1 Dharma Blogs 2018 SPRING By Michael Erlewine 2 INTRODUCTION This is not intended to be a finely produced book, but rather a readable document for those who are interested in my particular take on dharma training and a few other topics. These blogs were from the Spring of 2018 posted on Facebook and Google+.
[email protected] Here are some other links to more books, articles, and videos on these topics: Main Browsing Site: http://SpiritGrooves.net/ Organized Article Archive: http://MichaelErlewine.com/ YouTube Videos https://www.youtube.com/user/merlewine Spirit Grooves / Dharma Grooves Copyright 2018 © by Michael Erlewine You are free to share these blogs provided no money is charged Cover image is Vajradhara 3 Contents WHEN NOT-ENOUGH IS ENOUGH .......................... 9 FORCED INTO AWAKENING .................................. 11 LIBERATION THROUGH SEEING .......................... 14 DHARMA PRACTICE AND BOREDOM ................... 18 EQUINOX CRACKS: TASERS FROM THE SUN .... 22 THE FLAME AND THE SELFIE ............................... 24 DHARMA’S COLD COMFORT ................................ 27 DHARMA: BEYOND THE TURNING POINT ........... 30 BEING ALONE: “I’M JUST A LONELY BOY” ........... 34 KARMA: THOSE DEEP DOWN STUBBORN STAINS ................................................................................. 37 THE STOREHOUSE CONSCIOUSNESS: KARMA CHAMELEON .......................................................... 40 WHEN IN DOUBT, RIDE THE MOON CYCLE ........ 45 FORCING FACTS: ASTROLOGY IS CULTURAL ASTRONOMY .........................................................