
AWEJ for & Literary Studies, Volume 2, Number 4. October 2018 Pp.232- 260 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24093/awejtls/vol2no4.18

The Main Characteristics of Borrowed Words in Bahasa Melayu

Khairi O. Al-Zubaidi Executive Director Arab Society of Studies Abstract Bahasa Melayu (Malaysian Language) like other languages has borrowed a number of words from other languages. This paper presents a study of Arabic borrowed words in Bahasa Melayu. It illustrates the main characteristics of the Arabic borrowed words: nouns of different types, adjectives, astrology, sciences, finance, trade, commerce, religious words and daily expressions. The researcher brought together ten categories of loan words (in three languages, Malay, Arabic and English). In conclusion, the researcher finds out that the main stream of Arabic borrowed words in Bahasa Melayu is due to the large influence of . This study will provide the groundwork for further researches which will lead to enrich the linguistics and . Keywords: Arabic, Bahasa Melayu, borrowed words, Glorious Qur’an, influence of Islam, Malay Cites as: Al-Zubaidi, K.O. (2018). The Main Characteristics of Arabic Borrowed Words in Bahasa Melayu. Arab World English Journal for Translation & Literary Studies, 2 (4), 232- 260. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24093/awejtls/vol2no4.18

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AWEJ for Translation & Literary Studies Volume, 2 Number 4. October 2018 The Main Characteristics of Arabic Borrowed Words in Bahasa Melayu Al-Zubaidi

Introduction: Historical Background 1.1. Malay and Islam There is a debate about the exact date of Islam’s appearance in South . Some historians and scholars connect it to the first travels by Muslim Arab sailors to the islands of the region around the 8th century; Arab traders arrived in and brought with them the principles and practices of Islam. On the other hand, Miller (2004) says that “Islam is believed to have then been brought to the port city of Malacca on the west coast of the Malay Peninsula by Muslim Tamil Indian traders around the 14th century”. (p.1) Since then the influence of Islam grew in and intergrade in the life of Malay people and became an essential part of their identity. Islam is “tied to the issues of Malay nationalism and to the deep and indelible connection between the Malay identity and Islam. Indeed, Islam, along with Bahasa Malayu “the , has been called the chief component of the Malay identity” (Miller, 2004, p.2) therefore the Islamic symbols play an important role in Malaysian beliefs. Moreover, (Mastor, 2000) explains the influence of Islam on Malay and says that most of the are , and the constitution of the country states that Malay must be Muslim “regardless ethnic heritage” there is a general impression that Malay who rejects Islam is no longer considered a Malay. Since the independence of Malaysia in 1957, Islam has been the official of the country, and the main emphasis of such status is to maintain harmony and cooperation between Malays and the other ethnic people in the country. Islam shapes all aspect of the Malay’s life, the value and behavior and the Malays rely heavily on the religious beliefs. Although Islam is the state religion of Malaysia, the freedom of religion guaranteed.

1.2. Malay Language and Arabic Language The Malay language (Bahasa Melayu) is one of the branches of the Malayo-Polyne- of the Austronesian family languages (Mastor, 2002). For several centuries Bahasa Melayu has been used as the in various forms of many ethnic groups in five countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, and Thailand and in the nearby areas. Malay spoken languages in these five countries have developed differently, each influenced by different factors resulting in many notable differences. Since it is a geographically wide speared language, many different dialects exist. Earlier Malay language was written using the Indian script. The old Malay was much under the Indian influence. (Ranavio, 2002)

With the advent of Islam, the Malays tried to use Pallava and Kawi to express their new Islamic faith but found it to be unsuitable to pronounce the verses of the and . They thus experimented and created the Jawi script. Malay was written widely in Jawi, a script based on Arabic and has additional letters. Over time, the Romanized script overtook Jawi as the dominant script. This was largely due to the influence of Dutch and British and their colonial educational system. However, the Latin alphabet was adopted in the 17th century to replace the so people taught in Romanized writing rather than in Arabic script. (Yee, 2007) The Jawi script has been in use for more than 600 years by now and is synonymous with the Malay language itself”. Jawi was the standard script for the Malay language and it has been used intensively for religious and cultural purposes. Yee, (2007) states that “Adapting Arabic into the Jawi script enabled the Malays to record their experience, religious and oral literature into a collection Arab World English Journal for Translation & Literary Studies 233 ISSN: 2550-1542 | www.awej-tls.org

AWEJ for Translation & Literary Studies Volume, 2 Number 4. October 2018 The Main Characteristics of Arabic Borrowed Words in Bahasa Melayu Al-Zubaidi of Malay classical literature. An example is the Malay Annals preserved by the British historian Sir Richard O. Winstedt.”

The Malay language is now written in the 26 letter Roman alphabet due to the influence of British colonization over the Malay Peninsula since 1795. (Mastor, 2000). To the Malays, Bahasa Malayu is the of the nation. It became the of Malaysia in 1968.

1.3. Arabic Language and Islam Arabic is a Central Semitic language. Arabic is the mother tongue of over 225 million people in Africa and Asia. It is the main language in 22 countries. It is one of the oldest living languages in the world. It is considered the spiritual language of Islam. Since the Qur'an is written in Arabic, people in other Muslim countries have from the basic to advanced knowledge of Arabic. Arabic is related directly to the Qur'an, the holy book of the Muslim and Arabic is a distinguishing feature of Islam. But this is only because it is the language that the Qur'an was revealed in. With the , the Arabic alphabet came to be used to write many other languages such as Malay, Persian, Kurdish, , Turkish, Berber, Pashto, Swahili, Hindustani, Indonesian and Azerbaijani. In fact, the Arabic language has a notable influence in most of the languages in our present time. Maybe, the most obvious contribution of Arabic to humanity is the Arabic numerals (0, 1, 2, 3...) There are numerous words with Arabic origins which are used today in most languages. Arabic is one of the permanent languages in the United Nations.

