Islam: Belief in Allah 2 A. Malaikah

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Islam: Belief in Allah 2 A. Malaikah Year 9 Knowledge Organiser - Islam: Belief in Allah 2 A. Malaikah – angels Malaikah Belief in Angels Shaytan The Devil (Satan) Jibril Angel Gabriel Izra’il Angel of death Mika’il Angel Michael Israfil Angel who will sound trumpet on Last Day B. Akirah – Life after Death Jannah Heaven Jahannam Hell Akirah Belief in the Last Day and life after death Barzakh Time between death and Last Day Yawm ad-din Day of Judgement Yawm al-Qi- Day of resurrection yyamah Book of deed Book that records everyone’s deeds Madhi False Messiah, whose coming is one of the signs of the end of the world Niyyah intentions Munkar Angels who ask the questions on the day of As-Sirat Bridge that you pass over to Jannah (Heaven) Nakir judgment C. Al Qadr – predestination Foreknowledge Knowing about something before it happens Insh Allah If God wills Shi’a Five Roots Usul ad Din Foundation of faith Mi’ad Belief in the day of resurrection and judgement (Al)Adl Belief in Divine Justice Fitra Ability to know difference between good and Adalat Of being Just evil Imamah Belief in the successors of Muhammad Caliph Leader of Islamic community Iman Muslim religious leader D. Malaikah • Angels are real created beings who will eventually die • They are supernatural beings beyond the physical world, who generally hidden from our senses • They are made from light and are servants of Allah • Angels have no free will and MUST obey Allah Jibril – He revealed messages from Allah to the Prophets. “he brings down the revelation to your heart by Allah’s will” He revealed the Qur’an to Mohammad, whilst he was meditating in a cave on Mount Hira, near Makkah during the month of Ramadan in 601 CE. He continued to give these revelations over 23 years. Year 9 Knowledge Organiser - Islam: Belief in Allah 2 E. Pre destination • Predestination is the belief that Allah has the knowledge in advance of all that will happen and is in control of everything before it happens. “Say: ‘Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us: He is our protector’: and on Allah let the Believers put their trust.” • Muslims believe belief in predestination doesn’t stop human beings making free choices. • Some Shi’a Muslims reject the belief in predestination. They accept Allah is in control, but he may decide to change what happens. The Shia concept of Bada’ states that God has not set a definite course for humans.“Allah erases and confirms what He Wishes” F. Akhirah • The soul is taken by the Angel of Death Azrail to Al-Barzakh (a state of waiting) until the day of judgement. • The Angel Israfil will blow a trumpet to announce the Day of Judgement(Yawm ad-din). • Muslims believe in resurrection of the body, when Allah will bring back to life all those who have died, then everyone will be judged according to their actions on earth “And to every soul will be paid in full (the fruit) of its deeds; and Allah knoweth best all that they do” (Surah 39:70) • The Scales of deeds will be set up on the Day of Judgment, good deeds will be rewarded 10 times over “Whoever has done an atom’s weight of good shall see it” (99:7-8) • The Book of Deeds will be read, in which “every small and great thing is recorded” Qur’an 54:52. If the person’s good deeds outweigh the bad, then they will receive the book in their right hand and pass into Jannah. If it is placed into their left hand, they will be go to Jahannam. Jannah –Paradise: After judgement, people will pass over the narrow Bridge of As-Sirat. Those who have lived faithful and moral lives will cross to Jannah on the other side. - “No soul knows what comfort is kept hidden for them, as a reward for their deeds” - “You shall enter gardens watered by running streams in which you shall abide forever… [the righteous] shall recline on jewelled couches.” Jahannam – Hell: Those who have not obeyed Allah’s will fail to pass over As-Sirat bridge and suffer in Janannam (Hell). It is the place of punishment that Allah has prepared for the disbelievers and the evildoers. “But those who disbelieved will have cut out for them garments of fire. Poured upon their heads will be scalding water” G. Shi’a 5 Roots 1) Al Tawheed - Belief in Oneness and Unity of God: Al-Tawhid 2) Al Adl - Belief in Divine Justice: Al-Adl God is Just and does not commit any act of injustice towards any human beings. “My Lord hath Commanded Justice” 3) Al Nubuwah - Belief in Prophethood: 4) Al-Imamah: Belief in Imams Shia believe there are 12 infallible imams, who Allah sent to preserve Islam after Muhammad died. There is only ONE single imam at a time. The 12th Imam is hidden and one day will re-appear. According to Nasir al-Din al-Tusi (an Islamic Shia philosopher), the Imam is a means through which humans receive divine grace, because “He brings men closer to obedience (of Allah) and keeps them away from disobedience.” 5) Mi’ad - Belief in Day of Resurrection and Judgement H. Sunni and the five roots Sunni’s accept four of the five roots since they are contained in the Six Beliefs: • Root 1 is Tawheed • Root 2 Al-Adl (Allah’s justice) they believe is part of Allah’s oneness (though they don’t place the same emphasis on it) • Root 3 is Risalah • Root 4 Belief in the day of Judgement is Akirah Sunnis cannot accept Root 4 Al-Imamah since they believe that Muhammad was the last of the prophets. Root 4 is the basis on disagreement and conflict between Sunnis and Shi’as. Imans are important as a source of authority for Sunni Muslims but they do not believe there were specifically appointed by Allah..
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