Illinois State Fair Wine Competition CALL 4 ENTRIES An event by Recognizing Illinois’ best and brightest wines Entry Deadline: July 28, 2021 Competition Dates: August 3-5, 2021 Contacts: Lisa Ellis 217-726-8518 IGGVA Executive Director
[email protected] Anne Zwink 515-570-8265 Competition Enologist
[email protected] 2021 ILLINOIS STATE FAIR COMMERCIAL WINE COMPETITION RULES AND REGS COMPETITION DATES One case of the wine judged “Best of ENTRY FEES Show” shall be donated by the winner to August 3-5, 2021 the Illinois State Fair, where it will be sold at IGGVA members: Inn at 835, Springfield, IL the Illinois State Fair Commodity Auction in $45/wine (1-4 wines) Springfield. JUDGING PROCESS $40/wine (5+ wines) Three panels of judges will evaluate entries A press release announcing the award using a 20-point scoring system. winners will be available after the judging. Non-IGGVA members: $70/wine Individual judges’ scores are submitted Only wines and wineries receiving awards by each panel for each wine evaluated. and medals will receive public recognition. Make checks payable to: Illinois Grape Each panel will assign whether to award a Growers and Vintners Alliance (IGGVA) wine with one of the following: Gold, Silver, New this year: Wineries that receive a Gold Bronze, or no award. If all judges individually Medal in the competition will be featured award a wine a gold, it receives a double- in our “Trail of Gold” section in the Illinois WINE DELIVERY gold designation. winery map/app. Send wine, payment and (2) Entry Forms to: All entries will be given a numerical score based on points scored by each judge, then ELIGIBILITY AND RULES averaged for the entire panel.