Muslims in the entire world form one community of believers who believe that Qur’an was sent over 1400 years ago in the Arabic language. Therefore, Arabic serves as a common language among the World Islamic Community. Muslims strive to study Arabic in order to be able to understand and comprehend the Qur’an. The Qur’an was revealed in Classical Arabic. The Muslims have strong motivation to keep Classical Arabic alive and well. consider Classical Arabic as an important component of their culture. Arabic is an efficient language, especially when it comes to the precise statement of laws. “Since the Qur’an is a Statute Book, it was crucial that such laws must be clearly stated. chose Arabic for His Final Testament because of the obvious reason that it is the most suitable language for that purpose” (Khalifa,2009, para. 5)

Methodology For more than two years, the researcher has spent a great effort to gather, study, and analyze the different resources. Books and documents, in three languages (Malay, Arabic and English) as well as tracking and monitoring educated Malay speakers. The researchers’ main guide in this study was the glorious Qur’an. After gathering the borrowed words, the researchers organized, categorized and analyze them according to their types.

2. Analysis and discussion. The Malay language like any other languages has gone through many periods in which large numbers of words from a particular language were borrowed. These periods coincide with the time of major cultural contact between the Malaysian speakers and those speaking the Arabic

Arab World English Journal for Translation & Literary Studies 234 ISSN: 2550-1542 | www.awej-tls.org

AWEJ for Translation & Literary Studies Volume, 2 Number 4. October 2018 The Main Characteristics of Arabic Borrowed Words in Bahasa Melayu Al-Zubaidi language. The waves of borrowing during periods of especially strong cultural contacts are not sharply delimited, and can overlap.

The researchers find out that the mainstream of Arabic words in the Malay language is due to the great influence of Islam, and the terms borrowed range from religious terminology, academic, economy, science logic and everyday expression and conjunctions.

Categorization of Arabic borrowed words 2.1. The Malay language borrowed all Arabic names of the months in the or Hijrah calendar. The Islamic (Hijrah) calendar has twelve lunar months. Years are counted since the Hijrah, which is when the Prophet migrated from to Madinah (approximately July 622 A.D.). The Islamic calendar was first introduced by the second caliph 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab in approximately 638 A.D. The Islamic calendar is the official calendar in some Muslim countries, such as Saudi Arabia. Table No. 1 below illustrates the names of these twelve months. Table 1 Names of the Months Names of the Months

Names of the Months

Malaysian Arabic Language Language English Language

the first month in the Muslim (Hijiria) Calendar محرم Muharram the second month in the Muslim (Hejira) calendar صفر Safar

the third month of the Muslim(Hejira) calendar ربيع االول Rabiulawal

The fourth month of the Muslim(Hejira) calendar ربيع االخر Rabiulalakher

The fifth month of the Muslim calendar جمادي االول Jamadilawal

The sixth month of the Muslim calendar جمادي االخر Jamadilakhir the seventh month of the Muslim calendar رجب Rejab

The eight-month of the Islamic Calendar شعبان Shaban

Ramadan; ninth month of the Muslim calendar. When رمضان during daylight hours Muslims fast

The tenth month in the Muslim (Hejira) calendar شهر شوال Syawal

The eleventh month of the Muslim (Hejira) calendar; the ذو القعده Zulkaedah month between Syawal and Zulhijah

The twelve-month of Muslim (Hejira) the month for performing the Hij ذوالحجة Zulhijah

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AWEJ for Translation & Literary Studies Volume, 2 Number 4. October 2018 The Main Characteristics of Arabic Borrowed Words in Bahasa Melayu Al-Zubaidi

2.2. The Malay language borrowed all Arabic names of the days of the week (Table No.2)

Table 2 Days of the week

Days of the Week

No. Malaysian Language Arabic Language English Language

Saturday السبت Sabtu 1

Sunday األحد Ahad 2

Monday األثنين Isnin 3

Tuesday الثالثاء Selasa 4

Wednesday األربعاء Rabu 5

Thursday الخميس Khamis 6

Friday الجمعة Jumaat 7

2.3. Many Arabic words in the field of trade, commerce and finance. Table No.3 shows some of these words Table 3 Words of Trade, Commerce and Finance Trade, Commerce and Finance No. Malaysian Language Arabic Language English Language Stock market البورصة Bursa 1 .Register; official list دفتر ، سجل Daftar 2 Agent. Broker. A person who buys and sells دالّل ، سمسار Dalal 3 on behalf of others; middleman. Proof; evidence, anything that establishes a factor gives a reason for believing دليل Dalil 4 something. Unit of money دينار Dinar 5 Gold or silver currency used in Arab درهم Dirham 6 countries. Interest on saving فائدة البنك Faedah 7 Copyright, perform حق ثابت Hak Cipta 8 Ownership حق ملك Hak Milik 9 Court; lawcourt محكمه Mahkamah 10 Company شركات syarikat 11 list of fixed charges duty to be paid تعريفه Tarif 12 Arab World English Journal for Translation & Literary Studies 236 ISSN: 2550-1542 | www.awej-tls.org

AWEJ for Translation & Literary Studies Volume, 2 Number 4. October 2018 The Main Characteristics of Arabic Borrowed Words in Bahasa Melayu Al-Zubaidi

Agent; one who acts on behalf of another وكيل wakil 13

2.4 Arabic Islamic science flourished under the Abbasid caliphs of Baghdad, gradually spreading its influence over the entire Islamic world. Table No. 4 contains a few of them. Table 4 Words of sciences No. sciences Malaysian Language Arabic Language English Language The study of Islamic فقه Fikah 1 Philosophy فلسفه falsafah 2 Calculation حسا ب Hisab 3 Economy اقتصاد Iktisad 4 biology علوم الحياة Ilmu hayat 5 Chemistry كيمياء Kimia 6 Algebra علم الجبر Algebra 7 Chemistry علم الكيمياء Alkimia 8 علم الشريعة `Syariah 9 Islamic law علم المنطق Mentiq 10 Logic

2.5. Arab astronomers invented scores of names of stars which are still in use; The Malay language borrowed some of them . Table 5 Words of Astrology Astrology No. Malaysian Language Arabic Language English Language (the second largest and زحل Zuhal 1 sixth in order from the ) (Mercury (the planet nearest to the sun عطارد Utareid 2 A star نجم Najam 3 Mars مريخ Marikh 4

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Astrologer نجوم Nujum 5 Celestial sphere, the universe beyond الفلك Falak 6 the earth’s . Astrology , the study of stars and علم الفلك Ilmu Falak 7 and their movements

