New Mexico Quarterly

Volume 23 | Issue 2 Article 22

1953 A Guide to the Literature of the Southwest Genevieve Porterfield

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( Genevieve Porterfield


HIS BIB L lOG RAP H y attempts to list, with such thorough­ T ness as time and resources permit, current materials dealing with the Southwest. The Southwest, as here defined, includes all of New Mexico, and Texas, and parts of Utah, Oklahoma, Colo­ rado and California. In order to conserve space, items from periodicals that are indexed in the Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature, the Education Index, the Industrial Arts Index and the Agricultural Index have been eliminated. Included in this issue are mainly those titles which were published or came to our attention between December I, 1952 and February 28, 1953.


BEALS, CARLETO!';. Stephen F. Austin, plishments of the first hundred )'ears. father of Texas, illustrated by Jay Hyde Stanford, Stanford University Press, Barnum. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1953, 1952, $6.00. $3.50. (They Made America Series) COWAN, ROBERT ERNEST. A bibliography BOREl!,;, EDWARD. Ed Borein's West, edit. of the history of California and the ed by Edward S. Spaulding. Santa Bar· Pacific-West, 1510·](}o6, new edition, bara, California, The Editor, 1952, introduction by Henry R. Wagner and $5.00, Limited edition, $15.00. additional notes by Robert G. Cowan. CHAMBERS, CLARKE E. California farm Columbus, Ohio, Long's College Book organizations. Berkeley, University of Co., 1952, $15.00. California Press, 1952, $3.75. CRAVENS, JOHN NATHAN. James Harper Cuu!'\D, ROBERT GLASS. Histo')' of Starr: financier of the Republic Of Phelps Dodge, 1834-1950. :'Iiew York, Te:-;as. Austin, The Daughters of the Knopf, 1952, $4.00. Republic of Texas, 1950, $3·50. CLOl:D, ARCHIE J. The Stanford axe, il­ DE VOTO, BERNARD AUGUSTINE. Course lustrated by James H. Cheek. Palo Alto, of empire, with maps by En\'in Raisl. Pacific Books, 1952, $3.50. ~ew York, Houghton-MilHin, 1952, CWl'D, Roy W. Education in Califor. $6.00. nia; leaders, organizations and accom- DOBIE, J. FRANK. Guide to life and liter-

Published by UNM Digital Repository, 1953 1 New Mexico Quarterly, Vol. 23 [1953], Iss. 2, Art. 22


