The Daily Egyptian, January 30, 1974
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Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC January 1974 1-30-1974 The aiD ly Egyptian, January 30, 1974 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 55, Issue 88 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, January 30, 1974." (Jan 1974). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in January 1974 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. /' :'DaiJy"Egyptian., Wednesllay. .........-y Xl. 1974, 11'01. ~, ..." 88 Southern OJinois University --------------------J Closed hearing of J-Boar~ adjourfis early By Terry MartiD signed affidavils from those named as _ tion papers, they then went to a second, stud~ts a101l8 with Harris and Ms. Dally Egypdaa Staff Wriler defendants showing they were aware of noor conference room to discuss the ' Young discuss the matter without he or the legal action being taken against possible legal action and talk about Gruny in the room. The sludent trustee Judicial Board's them, James R. Kerley , Jackson some sort of oompromise. Immediatery aner Huffman, Gruny closed heari~ TU'e$day night broke up Counly Circuil clerk said. Lohrmann pointed out to the lawyers and a Daily Egyptian reporter left the shortly aner It started when witnesses 'When the three stUdents heard of this that all the three students were Lrying room, so did Harris and Ms. Young. failed to show up ~nd Matthew Rich, faci they notified those named in the Lo do is to take some ~rt of appropriate "How do you expect me to deal with studf!1t trustee elect, refused 10 start suit and representatives.(lf SlU rushed action and that other lawyers in the these people when they won 't even the p~sentation of his case, . community were' unwilling to d~<= it with us," Rich asked Huff- "What I did tonighl., by not commen ~c~~~~~i~.J".J~l:-~an;';' straighten it out. man: ting, has-forced the reSt of the m'7lings man, SIU legal counsel : Richard "We didn't tell her !Mary Day, Huffman and Gruny both said the to be opened," Rich said after the Gruny, board oflrustee's legal counsel : chairperson on the J -Board) todose the only reason they came to the cour- hearing. Carl Harris, advisor to the J-Board : damned meeting- we di<!n 't teU her to thouse was because they were told the An emergency temporary r.e-straining Tom BUSCh, assistant Lo the dean of open i.t either ~' Gruny said. H then said University and the &ard of Trustees order aginst ' the judicial board fo r students: and Claire Young , J-&ard ~e administration did not want to enter were named in the tentative suit. harrassing Matthew Ris:" and holding vice chairperson, Into the !",ntrov"r:sJi and that it was the Prior to the J-boa_rd's closed hearing, closed hearings w not filed Tuesday ''I'm really upsel these students did students responsIbility. Ms. Young explained why she and as planned by"'Rlch , John Sheri<tan and not receive any ltind of legal help al "It would be'unfaJr ~?r me to adVIS~..... Harris left without conferring with the Jefr Lohrmann, SIU students. all," Kerley said. one way or the other , Huffman saId. three students. The three studen s failed After the He then suggested that the three "I'm not Mary Day. I can't speak for her or the boaril as a whole, " Ms. Young said. She was referring to the fact that Ms, Day was named'as one of the defendants in the tentaiive suit. Ms. Young also said that she had an appointment she had to keep. ,It was. also learned that Joseph Kostyk, undergradua~rd mem ber, appeared at the courthouSe at 8:30. a ,m. Tuesday with the board's sup posed response to the announced legal aClion ~ . " Joe has not filea anything yet and he will not," ~ YOUng said. "Any action we take will e on behalf of -the whole board." After the board 's closed hearing Tuesday night. in which Sheridan atten ded as one of Rich 's co~ , Sheridan announced that he had no-further plans ~o file for a restraining order. " I just don't see any reason lor it now ." he 'said. "In a sense, our injuncr tion wenl thro)'l!h l>ecause now all the resl of the h.,.-ings have 10 be,9?".D!'d ," Lohrma said the whple issue ''points the need..