St. Brigid’s Parish, Killester NEWSLETTER


Dear Friends, It is always a surprise when we hear that someone we know and work with is suddenly on the move. Fr. Michael informed me that Archbishop Martin had recently sent for him and invited him to move to the Parish of Augrim Street. In accordance with the promise of “obedience and respect to me and my successors” made at his priestly ordination in 1992 to Bishop Kavanagh, Michael accepted this new appointment, which will take effect in early February. Michael’s first appointment was to the Parish of Mourne Road where he was to minister for eleven years. Then in July 2003 he was appointed to Killester and joined Fr. Dermot Leycock. He replaced Fr. Michael Murtagh at that time and so was present and involved in the final stages of the construction of our wonderful Resource Centre which President McAleese for- mally opened in September 2004. I had known Fr. Michael during his student days in Holy Cross College and had him in class from 1988-1992. Fortunately for me he never held that against me (!) and was wonder- fully welcoming to me on my arrival here in August 2007. Since then we have worked well to- gether and shared many laughs into the bargain. I am sorry to see him go but I am sure, like you, we wish him every blessing on all his future endeavours for the Lord. And of course I extend a specially warm welcome to Fr. Michael O’Grady, also a former student of mine, to our Parish of St. Brigid’s. May the Lord also grant him health and happiness in his ministry to the good people of Killester. I know you will make him truly welcome and at home. Fr Alex

“The Painting of St. Brigid’s Profession” in Killester Church

Any visitor to our Church will be struck by the beautiful painting of St. Brigid’s Profession on the wall behind the main Altar. The Church had been extended in 1952 and this work “The Profes- sion of St. Brigid by St. Mel” was executed by the Artist George Collie RHA. It took a year for it to be completed. The artist used many people he knew as his models for various characters and one of them, Kati Halpin (in the painting she is the young girl in the white robe), still remains a very active member of our parish. Her quiet and devoted dedication to St. Brigid’s Church over the years has helped keep it in such excellent condition and for this we are most grateful. The other figures included George’s daughter Ellie as St. Brigid, his sons Jackie as the Cross bearer and George Junior as the man in the right front. George’s brother William is the white- bearded monk and the Architect Charles Powell is Bishop Mel, while the monk with the crozier is a Fr. Canice. St. Brigid was born at Faughart, near Dundalk, c. 450 A.D. Her father Duffy was a Pagan Lein- ster Chieftain and her mother was Brocessa, a Christian slave. An 8th century life of Brigid by Cogito- sus records that Brigid received the veil from Bishop Macaille at Croghan Hill, Co. Westmeath in 467. Seven other girls were with her and each selected one of the 8 Beatitudes. Brigid chose “Blesses are the merciful” as her motto for life. Later, she was fully professed by Bishop Mel (St. Mel) and it is this ceremony that the Collie painting records. Interestingly, there is a legend about the event in that it is claimed that Brigid was ‘accidentally’ ordained as a bishop: “It came to pass then through the grace of the Holy Ghost, that the form of ordaining a bishop was read out over Brigid. Macaillle said that a bishop’s order should not be conferred on a woman. Said Bishop Mel: No power have I in this matter. That dignity has been given by God unto Brigid” (Book of Lismore). Brigid died at her monastery in Kildare on 1st of February 523 and was buried beside the main Altar. A fire perpetually burning was kept close by. Then in 878 because of the Viking invasions and the destruction of Churches, her remains were taken to Downpatrick. Their location was known only to a few and they were “lost” for a period. They were rediscovered by St. Malachy in 1185. The Footsteps of St. Brigid

The footsteps of St. Brigid are everywhere I go All you did for church and country Rising out of darkness from the earth below With the Cross your truest guide. Little bells of Spring time – Pure and white as snow. Ask the Saviour now to bless us Ask Our Lady to enfold The footsteps of St Brigid In maternal wraps of goodness Have travelled far and wide All we are and all we hold. Unconstrained by boundaries, Monarchies or tides – Dear to us is Mother Ireland Dear to us this faith passed down An abbess and a foundress Help us to uphold and value A holy one of God All that won for you a crown. Whose prayers rose up like incense From rock and field below. May we follow in your footsteps As you look from heaven above O Saint Brigid, Ireland’s children May you shower upon your children Still recall with greatest pride Heaven’s grace and heaven’s love.

St. Brigid and her Cross

One day in early spring, Brigid got word that a chieftain in Kildare was very ill and he now wanted to be baptised. By the time Brigid got there, the poor man was dying. Brigid sat down beside his bed and tried to console him. The floor of the house was covered in rushes. This was how people kept their houses warm. Brigid picked up some rushes and started to weave them into a cross. As she weaved, she explained the cross and prayed. The dying chieftain opened his eyes, looked at Brigid and asked to be baptised. Brigid baptised him and the man died peacefully. St. Brigid died around 525 and her feast day is February 1st, which is regarded as the first day of Spring.

