The OSCE and Roma1
July 13, 2018 IN BRIEF The OSCE and Roma1 Roma are the largest ethnic minority in Europe and are present in most of the participating States of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Eu- rope. Concentrated in post-communist Central and Southern Europe, the Romani population is esti- mated at over 12 million in EU countries, with sig- nificant numbers in former Soviet republics, the Balkans, and Turkey. Roma have been part of every wave of European immigration to North American since the colonial period. There may be as many as one million Americans with Romani an- cestry. The First International Commitments Relating Roma have historically faced persecution in Eu- to Roma and Human Rights rope and were the victims of genocide during The 1990 OSCE Copenhagen Document was the World War II. In post-communist countries, Roma first international agreement to recognize explicitly suffered disproportionately in the transition from the human rights problems faced by Roma. In ad- command- to market-economies, in part due to en- dition to advancing human rights commitments, the demic racism and discrimination. Copenhagen Document included historic provi- sions relating to free and fair elections, the rule of Over the past three decades, Helsinki Commission- law, independence of the judiciary, and other ele- ers have led the effort in Washington to condemn ments of democracy. Upon its adoption, leading racially motivated violence against Roma, includ- experts on international human rights law hailed it ing pogroms, murders, other violent attacks, and as a new Magna Carta. police abuse. The Helsinki Commission has also advocated for recognition of the enslavement and The Copenhagen Document also included a spe- genocide of Roma and redress for sterilization cific reference to anti-Semitism.
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