DOCUMENT RESUME ED 087 111 EA 005 854 Education Legislation

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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 087 111 EA 005 854 Education Legislation DOCUMENT RESUME ED 087 111 EA 005 854 TITLE Education Legislation, 1973. Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Education of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, United States Senate. Ninety-third Congress, First Session, on S.1539. To Amend and Extend Certain Acts Relating to Elementary and Secondary Education Programs, and for Other Purposes and Related Bills. Part 7. INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C. Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. PUB DATE 31 Oct 73 NOTE 684p.; Related documents are EA 0.05 703-707 and EA 005 853 EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$23.03 DESCRIPTORS *Bilingual Education; *Educational Legislation; Elementary Schools; *Federal Aid; *Federal Legislation; *Federal Programs; Mexican Americans; Secondary Schools IDENTIFIERS *Elementary Secondary Education Act Title VII; ESEA Title VII ABSTRACT This volume contains the complete text of two Senate bills designed to improve bilingual educational opportunities for children of limited English-speaking ability. One of the bills would amend Title VII of the Elementary and SeCondary Education Act. Also included in the volume are numerous statements concerning bilingual education made by Federal and State officials, by concerned citizens, and by groups directly associated with bilingual education.(Pages 2,791-2,829, 3,125-3,137, and 3,199 may reproduce poorly.) (JF) EDUCATION LEGISLATION, 1973 ;IN0...i\b"LIL V,V_SI HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON EDUCATION OF THE COMMITTEE ON LABOR AND PUBLIC WELFARE UNITED STATES SENATE NINETY-THIRD CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON S. 1539 TO AMEND AND EXTEND CERTAIN ACTS RELATING TO ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION PROGRAMS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES AND RELATED BILLS PART 7 OCTOBER $I ,,I19 73 U S. DEPARTMENT OFHEALTH, EDUCATION S. WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION BEEN REPRO THIS DOCUMENT HAS FROM TuCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDoRIGIN HE PERSON OR ORDANIZATION A TING IT POINTS OF VIEWOR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILYREPRE- INSTITUTE OF SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL EDUCATION POSITION ORPOLICY In Printed for the use of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 97-457 0 WASHINGTON 1974 c1.1 CWINA'1"1111.: (IN 1,AtioR AN1) 1VELFARE 11A1:1:1S(1N A. WI 1.1.1AMS, SI'W .11'1;401',Chuirmrrn .14:SSINGS 11.1N11(11,191, Wos1 Virginia .1.1,11111 Sow lurk (1,A Ilti iltSE Itloob. island 1.1 :TER I1. Ial\II\II'li, coh.ilib, EllV.1 I:I 1,savintsol Is sciivEiKEH, ponusslrania, 11A Y1.1/11.11 SF:LS(1S, VisconAn 11.1)111:11'1"I'Al'..11t.. (11111, \AL1'1: 1'. '.1.1HSDAI.E. )lInnosota .1. :11.1.:NS 'Alaryland TH( S E..11.11.10.T1IN, :sllssoari 1:11111.:ItT T. 4T l'ornaint .\ LAN CR.\ NSTi)S, California (1.1.,u(11,1 E. fir(HIES, Iowa WILLIAM I). 11..V111.1W.1 NInino Sr.w.uvr E. )1cri,i'itr., et,i J rierk Itoiti:irr RIME. I; r n ern I Con ?met IOv II.