ment Plan (ISWMP) Manager). Th Services (Grant Writer) and Johnson Daugherty (Environmental employees like Doug Craven (NRDDirector), Amber Holt Kevin Hurrell. He wasassisted by other LTBB government Environmental Response Specialist (ERS)for tribe, the Th Health Service. Program wasawarded aSanitation Grant from Indian the originaltheir wildstate. once existed can either reused or be allowed to return to have recently cleaned up! been Now, areas the where they (IHS)and companies, local Health dumps these Services and collaboration of LTBB government employees, Indian opendumps.of these Fortunately, through hard the work until recently, properties tribal seven contained examples ed and illegaltrashpiles are referred to asopen dumps, and neighbor’s property) to dump trash.Th their garbage,fi their they so withto “inconvenience” the deal of properly of disposing wastetheir correctly. In people just some cases, don’t want not always there, been and people haven’t always ditched transferunlucky the fact isthe of part station story this has trash properly at EmmetCounty the Transfer Station. Th have agreat location to recycle items of and our dispose as LTBB’s 1836Treaty Territory, Ceded we are lucky to trashthatthe can’t recycled correct inthe be manner. citizen to recycle choose items the you can of and dispose some waste isinevitable. Hopefully, you asaresponsible economy here United inthe States, producing so at least we live in a very shortof waste we produce asmuch aswe can. Unfortunately, term “oneand use” resources the we rely to reduce on, we amount the try type of materialistaway. In our quest better to stewards become of earth the stuff the to describe terms used A T N Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians HE 3. Enacting improvements to ISWMPto the prevent 2. Cleaning up open the dumps on properties tribal 1. Upgrading LTBB’s Integrated Waste Solid Manage- inJuneBack LTBB 2016,the Environmental Services Here inEmmetand Charlevoix Counties known also Trash. Garbage. Waste. Solid Refuse. Th Submitted by the

Presorted First Class E 7500 Odawa Circle U.S. Postage T

Harbor Springs, Michigan 49740 PAID NVIRONMENTAL Petoskey, MI 49770 RIBAL Permit No. 6 Return Service Requested isgrant wasapplied for by previous the O egrant hadthree goals including: nd aspot on property their (or their Environmental Program Services PEN “Cleanup” continued onpage 25. we humans decideto throw D S UMP UCCESS C ese ese unregulat- ere are many LEANUP ! e : oebrEdr itdy 4 5 Judicial 3-12 Executive Enrollment Legislative 2 TrailsOdawa Contests Christmas Department Birthdays November Elders Branch 6 6 and Programs Departments TrailsOdawa Contact Information Branch Branch 7 7 What’s Inside We any to the right material edit reserve submitted for and content. space Th for worst, the and Iwould told ifIdidsurvive them only I would likely passaway. Th with encephalitisdiagnosed and my parents were told that patients and parents. their When Iwastwo years old, Iwas to visit diff several mentor young girls. Gap, aYoung Life camp inWeaverville, where Iam able to in broadcast journalism. Iam currently working at Windy ginia Commonwealth University) with aBachelor’s degree USA2018.Igraduated from VCU (Vir- USA/ Teen USAwebsite: by January 1,2018. young woman must at 18and be least age underthe of 28 North Carolina. To 2018Miss North be Carolina USA,a was aresident or college full-time student state inthe of never given to birth achild, wasaUnited States citizen and fi North Carolina Teen USAwebsite, ayoung woman quali- suit/athletic wear, evening gown and interview. USA. scendent, 2018Miss asthe wasselected North Carolina Point, NC, Miller-Keyes, Caelynn a22-year-old LTBB de- tor IMDb website: cer, isaMichigan native. pany Mirror Productions. Dog Marie, aformer offi police rected and produced by Kim Marie and madeby hercom- 29,2017. October independent fi Chippewa Indians, attended movie the premiere for the Tony Miron, amember of Sault the Ste. Marie Tribe of tor ed for pageant the had married), ifshewassingle (never is newsletter is published bytheLTBB isnewsletter is published of Odawa Indians, 7500Odawa Harbor Circle, Springs, 49740. Michigan C LTBB D T AROLINA RIBAL During my year asMiss North Carolina USA,Iplan “My name Miller-Keyes isCaelynn and Iam Miss Th According to Miss the North Carolina USA/Miss Th On September 30,2017at High Point Th By By By Th areBoth featured fi inthe Leonard “Joe” Mitchell, an LTBB Tribal Citizen, and e following appears on Miss the North Carolina eyoung women pageant inthe competed inswim- e following synopsis of fi the Annette VanDeCar, Annette VanDeCar, C LTBB T lm “Urban Myths” inRoyal MI,on Oak, OMMUNITY ESCENDENT USA erent children’s hospitals and sit with the edoctors prepared my parents RIBAL Communications Coordina- M Communications Coordina- waswritten,lm, which di- C EMBERS C AELYNN lm appears on the ITIZENS F eatre inHigh EATURED M E ILLER - NROLLED

IN -K ie rmteMmesi 27 20 22-24 13,14 theMembership Lines from Ghost Tribal Meeting Council Minutes thePowOn Wow Trail Supper Events Native List Day CelebrationSovereignty Calendar 8-10 AnishinaabemowinGijigowi Department Language News 27 15 19

THE to help othersfi me to gain my power back and able be truly to heal. Ihope giveness can have inatough situation. Forgiveness allowed allow voices their heard to be and to power the learn for- injustice. up forto any speak themselves experience of ifthey type insharinghope my story, Ican inspire women and men improving Title for IXpolicies assault sexual survivors. I childrenthese to give up hope. feel hopeless. Th and myry recovery can inspire children and parents who have a10%chance of walking ever again. Ihope my sto- two wolves. Th tions.” Urban Myths willtake you on aroller coaster of ride emo- instinct, lightterhood, verses dark, growth, love and loss. ofjourney self-discovery. It’s about family, friendship, sis- investigations, go within also themselves. deeper they It’s a cast. As characters the into get deeper paranormal their Northern Michigan hasto off es some of best the Th group to vanish. start for some of when the than they bargained ground and get more haunted Indian burial stumblethey on an old er. During their trip, teach- history their and learning from researchinghad been tigate myths the they camping trip, to inves- break spring a on seniors, embark who a group of school high i fi is EYES I want to empower women across North Carolina to My goal asMiss North Carolina USAisto continue One of the myths discussed in the fi inthe One of myths the discussed “Th I

is is a story of is a story AS NDEPENDENT l showcas- lm C

OF ROWNED isan American Indian legend about the nd this freedomnd this for themselves during my epower of prayer isreal and want Inever 10-16-17=4,573 “Miss North Carolina” continued onpage 25. 2018M F “Urban Myths” continued onpage 25. ILM er along with an all-star “U RBAN ISS of tale lm isthe M N



2 Odawa Trails November 2017 Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians Anishinaabemowin Interpretation of LTBB Mission Statement Tribal Telephone Directory Debendiziwin aawan maanda Odawa aawiyiing. Geyaabi gdaa’aanaa miinwaa gdanwewmi Anishinaabemowin, maanda egishkaago’iing debendiz- iwin ebidgwasiing mnaadendiziwin miinwaa wiimnaadendiziyiing. Gdabendaanaa debendiziwin kina gwaya Odawak naasaap eyaamjik, maanda naa- kinigewinan, maadiziwin miinwaa mnidoowaadiziwin gaanaaniigaaniijik debendamowaad. Maanda debendiziwin eyaamiing nangwa, kanamaajiidonaa and Website Information niigaan ezhibezhigoyiing, kinoomaadwin, dbaakinigewin, giigidowin miinwaa naakinigewin. Kazhiibiignaketaanaa maanda niizhwaachiing bimaadiziwin waabii’aamigak mjignamiing ninda mnomaadiziwinan echipiitendaakin: nbwaakaawin, zaagidwin, mnaadendamowin, aakde’ewin, gwekwaadiziwin, dbaa- LTBB Governmental Website dendiziwin miinwaa debwewin. Kanakaazinaa ninda gdabendaaswinaanin, jimiigwe’iing nakaazwinan jimnomewzi’iing, enitaanokiijik maampii Anishi- Odawa Trails Website naabek enaapshkaamwaad maanda gbimaadziwinaa. Ninda eyaamiing echipiitendaakin, miigo kina gwaya maampii enjibaad jiniigaanibizad. LTBB Mission Statement Beverly Wemigwase, Receptionist 231-242-1400 Being Odawa is all about freedom. Th e Freedom to be a part of a people who, with integrity and pride, still have and speak our own language. Th e freedom to share in common with all other Odawak the customs, culture, and spirituality of our ancestors. Th e freedom we have today we will bring to 1-866-652-5822 the future through unity, education, justice, communication, and planning. We will reach out to the next seven generations by holding to cultural values of Wisdom, Love, Respect, Bravery, Honesty, Humility and Truth. We will utilize our Tribal assets to provide the necessary tools to become successful, Tribal Administration Health Department hard-working community members who proudly represent our culture. With these values we will move the Tribe forward. 242-1400 242-1611

Tribal Chairman’s Offi ce Health Clinic Julie Janiskee, Administrative 242-1700 Assistant 242-1401 Health 242-1600 Tribal Council/Legislative Offi ce Linda Gokee, Administrative Community Health Assistant (Transportation) Annette VanDeCar 1-866-972-0077 242-1601 Communications Legal Department Coordinator Su Lantz, Dental Clinic 231-242-1427 Assistant 242-1740 242-1407 Maternal Child Health Outreach Offi ce of Citizens Legal Wendy Congdon Assistance 242-1614 Cherie Dominic, Attorney Pre-Press 231-242-1433 Housing Department Graphic Specialist Yarrow Young, 231-242-1429 Accounting Department Administrative Assistant Noel Bush, Assistant 242-1540 Th e Communications Department welcomes submissions for our “Lines From Our Membership” section of the newsletter, 242-1440 but we cannot run anything political in nature or expressing an opinion due to a long-standing department policy. Because we have Human Resources a newsletter and not a newspaper, we do not have an editorial page. We reserve the right to edit any material submitted for space Mandy Szocinski, Contracts Department and content. 242-1439 Th e deadline for the December 2017 issue of Odawa Trails is October 30, 2017. Dorla McPeak, You can e-mail or call your submissions in to [email protected] or at 231-242-1427 or 231-242-1429. Please only Administrative Assistant call in your submissions if they are short. We also welcome comments, suggestions and story ideas. Archives, Records and 242-1555 Repatriation Department Eric Hemenway, Human Services Department Director Tammy Barnadyn, 242-1527 Administrative Assistant Commerce Department 242-1621 Th eresa Keshick, Assistant Law Enforcement 242-1584 Department Tribal Police Communications Department 242-1500 Annette VanDeCar, Coordinator MIS Department 242-1427 Mark Tracy, Director Wendy Congdon, 242-1531 Pre-Press Graphic Specialist 242-1429 Natural Resource Department Elders Department Debra Smithkey-Browne, Andi Gasco, Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant 242-1670 242-1423 Planning, Zoning and Enrollment Department Building Department Administrative Assistant/ Shari Temple, Genealogist Administrative Assistant 242-1521 242-1581

Facilities Department Amanda Swiss, Simon Kenwabikise, Director Transportation Planner 242-1532 242-1508

Education Department Substance Abuse/ Tammy Gasco, Mental Health Department Administrative Assistant Pat Boda, 242-1480 Administrative Assistant 242-1640 Gijigowi Anishinaabemowin Language Department Brenda Schoolcraft , Carla Osawamick, Director Offi ce/Intake Coordinator 242-1454 242-1642

GIS Department Tribal Court/Peacemaking Alan Proctor, Program Director 242-1462 242-1597 Tribal Prosecutor’s Offi ce Grant Writer Gwen Gasco, Offi ce Manager Amber Holt 242-1475 242-1400 Youth Services Department Alison Simon Tina Dominic, Coordinator 242-1400 242-1593 November 2017 Odawa Trails 3

Y OUTH H ARVESTS F IRST D EER Peyton Harmon, age 10, harvested his fi rst deer ored to be invited and had a great time. (spike) on September 16, 2017 during the annual Courtesy photo of Peyton Harmon (on the left ) State Youth Hunt. Congrats bugaboo! Daddy and and his father, Phil Harmon, (on the right). Th e photo everyone are so proud of you. Special Chi-Miig- of Phil Harmon holding Peyton Harmon from Hal- wetch to Roger Willis, Matt Robertson and all the loween 2007 is by Communications Coordinator An- parents and young hunters in camp. We were hon- nette VanDeCar.

