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Journal of Educational Social Studies the Implementation of Multicultural

Journal of Educational Social Studies the Implementation of Multicultural

Journal of Educational Social Studies 8 (1) (2019) : 27 – 34


The Implementation of Multicultural Values on Vocational High School Students (A Research at Bagimu Negeriku Vocational High School Semarang)

Noviar Ardinastiti1 , Masrukhi2 & Purwadi Suhandini2

1 Junior High School H. Isriati Semarang, 2 Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Article Info Abstract ______History Articles Bagimu Negeriku Vocational High School covers students from diverse cultural, Received: religious, racial and ethnic backgrounds. This security requires the school to January 2019 Accepted: instill multicultural values in order to create a harmonious environment. February 2019 The study aims to analyze the implementation of multicultural values applied Published: by the school. This study was conducted qualitatively with a phenomenology June 2019 approach. The research data sources were students, social studies teachers, ______student representatives, and school principals. The technique of data collecting Keywords: implementation, were interviews, observations, and document studies which were tested for their multicultural values validity through the source manipulation technique. The results of the study ______indicate that the implementation of multicultural values includes the value of justice; the school applies all students fairly, for example, the school does not DOI https://doi.org/10.15294 distinguish students based on good deeds, both men and women have the same /jess.v8i1.28765 rights. The value of diversity; the school divides the composition of the class with a variety of students both from different tribes, different religions, and different areas of origin so that each class is a heterogeneous class. The value of freedom; it is embodied in some activities including the selection of extracurricular activities, and the value of solidarity; the school upholds the principle of "Sama Rata, Sama Rasa."

© 2019 Universitas Negeri Semarang

 Correspondence address: p-ISSN 2252-6390 Abdulrahman Saleh No.285, Kalipancur, Ngaliyan, e-ISSN 2502-4442 Semarang, Jawa Tengah, 50183 E-mail: [email protected]

27 Noviar Ardinastiti, Masrukhi & Purwadi Suhandini Journal of Educational Social Studies 8 (1) (2019) : 27 – 35

INTRODUCTION diversity. The multicultural nation is a nation with various ethnic and cultural groups The Indonesian nation is one of the largest characteristic who are willing to respect each multicultural countries in the world. A nation other in other cultures so that they can coexist that upholds the slogan "Unity in Diversity" as peacefully in the principle of co-existence the principle of nation and state, the variety of (Wahid, 2001). differences is expected not to affect the order of Multiculturalism aims to create a fair and social life. Diversity possessed can be viewed peaceful society by prioritizing the principle of from socio-cultural conditions and geographical recognizing, accepting and respecting cultural conditions. According to Sukarma (2010), the diversity and changing public policies to Indonesian nation consists of various ethnicities, accommodate diversity (Wibowo, 2010). religions, races, tribes, and languages. Regarding Cultural diversity requires understanding, mutual race, the indigenous people of Indonesia consist understanding, tolerance, which is aimed at of - race (Java, , minimizing the emergence of conflicts in order to Kalimantan, Sulawesi), Melanesoid Malay race create a peaceful and prosperous life (Naim, and (generally Eastern Indonesia) and Mongoloid Sauqi, 2010). Indonesian people experience a (Chinese) race. Regarding ethnicity, Indonesia process of socialization to apply the concept of consists of 556 ethnic groups and 512 regional multiculturalism. languages. Regarding religion, the Indonesian Comprehensive understanding of people have six faiths that are legally recognized, multiculturalism is based on knowledge in the namely: , Christianity, Catholicism, form of relevant concepts and supporting the Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. existence and multicultural functions in people's The Indonesian people are interpreted as a lives. One of the discourses of multiculturalism in group that lives or has passed down from Indonesia is rolled out through the field of generation to generation and lives permanently education which is applied to schools which are by producing a culture that will later become its from now on referred to as multicultural characteristics so that it looks different from one education (Mahfud, 2016). community to another (Parekh, 2001). Multicultural education is an innovation Indonesian society has a plurality of movement and process which is aimed for all characteristics that are very diverse which is students to create an equal educational called pluralists. According to Mahfud (2016), environment. Multicultural education is a form of there are two perspectives in studying the learning efforts that open opportunities for all diversity of the Indonesian nation, namely a students regardless of gender, ethnicity, race, horizontal perspective and a vertical perspective. culture, and religion (Tobroni, 2007). The In a horizontal perspective, the diversity of the existence of multicultural education helps Indonesian nation is viewed regarding ethnic, students in developing their potential as students regional language, religion, geographical and community members without being location, clothing, and cultural differences. While influenced by their culture, although the focus of in the vertical perspective, the diversity of the multicultural education is the activities and Indonesian nation is viewed regarding differences behavior of students that are dominated by in economic level, education level, income level, culture (Wihardit, 2010). and socio-cultural level. Multicultural education is very important Multiculturalism is a concept aimed at a for students in order to make them understand community in the context of nationhood in order that in their environment there is a diversity of to recognize diversity, pluralism, and the varieties cultures. Cultural diversity will influence the of a race, culture, ethnicity, and religion. The mindset, attitudes, behavior, habits, folkways, concept has an understanding that a pluralistic rules, and even customs. If these differences are nation is a nation which is full of multicultural not well understood and accepted wisely, it can

