violet Grove 49 Street request for access to qaraqe NO declined as legal access exists Keith Coetzee & Kieth & declined County will continue to assist oil company in road 41 13-Sep-11 Joan McKay N1/2 03-48-10-W5M RR103 request to take over lease road NO maintenance Alan Ekstrom Concerned road upgrade between RR 44 & moved to in-house construction 2013 motion 181/13 42 24-Oct-11 Citizens Group N1/2 20-47-04-W5M Twp 474 RR45 NO removed from list motion 195/13

43 26-Oct-11 Brian and Louise Anderson NE 17-47-03-W5M Twp 473 access to Wetasklwin property NO declined as legal access exists Maintenance for Resource Road 44 6-Dec-11 Kathy Berqer & Doug Udell SE 24-49-9-W5 RR 90A (By Bellatrix) Not constructed yet 45 23-Mar-11 Petition H 621 to Twp 502 RR81 request for road upgrade (Road is not in the current 10 yr plan)

46 7-Feb-12 Concerned Citizens Group RR 52 - RR 55 Twp 474 Request for Construotion Yes 2013 and 2014 in-house construction plan 51 15-May-13 Thoral Peck SE 25-48-09-W5M Twp 484 west of RR 91 request to upgrade Twp Rd 484 127 1615/14 Moved by R. Moir to proceed in 2015 in-house Twp from RR 91 to driveway (current 484 RR90A-RR91. access is an equipment trail) 399/13 Moved by P. Montheith to receive for information and to add the request to the 10 year priority list for Council's consideration. 602/14 added to road Plan

1 52 7-Mav-13 Marion Dunlop NW 26-50-08-W5M RR82 access request YES 1

67 Date Name Location Road Comments Completed Council Decision

53 15-Jul-13 Dr. John Zejeznak RR 83 north of Twp 482 paving request AADT 131 (400 for pavement) 54 15-JUI-14 Norwen Aggregate Services SW 25-47-08-W5M RR 81 south to N Sask extend road 868/14 Moved by R. Moirthat Council approves adding the River Range Road 81 extension to the road request list

1600/14 Moved by R. Moir that Administration bring forward the NoHA/en Aggregate Services Road SW 25-47-8-W5M (RR81 south to North Saskatchewan River) with a cost analysis.

162/15 Moved by A. Heinrich to receive for information and bring forward to the 10 Year Capital Plan review.

249/15 Moved by R. Moir to direct Administration to develop options for Council consideration by August 18, 2015 including the analysis of the life span of the Dunington gravel pit in relation to the road cost, and conduct a surface survey on Mr. Obst property to see if there is another road location option.

3418/15 Moved by R. Moir to approve Administration's recommendation to explore the viability of land and gravel operation acquisition, along with access development for Council consideration on October 20, 2015.

20-Aug-15 Brian and Louise Anderson NE 17-47-03-W5M Twp. Rd. 473 request for access denied 3879/15 Moved by K. Westerlund to approve Option B - to Council denied this request in disregard the request and remove from the Road Request list 2006 for Twp. 473 east of RR40 to NE 17-47-3-W5M.

24-Sep-15 Kevin Lung Range Road 65 request for paving of Range original denied 3881/15 Moved by K. Westerlund to approve Option B - Road 65 add to 10-year for only to disregard the request and remove from the Road Request List 2 miles for RR65 from Hwy. 39 to Twp. 495.

3909/15 Moved by M. Thompson to place RR 65 from Hwy 39 to Twp. Rd 494, paving, on the 10-Year Plan.

10-Oct-12 George Kuny(was Babiak) SE 08-48-03-W5M Twp Rd 481 east of RR Request for extension of Twp Rd add to 10-year plan 3882/15 Moved by M. Thompson to approve Option A - to 35 481 to access property(Land add to the 10-year Capital Road Plan for Twp. 481 east of 47 locked) RR35. 6-Oct-15 Doug Gregerson Cynthia Hamlet Roads request for construction of add to 10-year plan 3579/15 Moved by S. Mahan to add Mr. Gregerson's request to hamlet roads the road list

3883/15 Moved by S. Mahan to approve Option A — to add to the 10-year Capital Road Plan for the Hamlet of Cynthia roads.

24-NOV-15 Fran Ekstrom Twp 474 from RR 52 to request to be back on list add to 10-year plan 3889/15 Moved by A. Heinrich to add Twp. 474 from RR52 to 54 RR54 to the 10-year Capital Plan for in-house construcfon to be built on a 66 ft right of way.

3914/15 Moved by M. Thompson that we direct Adminislration to get the lowest cost estimate possible on the construction of Twp. Rd 474 from RR 52 from to RR 54.

68 1 Date Name Location Road Comments Completed Council Decision 26-Aug-14 Catherine and Ian Bamsey NE 1-50-9-W5 Twp. Rd. 500A From RR Request For road Construction add to 10-year plan 3876/15 Moved by K. Westerlund to approve Option A - Daryl and Schmidt 91 tp RR 90A Add to 10-year Capital Road Plan and direct Administration to determine exact location of subject road/s and revert to Council in 2016 for Twp. 500A from RR91 to RR 90A.

69 ATTACHMENTS Brazeau County Construction Brazeau Couity'


Project/Location: Combined Distance:

TWP 481: END to East of RR 35 0.56 km

50 CD m Scale: NTS 70 O U) in

ROAD-0175 TWP RD 481

70 CD m 70 a Abextcf U)

70 N Brazeau County Construction

A Brazeau County'

Project/Location: Description: TWP 494 East of RR91 to 1/4 section NE 24-49-9-W5M

Distance; 0.40 km

Scale: 1:10,000

TWP RD —494A

TWP'RD'494 ROAD10229

Pembma River

71 N Brazeau County Construction

A Brozeou County'

Project/Location: Description: Twp 490 East of RR71 to 1/4 section NE 36-48-07-W5IVI

Distance: 1.00 km

Scale: 1:12,000


72 N Brazeau County Construction

A Brazeau County'

Project/Location: Description: Twp 481 from RR50 to RR50A Distance; 0.80 km

Scale: 1:15,000


< o m Q a. ilj o u. A

oTweiRDr48.iMROAD=0230 I

73 Brazeau County Construction Brazeau County' Road Request - 0176

Project/Location: Combined Distance:

RR84: END to RR 84 0.80 km

TWP RD 502 Scale: NTS


73 o m 73 73 Ci P m 00 73 O 00

TWP RD 501


74 Brazeau County Construction Brazeau Cuunty'


Project/Location: Combined Distance:

RR65: HWY39to TWP 494 4.48 km

73 o M ■ jScale: NTS Z)- 73 2^ O TWP RD 495 cr> w w;

73 O m 73 o 30 29

TWP RD 494' TWP RD'494- 'TWP*RD494

73 o m 73 20 21 a (T» UJ



13 17 Q m 73 O cn Ul 73 O' ml 73\ TWP RD492

TWP RD 491A /diberra

o*- > TWP RD 491

75 Brazeau County Construction Brazeau Countij'

Road Request 2016

Project/Location: Combined Distance:

RR 90: HWY 621 TO South of Pembina River 0.82 km

Scale: NTS


HWY 621

76 Brazeau County Construction


Project/Location: Combined Distance:

TWP 492: West of RR 45 to END 0.20 km

Scale: NTS



- -mmmTrnP-iRB 492

77 Brazeau County Construction County'

Road Request - 017 2016

Project/Location: Combined Distance:

RR91: END to TWP RD494 2.23 km


Scale: NTS za Q s O

TWP RD 494„

2-3 ■ 24 ■xw'p


73] O m: ::o: S


78 Brazeau County Construction

Road Re

Project/Location: Combined Distance:

A - TWP RD 484: East of RR 74 to West of RR 74 A-1.20 km ;B-1.91 km B - RR 74: East of RR 74 to South of TWP 485


Scale: NTS

■. ■


: :

. . . . . ■ ■ ■ ■■

y^lbGrrcT ROAD-0170 B

ROAD-0170A ,TWP RD 484

79 N A Brazeau County Construction County Work By: Road Request - ROAD-0194

Project/Location: Description: Option 1: RR43 S of TWP 484 Access to SW-22-48-4-W5M to SW-22-48-4-W5M Option 2: RR43 N of TWP 482A Distance: to SW-22-48-4-W5M Option 1: 815 m or Option 2: 810m Traffic Counts 2017 Q 2016



Scale 1:20,000 80 N Brazeau County Construction « f -X _ ^

A Brazeau Countii'

Project/Location: Description: ROAD-0227 RR81(TWP 502 to TWP 504) Distance: 2.45 km

Scale: 1:25,000




ly rM o II Q- o o: i- iL


a o: ill G a:~


81 Brazeau County Construction

Project/Location: Combined Distance:

TWP RD504: RR 81 to RR 82 1.64 km

m po.; O O 00 m 33 34 a 35 CO hJ Scale: NTS

27 26 25

73 Ci m 73 o 00 N> ROAD-0171


22 23

82 Jtomtn, Brazeau County Construction Brazeau County'

Road Request > 017 2016

Project/Location: Combined Distance:

TWP492: END to RR 65 1.63 km

30 CD

s Scale: NTS 18 17.

70 O m, 70 0 01 cn


TWP RD 492


83 Brazeau County Construction

Road Request - 017

Project/Location: Combined Distance:

RR 70: 50-60m South of TWP 502 TO TWP 502 0.06 km

13 Scale: NTS

O'i Q:.f OLn LUj Oil q: TWP RD 502


84 Brazeau County Construction Brozemi Cuunty' Road Request - 018

Project/Location: Combined Distance:

RR 63: END to TWP RD 474 1.62 km

vdbcrtcr Scale: NTS 22

Axita vdbeflcT 616 616

©/dbertcT TWP RD 474

ROAD-0181 tioLirity Boundary

O un m fNl (sD cd cd Cd Cd Cd cd Dd Cd Cd Cd PC

85 Brazeau County Construction Brazeau County' Road Request

Project/Location: Combined Distance: TWP RD 473: Range Road 34 to NW 1/4 driveway 1.62 km

Scale: NTS

n TWP RD 474

&, £L

CO o q: LU o 0^


County Boundary

86 Brazeau County Construction

Odd Request - 018

Project/Location: Combined Distance:

TWP RD 482: Range Road 72 to END 1.43 km

Scale: NTS

ROAD-0183 TWP RD 482


87 Brazeau County Construction

Road Request - 0174 Mil

Project/Location: Combined Distance:

TWPRD474: RR 52 to RR 54 3.24 km

Scale: NTS



ROAD-0174 33.' '©

88 xco™ ffoi N Brazeau County Construction A Brazeau County' Work By: Road Request - ROAD-0195

Project/Location: Description: New Construction TWP 501 (RR 73 to 400m East)

Distance: 400 m

Scale 1:5,000/ ////,' 89 .CO""® Ho, N Brazeau County Construction Brazeau A County'

Work By: Road Request - ROAD-0197 2018

Project/Location: Description: RR83(HWY 620 to TWP 480)

Distance: 5.2 km Traffic Counts 2017 Q 2016

^ f J '

H\AiYl6»20 3——f

(5 1/ I tar




» 'i / x® 'rvil C, /,

ni\AiliRD»480A I

Scale.l:30,000.. \ 90 N Brazeau County Construction

A BraaLEBU County' k Byroad Request - ROAD-0223 m Project/Location: Description; RR45 S to TWP 483 E to South on RR45 to % NE 18-48-4-W5M NE-18-48-4-W5M Distance;

250 m


Scale 1:5,000 91 N Brazeau County Construction

A Brazeau County'

Project/Location: Description: ROAD-0226 RR50(HWY 616 to TWP 481) Distance: 1.62 km

Scale: 1:25,000

✓ / TWP RD W-48.1


92 N Brazeau County Construction

A BrazeBU County

Project/Location: Description: ROAD-0225 TWP 480(RR71 - RR72) Distance: 1.54 km

Scale: 1:25,000 J

\ "i! Q OC -lli o- ct

- >'p.0AB=O'Z'2!, ■iTWPjRD-480" HWY<616"*49Afi :)616! T-.-h- .■■•"A i-J.CO * / cOto |-4^ ^ "/ pyi tn / Lave I

(N "N

o> Qi N ^ N, /

93 94

TP 480 TP 474

TP 482 RR 33 RR

RR 34 RR RR 35 RR ROAD-0175

48-3 47-3

TP 484 TP 490 40 RR ROAD-0175 41 RR 20 20 ROAD-0182

Breton 14 TP 492 42 RR

List Map Request Road ROAD-0194 43 RR

39 TP 494 44 RR 10.5



TP 500 TP 502 45 RR RR 45 RR ROAD-0172 50-4


ROAD-0226 50 RR 7 RR 50 RR 1:80,000 Scale



RR 51 RR RR 51 RR


616 52 RR RR 52 RR 3.5


RR 53 RR RR 53 RR ROAD-0174


49-5 54 RR 47-5 RR 54 RR 50-5 48-5


RR 55 RR RR 55 RR


RR 60 RR RR 60 RR 761


RR 61 RR RR 61 RR or omissions. 759

errors COUNTY

RR 62 RR for RR 62 RR advisory purposes only.



