OBSCENE CATALOGUE / last update > 16.11.2005 !!!READ THIS BEFORE ORDERING!!! PRICES >>> All prices are stated in MYR for orders from Malaysia and USD $. If you want to pay with your currency, please write to us at
[email protected] for the price currency exchange. Or if you can change your money to our currency at your area, and send to us, that could be better!!! PAYMENT METHODS >>> Only payment in advance by International Money Order (I.M.O payable to Khoo Kiang Hooi @ Kia, P.O Box 7126, 40 704 Shah Alam, Selangor, MALAYSIA) or well hidden cash (no coins!!!) in registered letters!!! No coins, no cheques, no credit cards please!!! SHIPPING METHODS AND POST FREE >>> We send all orders by priority mail, it’s a worldwide service given by the postal service. It’s obviously the cheapest way to ship your order and it proved to be a quite fast one: 2-3 days in Malaysia and 3-5 days for the rest of Asia. Prices including shipping everywhere!!! Airmail and registered mail is included in each price of this mail order!!! PRE-PURCHASE INFO & CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE >>> If you need assistance or more information write to
[email protected] ITEMS AVAILABILITY >>> Do you want to be to get stuff you want only??? Ask us at
[email protected] for availability of titles that you want to order and also for size of merchandise. Reserve your order and send money, we’ll send your order in 2-3 days when we’ll we receive your money!!! ADDITIONAL INFORMATION >>> 1.