T AX A GREEMENT I NFORMATION By Th eresa Keshick, Department of Commerce is completely fi lled out, I will then issue the RTM the Assistant actual Tribal Certifi cate of Exemption (Tribal Form 3998). Th e Department of Commerce (DOC) would If you plan on purchasing any of these items, like to remind the tribal membership about a few please contact me FIRST, and I will be happy to get items pertaining to the Tax Agreement. you the form via e-mail or fax. I am also able to fax First of all, I cannot express enough how import- the TCEs to the dealership you are doing business ant it is to keep your address updated. with. Th e fi rst step in becoming a Resident Tribal Being an RTM will also allow you to be tax ex- Member (RTM) is to offi cially change your address empt on utility bills such as phone, cable, gas, pro- with the Enrollment Department. Th is must be done pane, electricity, satellite and cellular service. If you in writing and as soon as possible. have not fi lled out a Utility Provider Survey, please Th e DOC cannot and will not change the esti- contact the DOC, and I will be happy to get one to mated beginning date (EBD) (which is always the you. fi rst in any given month) of a member’s tax exempt Also, another important thing to remember is if status (see example below). you do move into the Tax Agreement Area (TAA), It is YOUR responsibility to update your address your RTM status does NOT take eff ect until the fi rst on fi le with the Enrollment Department. Th is date day of the following month. will aff ect how many months you will be able to fi le Example: I move to Petoskey, MI, (inside the the Annual Resident Tribal Member Sales Tax Credit TAA) on September 5, 2010. My RTM (EBD) status (Tribal Form 4013). It is to your benefi t to be able begins October 1, 2010. All updates are sent to the to fi le for the maximum number of months for this State of Michigan as close to the end of the month as credit. possible. In addition, being an RTM will allow you to pur- Th e LTBB Tax Agreement is viewable on the chase large items such as vehicles, boats, motorcycles State of Michigan’s website at: and off the road vehicles tax exempt. Th ere is a form that needs to be fi lled out called If you have any other questions pertaining to the a “Request for TCE” (Tribal Certifi cate of Exemp- Tax Agreement, I can reached at my offi ce at 231-242- tion), which is available in my offi ce. Once this form 1584 or via e-mail at [email protected]. 4 Odawa Trails November 2017 November Elders Birthdays

November 1 November 11 November 21 Yvonne Eastman Mark Demoines, Sr. Amanda Meshekey Albert Schwiderson John Parks Cecil Williamson Jerome Skippergosh November 2 Shelly Solinski November 22 George Anthony Elizabeth Williamson Jill Haley Wanda Elzinga Michael Harper November 12 Daniel Hemenway Ramona Gall Marcelino Bernard, Sr. Linda Keway Joyce Munson John Lasley Edward Paul Walter Page, Jr. Paul Sharkey Jon Petoskey Michael Skippergosh Patricia Walker November 13 November 3 Kathy Heilman November 23 Cynthia Greensky Toni Krzesowiak Cynthia Gilbert Dexter McNamara Theresa LeClair Bruce Kahgee Russell Menefee Bernice Olson Allan Kesick Richard Washegesic Robert Sky-Eagle Marian Sedlak Russell Worthington Cynthia Sloan Kimberly Williams

November 4 November 14 November 24 Patricia Reedy Chris Paulsen John Denemy, Jr. William Teuthorn Carol Rinko Mary Kiogima Mark Kishego II November 15 Colin Reaume November 5 Cecilia Bernard Dorothy Dyer Geneva Liebenberg November 25 Lynne Holiday Mary McLaughlin Anthony Keller Ramona Sachtler Flora Shears Daniel Praschan Anne Taylor Edward VanValkinburg Gilbert Young

November 16 November 6 November 26 Mary Kraemer Maureen Kilpatrick Julia Shananaquet Rita Serva November 17 November 27 Susan Christie November 7 William Hoar Rose DeLand Lawrence Couillard Nancy Ortiz Michael Fetterhoff Neoma Hallett Ann Reed Kahtnee Tobasageshik Jane Schertzing Katherine Martin Susanne Yates Judith Nuytten Mary VanEenoo George Portman, Jr. November 18 November 28 Maria Godfrey Mary LaFord November 8 David Portman Velda Ries Edwin Fluette Cinthia Szucs Darlene Rowland Eileen Yeager Sue Vertz November 29 November 9 November 19 Harold Demoines Charlyne Carss Rene Dillard Gary Miller Rosalee Star Chief Debra Riley Robert Sebeck Cheryl Seymour James Teuthorn November 20 November 30 November 10 Larry Leo Joseph Beaver Frank Francis Shane Paulsen Mark Kosequat Philip Ramage Joan Sobbe Barbara Sharkey Elaine Willis Marian Taylor Arvella Ten Brink

E LDERS D EPARTMENT U PDATE By Arlene Naganashe, El- come eligible based. Th erefore, ders Department Manager current income must be provid- ed with the applications. Also, all Reminder applications need prior approval Th e Food and Utility Re- before service is provided. imbursement program closes Th ere continues to be a wait- November 30, 2017. Applica- ing list for dental funds. Applica- tions must be postmarked by tions are processed in the order 11/30/17 for reimbursement this received based on the availability year. Th ose applications being of funds. Th ose applications re- hand delivered to the offi ce must maining on the 2017 waiting list be in the offi ce by 11/30/17. will be carried over into the 2018 Reminder budget. Th e Direct Client and Emer- Photo by Pre-Press Graphic gency Utility Programs are in- Specialist Wendy Congdon. November 2017 Odawa Trails 5

Christmas Coloring Contest Rules Crayons ✳ Markers ✳ Paint ✳ Stickers ✳ Colored Pencils ✳ Glitter ✳ You choose! • Age categories are 3-7 and 8-12. exceptions! • Limit one submission per child. • All mailed entries must be postmarked by Letters • All entries must be the original size. December 4, 2017. No exceptions! to Santa • Open to LTBB Community Citizens. Submissions judged by Communications/Odawa • Entries can only be submitted by snail mail Trails staff with three winners being selected in each Contest or dropped off at the LTBB Governmental Center, age category. Rules 7500 Odawa Circle, Harbor Springs, MI 49740. No Each winner will receive a prize! • All letters must be handwritten by the child. • All mailed entries must be postmarked by December 4, 2017. No ex- ceptions! • Entries can only be submitted by snail mail or dropped off at the LTBB Governmental Center (ad- dress below). No excep- tions! • Limit one submission per child. • Open to LTBB Com- munity Citizens ages 10 and younger. • Submissions judged by Communications/Oda- wa Trails staff with the top three letters to be pub- lished in the January issue of Odawa Trails. • Please provide a phone number where you can be contacted if you are selected as one of the win- ners.

Each winner will re- ceive a prize!

Mailing Address: Letters to Santa Con- test Attn: LTBB Communi- cations Department 7500 Odawa Circle Harbor Springs, MI 49740 6 Odawa Trails November 2017

P UBLICATION N OTICE In accordance with WOS #2006-001, notice is hereby given a petition has been fi led, LTBB of Odawa In- dians Tribal Court Case No: NC-013-0717, and Tribal Court ordered Rose Mary Nunez has legally changed her name to Rose Mary Pyant. Th is notice will be published in the Odawa Trails newsletter for two consecu- tive months and on the Odawa Register on the LTBB website. Date: September 27, 2017 A TTENTION: 2017 P ER C APITA R EQUIREMENTS Released August 10, 2016 ty number includes the following: ● Copy of your Social Security Card Th e Enrollment Department has begun scan- ● Social Security Card number printed by So- ning enrollment records and linking relationships cial Security Administration Offi ce in our Citizenship Database (Progeny ES). During ● Social Security Administration Benefi t State- the scanning process, the Enrollment Department ment staff has noticed some of the enrollment fi les are ● W-2 or 1099 form missing copies of social security cards. We are send- ● Pay stub containing your name and social se- ing out letters to the tribal citizens who have incom- curity number plete fi les by U.S. mail. If you receive a letter in the ● Valid U.S. military ID card with photo (DD-2 mail, please update the Enrollment Department as or CAC card) promptly as possible to bring your fi le up to date. If ● Other offi cial document/card containing we do not have a copy of your social security veri- your name and social security number. fi cation on fi le prior to October 31, 2017, (the 2017 Our goal is to not only get our records up to per capita payment distribution deadline) your per date, but to make sure by working together that ev- capita payment may be held or delayed in 2017. Th is eryone gets their 2017 per capita check. If you have does not aff ect the 2016 per capita distribution. any questions, call the Enrollment Department at Acceptable Verifi cation of your Social Securi- 231-242-1520. November 2017 Odawa Trails 7

ATTENTION TRIBAL BUSINESSES/ENTREPRENEURS! If you would like to be on the tribal governmental vendor list for providing goods or services to the LTBB government, please contact Mandy Szocinski at 231- A LLIE GREENLEAF MALDONADO: CIVIL RIGHTS FIGHTER 242-1439 or [email protected]. Please be prepared to provide the following information: Name, from the University of Michigan Law School, Mal- contact information, good/services you are providing donado was selected through the Honors Program at the U.S. Department of Justice to be a litigator in and any additional information as required. Supporting the Indian Resources Section of the Environment our tribal businesses is our preference. Chi Miigwech! and Natural Resources Division in Washington. In September 2002, Maldonado returned to Michigan to serve as Assistant General Counsel for the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, a position she held until her appointment as Chief Judge of the Tribal Court. But, it is her tireless work to bring the state into compliance with the Indian Child Welfare Act that earned her the Unsung Hero Award by the Michi- gan State Bar. Maldonado successfully litigated the fi rst case in which the Michigan Court of Appeals overturned the termination of parental rights due to a failure by the state to follow ICWA. “Th e ICWA is a federal law passed in 1978 in response to the alarmingly high number of Indian children being removed from their homes under federal and state Indian removal policies,” said Mal- donado, 46. “Yet there are still areas of the country today where ICWA is ignored or misapplied. Mich- By Shawn D. Lewis, the Detroit News igan used to be one of those states. I went to law school because I wanted to keep what happened to Editor’s note: For the past 38 years, the Detroit my family from happening to other Native families.” News has recognized individuals who have made She credits her tribe for making it possible to signifi cant contributions to their communities by achieve the successes with the ICWA. selecting them as Michiganians of the Year. LTBB “Without their unwavering support, I could not Chief Judge Allie Greenleaf Maldonado, an LTBB have focused on child welfare issues,” she said. Tribal Citizen, was selected for the 2017Class of For the judge, those child welfare issues are per- Michiganians of the Year. Th e following article and sonal. accompanying photograph by Dale G. Young ap- Her grandmother, Lou Ella Bush, and all of her peared in the Detroit News on September 14, 2017, great-uncles fell victim to the practice of removing and they are reprinted here with permission . Native American children from their homes and placing them in a boarding school. Her mother, Th e only lawyers Allie Greenleaf Maldonado Donna Lou Chapman, also was removed from her saw while growing up were on television or in the home aft er her mother died when Chapman still movies. Years later in college, a professor challenged was a child. her to consider the unthinkable: Become a judge. “My mother could have been placed with a doz- “Quietly, secretly, I dared to dream of one day en diff erent appropriate relatives,” Maldonado said. becoming a judge,” she said. “Instead, she was sent to live as a domestic worker But, doubt crept in. for a Mennonite minister and his wife. Th is was a “I did not know of anyone who looked like me common practice before the Indian Child Welfare on the bench. Furthermore, I understood how being Act.” connected to the right people impacted your career. My family and I were not connected to anyone in Allie Greenleaf Maldonado power.” Age: 46 Th at did not matter. Occupation: Chief Judge for the Little Traverse Maldonado graduated in the top third of her Bay Bands of Odawa Indians class from the University of Michigan Law School. Education: Bachelor’s degree, City University Maldonado now is the Chief Judge for the 4,566 of New York; Juris Doctorate, University of Michi- citizens of the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa gan Law School Indians in Family: Husband, Jay Maldonado; one son and Harbor Springs, MI. She is a citizen of the tribe one daughter and a member of the Turtle Clan. She was appointed Why honored: Litigated the fi rst case in which the Chief Judge of the LTBB Tribal Court in 2012. the Michigan Court of Appeals overturned the ter- Aft er getting her undergraduate degree from mination of parental rights due to a failure by the the City University of New York and Juris Doctorate state to follow ICWA

F ROM THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE providing a copy of the testimo- issue. Th e more awareness and ny, which can be viewed at www. encouragement we assist people to take a stand, the more likely We, as a community, need we can heal our community and to support and assist in ending move forward in a good way. domestic violence. It’s not an in- Miigwech. dividual issue, it’s a community Courtesy photo.