28 Noviar Ardinastiti, Masrukhi & Purwadi Suhandini Journal of Educational Social Studies 8 (1) (2019) : 27 – 35 cause conflict between students (Indrapangastuti, cultures. The school residents who are the 2014). foundation management, school leaders, Gorski (in Wiyanto, 2018) mentions three teachers, employees, and students come from main multicultural objectives, namely: various ethnic groups, cultural backgrounds, (1) instrumental goals which are eliminating social and religious statuses. Within theoretically, educational discrimination, and giving equal location in SMK Bagimu Negeriku Semarang to opportunities for each child to develop their be chosen by the reason was cited by Sunarjan potential; (2) the purpose of internal terminals, (2014), it is important that you chose one specific namely developing students for achieving site, this will help to keep things simple and to academic achievement according to their focus on the issues and areas for improvement. It potential; (3) the purpose of the external end is important to go into a site with an open mind, terminal, which is forming the social conscious of and not assuming you already know the solutions students in order to be active as the citizens of for other people’s problems. local, national, and global. The student data shows there are 380 The role of schools in applying students. 52 students from Sumatra Island, 39 multicultural values is very important to be given students from Kalimantan island, 15 students for students as early as possible. Multicultural from Sulawesi island, 236 students from Java values teach and direct students to accept island, six students from the island of West Nusa differences, respect differences and respect one Tenggara, 21 students from the island of East another. In the learning process, the teacher Nusa Tenggara, and 11 students from the island instills these values. Multicultural values are of Papua. The gathering of various multicultural expected to grow into character then shape students from various regions is a diversity that student attitudes. needs to be formed and implemented in everyday The previous studies show the school’s role life. Bagimu Negeriku shows the phenomenon of in many ways such as the study conducted by togetherness and harmony with very strong Chintia, Masrukhi, and Sunarjan (2018), which tolerance. explains that in order to instill the pluralism Based on the background above, this study values, school takes a role towards the students aims to examine the implementation of such as sparing time for the students to pray at multicultural values applied by the school in the school, teaching respect and appreciation to the daily lives of students. teachers, blending with cross-culture friends, as well as respecting each other’s holidays. METHODS Students are expected to be able to actualize the values of multicultural education in This research took place in Bagimu their learning environment. Knowledge, values, Negeriku Vocational High School of Semarang. and skills which are provided by the school are The reason for taking this location is because of the continuation of what is given in the family, the multicultural characteristics of students from but the level is much higher and more complex by various ethnic, religious, racial and cultural the stages of the gap. As what has happened at the backgrounds so that the phenomenon is level of vocational students where cognitive considered suitable with the theme in this study. development is (according to Jean Piaget in This study used a qualitative research Yusuf, 2015) in the last and the highest period in method with a phenomenological approach the growth of formal operations (period of formal guided by the theory of operative conditioning operations). from Burrhusm Frederic Skinner. Data sources of Bagimu Negeriku Vocational High School this study covered, (a) informants, namely is a small description of "Mini Indonesia" with student representatives, social studies teachers, various multicultural characteristics in which principals and students themselves, there are various tribes, religions, races, and (b) supporting documents related to this research.