ature of the Southwest, revised and fomia houses; portraits and stories. enlarged in both knowledge and wis­ Berkeley, University of California Press, dom. Dallas, Southern Methodist Uni­ 1952, $3·75· versity Press, 1952, $3.50. RINGGOLD, JENNIE PARKS. Frontier days DOOLITILE, ROSALIE and HARRIET TIED­ in the Southwest; pioneer days in old EBOHL. Southwest gardening. Albuquer­ Aril.Ona. San Antonio, Naylor, 1952, que, University of New Mexico Press, $3·5°· 1953, $4·50. Rudo ensayo, by an unknown Jesuit Fox, WI:"lNIE BAGGETI. Thousand miles padre, 1763, edited by Buckingham to Belton, a Texas frontier romance. Smith, translated by Eusebio Guiteras, San Antonio, Naylor. 1952, $3.50. and pUblished in English in v. 5, No.2 HALEY, J. EVETrS. Fort Concho and the of the Records of the American Catho­ Texas frontier, illustrated by Harold D. lic Historical Society of Philadelphia, Bugbee. San Angelo. Texas. San Angelo June 1894; republished, illustrated by Standard-Times, 1952, $6.00. William Harrison Bryant. Tucson, Ari­ HERSHEY, CHARLIE BROWN. Colorado zona Silhouettes, 1951, $6.00. Limited College, 18j4·1949. Colorado Springs, edition, leather, $10.00. Colorado College, 1952, $5.00. RYAN, J. C. A skeptic dude in Ariwna, JACKSON, W. TURRENTINE. Wagon roads illustrated by Sid Stone. San Antonio, west; a study of federal road suroeys Naylor, 1952, $3.00. and construction in the trans-Mississip­ SPIKES, NELLIE 'VITI AND TEMPLE ANS pi West, 1846-1869. Berkeley, University ELus. Through the years, a history of of California Press. 1952, $5.00. Crosby County, Texas. San Antonio, KELLEY. VINCENT COOPER: A~ CAsWELL Naylor, 1952, $7.50. SILVER. Geology of the Caballo Moun­ STEEN, RALPH WRIGHT. Texas govern­ tains with special reference to regional ment; with teaching aids and study stratigraphy and structure and to min. helps by Thomas B. Portwood. Austin, eral resources, including oil and gas. Steck Co., 1952, $2.50. Albuquerque. University of New Mex­ Sunset outdoor building book. Menlo ico Press, 1953, $5.00. (Publications in Park, California, Lane Publishing Com­ Geology. 4) pany, 1953, $4·95' LANGFORD, J. O. A:'oID FRED GIPSON. Big SWAN, HOWARD. Music in the Southwest, Bend, a homesteader's story. Austin, 1825-1950. San Marino, Huntington Li· University of Texas Press, 1952, $3.50. brary, 1952, $5.00. McCAMPBELL, COLEMAN. Texas seaport; the story of the growth of Corpus Chris­ SWANTON. JOHN REED. The Indian tribes ti and the coastal bend area. New York, of North Americd. Washington, Gov­ Exposition Press, 1952, $3.95. ernment Printing Office, 1952, $3.50. (U.s. Bureau of American Ethnology. MCCARTY, JOHN Maverick town; the L. Bulletin, 145) / story of old Tascosa. Normam Univer· sity of Oklahoma Press. 1952, h.75. WEBB, EDITH BUCKLAND. Indian life at the old missions, foreword by F. W. MASTERSON, V. V. The Katy railroad Hodge. Hollywood, Warren F. Lewis. and the last frontier. :"orman, Univer­ 1952, $20.00. sity of Oklahoma Press, 1952, $4.00. WELLMAN, PAUL S. The Comancheros. OWENS, SISTER M. LU.LLANA. Carlos M. Pinto, S. J., apostle of El Paso, intro· :"ew York, Doubleday, 1952, $2.75. duction by Carlos Castaneda. EI Paso, WINDELL, ROLAND. Brush of angels' Texas, Revista Catolica Press, 1951, wings; the story of the country doctor. $2·5°· San Antonio, Naylor, 1952, $2.50. PARSONS, MARIOS RA:-iDALL. Old Cali· WYMA:'oI, WALKER D., editor. California 2 Porterfield: A Guide to the Literature of the Southwest GU IDE TO LIT ERA TU REO F SOU THW EST 233

emigrant letters, the forty-niners write journal and reports of Major Bennet home. New York, Bookman Associates, Riley and Lieutenant Philip St. George 1952, $3.00• Cooke. Glendale, California, Arthur H. YOUNG, OTIs E. The first military escort Clark Company, 1952, $7.50. (American on the Santa Fe Trail, 1829 from the Trail Series, 7)