Aanii, October is domestic violence awareness month, and our Tribal Vice Chairperson Stella Kay was able to testify in regards to the Violence Against Women Act hearing in Arizona. For this month’s article, I am 8 Odawa Trails November 2017 November 2017 Odawa Trails 9 G EKAAJIK N AAKWEK W IISINIWIN Waabgaa-giizisoong Joans Landing ngiidami- During September Elders Lunch at Joans Land- nami bekaanak daminawin. Giikinwaabmaanaanik ing, we played a diff erent game. We pretended to be dibishkoo wesiinhik, ezhchigewaat. Gekaajik wiin- diff erent animals, then the elders guessed which an- damigonaanik wenesh de’nowa wesiinh. Kina gwaya imal we were. Everyone had an enjoyable time and giiminwendaagizi miinwaa giikchibaapiwok. laughed lots. Courtesy photos. 10 Odawa Trails November 2017

Answer key on page 21. November 2017 Odawa Trails 11 12 Odawa Trails November 2017

Area Pantry Schedule EMMET COUNTY CHARLEVOIX COUNTY Nazarene Church - Wed 4-5:45pm Boyne City Community - 1st Mon 10am- 7489 Mission Road, Alanson 12pm & 3rd Mon 5-7pm - 401 State 231-548-5462 Street, Boyne City 231-582-2551 Liberty Baptist Church - call for pantry services 7247 South US 31, Alanson Boyne Valley Pantry - Thu 2-5pm 231-548-5836 3031 Main Street, Boyne Falls 231-549-2230 Church of Christ - 1st & 3rd Sun 12:30- 1:30pm 1727 Anderson Road, Petoskey Seventh Day Adventist - Mon 6-8pm, 231-437-0210 Wed 10am-12pm - 326 Park Street, Boyne City 231-582-0151 Bay Shore Pantry - 2nd & 4th Tue 12-3pm 06072 US 31 North, Bay Shore Bible Baptist Church - 1st & 3rd Thu 231-347-3618 6-7pm; call for emergencies - 05855 The Manna Pantry - Tue 9am-12pm; call M-66 North, Charlevoix 231-547-4300 for emergencies - 8791 McBride Park Court, Harbor Springs 231-347-8852 Charlevoix Community - Mon and Thu 10am-12pm; last Sat 10-llam - 101 State Harbor Springs Community - Mon Street, Charlevoix 231-547-9122 9:30am-12pm - 150 West Main (enter through double doors on 3rd Street), Care & Share - Tue 3-6pm; Thu 9am- Harbor Springs 231-526-2414 12pm - 205 Water Street, East Jordan 231-536-7423 Pellston Area Food Pantry - Wed 5:30- 6:30pm - 161 Highway 31, Pellston Walloon Lake Community - 2nd & 4th Tue 231-539-8570 5-6:l5pm - 4320 M-75, Walloon Lake First Christian Church - Wed 9am-12pm 231-535-2288 308 Monroe, Petoskey 231-347-6181 ANTRIM COUNTY Salvation Army - Mon - Fri 9am-12pm 712 Pleasant Street, Petoskey Bellaire Community Pantry - Mon 1-5pm 231-347-3531 & Thu 10am-5pm - 205 Broad Street, Bellaire 231-533-8973 St. Francis/Brother Dan’s - Tue 9am- 12pm; call for emergencies - 415 State Good Samaritan - Tue 10am-7pm, Wed, Street, Petoskey 231-347-7423 Thu, Fri 10am-4pm, Sat 10am-2pm 9746 Main Street, Ellsworth Cross of Christ Church - 2nd Thu 5-7pm; 231-588-2208 4th Thu 9-llam - Paper pantry only 1450 East Mitchell Street, Petoskey Antrim County Baby Pantry - 2nd & 4th 231-347-5440 Thu 12:30-4pm - 209 Jefferson Street, Mancelona 231-584-8401 Seventh Day Adventist Clothing Pantry Mon-Tues 10am - 2pm 1404 Howard St., Petoskey Community Lighthouse - Tue & Thu 9am- 231-347-2560 5pm - 430 West State Street, Mancelona 231-587-9967 Northern Michigan Diaper Pantry - 1st & 3rd Fri 9:30am-ll:30am - 8781 McBride Mancelona Pantry and Resale - Tue, Park Court, Harbor Springs Wed, Thu 9am-4pm - 200 Maple, (bldg. next to Manna) Mancelona 231-587-9606 Area Soup Kitchen Schedule EMMET COUNTY CHARLEVOIX COUNTY

First Presbyterian Church - Thu & Sun Lighthouse Community Lunch Program 12-1pm - 501 East Mitchell Street, Mon & Thu 11:30am-1:30pm Petoskey 231-347-4793 104 State Street, Charlevoix Charlevoix United Methodist Church St. Francis/Brother Dan’s - Tue 12-1pm 231-547-8040 415 State Street, Petoskey 231-347-7423 ANTRIM COUNTY Nazarene Church - Wed 4-5:45pm Good Samaritan - Thu at 12pm 7489 Mission Road, Alanson 9746 Main Street, Ellsworth 231-548-5462 231-588-2208

November 2017 Odawa Trails 15

O DAWA C ASINO R ESORT U PDATE season 12 of the NBC hit show Veterans & Active Duty person- Th e Voice. Duski, a Gaylord, nel who have a player’s card and Michigan native reached the fi - check in at the kiosk will receive nals of Th e Voice and fi nished in a free slice of delicious carrot second place. She will perform in cake from 11am to 7pm. the Ovation Hall on Friday, De- On Sunday November 19th, cember 29th at 6pm and 9pm. We we will be hosting our 7th Annual hope you have purchased your Holiday Gift & Craft show from tickets because they have been 11am to 5pm in the Ovation Hall. selling out fast. Admission to this event is free We will be giving away $25 however we are accepting do- Gift Cards to American Spoon nations of canned goods for Th e Foods at our Petoskey location Manna Food Project. We hope only, on Friday and Saturday, to see you there to help support a As we near our winter sea- November 3rd and 4th from 10am great community cause. son in beautiful Northern Mich- to 10pm to guests who earn 200 Please keep in mind that igan we are working on fun and base points on their Pure Re- on Th ursday, November 23rd be- exciting ways to keep our guests wards card over the promotion tween the hours of 11am-9pm entertained. Can you believe period. Guests can swipe at the the Waas-No-De buff et will be that Christmas is right around kiosk to receive a voucher that serving our annual Th anksgiving the corner? Gift cards always they present at the Players Club Buff et. Skip the dishes and bring make a great holiday present to receive their prize. the entire family out to enjoy ev- and are available for purchase in On Saturday November erything that our Th anksgiving the Quill Box. Th ey can be re- 11th, from 10am to 10pm at our Buff et has to off er. We hope to deemed at any outlet in the casi- Petoskey location only, any guest see you there! no including: Sage, Copper Café, with a Pure Rewards card who I hope you all have a great Waas-No-De Buff et, Ozone, earns 11 base points during the Th anksgiving holiday surround- Rendezvous, and the Quill Box. promotion day, can swipe at the ed by friends and family! Odawa Casino is proud to kiosk to receive $11 in free slot Eric McLester, General welcome Lauren Duski from play. Additionally, the fi rst 200 Manager C ONGRESS A PPROVES S HORT-TERM R ENEWAL OF S PECIAL D IABETES P ROGRAM FOR I NDIANS Congress extended the Special Diabetes Pro- Th e language was included in the Federal Avia- gram for Indians (SDPI) through the fi rst quarter tion Administration reauthorization, which was also of Fiscal Year 2018 at current funding levels, which set to expire on September 30. SDPI, established by equates to $37.5 million per quarter ($150 million Congress in 1997, has played a large role in address- annually). ing the high rate of diabetes in Indian C ountry. 16 Odawa Trails November 2017 November 2017 Odawa Trails 17 GIFTS FROM THE NORTH WOODS: HOW NATHAN WRIGHT FOUNDED HERBAL LODGE By Kristi Kates

Editor’s note: Th e fol- lowing article and accompa- nying photograph appeared in the Northern Express on September 25, 2017, and they are reprinted here with permission.

He’s most familiar with the crunch of twigs underfoot, the scents of pine and earth — and the elusive gift s that nature can bring. It’s safe to say that Nathan Wright (pictured above) spends infl uence had been well planted, high quality. Every year we’ve a lot of time in the woods. and his son would soon fi nd that increased how much we make, “As a kid growing up in Roches- it would grow in ways he never so I think we’re doing okay.” ter Hills, I was oft en out there by expected. In 2008, Wright met In addition to the Nojmuk and myself, learning how to not be Monica Cady, another member Nojmuk lip balms, Herbal Lodge afraid of it,” he said. Bouncing of the Sault tribe, at a powwow. also off ers Minagin, a natural, between southern Michigan and “Monica presented me with a topical pain-relief salve based the U.P. when his parents sepa- jar of herbal salve she’d made, on a legendary Native American rated took Wright, then 13 years and I was intrigued by how well salve. “Th e main herbal ingre- old, into another new forest eco- it worked on my own dry skin,” dient for Minagin, balm of gil- system. Wright said. “I started wonder- ead buds, can’t be sourced from His interest in the wilder- ing if herbal medicines would most ingredient companies; we ness continued when he joined have helped my dad before he have to wild-harvest it,” Wright the U.S. Marines later in life. passed away.” said. “It’s harvested from a tree, Aft er going through survival Th e elder Wright, who had and it has to be a winter har- training at Camp Pendleton, he eczema but died from liver can- vest, so it’s hard, intense work. was sent on a Pacifi c Ocean tour cer, had been on a lot of pain But the Michigan version of of duty where he added jungle medications, which Wright is that ingredient is the very best.” training to his list of outdoor convinced contributed to his Finally, there’s the Chaga Th un- skills. death. “Th at is what inspired der tea, which could merit an Th roughout all of it, the big- me to learn more about natural entire story all on its own. “Cha- gest infl uential thread was his pain relief alternatives, and to ga used to be burned by Native father, Mike Wright, a member off er them to everyone suff ering Americans around here for its of the Sault Tribe of Chippe- pain,” Wright said. smell, for ceremonial purpose, wa Indians and a well-regard- He and Cady started exper- and to ease headaches,” Wright ed Native American activist. imenting to create salves based said. Chaga is a wild mushroom “He’s the one who got me into on Native American medicine. that Herbal Lodge harvests from Native American medicines,” Th e fi rst product they settled on mushrooms growing on white Nathan Wright said. His father was Nojmuk dry skin relief topi- birch trees; it’s said to have also introduced him to Native cal salve, which was based on the strong health benefi ts and is of- American medicine man Dan fi rst salve that Cady brought to ten referred to as a superfood, Pine, Sr., who taught the younger Wright. Today, it includes 20 dif- with high antimicrobial activity, Wright the ceremonial aspects of ferent ingredients. Nojimuk lip antioxidants, and soothing prop- Native American culture. balms, also based on that salve, erties. Th e fl avor is earthy, faintly “We’d go to Dan, Sr.’s home are available too. “We perfect- vanilla, and nutty, best sweet- in Garden River, Ontario, every ed that product and the process ened with maple syrup. week in the summer,” Wright used to make it,” Wright said. Herbal Lodge’s products said. “Th at’s where I fi rst learned Wright has also found a have been getting quite a bit of about using plants for things like fast friendship with Dan Pine, attention. Wright is working on coughs and using cedar tea for Jr., Dan Pine Sr.’s son, whom he a book about Native American cleansing.” didn’t meet until later in both of herbal medicines that he hopes Wright also looked upon their lives. Th e men got along to see out in 2019, and he’ll be Pine as a mentor: “He also gave right away as both friends and speaking at the Northern Mich- me a lot of guidance as I was be- “plant people,” as Wright put it. igan Small Farms Conference in coming a teenager, and helped “Dan, Jr. always says that January 2018. better my relationship with my the medicines he makes for peo- “We are also currently father,” Wright said. “I’d been ple come to him in his dreams,” working on a partnership with around powwows my whole life, Wright said. “He and I started the largest distributed native but had never gone this deep working together, harvesting American company,” he said. into the culture. Dan, Sr. ex- whatever we could fi nd. One In the end, though, his busi- panded my introduction to my day, Dan, Jr. was trying to teach ness isn’t about money. “I do ancestors.” Wright how to fi nd spikenard make a living from this, but I Aft er the Marines, Wright [plants], which would reveal its fi nd it more meaningful to focus decided to pursue a career in own lessons. Dan kept saying ‘It’s on being passionate about the information technology. He right there,’ but I just couldn’t products and about helping our moved to Minneapolis, taking see it. It took quite a while, customers,” he said. jobs with a webpage design com- but suddenly, I started seeing Th e other bonus? Returning pany and later with NetRadio it everywhere — that’s when I to the forests from which his in- Networks; but he kept his plant learned that medicinal plants spiration fi rst came. “‘Wild har- passion to himself the whole only show themselves to you vesting’ is something we really time. “Back then, that kind of when you’re ready to see them.” do — it’s not just a marketing thing was looked down upon,” Today, Wright harvests direct- term,” Wright said. “I can return he said. “People would’ve just ly from the forests of northern to my childhood memories and asked what a grown man was do- Michigan, always practicing sus- passion by going into the woods, ing playing around with plants.” tainable harvesting methods. His this time not to play, but to bring When his father, who was still daughter, Autumn Wright, as- out some time-tested remedies in the U.P., began having health sists with production. And they to help everyone in need. We issues, Wright packed up and limit the products that Herbal consider ourselves lucky and headed home. “I was making Lodge makes. Right now, they’re blessed to do what we do.” a fi ft h of what I was in Minne- focusing on four. Th at might not Herbal Lodge is based in apolis, but I wanted to be there sound like a lot — until you con- Hessel, MI, with a sales offi ce in for Dad,” Wright said. Th e two sider the magnitude of cultural Petoskey, MI. You can fi nd Herb- Wrights, father and son, spent history, research, and eff ort that al Lodge products at Oryana in more time together, the elder go into each one. “We didn’t want Traverse City, MI, Indian Hills teaching the younger about to start selling 30 or 40 prod- Gallery in Petoskey, MI, the Good herbal plants and medicines. ucts,” Wright said. “We want- Hart General Store in Good Hart, Five years later, the elder ed to get known for just a few, MI, and Cross in the Woods in In- Wright had passed away. But his and produce everything at very dian River, MI. 18 Odawa Trails November 2017

