THE TESTIMONY OF THE TO THE BIBLE: The Taurat and the Injil (Old Testament and New Testament) were given by God to , the Prophets and and they are guidance, light and admonition: Sura. 5:47-52; 5:71-72; 5:69; 6:91; 3:3. are to believe in the revelations given to , Moses, Jesus etc. There is no difference in revelations: S. 2:136; 29:46; 4:136; 2:285. The Quran confirms former revelations: S. 10:37; 46:11; 35:31. The Injil and the Taurat were available during the time of Mohammed: S. 21:7; 10:94; 3:71; 3:93; 4:47; 2:42; 29:46. The Word of God cannot be changed by men: S. 6:34; 10:64. Mohammed was sent to guard Scriptures from before in safety: S. 5:51.

TESTIMONY OF THE BIBLE AS TO ITS INSPIRATION: 2Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:16-21. Jesus testifies to the inspiration of the Old Testament: Matt. 4:4,6,7; 11:10; Mark 14:27; Luke 4:4-12; Matt. 5:18; John 10:35; Mark 7:13; Luke 11:49. Evidence in the Old Testament: 1 Sam. 9:27; 1 Chron. 17:3; Isa. 4:8 etc. Evidence in the New Testament: Matt. 13:9; Luke 3:2; Acts 8:25; 1 Peter 1:10-11 etc. Jesus commissioned His apostles as teachers and promised them supernatural aid: Matt. 28:19-20; 10:7,19,20; John 14:26; 15:26-27; 16:13; 17:8; 20:22; 12:49-50; 8:40. The apostles testify to the reception of the and His teachings: 1 Cor. 2:10,13; 11:23; 14:37-38; Gal. 1:12; 1 Thess. 4:2,8; 1 Peter 1:10-12; 2 Peter 3:2, 15-16; 1 John 5:10; Jude 3. The testimony of the prophets and apostles were supported by signs, miracles and prophecy: Matt. 10:1; 1 Cor. 13:12 etc. The writers of the New Testament regarded their writings as universal authority: 1 Cor. 1:2; Col. 4:16; 2 Peter 3:15-16. The testimony of the believers: It works! God's promises are reliable! Unpredictable prophecies have been given and were in great detail fulfilled. See list: “CAM" pages 43-69 and “CCCC” pages 11-22.

CONCLUSION: 1. The Quran testifies to the inspiration of the Bible and attests its existence at the time of Mohammed. 2. The Bible testifies to its divine origin - though different to the “nazil=coming down” concept of Islam. 3. There is an abundance of Bible manuscripts in our possession. Thousands date back to pre-Islamic times. They are identical to our Bibles today.

We ask Muslims: A. When was the Bible changed and corrupted? B. Why was it corrupted and changed? C. By whom was it changed and corrupted? What was the response of all the other believers when it was discovered? D. If there was an 'original' Bible, where is it that we can compare it!



Sura. 19:35; “It is not befitting to (the Majesty of) that he should beget a son" S. 112:3; "He begetteth not, nor is He begotten.” S. 5:19; “In blasphemy indeed are those that say that Allah is Christ, the son of Mary." S. 23:91; “No son did Allah beget, nor is there any God along with Him". See also S. 9:30; 10:68; 2:116

YET Jesus was born by a virgin (S. 19:16-35)! Who takes the 'father role’? After the annunciation by Mary: “How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me, and I am not unchaste?" The replied: “Thy lord says: 'That is easy for me!’” “And (remember) her who guarded her chastity: We breathed into her of Our spirit ...”(S.21:91). The 'father role' is taken by God. He initiated the conception (S. 19:21-22). The Bible teaches just that! The word "begotten" (John 3:16) is a false translation. it should be “only born” (Greek mono-genis). See Matt. 1:18-23; Luke 1:26-35 (Note the similarity of vs. 35 with S. 19:19)

THE QURAN TEACHES THAT JESUS WAS: • Born by a virgin (S. 19:16-35) • The (S. 4:171) • The Word of Truth (S. 19:34) • Holy (S. 19:19) • Illustrious in the world and Hereafter (S. 3:45). • A sign to all men (S. 21:91; 19:21) • A creator of Life (S. 3:49; 5:113)(see S. 22:73) • A Mercy from God (S. 19:21) • A Spirit from God (S. 4:171) • The Word of God (S. 4:171) Is the Word of God (thought, mind of God) part of Him or a separate entity? • Raised to heaven (S. 4:158) • And will return for Judgement (S. 43:61 with Mishkat IV pp. 78.80) • A miracle worker (S. 3:49)

Was there any other prophet or man ever, who united these or any two of the above 13 attributes in him?