On February 1st, people still make St. Brigid’s crosses and hang them in their houses. It is believed that the cross will protect the house from fire and keep it safe throughout the year.

St Brigid’s Relic (Taken from the Life of St. Brigid, Rev. John J. Gaffney) On January 27th, 1929, His grace the Archbishop of solemnly enshrined a Relic of St. Brigid at St. Brigid’s Church, Killester. The Relic is a portion of the head of the Saint. In 1283 some Irish knights, on a Crusade to the Holy Land, took with them the head of St. Brigid. In Portugal these knights fell fighting against the Moors. The holy Relic was brought to Queen Dinez, who confided it to the custody of the Sisters of St. Bernard, in the Royal convent of Odivellas. In 1706 the Relic was translated to the Church of St. John the Baptist at Lumiar, near Lisbon. In 1780 it was en- closed in a special shrine. Lumiar, under Providence, remains its resting place today. In the parish church at Lumiar is a special chapel dedicated to St. Brigid, containing her statue. Local Catholics show great devotion to our Patroness, and on her feast day a special holiday is kept. The people bring their cattle to have them blessed with the Relic, and the parish priest blesses the crops and vines in the surrounding districts. A portion of this Relic was given under the Seal of the Cardinal of Lisbon, on November 26th 1928 to the parish priest of Killester. This portion was approved by His Grace the Archbishop of Dublin on November 26th, 1928. It was translated with solemn ceremony to the church of St. Brigid, Killester, on January 27th, 1929. The casket in which the reliquary at Killester is enclosed was made to the design of the casket which contains St. Patrick’s Bell. The actual reliquary inside this casket is in the form of an Irish Cross, and is made of bronze, heavily gold-plated. The centre of this cross contains a metal cylinder with a glass front, and the actual Relic is bound with gold into this receptacle. It was sealed into place by His Grace the Archbishop of Dublin, with the Seal of the Archdiocese. Recently deceased - please pray for the souls of:

Margaret Moore, Dunluce Road Molly Pierce, Castle Avenue Jacinta Preston Smith, Brookwood Park Olive Mahon, All Saints Road

Baptisms - we are happy to welcome into our Christian Community: Siobhan Woods, St. Annes Avenue Mark O’Mahony, The Meadows Cillian & Sophia Nolan, Rebecca Bride, Artane Emmy Glover, Molly Wilde, Maryville Road,

St. Joseph’s Young Priests’ Society will meet in the Resource Centre on Wednesday 10th February after the 10.00 a.m. Mass. All are welcome to help in this apostolic work in the promotion of vocations to the priesthood.

Did you know: Ash Wednesday this year falls on the 17th of February.

Resource Centre News The New Year has started extremely well, with all your favourite courses and activities. Why not come along to the Centre and check out the one(s) that suit you best. We have Yoga, Pilates, T’ai Chi, Ballet, Latin Dances and Computer Studies, to name just a few. SBS Club The SBS Club recommenced on Wednesday 20th January with a great turnout. Our next morning is Wednesday February 3rd, when we celebrate our 1st Birthday! Check the activities on the SBS No- tice Board situated in the Lobby — Line Dancing and Creative Writing are two that come to mind. Coffee Dock Come along and meet your friends in the cosy surroundings of the Coffee Dock. For the New Year we have introduced a new selection of cakes and breads for sale, which are freshly baked on the prem- ises daily. Film Show The film shows have restarted on Wednesdays at 2 p.m.. Enjoy the film and afterwards have tea and biscuits — all free! On February 3rd we are showing “From Here to Eternity”.

St Brigid's Parish Shop

The Parish Shop which is located at the side of the Church nearest car park has in stock a large selection of religious items including Mass cards, Mass bouquets, pictures, angel pins, crucifixes, holy water fonts, candles and christening candles, medals, rosary beads, prayer leaflets and a lot more. There are also birth- day, retirement and get well cards.

A new CD by Bryan Hoey called ”Just for Today and Always” has been released and includes “Una Furtiva Lagrima”, “M’appari” and “Caro Mio Ben”, which are just part of the selection on this magnificent CD.

There is also a small glass holy water bottle which is suitable for taking on holidays or for a car or handbag. Catholic papers and magazines are supplied on a weekly and monthly basis and are located at the back of the Church. Payment for these should be deposited in St Anthony’s Shrine box.

Why not call into the shop and see for yourself the large array of religious goods available. The shop is open after all the Masses at weekends. Please note that all proceeds from the sales go to Parish funds.