RR 63 RR responsible RR 63 RR 39 deemed reliable sources data ATTACHMENT 4 not intended



48-6 RR 64 RR RR 64 RR 49-6 map is 50-6 based upon This It is ROAD-0179

is County Brazeau

ROAD-0177 RR 65 RR RR 65 RR 22



RR 70 RR RR 70 RR

RR 71 RR RR 71 RR



RR 72 RR RR 72 RR


RR 73 RR RR 73 RR ROAD-0228


RR 74 RR 49-7 74 RR ROAD-0225 47-7

50-7 48-7 22 Valley Drayton 22


ROAD-0170 Road

RR 75 RR RR 75 RR ROAD-0195

Legend 2018

RR 80 RR RR 80 RR

RR 81 RR RR 81 RR ROAD-0171


RR 82 RR

RR 82 RR

RR 83 RR RR 83 RR


RR 84 RR

50-8 48-8 47-8 84 RR 49-8

RR 85 RR RR 85 RR


RR 90 RR RR 90 RR

ROAD-0229 ROAD-0176 RR 91 RR

620 RR 92 RR

ROAD-0180 RR 93 RR

ROAD-0178 RR 94 RR 49-9 47-9 6-9 50-9 48-9



SUBJECT: Road Requests - ROAD-0175 TWP 481 END to East of RR35

DATE TO COUNCIL: September 4"^, 2018

SUBMITTED BY: Zimran Khokhar, Project Manager, Public Works

ENDORSED BY: Lynden Fischer, Director, Public Works

REVIEWED BY CAO: Jocelyn Whaley, Chief Administrative Officer


Report/Document Attached X Available Nil

RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Council approves staff recommendation allowing $156,800 for 2019 construction. Final budget approval subject to 2019 budget deliberations.


Executive Summary/Key lssue{s)/Concepts Defined: In reference to road request ROAD-0175 TWP 481 East of RR35, Council adopted the following motion during Council meeting of November 29^*^, 2016:

1638/16 Moved by M. Thompson to direct Administration to explore all options and bring back a cost estimate to Council of ROAD-0175 TWP 481 EAST of RR 35 SE 8-48-03-W5M. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Furthermore a letter dated December 19'^ 2016 was mailed to the landowner of the road request stating the motion above that the request would be brought to 2018 budget deliberations. Resident had further inquired about the status of this request during 2017 and was advised that Council would review the request as part of budget discussions. The landowner has persisted with the inquiry through 2018 via phone calls as well.

Road map for ROAD-0175 along with the road request spreadsheet are included in the Council agenda with the Road Request Spreadsheet update report.

As per the attached in-house construction estimate (Attachment 1) ROAD-0175 can be completed at an estimated $156,800. This construction estimate is for in-house crew to complete the project based on $250,000/kilometer (Km). The cost per Km is obtained from an average actual construction cost of completed in-house projects from 2015-18 of $222,466.^°.

Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision - Rood Requests - ROAD-0175 TWP 481 END to EastofRRSS Page 1 of 2 95 Relevant Policy: Minimum Design Standard (2008), PW-14 Miscellaneous Road Construction Requests.

Strategic Relevance:


2. RESPONSE OPTIONS Possible ways to achieve the main result with analysis highlights. Option Analysis

a. Council approves staff - Administration would construction the road as part recommendation allowing of the 2019 in-house construction program. $156,800 for 2019 construction. Final budget - The County would add approximately 0.56 km of new approval subject to 2019 gravel road asset. budget deliberations.

b. Council rejects the request as - Council has the option to reject the requests submitted. submitted by the landowners.


Operational: Administration will implement the road construction request projects as Council places the selected roads on the 10-year Capital plan.



Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision - Road Requests - ROAD-0175 TWP 481 END to East of RR35 Page 2 of 2 96 BRAZEAU COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS attachment i ESTIMATE TYPE - A

Brazeau County Project: Road - 0175 No No Condition: ^ Status: ^ . . Asset ID: / ixisting Existing Description: TW RD 481: RR35 east to residential property Year Built: / Asset Length: 0.56 Km Road Width: / m Current Posted Speed: / Km/hr Surface Type: / Current R/W Width: 20 m

Project Description: Construct new gravel road from end of existing TWP RD 481 east of RR RD 35 to residential property; construct drainage, side/back slope to county specifications. Type of Project/scope: New gravel road/ditch construction, culvert placement, signs. Finished Surface Width: 8 m Surface Type: Gravei School Bus Route: No Road Designation: Road Classification: Mali Box: No Environmental Considerations: Wetlands; Migratory birds; Noise (residents/hamiet); Historical Resources Proposed Right-of-way Width: 20 m minimum,30m desired

GRADING ILLUM BASE/PAVE BRIDGES TOTAL CONTRACT COST: $140,000.00 $140,000.00 ($250,coo/Km) CONTINGENCIES: $14,000.00 $14,000.00 (10% ASSUMED)


RIGHT OF WAY: $2,800.00 $2,800.00 ($3,500/ACRE) UTILITIES: $0.00

TOTAL $156,800.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $156,800.00

Notes: 1. Estimate based on previous price per Km. 2. No detailed information available on utiilities. 3. Environmental fees, consulting, permits not accounted for in this estimate. 4. R/W for project is partially in place, assume 0.8 acre R/W to purchase based on 20 m minimum. 5. Time constraints; migratory birds, pipleline crossing (agreements/adjustments) may be extra. 6. wetlands and bridge curvet may be extra. 7. TBD - To be determined .

Estimate Prepared by: Zimran Khokhar Date: Monday, August 13, 2018



SUBJECT: Road Requests - ROAD-0183 TWP 482 West of RR72

DATE TO COUNCIL: September 4'^ 2018

SUBMITTED BY: Zimran Khokhar, Project Manager, Public Works - / ENDORSED BY: Lynden Fischer, Director, Public Works

REVIEWED BY CAO: Jocelyn Whaley, Chief Administrative Officer


Report/Document Attached X Available Nil

RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Council approves staff recommendation allowing $239,000 for 2019 construction. Final budget approval subject to 2019 budget deliberations.


Executive Summary/Key lssue(s)/Concepts Defined: In reference to road request ROAD-0183 TWP 482 West of RR72, Council adopted the following motion during Council meeting of April 23'"^ 2018:

0473/18-04-23 Moved by S. Wheale to direct Administration to discuss with the landowner Graham Martel of TWP Road 482 NW 10-48-7-W5M options for construction. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

As per motion 0473/18-04-23 - Administration had an on-site meeting on May 22"'', 2018 with Mr. Graham Martel. Upon conclusion the landowner was advised that a detailed Road Requests Spreadsheet was being presented to Council on July 17'^ 2018 including ROAD-0183. Furthermore, in an email dated August 7'^ 2018 (Attachment 1) Mr. Martel is requiring an update on the construction of his road as per the request.

Road map for ROAD-0183 along with the road request spreadsheet are included in the Council agenda with the Road Request Spreadsheet update report.

As per the attached in-house construction estimate (Attachment 2) ROAD-0183 can be completed at an estimated $239,000. This construction estimate is for in-house crew to complete the project based on $250,000/kilometer (Km). The cost per Km is obtained from an average actual construction cost of completed in-house projects from 2015-18 of $222,466.^°.

Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision - Road Requests - ROAD-0183 TWP 482 I/Vest ofRR72 Page 1 of 2 98 Relevant Policy: Minimum Design Standard (2008), PW-14 Miscellaneous Road Construction Requests.

Strategic Relevance:


2. RESPONSE OPTIONS Possible ways to achieve the main result with analysis highlights. Option Analysis

a. Council approves staff - Administration would construction the road as part recommendation allowing of the 2019 in-house construction program. $239,000 for 2019 construction. Final budget - The County would add approximately 1.43 km of new approval subject to 2019 gravel road asset. budget deliberations.

b. Council rejects the request as - Council has the option to reject the requests submitted. submitted by the landowners.


Operational: Administration will implement the road construction request projects as Council places the selected roads on the 10-year Capital plan.



Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision - Road Requests - ROAD-0183 TWP 482 West of RR72 Page 2 of 2 99 ATTACHMENT 1

From: Jocelvn Whalev To: omartelKatelus.nfit: Bart Guvon: Zimran Khokhar: Sara Wheale Cc: Lvnden Fischer Subject: RE: TWP road 482 west of RRD 72 Road Construction Date: Tuesday, August 7, 2018 11:59:45 AM

Mr. Mattel,

A request for decision will be going to Council for the August 21 Council meeting for their decision.

Please don't hesitate to contact me should you require further information.

Kind Regards

Jocelyn Whaley Chief Administrative Officer Brazeau County Box 77 7401 -Twp Rd494 Drayton Valley, Alberta T7A IRl Tel: 780-542-7777 Fax:780-542-7770 Mobile: 780-297-0893

Please consider the environment before printing this email.


This email and any attachments are being transmitted in confidence for the use of the individual(s) or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is confidential, privileged, and proprietary or exempt from disclosure. Any use not in accordance with its purpose, and distribution or any copying by persons other than the intended recipient(s) is prohibited. If you received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the material.

Original Message From: [email protected] [mailto:gmartel 1 @telus.net1 Sent: August-07-18 10:19 AM To: Jocelyn Whaley ; Bart Guyon ; Zimran Khokhar ; Sara Wheale Subject: TWP road 482 west of RRD 72 Road Construction

Good day,

Can I please get an update on when the road will be constructed? thank you

Graham Mattel Amanda Appleby 780-898-0167


Brazeau County Project: Road - 0183 No No Condition: ^ Status: ^ , , Asset ID: ixisting Existing Description: TWP 482 west of RR72 Year Built: / Asset Length: 0.8 Km Road Width: / m Current Posted Speed: / Km/hr Surface Type: / Current R/W Width: 20 m

Project Description: Construct new road, drainage, side/back slope to county specifications

Type of Project/scope: New gravel road/ditch construction, culvert placement, signs Finished Surface Width: 8 m Surface Type: Gravel School Bus Route: No Road Designation: Road Classification: Local Road 2 Mail Box: No Environmental Considerations: Wetland, Migratory birds. Noise (residents/hamlet). Historical Resources Proposed Right-of-way Width: 30m desired

GRADING ILLUM BASE/PAVE BRIDGES TOTAL CONTRACT COST: $200,000.00 $200,000.00 ($250,000/Km) CONTINGENCIES: $16,000.00 $16,000.00 (S% ASSUMED) ENGINEERING: $16,000.00 $16,000.00 (8% ASSUMED) RIGHT OF WAY: $7,000.00 $7,000.00 ($3.S00/ACRE) UTILITIES: $0.00

TOTAL $239,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $239,000.00

Notes: 1. Estimate based on pervious per km. 2. No detailed information available on utiilities. 3. Environmental fees, consulting, permits not accounted for in this estimate. 4. Assume 2 acres of ROW to purchase for 30m desired. 5. Time constraints; migratory birds, pipleline crossing (agreements/adjustments) may be extra.

Estimate Prepared by: Zimran Khokhar Date: Monday, August 13, 2018

101 BrazHBu County' BRAZEAU COUNTY


SUBJECT: ERBR, Willey West Campground and Bridge Construction Information

DATE TO COUNCIL: September 4^ 2018

PREPARED BY: Lee Chambers, Director of Community Services


The following motion was made at the July 3'"'^, 2018 regular Council meeting:

0747/18-07-03 Moved by A. Heinrich to direct Administration to bring back the designation of the Eagle Point Blue Rapids Park, how is it different from other provincial parks, how many lots in Willey West were lost due to the bridge construction and how many and what type of lots are being developed. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

See attached correspondence from Sandra Bannard, Executive Director, for the Eagle Point-Blue Rapids Parks Council as previously presented on August 28'^^, regarding background information on the Eagle Point Blue Rapids Park.

In 2014, Flatiron Construction Corporation utilized part of Willey West Campground to stage soil for the bridge construction on highway AB-22. The green space adjacent to the playground was utilized for soil storage. While no campsites were lost, the green space was temporarily unavailable to the public. In order to compensate Brazeau County for this use, Flatiron agreed to develop an additional 24 new RV campsites including the installation of gravel pads. In 2015, these additional campsites were developed. The County further improved these campsites by upgrading the electrical services, as per the following motion made at the February 21®^ 2017 regular Council meeting;

0131/17 Moved by K. Westerlund that Council approve Option B: to install power to 15 sites, fix existing electrical problems and install power to an additional 24 sites (Sites 7,15-34, and 57-70)for a total of $218,526.00 from previous Brazeau Node funding, conditional to negotiating revenue sharing with the operator. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

In August of 2017, Administration renegotiated the Willey West contract to include revenue sharing for the remaining two years of the contract.

Brazeau County - Report to Council - EPBR, Willey West Campground and Bridge Construction Information Page 1 of 1 102 Eagle Point Blue Rapids Parks Council

Eogle^Pgrks^un^ Point-Blue Rapids

Joint Meeting

Brazeau County Council, Town of Drayton Valley Council & MLA Mark Smith

Tuesday, August 28, 2018 Pembina Nordic Ski Chalet at 12:15 PM

Background Information


The Eagle Point-Blue Rapids Parks System was established in 2007. Together the Parks protect the natural and cultural landscape features of a 53 km stretch of the North Saskatchewan River Valley. Eagle Point Park is a designated provincial park and Blue Rapids Park is a designated provincial recreation area. The areas, prior to receiving Parks designation was primarily Crown Land that included small provincial protection areas. Before becoming provincial parks, the land management of the area was challenging due to the great number of industrial, recreational, and agricultural leases occurring in such close proximity. This land use pattern along with a growing number of unmanaged recreational activities resulted in conflicts amongst the different user groups. In 2005 a steering committee was formed following community consultation with local municipalities and stakeholders. The steering committee submitted a formal proposal to the Government of Alberta on behalf of the six local organizations, the Town of Drayton Valley, Brazeau County and the local MLA Tony Abbott with rational to bring new management to the area that included the proposal of the Eagle Point Provincial Park and the Blue Rapids Provincial Recreation Area. On August 29, 2007 Cabinet approved the designation of the Parks. At this time, it was agreed that a formal partnership would be created between Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation and a new incorporated organization with representatives from the steering committee. This organization would become the Eagle Point Blue Rapids Parks Council. EPBRPC is the only Parks Council of its kind within the province of Alberta.

