Gknch Valley College Stoneground" in Concert
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GKnch Valley College Stoneground" In Concert At CVC November 19 On Friday, Noranber u, the •» TfnA B. Grew Gym. most exciting bard rode bands, years, and its members cmne tour. Stoneground recorded Student Government naslum at BrSO pju. and any of Us predeeeasm that from some of the most three LPs (WS18 6,2ZS1956, BS Association of CUnch Valley Owrgy KW^in* the >ole Une went by the same name. prominent Bay Area Rocic 2645) and appeared on (he College will present between Ibe current Stone Today's Stoneground has Bands (It's a Beautiful Day, Hot soundtrack album for "SIstMgnmnd" live In oooeert ground", one of San Frandsco's been intact for nearly' two Tuna, Blvin Bishop ). "Medicine BaU Caravan" (GS Stoneground Is among the Bay 2S6») Area's most popular native bands. Barnes' original band became Jo Baker, vocalist. Joined the core of a loose assemblage, Annie Sampson at the front of thrown together by Tom Stmeground only three years Donahue to tour the country for after she began her professional the Werner Brothers film, career, as vocalist with the "Medicine Ball Caravan." Qvln Bishop group, with whidi Memb«rs at the time included she recorded two albiuns. forma* ( and present) Beau Tim Barnes, guitarist, Ibe Brummd Sal Valentino and sole membo- remaining from former Charlatan L.ynne the original Stonegroimd, wfaldi Hughes. Barnes formed mwe than six The current band has per• yean ago hi the East Bay suburb formed ak»g the entire West of (Mnda. He has vfrtually Coast and bos made iut>ads in never belonged with Nick the Rocky MounUtais states. Gravenltes and Danny Cox. During 1073, wtioi the group Terry Davis, bassist, was an split up not once, but twice, it Orinda Associate of Barnes who was the dedication of Sampson, became the most recent ad• Barnes and Tpnens that caused dition to the Stoneground roster Stoneground to peraerve and, in hi August, 1S73. fact, prosper bke never before. Sammy Piazza, drummw, Once this latest unit was arrived hi Stoneground fresh assembled, Stoneground ftbm the Jefferson Abrptane drtnched Itself in live per• ofbhoot Hot Tuna, wtiere he formances and met the igteatest recorded with both the Airpiane r«|N)nse hi Its history. and'Tima, as wdl as wtthiftpa The obvioas^Bnxt step has John Creacfa on his solo eOOrts. nowbeeniucomplishedwtth the Amite Sampson, vocalist, rdesMof the band's Drst album sang wltti StonMrouad since of thA own Flat'Out-Hecords. Dean Low Speaks Before Faculty Council un and the •HMedlciae Ball The LP, also eaUaed Flat IQiil. CaravaB|Vmovle..coming tO'the tar fun of Sten^ground's nwdal group -from the .original San .style of soulful rodc'n roU. Frandsco Cast of'mir." Sttmeground will be ac• On Academic Divisional Qrganjization Frank Wobbi organist, companied by TimbwUne. smnUes Stonegrmnd vrtHi the be mellow aooustfe- Dean Low ajppeared' before definite PIMT fbr intodepartmenls has semdlo buETof Its ociifaial material. mus^ Top 40 rock, foot the Facdty dSuidl i^n Wed• vmtiulaaaA thls'ltae. promote rivalry and an- Frevlottsly, be qient five years stompln- Bluegrass, . 60's nesday, Novembto 10, to . fke Dean rdaled how plans tagowlwn between fee members with tt's A Beautiful Day and rock'nVdl, JO'S ngtmie, discuss with tbat group ad- for reorganhntion have besB' of the various dqtartmenls. He i«cofded (our albunls witt that or creative, origfaud material, mIolstraUve plans for depart- dlaeuneddnMhecametoCVC also.feds that the dqiarbnenis band before ita end; rlmberllne'* audiences are mMtal reorgfmliatlon Into hi 197S. lite ««ganiuti«i>ollhe have Interfered with the - Stoneground -is maoagbd by taken on a muadCol tour Owl academic dlvfilons. Dean ham various' a^dwUc diacinHniis development of academic Geoff llprrens, who Jotaied the (conf d-to page 2) UMU lovealed UMU Or. BIdiard into dnartments was bistttsted pragrams at CVC. group during .Ihe Medldne Ball Peake's pdopdsal to In U(i when GUneh VaBcy tne roorganlsatioa waa the dsparbnents of attidned' the sUtus of a four ratlMiallied by flie Dean hi neater. Foreign Languages, year college. Since that ttane, terms of the betterment of Art and Music is now betora the the Dean stated, that, tai his academics at the Odlefle. He jdaantaig committee, but- that opinion, the organtaatkM of stated that he fdt that, by the adnilnistratlon ha^ no' various reorgan^lng departments Into (HVWonSi-an |^^!p^^tm^^^• fchwhip. Davis Appoints Committee would be estabUdied between fu^ly manbers who^duured dose acadanlc dlsdplhies. He To Seek Alternate Methods Examination Schedule also fdt that dhdsians would expand acadank priigrams to a Fall. 1976 reasonable siie. And he stated For Who's Who Nominations thai he hoped that & dhrWonal Blodt Examination Date Time orgenlsBtion would help to promote a greator te«aiing .