PERIODICAL ARTICLES AND THESES A~THROPOLOGY,ARCHAEOLOGY problem." Human Organization, 11: 29­ AND SOCIOLOGY 33, Fall 1952.' f ALLEN, NORTOS. "A Hohokam pottery DIXON, KEITH A. Hidden Canyon, a .~ bell." El Palacio, 60: 16-19, Jan. 1953. cliff ruin in Sycamore Canyon, central BARBER, CARROLL G. Trilingualism in Arizona, a study based on notes by Clar­ Pascua: the social functions of language ence R. King and museum collection~. in an Arizona Yaqui Village. Unpub­ Unpublished Master's thesis, University lished Master's thesis, University of Ari­ of Arizona, 1952. zona, 1952. DUTrON, BERTHA P. "Senior Girl Scout­ California Folklore Society. "Consti­ Museum archaeological program of tution." Folklore, 11: 294-295, 1952." El Palacio, 59: 342-352, Nov. Oct. 1952. 1952. "California folklore conference." West­ ELMORE, FRANCIS H. "Ethnobiology and ern Folklore, 11: 292, Oct. 1952. climate in the Southwest." El Palacio, CARTER, GEORGE F. "Interglacial arti­ 59: 315-3 19, Oct. 1952. facts from the San Diego area:' South­ FERGUSON, C. W. JR. AND D. M. BLACK. western Journal of Anthropology, 4: "Tree-ring chronologies on the north 444-456, Winter 1952. rim of the ." Tree-Ring COLBERT, EDWIN H. "A pseudosuchian Bulletin, 19: 12-18, Oct. 1952. reptile from Arizona:' American Muse­ FISHER, STANLEY A. "A Navaho version um of Natural History. Bulletin, 99, of the 'Bear's son' folktale :' Journal of Article 10, 1952. American Folklore, 66: 70-74, Jan.­ COLLIER, JOH:-':. "A perspective on the March 1953. United States Indian situation of 1952 FRUGt, AUGUST. "Minutes of the meeting in its hemispheric and world-wide bear­ of the California Folklore Society, May ing:' America Indigena, 13: 7-13. Jan. 24, 1952." Western Folklore, ll: 292­ 1953· 293, Oct. 1952. CoOK, S. F. A:-':D R. F. HElZER. The fos­ silization of bone: orgaTlic compounds HARRINGTON, M. R. "The Fossil Falls and water. University of California site." The Masterkey, 26: 191-195. Nov.­ Archaeological Survey. Reports, 17, Oct. Dec. 1952. 15, 195 2 • HAURY, EMtL W. "The ~aco mam­ DUKE, ROBERT J. "Map of excavations, moth." The Kiva, 18: 3-19, Nov.-Dec. Sanchez adobe, San Mateo County, Cali­ 1952. fornia." El Palacio, 59: 326-327, Oct. HEIZER, ROBERT F. A survey of cave 1952. archaeology in California. University of DE HARPORT, D. L. "An archaeological California Archaeological Survey. Re­ survey of Canyon de Chelly: prelimi­ ports, 15, May 31,1952, p. 1-12. nary report for the 1951 field season." HENDERSo.", EsTHER. "Well of sacrifice:' El Palacio, 60: 20-25, Jan. 1953. Arizona Highways, 29: 2-3, Feb. 1953. DE LtE.'1, H. AND J. ~IXON HADLEY. Shrine of Alihihiani on Papago reserva­ "How to recognize an Indian health tion.

Published by UNM Digital Repository, 1953 3 234 NewG MexicoENE Quarterly,VI EVE Vol. 23 [1953],P 0 R Iss. T 2, E Art. R 22 F I EL D HULTKRA."IZ, AKE. "Some notes on the WAllACE, WILLIAM J. AND EDITH S. Arapaho Sun Dance." Ethnos, 17: 24-38, TAYLOR. Excavation of SiS-J1, a rock 1952. shelter in Siskiyou County, California. KUNCK, RICHARD E. "Desert treasure." l'niversity of California Archaeological Western Folklore, 12: 25-29, Jan. 1953. Survey. Reports, 15, May 31, 1952, pp. LEWIS, SAllY. "The 1952 Pecos confer' 13'39· ence." EI Palacio, 59: 328-330, Oct. 1952. \\'11.50:-', EDDIE \\'. "The shell and the LO:-.1G, BOAZ. ~'The Springer crinoid col­ American Indian." Southern Folklore lection." £1 Palacio, 59: 353-354, Nov. Quarterly, 16: 192-200, Sept. 1952. 1952. WORMAS, FREDERICK C. V. "A report on MANGUS, A. R. "Sexual deviation reo a cache of obsidian artifacts from the search in California." Sociology and Pajarito Plateau." EI Palacio, 60: 12-15, Social Research, 37: 175-181, Jan.-Feb. Jan. 1953. 1953· ARTS AND LITERATURE PERRAUDI:-.1, GEORGE T. The economic status of a Spanish-American commu­ ARLT, GUSTAVE O. "Poet laureate: Ed­ nity in the area of Tucson, Ariwna, win Markham." Historical Society of March 1951. Unpublished Master's the­ Southern California. Quarterly, 34: 199­ sis, University of Arizona, 1952. 211, Sept. 1952. PERRY, WAllACE, "The glorious land of BENSO:-.1, NETTIE LEE. "Mediniana at the Shalam." Southwest Review, 28: 35-43, Cniversity of Texas." The Library Winter 1953. "Faithist" colony near Las Chronicle of the University of Texas, Cruces, New Mexico. 4: 165- 175, Fall 1952. SASAKI, TOM T. AND DAVID L. OLMSTED. BoYD, E. "Representative santos collec­ "Navaho acculturation and English­ tion shown at palace." EI Palacio, 59: language skills." A merican A nthropolo­ 295-296, Sept. 1952, gist, 55: 89-99, Jan.-March 1953. DusN, DOROTHY, "The art of Joe Her­ SCHWEITZER, JOHN L. The social unity of rera." EI Palacio, 59: 3&]-373, Dec. 1952. Tucson's Chinese community. UnpUb­ llLMA?l:N, RICHARD. "Lawrence and his ~faster's lished thesis, University of Ari­ demon." New Mexico Quarterly, 22: lona, 1952. 385'393, Winter 1952. SD.fS, AG:-iES CROSS. "Special Plains Indi­ ETZLER, T. HERBERT. "Texas Volksblatt, ans exhibition, prepared and placed by 1877-1889." American-German Review, Agnes Cross Sims." £1 Palacio, 59: 3°3• 19: 16- 17, Feb. 1953. 3'4, Oct. 1952. ~f. Symposium on the antiquity' of man in HARRINGTO:-.1, R. "A wrought·iron California, presented before the South­ riddle." The Masterkey 26: 199-200, western Anthropological Association, Nov.-Dec. 1952. , California, Oct. 27, 1951. JACKSON, JOH:-.1 B. "Men and plants in t·niversity of California Archaeological the Southwest." .Yew Mexico Quarterly, Surve,'. Reports, 16, June 27, 1952. 22: 458-464, Winter 1952. THO\IAS, Tl:llY, H. "Tanged knives KING, Bn.... ICE M. "Craftsmanship 10­ from the vicinity of Concho, Arizona." day, lecture series at Museum of Inter­ El Palacio, 59: 374-385, Dec. 1952. national Folk Art." £1 Palacio, 60: TREGANZA, ADA:'oI E. Archaeological 29-30, Jan. 1953· investigations in the Farmington Reser­ :'IiWMANN, DAVID L. "Turquoise." £1 I'oir A rea, Stanislaus County, Califor­ Palacio, 59: 323-325, Oct. 1952. nia. 'Cniversity of California Archae­ "Summer concert given by Harry L. ological Survey, Reports, 14, March 30, Anderson:' £1 Palacio, 59: 297, Sept. 195 2 . 195 2 . 4 Porterfield: A Guide to the Literature of the Southwest