29 Noviar Ardinastiti, Masrukhi & Purwadi Suhandini Journal of Educational Social Studies 8 (1) (2019) : 27 – 35

Data collection techniques were values is very diverse but still in one concept observation, interviews, and document studies. which has a similar idea. This understanding is Interviews aimed to reveal the understanding of obtained before entering and after entering the multicultural values. Interviews and observations Vocational School of Bagimu Negeriku. When aimed to reveal the formation of multicultural children come into the school, they have been values in schools. Whereas, interview, provided with knowledge about the general observation, and document study techniques picture they will live in the school by their were used for revealing the implementation families as the primary socialization agents. The implemented by the school. The informants in the family has given an idea of understanding that in study were 16 people consisting of 10 student info Bagimu Negeriku, children will meet friends who means, namely 2 students from the Nias islands, come from various regions so that they will have 2 students from Kalimantan, 3 students from the attitude to respect and to tolerate their friends Java, 2 students from Papua, 2 students from who have different cultures or religions. After NTT, 1 student from Sulawesi, 1 student from entering the school, children begin to be formed Bandar Lampung Sumatra, while informants with various kinds of slogans, as well as school from the school were 1 Principal, 1 Deputy Head programs that are uniting diverse cultures, so that of Student Affairs, and 1 Social Studies teacher. children form a similar pattern of understanding The validity test of the data in the study about multiculturalism itself. was done through source triangulation Students describe the multicultural concept techniques; it was done by comparing the results which states that various cultures throughout of interviews with the results of observations and Indonesia coexist with each other without documentation. differentiating and are considered the same as an The data analysis technique in this study Indonesian unity according to the meaning used Huberman, and Miles (1983) data analysis "Bhinneka Tungga Ika." Understanding techniques, namely inductive data analysis. The multicultural values are very important to be analysis started with data collection, data applied in order to maintain the integrity and reduction, data presentation, and data basic capital in applying it in daily life. verification. Multicultural values that are understood according to students include mutual respect, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION mutual regard, the value of cooperation and the value of solidarity, the value of diversity, the Students' Understanding of Multicultural value of unity, and the value of justice. Values Social life in the school environment The Establishment of Multicultural Values in requires students to be able to interact and Bagimu Negeriku Vocational High School socialize with their friends. In Bagimu Negeriku Bagimu Negeriku Semarang is a school Vocational High School, having students from a that covers students from various provinces in variety of different cultural, religious, racial and Indonesia. This causes cultural diversity in the ethnic backgrounds is such a phenomenon. school. Students in this school have different Students are required to be able to adjust cultures and habits. The background of different themselves first so that understanding is needed. perspectives and attitudes is due to the differences An understanding of multicultural values in of language, differences in customs, cultural Bagimu Negeriku Vocational High School aims differences, and geographical differences. The to establish students' knowledge and behavior of school has a variety of programs that form the the attitude to recognize, accept, respect and to basis for the formation of multicultural values for tolerate other cultures. students. The program is the implementation of The Bagimu Negeriku students' the MOS program for one week. This activity is understanding in interpreting multicultural intended to train group cooperation of students

