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10438 HON. MICHAEL A. ARCURI HON. MIKE Mcintyre HON 10438 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 8 April 22, 2009 THE FALLEN STARS MEMORIAL A 22-year-old graduate of East Carolina ON THE PASSING OF AMBASSADOR MURAL University with a degree in Psychology and SARATA OTTRA ZIRIGNON-TOURE Spanish, Miss Dalton’s duties as Miss USA HON. MICHAEL A. ARCURI will enable her to continue working with the HON. G.K. BUTTERFIELD OF NEW YORK Miss Universe organization’s charitable alli- OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ances including Susan G. Komen for the Cure, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, April 22, 2009 the USO, Special Olympics, the American Wednesday, April 22, 2009 Cancer Society and speaking to youth audi- Mr. ARCURI. Madam Speaker, I rise today ences targeting issues such as peer pressure Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Madam Speaker, it is to highlight the efforts of the Herkimer Lions with deep sadness that I report to the House and perseverance. She will be afforded a Club, Mohawk American Legion Post 25, of Representatives that Cote d’Ivoire’s roving year’s use of a New York apartment, a public Frankfort Kiwanis Club, Little Falls Rotary Ambassador Sarata Ottra Zirignon-Toure sud- Club, and the Herkimer Polish Community relations team, a two-year scholarship at the denly passed away on April 9, 2009. I have Home in creating the Fallen Stars Memorial New York Film Academy and a salary to carry had the distinct pleasure of working with Am- Mural to honor the memory of New York out her duties and continue the Miss USA bassador Zirignon-Toure on the establishing State’s fallen soldiers who gave their lives in focus on charity. the Congressional Caucus on Cote d’Ivoire. Iraq and Afghanistan. A singer and dancer who credits her strong She proved instrumental in the establishment The Fallen Stars Memorial Mural was un- religious faith and family for her success, Miss of the Caucus, which focuses on issues in veiled Memorial Day 2008 at Herkimer County Dalton comes from a long line of pageant win- West Africa, specifically the pending elections Community College’s Veterans Memorial Park, ners. Her mother, Jennie Dalton served as and peace efforts in Cote d’Ivoire. in Herkimer, NY. This memorial recognizes Miss North Carolina USA in 1982, and her sis- For decades Ambassador Zirignon-Toure 229 brave men and women who selflessly and ter, Julia Dalton, served as Miss North Caro- has been at the forefront of Cote d’Ivoire’s po- honorably made the ultimate sacrifice for their litical landscape—as a freedom fighter, advo- lina Teen USA in 2008 and as second runner- country and this Memorial Day, a second cate for democracy and leader in the women’s up in the Miss Teen USA pageant. mural will be dedicated to further recognize movement. Her commitment landed her in jail their life and our loss. Madam Speaker, dedicated service to oth- in 1970 with a group of fellow activists who I am proud to inform Congress and the na- ers combined with dynamic leadership has are now key members of government, includ- tion that each fallen hero has been remem- been the embodiment of Miss Dalton’s life and ing President Laurent Gbagbo. When their bered by either a service project improving the qualities that the Miss USA pageant upholds party, the Ivorian Popular Front, was recog- quality of life in Central New York, or by a do- in selecting its winners. May we all wish Miss nized as the official opposition in 1990, she nation to a veterans’ service organization. As Dalton the very best in her quest for the Miss was named to the shadow cabinet, eventually a Member of Congress and as a New Yorker, Universe title, in addition to using her selfless- receiving the foreign affairs portfolio. I am forever grateful for the commitment and ness, tenacity and integrity as a beacon of di- A linguist, teacher and child psychologist by valor of our veterans, and I am touched by the rection, and example of dedication, and a training, Ambassador Zirignon-Toure served spirit of their communities as those they left source of inspiration. Indeed, may God bless President Gbagbo as deputy chief of staff behind work to improve the quality of life for Miss Dalton and her time serving our country since his election in 2000. She served as a so many in the name of these heroes. roving envoy and troubleshooter with a special as Miss USA 2009. I would like to recognize the following indi- focus on relations with the United States. Her viduals in particular for their dedication to this academic credentials include degrees and di- f initiative: RJ Lenarcic, Chairman of Special plomas earned in the United Kingdom and Projects for the Herkimer Lions Club; Mimi HONORING SSGT. RICHARD Cote d’Ivoire. She worked