BIOGRAPHY BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES "Albert Richard Losh." New Mexico AITEBERv, HOWARD R. "Willet eats Jack Professional Engineer, 5: 1-2, Jan. 1953· Smelt eggs." The Condor, 54: 321, Sept. BALLE~GER, T. L_ "Joseph Franklin 1952. Thompson: an early Cherokee leader." BAKER, MILO S. "Studies in Western vio­ Chrc.micles of Oklahoma, 30: 285-291, lets, VII." Madrono, 12: 8-18, Jan. 1953. Autumn 1952. BEDICHEK, Roy. "Texas birds: a docu­ BOYD, E. "Mrs. Mitchell Carroll, 1868­ mented brag." Southwest Review, 28: 1952." EI Palacio, 59: 390-391, Dec. 1952. 24-33, Winter 1953. CORDOVA, A1.FRED C. A:"oiD CHARLES B. BLAKE, S. F. Wolffia papulifera ill Tex­ JUDAH. Octaviano Larrazolo, a political as." Rhodora, 54: 3°6-307, Dec. 1952. portrait. University of ~ew Mexico. CoCKRUM, E. LENDELL AND KENNETH L. Department of Government. Division FITCH. "Geographic variation in Red­ of Research. Publication 32, ~ov. 15, backed mice (Genus Clethrionomys) of 1952. the southern' Rocky Mountain region." CUNNl:-.lGHAM, ELSIE. "Stuff and things." Kansas University Publications. Muse­ New Mexico Extension News, 32: 3, Oct. um of Natural History, 5: 281-292, ~ov. 1952. Mrs. Elizabeth Turney Stephens 15, 1952. and her hobby business. COLE, A. C. "Studies of New Mexico DUNN, DOROTHY. "Pablita Velarde, ants." Tennessee Academy of Science. painter of pueblo life." EI Palacio, 59: Journal, 28: 81-85, Jan. 1953. 335-341, ~ov. 1952. CUMMING, KENDALL J. The effect of FOREMAN, CARoLYN THOMAS. "The slope and exposure on range vegetation in desert grassland and oak woodland Armstrongs of the Indian Territory." areas of Santa Cruz County, Arizona. Chronicles of Oklahoma, 30: 292-308, UnpUblished Master's thesis, University Autumn 1952. of Arizona, 1952. HODGE, FREDERICK WEBB. "Edward Sher­ DOLLAHITE, NED AND MORRIS P. ANDER­ iff Curtis." The Masterkey, 26: 197, SON, J R. "A new nesting record of the Nov.-Dec. 1952. Cinnamon Teal in Humboldt County, JAMES, W. ~-t "Jan Van Houten." New California." The Condor, 54: 320, Sept. Mexico Stockman, 17: 46-47, Nov. 1952. 1952. McLAIN, JERRY. "A man who loves FREEMAN, MILTON AND H. E. HAYWARD. horses." Arizona Highways, 29: 4-5, 24­ "Indicator significance of some shrubs 27, Feb. 1953. W. Roy Wayland. in the Escalante Desert, Utah." Botan­ VISHER, S. S. "Herbert Ernest Gregory, ical Gautte, 114: 143-155, Dec. 1952. 1869-1952." Association Of American HAYDEN, DAVID L. An analysis of certain Geographers. Annals, 42: 322-323, Dec. Arachnids and Myriapods in the collec­ 1952. tion of the Department Of Entomology, WALTER, PAUL A. F. "George Maxwell University of Arizona. UnpUblished Bloom, J893-1952." El Palacio, 59: 320­ Master's thesis, University of Arizona, 322, Oct. 1952. 1952. ~ WALTER, PAUL A. F. "Rupert Franz HERRE, ALBERT W. C. T. "A new species Asplund, 1875-1952." EI Palacio, 60: 25­ of Schismatomma from California." 28, Jan. 1953. The Bryologist, 55: 295-297, Dec. 1952. WARDELL, MORRIS L. "William Ben­ INGRAM, JOHN. "A monograph of the nett BiZlell, bibliophile and builder." general Bloomeria and Muilla (Lilli­ Chronicles of Oklahoma, 30: 256-261, ceae)." Madrofio, 12: 19-27, Jan. 1953. Autumn 1952. JOHNSON, WILLIAM F. AND JACK E. CoP-

