
CRICH PARISH COUNCIL Glebe Field Centre, Glebe Field Close, DE4 5EU

Tel: 01773 853928 E-mail: [email protected]


1838/18 Present: Cllrs: M Lane (Chair), D Anstead, M Baugh, J Brown, V Broom, C Collison, J James, K Smith, R Walsh, P Yorke In attendance: AVBC Cllr G Gee, C Jennings - Parish Clerk Also present: Five members of the public

1839/18 TO NOTE ABSENCE Cllr S Bateman (apologies), Cllr V Thorpe (apologies), DCC Cllr T Ainsworth (apologies), DCC Cllr D Taylor, PCSO Wragg (apologies) Resolved: Absence was noted.

1840/18 VARIATION OF ORDER OF BUSINESS It was agreed to bring Agenda Item 18, and Community Action Group, forward to allow the public to speak, and response discussed.

1841/18 DECLARATION OF MEMBERS INTERESTS a) To enable Members to declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest they have in subsequent agenda items, in accordance with the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct. Interests that become apparent at a later stage in the proceedings may be declared at that time. b) To receive and approve requests for dispensation from members on matters in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest.

Personal (not Pecuniary) Interests declared: Cllr J Brown – Planning application AVA/2018/0910, owns adjacent property Cllr Baugh - Agenda Item 11b, neighbouring property.

PUBLIC SPEAKING 1842/18 a) A period of 15 minutes will be made available for members of the public and members of the Council to comment on any matter. Speaking is limited to 3 minutes per person and is at the discretion of the Chair.

Three residents from Whatstandwell and Alderwasley Community Action Group addressed the Council regarding their concerns in relation to Planning Application Ref: AVA/2017/1336 – Haytop Country Park Caravan Park. The Group had sent an e-mail of background information dated 24th September 2018, and an Opinion document written by Paul Brown QC – circulated with the Agenda. The Group asked the Council to support the objection to the planning application made by Alderwasley Parish Council.

It was understood that whilst the Council was not a consultee on the planning application as it was not within the Parish, the development would affect residents living in Whatstandwell. The Council had on previous occasions supported Alderwasley Parish Council.

Resolved: The Clerk to write to AVBC Planning Dept to support the objection by Alderwasley Parish Council against application Ref AVA/2017/1336 – Haytop Country Park Caravan Park, on the grounds of the detrimental effect to the visual amenity of the residents of Whatstandwell, and the potential impact on the World Heritage Site. To also request that AVBC do everything possible to enforce the current planning consent conditions on-site.

AVBC Cllr Gee confirmed that the application had been called-in and will go to the Planning Board. He will also speak to DCC Cllr D Taylor about the application.

A resident commented on inconsiderate parking around the island in Crich Market Place.

1843/18 b) If the Police Liaison Officer, a County or District Councillor is in attendance, they will be given the opportunity to raise any relevant matter.

AVBC Cllr Gee spoke about the Wakebridge Farm planning application. The Parish Council’s request to the Chair of Planning, Cllr Norman Bull, to support the request to call- in Planning Applications AVA/2018/0582 and AVA/2018/0583, Wakebridge Farm had been dismissed. Cllr Gee believed that the parking spaces had been moved around, but nothing had been determined as a response from the Secretary of State for Environmental and Rural Affairs, National Planning Casework Unit was pending. AVBC Cllr Gee also said that the proposed development of land at Woodside Farm, would now be subject to Crich Neighbourhood Plan.

1844/18 CHAIR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair advised her announcements would be covered under the individual Agenda Items.

1845/18 MINUTES Resolved: To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 3rd September 2018.

1846/18 PLANNING Resolved: That the Parish Council representations on planning applications comments made at the meeting be submitted to AVBC. Representations attached.

1847/18 FINANCE a) Payments Resolved: That payments of the attached accounts in the sum of £3,397.80 be formally approved. b) Receipts Resolved: That receipts of the attached accounts in the sum of £34,526.41 be formally approved.


