
The physical characters of the races and peoples of A.C Haddon

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A.C Haddon. The physical characters of the races and peoples of Borneo. The pagan tribes of Borneo; a description of their physical, moral and intellectual condition, with some discussion of their ethnic relations, Macmillan and co, pp.311-341, 1912. ￿halshs-00751289￿

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Don de Mft H. BREUlL


TA 1.




bztroductio1t THE following sketch of the races and peoples of Borneo is based upon the observations of the Cambridge Expedition to in 1899 and those of Dr. A. W. Nieuwenhuis in his expeditions to Borneo in 1894, 1896- 1897, and 1898-1900 (Quer durcit Bomeo, Leiden, vol. i., 1904, vol. ii., 1907). It is generally acknowledged that in Borneo, as in other of the , the inhabit the coasts and the aborigines the interi01·, though in sorne these reach the coast while Malayised tribes have pushed inland up the rivers, a sharp distinction bctween the two being frequently obliterated where they overlap. The condition, however, is much more complicated as we can now distinguish at !east two main races among the aborigines. We have no evidence as to who were the primitive inhabitants of Borneo. One would expect to find in the interior, as these black, woolly-haired pygmies inhabit the Andamans, parts of the Peninsula, , the , , and possibly . No authoritative evidence of their occurrence in Borneo is forthcoming, and one cao confidently assert that there are no Negritos in Sarawak. Nor are there any traces of . It is generally admitted that, assuming the to be mainly of that race, a Pre-Dravidian element should occur in the Archipelago, VOL. II JII X 3 12 PAGAN T RIBES OF BORNEO APPENDIX and the cousins Sarasin have noted this strain amo ~ g the restricted to a dolichocephalic, a nd the term Proto-Malay Toalas of Celebes and Moszkowski a mong the Batm~ of to a brachycephalic race, of which the true Malays (Orang Sumatra; in this connection it is of interest that Nt~ u ­ wenhuis discovered ten Ulu Ayars and two Pu_nans wtth Malayu) are a specialised branch. straight hair and a "black or . blue-black:· skm colout · ; The next point to discuss is the presence of these two Kohlbrugge,1 who records thts observation, offers no races in Borneo. The Dutch Expedition fo und three distinct types in the interior of Netherlands Borneo, the explanation. . . . . 1 Dr. E. T. H amy in 1877 recogmsed a pnmtttve element Ulu Ayars (Ulu Ajar) or Ot Danum of the upper Kapuas, in the , for which he adopted the term the Bahau- Kenyahs (Bahau- IG!nja) of the middle or Indonesian a name previously invented by Logan fo r the upper Mahakam (or Kotei) and the upper waters of the non -Mala; population of the East I nd i ~n A rch.ipelago. rivers to the north, and the Punans, nomadic hunters De Q uatrefages and Hamy further establtshed thts .stoc.k living in the highlands about the head-waters of the great in their Crania E thtdca (1882), and de Quatrefages 111 hts rivers. T he first of these may be classed as predominantly Hùtoz're générale des races /mmaùtes ( 1889) boldly states Indonesian and the others as mainly Proto- Malay in that these high- and narrow-headed peoples are "un des origin. According to Nieuwenhuis the Bahaus and rameaux de la branche blanche allophyle" (I.e. pp. 5 r 5, Kenyahs both remember that they came from Apo Kayan at the headwaters of the ; they were fo rmerly 521). Keane tert?s the I.n~,on esia n s "the pre- Malay known as the Pari tribes. In a li the tribes of this group Caucasie element 111 Oceama (Man Past and Present, the social organisation is in the main similar, and this 1899, p. 23 r). Various investigators 2 have studied sk~tll s obtained from this region which prove the wide extenston affini ty is borne out by their material , thus they of dolichocephaly. Kohlbrugge (1898), who investigated may be regarded as originally one people. Tribes calling t hemselves Bahau now live along the Mahakam above the Tenggerese, Indonesian mountaineers of J~va , says: " Les Indonésiens sont dolichocéphales, les Malats brachy­ Mujub and include one Kayan group; on the upper Rejang céphales ou hyperbrachycéphales. Le sang indonésien are Bahau tribes under the name of Kayan, and a small se décèle donc par la longueur de la tête : plus celle-ci se section has advanced into the Kapuas area and settled on rapproche du type dolichocéphale, , plus pur ~st le sang the Mendalam which again includes Kayans and kindred indonésien." Vol z confirms Hagen s observatiOns of the tribes. A l! the tribes still in Apo Kayan cali themselves Kenyah, as also those of the eastward flowing T awang, existence a mona the Battak of of two types, a dolichocephaltc I ndonesian and a brachycepha lic ty p ~. Berau and Kayan (or Bulungan) rivers a nd those of the The term Indonesian may now be regarded as defi mtely upper L imbang and Baram flowing northwards. The Kenyahs of Apo Kayan live along the Iwan, a tributary 1 Dr. A. W. Nieuwenhuis, "Anthropometrische Untersuchungen bei den of the Kayan river (or Bulungan); to the north -east is Dajak." Bearbeitet durch Dr. J. H. F. Kohl brugge, Jlfitt. aus de!n Nùderl. another tributary called the Bahau which seems to have Reichsmm. ft'ir Volkerk. ser. n. N.o. 5, H aarlet_TI, '903: Owmg lo the inaccessibility of this memoir, 1 have mcorporated h1s more important observa. been the original home of the Bahau people since the tribes lions in this essay...... of Borneo habitually take their names from the rivers along 2 Swaving, G., Naltmrk. Tt;dschr. v. Ned. /nd., xxn1., 1861, xx1v., 1862. which they live.2 Hoeven, J. van der, Catalog w craniorum diversarum.geutittm. Virchow, R. , Z.fE. , xvi i. , 1885, p. (270), in winch he states that of 1 47 "Dayak" skulls in the museums of Paris, Amsterdam, and the Royal Nieuwenhuis usually speaks of these as Ulu Ajar Dajak. 