2.6. Most religious nouns and words used by the Malays are a direct borrowing from Arabic. There are so many Arabic words describing Arab customs and Islamic practices. Table 6 Religious Words and Nouns Religious Words and Nouns No. Malaysian Language Arabic Language English Language Tithe, obligatory alms by Muslims made before the end of the فطره Fitrah 1 month Arabic verses cited after the 's اقامة الصالة Iqamat 2 Muslims last call for to Permission اذن Izin 3 The corpse, a term used for the dead جنازه Jenazah 4 body of royalty , the that conveyed divine جبرائيل Jibril 5 prophets to the The effort to achieve goodness جهاد 6 Everything created by God خلق Khalayak 7 End خاتمه Khatam 8 The for a sermon reader خطيب 9 Doomsday; day of the يوم القيامه Kiamat 10 Guide; special and useful information فتوى Petua 11 or advice God's will; destiny; fate قدر Qadar 12 Koran reader قارئ Qari 13 Female Koran reader قارئه Qariah 14 Parts in a Muslim prayer ركعه Rakaat 15 Money is given to the poor صدقة Sadekah 16 To eat a meal between midnight and سحور Suhur 17 dawn to prepare for the next day's fast A non-obligatory prayer at night in the تراويح 18 month of Ramadan Advantages granted by to Prophet Muhammad and another شفاعة Syafaa 19 prophet to be used to help mankind on Judgment Day Arab World English Journal for Translation & Literary Studies 238 ISSN: 2550-1542 | www.awej-tls.org

AWEJ for Translation & Literary Studies Volume, 2 Number 4. October 2018 The Main Characteristics of Arabic Borrowed Words in Bahasa Melayu Al-Zubaidi

2.7. Daily religious expression: Table 7 Daily Religious Expression

Daily Religious Expression No. Malaysian Language Arabic Language English Language Expression all praise to Alla الحمد للة 1 One who is blessed by Alla ; a title that Muslim comes before a deceased اللة يرحمة Allahyarham 2 man's name, the deceased for a Muslim man One who is blessed by Allah; for the اللة يرحمها Allahyarhamah 3 .deceased woman Muslim woman Title; a term used for a deceased المرحوم Almarhum 4 Muslim man The Arabic word that means if God انشاء هللا Insya-Allah 5 wills it Words of God (in the Holy Koran( كالم هللا Allah 6 The will of Allah; a phrase uttered to ما شاء هللا Masya-Allah 7 ,etc ,express surprise, wonder Pass away; to die رحمة هللا بعد الموت Rahmatullah 8 The utterance of the takbar, تكبيرة التحريم Takbiratulihram 9 Allahuakbar at the start of An utterance or speech in defense of وهللا Wallah 10 truth by saying God's name The practice of uttering Allah's name out of devotion to Him and His ذكر هللا Zikir 11 Oneness

2.8 There are a numerous number of nouns and adjectives that are borrowed from Arabic. See Tables No 8 and 9 for details. Table 8 Borrowed Nouns Nouns No. Malaysian Language Arabic Language English Language A calendar تقويم Takwim 1 An example مثال Tamsil 2 Muslim man's high flat-topped red cap طربوش Tarbus 3 Repentance; regret for something bad توبه Taubat 4 that one has done Hurricane; violent storm-wind; طوفان Taufan 5 typhoon Horizon; line at which earth and sky أ فق Ufuk 6 appear to meet Arab World English Journal for Translation & Literary Studies 239 ISSN: 2550-1542 | www.awej-tls.org

AWEJ for Translation & Literary Studies Volume, 2 Number 4. October 2018 The Main Characteristics of Arabic Borrowed Words in Bahasa Melayu Al-Zubaidi

A rocky watercourse, dry except in the وادي Wadi 7 rainy season Epistle; letter ورقه Warkah 8 A letter of commission presented to وثيقه Watikah 9 army officers, police Olive; small oval fruit from which an زيتون Zaitun 10 oil (olive oil) is obtained Obligatory alms made annually under زكاة 11 Muslim law Visit(to a holy or sacred place) ; زياره Ziarah 12 visit(to see a person or a place) Long-necked African animal زرافه Zirafah 13 Poetry شعر Syair 14 Godly; sincerely religious تقوئ Takwa 15 Congratulations تهاني Tahniah 16 Physician; doctor طبيب Tabib 17 Clarification; explanation شرح Syurah 18 Friends صحابه Sahabat 19 Allah's way سبيل Sabil 20 Commandment; divine command ركن من اركان الدين Rukun 21 prayers(with To bend the body during hand clasping the knee until the back ركوع Rukuk 22 same level) to bow and head are at the A violin-like instrument with tow or Played during .three strings only (usu ربابه Rebab 23 a traditional ceremony or the King's installation) .a Muslim spiritual leader إمام 24 Advice نصيحه Nasihat 25 Inspector; supervisor الناظر Nazir 26 Copy نسخه Naskhah 27 A song with Islamic elements sung in a نشيد Nasyid 28 group Parts in a Muslim prayer ركعه Rakaat 29 A mark رقم Rakam 30 pedal; a flat bar on a machine such as a راكب Rakap 31 bicycle

Table 9. Borrowed Adjectives Adjectives No. Malaysian Language Arabic Language English Language

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AWEJ for Translation & Literary Studies Volume, 2 Number 4. October 2018 The Main Characteristics of Arabic Borrowed Words in Bahasa Melayu Al-Zubaidi

Miser , the person who hoards money and spend as بخيل Bakhil 1 little as possible . greedy . pretending to believe and have faith in Islam منافق Munafik 2 brutal; very cruel, without mercy; inhuman; not ظالم Zalim 3 humane Ignorant, Lacking, knowledge جاهل Jahil 4 Atheistic; blasphemous كافر Kufur 5 Unlucky accident نحس Nahas 6 merciful; ;Gracious; kind and pleasant towards رحيم Rahim 7 showing mercy patient; showing patience صابر Sabar 8 أسود Aswad 9 ;Devout in religion ورع Warak 10 Motherless; without a living mother, orphan يتيم Yatim 11 External; outward; superficial; of or on the surface ظاهر 12 Ceremonial; formal; official رسمي Rasmi 13