THE BIBLE TEACHES IN ADDITION THAT JESUS: Had command of the natural elements (sea, wind) (Mark. 4:37-41; Matt. 14:25) Forgives sins Luke 7:48-49; John 1:29 Is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and no man can come to God except throug Him.. John 14:6 Was Co-creator and is the keeper of the Universe John 1:1-14; Col. 1:15- 20; Heb. 1:1-3 Was God come In the flesh: John 5:26-29 with Dan. 7:13; John 5:18; Rom.. 9:4-5; 2 Cor. 4:4; Acts 20:28; Titus 2:11-14 Himself said so: Rev. 21:6-7; John 14:6-10: 10:30-33 Himself suggested it: John 20:27-29 Replied it to the High : Matt.26:63 (Muslims object, that Jesus said not “Yes” but “You say so”). Compare 26:25 Is God as prophecied by Isa. 7:14; 9:6 He was pre-existent: Micah 5:2; see also John 8:58 The very name Jesus means "salvation".



Sura 4:171; “Say not Trinity: desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is one Ilah.” S. 5:76; “They do blaspheme who say: Allah is one of three in a Trinity: for there is no good except Allah.” S. 5:119 views Trinity as consisting of God, Mary and Jesus. This is misunderstanding.

THE BIBLE TEACHES THE TRINITY OF THE ONE GOD only by implication: The names of God in the O.T. are, besides His title Jahweh - Lord: El the mighty one God 224 times Eloah the object of worship God 56 times Elah the object of worship God 89 times Elohim the object of worship God 2222 times Elohim is the plural form of Eloah. Is any explanation given? Yes: Gen. 1:26: “Elohim said: Let Us make man” Gen. 11:7 "The Lord said . . . come, Let Us go down . . ." Note: there is no “pluralis majestatis" In the Hebrew. Deut. 6:4; “The lord our God is one Lord" (Hebrew: Jahweh Eluhenu Jahweh echad). Translation: "The lord our is one Lord." Isa. 44:6: "Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel AND his redeemer the Lord of hosts: I am the first and I am the last and besides me there is no God. Isa. 63:7-10: “I will recount the steadfast love of the Lord (Jahweh) . . . and He became their Jeshua - (Jesus, which is the English form thereof). In all their affliction he was afflicted and the angel of his presence saved them; in His love and His pity He redeemed them . . . but they rebelled and grieved His Holy Spirit . . .”

How can God condescend to take on human form? It is indeed a mystery as God Himself is, and eternity, infinity etc. But God through a prophet announced this event 750 years before: Isa. 7:14, 9:6 (Immanuel - God with us). See also 'Jesus cannot be God'.

Christians beleive subsequently in one God, who in time and history chose to be incarnated into human form in Jesus: GOD through His miraculous conception, MAN through His mother. Being man He had all human needs and many limitations, being God He performed His miracles etc.


JESUS WAS NOT CRUCIFIED S. 4:157-158: "They killed Him not, nor crucified Him, but so it was made to appear to them. . . . of a surety they killed Him not; nay, Allah raised Him up unto himself.” Against that we read in S. 19:33-34. where Jesus says: "Peace is on me the day I was born, the day I die and the day I shall be raised up to life. Such was Jesus, the son of Mary, the Word of Truth about which they dispute.” Which explanation offers itself? Muslims say he will die after he returns to earth again to destroy al-Dajjal, the anti-Christ, when he will be buried next to Mohammed in . BUT in verse 15 of the same Surah the identical words are used of ! “O, Jesus, I will cause thee to die and raise thee to myself” (S. 3:55) adds to the mystery.

