Kiddie Academy of West Cary: October 2020 Menu

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

WEEK ONE Bagels and cream French toast stick Cheerios with bananas Biscuits with jelly Bananas and life cereal AM Burrito bowl, with fresh Chicken nuggets, peas, and Chicken noodle soup and Chicken bowl with cheese, Cheese roll up. Carrot, 28-2 turkey, beans, cheese and fresh fruit cheese on whole wheat, and mash potatoes, corn, and broccoli salad and fresh Lunch corn, rice, fresh tomatoes, Soy butter and jelly on whole fresh apples baked apples oranges or grapes Vegetarian tortilla chips and peaches wheat Home made Not chicken Cheese roll up PM Snack No turkey add beans Cheese-its and raisins and whole wheat crackers Hummus and pretzel Trail mix Fresh apples with soy butter WEEK TWO Life cereal Bagels with Yogurt with granola Homemade blue berries 5-9 Biscuits and jelly Chicken and rice, lima beans, muffins AM Snack Veggie and cheese Baked beans and turkey dogs, Pinto and rice with cheddar and fresh oranges Turkey and cheese on , carrots with dip whole wheat, pasta salad peaches and pear and crackers cheese and sliced apples No chicken, add cheddar Lunch and fresh oranges with fresh veggie and fresh No turkey, add fresh cucumber cheese Vegetarian Apple rice cakes and wow fruit Celery, wow butter and raisins Whole wheat crackers and PM Snack butter No turkey Hummus and wheat crackers fresh spinach dip Hummus and tortilla chips WEEK English muffins with cream THREE Yogurt & granola Life cereal and bananas Biscuits and baked apples Cheerios with bananas cheese 12-16 Fresh turkey with egg noodles Chili with northern beans, Home made chicken noddle Cheese, rice and bean Chicken , black AM Snack and turkey gravy, fresh corn, black beans, tomatoes, soup, with fresh carrots and burritos, carrot sticks and beans, and corn Lunch broccoli, and fresh apples cheese and sour cream, fresh apples fresh oranges Black beans and rice with Vegetarian Egg noodle with cheese crackers, and pears Tomato soup cheese PM Snack Whole wheats and hummus Soy butter and graham crackers Hummus with cucumbers Nutrigrain bars Goldfish and raisins

Week four English muffins with apples

19-23 French toast stick Life cereal and bananas Yogurt with granola Soy butter and jelly on AM SNACK Baked spaghetti with cottage Taco salad with fresh veggies, Shepherd pie, turkey, corn and LUNCH whole wheat, pasta salad cheese and mozzarella cheese, turkey, cheese, tortilla chips mash tater and baked apples Tomato soup, cheese wrap with fresh veggies, orange Vegetarian green beans, and fresh apples and oranges No turkey and pears PM SNACK or grapes Trail mix No turkey add beans Hummus and tortilla chips Yogurt pretzel String Cheddar cheese Rice cakes and bananas Week five Bagel and cream cheese Biscuits and jelly Yogurt and peaches Berry smoothies 26-30 Life cereal and bananas Black beans and rice, cheese Turkey and spinach dip Spaghetti and green beans and Cheese quesadillas, fresh Am snack Mac and cheese peas and and fresh tomatoes, pear, and rollup, cucumber and fresh apples garden salad and pineapples Lunch fresh oranges garlic bread tomato salad, and grapes or No turkey add cheese Homemade pimento cheese Vegetarian Yogurt pretzel Soy butter and graham crackers oranges Bean dip with chips and celery Pm snack Nutrigrain bar