for several years as Martin, spokeswoman for the Fallen Stars HOWARD HEMENWAY a translator in New York and for the U.S. For- Tribute whose husband was tragically lost in eign Broadcasting Information Service at the Iraq in 2007; Kay Lenarcic; Kelly Brown; Devin embassy in Abidjan. McDonald; Dan Ferguson; Paul Scanlon; HON. MARK H. SCHAUER Her intellect and leadership is most certainly Elmer Heston; and Bob Critser. a loss to Cote d’Ivoire and the United States. Madam Speaker, it is with great privilege OF MICHIGAN She will be remembered for her powerful ad- and honor that I recognize here today the Fall- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vocacy in the United States on behalf of all en Stars Memorial Mural and the individuals Ivorian people. who have worked so tirelessly to make this Wednesday, April 22, 2009 On behalf of the Congressional Caucus on memorial a reality, while paying respect to the Cote d’Ivoire, I offer my sincere condolences American heroes we have lost too soon. Mr. SCHAUER. Madam Speaker, I am to Ambassador Zirignon-Toure’s family, Presi- f proud to honor SSgt. Richard Howard dent Gbagbo and the people of Cote d’Ivoire. Hemenway, Jr. of the 110th Fighter Wing f A TRIBUTE TO MISS USA 2009 Chaplain’s Office in Battle Creek, Michigan on KRISTEN DALTON the occasion of his retirement. SSgt. A TRIBUTE TO RICHARD L. Hemenway has been a dedicated member of TALBOTT HON. MIKE McINTYRE the armed forces for 21 years, five of which OF NORTH CAROLINA were active duty, including four tours to the HON. GEORGE MILLER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Middle East. He was commended twice for OF CALIFORNIA Wednesday, April 22, 2009 this service, among many other honors. In Oc- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tober of 2000, SSgt. Hemenway was pre- Mr. MCINTYRE. Madam Speaker, I rise to Wednesday, April 22, 2009 sented the Leadership Award by his peers for pay tribute to Miss North Carolina USA Kristen Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. Madam Outstanding Academic and Leadership Per- Dalton for winning the title of Miss USA 2009 Speaker, I rise with my colleague Congress- formance Air Force Sergeants Association Ce- on April 19, 2009. woman ELLEN O. TAUSCHER, to recognize An aspiring motivational speaker and enter- real City Chapter 774. In 2005, SSgt. Richard L. Talbott, Regional Manager for the tainer from Wilmington, North Carolina, Miss Hemenway was named Base Non-Commis- Readjustment Counseling Service, Pacific Dalton competed against 49 other beauty sioned Officer of the Year. He has done all of Western Region within the Department of Vet- queens to win the prestigious title of Miss USA this as a loving husband to his wife, Kathy, eran’s Affairs, and congratulate him as he ap- 2009, in addition to receiving the highest and dedicated father to his children. SSgt. proaches his retirement this June and thank scores for the swimsuit and evening gown Richard Howard Hemenway, Jr. is a model of him for his outstanding service to our nation’s competition. She will represent the United patriotism and well deserves our respect and military veterans. States of America in the Miss Universe 2009 appreciation for his many years of dedication Dick served our country with honor as a pageant in August 2009. and distinguished service. member of the US Army, 9th Infantry Division VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:28 Aug 10, 2011 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E22AP9.000 E22AP9 wreier-aviles on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with BOUND RECORD April 22, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 8 10439 and from 1968 to 1969 fought in Vietnam. Fol- vance into many different positions and levels community of Birmingham on her own, inde- lowing his release from active duty, Dick within the IRS. Her commitment to learning pendent terms. She lost her first council race, began his VA career. He first joined the San new policies, honing her skills, and taking on but came back so strong that in 2005, she Diego VA Medical Center, Psychology Depart- new challenges provided her the opportunity won easily, the only non-incumbent to win out- ment and in 1988 he became a counselor at to progress on a yearly basis within the Serv- right without a runoff. Miriam won the con- the Escondido Vet Center. Dick was soon pro- ice. Her most recent positions where in 1998 fidence of her peers so quickly that in her first moted to the position of Team Leader, a posi- when she was promoted into Accounting and days, they elected her president pro tempore tion he held from 1990 through 1993. It was in 2006 when she moved into the Collections of the council. during this period that Dick also served as the department as a GS8.
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