103 Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation accepted the objects and bylaws of the Council, and joined the Council as a Government of Alberta member. Membership is categorized by; Government Members (Alberta Environment and Parks, Brazeau County, Town of Drayton Valley), Operating Partners (includes Brazeau ATV Club, Brazeau Bowbenders Archery Club, Drayton Valley Horse Club, Drayton Valley Paddling Club, Drayton Valley Rotary Club, Evergreen Shooting Club, West Central River Boat Association, Pembina Nordic Ski Club), and finally interest members (oil & gas and sand & gravel representatives, adjacent landowners' representative and an environmental protection club representative).

Eagle Point-Blue Rapids Parks Council and the Government of Alberta

A memorandum of understanding is the guiding document that supports the relationship between Eagle Point-Blue Rapids Parks Council and the Government of Alberta and is included as an appendix in the Management Plan. At the time of signing the agreement the department from the GOA was Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation, with the successor department now being Alberta Environment and Parks. The MOU speaks to issues regarding government participation on the Council, Liaison Relationships, Management Goals and Objectives, Management Plan and Public Consultation-Roles and Responsibilities, Ongoing Park Management and Operations-Roles and Responsibilities and other procedural matters.

Funding and Operations

• Operations for the early years of the Eagle Point-Blue Rapids Parks council was supported by a very substantial Rural Alberta Development Fund Grant. • In 2012 Environmental Education Programs were introduced. Many corporate sponsors (primarily oil and gas companies) were excited to be part of this new initiative and had financial resources to contribute to programming that tackled education and environment initiatives. Partnerships ranged from one time to multi-year sponsorships. • EPBRPC has received numerous federal, provincial and municipal grants as well as many non-government grants for project based initiatives since its inception. o EPBRPC has leveraged substantial resources from federal/municipal government, community and corporate donors ■ From 2011-2016: Average cash raised annually $275,000 ■ From 2011-2016: Average in-kind contributions $130,000 • Operations cost for basic operations are $150,000/year to support governance, fundraising, outreach, tourism and environmental education. Includes three staff at .5 FTE.

104 • Alberta Environment and Parks has contributed $50,000/year to the Parks Council for 2015-2017.

Success Story of the Eagle Point-Blue Rapids Parks Council

• Ability to leverage resources from government, non-government grants, and community and corporate donors ■ Since 2007, when the Parks were established, EPBR Parks Councii has raised or ieveraged $4,913,663 in cash and in-kind services • Estabiishment of 25 Year Lease Agreements with Five Operating Partners (Pembina Nordic Ski Club, Bowbenders Archery Club, Brazeau ATV Club, Evergreen Shooting Club, Drayton Valley Horse Club • Governance of the EPBR Parks Council-strong board of directors working with government and Alberta Parks in partnership • Operating Partners advocating and working effectively together • Community Engagement and Communications-multimedia approach • Extensive Trail and Facility Development • Successful Environmental Education Program/Education Advisory Committee • Specialized Projects-Wetlands Enhancement • Collaboration with Post-Secondary Institutions for Research Facilitation • Partnerships with local school divisions relative to curriculum facilitation and prospective professional development opportunities (STAR Catholic and Wild Rose School Division) • Securing public support for revenue generating projects • Constructive relationship with Drayton Valley Regional Hospitality and Tourism Authority • Recently Hosted Provincial or National Events o 2015 ■ Eagle Point Loppet(Pembina Nordic Ski Club-January) ■ NASP Mini Tournament(Bowbenders Archery Club-May) ■ Alberta Traditional Archery Association Provincial Tournament (Bowbenders Archery Club-August) 2016 Pembina Nordic Ski Club 40'^'^ Anniversary Celebration (Pembina Nordic Ski Club-January) Eagle Point Loppet(Pembina Nordic Ski Club-January) NASP Provincial Tournament(Bowbenders Archery Club-April) Provincial 3D Archery Shoot(Bowbenders Archery Club-August) ACTHA Obstacle Ride (DV Horse Club-August)

105 o 2017 Eagle Point Loppet(Pemblna Nordic Ski Club-January) Canada 150 Voyageurs Rendezvous Canoe Race (DV Paddling Club-July) o 2018 Eagle Point Loppet (Pembina Nordic Ski Club-January) Alberta Archery 3D Provincials (Bowbenders Archery Club-July)

What EPBRPC can do for the Town and County...

Provide ongoing maintenance and enhancement of recreational assets within the Parks

Facilitate acquisition of new assets within the Parks

Assist in community consultation in land use and recreation planning

Mobilize volunteer groups associated with EPBRPC

Be a system leader in forming strong community partnerships to advance local initiatives and priorities

Leverage resources through grants, partnerships and in-kind contributions

Acquire corporate investment into the community

Maximize municipal investment dollars through capitalizing on matching grants

Lead and/or assist with special community celebrations and events

Facilitate and encourage youth in connecting with the environment for wellness and stewardship opportunities

Become a regional hub for experiential environmental education

Questions for Counselors to Consider

Do you see the Eagle Point-Blue Rapids Parks System as a tourism asset that could aid in economic diversification?

Are there areas/projects/initiatives that you would like to see the Eagle Point-Blue Rapids Parks Council become more involved in within the community at large?

If the Eagle Point-Blue Rapids Parks Council was not able to operate in its current capacity how do you think that may affect area residents, visitors and the administration of Town Council and County Council?



SUBJECT: Winter issue of the Seed

DATE TO COUNCIL: September 4, 2018

SUBMITTED BY: Ken Maclnnis, Corporate Communications Coordinator

ENDORSED BY: Lee Chambers, Director of Community Services /•



Report/Document Attached Available Nil

RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Council directs Administration to produce a Winter edition of the Seed beginning in January 2019, and incorporate an additional $4,025 to the 2019 budget.


Executive Summary/Key lssue(s)/Concepts Defined: At the July 3, 2018, Council meeting. Council passed the following motion: 0372/18-07-03 Moved by A. Heinrich to direct Administration to investigate utilizing the Brazeau Newsletter and Seed publications more frequently and bring a report for review for August 21, 2018.


The Seed The Seed is published three times per year, in the spring, summer, and fall. Each issue is 16 pages and the production schedule takes one week. The 2017 cost for production and distribution for 3,500 copies was $20,206. Adding a fourth Seed publication to the schedule will create a quarterly agricultural publication, one for each season. Winter issue topics could include calving and preparing for the spring season. Because the current Spring issue is published in late May each year, a winter issue would fill a gap in agricultural issues between the late fall and early spring. The cost for this additional issue is estimated at an additional $4,025 per year.

Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision - Winter edition of the Seed

Page 1 of 2 107 Relevant Policy: COUNCIL-3 Communications Policy

Strategic Relevance: Brazeau County is responsive to its citizens' needs and our citizens are engaged in initiatives.


Option Analysis a. Coundi directs Administration - A Winter Seed issue can provide agricultural to produce a Winter edition of information over the winter months that is currently the Seed beginning in January not published. 2019, and incorporate an - increased workload for Agricultural staff additionai $4,025 to the 2019 budget.

b. Coundi does not direct - The Seed will continue to be published three times Administration to produce a per year, in the spring, summer, and fail. Winter edition of the Seed. - No impact on Agricultural staff


Organizational: Option A represents a modest increase in content production and workioad for staff to produce the quarteriy issues of the Seed.

Financial: Option A: An additionai $4,025 wiil need to be budgeted annualiy starting in 2019.

Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision - Winter edition of the Seed

Page 2 of 2 108 Brozeau Countu < BRAZEAU COUNTY


SUBJECT: Brazeau County News frequency

DATE TO COUNCIL: September 4, 2018

PREPARED BY: Ken Maclnnis, Corporate Communications Coordinator M-


During the Regular Council meeting on August 21st, Council directed Administration to provide more information on the Brazeau County News newsletter, pursuant to motion 0865/18-08-21:

0865/18-08-21 Moved by A. Heinrich to direct Administration to contact the local community groups to see if they can meet a monthly timeline and price out the cost of a 16 or 24 page newsletter and bring hack to the September 4, 2018 Council meeting.


Administration has received estimates on the cost of a monthly newsletter at both 16 and 24 pages, as follows:

Current BCN Express 16 pages 24 pages monthly monthly

$39,771 $54,321 $68,014 $79,494

36.6% increase 71.0% increase 99.9% increase The cost increases are due to mailing costs, which will be incurred twice as often, and are not offset significantly by a decrease in the newsletter's weight due to a lower page count. Production costs also go up as the frequency increases, and available pages for feature content will decrease. Any increased costs would either need to be incorporated into the 2019 budget, or funds would need to be allocated into the 2018 budget for any additional issues published in 2018. Staff time and publication quality will be significantly impacted by a monthly publication schedule.

Administration received five responses back to inquiries to community groups about monthly timelines. One respondent said they would prefer a monthly timeline. Two said a monthly timeline was notfeasible.

Brazeau County - Update Report to Council - Brazeau County Newsfrequency Page 1 of 2 109 one said they would use the County News only every second month to insert content, and the fourth said they would adjust to any schedule.

Attached to this report are examples of the Brazeau County News Express, which could be produced and distributed in the months between regular Brazeau County News newsletters.

Brazeau County - Update Report to Council - Brazeau County Newsfrequency Page 2 of 2 110 Aug / Sept 2018

Tax Payments Due

Gento exceptas sim rem quaestrum endel milis rendus es eruptae nus erspe nem quam aut apicimp elicabo. Dae dus aut prendantios modipsunt, tem voluptatem ad quos imagnis eium esequam, sae mi, ut quam aut exerro odignimus mil in

Rebate applications

Gento exceptas sim rem quaestrum endel milis rendus es eruptae nus erspe nem quam aut apicimp elicabo. Dae dus aut prendantios ■n t'

:mi^ modipsunt, tem voluptatem ad quos imagnis eium esequam, sae mi, ut quam aut exerro Road projects update odignimus mil in Gento exceptas sim remquaestrum endel Gento exceptas sim remquaestrum endel milis rendus es eruptae nus erspe nem milis rendus es eruptae nus erspe nem quam aut apicimp elicabo. Dae dus aut quam aut apicimp elicabo. Dae dus aut Rodeo Fundraiser prendantios modipsunt, tern voluptatem prendantios modipsunt, tem voluptatem Gento exceptas sim rem ad quos imagnis eium esequam, sae mi, ut ad quos imagnis eium esequam, sae mi, ut quaestrum endel milis rendus quam aut exerro odignimus mil in quam aut exerro odignimus mil in es eruptae nus erspe nem Consere percim rese venis et que sus Consere percim rese venis et que sus quam aut apicimp elicabo. magnam, officid experiam doluptatem. Bus magnam, officid experiam doluptatem. Bus Dae dus aut prendantios doloris ut id untotae et ea illicit, tempos doloris ut id untotae et ea illicit, tempos modipsunt, tem voluptatem ad dem nonecte mporecabore et, cusda do dem nonecte mporecabore et, cusda do quos imagnis eium esequam, luptatem fugiatemo iur, a prati nectem. Et luptatem fugiatemo iur, a prati nectem. Et sae mi, ut quam aut exerro hilit, secate volupta quatur, quistot atius, hilit, secate volupta quatur, quistot atius, odignimus mil in simi, simaionem eatur ratatur ad ut vol- simi, simaionem eatur ratatur ad ut voloreh oreh endeliquam verum dolent aperore endeliquam verum dolent aperore parchic parCipsant. Ihilis inus ex ea idelisi velesto te nimaio. Evelecto odi ium quibus earibus et ad quas et vero est aut quam nulparum cipsand aectaecus et alibus estio min re alit, Save Your Reciepts! rae veniti ut aspe cum alitia nemolute vidi es as in cus iumet que laboriam si dolupitio conessin et asped ut d tem intio cus. The Municipal Energy Efficiency Rebate Program launched on May 1st. Keep your reciepts for energy efficient products and connect! appliances in order to take advantage of savings offered Brazeau County by Brazeau County. Box 77, 7401 Twp Rd 494 Drayton Valley, Alberta T7A 1R1 Phone: 780-542-7777 Fax: 780-542-7770 111 Council Highlights

May 15 Council receivedtheresultsofthecannabislegalization engagementandsurvey, Quarterly Update and will consider possible amendments to the Land Use Bylaw to regulate can- Report meeting nabis retail stores and production faciiities. The survey resuits are avaiiable at 6:00 - 9:00 p.m Funnell Hall

Council passed a motion to prioritize Township Road 474 between Range County Administration Roads 53 and 54 on the 2018/2019 road building program. Building closed for Labour Day Council passed a motion affirming that Birchwood Viiiage Green residents may use the Birchwood Lagoon without dumping costs. Council meeting 9:00 a.m. Council Council approved funding of $3,170.98 for the Lindale Rodeo Grounds. Chamber Council declared June 3rd to 9th, 2018 as Seniors' Week to honour and Municipal Planning celebrate seniors for their many contributions to our communities and Commission meeting province. 9:00 a.m. Council June 5 Chamber Council passed a motion to construct one mile of Township Road 474 Alternative Land Use between RR 53 and RR 54 at a lease road standard at an estimated cost Services PAC meeting of $778,000, with funds from the roads restricted surplus. 9:00 a.m.-12:00 Planning & Development gave a presentation to Council outlining a cus p.m. Brazeau County tomer service oriented approach to planning matters, with the goal of pro Administration Building viding excellent service and ongoing communication with those seeking Council meeting permits, rezonings, and subdivisions. The department wili also work to 9:00 a.m. Council complete permitting processes ahead of legislated timelines. Chamber

Council gave three readings to Noise Control Bylaw 978-17, which makes Agricultural Service the byiaw current enforceable as a community policing tool. The bylaw Board meeting does not address industry and agricuiture noise restrictions, which will 10:00 a.m. EOC room be governed by provincial and federal legislated laws. August 22

Council will send a letter to Minister of Municipal Affairs Shaye Anderson County Administration asking for an in-person meeting to discuss the County's request to recon Building closed for sider making funding available to residents who suffered damage from Labour Day the tornado near Breton last July. Council meeting 9:00 a.m. Council Chamber

Municipal Planning PLANNING 101 Commission meeting Information seminars on Development Permits 9:00 a.m. Council Chamber What is a Development Permit? Why and when do I need one? How do I get one? How long does it take? What is planning? Who is the Planning and Development?