1 have more College of Surgeons, , 20 were dolichocephalic, 12 mesaticephalic, and than once deprecated this use of the term "Dayak" as it has sim ply come to 15 hrachycephalic. Cf. also Z.fE., xxiv., 1892, p. (435). mean a non-Malayan inhabitant of Borneo, for example, we fi nd "Kc"njah Hagen, B., Verh. d. Kon. Akad. d. Wetensclz. Natttttrktmd, xxviii., Dajak" on his ma p. In Sarawak this lerm is confined to the Dayaks Amsterdam, 1890. and Land Dayaks, for the former 1 have suggested that the native turne lban Waldeyer, W., Z.fE., xxvi., 1894, p. (383). . . be adopted, but I have not been able to find a suitable native name for the Zuckerkandl, E., Jlfitt. d. A11throp. Gesell. Wzen, xx1v., 1894, p. 254· Land Dayaks of Sarawak who are probably allicd to the Ulu Ayars. Kohlbrugge, J. H. F., L'Authropologie, ix., 1898, p. r. :1 The foregoing statement is taken from Nieuwenhuis, but Dr. H ose sends Volz, W., Arch.f A1ztllrop., xxvi., 1900, p. 719. me the following remarks : Haddon, A. C., Arclliv. perl' A nt. el' Et110!., xxxi. , 1901, p. 341. "Pari is the word for padi in both Kayan and Kenyah language. "The Uma Ti mi and Uma Klap of the Upper Rejang are possibly Bahau PAGAN TRIEES OF BORNEO .l APPENDIX 315 Nieuwenhuis came to the conclusion that th_e three chief tribes measured by him represented three mam groups of Kohlbrugge states (1903, p. 2) that he has shown for the population of Central Borneo, physically and culturally. the interior of Sumatra, , and Celebes that there are Mr. E. B. Raddon drew attention (Man, 1905 ,. No. 13, mesaticephalic peoples distinct in other respects from the p. 22) to the close similarity of the _results pubhshed by coast peoples, but not dolichocephalic. He concludes that Kohlbrugge (1903) with those publtshed b>: me ( 1901). the (Uiu Ayar) Dayaks, being the only dolichocephals, are I recognised five main groups of peoples m Sarawak : the only pure ns, and the rest (Kayans and Punan, Klemantan (or, as Dr. Hose and I then spelled it, Punans) are more or Jess mixed with Malays. The mean cephalic index of 130 Tenggerese of the interior of Java is Kalamantan) Kenyah- Kayan, !ban or Sea Dayak, and 1 Malay. Th~ Ibans are not referred to by either of the ' 79.7, but the Ulu Ayars constitute a uniform group which Dutch ethnoloaists who, like myself, merely alluded to ranges from 71 to 81.4, of which 9 are 74 or under and 9 are between 74.1 and 76 inclusive, the median of 26 adult the Malay e!t~"medt. Kohlbrugge and I included the 1 Bakatan or Beketan and the Ukit or Bukat in the Punan males being 74·7· [Although the median Kalabit index group, and also bracketed together the Kayans and in the living subject is somewhat higher, that of the skulls, Kenyahs. In Sarawak there are ~um e rous a~d ~ften Sll_lall as weil as the cranial index of Muruts and T rings tribes which it is frequently very dtfficult or qt11te tmposstble (Table C), is very similar in this respect to that of the Ulu to differentiate from one another, although the extremes A yars.] · of the series can be distinguished ; we thercfore decided According to N ieuwenhuis' statistics, as given by to comprehend them under the non - committal term of Kohlbrugge, there is in the brachycephalic group (Kayans Klemantan (p. 42 ). I showed that they were of mixed and Punans) a greater range (75 to 93·3• and 1 Kayan origin, and stated that, "It is po~sible that the K a l~mantan s woman reaches 97) than in the Ulu Ayars; most fall between 78 and 85, the medians of both being just over 81. were originally a dolichocephahc people who mtxed first 2 with the indigenous brachycephals (Punan group) and later There are 8 dolichocephals out of his 43 Kayan men and with the immigrant brachycephals (Kenyah-Kayan group) 4 out of his 25 women, but only 1 Punan out of 14. In or the Kalama ntans may have been a mixed people when his curve of the Ka yan indices there is a drop at 82 [a they first arrived in Borneo and subsequently increased curve of my data shows a similar drop]. " I leave it an their complexity by mixing with these two groups" open question," he says (p. 13), "whether this break (l.c. p. 352). I also made it clear th.at 1 regarded the indicates mixture of a dolichocephalic and brachycephalic dolichocephalic element as of Indone~ t a_n stock and t_he a roup; this can only be decided by the study of more brachycephalic of Proto- Malayan ongm. It was wtth ~bun dant material, and requires confirmation from the great satisfaction that 1 found Kohlbrugge had .c~me to geographical and ethnog_raJ?hical .standpoint. At ali events similar conclusions and that the Ulu Ayars exh1b1t such it may be assumed a przorz that tf long-headed and broad­ strong traces of an Indonesian origin, s~ron ger p erh~ps headed peoples occur in the interior of Borneo, then mixed than those of any tribe in . Sarawak, wlth tl:e po_sstble peoples will also be met with, and the Kayans might be exception of the scarcely studted Muruts and alhed tnbes. such." [An examination of my data will show that there is practically no difference between the Kayans and tribes but the four Kayan tribes of the Upper Rejang, the Uma Ba wang, Uma Kenyahs in this respect.] Naving Uma Daro and Uma Lesong say that they came from Usun Apo or A comparison is also possible between the bi-zygomatic Apo K~yan as Nieuwenhuis calls it. . , "The Kayans in the Kapu as are the Uma Gmg, and the only Kayans that breadths made by Nieuwenhuis a nd ourselves. The figures I know of in the Bulungan river are the Uma Le kans: the re are no Kayans or are those of the minimum, median, and maximum. K ayans Kenyahs in the river. (43 ô , N) 126, 139,153 ; (25 , N) 125, 132, 141; (21 ô , H) "Apo Kayan or Usun Apo is the country f~om w!1ich. the Batang Kayan river or Bulungan, the Kotei, and their great tnbutanes n sc on the one s1de, 132, 141, 150. Punans (J4ô, N) 132,138, 145 ; (19ô, H) and the tributaries of the Rejang and Baram Bahau river in the north to the Mahakam m the south. The Kenyahs ~; cases groupcd his youths and girls over r6 with the adults, and have Ieft those the Baram are spoken of by the people of the Batang Kayan as Kenyah Bau. younger out of reckoning. 