Jurnal Sejarah Citra Lekha, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2016, hlm. 81-92 BOVEN DIGOEL DALAM PANGGUNG SEJARAH INDONESIA: DARI PERGERAKAN NASIONAL HINGGA OTONOMI KHUSUS PAPUA Susanto T. Handoko Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah FKIP Universitas Cendrawasih Jayapura Alamat korespondensi:
[email protected] Diterima/ Received: 12 Juli 2016; Disetujui/ Accepted: 1 Agustus 2016 Abstract This study focuses on the role Boven Digoel for the Indonesian nation in the struggle for independence. The research method is a method of history to the stage of research, searches historical sources, source criticism, interpretation, and writing of history. Boven Digoel selected as a place of exile of the movement because of factors: the more intense the radical movement (communists) in Indonesia period 1925-1927 which manifests itself in a variety of labor strikes and revolts; Holland is a minor colonial power compared with the Spanish, Portuguese, French and English - that is to say, only the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) which has a strategic significance for the survival of colonialism; Boven Digoel very far away from the center of government in Batavia covered by dense woods, filled with swamps and deserted-silent with various wild animals, ferociously malaria mosquitoes, and the original is still cannibals; Boven Digoel as the 'Land of Hope' or the future of the movement who did not return origin region. With discarded in Boven Digoel of the movement 'disconnected' at all with the people, so that they can not spread the ideas and the ideas of nationalism. Boven Digoel instrumental in the Stage History of Modern Indonesia, in particular, the national movement. Now in the Era of Reform and Special Autonomy for Papua, the existence of historical sites in Boven Digoel must be managed properly to the benefit of education and tourism development.