Wonder No Longer! Join us for our PLANNING 101 Session

Brazeau County Office, Council Chamber Sept. 12, 2018 Two sessions 2:30-4:00pm or 5:00-6:3Gpm FREE! 112 exftfcss

Mark Your Calendars

August 22 Quarterly Update Report meeting 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Funnell Hall

September 3 County Administration Building Road projects update closed for Labour Day

Gento exceptas sim remquaestrum endel milis rendus es September 4 Council meeting eruptae nus erspe nem quam aut apicimp elicabo. Dae dus 9:00 a.m. Council Chamber aut prendantios modipsunt, tern voluptatem ad quos imag- September 5 Municipal Planning Commission nis eium esequam, sae mi, ut quam aut exerro odignimus meeting 9:00 a.m. Council Chamber

Consere percim rese venis et que sus magnam, officid ex- September 6 Alternative Land Use Services PAC periam doluptatem. Bus dolorls ut id untotae et ea illicit, meeting* 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. tempos dem nonecte mporecabore et, cusda doluptatem Brazeau County Administrabon Building fugiatemo iur, a prati nectem. Et hilit, secate volupta quatur, quistot atius, simi, simaionem eatur ratatur ad ut voloreh September IS Council meeting endeliquam verum dolent aperore parchic te nimaio. Hent 9:00 a.m. Council Chamber as eossumque porrorro illestrum unt ad elitaquid et quo que et maximus. September 3 Agricultural Service Board meeting 10:00 a.m. EOC room August 22 Sunde moloria pliquis as dolecae caeriae il erum vererum Quarterly Update Report meeting quatiae solore eseness invento taturibus.Occatur, in pedis 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Funnell Hall ditio. Quis sedis sitatusTem quatemqui apel ipidus velique nis andior sunt essunt estiore, uteserempe iunt odis illi- September 4 County Administration Building quam erios dicium aut quia pa volut eristion eserum simet closed for Labour Day ut re poria nabs delendamus nitatio occuptat. September 5 Council meeting Aximus eumqui necaborpore core pos et et es explibe rci- 9:00 a.m. Council Chamber isit que erunt est qui sima venba poreper itatem faccatatio September 6 Municipal Planning Commission dollaborit repro officil excepro tet veliquodis si consed mo meeting 9:00 a.m. Council Chamber idusam nimus es mo testota ium remolo que sequame ni- hicip sandis est, voluptabo. Ut lib'beat eium quabis excerna September 18 Alternative Land Use Services PAC musciissitem nus et alis nus maximus audandis dolorem con meeting 9:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. nos autet, unt qui cus mod ullaut qui inctus et la delessum Brazeau County Administrabon Building cus, volorro mi, tem qui ut omnimus dolupta nonsequatur? Vel idist, inciandis is ut hibore rferibus ut quam, sequo te September 19 Council meeting post adit et quam simpore rionsecupba in et dib quas di 9:00 a.m. Council Chamber

Brazeau County Box 77, 7401 Twp Rd 494 Drayton Valley, Alberta T7A 1 R1 Phone: 780-542-7777 Fax: 780-542-7770 www.brazeau.ab.oa 113 Council meeting Highlights The Planninj & Ocvelopmont Department of Brazcau County Presents Planning 101 information seminars on Development Permits, May 15 Council received the results of the cannabis legalization what IS a Development Pemiit? engagement and survey, and will consider possible amend Why and When Do I Need One? ments to the Land Use Bylaw to regulate cannabis retail stores How Do I Get One? How tons and production facilities. The survey results are available at Does It Take? Whit Is Planning? Who is the Planning & Development Department? Council passed a motion to prioritize Township Road 474 between Range Roads 53 and 54 on the 2018/2019 road building program. WONDER Council passed a motion affirming that Birchwood Village Green residents may use the Birchwood Lagoon without NO dumping costs. LONGER! ■ Council approved funding of $3,170.98 forthe Lindale Rodeo ? Grounds. t VQy have ever wonceied these cueitioiij, joir us 'or our its: 'Planning lOi' Session. We ivill be explaining oevelopment permits, answering these questions and more, mtluding Council declared June 3rd to 9th, 2018 as Seniors' Week to how VOM'permit gets pracessfrf. honour and celebrate seniors for their many contribubons to our communities and province. Whrfe' At the Srateau County Office, In Council Chambers June 5 When' Septen-ljer 12,2018 Jom us at either 2-30-4'00 pm or 5'0C-('-30 pm Council passed a motion to construct one mile of Township Cost? Absc'luiely f Ret! Refreshments will be provideo. Road 474 between RR 53 and RR 54 at a lease road standard at an estimated cost of $778,000, with funds from the roads restricted surplus. H you have any qurshors, plnasn the Planning and Devclopmcn: Department a: /80-i)d2-2bb/ and as< for Sujanne. KS'dP Is not tecuiteo. Planning & Development gave a presentation to Council out lining a customer service oriented approach to planning mat ters, with the goal of providing excellent service and ongoing communication with those seeking permits, rezonings, and Sa¥e Your Receipts! subdivisions. The department will also work to complete per mitting processes ahead of legislated timelines. The Municipal Energy Efficiencv Rebate Program launched cjn May 1st, Keep your receipts for energy Council gave three readings to Noise Control Bylaw 978-17, efticient products and appliances in order to take which makes the bylaw current enforceable as a community advantage of savings offered by Brazcau County. policing tool. The bylaw does not address industry and agri culture noise restrictions, which will be governed by provin cial and federal legislated laws. P^oc'urr dcroi's at:

Council will send a letter to Minister of Municipal Affairs

Shaye Anderson asking for an in-person meeting to discuss o o the County's request to reconsider making funding available to residents who suffered damage from the tornado near NEXT MONTH IN THE FULL ISSUE OF Breton last July. YOUR BRAZEAU COUNTY NEWS:



114 xfifcss

Road projects update I Don t forget:

, ento exceptas sim remquaestrum endel miHs; rendusj Gento exceptas sim es eruptae nus erspe nem quam aut apicimp elicabo." remquaestrum endel Dae dus aut prendantios modipsunt, tern voluptatem ad mills rendus es eruptae quos imagnis eium esequam, sae mi, ut quam aut exer- nus erspe nem quam ro odignimus mil in aut apicimp elicabo. Dae dus aut prendantios Consere percim rese venis et que sus magnam, officid modipsunt, tem vo experiam doluptatem. Bus doloris ut id untotae et ea luptatem ad quos imag illicit, tempos dem nonecte mporecabore et, cusda do nis eium esequam,sae luptatem fugiatemo iur, a prati nectem. Et hilit, secate mi, ut quam aut exerro volupta quatur, quistot ab'us, simi, simaionem eatur ra- odignimus mil in tatur ad ut voloreh endeliquam verum dolent aperore Consere fhf percim parchic te nimaio. Hent as eossumque porrorro illestrum rese venis et que sus unt ad elitaquid et quo que et maximus. magnam, officid expe Sunde moloria pliquis as dolecae caeriae il erum vere- riam doluptatem. Bus rum quabae solore eseness invento taturibus.Occatur, doloris ut id untotae

Information seminars on Gento exceptas sim remquaestrum atius, simi, simaionem eatur ratatur ad Development Permits endel mills rendus es eruptae nus ut voloreh endeliquam verum dolent erspe nem quam aut apicimp el aperore parchic te nimaio. Hent as eo What is a Development Permit? icabo. Dae dus aut prendantios ssumque porrorro illestrum unt ad eli Why and when do I need one? modipsunt, tem voluptatem ad taquid et quo que et maximus. How do I get one? How long does quos imagnis eium esequam, sae it take? What is planning? mi, ut quam aut exerro odignimus Sunde moloria pliquis as dolecae cae Who is Planning and Development? riae il erum vererum quatiae solore mil in eseness invento taturibus.Occatur, in Wonder No Longer! Join us for Consere percim rese venis et que pedis dibo. Quis sedis sitatusObitemol our PLANNING 101 SESSION sus magnam, officid experiam do uptassit mo quis re, ad et a acerum luptatem. Bus doloris ut id untotae quae. Itaqui duciis doloreperi occabor Brazeau County Office, et ea illicit, tempos dem nonecte sitab qui ipitaqu untetum voluptatur? Council Chamber mporecabore et, cusda doluptatem Quibusa voluptabs invent.lqui acienit Sept. 12, 2018 Two sessions fugiatemo iur, a prati nectem. Et ionsequi occupta epudaelncum perip- 2:3Q-4:00pm or 5:00-6:30pm hilit, secate volupta quatur, quistot blicae ademquam, nonsul hocae co

Brazeau County Box 77, 7401 Twp Rd 494 Drayton Valley, Alberta T7A 1 R1 Phone: 780-542-7777 Fax: 780-542-7770 115 Council Highlights

May 15 Council received the results of the cannabis legalization August Quarterly Update engagement and survey, and will consider possible amend Report meeting ments to the Land Use Bylaw to regulate cannabis retail stores 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. and production facilities. The survey results are available at Funnell Hall County Administration Council passed a motion to prioritize Township Road 474 Building closed for between Range Roads 53 and 54 on the 2018/2019 road build Labour Day ing program. Council meeting Council passed a motion affirming that Birchwood Village Green 9:00 a.m. Counci residents may use the Birchwood Lagoon without dumping costs. Chamber Municipal Planning Council approved funding of $3,170.98 for the Lindale Rodeo Commission meeting Grounds. 9:00 a.m. Council Council declared June 3rd to 9th, 2018 as Seniors' Week to hon Chamber our and celebrate seniors for their many contributions to our Alternative Land Use communities and province. Services PAC meeting June 5 • 9:00 a.m. -12:00 Council passed a motion to construct one mile of Township p.m. Brazeau County Road 474 between RR 53 and RR 54 at a lease road standard Administration Building at an estimated cost of $778,000, with funds from the roads Council meeting restricted surplus. 9:00 a.m. Council Planning & Development gave a presentab'on to Council outlin Chamber ing a customer service oriented approach to planning matters, Agricultural Service with the goal of providing excellent service and ongoing com Board meeting 10:00 munication with those seeking permits, rezonings, and subdi a.m. EOC room August visions. The department will also work to complete permitting 22 Quarterly Update processes ahead of legislated timelines. Report meeting 6:00 - Council gave three readings to Noise Control Bylaw 978-17, 9:00 p.m. Funnell Hall which makes the bylaw current enforceable as a community County Administration policing tool. The bylaw does not address industry and agricul Building closed for ture noise restrictions, which will be governed by provincial and Labour Day federal legislated laws. Council meeting Council will send a letter to Minister of Municipal Affairs Shaye 9:00 a.m. Council Anderson asking for an in-person meeting to discuss the Coun Chamber ty's request to reconsider making funding available to residents who suffered damage from the tornado near Breton last July. Municipal Planning Commission meeting 9:00 a.m. Council Chamber





SUBJECT: Tax Roll Numbers for Communication Towers

DATE TO COUNCIL: September 4, 2018

PREPARED BY: Colin Swap, Acting Director of Corporate Services

UPDATE Several property owners in Brazeau County lease space for INFORMATION: communication towers on their property. Since communication towers are considered industrial infrastructure they are assessed at a higher rate than residential or agricultural property, which is reflected on the annual tax notices. Administration's current practice is to send a tax notice to the property owner only, meaning the telecommunication company does not receive a copy. Traditionally the property owner then contacts the finance division to obtain a breakdown of the amount of tax owing for the tower and it is the responsibility of the property owner to arrange compensation for the taxes on the telecommunications tower. Administration has been looking into the possibility of assigning individual tax roll numbers to communication towers. The MD of Bonnyville had instituted this practice. However, when Administration contacted staff at Bonnyville it was learned that the MD has discontinued the practice for the reasons, outlined below:

• Towers are not assessable property and the assessment of them is not supported by the Municipal Government Act.