Published by UNM Digital Repository, 1953 5 New Mexico Quarterly, Vol. 23 [1953], Iss. 2, Art. 22


SEY. "Opisthadena Bodegensis N.Sp. KLEIN, WILLIAM H. "The early summer (Trematoda) from Dillon Beach, Cali­ drought of 1952." Weatherwise, 5: 111­ fornia." American ,\lieroscopical Soci­ 113, Del. 1952. ety, Transactions, 72: 78.81. Jan. 1953. NEWTON, CHARLES H. "Tornadoes at LINCOLN. FREDERICK C. "An early speci­ Texarkana." Weatherwise, 5: 98, 110, men of the eastern Fox Sparrow from Ocl. 1952. Colorado." The Condor, 54: lP9'320, PARROTT, WILLIAM H. "The big winter Sept. 1952. of 1951/52 in the high Sierra." H'eath­ Mc~IILLAS, CALVI:'O. "Variation in seed­ erwise,6: 12-14, Feb. 1953. lings of Cupresus Abramsiana Wolf." S:'IALLEY, CLARENCE L. "Unusual verti· Madroiio, 12: 28-32, Jan. 1953. cal air currents in the vicinity of Warm MARLATT. ROBERT B. Races of Fusarium Springs, California. October 29, 1950." Oxysporum F. Lini in Ariwna. Unpub­ American Meteorological Society. Bul· lished Master's thesis. University of letin, 33: 299-302 , Sept. 1952. Arizona. 1952. CONSERVATION MEN:-i1 SGER. EDWIN A. "The confusing AND RECLAMATION Chorisia trees." National Horticultural Magazine, 32: 20-33, Jan. 1953. BAIL. E. B. "Bernalillo County's Sandia Conservancy District." New Mexico ROWNTR£.E, L£sTER. "Luxuriant desert Professional Engineer, 5: 11. Feb. 1953· exhibitions." National Horticultural Maga:.ine, 32: 15-18, Jan. 1953· BEAVE:'O. WINTO:" H. "TVA began in California." Western Speech, 17: 19-24, STAH:" 6 Porterfield: A Guide to the Literature of the Southwest G U 1 DE TO LIT ERA TU REO F SOU THW EST 237

