YEZAD A Romance of the Unknown By GEORGE BABCOCK PUBLISHED BY CO-OPERATIVE PUBLISHING CO., INC. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. NEW YORK, N. Y. Copyright, November, 1922, by GEORGE BABCOCK All rights reserved To MY S1sTER, EVA STANTON (BABCOCK) BROWNING., this story 1s affectionately inscribed. GEORGE BABCOCK. Brooklyn, N. Y. November, 19ff. CHARACTERS l JOHN BACON, Aviator. 2 JuLIA BACON, His Wife. 3 PAUL BACON, Son. 4 ELLEN BACON, Daughter. 5 AnoLPH VON PosEN, Inventor, in love. 6 SALLY T1MPOLE, the Cook, also in love. 7 JASPER PERKINS } 8 SILAS CUMMINGS The old quaint cronies. 9 NANCY PRINDLE 10 DOCTOR PETER KLOUSE. 11 HESTER DOUGLASS} 12 F IN LEY D OU GLASS Grandchildren of the Doctor. 13 SAM WILLIS, the dreadful liar. 14 WILLIAM THADDEUS TITUS, Champion of several trades. 15 WILLIAM GRENNELL, the Village Blacksmith. 16 MINNA BACON } 17 B RENDA B ACON Children of Paul and Hester. 18 RoBERT DouGLAss, Son of Finley and Ellen. 19 CHARLOTTE Dun LEY, a Maiden of Mars. 20 CHRISTOPHER SPENCER, Astronomer of Mars. 21 FELIX CLAUDIO, the Devil's Son. 22 DocToR NATHAN ELIZABRAT of Mars. 23 MARCOMET, a Guard of the Great White \Vay. 24 JOHN BACON'S DUALITY. Note:-A Glossary of coined and unusual words and their mean ing, used by the author in Yezad, will be found on pages 449 to 463. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I THE PRICE OF PROGRESS 1 II THE GHOST • 20 III NEW NEIGHBORS 33 IV DOCTOR KLOUSE 45 V HEREDITY VS. KLOUSE PHILOSOPHY 52 VI A DREADFUL LIAR • 57 VII AMONG THE ABORIGINES 71 VIII AN ODD EXPERIMENT .
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