WHICH EVIDENCES SUPPORT THE ISLAMIC CLAIMS? The testimony of one man who lived close to 600 years after the event and did not have access to the documented reports.

THE BIBLE REPORTS THE CRUCIFIXION, death and resurrection in many ways: Matt. 27:32-54; Mark 15:22- 39; Luke 23:33-47; John 19:17-30; Acts 2:22-24; 7:52; 10:39-40; 13:28-33; Rom. 5:6,8; 1 Cor. 15:3-6; Phil. 2:5-8; Heb. 7:27; 10:10; 12:2; 1 Pet. 2:24; Rev. 1:5-7; Rev. 5:9,. and many more.


1. Eye witness reports (“CCCC” pp. 7-9 and “CAM” pp. 54-56): 2Peter 1: 16-21; 1 John 1: 1-3a; 1 Cor. 15:3-7 (note: more than 500 : most alive to be questioned!); Luke 1:1-4; Acts 5:30-32. When 50 days after the crucifixion Peter addressed thousands of (Acts 2:22-24) he accused them of crucifying and killing Jesus. No one denied! They repented, for “I am persuaded that none of these things has escaped notice, for this was not done in a corner" (Acts 26:26).

2. History recorded it though mostly by hostile historians: ("CCCC" pp. 9-10 and “CAM” pp. 98-104) Pliny, Cornelius Tacitus, Thallus and particularly Josephus, a Jewish general who defected to the Romans and wrote for them the Jewish history: “Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, If it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many Jews, and Gentiles. He was the Christ (Messiah). And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal amongst us, had Him condemned to the cross, those that loved Him at the first did not forsake Him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day; as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of , so named from Him, are not extinct at this day. (Antiquitates iudaicae Vol. 18 . 111:3).

3. O.T. Prophecy predicted the event: (“CCCC” pp. 11-23 and “CAM” pp. 43-53). With regard to crucifixion read: Zech. 11:12-13; Mark 14:10-11, 17-21; 43-46. Isa. 52:12 - 53:12; Ps. 22:1, 7-9, 13-18; John 18:36 - 19:37. Muslims query "The sign of " (Matt. 12:38-40). (See “CAM” pp.105-106).

JESUS WAS ONLY A PROPHET TO ISRAEL AND MOHAMMED THE UNIVERSAL ONE Reasons given: (Matt. 15:24, 10:5-6; Mark 7:26 with Matt. 1:21 (His people). Christians reply: Prophecy regarding Jesus in O. T. only known to Jews. Subsequently only Israel was ready to understand the Messiah and his purpose - they had God's revelation! - but most rejected him being intimidated by their leaders. Yet he had a strong following. The apostles were prepared by Jesus to go and commanded by Him to go into all the wor1d to bring the of Salvation (explain) to all mankind; Matt. 28:18; Mark 16:15-18; John 14:6; Acts 4:12 etc. So Jesus indeed went only to Israel, but to prepare his disciples to go into all the world. The Quran underlines this: S. 21:91; 19:21, where Jesus came as a sign to all peoples.


THE GOSPEL OF BARNABAS IS THE "REAL GOSPEL" (see “CAM” pp: 119 ff) This is no Gospel, but was obviously written by a Muslim about 1300-1350, Reasons:

1. The author did not know local and historical situation: Year of Jubilee every 100 years. (Lev 25: 11 every 50th year! Changed only once - in 1300) Romans gather army of 3 x 200 000 men at Mizpeh. (Whole Roman army was 300 000). Jesus born when Pilate was governor. (He was A.D. 26- 27). Mount Moria - Mount of Transfiguration (No ones knows, this is a tradition of the third century). Four mentioned (Not in the Bible, this tradition is of a much later date). 1 denarius is 60 minuti (coins). (Minuti used only under Khalif Abdul Malik A.D. 685). Soldiers rolled away like barrels. (Barrels unknown at that time in Israel). ate the apple in . (Bible - fruit. Apple tradition much later). Many quotations are taken from Dante's works. (Dante lived 1245-1321).

