K Albanian. Supplementary Reader, Pat 1. Monterey, CA 93940

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K Albanian. Supplementary Reader, Pat 1. Monterey, CA 93940 DOCUMENT REsomp ED 177 892 *EL 010 633 - TITLE k Albanian. Supplementary Reader, PAt 1. INSTITUTION Defense Language Inst., Monterey, Calif. PUB DATE Aug 65 NOTE 104.; For related documents, fee FL 010, 626-632 a3id FL 010 634,648 AVAILABLE FROM Defense Language Institute, Fcreign liati4uage Center, Nonresident Itstrlicticn Division, Prepidic of Monterey, CA 93940 LANGUAGE Albanian EDRS-JULICE MF01/PC05 Plus Postage, 4( DESCRIPTORS 'Adult Education;/*Albanian; Audiolingual Methods; *Classroom Materials; *Instructional Materials: *Language Instruction; PoStsezOndary Education; Reading Covprehension; .*Reading Materials; *Second Language'Iearning: Speech Communicalion; Uncommonly T4ught Languages ABSTRACT The 73 readings in this volume average one page each in length and are intended as a supplement to "Albanian: Basic urse." 6,10 . 4 0 St 's 4*****************4t**************************************************** *, liepioductions suppl2ted by MRS are the best that caLbe maae * e from +lc original dOcument. , * . U S DEPRTNIENT OF NEL TN "PERMISSION 10 REP RODUCE MIS EDUCTION II WELFARE MAIEFIIAl HAS BEEN GRANTED BY NAIIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THISDOCUAAl NI HASHI INRI PRO 4Q-ktNakste__ Mk 0 E AA( It Y AS RE (' () 1IOM 11 elf pjr 14 SON OR ORGAN, Z A IION OR IGIN AIIN(,Il POINTS OF VIW0I1OPINIONS SIAlf 0 00 NOT W(1..541411., IllPRI SI NT Ot I I( NA 1 1ONAL INST I 01 OTOMM 1- OW Al ION P051 I ION OR POI 10 THE IDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CI NIT 11 (I RIC)" WESY CW.9T 1110.MTIt PRESIDIO OF MONTEREY', CALIFORNIA. 71 I ,!: auwArciokl. I CP,11CkCiliPB_ATC' Kr] POLSK1 AtBANIAN SHQ1P .1 1 MAGYAR 1, EAAHNIKA` W : A ti 4ft it 101 _T uRlicE SUPPLEMENTARY READER ESPASOI, poiniiGuis Ti POT 1 U. [ ___40MANA YKPAilICIA A , FT1TALIANO I [BAHASA INDONESDC] . KINWAIMILI 1 t I .U. S. ARMY I .4. 0 1 .111, _ DEFENSE LANGUA,E INSTITUTE WEST COAST MANCH - Presidio of Monteley, CaliTornia 4 gr, his* pamphlet is for use by the_faculty and staff of the Oefense Language Institute solely for official purposes, lIt is NOT for general distribution.It may NOT be released to other perspns, quoted or extracted for publication, or otherwise copled or distributed without specific permission in each instance fiom the Director, Defense Language Institute or the Commandant, Defense language Instttute, West Coast ranch. 'FOR THE COMMANDANT: or' WI S N Col App ecre6Ary -) or a AL IIANIAN # Supp entary Reader Part r /. Ar Augutt 1965 DEUNSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE e WEST COAST BRANCH v Presidio ofMonter&y, California 4 ). AN 1.DRiJAitI I G2ZUESHEM Napolioni 19 qd kishte dale nji ditti me shetitemdkale, P4 no nil pylld* nil druaratue punue e tue kdndue. "Qe", thal me vete; "ky punetuer e ftton bukdnmemUnd.td madh, e me gjtthe kdtë dtlket'i lumtun I" - . I u-afruetdhe e pyetiA . %Ica 'td ban