• No current tax recovery guidelines exist in the event these tax rolls fall into arrears. Since they are not assessable property, if the towers did fall into arrears the taxes owing would ultimately go back on the individual(s) on title for the whole property. This could result in tax recovery proceedings. Ultimately Bonnyville decided to revert back to their original process, which is similar to what is currently in place in Brazeau County.

Brazeau County - Report to Council - Tax Roll Numbersfor Communication Towers Page 1 of 2 117 There are a number of options Council could consider moving forward. • Council could direct Administration to go ahead with assigning separate roll numbers for telecommunications towers, with the awareness that there Is no provision for It under the Municipal Government Act.

• Property owners who have lease agreements for towers on their property could sign a form allowing the communication company to be listed as an Interested party on title. This would mean the Interested party would receive a copy of the tax notice and could determine the tax owing for the tower by multiplying the commercial assessment by the non-resldentlal tax rate. This would be complicated If the property has more than one commercially assessed portion. • Corporate Services could receive permission from the affected property owners to Issue the tax breakdowns to the communication companies directly, without property owners having to request It each year. Administration Is seeking Council direction on how they would like to move forward.

Brazeau County - Report to Council - Tax Roll Numbersfor Communication Towers Page 2 of 2 118 BRAZEAU COUNTY


SUBJECT: Holiday Office Closures

DATE TO COUNCIL: September 4, 2018

SUBMITTED BY: Colin Swap, Acting Director of Corporate Services

ENDORSED BY: Colin Swap, Acting Director of Corporate Services



Report/Document Attached Available Nil X

RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: That Council approve closure of the Brazeau County Administration office at 12 p.m. on Monday, December 24, 2018 and 12 p.m. on Monday, December 31, 2018


Executive Summary/Key lssue(s)/Concepts Defined: Administration is asking Council to set office hours during the Christmas season. The office will be closed for statutory holidays on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day. Christmas Day and New Year's Day both fall on a Tuesday in 2018. Administration is recommending that Council approve closing the office at 12 p.m. on both Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. In years past Council direction has varied from having the office open a half day, to closing for the entire day. Once Council has passed a resolution Administration will be able to start advertising the closures at the appropriate time to give residents plenty of notice.

Relevant Policy: N/A

Strategic Relevance: N/A

Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision - Holiday Office Ciosures Page 1 of 2 119 2. RESPONSE OPTIONS

Option Analysis

a. Council approves staff - The administration office will close at noon on both recommendation Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve - Administration will begin advertising well ahead of the dates to inform the public of the early closures on those two days

b. Council rejects the request as - The administration office will remain open until 5 submitted p.m. on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve - Council may choose to set different office hours for Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve


Operational: N/A



Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision - Holiday Office Closures Page 2 of 2 120 BRAZEAU COUNTY BANK RECONCIUATION General Account - TD Bank

As of July 31,2018

31-JUI-18 31-Jul-17 General Ledger Balance General Ledger Account # 03-12*00-120 $ 13,711,526.69 $ 14,222,572.06

ADD: Pending General Ledger Posting for Adjustment S 20,894.22 $ 37,089.80 (Adjustment will be posted to General Ledger on posting of bank reconciliation) LESS/Add: General Ledger Posting in subsequent period S (152,351.17) $ and timing adjustment LESS: Adjustment entry

Adjusted General Ledger Balance $ 13,580,069.74 $ 14,259,661.86

Bank Statement Balance $ 14,286,396.17 $ 14,340,886.38

ADD: Outstanding Deposits (Transit amounts which will be credited in bank statement next month) LESS; Outstanding Cheques $ (706,326.43) $ (81,224.52) (Cheques issued but not presented to bank for payments) LESS: Adjustment entry

Adjusted Bank Statement Balance $ 13,580,069.74 $ 14,259,661.86


Approved by: Colin Swap

Acting Director of Corporate Services

Date: 15-Aug*18 3:46:00 PM

121 Brazeau County




WHEREAS A Development Officer is a current planning and development specialist with knowledge in current legislation, policy and bylaws, systems and technical requirements for physical development within communities in the Province of Alberta. A Development Officer enforces and administers land use regulations and policies on behalf of a municipality, and is designated to the position of Development Authority by the municipality as defined by the Municipal Government Act, RSA 2000, Chapter M-26.

WHEREAS the Alberta Development Officers Association, representing professional Development Officers in Alberta, endorses Alberta Development Officers Week to recognize sound development and planning practices and the contribution made by Development Officers to the quality of development within our communities and environment; and

WHEREAS Alberta Development Officers Week helps us to publicly recognize the work of our municipal colleagues in planning for the improvement of the County and

WHEREAS we recognize Development Officers and their commitment to public service;

NOW THEREFORE I, Bart Guyon, do hereby proclaim September 23 to September 29, 2018 to be designated as Alberta Development Officers Week in Brazeau County.

Dated this 4 day of September, 2018 Reeve Bart Guyon



BYLAW; 1002-18

SUBJECT: LUB Omnibus Textual Amendments to Land Use Bylaw 939-17

DATE TO COUNCIL: September 4, 2018 ^

SUBMITTED BY: V3 Companies of Canada pMl'

ENDORSED BY: Manager of Planning & Development, Matthew BoscarioV |||| j


FILE NO: 18A-010

Report/Document Attached x Available Nil

RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: That Council approves First Reading of Bylaw 1002-18 to repeal and replace Land Use Bylaw (LUB) 939- 17 in accordance with the proposed text amendments contained in this report and attached appendices, and set the Public Hearing for October 16, 2018 at 2:00 pm.


Executive Summary:

This report has been prepared for Council to implement recommendations stemming from a comprehensive review of the County's planning structure and regulatory processes. In particular, the identification of a provision within the Municipal Government Act (MGA) where a Municipality can decide on an application for a development permit even though the proposed development does not comply with the land use bylaw or is a non-conforming building based on a criterion established under the MGA. It should be noted that it does not enable approval of uses not prescribed within the land use bylaw for the zone.

Carrying out the amendment referred to above also provided the opportunity to carry out minor small amendments relating to other provisions arising from the Modernization of the MGA, and changes identified by the planning staff to assist with either providing clarification or amendments made by Council in the past. The LUB should be viewed as a living document that requires changes identified through implementation or changes occurring externally to keep it relevant. These changes however, need to also avoid creating a situation where they become inconsistent with the Municipal Development Plan. The changes being recommended are not considered to alter the LUB significantly where it would become inconsistent with this document.

Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision -18A-010- Bylaw 1002-18 Page 1 of 9 123 Key lssue(s)/Concepts Defined:

The main purpose of the LUB Omnibus Textual Amendments Is to provide flexibility to Council In the Development Permitting process by referencing Section 640(6) of the MGA within the LUB. By Incorporating this piece of legislation Into the County's LUB, Council will have the ability to approve developments that may not comply with the development regulations of the LUB or non-conforming uses.

Other minor textual amendments of reducing the use of the term "shall" to "should" has also been carried out where It Is viewed that the Development Officer may have greater flexibility on the Information being requested. It should be noted that In some cases this may require Internal or external professional staff to provide confirmation to the Development Officer In relation to confirming certain technical reports may not be required.

The definition of manufactured homes Is very limited and beyond being a dwelling unit for Intended occupancy has to meet the CSA A277 standards. These standards effectively relate to requirements under the building code and should be addressed through the building permit process. The challenge arises when a manufactured home Is relocated to another site and does not require a building permit but does not meet the CSA A277 standards and therefore would be In non-compliance. This could place the County In a situation of liability If approved under the LUB where the structure has been relocated to a new lot but does not meet the current building standards. A condition of the development permit could require compliance with the CSA A277 standards or alternatively Council use the provision of MGA Section 640(6) to approve the development.

The federal legalization of Cannabis coming Into effect later this year has prompted municipalities to amend their regulatory framework to Include provisions for the production, distribution and sale of Cannabis. As part of a separate report by administration, the provisions regarding amendments to the LUB for Cannabis will have been adopted by Council. As we are repealing and replacing the LUB we have Included the new provisions.

Finally, It has come to administrations attention that currently there are no provisions governing food trucks which has arisen through enquiries to obtain development permits for their use. In the majority of cases food trucks are located within the public realm such as parks and along the side of roads. Currently Food Trucks are finding the development approval process within other Jurisdictions to be too onerous where more than one permit is being required. This amendment seeks to permit Food Trucks as a temporary use with the requirement for only a Development Permit being required. The purpose of the Development Permit Is to enable administration to place conditions around managing safety of location, disposal of waste and compliance with Provincial Health regulations governing eating establishments. It Is also anticipated that such permits should be easily processed and Issued upon receipt of an application.

Other Items:

We understand that at the August 21, 2018 Regular Meeting It was raised that the Agriculture Holdings District be removed and the minimum lot sizes permitted under this district be moved Into the Agriculture District. This could mean a permitted vacant lot would be reduced from 15

Brazeau County• Request for Council Decision -18A-010 - Bylaw 1002-18 Page 2 of9 124 acres to 4 acres in the Agricultural District. The rationale for this change is based on the extra regulatory process involved when an agricultural holding wants to subdivide out a lot less than 15 acres. This triggers the requirement to also carry out a redistricting process on the property to the Agricultural Holding District. Given the time aspects related to proceeding with the amendments outlined in this report it is recommended that Council either hold off on the amendments to enable the complete process to be carried out (entire Omnibus report) or address this particular proposed amendment as a separate report item. To carry out this change requires advising all landowners who are currently zoned Agricultural Holdings District of the changes to fully inform them of the what is being recommended, of which there are a significant number within the County. It also enables administration to complete a proper analysis to ensure any changes don't potentially create complications with administering the LUB.

Relevant Policies; LUB 939-17 does not include the MGA provision that grants a development authority more discretionary power when reviewing a development permit application (Proposed to amend to Section 2.1.7 - Development Authority).

LUB 939-17 Sections: 1.6.1 Application in Process 1.7.5 Non-Conformity 2.6.3 Decision-Making Structure 3.4.6 Subdivision Application Requirements 3.7 Referrals for Development Applications - Discretionary Use, Variance & Subdivision Application 3.12.4 Development Permit Conditions 4.1 Requirements for Subdivision Application 8 Development Regulations 8.12.8 Development Regulations - Hazardous Areas 8.18 Signs 8.18.10 Signs 10.1 & 10.2 AG/AGH -Setbacks, Discretionary Use, Minimum Lot Size 11.4.2 BCC- Birchwood County Condo Permitted/Discretionary Use 11.5.5 MHP Manufactured Home Park - Landscaping Requirements 12.1 C Commercial - Discretionary Use 12.2 Rl Rural Industrial - Discretionary Use 12.3 LI Light Industrial - Discretionary Use 13.3 I Institutional - Development Permit Exemption 15 Definitions-Agricultural Extensive; Agricuitural, Intensive Class 2; Cannabis; Cannabis Production and Distribution Facility; Cannabis Retail Sales; Food Trucks, Home Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision -18A-010 - Bylaw 1002-18 Page 3 of9 125 Occupation, Major; Home Occupation Medium; Home Occupation, Minor; Industrial Hemp, Industrial Hemp Production; Manufactured Home; Retail; Scale Office; Weigh Scale.

Strategic Relevance: Approval of the recommendations by Council \A/ill broaden the ability of Council's authority relating to development standards of the LUB. It will also assist with cleaning up minor aspects identified by staff through implementation and bring in changes previously approved by Council.


LUB Section Proposed Amendments Challenges m Reason for Change Not included in Amend LUB to include The Development Council has the legal current LUB (939-17). section 640(6) of the MGA. Authority has expressed authority to approve Include this provision near frustration with having developments under their the start of the regulatory to adhere to regulations discretion, as long as they document and refer all that unduly restrict following the provisions other regulations to development and the laid out in the MGA Section provision, such as ".... ability to seek variance 640(6). Unless otherwise granted to the controls is not by Council in accordance available. Amendment needs to be with section 2.1.7 of the referenced for other LUB." "shall's, must's and should's" to reinforce Council's ability to exercise their discretion. 1.7) Non-Conformity Change must to should. Non-conforming use of With more discretion, the land or building cannot Development Authority can 1.7.2 Include reference to MGA continue if discontinued authorize discontinued Section 640(6) provision in for 6 consecutive uses to remain as long as the LUB. months, and future use they adhere to the MGA has to conform with regulations. current LUB. The Development Amendments required Authority would also have to LUB to change specific the discretionary power to zoning to allow for permit future uses that do permitted or not conform to the LUB, discretionary uses on instead of having to go non-conforming land. through the amendment process. 1.7) Non-Conformity Include reference to MGA Particularly with Reference to MGA Section 640(6) provision in manufactured homes provision gives the 1.7.5. LUB being bought and Development Authority moved, they are often discretion to approve non- non-conforming. conforming buildings as long as they adhere to the

Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision - 18A-010- Bylaw 1002-18 Page 4 of 9 126 IK' LUB Section Proposed Amendments Challenges Reason for Change provisions within Section 640(6). 2.6) Decision-Making Add 2.6.3 indicating that Approval for regulations Makes the decision-making Structure the Development Authority seen as an obstacle or structure for the County may approve development causing inefficient clearer. 2.6.1 & 2.6.2 permit applications on land planning processes can use activities or non be avoided by including conformity based on MGA MGA reference. authority.