1848/18 CRICH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Chair reported that the turn-out for the Referendum had been the highest recorded by AVBC to-date. The result of the Referendum, in relation to the following question:

'Do you want Borough Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Crich to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?' was as follows: • Number of votes cast in favour of a ‘Yes’ 1,094 (97%) • Number of votes cast in favour of a ‘No’ 29 (3%) • Number of ballot papers rejected 1

As more than half of those voting were in favour, the Neighbourhood Plan was, from the 19th September 2018, made part of the Development Plan for the area. AVBC Final Decision Statement circulated to Councillors separately.

The Parish Council expresses its gratitude to the members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and everyone else who assisted in the preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan. The Clerk to e-mail Chair Council’s appreciation, for forwarding on to the individual Steering Group members.

RECREATION GROUND 1849/18 a) PLACE project Cllr Yorke advised there was a PLACE project meeting next week which would include discussing the installation of the ‘Quiet Area’. Peveril Homes had been approached to see if they could help support this stage of the project. The Group would also be discussing the repayment of half the cost of the new bins to the Council. Cllr Yorke had also installed a new bench in memory of his late wife.

1850/18 b) Damaged wall 2 Holly Bank Court, bordering the Recreation Ground. As instructed, on 4th September 2018 the Clerk contacted the Council’s Insurers to enquire whether a claim was being pursued, and if not when they would close the matter. The enquiry had been acknowledged, but no further detail had been received. Resolved: The Clerk to contact the Insurers again for a response.

BURIAL GROUND 1851/18 a) Removal of excess spoil by Grave Diggers As instructed, on 4th September 2018 the Clerk contacted all known Funeral Directors and Grave Diggers on record again, and reiterated the message that it was no longer acceptable to deposit excess spoil anywhere in Crich Burial Ground. When making arrangement for grave digging, Funeral Directors must ensure the person undertaking the work adheres to this new rule, as circulated in the Crich Burial Ground Rules and Regulations, Point 12. Signs have been put in place along the right-hand side hedge advising that the tipping of spoil is prohibited.

b) Removal of excess spoil tip The local Grave Digger has tidied-up the spoil that has been tipped alongside the right- hand hedge, but it still requires removing in order to avoid further tipping, and to make the area ready for the second Burial Ground extension. Derwent Waste sent a vehicle to remove the spoil, but it was too large to access the Burial Ground, and not suitable for the task. Resolved: The Clerk to obtain quotes for the removal of the spoil with use of a digger. Depositing the spoil into skip, and disposal of spoil.

c) Top right-hand side extension Work continues to cultivate the land to the top right-hand side of the Burial Ground. Once it is a similar condition to the rest of the Burial Ground, consecration can be looked into.

d) Easement Chair has started to review the documentation relating to the Easement request. She is unclear why the Easement has been asked for, and intends to find out if it is still required. If it is, Chair will make an appointment with the Council’s Solicitors to move this forward.

1852/18 RECREATION GROUND – ASH TREE As agreed, on 11th September 2018 the Clerk has completed the required forms, and sent them together with photos and a map to AVBC, seeking permission to fell the ash tree. The residents have been kept up-to-date with progress. The application has been acknowledged as Ref: TRE/2018/0354. However, the Clerk has requested AVBC change the applicant name to Crich Parish Council, as it has been recorded incorrectly.

1853/18 ALLOTMENTS – BRUSH CUTTER As agreed, the Clerk has placed an order with Twigg for the brush cutter and PPE. On delivery the Clerk has arranged for Twigg to provide a short training session for the volunteer who will be using the equipment. This will ensure operator competency as required by the Insurers. The Clerk will attend the training course, collect the equipment, and deliver it for storage in the Glebe Field Centre basement. The equipment will be booked in/out via a log sheet. The Clerk will also undertake a Risk Assessment for equipment use at the Allotments. The volunteer has been kept up-to-date with progress.

1854/18 DEFIBRILLATORS Clerk’s Report had been circulated with the Agenda. The Clerk met with EMAS on 19th September 2018. Apart from registering defibrillators and advice, EMAS are not able to assist with any other aspects of installation.