30 Noviar Ardinastiti, Masrukhi & Purwadi Suhandini Journal of Educational Social Studies 8 (1) (2019) : 27 – 35 from different cultures. As an example of this by not discriminating in serving and guiding the activity, new students are collected into one hall students. In learning, the teacher invites the and then randomly grouped. They are equipped students to discuss in solving a problem. This is with simple equipment. In groups, they were intended to train children about deliberation and assigned to make a clothing model from a used cooperation, also to foster respect and tolerance newspaper in a short time. This is intended to to their fellow friends. Thus, the intensity of train cooperation and compactness. In the MOS, teachers is very important in forming in addition to these activities, there are also PBB multicultural values for students, because the activities (line training) which are expected can more students hear and have direct experience, train students' ability to have a leadership spirit. the better implementation of multicultural values The next activity is outbound activities which are can be realized and run. done outside the school with the purpose to The other program in the Vocational High practice students' independence. The second School of Bagimu Negeriku Semarang is making program carried out by the school is providing habituation. The program for habituating stimulus through slogans. One of the slogans behavior or attitude is manifested by the presence found at the time of observation is entitled of smiles, greetings, saying hello, politeness, and "Budaya Organisasi di SMK Bagimu Negeriku yang courtesy (5S). This is intended to be a habit so Berindikator Berbudi-Berkualitas-Berdaya-Berhasil.” that students have the original character of the The slogans are placed on the wall and in some Indonesian people, which is well-known as parts of the school like on the stairs when going friendly and polite people. The characters of the up to the second floor. The school also students are different; they consist of ignorants, implements the installation of slogans in front of introverts, extroverts, and also children who the main building according to the theme raised rarely smile. for weekly, so that the installation of the slogan is The next habituation program is the always changed every week. This kind of language habituation program. In Bagimu stimulus that given is expected can form students' Negeriku vocational high school, students from character and instill an idea that all students are various regions certainly have different Indonesian. languages. The school generates language and The school role in the formation of requires students to use Bahasa Indonesia in multicultural values for students is inseparable communicating with fellow students. This from teacher participation. Participation is more habituation aims to avoid multiple interpretations in the form of ideas, opinions, or constructive and misperceptions in capturing information. thoughts both to develop programs and to With the same language which is Bahasa facilitate the implementation of the program, also Indonesia, it will certainly make it easier for to realize it by providing knowledge and students to interact and establish friendships experience which is aimed for developing the without differentiating friends from a different activities (Sunarjan, 2014). The results of the area of language. The last habituation program is study indicate that practically teachers have a national habituation program. This program socialized and formed students' understanding of aims to make students have a spirit of diversity multicultural values which include values of and awareness of their country so that students solidarity, values of unity, and values of justice. have a high spirit of nationalism and memorize Teachers play the role by always implying national songs or compulsory songs which have multicultural values in each of the lessons they been forgotten lately by the millennial youth. carry out, and providing behavioral inserts This program is realized by echoing the national examples of daily life during learning by showing anthem of Indonesia Raya every morning. Also, tolerance both among fellow teachers and also every afternoon before the school time is over; the tolerance among students, mutual respect and students sing the national song Padamu Negeri fairness for all students from any tribe or religion through the center with the straight attitude by