3.7) Referrals for Amend notification distance The current regulation in Provide consistency Development to what MGA required, the County's LUB for between regulatory Applications from 800m to adjacent notification distance is documents. landowners. too high, causing 3.7.2 (c) unnecessary notice to Allow for more efficient Reference MGA 640(6) landowners not really Development Application provision in LUB. affected by proposed approval process. development. 3.7) Referrals for Stick with MGA Currently the Consistency with the MGA. Development requirements on notification provides a Applications notifications to adjacent distance which can land owners. create challenges. The 3.7.1 (a),(b) and (c) MGA purely specifies notifying adjoining land

3.7.3(b){i) owners.

Change distance requiring MGA amendments subdivision application require that Alberta approval from Alberta Transportation be Transportation to 1.6km. notified if the development is within 1.6km of the highways. 8) Development Include reference to MGA Some development Provides the ability for Regulations section 640(6) at start of regulations are seen by Council to approve section to indicate that the Development developments where there Development Regulations Authority as unnecessary is no ability for variance to should be adhered to, or unwarranted. the regulations. unless otherwise granted by the Development Authority in accordance with Section 2.1.7 of the LUB. 13.3) 1 - Institutional Include a provision that The current LUB Current uses such as Parks gives the Development mandates a and Public and Quasi-Public Authority discretion on development permit for are required to have a what Institutional uses all institutional uses, development permit. require a Development currents parks and ball Permit, specifically not diamonds do not requiring a permit for Parks conform. Regulation

Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision -18A-010 - Bylaw 1002-18 Page 5 of 9 127 LUB Section Proposed Amendments Challenges Reason for Change and Public and Quasi-Public seen as excessive for Uses. certain uses. 15) Definitions Provide greater definition When old manufactured The CSA standards and of Manufactured Homes homes are relocated to relocation of a building Manufactured Home and decide on method another property they should be covered under forward in addressing become non-complying the Building Permit process relocated manufactured with the CSA standards. vs the planning regulations. homes not meeting CSA Technically this should The risk is where a standards. be addressed by way of development permit is the building permit issued and no building process rather the Land permit is required then the Use Bylaw, however, liability of any incident because the structures occurring becomes one of are already built and are Council as the approving just being relocated to authority. This would be the site no new building best addressed on a case would be required. by case basis through the provisions of 640(6).

Food Tucks Provide a definition for Currently no provision To enable a single Food Trucks that links to provided for managing permitting process to Temporary Uses. Food Truck uses. manage safety, waste within the public realm.

Proposed Staff Amendments Note: Land Use Maps to be updated by the County.

Section Suggested Change Reason for Change 1.6) Application in Process Should be 939-17 not 923-16. Current text does not reference correct bylaw number. 1.6.1 11.5) MHP - Manufactured Home Should be removed. Does not apply. Park

11.5.5 15) Definitions Add definition for weigh scale and Council motion 038/18-01-16. scale office. Weigh Scale, Scale Office 11.4) BCC - Birchwood Country Add cabin. Needed as common use in this Condo district.

11.4.2 4.4) Endorsement of Subdivision Subdivision complete application MGA changes s. 653(5). letters need to be added. 4.4.3

Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision -18A-010 - Bylaw 1002-18 Page 6 of9 128 Section Suggested Change Reason for Change 10) Agricultural Districts Front yard setback from property Currently, we consider the furthest not abutting any roads needs to distance, but have nothing in AG & AGH be considered. writing, (i.e.: 25 m where no road widening has been dedicated...). 8.18) Signs Change 'otherwise' to 'in which Wording needs to be updated as it case' or change wording entirely. looks self-contradicting to say 8.18.10 "otherwise setbacks do not apply." 3.2) Development Not Requiring a Amend to volume of fill rather Measuring by area doesn't consider Development Permit than area of fill. Change 250.Om^ the amount of change in elevation. to 250.0m^. Exemptions - site grading 3.4) Requirements for Move the Subdivision Application Should be under Section 4) Development Permit Applications Requirements. Subdivision Processes.

Subdivision Application Requirements 3.4.6 to 3.4.10 3.4) Requirements for Remove. Cost of project is on forms, not site Development Permit Applications plans.

3.4.1(c)(viii) 15) Definitions Change definition of natural To include weigh scale and scale resource extraction and natural office as equipment for natural Natural Resource Extraction, resource processing to include "... resource extraction and process. Natural Resource Processing and associated equipment."

15) Definitions Add definition for "equipment." Define equipment to avoid misinterpretation. Equipment

Cannabis Amendments

Section jMIIB Suggested Change Reason for Change 8) Development Regulations Adding Development To allow Brazeau County to Regulations for Cannabis regulate Cannabis development Production and Distribution in accordance with federal Facilities (8.7) and Cannabis legalization. Retail Sales (8.8).

Note: renumbering of Section 8 as a result of suggested change. 10.1) AG - Agricultural Include Cannabis Production It has been determined that 12.2) Rl - Rural Industrial and Distribution Facilities as a these zoning districts are most 12.3) LI - Light Industrial suitable for the land use. As a

Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision -18A-010- Bylaw 1002-18 Page 7 of 9 129 Section Suggested Change H Reason for Change Discretionary Use for these discretionary not permitted Discretionary Use zoning districts. use, the County has more control over Cannabis Production and Distribution Facilities. 12.1) C - Commercial Include Cannabis Retail Sales as It has been determined that 12.3) LI - Light Industrial a Discretionary Use for these these zoning districts are most zoning districts. suitable for the land use. As a discretionary not permitted use, the County has more control over Cannabis sales. 15) Definitions Add definitions for each Need terminology for Cannabis proposed term for amendments to provide clarity Cannabis; Cannabis Retail Sales; interpretation of the above and understanding in Cannabis Production and proposed regulations. interpreting new regulations. Distribution Facility; Industrial Hemp; Industrial Hemp Production 15) Definitions Amend each definition to specify that existing uses do not Agricultural Extensive; included Cannabis Production Agricultural, Intensive Class 2; and Distribution Facilities and Home Occupation, Major; Cannabis Retail Sales. Home Occupation, Medium; Home Occupation, Minor; Retail


Option Analysis

a. That Council approves in whole First Moves to Second and Third Reading. Reading of Bylaw 1002-18 to repeal and replace LUB 939-17 as shown on the attached Appendix A and set the Public Hearing for October 16, 2018 at 2:00 pm.

b. That Council approves in part the First - Approved amendments move to Second and Reading of Bylaw 1002-18 and set the Third Reading.

Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision -18A-010 - Bylaw 1002-18 Page 8 of 9 130 Public Hearing for October 16, 2018 at - More Information required for amendments 2:00pm. that are not approved, or rescind amendments which were not approved.

c. That Council rejects the request. - No changes to the LUB.


Organizational: Provides Council with greater degree of discretion on specific developments that may not conform to the Land Use Bylaw regulations while also taking the opportunity to clean up provisions within the Land Use Bylaw relating to new MGA changes.

Financial: More time and resources may need to be dedicated. Appendices: Appendix A - Bylaw 1002-18(proposed amendments In red)

Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision -18A-010 - Bylaw 1002-18 Page 9 of 9 131 BRAZEAU COUNTY


SUBJECT: Land Use Bylaw Amendment 18A-012

Future Development of Lot 1 Block 12 Plan 022 0104 within SE 18-49-7- W5M (Poplar Ridge)

DATE TO COUNCIL: September 4, 2018

SUBMITTED BY: Senior Long Range Planner, Jessica Karpo'

ENDORSED BY: Planning & Development Manager, Matthew Boscariol jmj /


FILE NO: 18A-012

Report/Document Attached x Available Nil

RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: That Council directs Administration to bring forward amendments to the Poplar Ridge ASP to designate the Lot 1 Block 12 Plan 022 0104 within SE 18-49-7-W5M (subject lands) as Open Space.


Executive Summary/Key lssue(s)/Concepts Defined: Lot 1 Block 12 Plan 022 0104 within SE 18-49-7-W5M (subject lands) is 1.48 acres in size, located within the Poplar Ridge Industrial Park and currently zoned Rural Industrial (Rl) in Land Use Bylaw (LUB) 939-17. The owner of the subject lands requested a meeting to discuss potential future development options. Upon review. Administration found that the subject lands fall within the Brazeau County and Town of Drayton Valley Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) and the Poplar Ridge Area Structure Plan (ASP). Below is a summary of the designation of the subject lands in the various planning documents:

Planning Document Land Use Designation Corresponding Map

Brazeau County/Drayton Valley IDP Open Space Appendix C

Poplar Ridge ASP No Land Use, Identified only Appendix D as Trail

LUB 939-17 Rural Industrial Appendix E While the subject lands are designated as Open Space in the IDP, they are not identified as any of the land use classifications in the Poplar Ridge ASP Future Land Use Concept Map, however they are identified as a future trail in Future Trail Concept (Appendix D). The subject lands are

Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision -18A-012 Page 1 of 4 132 identified as Open Space in the IDP and as a trail in the ASP because of the regional trail between the County and Town. The Town's Municipal Development Plan (MDP), identifies land to the east of the subject lands as Park and Public Open Space. Furthermore, the Town's Westview ASP identifies lands north and east of the subject lands as a regional recreation trail system. Currently, the subject lands have a development permit application submitted to demolish the existing house and Alberta Environment and Parks has approved the infill of the dugout. The drainage way has been redirected north of the subject lands into the Town of Drayton Valley. Due to the small size of the subject lands and the lot layout, there is a limited developable area for Rural Industrial uses. The landowner does not wish to pursue a Rural Industrial development and Instead Is proposing to better align with County policy documents by applying to rezone the property from Rural Industrial to Recreation. In the application, the landowner has stated the proposed use of the land is a private club/campground. In speaking with the landowner, this would likely be in the form of a Recreational Vehicle Campground Minor (under 20 sites) and a park. Administration recommends that Council directs Administration to bring forward amendments to the Poplar Ridge ASP to designate the subject lands as Open Space.

Relevant Policy: Brazeau County and Town of Drayton Valley IDP, Poplar Ridge ASP and LUB 939-17. Below are key policies for Council consideration. A full list of relevant policy can be found in Appendix H. • IDP Policy 4.3.6: The policies of the Area Structure Plans amended and/or prepared pursuant to the policies of this Growth Management Plan shall apply to all new subdivision and development in the Plan areas. • ASP Policy 42: Brazeau County shall endeavor to ensure that Open Space areas in the plan area remain in their natural state with exceptions only for developments related to or supporting recreation, such as trails, natural interpretation sites and parks, or for agricultural use. • ASP Policy 44: Brazeau County may require the dedication of environmental reserve where natural features qualify under the direction of the Municipal Government Act. In cases where the dedication of environmental reserve is not appropriate, Brazeau County may also request the dedication of municipal reserve to ensure that the intent behind the Open Space designation is fulfilled. • ASP Policy 51: Brazeau County shall establish a trail system in the plan area as subdivision and development occurs. The alignments of this system shall be generally as identified in Figure 5: Future Trail Concept of this plan. The Development Authority may, with its discretion, alter the alignment of this trail system without an amendment to this plan if the new alignment maintains the overall intent of providing public access, enjoyment and connectivity.

Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision - LUA18A-012 Page 2 of 4 133 strategic Relevance: Obtaining Council direction on the future use of the subject lands will enable Administration to move forward with the landowner to establish an option suitable to both the County and landowner.


Option Analysis

a. That Council directs Administration Does not require IDP amendment - does not to bring forward amendments to require the approval of the Town the Poplar Ridge ASP to designate Requires ASP amendment - the Town would be the subject lands as Open Space. referred to and able to provide comment - ASP policy requires open space to remain in natural state - Does not accommodate landowners application to rezone to Recreation Landowner may pursue Rural Industrial uses if they can safely be accommodated on the subject lands

b. That Council directs Administration Requires IDP amendment and approval from the to bring forward Amendments to Town - IDP Is currently under review the IDP and Poplar Ridge ASP to • Requires ASP amendment to allow for recreational

allow for Recreational use on the use subject lands. - Would require public consultation - open house at minimum - At Council's discretion if the $1,000 fee is applied to amend the IDP and ASP ($2,000 total), and hold open house - Supports the landowners application to rezone to Recreation

c. That Council direct Administration - Does not require IDP or ASP amendments to enter into an agreement to - Staff works with landowner to enter into purchase the subject lands for agreement to purchase land future trail use by County - Land would become Municipal Reserve and redistricted to Institutional

d. Council rejects the request as - Council provides direction. submitted.


Operational: N/A

Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision - LUA18A-012 Page 3 of 4 134 Financial:

Option a.- None

Option b.- If fees are waived costs are absorbed by County to amend the IDP and Poplar Ridge ASP. If fees are applied to landowner, the County would receive $2,000 In revenue.

Option c.- A per acre value would need to be obtained from the property assessor.