2 I.e. having an index of 77·9 and under. J PAGAN TRIEES OF BORNEO APPENDIX 130, 142, 154· Ultt Ayars (26 ê, N) 125, 136, 145. Lmtd d ifference between the Malays and in this Dayaks (42 ê, S) 122, 136, 145. respect. The Kayan women have relatively a much longer Kohlbrugge points out that there seems to be no ground femur than the men. The shorter tibia makes the whole for dividing the "Indonesians" into a taller and shorter leg of the Bornean peoples shorter than in others­ group since the differences are slight. If this distinction except that the Punans make it up with a longer femur. were drawn, the Ulu Ayars (av. 1.571 m., med. 1.551 m.) Women and young people have longer legs than men. would belong to the shorter group as would the Enganese The Punans have the fattest calves approximating to (av. 1.570 m.). His 34 Kayan men (av. 1.584 m., med. the Tenggerese, the other Bornean tribes are more 1.582 m.) and 14 Punan men (av. 1.583 m., med. 1.569 m.) like the Gorontalese. The chest girth of Ulu Ayars and the Gorontalese (1.584 m.) are intermediate between and Tenggerese is almost the same, despite the difference these and the Tenggerese ( 1.604 m.) and Battak ( r.6os). in the breadth of the chest, in which the U lu Ayars I also find this distinction untenable, as our Kayans resemble the inhabitants of Atchin measured by Lubbers. (av. 1.559 m., med. 1.550 m.) and Punans (av. 1. 555 m., The proportion of the length of t he foot to the stature med. 1.550 m.) are of the same stature or even possibly is 16 : IOO in Kayans of both sexes, I 5-4: 100 in Ulu shorter than his Ulu Ayars, whereas our 16 Kenyah men Ayars, and I 5.2 in Pu nans. But the Kayan feet are (av. 1.597 m., med. 1.6o8) are taller than his Kayans. He shorter than those of the Gorontalese, who have the longest adds that the shorter "Indonesians" live in the plains, feet in the Archipelago. The other Bornean peoples are the taller in the mountains, but he cannot say for certain the same as Indonesians who resemble the Malays in this whether a mountain climate affects stature as many believe. respect. The pelvic bread th of the Kayan men a nd women It is to be regretted that Kohlbrugge extends in this is equal (26 cm.), though men have the wider chest; the instance the term Indonesian to the Kayans a nd Puna ns. Punan pelvis is narrower than in the other two tribes; but Taking our measurements I find that the Kenyahs and the in ail three the pelvis is broader than in the Tenggerese. Muruts (av. 1.001 m., med. 1.590 m. ) are the tallest groups, Vve must now turn to the evidence of the crania, of then come the Iban (av. 1.590 m., med. r.585 m.), the which only a very brief account need be presented here. Kayan and Punan medians come about half-way between Owing to the fact that the people are head -hunters the the tallest Klemantans (Long Pokun, med. 1.590 m.) and skulls obtained by a traveller in a ny bouse are necessarily the shortest (Lerong, med. 1.520 m.). The above figures those of another community, group, or tribc than that to refer to men only, the women are markedly shorter. which the occupants of the house belong. Consequently Kohlbrugge gives the following information with regard it is necessary for a travell er to learn from the inhabitants to body measurements: the Kayan women are 14 cm. the provenience of each cranium, and every one in the shorter th an the men, usually the difference is 10-12 cm. bouse knows it. It is useless for analytical plll·poses to The span is greater than the stature, the proportion is deal with skulls of which the tribe is not accurately known ; 105.2 : 100 in Kayans, 103.4: 100 in U lu Ayars and the information that a skull was obtained in a certain ro6.5 : roo in Punans and Tenggerese. In youths it is village or on a particular river is, as a rule, of very little rather higher than in men. The difference between . Tenggerese and Ulu Ayars is due to the latter having ln Table C I give particulars of three head indices shorter arms, especially the upper arms, and the chest of of 83 crania, of which the history is known in each case. the Bornean peoples is 2 cm. narrower. Other Indonesian Fifty-eight of these have been presented by Dr. Rose to peoples have a longer upper arm than the U lu Ayars, the University of Cambridge. I have added to these who also have the tibia shorter in proportion to the femur. 5 Murut, 1 Lepu Potong, 1 Kalabit, 1 Tring, I , Kayan and Ulu Ayar men have a comparatively shorter and I Orang Bukit, which Dr. Rose presented to the femur than the Punan. The latter thus resemble the Royal College of Surgeons, London, 1 Ukit skull in the Tenggerese, the others have the same relative length as same museum, 3 Dusun in the British Museum, and 5 Murut, many other peoples of the Archipelago; there is no 3 Maloh, and 3 Kayan, which 1 measured in Sarawak. 1 318 PAGAN TRIEES OF BORNEO APPENDIX have chosen the cranial length-breadth, length-height, and brachycephalic element "Malay." The true Malay, breadth-height indices, as . these are. fl!O r~ direct! y com­ Orang Mal


I. Murut Group: GENERAL R EMARKS ON THE METHODS OF TAKING ÜBSERVATIONS Mt11·ut, Pandaruan, Tagal, Dusun ; Kalabi t, Lepu Potong ; THE physical characters and measurements of each individual were noted on a separate card, and the bulk of them have been Adang, Tring. embodied in the following synopses. As my object has been IL Klemantan Group: to give a general impression of each group, I have not burdened I. South-western Group : the descriptions with superftuous scattered observations. The Land Dayaks ; original records are available in Cambridge for any desirous of [Certain tribes of N etherlands Borneo] ; consulting them. T he statistics given refer to the severa! re­ Maloh. corded observations; where these fall short of the total number 2 . Central Group: it may be taken for granted that as a rule the remainder did not a. Baram sub-group: Bisaya, Tabun, Orang depart markedly from the normal standard of the group