Autumn Conference Proceedings 2015 British Society of Baking
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It’s my pleasure to ask Jim Brown to talk about the CONFERENCE BSB and its origins. Mike Bagshaw, BSB Chairman The BSB – Past, Present and Future by Jim Brown, Paul I would like to thank you all for attending Turner and Mike Bagshaw since we are all under time pressure in The Past by Jim Brown The very first conference of the then business today. I appreciate your British Chapter of the American Society of Bakery Engineers support and I am sure you will get a lot was held on Wednesday 26th October, out of the conference. 1955 at the Waldorf Hotel, London. The I would also like to extend a warm Society continued to be called the welcome to Alan Clarke, Chief British Chapter until 1978, when the Executive and Craig McPhie, Vice name changed to the British Society of President, Scottish Bakers: David Baking. Smart, President CBA and one of our So how did the idea of having a baking speakers; Mike Holling, Executive society come about? 1955 was ten Director, CBA; David Amos; President, years after the Second World War and ABST; and Paul Heygate, Master of the food manufacturing businesses had Worshipful Company of Bakers, Peter suffered a lot of post-war deprivation. Now that the economy Baker and Charles Reed, who are our sessional chairmen was improving, bakery companies were looking to expand and today, to find out more about improvements in ingredients, new I also welcome Dawn Gemmell from University College production processes and new products. A number of bakeries Birmingham and the two students who made the BSB Diamond sent their senior staff and directors to America to look at what Jubilee Cake, Hannah Bradbury and Jessica Dalton. I am sure was happening there, one in particular being John Thomson, a that everyone agrees it is a fantastic cake, and we will get a Director and General Manager for Allied Bakeries. During the visits they attended the American Society of Bakery Engineers chance to taste it during lunch. Applause (ASBE) conferences and being very impressed with the We have some students with us from the National Bakery organisation and content, felt that a replica of ASBE in the UK School (NBS) as our guests and I would just like to ask them would be very popular. Under the guidance and inspiration of and one of their mentors David Hall, if they could stand up John Thomson and other leading figures in the UK baking please. Applause. Becky Hole from the NBS would like to say industry, both bakers and allied traders, the British Chapter of a few words the American Society of Bakery Engineers was formed in 1955, with John Thomson as its first Chairman. The first British Rebecca (Becky) Hole, National Bakery School As a student Chapter conference was held on the 26th October, 1955 at the at the National Bakery School I want to say thank-you to Mike Waldorf Hotel, London, see the programme below. and the BSB for the generous donations you have made to students this year. These funds will make a great difference in First British Chapter Conference Programme helping students to visit bakeries and to attend industry events. On behalf of all the colleges and students, thank you once Fermentation – Are our present methods in line with modern again and we look forward to putting the funds to good use. trends in the industry? by Keith Curtis Fats and their Function in Flour Confectionery by John Price Mike Bagshaw Thank you Becky. We have tried to do a lot this year in terms of working with colleges and students and the The Guarding of Bakery Machinery by R Stockbridge role of the BSB is to help them find jobs and to help with travel Mould Inhibitors by Dr John Coppock and accommodation, so they can get The Mechanical Handling of Flour by D E Baker work experience. This in turn will help The Future of Fuel Oil in the Baking Industry by J A Bolt them to be ready for work when they get a job. We need your support to do this The value of the first set of papers would have been as follows: and today is a really good example of bulk fermentation was a very important part of the bread that support. So I can’t thank all of you making processes at that time; an increased range of fats was enough for coming to the conference developing, with ingredients becoming more plentiful; the today. I would now like to welcome guarding of bakery machinery was improving, with health and Sarah Priestley to the stage to read the safety not having the importance it has today. Many bakers had creed. received serious injuries because machines were not guarded properly; mould inhibitors were important for product shelf life, Sarah Priestley read the BSB creed particularly with products being distributed over a wider area Mike Bagshaw I now declare the conference open and from plant bakeries; the mechanical handling of flour was hopefully we will have some fun, renew friendships and make developing, though still being the preserve of large new ones, learn a lot, and network. So without further ado I manufacturers; and information on fuel oil in relation to solid would like to introduce the first sessional chairman Paul fuel and gas for heating ovens would be useful. So that was Heygate, who doesn’t really need much of an introduction the very first British Chapter conference and it’s just amazing because he is so well known. Paul is Chairman of Heygates to think of the excitement and anticipation of everyone who Limited, a Past Chairman of the BSB, and is currently the attended. Master of the Worshipful Company of Bakers. So over to you, Paul! Paul Heygate, Sessional Chairman Welcome to you all and thank you very much for giving me this honour today. When I joined the BSB many years ago I never thought that I would be a BSB Chairman, or a Sessional Chairman. We have three very good speakers for our first session. It will be good to look back with Past Chairman Jim Brown; to come up to date with Vice Chairman 3 Study Tour to America To go on such a Study Tour these determine a difference, such as between CBP and 14 day acid members would have held senior positions in their companies dough bread, the preference was for the CBP bread! and many would be bakery owners, with many large bakeries still being in private hands in 1961. Members from ingredient Triangular Taste Test The flavour of CBP and fermented and machinery manufacturers were also on the tour. bread was assessed during the conference by a taste panel of 99 BSB conference delegates using the Triangular Taste Test. The study tour included visits to the Atlantic City bakery Around half the delegates got two slices of bread made by a 3 exhibition, to seven bakeries, a machinery manufacturer, and hour bulk fermented process and one slice of bread made by to Bergen mall, New Jersey, described as a modern shopping the CBP and the other half got one slice of bread made by a 3 centre. An extensive report covering the visits and the hour bulk fermented process and two slices of bread made by exhibition, written by various members of the group, was the CBP. The tasters had to first identify the odd sample of the published in British Chapter bulletin no 3, NB This is the only three slices, and if successful in doing so, indicate a bulletin I have, so I do not know how many bulletins were preference, if any, between the flavour of the odd sample and produced or over what period of time. flavour of the two other samples. The results were as follows: Luncheon Speeches Business life in the 1950s – 1970s was 36 delegates made the correct choice of the odd sample, obviously not as frenetic as it is now because the early meaning that the other 63 could not differentiate between the conferences included Luncheon speeches, plus a 2 hour lunch! flavour of the CBP bread and the flavour of the bulk fermented bread.