CIVIL SERVICE – JAVNI SLUŽBENICI 415 Spoils System Is Not Dead: The Development and Effectiveness of the Merit System in Western Balkans Veran Stančetić *1 UDK 329.051:35.08(497.11) 323.39:35.08(497.11) Preliminary scientific report / prethodno znanstveno priopćenje Received / primljeno: 20. 11. 2019. Accepted / prihvaćeno: 19. 6. 2020. The paper analyses the development of the merit system and its effectiveness in the administrations of the West- ern Balkan countries. The origins and benefit of the merit system are described in the article. The basic hypothesis is that in most Western Balkan countries the spoils system remains a reality, despite the fact that the law stipulates the merit system. The main argument for this hypothesis is based on one element of the merit system, and that is recruitment and employment in the public services sector. This segment of the merit system is most often violated because public service employment in the Western Balkans is not obtained objectively, i.e., from a pool of best can- didates, but given to those who support the ruling party, which is particularly evident during election campaigns. * Veran Stančetić, Assistent Professor, Faculty of Political Science, Belgrade, Serbia (docent, Fakultet političkih znanosti, Beograd, Srbija, e-mail:
[email protected] ) ORCID ID: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND COMPARATIVE CROATIAN Stančetić, V. (2020). Spoils System Is Not Dead: The Development and Effectiveness of the Merit... HKJU-CCPA, 20(3), 415–438 416 The paper analyses this phenomenon and points out that the so-called reliable votes are the core of the problem.