in Bukit, Kadayan, Pliet, Long Pata, Long question-the presence of salien t characters would be noted, not Akar. their absence. b. Barawan sub-group : Murik, Long Julan, I n Table A certain measurements and indices are given of Long Ulai, Batu Blah, Long Kiput, the more important groups in order to facilitate comparisons. Lelak, Barawan, Sakapan, Kajaman. Very small groups and half-breeds have been omitted, the object being to summarise the characters of the adults of the larger c. Bakatan sub - group: Seping, Tanjong, groups. The median in most cases is practically identical with Kanawit, Bakatan, Lugat. the average, but where a difference occurs, the median more 3· Sebop Group: nearly represents the central type. The indices are based on a , Tabalo, Long Pokun, Sebop, Lerong ; calculation to two decim al places; where the second decimal Milanau (including N arom and Mi ri). place is under five it is left out of account, and where five or over III. Punan Group: the fi rst decimal place is augmented by one. This table should Punan, U kit, Siduan, Sigalang. be compared with Table C. IV. Kenyah Group: In the other tables ali the measurements and indices are given. Madang, Long Dallo, Apoh, Long Sinong, HEAD: Length, from glabella to most prominent point of Long Lika Bulu, Long Tikan. occiput; breadth, maximum at right angles to above ; bt~auric V. Kayan Group. breadth, from base of the tragus, pressing fi rmly; circumjere1tce, VI. Iban Group: Iban (Sea Dayaks) and Sibuyau. greatest circumference immediately above the glabella; auriC1tlar vertical arc, from base of tragus over the vertex ; auricular radiz' ta ken with a Cunningham's radiometer fro m the ear-hole. FACE: Totallength, from nasion to chin ; upper lengtlt, from nasion to alveolus; bi-zygoma/ti: breadth, from greatest prominence of cheek arches, pressing fi rmly; i11ter-oC1tlar width, between inner angles of the eyes ; bi-go11ial breadth, fro m the angle of the lower jaw, pressing firmly. NosE : Length, from nasion to angle with lip ; J2I PAGAN TRIBES OF BORNEO APPENDIX 323 breadtlt, between outer curvature of aire, without pres~ure ; bi­ the head at an angle of Jess than 30" (r), between 30" and 6o" (z),,or over 6o" (3). Lobule : This is never totally absent, ?na,ar, brea d'''.,,, from the outer upper cornerk of the· h margf m of '!)the orbit, pressing firm ly (this was usual!y mar ed w1t a ~o t penc1 ; but when it is 3 mm. or Jess from the middle of the curved base naso-ma,ar, ,,'t'•te ' , between these pomts over the bndge of the of the anti-tragus it may be called approximately so (o ), wh en 3-ro mm. it is sma!l (r), ro-15 mm. medium (z), over 15 mm. no~he term dolichocephalic is used to designate a cephalic index long (3). The lobule may be free or adhere partially or totally to the side of the face. Descmdi11g helix : The degree of folding of 77.9 and under, and bracltycephalic one of 78 and over. Hea~s with a Jength-height index of 66.9 and under are platycephalzc, varies; there may be none ( o ), un der z mm. ( r ), between z and 4 those of 67-69.9 are mesocephalic, and those of 70 and over are mm. (z), between 4 and 6 mm. (3). Darwi?/ s point: It may be hypsicephalic. The breadth-height limits are 8z.9, 83-8:1-·9•. and absent ( o ), or present as a distinct tip ( r ), as an infolded tip ( z ), as an inrolled knob (3), or as a slight thickening of the infoJded 85. The term chamœprosopic is used where. t~e total fac~almdex is 89.9 and under, and leptoprosopic ~h~re 1t ~ s 90 and over, the part of the helix (4); the position is constant in the upper corresponding limit for the upper fa~1al mdex 1s- 4~·9 and so +. posterior segment. Tragus : This may be absent (o), otherwise Owing to the character of th~ n.ose 1t was not easy 1.n .mo~t cases it varies in size measured from base to apex, under 3 mm. (r), to ascertain the exact upper hm1t of the length, and 1t JS prob~b l y between 3 and 5 mm. (z), or 5 to 7 mm. (3). Sometimes it has owing to this that the indices show such marked p~atyrhmy. two apices. Anti-tragus : This also may be absent (o), or if Unfortunately these indices cannot be compare~ w1th those present the size from base to apex measures as in the tragus obtained by Nieuwen~uis, as ~e measur~d to the t1p of the n~se under 3 mm. (r), between 3 and 5 mm. (z), or 5-7 mm. (3). and not to its angle w1th the hp as we d1d. The term lept~rhme A11tt~helix: It is bent into an angle slightly or not at ail (o), the is used for noses with an index of 69.9 and under, mesorlmte for angle does not reach the level of the helix ( r ), the angle is a 70-84.9, platyrhim for 8 5-99·9, and !l)lper-platyrltùt~ for roo and little within or a little beyond the leve! of the helix (z), it is very over. The profiles of the nose were compared w1th the figur~s prominent, distinctly beyond the leve! of the helix (3). I ts pro­ minence is a human feature. in Notes and Queries (r89z). In speaking of the EYE, by /~1~ 1s meant the Mongolian fold which covers the caruncle. Ali the mses As regards the HAIR, in ali cases where there were a number have a brown colour, being either light, medium, or dark. The of observations one or two of the oldest men bad grizzled or observations on the EARS were made by means of MS. notes and even grey hair. The hair of the head is usually worn long and diagrams drawn up for me by Prof. A. Keith. He. recommended often attains a length of about two feet, but it is sometimes eut that persons under fifteen of age or over s1xty sh_ould not shorter and is occasionally very short. It is usually fairly be noted and that as there is a very marked sexual d1fference, abundant, but in ali groups a few persons have scanty haïr. The observati~ns on men and women should be kept quite separate. hair of the face is in ail groups either absent or very scanty; Variations in every race are, within certain limits, so numerous the same applies to the . The only scale of SKIN colours that he suggested that at !east a hundred of each sex sho ul~ be we had was that given in the