2.9. Educational and academic words as illustrated in Table No. 10 : Table 10 Educational and Academic Words No. Educational and Academic Words Malaysian Language Arabic Language English Language Diploma, graduation certificate awarded by a إجازه، شهاده 1 university Professional of or belonging to إختصاص Ikhtisas 2 a profession Magazine مجله Majalah 3 Information; explanation معلومات Maklumat 4 Knowledge, wisdom معرفه ’Akrifat 5 Formally written or مكتوب Maktub 6 documented Meeting مشورة ، إجتماع Mesyuarat 7 Inspector; supervisor الناظر Nazir 8 Reader قارئ Qari 9 Meditation; think deeply and تفكير إلAfakur 10 quietly Interpretation; explain the تفسير 11 meaning of (Inflect (a verb تصريف االفعال إلAsrif 12 the body of Muslim scholars علماء 13 or

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AWEJ for Translation & Literary Studies Volume, 2 Number 4. October 2018 The Main Characteristics of Arabic Borrowed Words in Bahasa Melayu Al-Zubaidi

Teacher أ ستاذ Ustaz 14 Motion; formal proposal put to أصول Usul 15 a meeting for discussion list; timetable; schedule جدول Jadual Memorize, commit to memory حفظ Hafaz 16 Dictionary قاموس Kamus 17 Sermon; talk on a religious or خطبه 18 moral subject Book كتاب Kitab 19 Answer جواب Jawab 20

Conclusion Islam has been intimately tied to Malaysian life since the time of the Malacca Sultanate in the 15th century. Islam, as one of the key characteristics of Malay identity, and has served to transfer loan words from Arabic to Malay. The researcher noted that people in Malaysia do not perceive some Arabic words as loan words at all. Generally, the longer a borrowed word has been in the language, and the more frequently it is used, the more it resembles the native words of the language. The Malay language has many words borrowed from Arabic, in particular the religious terms.

About the author: Prof. Khairi Al-Zubaidi, Ph. D. in Applied Linguistics from the University of Northern Colorado, U.S.A. M.A: University of La Verne, California, U.S.A. Taught at University of Baghdad, Amman University, Sultan Qaboos University and Language Academy, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, International Campus, . His research interest is in Applied Linguistics, Cultural studies and Translation.


القاموس المحيط. المؤلف. الفيروز آبادي (قاموس المحيط) Al-Qamus Al-Muhit Denny, John.( 2001). Cultural Strife: Development of National Language in Malaysia, National Kaohsiung Normal University Taiwan, Electronic Magazine of Multicultural Education, spring, 3, (1). Glorious Quran Khalifa, R. (2009). Why was the Quran Revealed in Arabic? http://www.submission.org/quran/arabic.html Mastor, K. A., Jin, P., & Cooper, M. (2000) Malay Culture and personality: A Big Five perspective, American Behavioral Scientist, 44 (.1), 95-111. Miller, E. (2004). The Role Islam in Malaysian Political practice, Al Nakhlah, The Fletcher School Online Journal, Article 4, Tufts University, Medford, M.A., (Fall 2004). Arab World English Journal for Translation & Literary Studies 242 ISSN: 2550-1542 | www.awej-tls.org

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Omar, Asmah, (1989). The Malay , Journal of the Simplified Spelling Society, , pp9-13. Ranaivo, B., &Mohamad, S. K. (2002). Automatic Identification of Closed Languages: Case of Malay and Indonesian, Pre-COLING Seminar-Penang,Malaysia-19Agust. Yee, Wan, (2007). The History of Malay Language, http://www.ArticleBiz.com, This is Mohammad. http://mohammad.Islamway.com


List of Arabic Borrowed Words in the Malay Language

List of Arabic loan words into the Malay Language

Language Malay Language Arabic Language English (Bahsah Malayu) اللغة اإلنجليزية اللغة العربية اللغة الماليزية .No

ابا : لفظة يستعملها االطفال لمناداة 1 Abah Father, daddy Children's use الوالد My salve عبدي Abdi 2

Slave عبد Abid 3

Polite أدب 4

Custom, usually way of behaving or acting عادة Adat 5

Fair: just عدل Adil 6

The best, of highest value in terms of God's acceptance (of one's أفضل Afdal 7 religious duties)

Evil Genie عفريت Afrit 8

.Sunday, the first day of the week األحد Ahad 9

Expert, a person with great knowledge or skill in a particular أهلي أو مؤهل Ahli 10 branch of a subject.

Muslim celebration after one month of fasting عيد الفطر Aidilfitri 11

Doom, fate, األجل Ajal 12

Mind, ability to think عقل ، القدرة على التفكير Akal 13

اخبار، بائع الصحف ،الصحف ، 14 News, newspaper , shopkeeper who sells newspapers الجرائد

Final; in the end ,, concluding أخير ، في األخير، أخيرا Akhir 15

The next world , an endless period of life after death األخرة ، الحياة األ خرى بعد الموت Akhirat 16

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Finally أخيرا ، في النهاية Akhirnya 17

Consequence., result العاقبة ، النتيجة Akibat 18

Belief, faith العقيدة ، االيمان Akidah 19

Agate, hard stone with patches or brands of color عقيق ، نوع من االحجار الكريمة Akik 20

Mature عاقل Akil 21

Puberty, age in Islam at which one is considered an adult ( 12 راشد بالغ ) بالغ الرشد (، عاقل 22 Akil (years for girls and 18 for boys حسب الشريعة االسالمية

Close (r elationship) dear to each other, intimate, closely أقرب في العالقة ، العالقة العائلية ، 23 Akrab acquainted حميم

World, universe, experienced, having knowledge or skill العالم ، الكون ، الشخص الذي يمتلك 24 Alam gained by much experience الخبرة والمعرفة

Address, sign, signal عالمات ، عنوان، عالمة Alamat 25

algebra علم الجبر Algebra 26

Expression all praise to Alla الحمد للة Alhamdulillah 27

Devout in religion, learned عليم Alim 28

Chemistry علم الكيمياء Alkimia 29

Alcohol الكحول Alkoohol 30

Allah هللا Allah 31

One who is blessed by Alla, title that comes before a deceased هللا يرحمة Allahyarham 32 Muslim man's name, the deceased for a Muslim man

One who is blessed by Allah, for a deceased woman Muslim هللا يرحمها Allahyarhamah 33 woman.