bling a&pen." Arizona Highways, 28: 16· tnal development and legislative needs." 29, Nov. 1952. Oklahoma Business Bulletin, 18: 1-3, "The shell of Tumacacori:' Arizona Dec. 1952. Highways, 28: 4-13, Nov. 1952. Photo· BASSEIT, W. J. "Labor progress in Los graphed by Ansel Adams, described by Angeles:' The American Federationist, Nancy Newhall. 59: 22-23, 31, Nov. 1952. EDUCATION BAYLY. KENNETH J. A survey of the ele­ ments affecting the value of residential BENNEIT, GORDON L. "Public libraries, real estate in Tucson, Arizona. Unpub· the situation in Colorado." Colorado lished Master's thesis, University of Ari· Municipalities, 29: 15'16. Jan. 1953. rona, 1952. BENNEIT, WILLIAM S. "Policies govern· CUNTON, FRED S. "First oil and gas well ing D-E trainees at Artesia High in Tulsa County:' Chronicles of Okla­ School." New Mexico Business Educa­ homa, 30: 312'332, Autumn 1952. tor, 14: 6-7, 13. Nov. 1952. CoALSON, GEORGE O. "Mexican contract DAVIES, MABEL. "Business education at labor in American agricUlture." South­ Fort Sumner High School." New Mex­ western Social Science Quarterly, 33: ico Business Educator, 14: 8, ~ov. 1952. 228-238. Dec. 1952. "A family album starring our public COLDWELL. P. E. 'The potash industry relations." New Mexico School Review, of New Mexico:' Federal Reserve Bank 32: 13- 17,23. Jan. 1953· of Dallas. Monthly Business Review, 37: MELLOH, ARTHUR W., compiler. Re· 165-172, Dec. 1, 1952. search activities of Texas Engineering COUNTER, MARGUERITE FRINK. "Pioneer Experiment Station for 1950/51 and canning industry in Colorado:' Colo· 1951152. Texas Engineering Experi­ rado Magazine, 30: 37'48, Jan. 1953. ment Station. Research Report, 38. Oct. 1952. DALE, AU"RED G. "Notes on the indus­ trialization of Texas: an expanded cer­ O'DONNElL, WILLIAM B. "Recom­ amics industry in Texas?" Texas Busi­ mended by the principal." New Mexico nt'ss Revicu', 26: 16-17, Aug. 1952. School Review, 32: 6-7, Jan. 1953. CoI­ I~ entrance plan. DALE, ALFRED G. "Notes on the indus· trialization of Texas: carbon black in "Presenting New Mexico State lTniver­ Texas." Texas Business Revicu', 26: 16­ sity." Speech Actitrities, 8: 15'20, Spring 17, Nov. 1953. 1953· EDGEL, RALPH L. "Manufacturing in RAGLAND, HOBERT D. "Potawatomi day New Mexico:' New Mexico Business, schools." Chronicles of Oklahoma, 30: 5: 3-14. Dec. 1952. 270'278, Autumn 1952. "High level prosperity in the South· STOCK, OLIVER. "Teach them to care." west:' Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Nt'w Mt'xico School Ret,;ew, 32: 12-13, Monthly Business Review, 38: 2-7, Jan. Feb. 1953. Conservation education. I, 1953. WYETH, JOHN L. "Education on the MOORE, CARL H. "Forests, an important Purgatoire." Southwestern Lort', 18: 51' asset of the Southwest." Federal Reserve 52, Dec. 1952. Bank of Dallas. Monthly Business Re­ FINANCE AND INDUSTRY view,38: 17-24, Feb. 1.1953. ARBtNGAST, STANLEY A. "Notes on the "Postwar industrial expansion in the industrialization of Texas, review of tenth district." Federal Reserve Bank 1952." Texas Business Review, 26: 18­ of Kansas City. Monthly Review, 37: 19,31, Jan. 1953. 1-8, Dec. 31. 1952. BARNETT, VICTOR F. "Oklahoma's indus· PRICE, JAMES A. AND W. S. ROBERTS.

Published by UNM Digital Repository, 1953 7 New Mexico Quarterly, Vol. 23 [1953], Iss. 2, Art. 22 GENEVIEVE PORTERFIELD