2. The author did not know the geography of Israel: Nazareth at shore of Lake Galilee, Jesus goes UP (!) to Capernaum, the lowest town on the earth's surface, Jesus went by boat to !

3. The author mentions Catholic traditions: Jesus and disciples observe 40 days of Lent! (Known 400 years later). “Virgin” is given as a title to Mary (done only 400 years later).

4. The author mentions Islamic traditions: The name of Mohammed 15 times(Born 570 AC ) Mohammed called "Messiah". (Bible and Quran: Jesus the Messiah). It mentions the 5 pillars of Islam and the Islamic creed; There is no god but God and Mohammed is his messenger. Which is not even found in its totality in the Quran. Jesus observed five daily prayers (No Jewish custom and not reported) Ismael offered on altar by Abraham. (Bible - Gen. 22:2, Ismael Islamic Tradition).

5. Barnabas was not a disciple of Jesus, but became a Christian after His death. Notice the difference between the Gospel of Barnabas and the Epistle of Barnabus MOHAMMED IS PREDICTED IN THE BIBLE (See “MFB” and "CAM” pp.110-116) WHERE? Muslims: S. 61:6: "Jesus said: I am indeed the Messenger of Allah to you . . . giving good tidings of a messenger who shall come after "the praised one". This, say Muslims, is based on John 14:16-17; 15:26; 16:7. The “Comforter”, the Holy Spirit in Greek paracletos. Muslims hold it should read pericletos - the praised one - Mohammed. There is no evidence for that. Christians reply: This passage refers to a Spirit. He was promised to the apostles and would remain forever. The apostles knew him (14:17) and he was to dwell in them. The promise was fulfilled in Acts 2, to those who believed (John 7:39) WHERE? Muslims: Deut. 18:18 "I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brethren; and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all I command him” - this prophet is Mohammed. Reasons: 1. “. . . from among their brethren”, i.e. the brethren of the -the Ismaelites. 2. Mohammed resembles Moses fully: "a prophet like you". Christians reply: 1 ". . . from their brethren”, i.e. out of your midst! See Deut. 18:1-2 (their brethren), :15 (from among YOU). The prophet had to come from Israel. This brother is Judah. Matt. 1:2 2. “a prophet like you” (See “CAM” pp. 115). 3. The Bible states that Jesus is that prophet (Acts 3: 17-23) To us the attempt to fit Mohammed into the role of Jesus is Just a desperate move to “fulfil” the saying of S. 61:7 and 7:157. Besides, by making this claim the Muslims admit the validity of the Bible.




1.The Quran varies from former revelation in considerable and many ways. If we believe that nobody can change the Word of God (Sura 10:64 and 6:34), that Mohammed was the protector of former revelations and that former revelations (Taurat and Injil) are God's Word (see p.1), how can we explain the differences? The Bible underwent no change, as we have seen (p.1)

2. During the life of Mohammed there were 'seven revealed forms' of the Quran which differed considerably (Tafsir of Tabari. Tafsir of al-Baizawi on S. 3:100; 6:91; 19:35; 28:48; 33:6; 34:18; 38:22 and also recorded in the Mishkat III pp. 702-705). (See “CAM” p. 57-59).

3. Four accepted versions of the Quran existed until after the Quran was revised under Uthman (“Christians ask Muslims” pp 60-64). These were collected and recorded by Ibn Masood, Abu Musa, Ubayy ibn Ka'b and Hijazi text. All recorders were companions of Mohammed and learned the Quran from him. Said who revised the Quran was much their junior. Jalal al-Din reports of 2 Suras which are missing in the Uthmani Text but were contained in the masahif of , Ubayy and Abu Musa, and in today's text are three Suras which were not in the mushaf of ibn Masood (al-Itqan). Ibn Masood is reported to have attended the 'final review' of the Quran by . After creating a uniform text from the existing versions, Uthman ordered ALL others including the original which was kept by Hafsah, to be burnt. WHY??? (Mishkat III p. 708).