\. WedneidBy, December 16 8i3O-Ui30 II eOtetlvracss on the part of the LJI. Dovis has appofaited a facidty members and to the Monday; December 13 8;30-lli30 faculty. III Friday, becamber 17 8i30.11:30 committee' of the Student leaders of the various student IV Thursday, December 16 8i30-llt30 Hie college has^ only one ^ Government Aasodattoo to seek organliotions. These people V Tuesday. December 14 12iOO-3iOO formally organised dtviston at altamatlve methods of dwosing then nominated ten people to be VI Friday, December 17 IZiOO^iOO this time: Phydcal Sdence, these peqile who are to be listed hi Who's Who, and (Tom VII WMiiesday. Decmnber 16 3>3a6i30 hmiorod by appearing fai fUure Ibe nombiations the fhialist additions of Ifae publication wore sdected. lUs year CVC Thursday. December 16 12i00-3i00 Sciences. Dr., Rkfaard Peake raised the question that he oouU Who's Who Among Studsnts hi was restricted to thirteen l?o Tuesday.Oecember 14 8:30.11:30 American Colleges and candidates. XI Monday, December 13 12 i00-3i00 not 'see that' any of Ihese goals XII WMnesday, December 16 12H)0-3i00) had been realixed in that UnlverdUes. Accordhig to Mr. What many people do not XIII Satuntay. December IB BiSO-UiSO dhrislon. Dean Low replied that Davis, the sesrdi has come realize is that the Who's Who XIV Tuesday, December 14 3i30-6i30 fjfoca the Fan Semester is the about as a result of complaints sdioctions are not based on a that the sdections for the liTe- .parson's academic standhig, Evening Clams Regular meetlno.tlme during first Ume the divisional 77 academic year were unfair Off-campus dasses' weak of OtomMr 13-17 organisation has been ta effect it but on excellence, aehoiarship, has not had time to reaSse Its and did not Inily represent the and Icaderthip^ and on one's entire spectrum of the record o/ cervtee (o.tft* college. goals. Dr. Ted AOen asked how academic community. Classes end-Frlday,<Deoember 10 much of ttw origfaMl dsnart- Hiese people are honored fbr mentol adminlstramn wouU be The committee, oompoeed of outstanding conbrlbutiMS to the NOTEt For an instructor to change the time of an examina- cdlege. not (or Iheir grade pdnt tlon In an Individual cfass, ft Is required that he secure the retained^ anudta« to Ifae rde of Student Government recommendation of the chairman of the- department In the departmental cbalrman, representatives Marleen avwoge. wMch-the Course Is located, and the approval of the Deaa ipUumhig courses, and simfflar Swlney, Maggie Steel, and The Student Government Similarly, for a student to change the time of an examl> administrative aspects. Brenda Ely Is responsible for committee wiU accept nation fiom that which Is scheduled, he must have the re• investigating and reoom- suggestions ftom the studmt commendations of the Instructor .In the course and the One very tanportant pdat was chairman of the department-of the course, and the approval made by Dr. Peake when he memUng alternative methods of bo9 tai reaching condudons on of theiDean. renUnded the Dean of the choQslBg ttioBe people who^ are attentative methods of statement ttie Dean had made to be Bbminated for the recommend candidates for All requests must be made in wrHlng wHh reason given for that no organisation of the pdMiwdlcn. In .the past, Ibe Who's Who. Oootod Maggie the request. _ academic piogrami eouM prooeduro for nomination has Sted, Brenda Ely, or Mormo (cont'd to page 3) ben that forms wm sent to the Swlney through campus mofl. The Highland avalier Page Two 1 The Highland CavaKer. Stoneground Page Three (The Stndoot <GoTon«ent, (cont'd from page 1) Honor Cfttrt, Frata, Student Diclpllnalry Dean Low .... empbasUes a wide variety of Doard, I^ibllcatlona, styles. Their ability to cater to )Student Llfo Coirmltteo,] such a wide range of musical (conf d from page 1) tastes, ha9 gained TlmbsrllM an ...•to survive without the cooperation enthusiastic following wherever d tiw facdty. And he waj they havB played. Audiences of concerned as to how faculty all ages and backgrounds can morale wouM be affected by Uw identify with at least one part of reorganlsaUon. A reflection of their show. this Is Uw concern that wat Today, though, musleal ex- never expressed openly In the celleoce is not enough to meet meding, but which is shared by (he demands of an bicreaslngly sevM-d, and perhaps many, of sophisticated audience. People Uw facuUy. Undolying aU d don't want (o be.played at; they the administrative explanaUons want to know that ihelr par-, and faculty queriesseems to be ticipation .is a welcome, indeed tiw fear Uuit tills reorganitaUon necessary, part of the per• of the departments into formance. And so the four divisions will result in an in• peoplicL who make: up Tim- In-Concert crease in bureaucratization berUne, through easy, rdaxed where the main concern would SprlngClass Schedules Council meetfaig on Sunday, be: and high school studmts.