!"The A. F. of L. in New Mexico." The ico." Journal of Geolog)', 6,: 68-7" Jan. American Federationist, 59: 27-28. Nov. '953· '952 • PAPKE, KEITH G. Geology and ore depos­ RASNER. LEsLIE A. Insurable interest in its of the eastern portion Hilltop Mine Texas. Baylor Business Studies. 13. Dec. area, County, Ariwna. UnpUb­ '952 • lished Master's thesis, University of Ari­ "Rocky Mountain activity sets record zona, '952. in 1952." Independent Petroleum Asso­ PLUMLEY, WILLIAM 1- AND Roy W. ciation of America. Month I)', 23: 40. GRAVES. ]R. "Virgilian reefs of the Sac­ Jan. 1953· ramento Mountains, New Mexico." "Twenty-fourth annual convention held Journal of Geology, 61: 1-16. Jan. 1953. h,' New Mexico Oil and Gas Associa­ RUFF, ARTHl'R W. The geology and orc tion." Independent Petroleum Associa­ drposits of the Indiana mine area, Pima tion of America. Monthly, 23: 34-36. Count\'. Arizona. Unpublished Master's Jan. 1953. thesis, University of Arizona, 1952. "Seismological notes." Seismological So­ GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES ciety of America. Bulletin, 42: 373-383, BUSSEN BACH, ERICH B. K. The Geol0f!.Y OCI. '952. Includes notes on California of alluvial fans in Arizona. Unpub­ earthquakes. lished Master's thesis, University of \\'AAGE, KARL M. "Clay deposits of the Arizona. '952. Denver-Golden area, Colorado." Colo­ CHEW. RANDALL T., III. The geology of rado Scientific Societ)'. Proceedings. '5: the Mineta Ridge Area. Pima and Co­ 37'-390. '952 • chise Counties, Arizona. Unpublished Master's thesis, University of Arizona, GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS '952 • Citizens Research Council of Michigan. CLARKF. OTIS M .• JR. "Geochemical pros­ "Tax rates of American cities." Na­ pecting for copper at Ray, Arizona." tional Municipal Review. 42: '7-33,]an. Economic Geologv, 48: 39-45. Jan.-Feb. '953. Statistics for 364 cities. includinF; '953· the Southwest. EMERY, K. O. and others. "Submarine CLARK, ROBERT EMMET. Children and ~ology off San Die~o. California." the courts in New Mexico. University of Journal of Geologv. 60: 5"-548. Nov. New Mexico. Department of Govern­ '952 • ment. Division of Research. Publication FOSTER, JAMES A. The pliocene series of 34, '953· southeast Lubbock County, Texas. Un­ DOBYNS. HENRY F. "How Goldwater published' Master's thesis, Texas Tech­ won in Arizona." Frontier. 4: '7-18, nol~cal College, '952. Jan. '953. JOH:'-ISON. J. HARLAN AND W. ALAN STEW­ JPDAH, CHARLF.5 B. The presidential ART. "Eocene coralline algae from the primary. University of New Mexico. Meganos formation. California." Jour­ Department of Government. Division nal of Paleontology, 25: 130-136, Jan. of Research. Publication 33. 1953· 1953· LA CAGNINA. YOLANDA. The role of the KIERSCH, GWRGE A. AND PAUL W. recall of ;udges issue in the struggle for HUGHES. "Structural localization of Arizona statehood. Unpublished Mas­ ~ound water in limestones-Big Bend ter's thesis, University of Arizona, 1952. District. Texas-Mexico." Economic Ge­ "Little Hoover Commission redrafts olog\,. 47: 794-800, Dec. '952. re~istration law." New Mexico Profes­ LANGSTON, W ANN. "The first emoo­ sional Engineer, 5: 8-10. \2-'3, Jan. lomerous amphibians from New Mex- '953· 8 G U IDE TOPorterfield:LIT ERAA GuideTU to theREO Literature Fof theSOU SouthwestT HW EST 239