Notes a11d Queries on A11thropo!ogy observed · although the numbers examined of the severa) tnbes (znd ed., r89z), but as this was obviously inadequate for the is usually' very small, their total number will probably be found purpose, Dr. Rose prepared a scale for our use in the field, sufficient to give a fa ir idea of the more common types of ears. the shades of which have subsequently been as far as possible The types of ears suggested by Dr. Keith are (r). "European." : equated with those of Prof. von Luschan's Hautfarben-Tafel (Puhl this applies on! y to the general shape; the foldmg, etc., vanes and Wagner, Rixdorf); it is these numbers which appear in enormously. (z) "" : this resembles the '.' Orang type," brackets in the following descriptions, and I have also attempted but differs in being two-thirds of a circle ;, that .l S to . say, the to describe them in English; the term cinamon is based on the Negroid ear has a much greater bread th relative to lts he1ght th an colour of the stick cinnamon of commerce. The colours were the ears of Europeans. (3) "Orang": this is th~ sma lles~ and usually matched from the inner aspect of the upper arm so as most degenerate form of ear seen in its most typ1cal form m the to avoid the darkening caused by the burning of the sun. orang utan; it is the commdn female type. (4) "Chimp~nzee": Besides the information recorded on the cards, a number of this is the largest and most primitive form .of. ear, and lS fo und additional data on skin colour collected by Dr. Rose are included in its typical condition in the chimpanzee; 1t 1s commonly, but in the synopses. As regards STATURE the subject is described not always, set at a considerable angle to the head. A11g!e : as short when he measures Jess than r.625 m. (5 ft. 4 in.), The ear may be appressed (o), or it may stand out from medium r.6z5-1.724 m. (5 ft. 4 in. to 5 ft. 8 in.), and tal! 324 PAGAN TRIEES OF BORNEO APPENDIX

~. 725 m. and over; the subject bad his eyes looking towards right ey_e than in the left ; the col our is medium in r man, dark the horizon. . brown 111 5 m e1~ a~d 3 women. Ears: Type European in of With the exception of the observations by Mr. R. Shelford, 3 each _sex, :t;legrmd 111 r man, and · 2 men; angle mainly on the Land Dayaks and Iban, which are duly noted, in t~rmediate i~ promment m 5 r:n en and ~ women, shghtly promment in 2 men · ali the data on the living were coll~c.ted by Dr. W. McDougall a l ways d1stended, 111 2 men it is adherent ; descending and myself, either separately or C011J0111tiy, and I have to thank lo b~!~ h'm for permitting me to work up the results. Our thanks are hehx 111folded . u:1der. 2 mm. in ali but r man in whom it is under d~e to Dr. Rose, at whose invitation we wen t to Sarawak, and ~ mm. ; D_arwm s ~omt abse~ t in 3 men and r woman, doubtful without whose zeal, knowledge of the country, and wonderfu l 111 2 me~, mfolded 111 r man, _mrolled in 2 women; tragus under 3 mm. m 2 men, 3-5 mm. m the rest; anti-tragus absent in influence over t he natives this work could not have been 4 accomplished. Mr. S. H. Ray also assisted us as amanuensis. me~1 , a nd r woman, under 3 mm. in 3 men and 2 women · anti­ hehx . below leve] of h elix in 2 of each sex, about a t the' same Most of the figures were tabulated for me by Miss Barbara leve! 111 5 men and r woman. Friere-Marreco and the remainder by Miss Lilian Whitehouse, Hair : It is straight to. wavy in r of each sex, wavy in men who a lso bas greatly assisted me in drawing up this memoir. 3 ~ nd 1 woma n, wavy-curly 111 1 man. The colour is rusty black 111 7 ~en and 3 wom_en. It i_s moderately abundant and long. I. MURUT GROUP -!km: Four are l1ghtest cmamon ( 12) , 1 light cinamon ( ) 1 4 Seven KALABIT men and 3 women and 4 MuRUT men were 1 c111amon (6), 2 pale fawn (pale 17), 2 dull faw n (17). ' measured. No d escriptive details of the M uruts are available. Stal?~re: Ail but 1 Murut man are of short stature, 1 Kalabit H ead -form: The cephalic indices show 7 to be dolicho­ man bemg O I~Jy 1.485 m. (4 ft. Ioz in.), the 3 WOmen a re still shorte:, ! bemg 1.410 m. (4 ft. in.), the median for the cephalic and 7 brachycephalic; the 3 women are ~ligh t_l y more 7Z KalabitS IS 1.565 (5 ft. rt in.). dolichocephalic than the _men, for whom. the median _1s 78·$· One Kalabit is platycephahc, 1 mesocephahc, and 8 hyps1cepha1Ic as regards length-heigh t, an_d ali are hypsicep h ~lic as regards breadth-height. Four Kalab1ts were n oted as hav111g oval heads, II. KLEMANTAN GROUP in 1 the occiput was prominent, r ovoid, and 1 woman ~llip soidal. Face: Five Kalabits have pentagonal faces, bemg rather 1. South-western Group broad in 3 2 were long and ra ther narrow, the jaws are narrow (a) Forty- two LAND DAYAK men were measured by Mr. in 2 . The; show a marked tendency to prognathism, especially Shelford. dental prognathism. The Kalabits are chamœprosopic as regards Head-.form : The ce.phalic _ind ices ra_nge fa irly even!y from both the total facial and the upper facial indices, with one 73·5 to 86.9, men bemg dohchocephahc; the median is 78-4- exception in both respects. The forehead has a slight tendency r~ Face : One IS noted as very broad a nd 2 as prognathous to be narrow and high. The cheek-bones are moderately Ali but r are chamœprosopic as regards the total facial index and prominent in 5 men and I woman and not prominent in 2 men a ll. but 6 as the upper facial. Nose : Nineteen are meso­ a nd r woman. The lips are moderately ful l. The chin is regar~s rhm_e1 I 7 platyrh_me, and 6 hyper-platyrhine; r is noted as rather small, and retreating in 3· Nose: One Murut is leptorhine, 2 aqmhne, 3 as st r~1gh t but flat, and 2 have a low bridge ; have Kalabit men are mesorhine, 6 are platyrhine, and 5 hyper-platyrhine. 2 alœ, r havmg a very concave nose, broader than long with The root is high in 4 Kalabit men, narrow in 3, broad in 4 a nd bro~d an mdex of 1~6. 2 , a ~d wid~ nostrils, it is evidently abnormal. 