Title; a term used for a deceased Muslim man المرحوم Almarhum 34

.A set of letters or symbols used for writing a language الحروف الف باء Alphabet 35

Holy book for Muslims القرأن Al-Quran 36

Housekeeper, maid أَمة ،خادمة Amah 37

Peaceful, calm, establish in peace األمان Aman 38

Amen, so be (uttered at the end of a prayer) normally to أمين Amin 39 prayer end a

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AWEJ for Translation & Literary Studies Volume, 2 Number 4. October 2018 The Main Characteristics of Arabic Borrowed Words in Bahasa Melayu Al-Zubaidi

Emir, the Muslim ruler أمير Amir 40

The elements, components, atmospheric forces, constituents عناصر Anasir 41 factors

Arabic numerals, the symbols 1,2,3 ,etc األعداد أو الرموز العربية Arab 42

Liquor; alcoholic drink عرق Arak 43

Wise, showing the soundness of judgment; having knowledge عريف Arif 44

Rabbit أرنب Arnab 45

Origin, source ,cause from which a thing begins its existence أصل Asal 46

Native , natural, not artificial, person born in a specified place أصلي Asli 47

Soldier عسكر Asker 48

Tenth date in the month of Muharram عاشوراء Asyura 49

Black أسود Aswad 50

Holy man , أولياء Aulia 49

The sentence, a set of words making a single complete آية Ayat 50 statement

Senior Muslim religious leader آية اللة Ayataullah 51

torturer ; punishment عذاب Azab 52

The beginning of time , the entirety ازلي Azali 53

Summons ; call for Muslim prayer نداء للصالة ، ألذان Azan 54

. .Arab people are living as nomads in the desert بدوي Badwi 55

Mule, an animal that is the offspring of a female horse and a بغل Baghal 56 male donkey , known for its stubbornness .

Not very clever ; to make someone look foolish or silly بهلول Bahalul 57

Miser , the person who hoards money and spend as little as بخيل Bakhil 58 possible . greedy .

Balance باقي Baki 59

Children or grandchildren ; descendants بني Bani 60

Father بابا Bapa 61

Invalid; not valid; null, having no legal force باطل Batal 62

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AWEJ for Translation & Literary Studies Volume, 2 Number 4. October 2018 The Main Characteristics of Arabic Borrowed Words in Bahasa Melayu Al-Zubaidi

Inner feeling الباطن، الشعور الداخلي Batin 63

Stone; rock; a small piece of a hard substance formed in the البطون ، الطابوق Batu 64 bladder or kidney, etc.

.Cater for; supply food; provide what is needed or wanted بقال Bekal 65

Blessing, boon; benefit بركات Berkat 66

Correct; true; real البتول Betul 67

Term to address an elderly lady بيبي Bibi 68

Heresy بدعة Bidaah 69

.Muezzin ; a man who makes the call to prayer for Muslims بالل، مؤذن Bilal 70

Daughter بنت Binti 71

.Nightingale ; small thrust, male of which sings melodiously بلبل Bullbul 72

An animal mounted by the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)o the البراق 73 night of Israk Mikraj

Stock market البورصة Bursa 74

.Register; official list دفتر ، سجل Daftar 75

Enrolled مسجل Daftarkan 76

.A person who spreads religion missionary داعي Dai 77

Ink; colored liquid or paste used in writing with a pen, printing دواة Dakwat 78 etc.

Agent. Broker. A person who buys and sells on behalf of others; دالّل ، سمسار Dalal 79 middleman.

Proof; evidence, anything that establishes a fact or gives a دليل Dalil 80 reason for believing something.

Degree; stage in intensity; unit of measurement. For or درجة ، منزلة Darjah 81 temperature.

Class; grade ; standard صف، عالمة ، وضع Darjah 82

sue;take legal proceedings against دعوى Daawa 83

propoagation; of a belief, preaching تقوى Dakwa 84

Status; rank; social position ; prestige درجة، رتبة ، منزلة اجتماعية Darjat 85

Hall,; large room or building for a meeting ديوان Dewan 86

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Unit of money دينار Dinar 87

.Gold or silver currency used in Arab countries درهم Dirham 88

. ; invoking; calling to God in prayer دعاء Doa 89

.Universe; World ;all that exists; earth الدنيا ، العالم ، االرض Dunia 90

.Earthy; of this earth; of man's life on it; worldly; mundane دنيوي Duniawi 91

Ether; upper air اإلثير Eter 92

The benefit, something helpful فائده Faedah 93

Interest on saving فائدة البنك Faedah 94

,The list, written or printed series of names, items, figures فهرست Faharasat 95

Understanding, ability to understand, doctrine;principle s of a يفهم ، فاهم Faham 96 religious , political or another group.

Celestial sphere, the imaginary spherical shellformed by the sky الفلك Falak 97 ; universe beyond the earth's atmosphere.

Dawn, the first light of day فجر Fajar 98

Philosophy فلسفه Falsafah 99

Unit of capacitance فرد Farad 100

The first chapter in the Koran فاتحه Fatihah 101

The study of Islamic law فقه Fikah 102

Think, the act of thinking فكر Fikir 103

Pharaoh, the title of the king of ancient فرعون Firaun 104

Paradise, , Eden فردوس Frdaus 105

Tithe, obligatory alms by Muslims made before the end of the فطره Fitrah 106 fasting month

The natural tendency, talent, inborn ability الفطره Ftrah 107

Gift, present, prize هدية Hadiah 108

attend حاضر Hadir 109

Memorize, commit to memory حفظ Hafaz 110

A woman who has performed the haj حاجه Hajah 111

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Belongings, personal possessions حق Hak 112

Fundamental rights حق اساسي Hak assasi 113

Copyright, perform حق ثابت Hak Cipta 114

ownership حق ملك Hak Milik 115

Reality, truth, fact حقيقه Hakikat 116

Real, existing as a thing حقيقي Hakiki 117

Judge حكم 118

Lawful, permitted حالل 119

Attendance, presence حظور Hadirat 120

Fruit preserved in sugar حلوئ Halwa 121

Illicit, forbidden حرام 122

Literal, taking the primary meaning of a words حرفيا َ Harfiah 123

Product, thing produced حاصل Hasil 124

Atmosphere, air هواء Hawa 125

life حياة Hayat 126

A piece of cloth hung as a partition to divide an area into حجا ب Hijab 127 separate sections for men and women