4. There are portions missing and others wilfully added (See "CAM" pp. 49-52). Missing in today's Quran are: “If there were two valleys of riches for the son of , he would long for a third valley . . . " etc. this part of a sura the length of S. at- Taubah, "O people who believe, why do you say that which you do not practice . . . " etc,. and "That which is recorded in your necks as a witness (against you) and you would be asked about it on the " and the verse of stoning adulteresses (Sahih Muslim pp. 501, 912: Mishkat II p. 534). Ayshah reported that one revelation manuscript which was under her bed at the time of Mohammed's death was eaten by a domestic animal (Sahih Muslim p. 740) S. 53: 19: “Have you considered al-Lat and al-Uzza and the third other?" was formerly followed by: “Verily they are exalted maidens and their intercession is to be hoped for (or 'is approved')” Al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat were three of 360 deities in the Ka'aba before was conquered by Muslims. The text of vs. 19 was also altered. It read originally “By al-Lat . . .” etc. To S. 23:12 the words Blessed be Allah, the best of creators” were added by Mohammed, being an exclamation by his scribe Abd-Allah Ibn Abi-Sarh (al-Baidawis and Zamakshari's tafsir commentary)). To S. 4:95 the words “except those who suffer from a grave impediment” were wilfully added, when a blind person was present when the foregoing verse was dictated by Mohammed to Said and he objected.


5. A great deal of (if not all) the religious concepts and persons reflected in the Quran were common knowledge at the time of Mohammed in Arabia and Mohammed had easy access to them (See "CAM" pp. 96- 102): i.e. Allah, prophet hood, Ka'aba, , the prayers as practiced in Islam, Ramadaan, Quibla, Jesus, Mary, Abraham, Moses and many others, Harut and Marut, seven heavens and (S. 15:44; 17:44), the Miraj, paradise, the Mizaan (balances) and Sirat etc.. These come from varying sources (, Talmud, N.T. Apocrypha, Jewish legends and legends of Eastern Religions), many are quoted verbally.

6. The Quran served to provide personal advantages for Mohammed. (All references from "CAM" pp. 111- 116). S. 66: 1 ff explained in Mishkat II pp. 680-681 and Ranzatu'r, Safu: II p. 188. S. 33:53-54 explained in Mishkat II p. 723 and I p. 210. S. 33:36 explained by the Tafsir of al-Baizawi II p. 129 and Sahih Muslim II p. 724. S. 33:37-38; 33:50-56 explained in Mishkat I p. 210, Sahih al-Bukhari I p. 165. Sahih Muslim II p. 716 and p. 762, Sahih Muslim IV pp. 1299-1301, ibn Sa'ds' Kitab al-Tabaqat al-kabir pp. 439, 469 etc.).

7. We find no valid, acceptable evidence in the text of the Quran, which testifies to its divine character (we refer to “CCCC” pp. 11-22 and "CAM" pp. 43-65): (a) There is no humanly unpredictable prophecy which was consequently fulfilled as in the Bible, and as demanded as a proof (Deut. 18:21-22; Isa. 41:21-23). (b) Jews and Christians repeatedly asked Mohammed for such proof to establish his credentials as a prophet, which he did not give (S. 3:183; 17:90-93; 17:59; 88:93; 13:7, 109, 124; 7:203; 2:87, 99, 118-119; 151:252). (c) The high literary quality (S 17:89; 2:23; 9: 16) of at least parts of the Quran in does not constitute in itself any evidence of divine origin. (The best human achievement is by that not yet divine) (d) The testimony of one man to a divine and universal text without confirmation by acceptable divine signs cannot be held acceptable.