-lor a studenl lawyer." "This was definitely a big proble in this whole thing," he said. Th ext hearing of the board is set for ,30 p.m. Thursday and is to be the fi t open hearing since the board star John W, HiJlfman, SI U Legal Counsel, (far left) and Richard Gruny, Board of its investigation. Trustee's Legal Counsel, (far right) speak with representatives of the SIU ad "We will request a list of any ad ministration, the special stUdent trustee judicial board and three students who -' ditional witnesses who have not come sought an emergency temporary restraining order against the special J-8oard, before us," Ms, Day said. Those pictured met in the Jad<sj:Jn County Courthouse in Murphysboro to She said the Thursday session will discuss possible legal action that could be taken against the SI U Board of consist of nine different time blocks in Trustees, The appeal for an injunction against the board was never filed. (Staff whieh Larry Rarferty, Ronald Rusltey, photo by Richard N, Levine). ~iel Schuering', the election com- mission and Matthew Rich will be .t allowed to summariz.e their case, present new information, cross examine witnesses and present their -F-Senate hea.d questions intent conclusions. r- . The board decision is expected to be of adminis'tration to cooperate given Friday. By David c_MUler Jr, admission standards, library funding , evidence. cross-examine witnesses " and Dally E&JpU.. ' 8laff Wriler alcohol policy and work on SIU's t971H1O a few of the niceties of the Bill of budget review committee. Rights," President David R, Derge's criticism Ms , Thorpe also rebutted Derge's " To me, if faculty members were of the Faculty Senate's failure tb answer claim that the senate request for a treated that way, it would be an " reaUy cru'tial and critical-- issues casts closed Board of Trustees session was a outrage," Derge said. doubt 00 his intentions to cooperate with " secret trial" or a Star Chamber Derge said there was no rancor on bis the senate, said Senate Chairperson proceeding. part toward the senate. The censure has JoAnne Thorpe Tuesday. Th<:, request for a closed session, she nothing to do with continuins to seek " Public criticism of the Faculty said, was to present .the board with Faculty Senate advice, he saId, and it , Seriate has no elJect 00 the senate or its evidence supporting the faculty senate's would be "petulant" of either himself or work," Ms. Thorpe said. " It does lead censuring Derge and calling for his the senate to allow the censure to in one to question the seriousness of intent replacement, Since much of the terfere with seddng or sending advice. of the administration to 'Work with the evidence is of a "highly sensil.i ve " We 're only requesting tbe first ~ aeoate," .. nature," Ms. Thorpe said, the board session be closed," Ms , Thorpe said, 'lbe M.s. Thorpe said she not sure should have discretion 1)V"" whether to board then has the oppor1unlty to decide wbicli proposals submitted for ' .enale make it public, • whether releasing the evidence would be ..".clioo are <!oosidered moot critical by But Derge reiteraled-bis charge late in the best interests of the Univenily Derae-She pointed out aenale responses Tuesday _He said the senate request community, she said. Gus IIIYS S1U IhcuId -' up IntIWnureI to numerous academic questions', such denied him the right to hear charges The Faculty Senate has not cootacted categories end fa'mella all IhII cam .as DeW degree proposals, .revisioD of agaInst him, counter with his own (Q>ntiruod on Pogo 3/ petltiCJn sllll... _ ' . ' / . • .Physical 'Plant operation. und~r reVIeW .,. BaWl C. MIller Jr. regular teaching duties next quarter " when compan!d with other university Ddy EcJoUa 8Uft Wnler Tyler said. • physical plants. But in streamlining the Tyler was selected ror the review by .rnaugemeJlt.and reducing waste. Tyler SW·. Physical Plant operation is Orescanin last rail. Two graduate said he will compar:e the operation with bet.. reviewed with-the aim 0( malting assi~ts are helping with the review. ~~~.~d conSider to be ~ ideal the mOlt o(·.. ailable fmancial and per- 80IIIIeI resources. R. Stanley Tyler said Tyler said. and costs ror the study so Once the recommendation ror malting rar have been ·'negligible." He added the1>est possible use or~t budget TUe8day. ' . Tyler. an associJIte proressor or he is soli on the rarolty payroll. are rorwarded. Tyler said implerben· finance. is tailing off a quarter rrom SIU's Physical Plant is " near talion or the recommendations will be teaching .duties to audit the plant's . average" in cost effic;!ency. Tyl~ said. up to Orescanin. ~emeJlt structure and services. TIle review. he said. is an exteosion or the _ UI'12 Management Task 'Force re#t. whim aimed lit streamlining ad· ' HawleY 'focuse~- on .need ministrative duties and reducing costs. Tyler was a member or the task rorc'Y- Recognizing. "severe cuts oil the \ academic side." Tyler said. ' 'we want for 'SIU voice' to be certain the support uni.ts .