Leave one place and settle in another, migrate هجره Hijrah 128

Tale, story handed down from the past حكايه Hikayat 129

Knowledge, wisdom حكمه Hikmat 130

calculation حسا ب Hisab 131

Respect, feel honor for حرمه Hormat 132

Argument, proof, evidence حجه , برها ن Hujah 133

letters حروف Huruf 134

Religious devotion to God عباده Ibadat 135

Hebrew, member of a Semitic people in ancient عبراني Ibrani 136

Consecration, unsewn white cloth worn when one performs the إحرام 137 haj or

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Good deeds, kindness, generosity إحسان Ihsan 138

Marriage, solemnization of marriage إيجاب, قبول Ijab kabul 139

Diploma, graduation certificate awarded by a university إجازه, شهاده Ijazah 140

The consensus of opinion among Muslim scholars إجماع Ijmak 141

Sincere free from pretense or deceit , honest إخال ص Ikhlas 142

Endeavor, attempt ,means, make an effort إختيار Ikhtiar 143

Summary, outline digest إختصار Ikhtisar 144

Brothers, people who are considered to be related to one another إخوان Ikhwan 145

Professional of or belonging to a profession إختصاص Ikhtisas 146

Climate, regular weather conditions of an area إقليم Iklim 147

Close, intimate أقرب Ikrab 148

Example, lesson إختبار Iktibar 149

Faith and conviction esp. about religion إعتقاد Iktikad 150

Accept, recognize إعتراف Iktiraf 152

economy إقتصاد Iktisad 153

inspiration إلهام Ilham 154

Erudite ,learned, academic علماء Ilmiah 155

Astrology ; study of stars and and their movements علم الفلك Ilmu Falak 156

biology علوم الحياة Ilmu Hayat 157

Muslim spiritual leader إمام Imam 158

Faith or belief in Dad إيمان 159

Bible األنجيل Injil 160

The Arabic word that means if God wills it إن شاء هللا Insya-Allah 162

Arabic verses cited after the muezzin's last call for prayer to إقامة الصالة Iqamat 163 Muslims

Muslim religion, the إسال م Islam 164

Monday األثنين Isnin 165

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The journey was undertaken by prophet Muhammad at night, from Mecca to , or from al-Haram to al-Aqsa اإلسراء Israk 166 mosque

Hint; signal إشارة Isyarat 167

Night time عشاء Isyak 168

To rest ; to take a break from doing something to reduce إستراحة Istirat 169 exhaustion

Term ; terminology إصطالح Istilah 170

Proclaim(news); declare; announce openly or formally; make إ Isytihar 171 known شتهار

Religious verses cited in order to ask for forgiveness from Alla إستغفار 172

permission أذن Izin 173

The angel of death عزرائيل/ ملك الموت Izrail 174

list; timetable; schedule جدول Jadual 175

Ignorant, Lacking, knowledge جاهل Jahil 176

Ignorance ; the age before the arrive of Islam جاهلية Jahilih 177

The sixth month of the Muslim calendar جمادي األخر Jamadilakhir 178

plural جمع Jamak 179

The fifth month of the Muslim calendar جمادي األول Jamadilawal 180

To reply, to answer جواب Jawab 181

The corpse, a term used for the dead body of royalty جنازه Jenazah 182

Kind , sort جنس , نوع Jenis 183

Gabriel, the angel that conveyed divine revelation to the جبرائيل Jibril 184 prophets

Margin border of surface جدار Jidar 185

The effort to achieve goodness جهاد Jihad 186

Genie creatures created by God from fire جن Jin 187

Neighbour, person or thing living or situated near or next to جيران Jiran 188 another

Friday الجمعة Jumaat 189

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A hermaphrodite creature with male and female sexual organs خنثى Khunsa 190

Tribe, racial group usu. Living as a community under one or قبيله Kabilah 191 more chiefs

(.Leap year, tear with an extra day (29 Feb سنه كبيسه Kabisat 192

Infidel, a person with no religious faith كافر 193

Speech, word كالم kalam 194

(Words of God (in the Holy Koran كالم هللا Kalam Allah 195

Heart, the center of a person's emotions قلب Kalbu 196

Period; sentence; word كلمات Kalimat 197

dictionary قاموس amus، 198

Close, dear to each other قريب Karib 199

Tribe, clan, racial group قوم Kaum 200

Scribes; workers who do writing jobs كاتب atib، 201

Kinship,folk, one's relatives قرابه Kerabat 202

Holy and sacred;(believed to be) endowed with كرامات eramat، 204

chair كرسي Kerusi 205

Chief; leader قدوه Ketua 206

Monitor; pupil with special duties in the school قدوه درجه Ketua darjah 207

ewsآ خبر Khabar 208

Household servant خادم Khadam 209

Services خدمات Khadamat 210

Dull brownish-yellow, the color of military uniforms خاكي Khaki 211

Everything created by God خلق halayak، 212

Chief Muslim religious leader and ruler خليفه Khalifah 213

To isolate oneself in order to seek peace of mind خلوه halwat، 214

Thursday, day after Wednesday الخميس Khamis 215

Special خاص Khas 216

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Special properties خاصه Khasiat 217

Calligraphy a type of handwriting خط Khat 218

End خاتمه Khatam 219

Circumcise, cut off the foreskin ختا ن Khatan 220

The title for a sermon reader خطيب Khatib 221

Dreamy, day-dreaming خيا ل Khayal 222

Betrayal خيانه Khianat 223

Absurd teachings or beliefs, superstition خرافات Khurafat 224

Sermon, talk on a religious or moral subject خطبه Khutbah 225

(To stand upright (during prayer قيام Kiam 226

Doomsday, the day of the Last يوم القيامه Kiamat 227

Allusion, analogy hint قياس Kias 228

The direction Muslims face when praying قبله Kiblat 229

Chemistry كيمياء Kimia 230

Holy book الكتاب المقدس Kitab 231

Atheistic, blasphemous كفر Kufur 232

Citation, collection كتب Kutip 233

Pole (North pole) or (South pole) end of earth's قطب Kutub 234

Papers قرطاس Kertas 235

Grave, a hole dug to bury a corpse قبر Kubar 236

Pronunciation, the correct way in which a word is pronounced لفظ Lafaz 237

Damn; condemn to لعنه Laknat 238

(,To whip (with a cane, cloth, etc لباس Libas, melibas 239

forgiveness عفو Maaf 240

of religious obligations) accepted by Allah) مبرور Mabrur `241

A time when the sun sets in the west المغرب Maghrib 242

Court, lawcourt محكمه Mahkamah 243

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Gathering place محشر Mahsyar 244

