Reedness Primary School, Reedness, , East Riding of , DN14 8HG Telephone/Fax: 01405 704264 Email:[email protected] Head teacher: Mr L Jackson

26th May 2017

Dear Parents,

As we are at the end of another half term, I just thought it would be worthwhile to update you on a number of things that have happened or are happening in school.

Friends of School Fashion Show

Last night the Friends of School Fashion Show took place and over 100 people attended!! Apparently it was a great night {thankfully Mr Herbert and I were not invited!!} where the atmosphere was great, lots of clothes were purchased at great prices, raffle prizes won and…..over £800 was raised!! This is truly a phenomenal amount raised for a school with only 48 children.

The money raised will go a long way to supporting the children on trips and for purchasing key resources in school as ALL the money raised goes straight back into helping the children have the best possible time they can have in school each and every day.

A HUGE thank you must go to all who attended or contributed in any way at all. Special thanks must once again go to Laura {for arranging a bus to bring half of Goole to the show!}, Jane and Kate for putting SO much time and effort into this event and for finding different ways to support the school when the budget is being reduced.

Friends of School Summer Fair Poster Competition

Over the Half Term break, the Friends of School would like the children, supported by parents and grandparents, to design a poster for this year’s School Fair. The winning poster will be announced after the holiday and will be used to advertise this year’s event and will be circulated around the community for all to see. A prize will also be awarded to the winning child.

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Sun Smart

A thank you to parents for helping us protect your children from the sun during the last week. Please keep this up during the Half Term break and remember to ensure the children are drinking lots, wearing hats, applying sun cream regularly and have time out in the shade as much as possible! We will continue to apply these rules in school during the next half term.

Bridlington Trip

Could any parents who have not paid for the Trip please bring their money in on the first couple of days back to school after the holiday if possible.

Diary Dates

Monday 5th June – Children return to school Wednesday 7th June – Whole school trip to Bridlington Thursday 8th June – British Values Day Monday 19th June – Father’s Day Lunch Thursday 22nd June – Big Sing, The Junction, Goole (KS2) Friday 23rd June – Little Big Sing, The Junction, Goole (KS1) Monday 3rd July – The Axholme Academy Transition Day Wednesday 5th – Friday 7th July – Goole Academy Transition Days Monday 10th July – Friends of Reedness School Summer Fair Wednesday 12th July – Sports Day - pm Wednesday 19th July – Reserve Sports Day - pm Friday 21st July – Leavers’ Assembly and Last day of Term Tuesday 5th September – Children return to school

Well that is it for now and it is time to switch off and have a week away from school and hopefully enjoy some more of this fantastic weather!

I trust you all have an enjoyable and safe break and we really look forward to seeing you when school opens its doors again on Monday 5th June for the start of the last 7 weeks of the school year.


Liam Jackson Head Teacher