[111.1.EN:411N, Minority,'II/If Er ENI; . iitori 1 y Counsel SC:IttlNt M ON 1.:01A'ATIoN III 1 liNE lam& Isln ti (1, ( /,rrionrtrr .1 EN SINGS 1:AS1101.111, West 'Virginia l'ETKit 11. HMI 'NICK. Color:yin ILAKIHSON WI 1.1.1,1. MS. No,, .lorgoy.1.11.1111 1...1.1VITS. Nev' Yo.rk El 0,VAlt1) KENNEI 1V. Massaohnsot Is It1(.11AltH S. SCHWE: KEIL l'ianqlanla WA,LTEI: ;11(1N11.1 LE. :ITinnosola .1. (11.SS IIALI....111., Maryland T11:1MAt AH1.171.1.1N Missouri teoltEler I. ::.T.,,,1'Vt1 Vorunnd AI..1N ('I:.\ .SST:.S. Callrornla VVILLIA).1 I1, 11.\HAAVA, STEpii Es .1, NVESI.r.n. rouri.vel Iticri.tho 11. .1 msovirt I r Con nsri 11. M11.1,nNsos,Minorify Staff ,111 ht.?' C 0 N T N '11 S TeXt if Pup.. ,:irto S..riritt r 1 i I; oN1 )1.0G CA I. 1,1ST OP IV 1 TN ESSES \VEnNi:snAY. CluTonrali 1!173 :\lontoya, Joseph ;I1..s. tut. fruit, 25:i9 sIzIff Ilirotior of t hi. I',S. Commission on Civil Itig-lits. arvoinnanitnl 1PV John II, 1owt.11, .11. ginivral cowls:ph Jack Haring, siall nllurin.v and :\ Is. Cocilia (liryclor. I:ducal ion 51.1:1 Casso. 1)1., I.exornlive socrutarY. tqltivalion ras4 foro. In !taxa; 11t.rnrin 1.n ('ontaint.. atlininiscralor. i.)ltiui Put lillin- wird Edw.:Ilion, New York City ;Itirgil SI oxonilivt4 :Nalional Coalition t-.;choot Bunn's: :mil Dr. Ling Chi 'W.ang*. 1)(parlia.ontif.\s1:1 studios. y of California itIterlieley ; panel )(1:10 Iii pont:one. Horn:in.executivetidmittistrator, (Wive of Educa- tion, 2713 )V:11114.Dr. Ling-Chi. Ih.partnannif Asian l'nivursils of Cali- fornia inIterkclt..v. Calif 272S Slraig'111, hills Iiirgil nrisitItnit, Na halal Coalit ion a 1ndttiu-voutrollml School Board. Inc 27:12 Ertnsl, (Iirprtor. Mnssachnsolls if Bilingual Ethical ion. Slate Department of Edrivation ; Dither('1'.Martinez. director. Ellingualitictillitral Task Porta.: California Department of Education Dr. lictiry l'atcittli. director. Cross-Cultural F.-duration Unit, N'etv Mesirn Dvpartawnt iuf Elluvallon :1)r, flrozvo. Ilirtchor. Institute for Etitteation. New Mexico Ilighlands roivvrsity ;Maria Dutier- rez Sitt.over, dirootor of Teacher Training. Deming Public Schools.I hIning. N. Mex.: consisting of; a panelif preparation of bilingual (n111(101401 porsonnpl 271111 Zamora, Gloria,Corrupt. director oftitleVICliilittwoniprogram, Son A.ntottio,'('ix.:Alex ltodrigucz. chairman. Massachusetts Advisory Commission on Bilingual Ethioat ion ; ()phelia Hones. principal. Belvedere Junior High School. East Los .11igeles. alid Carmen Itoilriguez. superintendent. Dist 110 7. New Yoili City. eonsist ing (if: paiml of issues id hi I ingual ethical ion :structure a nil direction 2111.1 Etierrero. Adalbertui .assistant dean of students. ruivcrsityif .1.rizona John Correiro, ilireetor. title VII program.Fall 1tivvr. Mass.: and 1)r. Mbar A.1'011a. (Iiruclor.1)ivisilmifBilingual-Bicultural EduvalitM, University of Texas, a panel Pella, Altair A.. tlirector, Division of 'Bilingual-Bicultural Education,Uni- versity of Texas. Stitt Antonio, Tex 30013 Alvarez. Luis,national executive director, ASI'lltA of America,Bic.. Netv York cit.v ; and Erti»cisco Trina. president.Puerto Itican Associa- tion for Nat ismal Affairs. Nev.