31 Noviar Ardinastiti, Masrukhi & Purwadi Suhandini Journal of Educational Social Studies 8 (1) (2019) : 27 – 35 standing firm with their right hands clenched and students eat together with the same food menu. If placed on their left chest. There is also a cultural some students do not like the food menu stage program aimed at showing the culture of provided, they usually exchange their dishes with each region so that the value of diversity appears. their friends. This activity fosters a sense of This program is carried out by producing solidarity among students where they are all traditional clothes or traditional dances from migrants who are far from their families; this each region so that there is a collaboration results in feelings of complementarity and mutual between one team in one area to showcase the need. The next value applied in this study is the characteristics of each region but only for cultural value of freedom. The value of freedom in performances and remain monitored so that Bagimu Negeriku is to provide trust and freedom ethnocentrism does not arise. The establishment in order to explore students' skills according to of values of multiculturalism is a joint learning their interests but still in the limitation of the effort between students, teachers, and schools school's rules. The value of freedom embodied in that work together so that students are expected the activities includes the selection of to be able to practice multicultural values in their extracurricular activities. The school provides daily lives and the surrounding environment. freedom in choosing extracurriculars according to their talents and interests. The extracurricular The implementation of Multicultural Values activities which are available include knitting, Applied by the School in Student Daily Life volleyball, dance, basketball and sound systems. The implementation of multicultural Also, students are also given the freedom to values in Bagimu Negeriku is applied to various choose their majors when entering Bagimu school activities. The social life among students Negeriku, but this system is binding by giving of different cultures, religions, races, and tribes conditions such as ability tests and grades because there can be categorized as going well. The the majors in the school have a minimum limit. existence of good collaboration between students Students are given full responsibility for their influences the achievement of comfort in the chosen decisions. school environment. The values which are Another activity that shows the value of explained in the implementation are the value of freedom is that students are given the freedom to solidarity, the value of freedom, the value of embrace their respective religions even though in diversity and the value of justice. The value of the scope of the majority of teachers and students solidarity in this study includes scout activity who are Christians. Students are allowed to programs and programs that uphold the slogan worship according to their respective times, on "Equal Average Sense." The scout program in its Fridays, Muslim students do Friday prayer in application is held every Friday at 15.30 with the Mosques around the school, and for diverse, characteristic of upholding the behavior of one Christians provided a large room in the school team collaboration. Each group in scouting because the majority are Christian. Moreover, for activities tries to be equally and win equally. the Buddhist and Hindu, there is also a room that Also, scouting activities also aim to train and provided for their worship activity. Bagimu familiarize students in understanding the various Negeriku provides a place of worship on its own other characters of friends. The next program is a even though it does not show the identity of program that upholds the slogan "Sama Rata religion; all are given the name "Places of Sama Rasa." This slogan shows all of the students Worship" not a Musholla nor Altar. The third feel the feelings and experiences of a treatment value implemented in this school is the value of that is applied without any discrimination. The diversity. The value of diversity is one of the application of this program can be seen when the values applied in the school by one of its joint lunch activity, which is at the second break activities, namely dividing the composition of at 12.00, all students eat together at a designated class groups with a variety of students from place; they blend into one together. All of the different tribes, different religions, and different

32 Noviar Ardinastiti, Masrukhi & Purwadi Suhandini Journal of Educational Social Studies 8 (1) (2019) : 27 – 35 origin areas so that each class is a heterogeneous behavior is one of the reinforcements given to class. The division of classes with various students. This study uses Skinner principles. students is intended so that students can mingle First, shaping through MOS activities, scout and socialize with all friends from various activities, and teacher intensity in applying regions. Also, other activities show the value of multicultural values. The second is the principle diversity during religious holidays. All students of reinforcement, with habituation methods as mingle and take part in the celebration of one of the reinforcements given to students. The Christmas, Eid al-Adha, and Chinese New Year habituation indicators set by the school in together. At the time of the Christmas feast, the achieving the desired behavioral goals are students assigned to the committee are Muslim habituation to behavior with the 5S program students. Whereas when the Eid al-Adha feast the (smile, greetings, say hello, politeness, courtesy), students assigned are Christians. habituation of mandatory use of Bahasa From this activity, students can have the Indonesia when communicating in the school character of cooperation, mutual respect, and environment, national habituation by high social behavior. Next, the last value proclaiming the Indonesian national anthem in implemented is the value of justice. All of the the morning days and Padamu Negeri national Bagimu Negeriku students have the same rights song when the afternoon before going home from and obligations at school. The application of school, and holding cultural performances. The discipline is applied equally to all students with a three principles of punishment (Punishment) are credit point system. All violations of discipline applied with a system of credit points, but there is carried out by students are given sanctions fairly still guidance on the heart to heart for students without regard to ethnicity, religion, race, who commit violations. If the student has culture. However, when students commit committed a serious violation and exceeds the violations, homeroom teachers, counselors, and prescribed system point, the student is returned to students will assist "heart to heart" with the his parents. In essence, the operant conditioning students concerned even though the system still theory is suitable to be applied in this research applies. The value of justice is a value that does Implementation of multicultural values, because not discriminate against one majority group. as a stimulus and response that is expected to Schools apply all students fairly, for example, achieve the desired behavior, it is formed in this schools do not distinguish students by gender. application. Class leaders, ceremonial leaders, are selected from both men and women who have the same The Obstacles to Implementing the rights. Skinner's operant conditioning theory Multicultural Values examines the implication of multicultural values The implementation of multicultural in the Bagimu Negeriku Vocational School. In values in schools influences students. Bagimu this study, the intended operant conditioning is to Negeriku has a variety of activities. Thus special shape the behavior of an individual by using the assistance is needed on the implementation to reinforcement given to the individual. So, the make the formation of multicultural values for desired behavior is formed. students runs optimally. Even so, it cannot be With the formation of behavior, it is denied that in its implementation there were still expected that behavior or attitude that produces obstacles, both internal and external. Indonesia is good and cultured character in everyday life can a country that is rich in culture, one of the be formed. Desired student behavior is behavior diversity in Indonesia is language. One of the in interacting with the school environment that findings in this study is in the form of barriers to has a diversity of ethnicity, culture, race, and student interaction regarding language and religion. Bagimu Negeriku applies the Skinner's accent, where the language and accent concept of forming behavior with habituation constraints are due to the background of students methods. The role of stimulus in shaping from various provinces in Indonesia. Some