8. Contradictions in the Quran: S. 4:82: "If it (Quran) had been from any besides Allah, they would certainly have found therein many contradictions." These are, no doubt, there:

(a) Predestination: The Quran distinctly teaches “taqdir” or “qadar” (pre-ordering). (See “CAM” pp. 21-37). In Creation: S. 28:68; 54:49; 37:96; 13:39; 42:49:50; 35:16-17; 30:54. Of Guidance: S. 32:13; 16:93; 16:36; 7:179; 4:87; 14:4; 11:118; 13:27; 6:149. Of Forgiveness and Punishment: S. 5:20; 5:40; 48:14 Of, Sin, Piety, and Mercy: S. 91:7-8; 76:29-30. Of the Will and Destiny of Man: S. 47:16; 2:5-6; 42:13; 57:22; 32:12-13; 33:17; 48:11; 74:54-56; 64:11; 68:48-50. Of Man’s Provisions: S. 34:36; 30:37; 62:4; 13:26; 57:29; 28:82. In contrast to this the Quran teaches “Reward for deeds”, i.e. cause and effect: S. 33:24; 33:73; 61:5; 28:56; 6:83. and that Allah is most merciful and gracious (see beginning of each Sura) which is in contrast to both pre- ordering and cause and effect. The Quran is confirmed by the Hadis: Mishkat III pp. 93-121; Sahih Muslim IV pp. 1389-1401 and Sahih al- Bukhari VIII pp. 387-403. One cannot possibly interpret this type of predestination as being on the grounds of Allah's knowledge. How can Allah be Merciful, if He is Just? How can there be a reward for Good or Evil, if all is pre-ordered?


Contradictions (b) The law of mansukh and nasikh (“CAM” pp. 11-16), is the law of abrogation and teaches that Allah may substitute one revelation of the Quran by another one (S. 16:101; 2:106). This is contradicted by S.6:34 and 10:64. At least some of the mansukh verses (those abrogated or replaced) are still in the Quran and each constitutes a contradiction. Since there is no accurate chronology of the verses given, it is often difficult to determine which verse is to replace which other one. Some examples (Salalu'd-Din estimated the number of abrogations to be up to 500): 1. Change of Qibla: S. 2:142-144 2. Change of inheritance laws: S. 4:7, 11 3. Change of night prayers: S. 73:2, 20 4. Change of punishment for adulteresses: S. 4:15 and 124:2, not to mention the lost verses of stoning (see paragraph 4) 5. Change of retaliation laws: S. 2:178 and 5:48; 17:33 6. Change in the restrictions governing Jihad: S. 9:5 is contradicted by S. 9:36 and 47:4 and both contradict S. 2:256 In addition to the above are changes in pilgrimage laws, dietry laws, the fast and in law S. 2:158, 168-174, 182-187; 191-203; S.16:114-119, 124) and others.

(c) Other contradictions: 1. The world was created in six days (S. 25:59) - the world was created in eight days (S.41:9-12) 2. No distinction between prophets (S. 3:84; 2:285; 2:136) - some prophets exalted in degree above others (S. 2:253) 3. Everything is predestined (see 8a) - there is a just reward for one's deeds (see 8a) 4. Intercession effected by and Mohammed (S. 42:5; 24:62) - intercession is not acceptable to Allah (S. 74:48; 63:5; 34:23). CHRISTIAN OBJECTIONS TO CERTAIN ETHICAL NORMS

We find it strange that Muslim theologians exert themselves to discredit the Christian faith by using doubtful arguments, which have often been refuted, but are continually taught in Madressas everywhere (see pages 1-5). Messrs. Deedat, Joommal and others have resorted to totally dishonest smear campaigns without the masses of Muslims objecting to this. Into the same category falls the propagation of the so-called "Gospel of Barnabas" (see p. 5) and the comments by Col. Rahim.. The translation of the "Gospel" was accompanied with the translation (L. and L. Ragg) commentary, which clearly states that it is a forgery. This is left out. That the “Gospel of Barnabas” is a forgery is established without any reasonable doubt (p. 5) Compare the Gospel of Barnabas with the Epistle of Barnabus.

Original of the above text from a flyer of Gairdner Ministries England “CCCC” Comparing Confusing Considering Concluding “CAskM” Christians Ask Muslims by Gerhard Nehls 1988 “CAM” Christians Answer Muslims by Gerhard Nehls 1988 “MFB” Is Mohammed Foretold in the Bible by J. Gilchrist Christian Reply to Muslim Objections by W. StClair Tisdall Box 13 A9503 Villach, Austria, 1980

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