Minutes of a Meeting of the Joint Strategic Committee of Adur District and Borough Councils

Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Shoreham-by-Sea

Thursday 5 February 2015

Councillor Neil Parkin (Chairman)

Adur District Council: : *Councillor Pat Beresford Councillor Daniel Humphreys *Councillor Keith Dollemore Councillor Mary Lermitte Councillor Angus Dunn Councillor Clive Roberts *Councillor Jim Funnell Councillor Bryan Turner Councillor David Simmons Councillor Val Turner


Other Members Present

ADC – Councillors Carson Albury and Liza McKinney WBC – Councillors James Doyle, Kevin Jenkins, Louise Murphy and Keith Sunderland

JSC/085/14-15 Declarations of Interest

Councillor Mary Lermitte declared a Personal Interest in Item 8 as a member of the Rotary Club of Worthing.

Councillor Bryan declared personal interests in the following:- • as a member of County Council • as a member of the Rotary Club of Worthing • as a member of the Governing Body of Northbrook College

Councillor Clive Roberts declared a personal interest in Item 9 as a dog owner.

JSC/086/14-15 Minutes

Resolved, that the minutes from the Joint Strategic Committee meeting held on 2 December 2014, be approved and signed by the Chairman.

JSC/087/14-15 Public Question Time

A number of questions, statements and a petition were put to the Committee during the time allotted, (a copy of those received in advance of the meeting are appended to these minutes).


• Andy Beaken, Worthing resident, question regarding the granting of a Lease to the school regarding the use of Manor (Sports) Ground; • Gavin Ward, Acting Head teacher of Whytemead School, statement regarding the use of Manor (Sports) Ground; • Worthing resident, statement regarding the use of Manor (Sports) Ground; • Jane Sparkes, Worthing resident, statement regarding the use of Manor (Sports) Ground; • Keith Gurney, Worthing resident, statement, questions and a petition on behalf of Broadwater Manor Action Group, regarding the use of Manor (Sports) Ground; • Matt Griggs, statement on behalf of Worthing Utd Youth and Colts Football Clubs regarding the use of Manor (Sports) Ground; • Andy Lutwyche, statement on behalf of Worthing Cricket Club regarding the use of Manor (Sports) Ground; • Neil Strowger, CEO of Bohunt Education Trust, statement regarding the use of Manor (Sports) Ground; • Mr A Macauley, Worthing resident, asked a question about public consultation regarding the use of Manor (Sports) Ground; • Tim Nicholls, Statement on behalf of South Broadwater Residents Association regarding the use of Manor (Sports) Ground.

In addition, the following statements were received by the Committee on the night:- • Simon Broadhurst, parent of a perspective pupil at Bohunt School and resident of Worthing, made a statement regarding the use of Manor (Sports) Ground; • Barbara Cook, Worthing resident, made a statement regarding the use of Manor (Sports) Ground; • A Worthing resident, made a statement regarding the use of Manor (Sports) Ground.

The Leader of Worthing Borough Council thanked members of the public and interested parties for their questions and statements and advised that these would be responded to during consideration of Item 9 on the agenda.

JSC/088/14-15 Items Raised Under Urgency Provisions

There were no items raised under urgency provisions.

JSC/089/14-15 Change of Order to Agenda Items

The Chairman announced that agenda item 9 would be taken as the next item of business.

JSC/090/14-15 Use of the Manor Sports Ground by the Bohunt School Worthing - ‘the landlord decision’

Before the Committee was a report by the Directors for Communities and the Economy, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these Minutes as Item 9.


The report considered a request by the sponsor of the new Academy (Bohunt School) to use the Manor (Sports) Ground to deliver its sports curriculum. The report highlighted that any decision to enter into a lease with the Academy would require a separate advertisement / consultation period under Section 123 of the Local Government Act.

The report considered the issues involved with any proposal to restrict public access to the site and the options available to the Council. Officers advised that the shared use of the site, with full public access, would have been acceptable to the Council, subject to agreement with the other users of the site, notably the Cricket and Hockey Club and other local schools. This arrangement, however, was not acceptable to the new Sponsor of the Academy and the report recommended that there may be some scope for exclusive use for limited periods of the school day subject to further negotiations and the required formal consultation exercise.