kaqd te.gdzueshem ?" . Ai i u-ptirgjegj: "MO ka f ale Zoti'shendet'e punoj amrandje: a nukkant,plea,' hrsye te jem I gezueshdm ?!! , "Sa fiton n8 ditd ?" "Tre franga".' a ilaftojnd pertf e pdr familjen tande ?1! "Posi s'mjaftojnd; mbaI\grueme tre femigt dhe md teprojnd edhe t'ap td holla MQ kamatd e td paguej disa detyrd,td vjetra". "E si iisht e mundun ?" "Ap te h9lla me kamatd tue I cue fdmijet e mij nO paguej dhe detyrdt.e vjetrapie I mbajtd prinitit e mijon . ck) °Pt KLLUKA 4 Mbramd- thahana ..-pashd nd nji kopdsht td vogdi, td rrethuem prej shtdpfsh sd.nalta, nji kllukO mlb1njimddhet4 zogj te vogjdl. Nji vajzg e kandeshme u-hodh nd mes td tyne dhe pu;.. la, e trembun, pl/11. td kokoriste, tue I tbulUe me krahd zogjt r e vet. Erdhi I at i vajzds;Aine e vijova udhdtimin ter pa u-mendue ma pr ta. Sonte, tash pak kohe, ihikoval poshtd n'at kollbsht. (Yjithan- dej ishte getsi, por ne nji gas e.pashe prap at vajzd tdvogel, tue ecO daldngadald bri kasolles, tue e geld derdn e tue shkue teipula e zogjt, td eilet u-shperdangmenjiherd tue edredrue e tue I pOrpjeke krahet. Vajza I mori Und I shifshem neper nji vrimd td murit .IFort Widhnol ajo vaja,dhe Ati, i cili, tue e kapd per krahu, soya vetdm kur i a behi.i ^ i be titi dhe ma'me t'egdr sg natOn pOrpara. Va3za uli kryet; lotdt i'vezullojshin nd skt e saj td k tert. ...-- "cka ban kau ?" e pyeti I ati. "Desha t'a puth kllukdn e Va. lypite falun Per gka I kam :ba mbeimd", pergjogji vajza tueq,"por mac guxova me td thand". I ati, I permallueml p puthi.nd ball bilOn e vet: und me .*dritdrkjel43e l.a putha syt e gojOn. f f 4?* 31 TE FYEMET EIDEREMAT' .- L , Kishte paski genii nji herinji princ i ri. Kis, ati kur i vdiqj u-ba mbret. Ndirditit e pars ti sundimit,tue 9end shun% A ril slikoi 0 kdshillohesh menji vetmit4ftdAijtun204; . rtonte a breg tidetit2 nil nji shpelli tigelun nddr shkrepL to nji mali. *- . , "go. kirkon2 o mbret i ri2 Oi.ej plakut td shki.etli?" . peti ky porsa e.pi. "Kam.ardhd ti v lypi nji kMshill.bias s'dijende td qeve- ris nji popull e (1412t1u htj ni Semi? shtetasvettO miJ. cka. td baj ?" . Vetmitart e ihikoi e i thas . "Td bajsh gka po td thom Und. Ejame mue"! Dhe e goi nd .breg td.detit2 ku kishtemjaft rani t'imti. Atye pyeti: '"A td ka fye kvahndonji herd ?" "Po", i pirgjegji Mbreti,"mil kand fiee kand fold keq,ptir mus." 4. "Merre pri, kit kallam e me ti shkruej mbi rand emnate. atyne njerdzve qi td kandmarri nipir gOjdpdr td kteq". Mbreti e ndigloi.H , "Ertashtija mbas psjel" . f thayethpiari; Dhe.e.4i ni ? shpe'lld td vette aty e.pystit 0120 nderdna, a ke pesi prejndokujt 1" "Pea flik priti Mbreti,edhe nderini kam.iasdmjaft". "Gaheni &a, mbi kitshkamb2 emnatVe atyne q8 tdkand ba riderdna". E i dhq.njigekig nji dalti2me td cilat mbreti gdheni mbi shkamVemnate njerizvet2 preq_td cildve.kishte past; ndertina. , - "E tash", 1. tha vetilteril"bund td shkojsh-p ke 'per t'u-kiiitiVe mbas triditish". , Td ks.pirtan ditd mbretiu.kithye nd shpelld tovetmitarit. Kyse'goi prap nil bregMI detit e aty i tha: "Ktiur !" NO 240 s'kishte mbeti.anji thaj