1 woman, and fl at in 3 and 1 woman ; t he base is reflected in 3 Eyes : A fold. IS mentwn ~d 111 r8,. of which 3 are slight and of each sex, and straight in 2 men ; the a ire are small in 4 men 2 p~o n ou n ced, Its absence IS noted 111 3 ; 5 have medium brown and 3 women, moderate in 3 men, a nd round in 1 of each sex ; m ses. the nostrils are rounded in 5 men and 3 women, and wide in . Hair: I t is noted as straight in 6 and wavy in 2; it is black 2 men. Eyes : The aperture is narrow in 1 man, moderately open ~n 8, and 24 haye a bundant hair ; the hair of the face is absent in 5 men and 1 woma n, wide in 1 ma n and 2 women ; it is m 7 a?d sparse 111 8, 1 had a stubbly beard. straight with no fold in 5 men, straight with slight fold in 1 man, . Skm: . The colou_r of the skin is darke r than that of other more or Jess oblique with slight fold in 1 man and 2 women, 111l~nd tnbes, 19 bemg of a very dark warm cinamon ( 5) and in 1 woman it is straight and the fold is more developed in the 2 4 cmamon (6). It is noted in r as much darker when uncovered. PAGAN TRIEES OF BORNEO APPENDIX

Stature: None are taU, 7 are medi~m, the rest short, 4 being in 5 and black in 2 . There is a modcrate amount on the face and none on the body. under 1 • m. (4 ft. u in.), the median ts 1.577 m. (5 ft. 2 rn.). [Thirty-one5 male and 4 female Ulu Ayar Dayaks were measured S~in : Six are dull fa wn ( 17 ). by Nieuwenhuis, of these 5 were boys .~nder 17, and ali 4 fe males .S!atu;e : Ail are short, 1 being 1.4 7 m. (4 ft. 9Ï in.); the were girls of 17 and under. See vol. 11., p. 315, note r. medtan IS I. 58 5 111. (5 ft. 2t in.). Headjorm : The cephalic indices ra.nge fair! y e.venly .between and 81. , ali but 5 are dol.ichocephalic, the .medtan bemg 74·7· 71 4 Face : It is usually of mediUm breadth ; 2 (z.e. 6 per cent) have 2 . Cetttral Group broad faces. The bi-zygomatic breadth ranges from 125 to 145 ~ARAWAN Sus-GROUP.-This consists of r Murik man, r Long mm., the median being 136 mm. Nose : The breadth-m eas~re­ Ulat man and 1 woman, 8 Long Ki put men, 3 Lelak men, r 2 ments range from 36 to 46 mm., the bemg length - mea s ureme n t~ Bar~wan men and 5 women, 2 Sakapan men, 1 Kajaman, and taken from root to tip are therefore not comparable. Etghteen 4 mtxed breeds (t'.e. mixed with other Klemantan blood). males and 3 females are noted as having cm·~ noses, 13 a1_1d (-Iead-:form .: Of the longer series the Barawans are the more 1 as having broad flat noses, none as stratght or narrow, t.e. 6o percent of the Ulu Ayars have concave(" depressed," "sunken," dohchoce~hahc, 6 men and 3 women ~ave an. index below 78, or "hollow ") noses . Eyes : The Mongolian fold does not occur. r L~ng Ktput man ancl.only 4 ot~ers bemg doltchocephalic; the The colour is dark. medtan of the whole senes, excludmg women, is 79· Most of the Hat'r : Ali had straight ha ir except 1 man ; it is generaIl y men and a.ll the women are hypsicephalic; but 2 Barawans are rather scanty. The c?lour is black. . platycepha lt ~, and r Baraw~1. and .2 mixed breeds are mesocephalic Skùt: The colour ts noted as black or blue-black m 10, brown 111 l ength-he 1gh~ ; 1 Long I-... tput 1s pl.at~cephalic in length-height and yellow in 5, light brown in 20. and brea~t h -h e1g h t, 2 are mesocephaltc m bath respects, and 1 in Stature : None are tall, 3 are medium, and the rest s~or t, l ength-he 1 g~t ~n l y; 1 Lelak. is platycephalic in length-height and 2 being un der 1. 5 m. (4 ft. 11 in.) ; the median is r. 55 x (5 ft. 1 m.).) mesocephahc 111 breaclth-hetght. The shape is notecl as oval in 5 men and ~ women, ovoid in r of each sex, round in 3 men. (b) Seven MALOH men were measured by us. Fa_ce : Nme men and 3 women have a pentagonal face; it is Headjorm: The cephalic index is essentially dolichocephalic, aval m 1 mar~ and 2 women, rather long in 5 men, square in 2 men, broad m 1 of each sex. Ali are chamreprosopic in bath 3 being low brachycephals, the median 76.8. :rwo are meso­ cephalic in the lengt?-height index. and ~on~ m the breadth­ re~pects except 1 Barawan man as regards total facial index and height, ali the remamder are .hyp.stcel?halic m bath respects; 2 111 the upper. The forehead is roundecl or prominent in 8 men 4 are pyriform, 2 aval, and 1 elhpsmdal m shape. and. 6 \~amen, upright in 4 men and 1 woman, more or Jess Face : Two are pentagonal, 2 rather broad, and 2 long ; slopmg m 4 men, broad and low in 5 men, narrow in 4 men. alveola.r prognathism is noted in 3, 1 o~ '~hic h .has also general The ~heek-?ones are large in 6 men and 1 woman, more or Jess prognathism. Two only are leptoprosoptc 111 theH total an? upper promment 111 1 0 men and 3 women, moderate in r 1 men and facial indices. The forehead ts somewhat narrow and htgb, the 2 women: The lips v~r >: in ~hickness, 10 being thin and 7 more cheek-bones more or Jess prominent, the lips are usually m ode~­ or Jess th1ck. The. chm IS fatrly weil developed except in 6 men. ately full, and the chin fair! y weil develop e~. Nose: One ~ s Nose : One Lelak IS leptorhine, 2 Long Kiputs, 3 Barawan men mesorhine, 4 platyrhine, and 2 hyper-platyrbme; the profile ~ s and 2 women and 2 Barawan mixed breeds are mesorhine · 5 equally divided between straight and concave; the base ts Long Kiputs, 2 Lelaks, 6 Barawan men and 1 woman and 1 reflected in 5, deflected in 2 ; the aire are rather small .and the mixed .breed, 1 Long l!lai man and woman and 2 Sakapans are nostrils wide and rounded. Ears : Type European 111 5 ( 1 platyrhme ; 1 Long Ktput, 3 Barawan men and 2 women 1 doubtful), Negroid in 2; angle prominent in 5, ~lig.htly prominent Mu~ik a.nd 1 Kajaman are hyper-platyrhine. The profile' is in 2 • lobule distended in ail · descending helix mfolded under stra1ght m ro men a~d 1 wom~?' n; or Jess concave in 13 2 rn~. in 5, 2-4 mm. in 2 ; D~rwin's point absent in 5, inrolled men a;'ld 5 women, sltghtly .aqUJ!me m 4 men; blunt tips were in 2 (1 doubtful) ; tragus 3-5 mm. in 5 (2 doubtful), rathe~ Jess noted 111 2 cases. The root ts more or Jess depressed in 12 men in 2 · anti-tragus absent in r, doubtful in 1, under 3 mm. m 5; a':d 4 women, no~ depressed in 7 ~en, broad and high in 3, anti-l~e li x below level of helix in 4, about at the same leve! in 3· h1gh 111 3, narrow 111 3· The base 1s reflected or sl ightly so in Haz'r: The hair is distinct! y wavy and long ; it is rusty black 16 men and 4 women, straight in 9 and 1, slightly deftected in VOL. II y PAGAN TRIEES OF BORNEO APPENDIX

