VERNALIZATION and PHOTOPERIODISM hy A. E. MURNEEK and R. O. WHYTE with H. A. Allard, H. A. Borthwick, Erwin Bunning, G. L. FuNKE, Karl C. Hamner, S. B. Hendricks, A. Lang, M. Y. Nuttonson, M. W. Parker, R. H. Roberts, S. M. Sircar, B. Esther Struckmeyer and F. W. Went Fore-word by Kenneth V. Thimann WALTHAM, MASS., U.SA. Published by the Chronica Botanica Company Marine Biological Laboratory July 19, 1958 Received _ Accession No. ^°^^^ P^ess Company Given By ' New York City" Place,_ — — : The Chronica Botanica Co., International Plant Science Publishers CHRONICA BOTANICA, an International Collec- LOTSYA — A Biological Miscellany:— tion of Studies in the Method and History of Biology l.MuRNEEK, Whyte, et al. : Vernalization and Photo- and Agriculture, founded and edited by Frans Ver- periodisra (p. 196, $4.50) doorn, is available at $7.50 a year to regular sub- 2. Knight; Dictionary of Genetics (p. 184, $4.50) scribers (postfree, foreign and domestic). —Regular 3.WALLACE, et al.: Rothamsted International Sympo- subscribers to Chronica Botanica receive Biologia sium on Trace Elements (in press) {cf. infra) free. 4.Vavilov's Selected Writings, translated by Chester Strong, buckram binding cases, stamped with gold, (in press) may be obtained for recent volumes (vols. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11/12) at $1.25 (postfree). 'A New Series of Plant Science Books': Vols. 1-3, Annual Records of Current Research, Activi- ties and Events in the Pure and Applied Plant Sci- Tree Growth (revised ed. in prep.) I.MacDougai.: ences, are still available at $9.00 a volume (paper), Pulp (revised ed., published abroad, 2.Grant: Wood or $10.50 (buckram).
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