A country's export محصول Mahsul 245

Magazine مجله Majalah 246

,The ceremony, set of formal acts, council مجلس Majlis 247

Compound, complex, made up of parts مجمع Majmuk 248

A group of people who worship fire مجوسي Majusi 249

Mausoleum; magnificent tomb, sepulchre مقام Makam 250

Requests of prayers مقبول Makbul 251

Information, explanation معلومات Maklumat 252

Laboratory; room or building equipped for scientific work معمل Makmal 253

;Knowledge, wisdom معرفه makrifat 254

Something (actions etc.) objectionable but not forbidden مكروه 255

;Sin; breaking of religious or moral law معصيات Maksiat 256

Intent; intention مقصود Maksud 257

;A loved one, a lover معشوق Maksyuk 258

Educational establishment for higher or professional education مكتب Maktab 259

Formally written or documented مكتوب Maktub 260

Angel, attendant or messenger of God مالئكه Malaikat 261

The benefit, something helpful منفعه Manfaat 262

Military headquarters, the office of an army chief مركز Markas 263

Maracas; club like grounds containing beads etc. shaken as a مراقص Marakas 264 musical instrument

Mars مريخ Marikh 265

The will of Allah; a phrase uttered to express surprise, ما شاء هللا Masya-Allah 266 wonder ,etc,

States in the east, the east مشرق Masyrik 267

Altar مصباح Mazbah 268

Sect; a group with beliefs مذهب Mazhab 269

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Amicable; warm and friendly; kindly مسره Mesra 270

Meeting مشورة ، إجتماع Mesyuarat 271

Niche in a mosque indicating the direction towards Mecca المحراب 272

a person who calls for prayer from the مؤذن Mudin 273

.a person who performs circumcisions for Muslims م ؤ ذن Muezzin 274

a religious expert authorized to decide on regarding مفتي 275 Islam.

a person who fights to defend Islam مجاهدين Mujahidin 276

.effective, efficacious, producing the desired result مجرب ، فعال Mujarab 277

Lucky , fortunate مأجور ، جازاك اللة خيرا Mujur 278

the first month of the Muslim (Hejira) calendar محرم Muharram 279

a person who has faith in Alla , a person who believes in Alla مؤمن Mukmin 280

foreword, introduction, preface مقدمة Mukadimah 281

Participations مشاركات Masyarakat 282

possible, maybe, perhaps ممكن Mungkin 283

causing death موت Maut 284

pretending to believe and have faith in Islam منافق Munafik 285

to worship God by chanting, prying ,etc مناجاة Munajat 286

full stop , period , dot used as a punctuation mark at the end of نقطة Noktah 287 a sentence,complete stop

a relative; a comarision نسبي Nisbi 288

Prophet نبي Nabi 289

Breath; the air is drawn into and sent out of the lungs in نفس Nafas 290 breathing

formal) deny) نفي Naïf 291

Allowance of money for this نفقه Nafkah 292

Inflammable oil نفطه Nafta 293

Unlucky accident نحس Nahas 294

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A person appointed to act as a substitute or representative نائب naib 295

A star نجم Najam 296

Animal excrement; filth, dirt نجس 297

pineapple أناناس Nanas 298

The line of ancestors or descendants نسب Nasab 299

advice نصيحه Nasihat 300

Copy نسخه Naskhah 301

Christianity نصراني Nasrani 302

A song with Islamic elements sung in a group نشيد Nasyid 303

Inspector; supervisor الناظر Nazir 304

Birthmark نفوس Nevus 305

The blood that is discharged after giving birth النفاس Nifas 306

Marriage contract نكاح Nikah 307

Ratio نسبه Nisbah 308

Astrologer نجوم Nujum 309

Father بابا Papa 310

Guide; special and useful information or advice فتوئ Petua 311

The plain of masyhar where the dead assemble on المحشر Padang mahsyar 312 day or judgment day

God's will; destiny; fate قدر Qadar 313

Koran reader قارئ Qari 314

female Koran reader قارئه Qariah 315

Koran; sacred book of Muslims containing the word of God القرأن Quran 316

Wednesday االربعاء Rabu 317

the third month of the Muslim(Hejira) calendar ربيع األول Rabiulawal 318

The fourth month of the Muslim(Hejira) calendar ربيع األخر Rabiulalakher 319

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gracious; kind and pleasant towards interiors, merciful, رحيم Rahim 320 showing mercy

;Blessing,God's favor رحمه Rahmat 321

Pass away; to die رحمة هللا بعد الموت Rahmatullah 322

Parts in a Muslim prayer ركعه Rakaat 323

A mark رقم Rakam 324

Pedal; a flat bar on a machine such as a bicycle راكب Rakap 325

Ramadan; ninth month of the Muslim calendar. When Muslims رمضان Ramadan 326 fast during daylight hours

Ceremonial; tormal; ofticial رسمي Rasmi 327

A messenger or servant of Allah رسول Rasul 328

A violin-like instrument with two or three strings only (Played ربابه Rebab 329 during a traditional ceremony or the King's installation)

Rest راحة Rehat 330

The seventh month of the Muslim calendar رجب Rejab 331

To throw; to punish by stoning رجم Rejam 332

;Livelihood; income رزقي Rezeki 333

Soul; a person's spiritual, روح Roh 334

To bend the body during prayers(with hand clasping the knee ركوع Rukuk 335 until the back and head are at the same level) to bow

Commandment; divine command ركن من اركان الدين Rukun 336

Convict, prove or declare guilty ثبت Sabit 337

money was given to the poor صدقة Sadekah 338

Soap صابون Sabun 339

Good سالمات Salamat 340

Patient, showing patience صبر Sabar 341

Allah's way سبيل Sabil 342

Saturday, day after Friday السبت Sabtu 343

The second month in the Muslim (Hejira) calendar شهر صفر Safar 344

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Legal; based on law, justifiable صح Sah 345

Friend صحابه Sahabat 346

Crucifix; model of the Cross صليب Salib 347

Snow ثلج Salji 348

A martyr; one who upholds or defends Islam.one who dies or is شهيد Syahid 349 killed in a holy war.

