A Social Profile 2007-2015
Ballymun: A Social Profile 2007-2015 Research carried out by Brian Harvey with the assistance of youngballymun 2015 youngballymun Axis Arts Centre Main Street, Ballymun Dublin 9 www.youngballymun.org Executive summary Background This report, researched by Brian Harvey with the assistance of youngballymun, provides a social profile of Ballymun, Dublin over the pivotal years 2007-2015, presented on the basis of the censi (2006, 2011), published reports, interviews and information provided by voluntary and statutory providers and public representatives. The profile looks at demographic and related change; services and investment; the impact of socio-economic change; and future challenges. Demographic change Over this period, the population of Ballymun grew moderately and aged, with considerable internal movement. The population became more diverse, but the number of Travellers fell. There is a high rate of lone parent households. There was upward social mobility, less early school leaving and a small rise in third level participation. The proportion of people reporting the ability to speak Irish fell. There was a growth in the use of cars, internet and computers. The proportion of local authority housing fell, while private rented accommodation rose. Crime rates fell. In the context of reduced incomes and rising poverty Ballymun remains one of the most disadvantaged communities in Dublin, with high rates of unemployment. For children, the value of Child Benefit payment fell, while the introduction of the Free Pre-School Year represented an investment of about a third the value of the previous Early Childcare Supplement which it replaced. Reduced investment Ballymun suffered from the national disinvestment in social and related services in general and in the voluntary and community sector in particular.
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