J woman · the aire are small in 3 men and 4 women, moderate whole are shorter than the others. The median for the whole in 4 men: and wide in 5 ; the nostrils are round in 7 men and series of men is 1.54 m. (s ft. ~ in.). 5 women, oval !n J o and J,. and transversely oval 111 2 me~. Eyes : Aperture IS modcrate 111. J r m~n an~ 2 womcn,. small m Jo men large in r man. It 1s stra1ght wtth no fold 111 3 men 3· Sebop Group and ,~om e n, straight with a slight fold in r w~man, slig.htly 2 Sixteen MALANG men and 4 wo men were measurecl. oblique with no .fold in 8 men and r w~m an, shghtly obhqu.e with slight fold 111 8 men and 2 women, 111 r Barawan man 1t Head:.form : The indices show r o men and 3 women to be is slightly oblique wi th a very markcd fold, II Barawans have dolichocephalic, 6 men and r woman brachycephalic; the median more or Jess oblique eyes of which 7 have a folcl, 4 are straight, is 76.9 for the men. Ali are hypsicephalic, except 2 men in J of which has a slight fold. Four men have light brow n irises, respect to length-height. The shape is described as ovoid in 2 of each sex clark brown, the remainder are medium. Ears: 7 men, oval in 2, round oval in J of each sex, and ellipsoïdal Type European in 5. Long K iputs, ~ Lelaks, 8 B a ~a wa n s and in 4 men. 2 mixed breeds, J Kapman; Negr01d 111 r Barawan m1xed breed ; Face : It is pentagonal in Jo men and 3 women, ovoid in orang in 2 Barawans. Angle s li ~htly prominent in r ~ong J woman, and Jozenge-shaped in J man ; 6 men have long Kipu t, 2 mixed b.reeds. and r Kapman, rather more ~o m r faces and 2 broad. Alveolar prognathism is noted in 3 men, Long Kiput, promment m r Lelak, 5 Barawans. Lobule dtstended and superciliary ridges in 3· Ali are chamreprosopic except J throughout, perforated in 2 Barawans, adherent in r mixed breed. of each sex in regard to the upper facial index. The forehead Descending helix absent in r Long Kiput, infolded Jess t.han is full in 9 men and J woman, broad in 3 men and r woman, 2 mm. in 4 Long Kiputs, r Lelak, II Barawans and 2 1mxed narrow in 4 and r, low in 4 and 2 , high in 4· The cheek-bones breeds, r K ajaman ; 2-4 mm. in r Lelak, r Barawan mixed br~ed . are more or Jess prominent in r 2 men and 2 wo men, modera te Darwin's point absent in ali cxcept r Barawan and 1 mtxed in 2 men, and not prominent in 2 of each sex. The lips are breed where it is an infolded tip. Tragus under 3 mm. in 4 Long moderately thin. The chin is rather small in 6 men; it is fairly Kiputs, r Lelak, r Barawan and. J mixed b re~d, slightly more weil developed in 7 men and 4 women. Nose : 2 men and J in J Lelak, J Barawan; 3-5 mm. 111 r Long I(Lput, 9 Barawans woman are mesorhine, the rest platyrhine, 2 men being hyper­ and 2 mixed breeds, r Kajaman. Anti-tragus absent in J Long platyrhine. The profile is straight in 8 men and r woman, more Kiput, 3 Barawans; un cler 3 mm. in 3 Long Kiputs,. 2 Lelaks, or Jess concave in 4 men and 3 women, slightly aquiline in 2 7 Barawans and 3 mixecl breeds, 1 Kajaman; 3-5 mm. m r Long men, high-bridged in r, and slightly sinuous in J ; blm1 t tips Kiput, J Barawan. Anti-helix below leve! of helix in 2 Lo~g are noted in 4 men and 3 women. The root is moderately high Kiputs, 5 Barawans and r mixed breecl; about a~ same leve! 111 in Jo men and r woman, low in 6 and 3; it is narrow in 3 men 3 Long Kiputs, 2 Lelak, 6 Barawans and 2 m1xed breeds, J and broad in 9 men and 3 women. The base is reflected in Kajaman. The 5 Barawan women have ears of European type; r 2 men and 4 women, straight in 3 men ; the aire .are small in angle slightly prominent in 2 , prominent in 3 ; lob_ule distended 1 J men and 4 women, and moderate in the remaining men ; the in ali · descending helix infolded Jess than 2 mm. 111 4, 2-4 mm. nostrils are round in 9 men and r woman, wide in 4 and r, long in J · 'narwin's point absent in al!; tragus 3-5 mm. in ali ; anti­ oval in 2 men and round oval in J, narrow and elongated in trag~s absent in 2 , under 3 mm. in 3; an ti-helix below leve! of J woman, large in I man, they are nearly or quite horizontal helix in 2, about at same leve! in 3· in 3 men. Eyes: The aperture is small or narrow in 7 men .Fiair: Seven men and 2 women have straight hair, I7 and 3 and 2 women, moderately open in 5 men and J woman; it is wavy, and 2 men curly hair; the colour is rusty black in 13 men straight with no fold in 8 men and r woman, straight with a and 3 women, black in 1 2 and 3, brown in I man. It is generally slight fold in 4 men, slightly oblique with no fold in 2 men and abundant and long. J woman, slightly oblique with fold in 2 of each sex, the fo ld Skùt : Three are cinamon (6), 6 light cinamon (14), 15 being sl ight in J man. The colour of the iris is dark brown in lighter still ( J 2 ), 3 du li fawn ( I7 ), 3 pale fawn (pale I7 ), 4 pale 8 men and 4 women, medium in 7 men and light in r. Ears: pinkish buff ( r 1 ). Type European in 13 men and 4 women (r cloubtful), approxi­ Stalterc : Four men are of medium stature, 30 are short, mately Negroid in 2 men, chimpanzee in J man ; angle prominent of whom 2 men and ali 6 women are below 1.5 m., r Barawan in r r men and 3 women, rather Jess in 3 men, slightly prominent woman being only 1.395 m. (4 ft. 7 in.) ; the Barawans as a in 2 men; lobule distended in ali but 1 man ; dcscending helix 330 PAGAN TRIEES OF BORNEO APPENDIX 331 absent in 2 women, infolded. less than 2 mm. in 1 2 men ~n~ moderately narrow in 2 men ; the base is more or Jess reflected in 1 woman (doubtful), 2-4 mm. m 4 men and r woman ! D arwm s 8 men and 6 women, very much reflected in 1 