The report also highlighted that enclosing the Manor Ground and restricting public access for educational use may also require planning permission if a material, change of use occurred.

Councillor Kevin Jenkins, Gaisford Ward, addressed the Committee making the following points:- • that no deals had been done with West Sussex County Council or Bohunt Education Trust; • there needed to be a wider choice of secondary schools in the area and he welcomed the Bohunt School in Worthing; • the Manor (Sports) Ground was predominantly for sport and currently under used during the week; • that Bohunt Education Trust had made no case for exclusive use of the Manor (Sports) Ground; • that Worthing Borough Council must not forget local residents and their usage of the Manor (Sports) Ground; • a preference for zoned areas within the ground alongside a booking management system which gave priority to local schools; • that the recommendations in the report be rejected.

A Member asked whether the exclusion of dogs from the Manor Ground would require an amended, or, new byelaw. If so, how long would it take? Officers advised that consultation would be required prior to the amendment of an existing byelaw or the creation of a new one.

During discussion Members made the following comments:- • welcomed Bohunt to Worthing; • acknowledged that the Manor Ground was under used from Monday to Friday; • that the case for exclusive use, 5 days per week, had not been made; • that the Council should look to create zoned areas within the ground incorporating some form of segregation, possibly using fencing; • look to provide preferential usage for a large part of the ground to Bohunt Education Trust; • that Worthing Borough Council should keep overall control of the Manor Ground using a booking management system to facilitate shared usage; • that the community needed to work together on this issue.


A replacement recommendation was proposed by Councillor Bryan Turner which was seconded by Councillor Clive Roberts.


That the Joint Strategic Committee:-

i) affirmed its support for the principle of school sports use on the Manor (Sports) Ground;

ii) affirmed its desire to be a reliable partner to the Education Sector in the Borough of Worthing;

iii) was sympathetic to the concerns of Bohunt School and requested that Officers consider the scope for zoning part of the Manor Ground for dog walkers away from the formal sports areas, review existing byelaws and consider further enforcement to ensure dogs were kept on a lead;

iv) agreed that Worthing Borough Council (WBC) shall enter into a new Licence agreement to enable the Bohunt Academy to use the Manor Ground together with the existing users (including the Worthing Cricket and Hockey Clubs) with the precise terms to be agreed by the Director for the Economy in consultation with the Leader and Executive Member for the Environment of Worthing Borough Council;

v) agreed that Worthing Borough Council shall enter into a lease with Worthing Cricket and Hockey Clubs for the use of the Pavilion building, the precise terms to be agreed by the Director for the Economy in consultation with the Leader of Worthing Borough Council.

Call In:

The call in deadline for this decision will be 5.00pm on 17 th February 2015.

* The meeting was adjourned by the Chairman at 7.51pm and reconvened at 8.00pm.

JSC/091/14-15 Outline 5-Year Forecast and Savings Proposals

Before the Committee was a report by the Director for Digital & Resources, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these Minutes as Item 5.

The report represented the culmination of the annual budget exercise and asked members to consider the final revenue estimates for 2015/16 and an updated outline 5-year forecast.

The budgets reflected decisions taken by Members in relation to agreed savings proposals and the decisions made at both Councils, together with some minor changes which were outlined in the report.


The Committee were advised that the non-committed growth items, detailed in Appendix 2 of the report, had been agreed by the Executives of both Councils on the 2 nd and 3 rd February 2015.


The Joint Strategic Committee:

i. noted the non-committed growth items outlined in Appendix 2, which had already been considered at the individual Executive meetings;

ii. agreed the budgets for 2015/16, as set out in Appendix 3, which would be adjusted by any non-committed growth items approved by the individual Executives.

Call In:

The call in deadline for this decision will be 5.00pm on 17 th February 2015.

JSC/092/14-15 Joint Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy 2015/16 to 2017/18 for Adur District Council and Worthing Borough Council

Before the Committee was a report by the Director for Digital & Resources, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these Minutes as Item 6.