Attachments: Appendix A: Location Map Appendix B: Aerial Photographs Appendix C: Brazeau County and Town of Drayton Valley IDP Figure 6- Future Land Use Concept Map Appendix D: Poplar Ridge ASP Figure 4- Future Land Use Concept Map and Figure 5 - Future Trail Concept Appendix E: Land Use Bylaw 939-17 Map for Poplar Ridge & Rural Industrial Land Use District Appendix F: Drayton Valley MDP Map 7- Parks and Public Open Spaces Appendix G: Drayton Valley Westvlew ASP Figure 5 -Trail System Appendix H: Relevant Legislation

Brazeau County - Request for Council Decision - LUA18A-012 Page 4 of 4 135 APPENDIX "A" Land Location Map

Municipal Address: 5602 62 St

Lot 1 Block 12 Plan 022 0104 Antross within SE 18-49-7-W5M (Poplar Ridge)



i^ llL«^ W V 136 AERIAL 2017 IMAGERY


Municipal Address: 5602 62 St

Lot 1 Block 12 Plan 022 0104 within SE 18-49-7-W5M "wp if-ji " ' 14..' ""■ ' gj

Current Zoning: R1 Lot 1 Block 12 Plan 022 0104 within SE 18-49-7-W5M (Poplar Ridge)


ir*' f f&- tt "■"S- yji ti!i

138 Lot 1 Block 12 Plan 022 0104 within SE 18-49-7-W5M (Poplar Ridge)- Zoomed In


139 140





Sewage -i-




Tp.Rd.491 34 AVENUE

■-^100 m


Amended Bylaw 898-16 Brazeau County

Country Residential ■ Commercial Town of Drayton Valley November 2011 Suburban Growth Management Plan Country Residential i| Public & institutional Compact Residentia! I Open Space Figure 6 Rural industrial Agriculture Light Industrial S Referral Area Future Lovatt Plnnning f^r^nisiiltwntM Highway / Business o Commercial Land Use Concept APPENDIX "D"


Town Boundary

Drayton Valley


FIGURE 4 " Plan Boundary I I Country Residential I Light industrial FUTURE LAND USE CONCEPT ■■■ Highway Commercial i Neighbourhood Commercial ELiaSed Home Park cTO.?r^^Tno AREA STRUCTURE PLAN


Scale 1:35000

38 141 r

Drayton Valley




Scale 1:35000 September 1, 2010 6880300lj5.dgn

39 142 X appendix' e

Brazeau County Poplar Ridge (PART OF 49-7) Land Use Map

ZONING CODES I I Agricultural m Agricultural Holdings |-:g?3 Country Residential I I Compact Country Residential I I Hamlet Residential nil BIrchwood Country Condominium

I I Manufactured Home Park 54'AVE

Commercial §H| Industrial r ..:j Light Industrial IB Recreation I I Crown Land 52'AVE Direct Control

Institutional Urban Reserve Natural Resource Extraction & ' Processing


N A FLTir 0 65 130 260 390 520

CONTACT BRAZEAU COUNTY FOR ZONING VERIFICATION This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but Brazeau County is not responsible for errors or omissions. 143 Brazeau County

12.2 RI - Rural Industrial Permitted Uses Discretionary Uses Purpose Bulk Oil and Chemical Accessory Structure Storage 12.2.1 The purpose of the Rural Industrial District Is to accommodate a range of general Industrial and heavy Industrial land uses Accessory Use Business Support Service appropriate on rural serviced or non-serviced lands In potential nodes or along highways that are designated by approved Area Agricultural, Support Service Crematory Structure Plans or area redevelopment plans. Animal Service Facility Industrial Use, Heavy

Auction Facility Land Farm

Automotive and Equipment Public and Quasi-Public Use Body Repair

Automotive and Equipment Recreation Service, Indoor Repair

Automotive and Equipment Waste Management Facility Sales, Service and Rental

Contracting Services, Major Work Camp

Contracting Services, Minor

Industrial Use, General

Outdoor Oilfield Storage Facility District Characteristics Outdoor Storage 12.2.2 The following uses shall be permitted or discretionary with or without conditions provided the application compiles with the Outdoor Storage, Temporary regulations of this district and this Bylaw. Park

Personal Storage Facility


144 Land Use Bylaw 939-17

Permitted Uses Discretionary Uses Item Regulation

Public Utility Facility Front Min. 20.1 m (66 ft) abutting a County road where Yard road widening has not been dedicated Recycling Depot Setback 12.5 m (41 ft) abutting a County road where Service Station road widening has been dedicated 8 m (26 ft) abutting an internal or hamlet Surveillance Suite road Surveillance Suite, Temporary 40 m (131 ft) abutting a highway

Taxidermy Rear Min. 5 m (16 ft) Yard Warehouse Sales or Storage Setback 10.1 m (33 ft) abutting an internal or hamlet road 12.2.3 Development Regulations: 20.1 m (66 ft) abutting a County road where road widening has not been dedicated

Item Regulation 12.5 m (41 ft) abutting a County road where road widening has been dedicated

Parcel Min. 0.4 ha (1 ac) 40 m (131 ft) abutting a highway Area Max. At the discretion of the Development Side Min. 3 m (10 ft) Authority Yard Setback 20.1 m (66 ft) abutting a County road where Site Max. Fifty (50) percent(%) for Service Stations road widening has not been dedicated Coverage Sixty (60) percent(%) for other uses 12.5 m (41 ft) abutting a County road where road widening has been dedicated

Parcel Min. 15.2 m (50 ft) for serviced parcels 40 m (131ft) abutting a highway Width 30.5 m (100 ft) for non-serviced and Height partially serviced parcels Max. At the discretion of the Development Authority


145 appendix "F"

nmnD innHHEE


zzmnn mTnmriiTm


Drayton Valley Municipal Development Plan Map 7 Parks and Public Open Spaces

Green illustrates parks, schools, recreation areas, schools, utility lots, and other publicly owned land available for recreational use, whether or not It Is developed

Possible future connections Pipeline rights of way Creek valleys


Municipal Development Plan Bylaw 2012/27/D Page 36 of 37



mm I

JIT; Sm« m

>. Contribution To Open Space and Regional Recreation Trail System

We.stvicw Aren Structure Plan - DRAFT: Mar.28.2012 Page 17

Westview (NE 18-49-7-W5M) Area Structure Plan Bylaw No. 2012/07/D Page 19 of 24

147 Appendix H

Relevant Legislation

Brazeau County and the Town of Drayton Valley intermunlcipal Development Plan

Subject lands are identified as open space in Figure 6- Future Land Use Concept Map. There are not any policies within the IDP specifically pertaining to "open space".

Policy 4.3.1: Figure 6-the Future Land Use Concept shall direct growth and land use in the Growth Management Plan area.

Policy 4.3.6: The policies of the Area Structure Plans amended and/or prepared pursuant to the policies of this Growth Management Plan shall apply to all new subdivision and development in the Plan areas.

Poplar Ridge Area Structure Plan

While the subject lands are within the ASP, they not identified as any of the land use classifications in Figure 4- Future Land Use Concept. The subject lands are identified as a future trail in Figure 5- Future Trail Concept.

Policy 2: An amendment to revise the Future Land Use Concept of this plan is not required if, in the opinion of Brazeau County Council, the proposed land use represents a complimentary development that may provide a beneficial service to the existing or future neighbourhood or Brazeau County as a whole.

Policy 9: Brazeau County shall require the submission of a certified water report prepared by a qualified professional is required for any proposed land use or development that would result in a density of five or more parcels within a quarter section that is not proposed to be connected to municipal water services or be serviced by an approved communal water system.

Policy 42: Brazeau County shall endeavor to ensure that Open Space areas in the plan area remain in their natural state with exceptions only for developments related to or supporting recreation, such as trails, natural interpretation sites and parks, or for agricultural use.

Policy 44: Brazeau County may require the dedication of environmental reserve where natural features qualify under the direction of the Municipal Government Act. In cases where the dedication of environmental reserve is not appropriate, Brazeau County may also request the dedication of municipal reserve to ensure that the intent behind the Open Space designation is fulfilled.

148 Policy 45: Brazeau County may require developers to establish caveats on the title of privately owned lands that are adjacent to or are part of significant natural areas as a method of protecting environmental features against development, or establish environmental reserve easements as provided for in the Municipal Government Act. These caveats and environmental reserve easements may address lands that would otherwise qualify as environmental reserve. Brazeau County may also establish conservation easements as provided for in the Alberta Land Stewardship Act.

Policy 47: Brazeau County may utilize lands dedicated for environmental reserve or environmental reserve easement for the preservation of existing vegetation and wildlife habitat areas, or the development of parks or trail systems. These lands shall remain in their natural state except where trails or parks are developed.

Policy 48: Brazeau County shall accept the full 10% of municipal reserve entitled to the County according to the MGA in the form of land, cash-in-lieu of land or a combination of both. Future municipal reserve contributions may be used to further the development of the proposed trail system, or to develop a park site within or near the plan area with the intention of providing a recreation facility for the existing or planned residential population.

Policy 51: Brazeau County shall establish a trail system in the plan area as subdivision and development occurs. The alignments of this system shall be generally as identified in Figure 5: Future Trail Concept of this plan. The Development Authority may, with its discretion, alter the alignment of this trail system without an amendment to this plan if the new alignment maintains the overall intent of providing public access, enjoyment and connectivity.

Policy 52: Brazeau County shall require that sidewalks and pedestrian and active transportation trails be incorporated into the design of future residential, commercial and industrial subdivisions to provide links between major trails and open space.

Policy 70: Brazeau County may require developers to submit a traffic impact assessment completed by a qualified professional as a part of a subdivision, or development application.

Policy 78: Brazeau County shail require developers to submit detailed water and sanitary servicing reports prepared by a qualified professional for proposed land use and development applications prior to approval. These reports must identify the proposed servicing concept, capacity requirements of the proposed development and any impacts the development may have on existing systems or the area in which the development is proposed.

Policy 80: Brazeau County may allow for the development of individual or communal water and sanitary services. Communal water services shall be constructed as per the requirements of Brazeau County and Alberta Environment. Individual water services shail be constructed as per the requirements of Brazeau County.

Policy 85: Brazeau County shall require the submission of a certified water report prepared by a qualified professional for any proposed land use or development that would result in a density

149 of five or more parcels within a quarter section that is not proposed to be connected to municipal water services or be serviced by an approved communal water system.

Policy 88: Brazeau County shall require all developers to submit a stormwater management plan to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. The stormwater management plan should demonstrate how the developer proposes to manage the quantity and quality of stormwater flows in the development, and where it will be directed from the subject lands.

150 From: Jorelvn Whalpv To: Tina Kwirant Subject: Fwd: Emailing: img413 Date: Friday, August 24, 2018 5:02:17 PM Attachments: imo413.Ddf ATT00001.htm


Jocelyn Whaley

Begin forwarded message:

From: Heidi Date: August 24, 2018 at 5:00:54 PM MDT To: Subject: Emailing: img413

Here is a copy of Mr.Kanarsky's letter request. I will bring in the original when I get back. Just for reference this road he is talking about is north of hwy 621 on RR 81 between what would be twp 503 and 504. This is the gentleman who was in at the county a week or so ago that we spoke of and his file from years ago. It needs to be on the next agenda for a historical placement in the road priorities. Thanks Heidi Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:


Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled.

151 Application for a road from Township Road 504 to Range Road 81 South

1 Adam H. Kanarski would like to put forward a request to have a road built from Township Road 504 to Range Road 81 South.

It has become more and more difficult to excess my farm land with the dirt road that is there right now. I have noticed a big increase in traffic and also it is only usable in dry weather. It is a big safety concern as well for me when using wide farming equipment, there is no room for passing.

It has become very difficult to do weed spraying and agricultural work in this area because of the limited excess and the condition of the existing road, even on dry days.

The locations effected are West half of section 24-50-RJ.-W5 and South West of section 23-50-R1-W5.

I have been farming in this area since 1972 and I would like to continue to do so.

Itrust you will understand my plight with this difficult situation.

Thank you

Adam H. Kanarski Aug 21, 2018

152 Central MPB Planning Region 15 Beaver Drive, Whitecourt, AB T7S1G3 August 20,2018 "ECEIV€0 aug 2 :

Bart Guyon Reeve Brazeau County P.O. Box 77 Drayton Valley, Alberta T7A IRl

Dear Bart

Re: 2017-18 Central-Foothills Regional MPB Summary Report

Following the massive in-flight of Mountain Pine Beetle (MPB)into Alberta in 2009 forest companies and the Government of Alberta worked together to develop the 2010 Central Region MPB Plan to provide a coordinated regional approach to fighting the MPB. Coordinated action by both government and industry over the past 8 years has been successful in controlling the spread of MPB in the Central Region. The in-flight of MPB from into the Foothills Region over the past two years however now presents a real threat to the pine forest and to the economic viability of rural communities throughout Alberta.

This year's report shows that the MPB is firmly established in both the Central and Foothills Regions and that environmental conditions continue to support a growing population. The dispersed nature of the pine forests in the Central Region and the large areas of pure pine forests in the Foothills Region create very different dynamics in the expected spread of MPB in the two regions.

Increased Level 1 individual tree removal is required to control the eastern spread of MPB in both regions and increased Level 2 harvesting in the Foothills Region is required to control MPB spread and ensure the reforestation of currently infested and endangered pine forests.

As in previous studies the 2017-18 Central-Foothills MPB Annual Report shows that the most effective means of controlling MPB requires well coordinated action by both government and industry.

Your ongoing support for these efforts is greatly appreciated.

