1 Report to Rapport au: Transit Commission Commission du transport en commun 20 May 2015 / 20 mai 2015 Submitted on May 7, 2015 Soumis le 7 mai 2015 Submitted by Soumis par: Kent Kirkpatrick, City Manager / Directeur municipal Contact Person Personne ressource: John Manconi, General Manager / Directeur général, Transit Services / Services du transport en commun 613-842-3636 ext./poste 2111,
[email protected] Ward: CITY WIDE / À L'ÉCHELLE DE LA File Number: ACS2015-CMR-OCM-0011 VILLE SUBJECT: REVIEW OF OC TRANSPO ADVERTISING STANDARDS OBJET: EXAMEN DES NORMES DE PUBLICITÉ D’OC TRANSPO REPORT RECOMMENDATION That the Transit Commission receive this report for information. RECOMMANDATION DU RAPPORT Que la Commission du transport en commun prenne connaissance de ce rapport. BACKGROUND At its meeting of October 16, 2013, the Transit Commission passed the following motion directing staff to review the OC Transpo Advertising Standards: 2 Be It Resolved That the General Manager of Transit Services together with the City Clerk and Solicitor review the Advertising Standards for OC Transpo to ensure they comply with recent case law, and to recommend any required amendments, particularly regarding the internal review process, the dispute resolution procedure, and other administrative processes contained in the Standards. Staff of Transit Services and Legal Services have reviewed relevant court decisions, the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards, and the practices of other transit agencies. Based on the review, and as outlined in this report, no amendments to the Advertising Standards are required or recommended at this time. The OC Transpo Advertising Standards form part of the contracting processes used when people or organizations wish to purchase advertising space on OC Transpo buses, shelters, and benches or at stations.