The report fulfilled the requirements under the Treasury Management Code to present the Treasury Management Strategy Statement (TMSS) and Annual Investment Strategy (AIS) before the start of the new financial year, including the Prudential Indicators, for the next three years 2015/16-2017/18.

The report also considered the expected treasury position, the proposed strategy for borrowing, and the prospects for interest rates in the prevailing economic conditions, all of which together set the context in which treasury management decisions would be taken.

A Member sought clarification regarding the level of protection afforded to the Councils against banks failing and whether this had been reduced by recent changes to legislation. Officers advised that there was always a risk but the Councils minimised this by spreading its investments and that advice would be sought regarding the recent legislative changes.


The Joint Strategic Committee: i) approved and adopted the TMSS and AIS for 2015/16-2017/18, incorporating the Prudential Indicators and Limits, and MRP Statements; ii) forwarded the Prudential Indicators and Limits, and MRP Statements in the report for approval by Worthing Council at its meeting on 17 February 2015, and by Adur Council at its meeting on 19 February 2015;

5 iii) forwarded the report to the meeting of the Joint Governance Committee to be held on 24 March 2015 for noting; iv) agreed that Lloyds Bank be instructed to carry out all of the normal functions for the Councils’ Bank accounts provided that in all cases the instructions are given in accordance with the authority provided by the Councils to the Bank: and v) agreed that the signatories named by the Councils are authorised to act on behalf of the Councils in providing instructions to LLoyds Bank.

Call In:

The call in deadline for this decision will be 5.00pm on 17 th February 2015.

There is no call-in for recommendations to Council.

JSC/093/14-15 Planned Maintenance Programmes for 2015/16 Onwards

Before the Committee was a report by the Director for Digital and Resources, copies of which had been emailed to members of the Committee and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as Item 7.

The report sought Joint Strategic Committee’s approval of the 2015/16 five year property, land and equipment maintenance programmes for both Adur and Worthing Councils. It was noted that the backlog summary for 2015/16 was £5.2m.

A Member sought clarification regarding the £34k assigned to external redecoration of the Pavilion Theatre as it had only been redecorated 2 years ago. Officers advised that the building was redecorated on a 3 yearly cycle.

A Member questioned why internal redecoration and electrical installation works at the Tourist Information Office (Dome) were included in the programme. Officers advised that following the recent organisational restructure, those works had been deferred.

Members asked about ‘Solar Reflective Coating’, in particular, what was the effect of not doing this. Officers advised that the coating was a protective layer which reflected solar rays from roofs.


The Joint Strategic Committee agreed the planned maintenance programmes proposed for 2015/16 and beyond for both Adur District Council and Worthing Borough Council.

Call In:

The call in deadline for this decision will be 5.00pm on 17 th February 2015.


JSC/094/14-15 Accessing External Funding Opportunities for Adur and Worthing Councils

Before the Committee was a report by the Director for Economy, copies of which had been circulated to all Members, a copy of which, is attached to the signed copy of these Minutes, as Item 8.

The report informed Members of the headline outputs achieved through the Interreg V - 2 Seas Projects and the opportunities presented by the new 2 Seas Programme which was launched at the end of last year.

The report recommended pursuing the external funding opportunity with partners in the south-east and northern Europe to develop projects around sustainable tourism, new waste management strategies and tackling unemployment.

Officers identified that the proposed key areas to be pursued were:- • Gaining Understanding for the Eco-efficient Success in Tourism (GUEST) • Litter Free Communities Project (SHERRYCLE)

Members expressed support for the proposals and suggested a press release to highlight these projects.


The Joint Strategic Committee:-

i) considered the opportunities being considered with partners under the 2 Seas Programme and agreed that concept notes around the identified Projects be submitted by the 15 th February deadline; and,

ii) delegated authority to the Director for the Economy and the Director for Customer Services, in consultation with the relevant Executive Members, to develop the initial projects identified in the report into a bid for submission in June 2015.


The call in deadline for this decision will be 5.00pm on 17 th February 2015.

JSC/095/14-15 Adoption and Implementation of the Worthing Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Before the Committee was a report by the Director for the Economy, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these Minutes as Item 10.

