Fort Raleigh National Historic Site: Preservation and Recognition, C
CONTENTS Figure Credits iv List of Figures V Foreword vii Acknowledgements ix Introduction 1 Chapter One: The Roanoke Colonies and Fort Raleigh, c. 1584-1590 9 Associated Properties 28 Registration Requirements/Integrity 29 Contributing Resources 30 Potentially Eligible Archeological Resources 30 Chapter Two: The Settlement and Development of Roanoke Island, c. 1650-1900 31 Associated Properties 54 Registration Requirements/Integrity 55 Noncontributing Resources 57 Potentially Eligible Archeological Resources 57 Chapter Three: Fort Raleigh National Historic Site: Preservation and Recognition, c. 1860-1953 59 Associated Properties 91 Registration Requirements/Integrity 93 Contributing Resources 97 Noncontributing Resources 97 Potentially Eligible Archeological Resources 97 Management Recommendations 99 Bibliography 101 Appendix A: Descriptions of Historic Resources A-l Appendix B: Property Map/Historical Base Map B-l Appendix C: National Register Documentation C-1 Index D-l iii FIGURE CREDITS Cover, 15, 17, 22: courtesy of Harpers Ferry Center, National Park Service; pp. 10, 12, 13, 16, 23: Charles W. Porter III, Adventurers to a New World; pp. 22, 27: Theodore De Bry, Thomas Hariot’s Virginia; pp. 35,39,41: courtesy of the Outer Banks History Center, Manteo, NC; pp. 37, 38: Samuel H. Putnam, The Story of Company A, Twenty-Fifth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, in the War of the Rebellion; p. 43: Vincent Colyer, Report of the Services Rendered by the Freed People to the United States Army, in North Carolina; pp. 44, 46, 47: Joe A. Mobley, James City, A Black Community in North Carolina, 1863-1900; pp. 55, 67, 81: S. Bulter for the National Park Service; pp. 61, 66, 78: William S.
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