NELSON. A. D. "UCV in Texas." Em­ 'the mystery of Father Padilla.''' El ployment Security Review, 20: 26-29, Palacio, 59. 386-389, Dec. 1952. Feb. 1953. Unemployment compensa­ CoLORADO STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. tion for veterans. "Report of the President. James Graf­ "Proposed legislative changes: New ton Rogers." Colorado Magazine, 30: Mexico engineers and surveyors regis­ 1-14, Jan. 1953· tration act." New Mexico Professional CRIMMINS. MARTIN L.• editor. "Colonel Engineer, 5: 2-4. Jan. 1953· George Croghan and the Indian situa­ RICHARDS, A1..LAN R. Leg~slative services. tion in Texas in 1847." Southwestern University of New Mexico. Department Historical Quarterly, 56: 455-457, Jan. of Government. Division of Research. 1953· Publication 35. 1953· DICKSON. EDWARD A. "Lincoln and SEMAN. PHILIP L. "Recreation in Cali­ Baker. the story of a great friendship." fornia." Youth Leaders Digest, 15: 133' Historical Society of Southern Califor­ 138, Jan. 1953. nia. Quarterly, 34: 229'242. Sept. 1952. HISTORY DONAHUE. WILLIAM H. "Mary of Agreda BERNSTEIN, MARVIN D. "Colonel Wil­ and the Southwest United States." The liam C. Green and the Cananea copper Americas, 9: 29 1-3 14. Jan. 1953- bubble." Business Historical Society. DRURY. AUBREY. "John Albert Hooper, Bulletin,26: 179'-198. Dec. 1952. based on research by Aubrey Drury, BROGDoN. J. CARL. The history of Jer­ with foreword by Arthur W. Hooper." ome, Ariwna. Unpublished Master's California Historical Sodety. Quarterly, thesis. University of Arizona. 1952. 31: 289'3°5. Dec. 1952. BROWN, VIRGINIA L. Some aspects of the EMMERT, ELOISE M. An annexation history of the Ariwna Education Associ­ study of Tucson. Arizona. UnpUblished ation. UnpUblished Master's thesis. Uni­ Master's thesis, University of Arizona, versity of Arizona. 1952. 1952• CARROLL, H. BAILEY AND MILTON R. FUCHS. JAMES R. A history of Williams, GUTSCH. "A checklist of theses and dis­ Ari:.ona, 18j6-/951. Unpublished Mas­ sertations in Texas history produced in ter's thesis. University of Ariwna. 1952. the Department of History of the Uni· GARD. WAYNE. "The Shawnee Trail." versity of Texas, 1893'1951." Southwest­ Southwestern Historical Quarterly, 56: ern Historical Quarterly, 56: 64-110; 359-3770 Jan. 1953· 417-45~ 254-308; July 1952, Oct. 1952, HAFEN. I.E Roy R. "Colorado mountain Jan. 1953· men." Colorado Magazine, 30: 14-28, CARROLL, H. BAILEY. "The Texan Santa Jan. 1953. Fe Trail." Panhandle-Plains Historical HoYT. FRANKLYN. "The Los Angeles and Review, 24: 1-199. 1951. Pacific Railway." Historical Society of CARROLL, H. BAILEY. "Texas collection." Southern ,California. Quarterly, 34: 261- Southwestern Historical Quarterly, 56: 270. Sept. 1952, . 309-326. Oct. 1952, Regular feature. HUNT, ROCKWEll D. "California moun­ CARTER, JAMES D. "Freemasonry and tain men of another breed." Historical Texas history, 1800-1835." Southwestern Society of Southern California. Quar­ Historical Quarterly, 56: 397-406. Jan. terly, 34:213-228, Sept. 1952. 1953· IGou. VIOLET POLIN. "Pioneer days in CHAPMAN, JOHN. "Old Fort Rithard· Ellis County," Chronicles of Oklahoma, son." Southwest Review, 28: 611-69, Win­ 30: 262-269, Autumn 1952. ter 1953. JEFFREY, ROBERT S. The history of CHAVEZ. FRAY ANGELICO. "A sequel to Douglas, Ariwna. Unpublished Master's

Published by UNM Digital Repository, 1953 9 New Mexico Quarterly, Vol. 23 [1953], Iss. 2, Art. 22 GENEVIEVE PORTERFIELD

thesis, University of Arizona, 1952. "Putting a lid on California" an unpUb­ K.£u.EY, J. CHARLES. "The historic Indi­ lished diary of the Portola expedition an pueblos of La Junta de los Rins." by Jose de Cafiizares. California Histori­ New Mexico Historical Review, 27: 257­ cal Society. Quarterly, 31: 261-279, 343­ 295, Oct. 1952; 28: 21-5 1, Jan. 1953. 354, Sept., Dec. 1952. KRAKEL, DEAN F. "The founding of ROMER, MARGARET. "From Boulder to Ault." Colorado Maga:.ine, 30: 49-58, the Gulf: chapter VII, colonists on the Jan. 1953· march." Historical Society of Soutllern LIGHTFOOT, BILLY BOB. "The Negro exo­ California. Quarterly, 34: 175- 181 ,27 1­ dus from Comanche COUDlY, Texas." 294, June, Sept. 1952. -'j Southwestern Historical Quarterly, 56: ROPER, LAURA WOOD. "Frederick Law 4 10