1855/18 Crich kiosk - (01773 852221): This kiosk was adopted by The Community Heartbeat Trust (CHBT) in 2014. The Clerk has contacted CHBT to advise that the Council would like to install a defibrillator in the kiosk, and enquire what actions need to be taken to enable this. AVBC advise that as the defibrillator will be sited inside the kiosk the owner will not require planning permission. Resolved: The Clerk to contact CHBT again for a response of how to move forward.

1856/18 Fritchley kiosk (01773 852062): This kiosk is available for adoption, subject to consent from Amber Valley Council. As agreed, the Clerk has requested the start of the 90-day consultation process for change of use. On application it was discovered that the kiosk is a Grade II listed building, entry no 1109167 listed 7th April 1989, and AVBC will need to obtain consent from Historic . AVBC have requested a report, including photographs, to detail how the defibrillator would be fixed to the kiosk, for submission to Historic England. Cllr Yorke has agreed to help with this. AVBC also require confirmation that the Parish Council still wishes to proceed with the adoption of the kiosk now it has been made aware of the Grade II status, as this will mean that future works may need additional permissions, and potentially be more expensive. Resolved: The Clerk to inform AVBC Planning that Crich Parish Council wish to continue with the adoption of the Fritchley telephone kiosk, and understand the implications of being responsible for a Grade II listed building.

1857/18 Whatstandwell, Family Tree – AVBC Planning have spoken with Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site (DVMWHS), who have said they would not approve the installation of a defibrillator in close proximity to the Family Tree. Both bodies would be more accommodating to a location in the Family Tree car park. Advice from EMAS is that electricity supply to a defib is not strictly required if it is too problematic. This would mean there may be potential to install the defib in the car park opposite the Family tree. Resolved: The Parish Council agree that the location of the defibrillator that is to be installed in the vicinity of the Family Tree can be negotiated and agreed by the Clerk with; The Family Tree, Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site, and Amber Valley Borough Council. Planning Permission to then be sought.

1858/18 HANDY SERVICE CONTRACTOR Mr Creed will be on annual leave for one week commencing 6th October 2018. Monthly hours will be worked before and after his return.


1859/18 INTERNAL AUDIT 2018/19 Resolved: To appoint B Wood as Internal Auditor for 2018/19.

1860/18 BRACKENFIELD NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Regulation 14 Consultation – pre-submission draft version of the Brackenfield Neighbourhood Plan. Circulated with the Agenda. Resolved: The Clerk to contact Brackenfield Neighbourhood Steering Group to express support of the draft Plan.

1861/18 CRICH GLEBE FIELD CENTRE AGM The Parish Council was represented on the Glebe Field Centre Management Committee by Cllr Peter Clark during 2017-18. Chair has been caretaking the role since his resignation as a Councillor. Councillors to consider if anyone would like to volunteer for the role, and if so to contact Chair to find out more.

1862/18 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION – MODEL PUBLICATIONS SCHEME The first line of page two to be amended to read: “The Parish Council adopted the Model Publication Scheme, which came into effect from 1st January 2009” Resolved: Council adopted the new Freedom of Information Model Publications Scheme. To be circulated as separate document.

1863/18 MEMBERS’ HOSPITALITY POLICY Resolved: Council adopted the new Members’ Hospitality Policy. To be circulated as separate document.

1864/18 CORRESPONDENCE a) DCC School Crossing Patrol letter – 12th September 2018 – previously circulated b) DCC Snow Warden Scheme 2018/19 ▪ Chair to include this in next CACN article. c) Rolls-Royce Environmental Monitoring Results – Q1 2018 The original copy was very faint and did not scanned well. The original was available at the meeting for inspection. d) DALC – Circular 12/2018 e) DALC - Surveillance Camera Commissioner England and Wales letter – part of Circular 12/2018 f) DALC – AGM - Agenda, Annual Report, Constitution proposed update, Discussion paper membership structure and Constitution. Proposed changes to the DALC Constitution. At the AGM, all member Councils have a vote on whether to approve this constitution or not ▪ Cllr Broom will be attending the AGM and asked that any comments be sent to her prior to the meeting. ▪ Cllr James to be booked on the next Councillor Essentials training course. Resolved: Correspondence was noted