20 Odawa Trails November 2017 OOnn tthehe PPowow WWowow TTrailrail

Michigan 906-203-4977 Wisconsin

November 11 November 10 December 31 LCO Veterans Pow Wow Veteran’s Day Pow Wow 2017 Sobriety Pow Wow Hayward, WI GTB Charlevoix Site Sault Ste. Marie, MI Contact Information: Jackie Contact Information: 715-634- 10085 Wa-Ba-Noong Mi-Kun 8924 East Jordan, MI Minton at 906-203-4977 Contact Information: R.J. December 31 Smith at 231-866-6360 or 231- Minnesota LCO News Year’s Pow Wow 534-7065 Hayward, WI December 31-January 1, 2018 Contact Information: 715-634- November 11 White Earth New Year’s 8924 14th Annual Honoring Our Sobriety Pow Wow December 31 Anishinabe Veterans Pow Wow Naytahwaush, MN Menominee New Year’s Pow Wow Kinross, MI Contact Information: Lew Keshena, WI Contact Information: Jackie Murray at 218-261-1599 Contact Information: 715-756- Minton at 906-635-6050 or 2554 November 2017 Odawa Trails 21 I NDIAN C OUNTRY T ODAY M EDIA N ETWORK A SSETS TO NCAI Editor’s note: Th e following is a National Con- gress of American Indians (NCAI) press release dat- Puzzle ed October 4, 2017. on page 10. Th e Nation- al Congress of magazine and now an online news syndicate report- American In- ing on the ground from – and for – Indian Country dians (NCAI) about the critical issues impacting Native nations and today (October peoples in the United States and around the globe. 4, 2017) an- “When the Oneida Indian Nation decided to pur- nounced it is as- chase Indian Country Today Media Network, we suming control of the assets of Indian Country Today had a singular goal in mind: We wanted to cre- Media Network (ICTMN), the result of a donation ate award-winning journalism that gives voice to to the organization by the Oneida Indian Nation. Native Americans, wherever they lived. ICTMN “NCAI’s Executive Offi cers and I are humbled by clearly achieved that goal,” said Oneida Indian Na- this donation from ICTMN and the Oneida Indi- tion Representative Ray Halbritter. “We know that an Nation,” said NCAI President Brian Cladoosby. when we leave our stories to be told only by oth- “Th eir love for Indian Country carries through their er media outlets, those stories too oft en go untold every word and has inspired our tribal communi- – or aren’t told accurately. ICTMN proved that ties to tell their own stories. Th is is an immense we do not have to sit idly by while that happens. responsibility; NCAI will approach this respon- We are very happy to be able to donate ICTMN’s sibility thoughtfully and deliberately with an eye assets to NCAI – an organization whose entire towards strengthening Indian Country’s voice.” mission is to advocate for tribal sovereignty and ICTMN recently halted operations to evalu- treaty rights and advance a common understand- ate its next steps in the face of unprecedent- ing of who Native nations and peoples are today.” ed changes in the publishing industry, changes During its years being supported by the Oneida that have presented complicated challenges for Indian Nation, the organization was recognized every media organization across the country. for its groundbreaking journalism spotlight- “ICTMN has been the fl agship publication pro- ing the complex issues facing Native nations and ducing unique and original reporting about Indi- communities, earning several prestigious awards an Country – and the Oneida Indian Nation has — 30 alone in 2017 from the Native American played a pivotal role in forging that legacy,” said Journalists Association (NAJA); multiple Clarion NCAI Executive Director Jacqueline Pata. “Af- Awards; and individual awards and grants to con- ter years of strong investments, we appreciate the tributors from the Society of Professional Journal- Oneida Nation now turning over ICTMN’s assets to ists, the Herb Block Prize for cartooning, USC’s our organization, and we look forward to conven- Annenberg Center and the Playboy Foundation. ing meetings with key stakeholders over the next Additional information will be shared as we move several months to construct a blueprint for how forward in the coming months on both ICTMN to best respectfully carry on ICTMN’s mission.” and NCAI platforms. For questions, e-mail NCAI at Over the past four decades, the ICTMN has evolved [email protected]. from a local weekly print newsletter to a national Courtesy graphics. 22 Odawa Trails November 2017

