GARAGE ZINE vol. 2 Human EyE · natural CHild · King tuff JaCuzzi Boys · HEx dispEnsErs · Cola frEaKs SCION A/v SCHEDULe APRIL 2011 27th Scion garage Show in Austin, Texas 28th Scion garage Show in chicago, illinois CHECK IT OUT! MAY 2011 3rd Scion garage 7”: King Tuff / hex dispensers JUNE 2011 7th Scion garage 7”: cola Freaks / digital Leather STREAMING NOW AT now AvAiable SCIONAV.COM Scion gArAge 7” Scion GarAge 7” The Strange Boys / human eye / natural child Sex Beet STAFF CONTAcT Scion ProjecT MAnAger: jeri Yoshizu, Sciontist For additional information on Scion, email, write or call. WATCH! ediTor: eric ducker Scion custoMer exPerience MuSIC VIDEOS creative direcTion: Scion 19001 S. western Avenue ArT directION: mBF Mail Stop WC12 BLAcK LiPS Davilla 666 TYVEK ProducTion direcTor: Anton Schlesinger Torrance, cA 90501 “Modern Art” “esa nena nunca regresco” “4312” conTriBuTing ediTor: Brian costello Phone: 866.70.SCION AssistanT ediTor: Maud deitch Fax: 310.381.5932 graphic deSignerS: nicholas Acemoglu, cameron charles, email: email us through the contact page located on ASK Kate Merritt, gabriella Spartos hours: M-F 6am-5pm PST SCION online chat: M-F, 6am-6pm PST CONTRIBuTORS Question: wriTerS: christopher roberts, Adam Shore Scion garage Zine is published by malbon Brothers Farms. For The range of types of artists that Scion works with on garage rock projects is pretty broad. PhoTographerS: Miguel Angel, clayton hauck, Leslie Lyons, more information about mBF, contact
[email protected] what classifies a group as “garage”? Kara McMurtry, Stephen K. Schuster, rebecca Smeyne AnSwer: garage rock isn’t an aesthetic and it isn’t a fidelity.g arage rock is just straight up, no chaser rock & roll.