Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, and Georgia, Working Draft of 17 March 2004 -- ACORACEAE
Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, and Georgia, Working Draft of 17 March 2004 -- ACORACEAE ACORACEAE Martinov 1820 (Calamus Family) The family consists only of Acorus. References: Thompson in FNA (2000); Bogner & Mayo in Kubitzki (1998b). Acorus Linnaeus 1753 (Calamus, Sweetflag) A genus of 2-4 species, widespread in north temperate and subtropical regions. Although traditionally treated as part of the Araceae, recent evidence strongly suggests that Acorus should be segregated in a separate family. A wide variety of morphological, anatomical, and embryological evidence supports the segregation of the Acoraceae (Grayum 1987), a segregation additionally supported by molecular studies (Duvall et al. 1993, Chase et al. 1993). The spathe in Acorus is not morphologically equivalent to the spathe of the Araceae. References: Thompson in FNA (2000); Grayum 1987. 1 Midvein of the leaves not well-developed, about equally as prominent as the lateral veins; mature fruits produced . ..................................................................................... A. americanus 1 Midvein of the leaves well-developed, distinctly more prominent than the lateral veins; mature fruits not produced A. calamus Acorus americanus (Rafinesque) Rafinesque, American Calamus, Sweetflag. Cp (GA?, VA), Mt (GA): marshes, wet meadows, other wet areas, limey seeps; rare (GA Special Concern). May-June. Widespread in ne. North America. This species is apparently a fertile diploid. Because this species has not generally been recognized in floras, its distribution is poorly known; additional distributional records should be expected and sought. [= FNA, K; A. calamus Linnaeus -- RAB, C, F, G, GW, in part; A. americanus -- W, in part] * Acorus calamus Linnaeus, European Calamus, Sweetflag. Cp, Pd, Mt (NC, SC, VA): marshes, wet meadows, other wet areas; uncommon, introduced from Eurasia, now widespread in e.
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