www.krkwaterset.com 813-641-0100

We Serve milk with Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast & Lunch. Cereal & Fruit Cinn. Toast & Peaches Biscuits W/Jelly, Fruit Waffles & Fruit Snack Water with all Snack Snack Veggie Straws & Raisins Turkey Slices and Grahams and Fruit . Goldfish and Craisins Lunch Lunch Crackers Lunch BBQ Turkey

Chicken Nuggets, Beenie Weenies (Beef Hot Lunch Meatballs, Roasted We use whole Mashed Cauliflower, & Dogs in Baked Beans), , Soup, & Rainbow Potatoes & wheat grains & Green Beans Peas & Fruit Pineapples Melon Fresh produce Snack Snack Snack Snack wherever possible! Cheese & Crackers Cheese Quesadillas with Bananas & Yogurt String Cheese & Sour Cream Dip Crackers

Breakfast Taco Tuesday! Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast

Cereal and Craisins Breakfast Bagel with Cream Orange Cranberry Biscuits with Jelly & Snack Hash browns & Bananas Cheese and Fruit Oatmeal and Fruit Cinnamon Pears Graham Crackers Snack Snack Snack Snack &Pumpkin Cream Vanilla Yogurt with Pepperoni & Crackers Cheesy Egg Patty Cheese Cereal Topping Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Cheese Hamburger Colorful Cheese Chicken Teriyaki in Turkey & Cheese Beef and Cheese Tacos, Pasta (Pasta, Beef & Tortellini in Garlic Rice, Stir Fry Sandwiches, Veggie Corn, & Cheese) Sauce, Mixed Vegetable Vegetables, Oranges Soup & Fruit Black beans Snack & Wheat Roll Snack Snack Snack Muffins & Fruit Snack Pretzels & Hummus Pepperoni and Crackers Chips and Salsa Ham Slices & Crackers

Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Cereal & Fruit Pancakes and Hash Browns and Fruit Waffles with Fruit Berry Cream of Wheat Snack Bananas Snack Snack Snack Berry Bagel with Cream Snack Crackers & Orange Ham Slices & Crackers Cheese Toast Cheese Yogurt Parfait Slices Lunch Lunch Lunch W/Mixed Berries Lunch Cheese , Mixed Chicken Corn Dogs, Ham and Cheese Lunch Fish Sticks, Garlic Veggies & Fruit Sweet Potato Puffs & Sandwich, Seasoned Spaghetti in Meat Fruit Mashed Potatoes & Fruit Snack Fries, and Peas Sauce, Wheat Roll, & Snack Hummus & Pretzels Snack Snack Broccoli Gold Fish & Orange Soft Pretzel and Cheese Cheese Cubes & Pretzels Snack Dip Slices Trail Mix

Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Cereal & Fruit Bagel with Cream French Toast & Fruit Orange Cranberry Pancakes & Fruit Extra Copy can go here….. Snack Cheese and Fruit Snack Oatmeal Snack Pretzels with Cream Snack Jellied English Muffins Snack English Muffin with Cheese Graham Crackers & Lunch Crackers & Turkey Slices Cheese Lunch Strawberries Fall Chili (w/ Beef & Lunch Lunch Chicken Nuggets, Tater- Lunch Beans), Corn Bread (w/ Superhero Bake (eggs, BBQ Beef Meatballs, Tots & Broccoli Chicken In Yellow Sweet Corn), Peas w/ spinach, cheese), Hash Mashed Potatoes & Snack Rice, Corn Bread w/ Carrots Brown, & Orange Slices Rainbow Veggies Cheese and Fruit Sweet Corn Snack Snack Snack Snack Baked Cinnamon Apples Birthday Cake to Orange Slices & Trail Mix with Granola Celebrate October Popcorn Birthdays & Fruit

Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Costume Parade Cereal & Fruit Biscuits & Honey Butter Cinnamon Oatmeal & Day! Snack Snack Bananas Breakfast Cinnamon Toast & Apple Cheese Toast & Craisins Snack Hash Browns and Fruit sauce Lunch Graham Crackers & Snack Lunch Turkey & Cheese Pumpkin Ham & Cheese Roll Up Chicken Parmesan, Sandwiches, Veggie Lunch Lunch Zucchini & Mandarins Soup & Fruit Pepperoni Pizza, Broccoli, Mac N Cheese, Green Snack Snack & Melon Beans, & Pineapple Yogurt with Cereal Pepperoni & Crackers Snack Snack Topping Chips & Salsa Pumpkin Bread & Apple Slices