In accordance with law and policy, Elders Comment/Public Comment as recorded in the minutes will contain the name of the Citizen or “Immediate Family” or “Family member” and only the subject matter brought by the in- dividual. No attempt will be made by the Legislative Branch to summarize the comments. Written public comments will be accepted by the Legislative Offi ce. Written comments shall be attached to the offi cial approved minutes housed in the Legislative Branch. Written comments are not published, however shall be open to review within the Legislative Offi ce in accordance with any laws regarding such documents. Th e Little Traverse Bay Bands meeting for offi cial action items, Tradi- Absent (Councilor Naganashe) Committee Member Law and supported Motion carried. of Odawa Indians tional Pow-Wow budget modifi cation, Motion carried. by Committee Secretary Shananaquet to 11:55 a.m. Lunch 7500 Odawa Circle, two-week delay for Odawa Economic Treasurer Report recommend Tribal Council approval of: 1:36 p.m. Return Harbor Springs, MI 49740 Development Management, Inc. ribbon Discussion: Action Item – Motions Certifi ed Motion #082417-06; Request 1:36 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Anishinaabe- Tribal Council Chambers cutting, Declaration (Anti-Supremacy) will contain the corrected wording that for Funding from U.S. Environmental mowin – Renee Dillard Tribal Council Regular Meeting does not require Tribal Council action. was used during phone polls 8/16 and Protection Agency, Section 319 of the Motion made by Secretary Shanan- August 24, 2017 Questions raised by Tribal Council 8/21. Clean Water Act, FY 2018 Tribal Non- aquet and supported by Treasurer Reyes Councilor McNamara – would like Appropriations and Finance Commit- point Source Pollution Program. to amend the agenda to include Dedica- Call to Order: 9:10 a.m. to know the status of Legislative Offi ce tee Vote: 3-yes, 0-no, 0-abstain, 0-absent tion. Opening ceremony: Beatrice Law Manager Administrative Assistant va- Last meeting: August 15, 2017 Motion carried. Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Closed Session: Yes cancy. (Motions made at the Appropriations -Motion made by Committee Sec- Absent (Councilor Naganashe) Council Present: Legislative Leader Motion made by Councilor Law and and Finance Committee Meeting) retary Shananaquet and supported by Motion carried. Aaron Otto, Treasurer Marcella Reyes, supported by Secretary Shananaquet to -Motion made by Committee Sec- Committee Member Law to recommend Motion made Secretary Shananaquet Secretary Julie Shananaquet Councilor accept Legislative Leader Otto’s verbal retary Shananaquet and supported by Tribal Council approval of: Certifi ed and supported by Treasurer Reyes to Frank Bernard, Councilor Beatrice Law, report as presented on August 24, 2017. Committee Member Law to recommend Motion #082417-07; Request for Fund- dedicate this meeting in honor of the fol- Councilor Dexter McNamara, Councilor Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Tribal Council approval of: Certifi ed Mo- ing from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service lowing citizen who have walked on: Emily Proctor Absent (Councilor Naganashe) tion #082417-01; Funding Renewal from Fisheries Program Native American Pro- Th eresa Marie Shawanesse (7/3/2017), Absent: Councilor David Harrington, Motion carried. the U.S. Department of Health and Hu- grams and Wildlife and Sport Fish Res- Mark Vincent Reinhout (7/6/2017), Councilor Michael Naganashe Secretary Report man Services Indian Health Service Lit- toration Program Tribal Wildlife Grants Greg William Ettawageshik Legislative Offi ce Staff Present: Leg- Documents Delivered to Executive tle Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians Program FY 2018. (7/10/2017), Benjamin Franklin DeM- islative Offi ce Manager Michele Port- Tribal Resolution: Ethics Committee FY 2018 Annual Funding Agreement. Vote: 3-yes, 0-no, 0-abstain, 0-absent oines (8/8/2017). man-LaCount, Sr. Financial Analyst delivered to the Executive Department Vote: 3-yes, 0-no, 0-abstain, 0-absent Motion carried. Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Rachel Cope on 07-28-17 status pending. Motion carried. -Motion made by Committee Sec- Absent (Councilor Naganashe) Executive Offi cials and Staff Present: Waganakising Odawak Statute Trust -Motion made by Committee Sec- retary Shananaquet and supported by Motion carried. Vice-Chairperson Stella Kay, Direct Ser- Fund Board was delivered to the Execu- retary Shananaquet and supported by Committee Member Law to recommend Tribal Council Member Reports vices Administrator Phil Harmon, Chief tive Department on 07-14-17 and signed Committee Member Law to recommend to Tribal Council the disapproval of Trib- Secretary Shananaquet – 2017 Great Financial Offi cer Carrie Carlson, Human on 08-14-17. Tribal Council approval of: Certifi ed al Resolution “Supplemental Funding for Lakes Native American Conference Resources Director Denise Petoskey, Vetoes: (Tribal Council has 90 days to Motion #082417-02; Funding from the Burial Fund Assistance” in the amount of Motion made by Councilor Law and Health Director Jody Werner, Elder’s override Executive veto) United States Department of the Interi- $90,000.00 and request the Executive to supported by Councilor Proctor to ac- Coordinator Arlene Naganashe, Mas- Constitutionally Mandated Qualifi ca- or Bureau of Indian Aff airs P.L. 93-638 reconsider amending the Tribal Resolu- cept Secretary Shananaquet’s verbal and ters Level Counselor Melissa Merchant, tions of Tribal chair, Vice-Chair and TC Annual Funding Agreement 2018 Con- tion to request funding in the amount of written travel report for attendance at the Elder’s Administrative Assistant Andrea Members Statute solidated Tribal Government Programs $45,000.00 for the remainder of FY2017 2017 Great Lakes Native American Con- Gasco, Housing Administrative Assistant 063017 VETOED Annual Contract. and include the correct fund balance to ference, held in Prior Lake, MN, August Yarrow Young Resolution 060817-01 Banning the Vote: 3-yes, 0-no, 0-abstain, 0-absent be used. 9-11, 2017. Judicial Offi cials and Staff : none Use of Neonicotinoids and Glyphosate Vote: 3-yes, 0-no, 0-abstain, 0-absent Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Public: none on Tribal Lands Motion carried. Absent (Councilor Naganashe) Invited Guest: Renee Dillard 063017 VETOED Tribal Council Phone Poll: Motion carried. 9:13 a.m. Councilor Harrington ar- Resolution 062217-02 Ad-hoc Land 08-16-17 Motion to recommend to Councilor Proctor – Future Confer- rives Management Offi ce Committee Meeting Dates Tribal Council to authorize Secretary ence/Meetings Dates FYI Agenda: 072117 VETOED Shananaquet and Treasurer Reyes to Legislative Staff Reports: Motion made by Secretary Shanan- Housing Department and Housing November 7 Work Session sign the Merrill Lynch check request to Tribal Historic Preservation Offi cer – aquet and supported by Councilor Law Commission Statute transfer funds from the Little Traverse No Report to adopt the agenda of August 24, 2017, 081417 VETOED November 9 Council Meeting Bay Bands of Odawa Indians invest- Legislative Services Attorney Report as amended. Phone Polls: None November 28 Work Session ment account for the Great American - Written Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Discussion: November 30 Council Meeting Fidelity / Crime Insurance Policy Re- Motion made by Treasurer Reyes and Absent (Councilor Naganashe) I attended the Emergency Response newal for Tribal Council in the amount supported by Councilor Law to acknowl- Motion carried. Team meeting on August 16, 2017. December 12 Work Session of $13,152.00 and made payable to bro- edge receipt of Legislative Services Attor- Minutes: Attendees: Elder’s Director-Arlene December 14 Council Meeting ker representative Cottingham and But- ney Budnick written report for August Motion made by Councilor Law and Naganashe, Human Resources Direc- ler, PO Box 449 Dubuque IA 52004-0449, 24, 2017. supported by Treasurer Reyes to approve tor-Denise Petoskey, TC Secretary-Julie All Tribal Council meetings and submit same to Merrill Lynch. Vote: Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– the Regular Meeting minutes of August Shananaquet 3-yes; 0-no; 0-abstained; 0-absent Mo- Absent (Councilor Naganashe) 10, 2017, as presented. Th e following items were discussed: and work sessions are held in tion carries. Motion carried. Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Several scenarios of accidents and the Tribal Council Chambers 08-21-17 Motion to recommend to Enjinaaknegeng – No report Absent (Councilor Naganashe) emergencies have been discussed in the located at Tribal Council to approve payment to Legislative Offi ce Manager Report Motion carried. fi rst two meetings and there is a need to 7500 Odawa Circle, K & J Septic, in the amount of $160, for Motion made by Treasurer Reyes and 9:30 a.m. Introduction of new Tribal start developing policies and procedures. Harbor Springs, MI. services at the LTBB Wilderness Proper- supported by Councilor Proctor to ac- Government Employees Note the following items that need inclu- ty on September 1, 2017, to come from cept Legislative Offi ce Manager, Michele Melissa Merchant – Masters Level Be- sion in policies include: Assist when per- Special Event line item 5351. Vote: 3-yes; Portman-LaCount’s written and verbal havioral Health Councilor son is choking, defi ne what is “medical Legislative 0-no; 0-abstained; 0-absent Motion car- report as presented on August 24, 2017. Andrea Gasco – Elder’s Administra- emergency” vs. “fi rst aid”. Shuttle drivers Tribal Council Members ries. Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– tive Assistant need to carry phone with medical alert Frederick Harrington, Jr., 08/23/17 Phone poll conducted to Absent (Councilor Naganashe) Yarrow Young – Housing Administra- system including locator, procedures to Legislative Leader recommend Tribal Council approval of Motion carried. tive Assistant be used for “out of town” emergencies. Resolution Supplemental funding for Public Comment Executive Report: Polices needed: Tamara Kiogima, Secretary Burial Fund Assistance in the amount 3:08 p.m. Opens Discussion: Vice-Chairperson Kay Medical emergency (including defi n- Marcella Reyes, Treasurer of $90,000 to come from General Fund, Councilor Law thanked Tribal Coun- reported on the following: Citizen re- ing what constitutes a 911) Julie will put Julie Shananaquet, Councilor Fund Balance – Supplemental Funding. cil members for all the work they did to- quested that Council look into manufac- together a draft for review and input. Dexter McNamara, Councilor Vote: 3-yes, 0-No, 0-Abstained, 0-Ab- gether and says it was a pleasure to serve turing of Hemp. Revamping Pow-wow Crowd control – Will this be a part of Frank Bernard, Councilor sent 3:09 p.m. Closes grounds w/additional parking, attended the Emergency responder responsibili- David Harrington, Councilor Next Meeting: September 19, 2017 at Offi ce of Finance and Revenue Report the Tribal Leader Conference in Wash- ties. 1:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers Motion made by Secretary Shanan- ington, DC, wage study/job description Emergency Responders – Certifi ca- Emily Proctor, Councilor Motion made by Councilor Law and aquet and supported by Councilor Law revamp. tions and current list to include recerti- Shanna Wemigwase, Councilor supported by Secretary Shananaquet to to accept Sr. Financial Analyst Rachel Direct Services Administrator: Ques- fi cation requirements accept Treasurer Reyes’ verbal and writ- Cope’s verbal and written report as pre- tions status of snowmobile trail, health Dr. Terry Samuels is needed to answer Motion carried. ten agenda report as presented on August sented on August 24, 2017. park pharmacy progressing nicely, Good some questions regarding protocols re- -Motion made by and supported by 24, 2017. Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– CARF accreditation marks, Mackinaw garding administering fi rst aid and what Committee Member Law and supported Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Absent (Councilor Naganashe) City contacted Tribe to do artwork, requires a 911. - Denise by Committee Secretary Shananaquet to Absent (Councilor Naganashe) Motion carried. CTAS grant – gathering information Denise will contact Chief Jeff Cobe recommend Tribal Council approval of: Motion carried 3:10 p.m. Break for statistical data and require a Tribal to see if Community Service Offi cer Ray Certifi ed Motion #082417-03; Funding Tribal Council Committee Reports: 3:28 p.m. Resume Council member to participate (Emily), Fernholz will drop in for attendance at from the United States Department of Land and Reservation Committee Corporate Charters and/or Board Up- Enrollment new swipe cards available Elder picnics and social events. the Interior Bureau of Indian Aff airs P.L. Discussion: dates – No reports and system at Biindigen is operational, Th is Committee believes that First 93-638 Annual Funding Agreement 2018 Last meeting: August 18, 2017 Odawa Economic Development Man- Summer camps are coming to a close- Aid Training should be required as well Law Enforcement Annual Contract. Next meeting: September 8, 2017 at agement, Inc. Good job and much thanks to youth and as the CPR training? Direct Services Vote: 3-yes, 0-no, 0-abstain, 0-absent 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers Traditional Tribal Burial Board, Inc. volunteers. Administrator Phil Harmon is needed to Motion carried. Motion made by Secretary Shanan- Ziibimijwang, Inc. Council questions: present any policies he currently has on -Motion made by and supported by aquet and supported by Councilor Law Gaming Enterprise Board Councilor McNamara-When will record and what additional wording he Committee Member Law and supported to accept the August 24, 2017 Land and Action Items: (Motions) nomination come forward for Liquor would like to see covered in a policy. by Committee Secretary Shananaquet to Reservation Committee Report as Vote: Motion made by Councilor Law and Control Board? Arlene – was approached by Elder recommend Tribal Council approval of: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Absent supported by Legislative Leader Otto Legislative Leader Otto-question’s who attends luncheon, who stated that Certifi ed Motion #082417-04; Funding (Councilor Naganashe) Motion carried to approve travel for up to three Tribal the term Tribal Administration: who he is a fi rst responder and would like to from the United States Department of presented by Committee Chairperson Council to attend the Northwest Devel- and what does that refer to, should be volunteer to assist if a medical emergen- Agriculture (USDA), Food and Nutrition Marcella Reyes. opment Conference in Tulalip Washing- referred to as Executive Administration. cy arises at luncheon. Arlene questioned Services FY 2018 Food Distribution Pro- Public Comment ton September 4-8, 2017. Motion made by Councilor Law and whether or not a non-employee could be gram on Indian Reservations (FDPIR). 11:46 a.m. Public Comment opens – Vote: 0- Yes, 8 – No (Legislative Lead- supported by Secretary Shananaquet to included as a volunteer of the medical Vote: 3-yes, 0-no, 0-abstain, 0-absent no comments er Aaron Otto, Treasurer Marcella Reyes, acknowledge the August 24, 2017 verbal assist team. Questions raised regarding Motion carried. 11:47 a.m. Public Comment closes Secretary Julie Shananaquet Councilor Executive updates and written Executive liability. -Motion made by and supported by Ethics Committee: FYI Frank Bernard, Councilor Beatrice Law, Report as presented by Vice-Chairper- Denise will make contact with Dr. Committee Member Law and supported Discussion: No response from Exec- Councilor Dexter McNamara, Councilor son Stella Kay and Direct Services Ad- Samuels to see when he is available for by Committee Secretary Shananaquet to utive regarding Ethics Committee Reso- Emily Proctor), 0 - Abstained, 1– Absent ministrator Phil Harmon. meeting. recommend Tribal Council approval of: lution. (Councilor Naganashe) Motion fails. Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Next meeting Date: To be determined Certifi ed Motion #082417-05; Request Last meeting: July 19, 2017 Motion made by Councilor Law and Absent (Councilor Naganashe) at a later date. for Funding from the U.S. Department Next Tentative Meeting Date: Sep- supported by Secretary Shananaquet to Motion carried. Working on wording to amend Bud- of Education, Native American Career tember 12, 2017. authorize Legislative Leader Otto and 10:25 a.m. Break get Formulation Statute and Policies. and Technical Education Program Wa- Motion made by Councilor Mc- Treasurer Reyes to sign the Merrill Lynch 10:40 a.m. Resume Motion made by Treasurer Reyes and ganakising Odawa Career and Tech- Namara and supported by Secretary Sha- check request form to transfer funds Legislative Offi cer Reports: supported by Councilor Law to accept nical Education Project (WOCTEP) nanaquet to accept the August 24, 2017 from the LTBB investment account for Legislative Leader Report Secretary Shananaquet’s verbal and writ- 12-Month Continuation (FY 2018). Ethics Committee Report as presented by the Great American Fidelity / Crime Discussion: Handbook needs to be ten report as presented on August 24, Vote: 3-yes, 0-no, 0-abstain, 0-absent Committee Chairperson Law. Insurance Policy Renewal for Tribal reviewed – suggest that new Council 2017. Motion carried. Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Council in the amount of $13,152.00 and approve, limited time at next Council Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– -Motion made by and supported by Absent (Councilor Naganashe) “Minutes” continued on page 23. November 2017 Odawa Trails 23 “Minutes” continued from page 22. Funding from the Michigan Department chel Cope, Citizens Legal Assistance At- jwang on September 25, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. Councilor Emily Proctor made payable to broker representative, of Environmental Quality Stormwater, torney Cheri Dominic Vote: 9 - Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, Absent: Councilor Frank Bernard, Cottingham and Butler, P.O. Box 449, Asset Management Plan and Wastewater Executive Offi cials and Staff Pres- 0 – Absent Motion carried. Councilor David Harrington Dubuque, IA 52004-0449, and submit Program Little Traverse Bay Bands En- ent: Chairperson Regina Gasco Bentley, Motion made by Councilor Legislative Offi ce Staff Present: same to Merrill Lynch. vironmental Services Non-Point Source Vice-Chairperson Stella Kay, Direct Ser- Wemigwase and supported by Secretary Legislative Services Attorney Donna Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Management Plan. vices Administrator Phil Harmon, Plan- Kiogima to acknowledge receipt of Ex- Budnick, Absent (Councilor Naganashe) Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– ning Director Annie Doyle, GIS Director ecutive nomination of Julie Janiskee for Legislative Offi ce Manager Michele Motion carried. Absent (Councilor Naganashe) Alan Proctor, Law Enforcement Chief the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Portman-LaCount, General Counsel Motion made by Treasurer Reyes and Motion carried. Cobe, Direct Services Administrator Phil Indians Liquor and Tobacco Licensing James Bransky, Sr. Financial Analyst Ra- supported by Councilor Harrington to Motion made by Treasurer Reyes and Harmon Board, and set up an interview. chel Cope, Citizens Legal Assistance At- approve payment to K & J Septic, in the supported by Councilor Proctor to pass Judicial Offi cials and Staff : none Vote: 9 - Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, torney Cherie Dominic amount of $160.00 for services at the Response to a Tribal Citizen’s Inquiry Corporate Charters: Ziibimijwang 0 – Absent Motion carried. Executive Offi cials and Staff Pres- LTBB Wilderness Property on Septem- Policy: Email or Written Correspon- Chairperson Joe VanAlstine Motion made by Councilor Proctor ent: Vice-Chairperson Stella Kay, Plan- ber 1, 2017, to come from Tribal Council dence sponsored by Councilor Proctor. Public: Carol Quinones, Bea Law, and supported by Councilor McNamara ning Director Annie Doyle Law Enforce- General Fund Budget. Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Alice Hughes, Sarah Proctor, Aaron to acknowledge receipt of Executive ment Chief Jeff Cobe Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Absent (Councilor Naganashe) Wemigwase, Cheryl Kishigo Lesky, An- nomination of Phillip Harmon for the Judicial Offi cials and Staff : Cynthia Absent (Councilor Naganashe) Motion carried. drew Stich Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa In- Brouckaert Motion carried. Motion made by Secretary Shanan- Invited Guest: Citizen Renee Dillard, dians Liquor and Tobacco Licensing Public: Carol Quinones, Charles Motion made by Treasurer Reyes and aquet and supported by Councilor Law Hogen Adams: Andrew Adams III, Jessi- Board, and set up an interview. Shananaquet, Alice Hughes, Carol Mc- supported by Secretary Shananaquet to to approve Enrollment List A-Eligible for ca Intermill, William Szotkowski, East- Vote: 9 - Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, Fall, Mark Shall, Jane Martell, Ken Mar- approve Certifi ed Motion #082417-01; Citizenship dated August 22, 2017 for a ern Kentucky University John Bowes 0 – Absent Motion carried. tell, Jim Naganashe, Merle Carson, Funding Renewal from the U.S. Depart- total of 3. Agenda: Motion made by Treasurer Reyes and Invited Guest: Odawa Casino Re- ment of Health and Human Services In- Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Motion made by Treasurer Reyes and supported by Councilor Proctor to ac- sort General Manager Eric McLester dian Health Service Little Traverse Bay Absent (Councilor Naganashe) supported by Councilor David Har- knowledge receipt of the letter of interest Agenda: Bands of Odawa Indians FY 2018 Annual Motion carried. rington to approve the agenda of Sep- from Mary Kilmer for the Gaming Enter- Motion made by Councilor Law Funding Agreement. Motion made by Treasurer Reyes and tember 14, 2017 aft ernoon session as prise Board, and to set up an interview. and supported by Treasurer Reyes to ap- Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– supported by Councilor Law to approve presented. Vote: 6 - Yes, 2 – No (Councilor prove the agenda of September 14, 2017 Absent (Councilor Naganashe) Enrollment List B-Ineligible for Citizen- Vote: 9 - Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, Wemigwase, Councilor Shananaquet), Morning Session as presented. Motion carried. ship dated August 22, 2017 for a total of 0 – Absent Motion carried. 1 – Abstained (Councilor Harrington), Vote: 7 - Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, Motion made by Treasurer Reyes and 1. Anishinaabemowin with Wasson 0 – Absent Motion carried. 