prej atyne fjaldve 4O kishte shkrue mbreti. Ojurmat mjerizvet2 valit e deVtt dhe' era i kishiq zhduki krejt. Mbasandej e- got te shpella4 i tha: , "Ktfur tash mbi shkalubi" , Emant e njerdzvet2 0i kishin IA nderdnal ishin 'laykrejt aShtu si i kishte gdhgnii triditd pirpara, "A more veshtl Ae di tashti se gka do id bajsh ?" ',Tel wdii. DUftett'i harro4 MI fyemete t'ilimjtoj . nderdnat. TO falem nderdiendejtslime shdndet". ' Mbreti u-nis2 veproimbas lashi1lit till'plakutdhe (let 1nmtun e i dashun,nga tiigjithi ihtetasitie vet. *y I. 4. DELJA ( Deljeve butd, mbass1 kishte bajtdushumö tdkdqqa prej shtAzdvet tjera, vojt1 nji'd1tO pdrpara Perendis dhe 1 uolut . 0 t'1 a lehtbsonte dis1 vuejtjet. Perendija e ndigjoi dhe i thas "Edhe und e shot, o krijatyrd e daShun, se nuk 10 %am dhAnd gjA pdr tql-mprojtde Me thuej se gimmund td la. bilj tasht1 qd td td'endihmoj ndmotrojdn q15 ke.'A dishron q0 t'i forcoj kambdt e tua me gaped apor'gojdn,tinde me dhAmbd tO prefdt ?" noA ii , jo thg delja, l'nuk due till dukem si sht&z0 e egdru. Iwo "A do qii t'arvil helmin nd pdshOmd tAndeAd. gjarpdnit ?" "Jo, jo", pörgjegji-delja, "pse gjarpijt Jane, tdmenfm prej gjithe njerözvot." . "Poigka do, pra ? A dishron qe,tif tti ve 0 brina nO bill Milt e t'l ap fuql qaftis date ?" "As kOto sll. duer.9 At i mire, m kam,frik4 se do tO loj to. zihcm si sqopt.". 41"E pra, duhet to jesh e zdja tW bAjsh keq", 1 a prit1 Porondija, "Or nd dag q8 mos t8 guxojnd US td bAjnO ta kOqija 't4 tjertit". "A kOshtu gonka fsh5n1 deija. "Atelier* mO 16 si jam, o At, pse druo sa tue,mujtk.mobâ keq, do_td dj,shroj t'At bfil t8 kosion. Ma mird t'a vuejd nj1 tO 110, se sa't'u abij tO lir tjortivo".$ Percndija bokoi dolen e butd er ato fja1koqd thi, e *sh prej asaj dito ajo s'u-ankuo Ma. 5.KASOLLJAE DHEL.PU2S fat Kapi dimni, Alsi tO toftit e bora, dho dhelpna fillo1 tO' , niiirdhitto,tqu-ropt,A" 0 u-b5 pdr td-ngordhd. ."Vog no nos den:3", tha, "hurr prendvera, se s'rrij pa e blnjt kasollo sa td ngordh tnerisht un0 kdshtu proj tO ftoftit". u-mbuluo londa me gjethd e toka mo biro, Pronavera .. dhelpnOn I: doll lead I rf pors1 kadifo. Nji von3 e kandfino kish4 ri nO mtingj arin; 1odro4 proj hUnago, 11.;!:11krryo, nandoj nd kokr td shpind 9 h-Alt r;rpj3t3; o tuo o hjedhd bishtin p4rnljprl, tha: "Q3 ta::;11 1 a Om kulmin knsollee. MJon Orrnlla Opulloro so njoriut dori sa tO jotEt ngusht Or mond 0 s'rat, Iran prcAtIm qJ t'i dali Orpara ngushticos \icio y hnpi; par td dalmLn aio rigulhtico, harron prcmtimin, ngulalqa e z3 rjr mcnd q i'k'i. 1" 6. MIDHA N'Azi.to vjetOr jetonte motit nj/ mbret-fort 1pasun, to cilia e quejshin MOM. Ng ghtOpi t8 118t1j mbreit ghkoi nj1 hes% nji prej Perendi- vet. Midhi 01)priti dhe0 pOrooll1 me shum8 nderlme, aq8 sa Ilerendija.mbot aqtrt kOnaqun sa I thA ktirkonte gka t'l palcionteimA'teptir,Se-klehte pOr t'i a dhAnti. Midha, me gjith8_01 lthte mjaft 1 Tann, mik.ishte ivklinaqun me gka kishte, prandej 1 klirkoi Peren4is nderOn qO tO mundtO kOthente 1:Lir-gdo send.q4 a1 pOrkittelmodor8i.
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