Murray Sumni/ers, MP&Coordinator Central & Foothills Regions (780) 778-0620

153 Level 1 Control; Removal of Infested Trees • Under the GoA Level 1 program, 19,581 infested trees were removed from 2,307 sites in the Central Region; 71% of the infested trees were removed from the S-20 FMU. • Also under the provincial program 57,482 infested trees were removed from 3,448 sites in the Foothills Region; 99% of the infested trees were removed from the E-14 FMU. • In addition. West Fraser removed 13,730 infested trees from 1620 sites. • Municipalities also conducted their own programs to detect and remove infested trees.

Level 2 Control: Targeted Harvesting of MPB-lnfested and High Priority, At-Risk Stands Regional forest companies continued to target MPB-infested and high-priority, at-risk pine stands. • 46% of the coniferous volume harvested in the Central Region came from the highest risk, pure pine stands. BETTER MODEL TO CURB MPB • 78% of the coniferous volume harvested in the Foothills Region came from the highest risk, The Central and Foothills pure pine stands. Regional Plans use the latest • Environmental and other operating constraints, such as watershed protection and harvesting science concerning MPB infestation patterns and controi restrictions in caribou ranges, limit industry's ability to harvest some high-priority pine stands. measures. MPB Spread Model Results With technicai support from the The MPB Spread Model was updated to include the results of 2017 MPB surveys and 2017-18 Level CoA regional companies worked 1 tree removal and Level 2 harvesting programs. with forestry consultants The dispersed nature of the pine forest in the Central Region and the large areas of pure pine FORCORP to develop a new forest in the Foothills Region create very different dynamics in the expected spread of MPB and in model to determine the spread the effectiveness of Level 1 and Level 2 control treatments in the two regions. Level 1 control is capacity of iocal MPB popuiations more effective in controlling the spread of MPB in the dispersed stands of the Central Region, and forecast future forest while Level 2 Control is more effective in controlling the spread of MPB in the predominately pure conditions. The resulting "FORCORP MPB Spread Model" pine forests of the Foothills Region. has improved understanding of Modelling was conducted to gauge the effectiveness of the 2017-18 action plan, with the following the relationships between Level i key findings: and 2 controi activities, and Without industry and government action, pine growing stock lost to MPB in the Central Region shown that timely, integrated was forecast to be 10.1 million cubic metres(m^) over the next 20 years. Level 1 and 2 controls can reduce The 2017-18 action plan, along with Level 1 and Level 2 programs planned over the next 20 the spread of MPB and mitigate years, could potentially reduce the loss of pine growing stock in the Central Region by up to timber losses. 9.1 million m^ or 90% of the estimated potential MPB loss. Based on information provided Without industry and government action, pine growing stock lost to MPB in the Foothills by the MPB spread model, Region was forecast to be 26.1 million m'over the next 20 years. industry and government can The 2017-18 action plan, along with Level 1 and Level 2 programs planned over the next 20 incorporate strategies that years, could potentially reduce the loss of pine growing stock in the Foothills Region by up to promise better results in curbing 23.8 million m^ or 91% of the estimated potential MPB loss. Fiowever, achieving the full the infestation. potential of harvesting is not possible, due to environmental and operating constraints. 2.3 million trees have been attacked by MPB in the Foothills Region. Even with the majority of harvesting targeted at high priority pine stands, at current harvest rates it will take 25 years to harvest the remaining high priority pine in the Foothills Region.

2017-18 Report Summary The Central & Foothills 2017-18 Annual Report shows cooperation between industry and government has been effective, but: • MPB continues to spread across the Central and Foothills regions and to threaten our forests, our environment and the economic future of our communities. • Continued aggressive Level 1 control measures, coordinated with Level 2 harvesting operations, are essential to containing the spread of MPB in Alberta. • Increased Level 1 tree removal is required to prevent the spread of the beetle further east. • Increased Level 2 harvesting is required to control the spread of MPB in the Foothills Region and to permit the reforestation of currently infested and endangered pine stands. The forest industry is committed to working with the GoA in the effective control of the MPB in the Central and Foothills Regions.

For more information or to obtain a fail annuai report, piease contact the Central-Foothiiis MPB Planning Region. Contact: Murray Summers, Coordinator, Central & Foothills MPB Planning Regions,(780) 778-0620, msummers&

Page 2 of 2 154 Central & Foothills MPB Planning Regions Mountain Pine Beetle Action Plan Provincial Mountain PIna Beetle Planning Regions 2017-18 Annual Report Summary

MPB In-flight from Jasper National Park Threatens Alberta Forests The in-flight of Mountain Pine Beetle(MPB) from Jasper National Park into the Foothills Region over the past two years threatens the pine forest and communities of the region and of the province as a whole. The loss of our pine forests would drastically impair the economic stability of Alberta forest communities and have an enormous impact on forest health and biodiversity, affecting wildlife, watersheds, carbon sequestration, recreational use and other forest values.

Following the massive in-flight of MPB into Alberta in 2009, forest companies and the Government of Alberta (GoA) worked together to develop the 2010 Central Region MPB Action Plan to provide a coordinated regional approach to fighting the infestation. "Level 1" programs - MPB surveys and control of individual infested trees - are primarily carried out by the GoA. "Level 2" programs - harvesting of infested and at-risk pine stands - are conducted by the forest industry under plans approved by the GoA. Detailed annual reports describing the current status of MPB across the Central Region, outlining Level 1 and Level 2 programs completed during the past year, and forecasting the impact of MPB over the next 20 years under various Level 1 and Level 2 scenarios, have been completed each year since 2010. This year's report summary includes comment on the CENTRAL & FOOTHILLS REGIONS spread of MPB and control activities completed in both the Central and Foothills Regions. • Over 60,000 sq km in size, from Red Earth in the north to Current MPB Status Drayton Valley in the south The MPB is now firmly established in both the Central and Foothills Regions of Alberta. The spread • Population of over 60,000 of MPB from Jasper National Park across the predominately pine forests of the Foothills Region • Responsibie for 30X of Alberta's timber harvest over the past two years has been extensive and is a further threat to the pine forests of Alberta. • 1/4 of region's economic activity derived from forest Provincial Support • 1 in 4 jobs forestry related In 2017-18, the GoA allocated $25 million to MPB control programs across the province, down • Over 10,000 forestry- from $35 million last year. Of this total $4.9 million was spent in the Central Region and $8.5 dependant jobs representing: million in the Foothills Region. • $400 miliion in income • fi20 miliion in taxes • 5,000,000 ha of forest at risk 2017-18 Annual Report Highlights MPB Level 1 and Level 2 control programs conducted over the past eight years have to date been successful in mitigating the damage and curbing the spread of MPB across the Central Region. REGIONAL FOREST SECTOR Flowever, the spread of MPB from Jasper National Park into the Foothills Region is a grave concern • Alberta Newsprint Company and the high 2017-18 overwinter survival rates and green;red ratios indicate a rapidly growing • Millar Western Forest Products population and increased spread of MPB across both the Central and Foothills Regions. • TolkoOSB • Vanderweil Contractors 2017-18 Beetle Surveys • West Fraser Timber - • 2017 r-value surveys showed relatively low MPB overwintering survival rates across most of • Alberta Plywood • Blue Ridge Lumber the Central Region and high survival rates in the Foothills Region. • Slave Lake Pulp • 2018 r-value surveys, however, showed extremely high MPB overwintering survival rates • High Prairie Forest Products across both the Central and Foothills Regions. The highest survival rates ever recorded were • Hinton Wood Products noted in the E-14 FMU surrounding Hinton and in the 5-20 FMU south of Slave Lake. • Edson Forest Products • Green to red ratios represent the number of green trees attacked by MPB within a 50-metre • Weyerhaeuser radius of red trees and are an indicator of MPB spread. Greenired ratios increased across both regions in 2017, with the largest increases in the E14 and S-20 FMUs. • 2017 surveys identified 24,911 red trees in the Central Region, a 50% increase from the 2016 surveys, and 49,807 red trees in the Foothills Region, a staggering 700% increase from 2016. • The GoA Decision Support System estimated 30,354 green attack trees in the Central Region and over 568,000 green attack trees in the Foothills Region.

Page 1 of 2 155 RECEIVED AUG 2 7

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Gendarmerie royale du Canada

Commanding Officer Commandant "K" Division de la division "K" August 20, 2018

Reeve Bart Guyon Office of the Reeve, Brazeau County PC Box 77-7401TWP RD 494 Drayton Valley, AB T7A IRl

Dear Reeve Guyon,

On July 16th, I formally announced my retirement from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police effective September 8, 2018. After completing 32 years of service, I am proud to serve my last days as the Commanding Officer of "K" Division. At this time, there are processes underway to identify my successor and I am confident a new Commanding Officer will be named shortly after my departure. More information about the incoming Commanding Officer will be provided as it becomes available.

Since taking the helm last year, "K" Division has worked closely with all levels of government to reduce rural crime across our province. By employing innovation and proven crime reduction techniques, I can assure you we are well on our way to further reducing crime in the province and creating a safer environment for all. The funding we received from the Government of Alberta to bolster our crime reduction efforts continues to pay dividends, and the initiatives we have instituted will serve Albertans well into the future.

Our relationships with our community partners, be it at a local, municipal or provincial level, are vital to our success. Our employees are committed to the communities in which they live and serve, and I know they will continue to work hand-in-hand with their local partners and stakeholders to ensure a high level of service.

Throughout this time of transition, the Division will continue to focus on providing the very best policing services to all Albertans - no matter where they live. With a solid leadership team in place at the Detachment, District and Headquarters levels, I am confident your community will feel no impact from the upcoming change.

It has been my honour to lead "K" Division for the last 16 months. I am extremely grateful for your support and partnership, and wish you all the best for a safe and prosperous future.

Yours truly.

5.(Todd) She^rtrlVUaM, Deputy Commissioner Commanding Officer "K" Division

11140-109 Street Edmonton, AB T5G 2T4

Telephone: 780-412-5444 Fax: 780-412-5445

Canada 156 i i

Friday, September 21, 2018 at the MocKenzie Conference Centre 5:30 p.m. — Cocktails 6:30 p.m. — Dinner and Presentations

Mdyor-JDoerksen and Council cordially invite you and a guest to the ]/yiayor's Gala and Community Recognition Awards^ Please RSVP by August 31, 2018, via phone 780-514-2213 /" or email admin^[email protected]_ -p t Dress Code: Formal or Business Attire l

For more information please contact 780.514.2200 draYTON VALLEY 157 RECEIVED AUG 1 7 2018

Janet Pomeroy, CMA, CPA, CAE Executive Director 5101-50*^ Avenue P.O. Box 1058 Athabasca, AB T9S 2A8

Dear Ms. Joceiyn Whaley,

I pleased to introduce myself as the new executive director of the Athabasca Watershed Council. I am very excited to provide you with the attached invitation to the second Municipal Forum for the Athabasca Watershed Municipalities!

The first Municipal Forum (2011) had 13 counties and towns attending and inspired great conversations and information sharing. We have listened to you and we are again bringing the Athabasca Watershed Municipalities together for the common goals: safe, secure drinking water; healthy aquatic ecosystems; and reliable quality water supplies for a sustainable economy.

We have a day filled with stimulating speakers, a look at future projects and more! We will also be asking municipalities to again take five minutes to share with others any successes and challenges your municipality has had in working toward achieving a healthy watershed that supports community sustainability.

A river is a connector. It connects people to the environment and communities to each other. Our quality of life is tied to healthy and sustainable water supplies for the environment, for our communities and for our economic well-being. We look forward to seeing you, members of your council and staff on November 17, 2018 in Westlock!

Please visit our website or feel free to contact us directly for any watershed related information.

Yours truly.

Janet R. Pomeroy, CPA, CMA, CAE Executive Director


(780) 213 0343 executive.director(5)

158 Hp: ■|priE»>ppir %^?sr3b»t;3i^-7J' Jjewafs^ -JW -^|f«M5r s.-^ r-w VOUR COUNCILLORS, CAok AND STAFF ARE-'li,, '" , TO THE ATHABASfcA WATERSHED COUNCIL l^-f_.>;i« ; , Jl iSr i , H


Topics: - Your good news water stewardship stories - Integrated Watershed Management Planning - Tourism in the watershed - Source water protection planning - History of the Athabasca Watershed - Economic study and movie making

RSVP: October 19, 2018 to admin(g)

ATHABASCA WATERSHED COUNCIL PO BOX 1058, 5101 50 AVE, ^ ^ A ATHABASCA, AB T9S 2A8 WWW.AWC-WPAC.CA 159 Brazeau County Council August 29, 2018 Re: DV100 After Party

To Jocelyn Whaley,

The DV100 Race or Ride is taking place on September 8, 2018, we are expecting between 350 and 400 riders to partake in our event. 2018 is the seventh year for DV100 and we are always looking for ways to grow our event. 2016 was our first year hosting the DV100 After Party and like the DV100 this event has continued to grow each year. On the evening of September 8, we are hosting the DV100 After Party where there will be entertainment provided by the Blackboard Jungle, who is one of the top cover bands in Alberta, supper catered by the White Bull Café, great company and overall an enjoyable evening.

I would like to request that the councillors of Brazeau County have an opportunity to invest in a table of eight for $320. DV100 has had a long standing relationship with Brazeau over the past seven years our event has taken place and we greatly appreciate this partnership. The DV100 After Party is a way to celebrate another successful year of DV100, as well as an opportunity to connect with DV100 volunteers, riders and community members.


Erin Luc