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Parish Contact details: Parish Office Ph. 833 2974 Parish email: [email protected] Parish website: Resource centre Ph. 853 4030 Resource Centre email: [email protected] You can access this Newsletter on the Parish Website. TOOLEN ELECTRICAL 360 Road John Quill F.A.O.I. Ophthalmic Optician Balloons for All Occasions Raheny Dublin 5 Complete spectacle service Parties and Events. Domestic and Commercial 20 year ESTB Registered for P.R.S.I. and Small and large quantities. Family Business. Personal Quality Service guaranteed. Medical Card holders House re-wiring - Fuse Board replacement - Grant work Professional Balloon Decorators. Additional Sockets and Lights - Shower installation - Large selection of budget Free delivery in the Parish Garden Lights and fashion frames with this Ad. Connecting New Appliances – Maintenance 157a Killester Avenue, Dublin 5 Emergency Call out Phone 831 2558 087 944 4849 Fully insured ECSSA Free estimate Phone: 831 5682 Des: 087-266 1843 Roy: 087-211 1406 Natural Tile & Marble Company Raheny Carpets

Killester School of Ballet and Thinking of a new tiled marble floor or 8 Main Street, Raheny, Dublin 5 Modern Theatre Dance bathroom? Local supplier of Creama Marfil and other Stones. Tel: 831 9340 R.A.D. Ballet and I.S.T.D. Modern for all levels. “Ballet for Babies” – 31/2 – 5-yr. olds on Various sizes and finishes in stock. Excellent prices. Open 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Saturdays 11.30 – 12.00 noon. Strictly by appointment. Contact John: 833 3287 086 851 7397 Monday to Saturday Enquiries to Ann Coffey Tighe 831 4535 or 086-804 6790 BEST START PRESCHOOL Kirwan’s AND MONTESSORI Stafford's – Family Funeral Directors Infants / Toddlers - Montessori / Project Over three generations Funeral Directors Bubbles. Playgroup age: 1-3 (9am-12.30 pm / 1pm-4.30pm) Full time / Part time Telephone 855 0555 24 Hour Service - After school care (Collections / Hot 24 Hour Service meal/Snack / Fitness classes) H/Q 60 Opening Times 8 am -6 pm Tel: 833 4444 Branch office: Maypark, Road 26 Killester Park D5 087 412 4443 / 01 846 5507

Home Instead Senior Care. Scoil Rince Cill Easra Evening Funerals “The world’s and Ireland’s trusted source of com- Contact Jacqueline

The Resource Centre is offering panionship and home care for the elderly”. We at 831 8654 and 086-256 1000 help older people stay at home by providing light Irish Dancing Classes Monday and a Catering Service housekeeping, meal preparation, transportation, Thursday: 3.30 p.m. in the Coffee Dock. post– hospital care, personal care and Alzheimer Wednesday 3.30 p.m. and 4.45 p.m. care. Further details from: Peter Taylor, Home Venue: 126 Abbeyfield for families who wish to cater for the nd Evening Funeral Instead Senior Care, 2 floor Fairview, Dublin 3 (off St. Brigid’s Road) Purpose-built dance studio. Telephone Vivienne Ph. 01-853 5048 Mobile: 087-298 3555 Adult Ceili Classes 087 213 7365. Fax: 01-8533358. email: [email protected] every Thursday at 8.00 p.m.

Attention Sole Traders and Free Pre-School Year at the Small Businesses Seán O’Neill Orchard Montessori Computerised Book-keeping and B.Sc.,B.A. (Hons), Lic.Ac.(UK), 19, The Orchard Payroll Management Service available from January 2010 Will work from Home or on Site O.M.B.Ac.C. Morning session Flexible Rates Classical Five-Element Acupuncture 8.45 - 12.00 12.30 - 3.30 Contact Marian Clarke Purpose-built premises with qualified telephone 086 405 2222 (Mon—Fri) A gentle ancient and experienced staff. email: [email protected] For more information contact Member of The Institute of natural therapy Mandy at Accounting Technicians in Ireland 01-831 6848 or 087 775 8149

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Georgina Ryan, Tax Consultant Ladies Aerobics Car Servicing A personal and efficient service St. Brigid’s Resource Centre, Killester Full Service €145 for all Accounting and Tax. 11 Week Course Oil change €from €28 PAYE Tax Claims Self Employed Registration 11th January 10 -10.30 a.m. Anti-freeze replenished from €24 Income Tax Rental Income Tax Re- 12th January 7.30 - 8 p.m. Pre N.T.C. Inspections turns Capital Gains Tax Course beginning 18th Jan. 10 -11a.m. Free local collection and delivery 01-8310543/ 086 6007434 and 19th Jan. 7.30 - 8.30 pm. Fully insured [email protected] For information call Olive Ph. Anthony 833 8533 087 265 3296 085 725 6667