Reassessing Public Transportation in a Post-Pandemic World Jeffrey Casello, Professor of Transportation Planning and Engineering, University of Waterloo William Towns, MES Planning, Region of Waterloo (Grand River Transit) Adam Fraser, MSc Civil & Environmental Engineering, Town of the Blue Mountains Readers interested in more information on this report are encouraged to contact the authors:
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Introduction Following a stretch of disinvestment in the postwar period, municipalities and regions around the world, but particularly in North America, have been actively re-investing in public transportation since the turn of the 21st century in order to achieve a variety of public goals. Specifically, this renewed emphasis on transit has aimed to: - Improve social equity by providing low-cost, effective access to a wider array of economic opportunities than might otherwise be available to all households, as well as quality-of- life-enhancing activities; - Decrease the energy and carbon intensity of personal travel and contribute to climate change mitigation efforts; - Influence land use to generate more compact, higher-density development that ultimately reduces the total need for and cost of travel (among other public utilities); - Lessen the negative environmental impacts of automobile-oriented transportation infrastructure and operations. The global pandemic stemming from the novel coronavirus (or COVID-19) has caused significant disruption to life in general and municipal service delivery in particular throughout 2020. While much remains unknown about the virus, it has become clear that COVID-19, like other socially- transmitted public health threats, is (in the absence of a vaccine) best mitigated by maintaining physical distance between individuals and avoiding mass gatherings at which illness may be transmitted widely.