1865/18 NEXT MEETINGS Finance Committee Meeting – Monday 22nd October 2018 – 10.00am Glebe Field Centre, Crich Parish Council Meeting – Monday 5th November 2018 – 7.30pm Glebe Field Centre, Crich

The meeting closed at 9.13pm


Ref: AVA/2018/0910 Proposal: Removal of condition 8 from AVA/995/773 to enable the three holiday lets to be occupied as residential dwellings Location: Church Farm 21 Church Street Fritchley Derbyshire DE56 2FQ Response: No objection

Ref: TRE/2018/0338 Proposal: T1 - Lime - Remove T2 - Cedar - Remove Location: 18 Main Road Whatstandwell Matlock Derbyshire DE4 5EE Response: No objection

Ref: TRE/2018/0341 Proposal: Conifer tree located at the bottom of the drive. We have recently moved into the property and noticed that it is consuming part of the neighbours telephone line. We would like to have it trimmed, shaped and its sized reduced by approx 10- 15 foot. Location: 17A Church Street Fritchley Belper Derbyshire DE56 2FQ Response: No objection

Ref: TRE/2018/0343 Proposal: Crown reduction of 5 trees and removal of 1 tree Location: Mill Bank Bobbin Mill Hill Fritchley Belper Derbyshire. DE56 2HN Response: No objection

Ref: AVA/2018/0684 Proposal: Outline application with All Matters Reserved for one four bed detached dwelling plus double garage to be situated on plot with access from A6 to Matlock Road (This is a departure from the Development Plan and may affect the setting of a Listed Building) Location: Old Goods Yard Rear of Family Tree Derby Road Whatstandwell Matlock Derbyshire Response: OBJECTION 1. The application proposes development outside the Whatstandwell settlement development boundary contrary to policies NP1 and NP 2 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan. The proposal is detrimental to visual amenity and detrimental to the Outstanding Universal Value of the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site 2. The proposal raises highway safety issues 3. The submission of an outline planning application in relation to a site in a sensitive location within the Whatstandwell Conservation Area and within the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site is unacceptable in that the implications of the proposal cannot be fully assessed in particular in relation to the design principles of Policy NP4, and the approach to maintenance and enhancement of biodiversity of Policy NP9, of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan. 4. The proposal is contrary to Policy NP11 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan which requires applications for development to only be supported within Conservation Areas where the proposals are of high- quality design and meet specified criteria relating to character, design and materials. 5. The proposal does not demonstrate it is meeting local housing need as required by Policy NP5 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan 6. The proposal is a departure from the Development Plan and will affect the setting of a Listed Building.

PAYMENTS - PAID OCTOBER 2018 Date Chq Payee Vat No Vat Total Amount Detail No 01/10/2018 s/o Keptkleen 287852742 45.07 270.40 225.33 Cleaning public w/c

s/o Software into action - 789358066 7.80 46.80 39.00 IT support SIA s/o Grasstrack 814252455 78.60 471.60 393.00 Landscaping s/o Crich Glebe Field 0.00 809.55 809.55 Glebe payment Trust Ltd s/o Mr D Creed 0.00 220.00 220.00 Burial Ground/landscaping

01/10/2018 2819 Viking 536153357 14.65 127.10 112.45 Stationery 2820 Mr D Creed 0.00 118.08 118.08 Jubilee Ground - picnic bench 2821 C Jennings - Clerk 1,152.92 1152.92 Payroll 2822 HMRC - NI & Tax 128.08 128.08 Payroll 2823 C Jennings - 53.27 53.27 Expenses Expenses (July - Oct) Totals 146.12 3,397.80 3,251.68


VAT Refund 23/08/2018 HMRC 2,146.41 VAT Refund Central England Co- 12/09/2018 371 operative Ltd 260.00 Burial Ground Amber Valley Borough 20/09/2018 BACS Council - Precept part 2 32,120.00 Precept - part 2 Totals 34,526.41