2 – Absent (Councilor Bernard, Council- supported by Secretary Shananaquet to Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Election of Tribal Council Offi cers Motion made by Treasurer Reyes and or Harrington) Motion carried. approve Certifi ed Motion #082417-02; Absent (Councilor Naganashe) Legislative Leader supported by Councilor Harrington to Minutes: Funding from the United States Depart- Motion carried. Secretary Shananaquet nominates approve Land Tour as recommended by Motion made by Councilor Law ment of the Interior Bureau of Indian Motion made by Councilor Law and Councilor Fred Harrington for the posi- Land and Reservation Committee for and supported by Councilor Proctor to Aff airs P.L. 93-638 Annual Funding supported by Treasurer Reyes to with- tion of Tribal Council Legislative Leader October 6, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. approve the Regular Meeting minutes of Agreement 2018 Consolidated Tribal draw recommended motion of AFC re- with support by Councilor Wemigwase. Vote: 9 - Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, August 24, 2017, as corrected. Government Programs Annual Contract. garding Tribal Resolution “Supplemental Councilor Fred Harrington accepts 0 – Absent Motion carried. Vote: 7 - Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Funding for Burial Fund Assistance” in the nomination. Motion made by Treasurer Reyes and 2 – Absent (Councilor Bernard, Council- Absent (Councilor Naganashe) the amount of $90,000.00, to come from Councilor David Harrington nomi- supported by Councilor Wemigwase to or Harrington) Motion carried. Motion carried. prior period funds and request the Exec- nates Councilor Proctor for the position approve Enrollment for Citizenship List Executive Report: Motion made by Councilor Law and utive to reconsider amending the Tribal of Tribal Council Legislative Leader with C Relinquishment dated September 14, Discussion: Interview for Direc- supported by Treasurer Reyes to approve Resolution to request funding in the support by Treasurer Reyes. 2017 for a total of 1. tor of Human Services in process, Phil Certifi ed Motion #082417-03; Funding amount of $45,000.00 for the remainder Councilor Proctor accepts the nomi- Vote: 8 - Yes, 1 – No (Legislative Lead- Harmon in Washington, Meeting held from the United States Department of of FY2017 and include the correct fund nation. er Harrington), 0 - Abstained, 0 – Absent with Mackinaw City representatives, the Interior Bureau of Indian Aff airs P.L. balance to be used. Legislative Leader Vote: Motion carried. Chippewa Ottawa Resource Authority 93-638 Annual Funding Agreement 2018 Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Councilor Fred Harrington – 7 votes Other Items of Business: issues – close to “limit” in fi shing areas Law Enforcement Annual Contract. Absent (Councilor Naganashe) Councilor Emily Proctor – 2 votes 3:00 p.m. Public Comment opened: MM 123, - negotiations in process, pos- Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Motion carried. Councilor Fred Harrington wins the Tribal Citizen Bea Law off ers con- sibility that fi shing will be halted. Tradi- Absent (Councilor Naganashe) Action Items – (Roll Call Votes) seat for Legislative Leader. gratulations to the Tribal Council, it is tional pow-wow experienced food issues Motion carried. Motion made by Treasurer Reyes and Tribal Secretary our duty to represent our Citizens and due to faulty oven. Vice-Chair will be on Motion made by Councilor Law and supported by Councilor Law to adopt Councilor Wemigwase nominates expressed disappointment that no one the road. supported by Treasurer Reyes to approve Tribal Resolution: To Authorize Funding Councilor Kiogima for the position of wanted to be on the Ethics Committee. Motion made by Councilor Law Certifi ed Motion #082417-04; Funding in the Amount of $475,000 for Purchase Tribal Council Secretary. Tribal Citizen Andrew Stich would and supported by Secretary Shananaquet from the United States Department of of Parcel #106 to come from Reserved Councilor Kiogima accepts nomina- like to see a weekend meeting at least to acknowledge the September 14, 2017 Agriculture (USDA), Food and Nutrition General Fund Balance-Supplemental tion. once a month for Tribal Citizens who verbal Executive updates as presented by Services FY 2018 Food Distribution Pro- Funding. Councilor David Harrington nomi- can’t make it during the week. Vice-Chairperson Stella Kay. gram on Indian Reservations (FDPIR). Roll Call: Councilor Bernard–yes, nates Secretary Shananaquet for the po- Tribal Citizen Aaron Otto off ers con- Vote: 7 - Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Councilor Harrington–yes, Councilor sition of Tribal Council Secretary with gratulations and opens himself for ques- 2 – Absent (Councilor Bernard, Council- Absent (Councilor Naganashe) Law-yes, Councilor McNamara–yes, support by Treasurer Reyes. tions and helping out Tribal Council who or Harrington) Motion carried. Motion carried. Councilor Naganashe–absent, Councilor Secretary Shananaquet accepts the seek his advice. Legislative Offi cer Reports: Motion made by Secretary Shanan- Proctor–yes, Legislative Leader Otto– nomination. Legislative Leader Harrington off ers Legislative Leader Report - FYI aquet and supported by Councilor yes, Secretary Shananaquet–yes, Trea- Tribal Secretary Vote: C o u n - Councilor Bernard an Eagle Feather to Discussion: Gave thanks for op- Proctor to approve Certifi ed Motion surer Reyes–yes. Motion carried. cilor Kiogima – 7 votes honor his work for the past years he has portunity to work with Council mem- #082417-05; Request for Funding from Motion made by Councilor Law and Secretary Shananaquet – 2 votes served on Tribal Council. bers. the U.S. Department of Education, Na- supported by Secretary Shananaquet to Councilor Kiogima wins the seat for Councilor Bernard thinks that this has Secretary Report tive American Career and Technical Ed- adopt Tribal Resolution Supplemental Tribal Secretary. been a good meeting and says good job! Documents Delivered to Executive: ucation Program Waganakising Odawa funding for Burial Fund Assistance in the Tribal Treasurer 3:09 p.m. Public Comment closed. None Career and Technical Education Project amount of $90,000 to come from Gener- Councilor Proctor nominates Trea- 3:09 p.m. Break Vetoes: (a vote of Tribal Council (WOCTEP) 12-Month Continuation al Fund, Fund Balance – Supplemental surer Reyes for the position of Tribal 3:31 p.m. Return to override a veto shall occur within 90- (FY 2018). Funding. Council Treasurer. 3:32 p.m. Hogen Adams Presentation days of the veto) Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Roll Call: Councilor Bernard–yes, Treasurer Reyes accepts the nomina- 3:33 p.m. Motion made by Secretary 063017 VETOED Constitutionally Absent (Councilor Naganashe) Councilor Harrington–yes, Councilor tion. Kiogima and supported by Treasurer Mandated Qualifi cations of Tribal chair, Motion carried. Law-yes, Councilor McNamara–yes, Secretary Kiogima nominates Coun- Reyes to go into closed session for legal. Vice-Chair and TC Members Statute Motion made by Secretary Shanan- Councilor Naganashe–absent, Councilor cilor Wemigwase for the position of Trib- Vote: 8 - Yes, 1 – No (Legislative Lead- 063017 VETOED 060817-01 Res- aquet and supported by Councilor Law Proctor–yes, Legislative Leader Otto– al Council Treasurer. er Harrington), 0 - Abstained, 0 – Absent olution Banning the Use of Neonicoti- to approve Certifi ed Motion #082417-06; yes, Secretary Shananaquet–yes, Trea- Councilor Wemigwase accepts nom- Motion carried. noids and Glyphosate on Tribal Lands Request for Funding from U.S. Environ- surer Reyes–yes. Motion carried. ination. 4:59 p.m. Break 072117 VETOED Resolution mental Protection Agency, Section 319 Adjournment: Vote: Treasurer Reyes – 5 votes 5:13 p.m. Return 062217-02 Ad-hoc Land Management of the Clean Water Act, FY 2018 Tribal 4:06 p.m. Motion made by Councilor Councilor Wemigwase – 4 votes 5:21 p.m. Councilor Harrington left Offi ce Committee Non-point Source Pollution Program. Harrington and supported by Treasurer Treasurer Reyes wins the seat for Trib- the meeting. 081417 VETOED Housing Depart- Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Reyes to adjourn. al Treasurer. 5:38 p.m. Motion made by Councilor ment and Housing Commission Statute Absent (Councilor Naganashe) Vote: 7- Yes, 1 – No (Legislative Discussion on Tribal Council Com- Shananaquet and supported by Secretary Phone Polls: Motion carried. Leader Otto), 0 - Abstained, 1– Absent mittees and Tribal Council Meeting Treasurer Reyes to return to open ses- 08/31/17 Motion to adopt Tribal Motion made by Secretary Shanan- (Councilor Naganashe) Dates. sion. Resolution Budget Modifi cation for Tra- aquet and supported by Councilor Motion carried. Tribal Council Committee Assign- Vote: 8 - Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1 – ditional Pow wow. Proctor to approve Certifi ed Motion Next Tribal Council Meeting ments: Absent (Councilor Harrington) 09/01/17 Motion to approve Reh- #082417-07; Request for Funding from Regular: September 14, 2017 Motion made by Councilor Bernard Motion carried. mann as the Auditor for the Tribal Gov- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Fisheries Th ese Minutes have been read and are and supported by Councilor McNamara Adjournment: ernment for the annual audits for FY Program Native American Programs approved as corrected to appoint Councilor Proctor, Councilor 5:40 p.m. Motion made by Councilor 2017, 2018 and 2019, and to authorize and Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Julie Shananaquet, Tribal Council David Harrington, and Treasurer Reyes Shananaquet and supported by Secretary and approve the Tribal Council Treasur- Program Tribal Wildlife Grants Program Secretary Date to the Land and Reservation Committee. Kiogima to adjourn the September 14, er to sign all engagement agreements to FY 2018. Vote: 9 - Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 2017 Aft ernoon Session. retain Rehmann with funding to come Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Th e Little Traverse Bay Bands 0 – Absent Motion carried. Vote: 8 - Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1 – from the Accounting budget. Absent (Councilor Naganashe) of Odawa Indians Motion made by Councilor Har- Absent (Councilor Harrington) 09/12/17 Motion to approve Solar Motion carried. 7500 Odawa Circle, rington and supported by Councilor Motion carried. Panel Site plan as attached and recom- Motion made by Secretary Shanan- Harbor Springs, MI 49740 Shananaquet to appoint Councilor Mc- Next Scheduled Meeting mended by the Land and Reservation aquet and supported by Councilor Tribal Council Chambers Namara and Councilor Wemigwase to September 28, 2017 Committee Proctor to approve Certifi ed Motion Tribal Council Regular Meeting the Appropriations and Finance Com- Th ese Minutes have been read and are Vote: 8-yes, 0-no, 0-abstained, #082417-08; Contract Request to the September 14, 2017 mittee. approved as written.Secretary Tamara 1-absent United States Department of the Interior, Aft ernoon Session Vote: 9 - Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, Kiogima Date Motion made by Treasurer Reyes Bureau of Indian Aff airs, Circle of Flight 0 – Absent Motion carried. and supported by Councilor Law to ac- Project FY 2017 Contract Proposal. Call to Order: 1:35 p.m. Note: Statutorily the Tribal Treasurer Th e Little Traverse Bay Bands cept Secretary Shananaquet’s verbal re- Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Closed Session: Yes automatically serves as Committee Chair of Odawa Indians port as presented on September 14, 2017. Absent (Councilor Naganashe) Council Present: Secretary Julie Sha- of the Appropriations and Finance Com- 7500 Odawa Circle, Vote: 7 - Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, Motion carried. nanaquet, Treasurer Marcella Reyes, mittee. Harbor Springs, MI 49740 2 – Absent (Councilor Bernard, Council- Motion made by Treasurer Reyes and Councilor Frank Bernard, Councilor Motion made by Councilor Har- Tribal Council Chambers or Harrington) Motion carried. supported by Councilor Law to approve David Harrington, Councilor Fred Har- rington and supported Councilor Tribal Council Regular Meeting Treasurer Report Certifi ed Motion #082417-09; Request rington, Councilor Tamara Kiogima, Wemigwase to table appointments to the September 14, 2017 Appropriations and Finance Com- for Funds from the Bureau of Indian Councilor Dexter McNamara, Coun- Ethics Committee. mittee Aff airs Conservation Law Enforcement cilor Emily Proctor, Councilor Shanna Vote: 7 - Yes, 2 – No (Councilor Call to Order: 9:07 a.m. Last meeting: September 13, 2017 Offi cer Funds. Wemigwase McNamara, Councilor Proctor), 0 - Ab- Opening ceremony: Beatrice Law Special Meeting Vote: 8- Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1– Absent: none stained, 0– Absent Motion carried. Closed Session: No (Recommendations) Absent (Councilor Naganashe) Legislative Offi ce Staff Present: Legis- Action Items: (Motions) Council Present: Legislative Leader Motion made by Committee Mem- Motion carried. lative Services Attorney Donna Budnick, Motion made by Councilor Aaron Otto, Secretary Julie Shananaquet ber Law and supported by Committee Motion made by Treasurer Reyes and Legislative Offi ce Manager Michele Wemigwase and supported by Treasur- Treasurer Marcella Reyes, Councilor Secretary Shananaquet to recommend supported by Councilor McNamara to Portman-LaCount, General Counsel er Reyes to acknowledge the invitation Beatrice Law, Councilor Dexter Mc- Tribal Council approval of Tribal Res- approve Certifi ed Motion #082417-10; James Bransky, Sr. Financial Analyst Ra- Tribal Council received to tour Ziibimi- Namara, Councilor Michael Naganashe, “Minutes” continued on page 24. 24 Odawa Trails November 2017 “Minutes” continued from page 23. Motion made by Councilor Ber- gust 9-11) 2 – Absent (Councilor Bernard, Council- Motion made by Treasurer Reyes olution: Re-Appropriate to Odawa Ca- nard Councilor and supported by Har- Motion made by Councilor Law or Harrington) Motion carried. and supported by Councilor Law to ap- sino Resort the Amount of $820,000 to rington to recommend to Tribal Council and supported by Councilor Proctor to Motion made by Councilor Law prove the Odawa Casino Resort’s Little come from the Restricted General Fund to submit a letter to Executive regarding accept Councilor Naganashe’s verbal and and supported by Councilor Proctor to Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians Balance Funds- Economic Development the Building Code Regulations. written travel report for attendance at approve Certifi ed Motion: Request for Five-year Strategic Economic Develop- Reserve and allow for OCR to retain Re- Vote: 3-yes; 0-no; 0-abstain; 0–ab- the 2017 Great Lakes Native American Trust Acquisition of Vacant Land (V/L) ment Plan as presented by the Odawa serve Profi ts to implement the updated sent No Comments Motion Carries Conference held in Prior Lake, MN on Cemetery Rd, Petoskey Parcel in Emmet Casino Resort on August 10, 2017, with Five Year Strategic Plan. Next Meeting: October 6, 2017 9:00 August 9-11, 2017. County, Michigan as recommended by supplemental information dated Septem- Vote: 3-yes, 0-no, 0-abstain, 0-ab- a.m. in Tribal Council Chambers with Vote: 7 - Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, the Land and Reservation Committee. ber 13, 2017. sent Motion carried Land tour at 10:00 a.m. 2 – Absent (Councilor Bernard, Council- Vote: 7 - Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, Vote: 6 - Yes, 1 – No (Secretary Next Meeting: September 19, 2017 Motion made by Councilor Mc- or Harrington) Motion carried. 2 – Absent (Councilor Bernard, Council- Shananaquet), 1 – Abstained (Councilor 1:00 p.m. Tribal Council Chambers Namara and supported by Councilor Action Items: (Motions) or Harrington) Motion carried. Harrington), 1 – Absent (Councilor Ber- Motion made by Secretary Shanan- Naganashe to accept the September 14, Motion made by Councilor Law 9:45 a.m. Councilor Harrington nard) Motion carried. aquet and supported by Councilor Proc- 2017 Land and Reservation Commit- and supported by Treasurer Reyes to arrives Action Items – (Roll Call Votes) tor to accept Treasurer Reyes’ verbal re- tee Report as presented by Committee acknowledge receipt of Tamara Kiogi- Motion made by Councilor Mc- Motion made by Councilor Law port as presented on September 14, 2017. Chairperson Marcella Reyes. ma’s September 1, 2017 resignation from Namara and supported by Secretary Sha- and supported by Councilor McNamara Vote: 7 - Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, Vote: 7 - Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, Odawa Economic Development Man- nanaquet to send the Confi dential letter to pass the Constitutionally Mandated 2 – Absent (Councilor Bernard, Council- 2 – Absent (Councilor Bernard, Council- agement, Inc. dated September 14, 2017 regarding case Qualifi cations of Tribal Chair, Vice- or Harrington) Motion carried. or Harrington) Motion carried. Vote: 7 - Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, #061317-01 and 02 to the Complainant Chair and Tribal Council Members Stat- Tribal Council Committee Re- Ethics Committee: 2 – Absent (Councilor Bernard, Council- and authorize Legislative Leader Otto ute. ports: Last Meeting: September 12, 2017 or Harrington) Motion carried. and Ethics Committee Chairperson to Roll Call: Councilor Bernard–ab- Land and Reservation Committee Phone Poll: 09/13/17 Motion to Motion made by Councilor Mc- sign the letter, as recommended by the sent, Councilor Harrington–no, Coun- Last meeting: September 8, 2017 recommend Tribal Council send confi - Namara and supported by Councilor Ethics Committee. cilor Law-yes, Councilor McNamara– (R ecommendations as follows) dential letter dated September14, 2017 Law to approve Treasurer Reyes to attend Vote: 8 - Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, yes, Councilor Naganashe–no, Councilor Motion made by Councilor Har- regarding case #061317-01 and 02 to the Native American Finance Offi cer Associ- 1 – Absent (Councilor Bernard,) Proctor–no, Legislative Leader Otto–yes, rington supported by Councilor Bernard Complainant. Vote: 3-yes ation Fall Conference to be held October Motion carried. Secretary Shananaquet–no, Treasurer to recommend to Tribal Council approve Next Meeting: To be determined 2-3, 2017 in Tulsa Ok. Motion made by Councilor Law Reyes–yes. Motion fails Solar Panel Site plan. Motion made by Secretary Shanan- Vote: 7 - Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, and supported by Councilor Naganashe Motion made by Treasurer Reyes Vote: 3-yes; 0-no; 0-abstain; 0–ab- aquet and supported by Treasurer Reyes 2 – Absent (Councilor Bernard, Council- to authorize the Executive and Odawa and supported by Councilor Law to sent No Comments Motion Carries to accept the September 14, 2017 verbal or Harrington) Motion carried. Casino general manager, and their des- adopt Tribal Resolution: To Re-Ap- Motion Councilor Harrington report as presented by Councilor Law, Motion made by Treasurer Reyes ignees, to submit Letter to the Village of propriate to Odawa Casino Resort the supported Councilor Bernard to recom- Committee Chairperson. and supported by Councilor McNamara Mackinaw City to operate Class III gam- Amount of $820,000 to come from the mend to Tribal Council to recommend to Vote: 7 - Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, to authorize Legislative Leader Aaron ing at Odawa Casino Mackinaw under Restricted General Fund Balance Funds- Tribal Council to approve Certifi ed Mo- 2 – Absent (Councilor Bernard, Council- Otto to submit a letter to Executive re- Section 2(F) of the Compact. Economic Development Reserve and tion to request Trust application for land or Harrington) Motion carried. garding the Building Code Regulations Vote: 6 - Yes, 1 – No (Secretary allow for Odawa Casino Resort to retain parcel 106 Cemetery Rd Parcel. Tribal Council Member Reports as recommended by the Land and Reser- Shananaquet), 1 – Abstained (Councilor Reserve Profi ts to implement the updat- Vote: 3-yes; 0-no; 0-abstain; 0–ab- Councilor Naganashe –2017 Great vation Committee. Harrington), 1 – Absent (Councilor Ber- ed Five Year Strategic Plan, Phase II. sent No Comments Motion Carries Lakes Native American Conference. (Au- Vote: 7 - Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, nard) Motion carried. Roll Call: Councilor Bernard–ab- sent, Councilor Harrington–abstain, Councilor Law-yes, Councilor Mc- Namara–yes, Councilor Naganashe–yes, Councilor Proctor–yes, Legislative Lead- er Otto–yes, Secretary Shananaquet–no, Treasurer Reyes–yes. Motion carried 10:08 a.m. Break 10:43 a.m. Resume 10:45 a.m. Public Comment Opens: Citizen/Councilor Shananaquet farewell comments Citizen/Councilor Proctor farewell comments Citizen/Chairperson Gasco Bent- ley thanked the outgoing Council and wished them the best on wherever their path takes them. 10:47 a.m. Public Comment closed Adjournment: 10:48 a.m. Motion made by Coun- cilor Law and supported by Legislative Leader Otto to adjourn the September 14, 2017 Morning Session. Vote: 8 - Yes, 0 - No, 0 - Abstained, 1 – Absent (Councilor Bernard) Motion carried. Special Tribute to outgoing Tribal Councilors, Aaron Otto, Beatrice Law and Michael Naganashe Oath of Offi ce: Tribal Chairperson - Regina Gasco Bentley Vice-Chairperson - Stella Kay Tribal Council: Fred Harrington, Jr. Tamara Kiogima Shanna Wemigwase Marcella Reyes Julia Shananaquet 12:00 p.m. Lunch Th ese Minutes have been read and are approved as corrected/written. Secretary Tamara Kiogima Sep- tember 28, 2017 November 2017 Odawa Trails 25 “Urban Myths” continued from page 1. depicted by two wolves; one rep- resents good and one represents bad. It depends on the individu- al to fi nd a balance between the two in order to fi nd spiritual har- mony. If there is not balance, one or the other manifests itself. Shiloh, a domestic wolf owned by Silverfox Lopez of Sugar Island, plays a featured role in the movie. Shiloh was born in Montmorency Coun- ty, MI, in June 2011. Silverfox, known for his fl ute playing, con- tributes background music. “Urban Myths” was pri- marily shot in the Gladwin and Standish, MI, area with takes in and the battle between good and evil and the Upper Peninsula. Urban Myths Facebook page. right and wrong that exists in To watch the trailer and for Photos courtesy of Curtis each of us. Th is universal battle is more information, visit www. Drogmiller. Courtesy graphic. “Miss North Carolina” continued from page 1. year as Miss North Carolina USA. I am excited to compete at the Miss USA competition this summer and spread my message to a broader audience.” Her family includes her grandmother, Ma- rie “Tootsie” (Keshick) Miller, an LTBB Tribal Citizen, her mother, Jai-leah Miller-Kamenicky, an LTBB Tribal Citizen, her stepfather, John Kamenicky, and siblings, Arianna Miller-Keyes, Josh Kamenicky, Haydn Kamenicky and Isabella Kamenicky. Courtesy photos.