- 'fork f'ity. ht lid iul _ iltri I Corroiro, John It., rlirerlor. tillt. VII1,rograni. Pall II iii,.:41;o:s 3111S STATEA11:NTS Alvarez. Luis.tational executive direelmt. ASP/ RA of Amorion, Xi' YOH: (*Hy ;and Prancisett- Trillo. president, Puerto lticanAsso- ciation for National Affairs, NOW York City, II pant.) :(0711 Prepared $ttitteilletlt. (With attachm('nt) 3078 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Iv .1iticricaiiIndian Higher tilticaliontnlisortiiini,lIt111-1,Ingual Toachor T11010114 111n11'otiatiltait,% 1 ;1138 1"asso,I )1.. Henry .1., psecutive $ccrota 0. nal lonal eilticat jilt task corm 11i. IttItaza ;Homan En Vilma inc. ',scold/cc :1(1min/sty:war,I Mice or Bi- lingualEducation, New Y4,111(.113. I I'iIti t'd ighi PX01.11 I IV(' hIhtjtuul. Nat II Mill Clla III illnifI till It'll SC1111111 110:11.118 )r. king PH NVang, 1)i.part mem iii' Vniversily id Cali- fornia :0 ; :1 titlil . .2,11;1551n) Prop:m.11 tralpinctit ibi..cas,,,,1 with ;II ini.hinvIlls.) Juiln tt diroclor, lii 1'11 program. Pall Itivor. 3018 Prepared sintonient 308:1 Cransion. How .\lttti ti .8,8oni,IiiritIlictilt j Calirornia, intro- ductory roma His on 8, 2551.1.rroliIiiCongressional Itcoord. ()Holier 9, 11173 25110 D'.1Icssio, Edward 11 Pit. (1irccior,I bivtsion ;try Education, l,8. t'alliolic Confer/mi.'. 31.91; alierroro. .111011crio, iissisottit deanIll:4! MIMI IS, iVITSil',V IIt. A .11Ilin Ii. diree tor,11111.1'11program.PallIivii, ..\111ss.: 111111 1/r. .11bar .\ Pcna. director. hirision er Bilingual-P.10111ml Ethical ion, l'iiivorsity or Toxiis, 1 pallol Prep:troll st:ilvineitt :30122 Iitil-. Iii. Edward NI,, Senator rut 111c 81a to of massnvilliso Is. lu s. 2552. rretii thc (';ongrossional Itccord. October ti. 11173_ Foutainc. Horn:in. cxecut IV o ;1111itinis1 valor. 011ico it ."ow Void; (1Iy, N.Y. *2713 Prep:1l1.m slalcinitl_ '2718 .1:izzottc.Itritusdiroolor :\lassachusolts °Moo of Ihhri.iiI FAlucat 1111 81;1101 h.pari mom or Editcalion: Iii. It11horl'1'.Mit rtinoz. diroolor, 111- lingwil -Montt mill Task P0roc, 1>opartinenturt lir.I ronry Edileminn vnit. :\*(N. MoNico I //loll mem Echwnibill: rt.,iii For Bilingual Education. Now MeNico ; Maria tint ierroz Spcncer, director of Bilingual Toitchor Training. Doming Public Schools, Doming. IV. or: a panellit preparation (If tulliti t i [at porsonnol_ iuntil red staloniciit or ),1r. ;11nzzotic 22577f1191 -AlcElligett..hisophI. i)j'j.ttiuii)1' Eti tva II !oh 1 i 61111 in C:1 11()1 Cotiftrtmvp 31111 -Alontliya. How Joscpli:+1.. frion iiiSlat+. of New )1exico2539 I ii rodlictory roinarl:s onS. 27152 from the Comrressional Itocord. Oct ohm. 9. 1973 05S3 /N'Illicx, Loads. (byplay start' direetor of itti..s. ch,,;;(0,,,,, civil nights, iuuutiiiiuiuIhyliii hi.puvoil. gpilor:11 .1;w1:Thirt4ig. sIttI il li,rtif.y 11111 /11s. Cosca. EducationProjoct Prop:m.(1slatcatent 2(113 (-)roz(-u. linirvsgor. oireotor 'CpTtriipr and 1'c:toiler Train- ing Fil ihtitj, Ncw Univcrsity, [is Vigas, N. ATx_ 28111 Pascual. 11ctiry CroSs I:ducat/ow Now 70exico Stalo Delia rtntiail Eiblentioll.stlidn F(. N. Mex (wi) h accompanying ex- ntis and iptoslions)_ 27.41 Pcila, Alba]. A.. director. Ilivh.cion Bilingual-Iticidriiral Education. 1"111- vcrsity or Toxits. Sn aAnion Tcx 31103 Proparcdstatemont_ 309(1 IZilcy. -Rev. Thomas .1.. assist:int smicrintenilmit ror planning and cralna- lion. Arc lidilicese nr s111 P.r:l 3111:1 slinchoz. ilni tutu program. Confer fur Applied T.ingnist ics . 11139 Straight.RillsTlirgil pr(sident.IN.:Ilion:11Coalition of Turn:in-rim- Frollp(1 5citool Brcir/1 Inc Proparol shttemont '75(1 W:inir.1)r.L.
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