The report recommended that the CIL Charging Schedule be adopted and set out a timetable for the Council to begin charging CIL. The proposed date of implementation would allow Worthing Council time to develop and adjust to new processes required by the CIL Regulations.


The Committee noted that the report related to the Worthing CIL and that the advancement of the levy for Adur was expected to follow the timetable for the adoption of the Adur Local Plan.

It was noted that other authorities had recommended a long lead-in and therefore it was proposed that Worthing’s CIL commenced from October 2015.


The Joint Strategic Committee:-

(i) agreed that the CIL Charging Schedule be adopted subject to the recommendations set out in (ii) below;

(ii) recommended to Worthing Borough Council:

a. that the Worthing Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule (appendix B) be adopted;

b. that the Community Infrastructure rates for Worthing are charged from 1st October 2015;

c. that the Instalment Policy (Appendix C) be adopted alongside the Charging Schedule;

d. that the Regulation 123 list (Appendix D) be adopted alongside the Charging Schedule;

e. that the Executive Member for Regeneration be authorised to agree any minor presentational changes to relevant CIL documents prior to implementation.

Call In:

The call in deadline for this decision will be 5.00pm on 17 th February 2015.

There is no call-in for recommendations to Council.

* At 8.42pm Councillors B Turner, V Turner, M Lermitte and C Roberts left the meeting prior to the consideration of Item 11, in accordance with the Joint Committee Agreement .


JSC/096/14-15 Investing in Adur Homes: The Decent Homes Investment Programme for 2015/16

Before the Committee was a report by the Director for Communities, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these Minutes as Item 11.

The report provided:- • an outline of the requirements from the Governments Decency Standards legislation; • the Adur Homes Decent Home strategy and the 2015/16 Capital programme categories for the housing stock; • the budget allocations to categories of work within the programme, excluding any final slippage from the 2014/15 financial year (Appendix B); • the programme of work excluding any slippage (Appendix C).

Members expressed support for the ongoing work with West Sussex County Council and their appointed consultants Carillion. In particular, the installation of a gas main infrastructure to 227 ‘all electric’ homes in the Test Road area of Sompting by Scotia Gas Networks (SGN). It was noted that SGN would install a supply from the road to junctions and individual supplies could then be installed to properties where residents expressed an interest. A formal meeting was to be held by SGN at Sompting Community Centre in relation to these works.

The need for re-pointing work to be undertaken on properties along the seafront was raised by Members who stated that the work must be done by a reputable company who would provide a guarantee for their work.


The Joint Strategic Committee:-

(i) approved the Decent Home strategy and programme as detailed within the report;

(ii) approved the capital budgets and categories for 2015/16 as detailed in Appendix B;

(iii) approved the programme of works for 2015/16 as detailed in Appendix C.

Call In:

The call in deadline for this decision will be 5.00pm on 17 th February 2015.


JSC/097/14-15 Emergency Groyne Repairs at Southwick Beach

Before the Committee was a report by the Director for Digital and Resources, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these Minutes as Item 12.

The report updated Members on the current position with the scheme and sought agreement to the virement of £159,000 from underutilised Capital allocation to the Kingston Beach and Revetment schemes.

It was noted that the report author, Bryan Curtis, Principal Engineer, was leaving the Councils in February 2015. The Committee wished to place on record its thanks to Mr Curtis for his 30 years of service at Adur and Worthing Councils.


The Joint Strategic Committee:-

(i) noted the report;

(ii) agreed to the inclusion of the new step blocks at the root of each new replacement groyne;

(iii) recommended that Adur District Council increase the budget for Southwick Beach Groyne Repairs by £500,000 to reflect the additional funding obtained from the Environment Agency; and

(iv) agreed to vire £150,000 from Kingston Beach Repair Works to the Southwick Beach Groyne Repair works scheme.

Call In:

The call in deadline for this decision will be 5.00pm on 17 th February 2015.

There is no call-in for recommendations to Council.

The meeting was declared closed by the Chairman at 8.52pm, it having commenced at 6.30pm.