“Cleanup” continued from page 1. over the fi rst two weeks in August. Using equipment future open dumps. like backhoes, excavators, skidsters, dump trucks and Before leaving, the previous Environmental Re- chainsaws, Tri County did a great job cleaning up the sponse Specialist Kevin Hurrell spent many hours largest portions of the dumps. Safety and environ- in the fi eld fi nding, surveying and mapping out the mental protection were their top priorities. locations of the open dumps. Th en, the new Envi- With the large majority of the waste contained ronmental Response Specialist for the tribe, Traven in these dumps cleaned up by Tri County, the En- Michaels, was hired in October 2016. He continued vironmental Response Specialist (Traven Michaels) this fi eld work and took hundreds of photos doc- moved forward with a plan to collaborate with other umenting these dumps. He also refi ned the open LTBB programs to clean up any remaining scraps left dump maps and GPS locations with the help of the behind. Over the next couple of weeks, employees LTBB GIS Department. Once this important fi eld from the Youth Conservation Corps, Environmental work was completed, a report was sent to IHS de- Services Program, the Tribal SEEDS and the Natural tailing the open dumps cleanup plan. Eric Burtt and Resources Department volunteered to visit the dump his counterparts at IHS took it upon themselves to cleanup sites and hand remove any left over debris obtain National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and refuse. More than four truck beds of dump ma- clearance for the proposed cleanups. NEPA Clear- terials were cleaned up! Chii miigwetch to Daugh- ance essentially reviews proposed projects to ensure erty Johnson, Jon Mauchmar, Noah Jansen, Maxwell there are no signifi cant detrimental eff ects on the Field and the YCC and SEEDS Crews for the help! environment. Th e clearance was granted to LTBB In the end, all seven dumps were successfully in the second quarter of 2017. Th e seven dumps to cleaned up! We encourage the reader to take a look be cleaned up were as follows, listed in order from at the pictures included with this article to see some smallest to largest in size: before and aft er photos and pictures of the work be- Ziibiimijiwang Farm - 5055 Gill Rd., Carp Lake, ing completed! MI 49718 In conclusion, cleaning up these solid waste sites Ceremonial and Hunting Property - 5563 Os- will greatly benefi t the tribe by cleaning up the envi- bourne Rd., Harbor Springs, MI 49740 ronment, fostering outdoor recreation, providing po- Tribal Housing Complex, Future Burial Site tential for economic development, enhancing tribal -10577 Murray Rd., Charlevoix, MI 49720 food sovereignty, improving the aesthetic quality of Old Inn Site, Future Development - 1020 South tribal property and protecting overall tribal sover- Nicolett St., Mackinaw City, MI 49701 eignty, treaty rights and resources. Th is work would Taimi Hoag Nature Preserve – U.S. 31 across not have been possible without the collaboration from Big Rock Rd, Charlevoix, MI 49720 and cooperation of many diff erent LTBB employees, Econolodge Dumping, Forested Valley 1760 departments and citizens. Th e IHS Grant still has Lears Rd., Petoskey, MI 49770 funding left for accomplishing the next two goals of Biindigen Gas Station - 2169 U.S. 31, Petoskey, updating and enacting improvements to the LTBB MI 49770 Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan. Hopefully, Finally, the stage was set for the cleanup to begin. this work will prevent any future open dumps from Th e Environmental Response Specialist worked appearing. You can rest assured the Environmental with LTBB’s Accounting Department to develop a Services Program, especially the Environmental Re- request for proposals (RFP) so LTBB could hire a sponse (128a) Program, will keep a close eye on our qualifi ed contractor to clean up the dumps. Aft er tribal properties for signs of any new dumping. Let us a few weeks of bidding time, the local contractor, all work together towards reducing waste, protecting Tri-County Excavating, was hired on July 21, 2017. our natural resources and cleaning up Ishkamikwe! Th eir work to clean up the dumps was completed Courtesy photos. 26 Odawa Trails November 2017 10TH ANNUAL LTBB/ NICWA HOLIDAY B AZAAR IS S EEKING V ENDORS We hope, with your help and the help Vendors will be assigned space. Place- from our community, that this fundraiser will ment, fl ow and competition will be taken into be a wonderful experience for both vendors consideration to provide the best experience and customers. If you would like to partici- for guests of the fundraiser. Each vendor is pate in this year’s craft fair, please complete responsible for the conduct of his employees the form below and return along with your and/or representatives and activities must check to secure your booth space in this fair. not detract from the image or welfare of the Checks should be made payable to National fundraiser. Vendor booths must be manned Indian Welfare Association “NICWA” and at all times. We are not responsible for mer- need to be paid prior to the event. chandise or display materials. Rules, Regulations and Important Ven- FEES dor Information 6 ft . Table $15 each. Date and Hours: December 2, 2017 from Please submit this form and your check 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. and/or money order made payable to Nation- SET-UP/BREAKDOWN al Indian Child Welfare Association at the Vendors are assigned a space. address below. Vendors may set-up on Friday between the hours of 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. and/or Sat- NICWA Bazaar C/O urday from 8 a.m. – 10 a.m. Vendors are not Communications Department to close their booth before the offi cial close 7500 Odawa Circle time of 4 pm. Before leaving, be sure your Harbor Springs, MI 49740 area is clean and trash free. SPACE ALLOCATION Questions? Contact Rochelle at 231-622-9123. November 2017 Odawa Trails 27