Shoes; outer covering for a person's foot سباط ، حذاء Sepatu 350

Creed; set of beliefs or principles شهاده Syahadat 351

.Lechery; unrestrained indulgence in sexual lust شهوه Syahwat 352

The Muslim code of religious law شريعه Syariah 353

Religious law, the rules of religion قانون الشريعه Syariat 354

Company شركه Syarikat 355

The tenth month in the Muslim (Hejira) calendar شهر شوال Syawal 356

the leader of an Arab tribe or village شيخ Syeikh 357

Sect of the Islamic faith شيعه Syiah 358

;feeling that one values a kindness or benefit received ;grateful شكر Syukur 359

clarification; explanation شرح Syurah 360

advantages granted by Allah to prophet Muhammed and شفاعه Syafaat 361 another prophet to be used to help mankind on Judgement Day

true; genuine, authentic صحيح Sahih 362

to eat a meal between midnight and Dwan to prepare for next سحور Suhur 363 day's fast

advantages granted by Allah to prophet Muhammed and another شفاعة Syafaa 364 prophet to be used to help mankind on Judgement Day

a martyr ; ome who upholds or defends Islam.one شهيد syahid 365 who dies or is killed in a wholy war.

poetry شعر Syair 366

cloack ; loose sleeveless outer garment شيال Syal 367

physician; doctor طبيب Tabib 368

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administration , management تدبير Tadbir 369

Meditation, think deeply and quietly تفكير Tafakur 370

Interpretation ; explain the meaning of تفسير tafsir 371

imaginings; delusion تهويل Tahayul 372

congratulations تهاني Tahniah 373

the sound in reading the Koran تجويد 374

uttering of Allahuakbar (Allah is Great) repeatedly in praise of تكبير 375 Allah

definition تعريف Takrif 376

the utterance of the takbar, Allahuakbar at the start of prayers تكبيرة التحريم Takbiratulihram 377

godly; sincerely religious تقوى Ttakwa 378

a calendar تقويم Takwim 379

excessively respectful تعظيم Takzim 380

date; small brown edible fruit تمر Tamar 381

an example مثال Tamsil 382

a non-obligatory prayer at night in the month of Ramadan تراويح Tarawih 383

Muslim man's high flat-topped red cap طربوش Tarbus 384

list of fixed charges duty to be paid تعريفه Tarif 385

Date; day, month, or year تاريخ Tarikh 386

(Inflect (a verb تصريف اإلفعال Tasrif 387

Good manners تتأدب Tataadab 388

Repentance; regret for something bad that one has done توبه Taubat 389

Hurricane; violent storm-wind, typhoon طوفان Taufan 390

Help or guidance from Allah توفيق Taufik 391

To circle the Kaabah seven times with accompanying prayers طواف Tawaf 392 solely as an act of devotion to Allah

Leaving everything in God's hands because of wholehearted توكل Tawakal 393 faith in God

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Horizon; line at which earth and sky appear to meet أ فق Ufuk 394

The body of Muslim scholars or theologies علماء Ulama 395

Followers (of religion, people, humanity أ مه Umat 396

Minor pilgrimage to Mecca, similar to the haij but not عمره Umrah 397 obligatory and can be performed at any time during the year

Age; length of life or existence عمره Umur 398

Male religious teacher إستاذ Ustaz 399

A female religious teacher إستاذه Ustazah 400

Motion; formal proposal put to a meeting for discussion إصول Usul 401

Mercury, the planet nearest to the sun عطارد Utarid 402

A promise, a pledge وعد Waad 403

A rocky watercourse, dry except in the rainy season وادي Wadi 404 Pass away; die وفاة Wafat 405 One(oneness of God), single واحد Wahid 406 Compulsory; that which must be done, required by واجب Wajib 407 rules Something gave (as a donation) for common use وقف Wakaf 408 Agent; one who acts on behalf of another وكيل Wakil 409 Time; point or portion of time; occasion, instance وقت Waktu 410 Guardian; a person who can give away a bride (in والي 411 Muslim marriage asion for merry-makingؤؤA feast or an o وليمه Walimah 412 An utterance or speech in defense of truth by saying وهللا wallah 413 God's name ;Devout in religion ورع Warak 415 Heir; a person who inherits property or a rank وريث Waris 416 Epistle; letter ورقه Warkah 417 A person appointed by a will-maker to execute the terms of a will , the person entrusted with a certain وصي Wasi 418 task Indecisions; inability to decide something, hesitation وسواس Waswas 419 Of the motherland; relating to one's country وطننا Wataniah 420 A letter of commission presented to army officers, وثيقه Watikah 421 police A high-ranking official in government; a minister وزير Wazir 422

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Province; administrative division of a country واليه 423 (of Muslims) perform ritual ablutions; clean oneself وضوء Wuduk 424 by ritual washing exist; have a place as part of what is real وجود Wujud 425 To rest awhile on the plains of Arafah while وقوف Wuquf 426 performing the Haj (a Haj requirement) Jew; a person of Hebrew descent or whose religion is يهودي Yahudi 427 Assured; confident, certain يقين Yakin 428 Motherless; without a living mother, orphan يتيم Yatim 429 The angel entrusted with taking care of Hell زبانيه Zabaniah 430 , holy scripture sent down by God to Prophet الزبور 431 External; outward; superficial; of or on the surface ظاهر Zahir 432 Olive; small oval fruit from which an oil (olive oil) is زيتون Zaitun 433 obtained Obligatory alms made annually under Muslim law زكاة Zakat 434 Brutal; very cruel, without mercy, inhuman,not ظالم Zalim 435 humane Emerald; bright green precious stone,its color زمرد Zamrud 436 from the historic well in Mecca زمزم Zamzam 437 Epoch; particular period زمان Zaman 438 Particle; a very small portion of ذره Zarah 439 Visit(to a holy or sacred place) ; visit(to see a person زياره Ziarah 440 or a place) The practice of uttering Allah's name out of devotion ذكر هللا Zikir 441 to Him and His Oneness Adultery; infidelity to one's wife or husband by voluntarily having with someone زنا 442 else Long-necked African animal, giraffe زرافه Zirafah 443 Saturn; the second largest planet and sixth in order كوكب الزهره Zuhal 444 from the sun The eleventh month of the Muslim (Hejira) calendar; ذو القعده Zulkaedah 445 the month between Syawal and Zulhijah The twelve months of Muslim (Hejira) the month for ذوالحجة Zulhijah 446 performing the Hij

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