33 Noviar Ardinastiti, Masrukhi & Purwadi Suhandini Journal of Educational Social Studies 8 (1) (2019) : 27 – 35

regions in Indonesia have different languages, CONCLUSION resulting in students experiencing difficulties when interacting with students from different As a process of implementing multicultural language background. Many students are initially values, students' understanding is the basic mistaken in capturing messages when interacting capital of establishing harmony. The with students in different regions. So, in understanding that has been obtained by students sometimes communicating the message is not before entering Bagimu Negeriku Vocational conveyed. One example of an event where the High School is strengthened by the school and same word has different meanings. At lunchtime their teachers from the beginning of entering the a student from Sundanese, West Java, said "Cokot school. The harmony in interacting with a variety nak tempe," then his friend from Java was biting of cultures is the main goal of behavior formation. the tempeh. This interpretation of languages The school provides the role of shaping the occurs because the word cokot has two meanings, multicultural values of children through in the Javanese word the word cokot means to predetermined programs such as the MOS bite, and in Sundanese, it means to take. The program, scout program, habituation to use solution programmed by the school is language Bahasa Indonesia in interaction, habituation of leveling, by obligating the use of Bahasa 5S program (smile, greetings, say hello, Indonesia. Another obstacle in this study is the politeness, courtesy), and national habituation. different cultural habits. Students have a socio- The role of the school means that there is a role cultural background in their communities that are from the teacher in it. The role of the teacher in very different from what is found in the school. this research is to provide examples of daily life Thus they have difficulty in adapting with the during learning that show mutual respect or school environment. tolerance among friends and be fair to all students For this reason, teachers and all school from a variety of religious, racial and ethnic parties need to understand carefully every cultures. The students of Bagimu Negeriku have student; they need to concern about their formed very strong multicultural values which students' sociocultural background and their type also become joint learning efforts between of thinking ability. Student attitudes are another teacher, students, and schools which are obstacle to the implementation of multicultural synergistic and supportive to each other. values. The attitude in the concern is the attitude which is reflected in the children's daily life in REFERENCES interacting with his friends. Children have different characters, some children have a Chintia, M., Masrukhi, M., & Sunarjan, Y. Y. F. R. friendly character when greeted, some children (2018). Internalization of Pluralism Value in have introverted characters, there are children Adolescents Social Behavior (Case Study in Kapencar Village, Kertek, Wonosobo). Journal who have ignorant characters, and there are of Educational Social Studies, 7(1), 82-90. children who do not want to be given with input, Retrieved from there are also children who are less organized in https://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jes their speech. The last obstacle is an external s/article/view/23303 obstacle, where students are still comfortable in Huberman, A. M., & Miles, M. B. (1983). Analisis Data groups with students from one area. Habit for Kualitatif: Buku Sumber tentang Metode-Metode these obstacles is long enough because of the Baru. Jakarta: UI Press. comfort factor. Comfort is obtained because of Indrapangastuti, D. (2014). Praktek dan Problematik the similarity of regional languages, comfort in Pendidikan Multikultural di SMK. Jurnal Pembangunan Pendidikan: Fondasi dan Aplikasi, friendship, the similarity of hobbies, and the 2(1). similarity of the region. https://journal.uny.ac.id/index.php/jppfa/art icle/view/2614

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