Birthdays Birthdays Walking On...

Happy (belated) birthday #36 BJ Gasco!! He celebrated his big day on October 8! Sure are Happy birthday proud of you, and sure do Love wishes to my birth- you!! Mom & Dad. day grandson, Gavin, celebrating 4 years Happy (belated) birthday to on November 24, the best brother, BJ Gasco, Love his Grandma’s birth- and Miss you lots! Josh & Sarah. day. Love you much, Grandma Th eresa, Happy (belated) birthday to Dad Jonny, Aunt Ash- a great brother, BJ Gasco!! Love ley & Cousins, Carter you and miss you lots! Holly & and Grayson. Joe.

Happy (belated) birthday Au- to my awesome Uncle B!! Wan- Happy birthday to our drey Girl! 5 years old and sassy as Joseph Francis Naganashe, na go wheelin’?? Love you lots! ever! Love, Unc Josh and Aunt Sar. 85 Laner. Happy birthday to our La- Joseph Francis Naganashe, Happy (belated) birthday nerBug! 8 years old? No way!! to my cool Unc B! We miss you! age 85, passed away on October We love you! Aunt Holly & Un- 9, 2017. He was born on Au- Wanna go fi shin’?? Love, Kentin cle Joe. & Audrey. gust 5, 1932 in Petoskey, MI, to parents, Daniel and Eva (Petos- Happy birthday wishes to Happy birthday # 8 to our Michael Naganashe key) Naganashe. Joseph proudly , celebrat- served in the United States Ma- Grandson Lane! We Love you!!! ing many years on November 6. rine Corps during the Korean Grammy & Grumpa. Love you much, Th eresa, Ashley, War. He worked at AC Spark Carter & Grayson. Happy birthday #5 to our Plug for many years. Joseph Granddaughter, Audrey! We Happy birthday Lily on No- coached the Flintstones baseball Love you! Grammy & Grumpa. vember 5! We hope you have an team, enjoyed dancing, paint- amazing day! Love always, Noel ing ceramic birds, attending Happy birthday to our and Preston. spaghetti dinners and spending cousin Lane! Th e best cousin we time with his family. He was a could ask for! Love, Kentin & Congratulations member of VFW Post 4087 in Audrey. Davison, MI. Joseph was very patriotic; he carried the Ameri- Happy birthday Audrey to can fl ag for the pow wows, and my favorite girl cousin! Wanna he also carried the fl ag across sit in the middle? Love, Lane. the Mackinac Bridge several times. Joseph is survived by his Happy birthday to Audrey, sister, Diane (Tom) Naganashe; the best lil Sissy-girl a Brother children: Renate (Gary) Lamb, could have! I love you! Bubba Michael (Elda) Bigler, Martha Kentin. (Rick) O’Dell, Paul (Valeta) Rochelle and Frank Et- Bigler, Matthew (Rene) Bigler, Happy birthday to an amaz- tawageshik’s daughter, Shauna, Margaret Bigler, Rosemary ing little lady, our daughter, married Tim Collins on October (Daniel) Williams, Madon- Audrey AnnMarie! On No- 6, 2017. Congratulations! na (Larry) Bouchillon, Patri- vember 28, you will be FIVE cia (Tim) Burns and Veronica already! Where did the time go? Whalen; 21 grandchildren; 27 We love you! Momma & Daddy. Anniversaries great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. He was pre- Lane Ev- Happy 70th Anniversary ceded in death by fi rst wife, Ir- Happy birthday to Jack Ruth Sharkey erett, the most amazing Little and on No- magard Naganashe; second wife, vember 25th. Love, Jackie, Rich, Bear we could have ever asked Erna Naganashe; third wife, Ann Tracy and Avery. for! Hard to believe that on No- (Bigler) Naganashe; daughter, vember 26, you will be EIGHT Mary Ann Byrum; and siblings, Happy (belated) anniver- Mary Garrow, Ann Stead, Mar- years old already! We love you sary #38 to Bart & Jody Gasco Little Bear! Love you, Daddy garet Naganashe, Shirley Old- on October 27! We sure do love man and Patrick Naganashe. Bear & Momma Bear! you!!! BJ & Jessica, Josh & Sarah and Holly & Joe. Happy birthday to my neph- Lane ew, ! 8? No way! Sure miss Happy (belated) anniver- you! Love, Uncle B & Aunt Jess. sary on October 27 to the best Grammy & Grumpa (Jody & Happy birthday to our Bart Gasco)!! We love you to niece, Audrey! 5 already?? Miss the Moon and back!! Love, Lane, you! Love Unc B & Aunt Jess. Kentin & Audrey.