woman, and nearly point absent in 15 men and 3 women, d~ubtfu l m r man, straight in 3; the alœ are small in 6 men and 8 women, mo.derate infolded in r woman (?) ; tragus under 3 mm. 111 2 men, 3-5 mm. in r of each sex and wide in 1 of each sex; the nostnls are in 14 men and 4 women (x doubtful), double in 3 men and round in 3 men and 7 women, more or less widely open in 6 me.n 1 woman of these latter; anti-fragus absent in 6 men and 1 and 5 women a nd sm ali in 3 women. Ey~s: .The aperture 1s woman trace in 2 men, under 3 mm. in 7 men and 2 women moderately open in 6 men and 7 women, w.1d~ m 1 _o f ca~h sex (r doubtful), 3-5 mm. in r of each sex; an ti-helix below leve! and rather narrow in 1 man and 2 women ; 1t 1s stra~ght w1th no of helix in rr men and 3 women ( r doubtful), a bout at the same fold in 4 men a nd 6 women, straight with fold more or Jess leve! in 5 mez:' and r '~om an. . . developed in 2 men and r woman, sl ightly oblique with no fold Hair: It 1s wavy m character; the colour 1s rusty black m in 2 men, slightly oblique with slight fold in 2 :wome_n, ~nd 1 4 men and 4 women, black in 2 men. It is usually long a nd oblique with a trace of fold in r woman. The colour. JS hght a bundant on the head; 4 men have slight moustaches. brown in 1 man, medium in 6 men and 7 women, dark m 1 and Skin : Fourteen are lightest cinamon ( r 2 ), 2 light cinamon 3· Ear: Type European in 7 men (2 dou~tf~l) and 3 women, ( 14), 9 pale fawn (pale I7 ), 2 light brown ( near 17 ), 5 pale intermediate between European a nd Negrmd m r man; angle pinkish bu ff ( r r ). prominent in 6 men a nd r woman; lobule d istended, rigbt Stature: One man is tali, the rest are short, 2 men and adherent in r woman; descending h ~l i x infolded Jess than 2 mn~. ali the women being under 1.5 m. ; the median for the men in 7 men and 1 woman, 2-4 mm. 111 1 of ea~h sex ; D a_n~m s is 1.535 m. (5 ft. t in.). point absent in 2 men and 1 woman, do.ubtfulll1 2 men , dJstJ?ct Eight LoNG P oKUN men and ro women were measured. tip in one man; tragus under 3 mm. 111 3 of . each sex, be~ng double in 1 man and 3 women, s!Jghtly larger 111 _2 men, beu~g Head-form : The cephalic indices show 5 me n and 4 women double in r, 3-5 mm. in 3 men and 7 women, bemg double m to be dolichocephalic, 3 men a nd 6 women brachycephalic; the 4 women; anti-tragus absent in 2 men and 5 wo1_11 en (r doubtful), median for the men is 76.9, for the women 79·4· One man is trace in 2 men a nd r woman, under 3 mm. m 4 men and I platycephali.c, 3 men and 1 woma? mesocephalic a.nd the. rest woman · anti-helix below leve! of helix in 6 men and r woman, hypsicephahc as regards length-he1ght, ali are hyps!Cephahc as about a t the same leve! in 2 men (1 doubtful) and r woman. regards breadth-height, in each respect the women being markedly Hair: I t is straight in r man, straight to wavy in r man and more hypsicephalic than the men. The shape is noted as oval . 5 women, wavy in 5 and 3, wavy to curly in r m.an. The colour in r man and 9 women, round oval in 1 of each sex, ellipsoïdal is rusty black in 7 of each sex and clark brown 111 3 women. It in r man and pyriform in 4 men. is long and fairly abundant on the head; 2 men have beards, Face: In 5 men and 6 women it is more or Jess pentagonal, one only on the right side. . r 2 in man and women lozenge- shaped. Ail are markedly Skùt : Seven are Iightest cinamon ( r 2 ), 1 w1th a trace of chamœprosopic both in total facial and upper facial indices. green, 5 are duli fawn ( 17 ), 2 pale fawn (pale r 7) , 3 pale pinkish The forehead is narrow in 3 men and r woman, broad in 2 and buff (r r ). . . 1, small in 2 women, high or moderate in 2 me n a nd 6 women, Stature : Two men are of medmm h e1ght, the rest short, the fairly prominent in 1 and 2, low in 3 men. The cheek-bones are median being 1.59 m. (5 ft. 2! in.); only 2 women are over moderately prominent in 8 of each sex, very prominent in 1 r.5 m. and 2 are under 1.4 m. (4 ft. 7 in.), the median being woman, and not prominent in 1 woman. The lips are moderately 1.47 m. (4ft. ro in.). thin in most cases, but are rather thick in 2 men and 1 woman. The chin ls small in 3 men and 6 women (noted as not retreating Five SEBOP men were measured. in 2 women), but is fairly weil formed. Nose: Four men and .Head-form : Ali but r are dolichocephalic, t~e median, being 5 women are mesorhine, the rest platyrhine, 1 of each sex having 75·3• r is platycephalic in regard _t~ le ngth -he1ght, :u~d r meso­ 100. an index of The profile is straight in 7 men and 4 wo men cephalic, the rest are hypsicep_h ah_c 111 both r~spects . f he shape 2 (the tip being blunt in 4 men and women, and depressed in is pyriform in 2 , oval to round1sh m th e re m~m der. . 3 men), concave in 4 women, " Chinese" in 1 ma n and 2 women. Face : It is pentagonal in 4, a nd narrow '~1th. rather promment The root is broad in 4 men and 9 women (flat in 4 of the women), brow-ridge in r. Ali are chamœprosop1c m both respects. low in 3 men and 2 women, moderately high in 4 of each sex, The forehead is full in 2 and low in 2 . The cheek-bones are 332 PAGAN TRIEES OF BORNEO APPEN DIX 333

more or Jess prominent in 4, r is not prominent. The lips arc hyper-platyrhine. The profile is straight in 4 men :u:d r woman, thin in 3 a nd moderatc in 2 . The chin is fairly weil developcd. straight to slightly sinuous in t wo men, '.' C hinese" m .r woman, N ose : T hree are mesorhine, r pla tyrhine, and r hyper-platyrhine. concave in 4 men a nd 3 women ; blunt t1ps a re noted 111 6 cases The profil e is concave in 2 , straight in r, and intermediate in 2 ; and depressed tips in 3 ; the root is moderately high in 7 men, a blunt tip is n oted in r. The root is narrow a nd moderately narrow in 2 more or less broad in 4 men a nd r woman, rather high in 2 , moderately broad in 2 , moderate ly h igh in r, and 2 are Jow in 2 and r, broad and flat in 4 women. T he base is more or fairly broad and fla t. The base is reflected in 3 a nd straight in Jess reftected in 6 men and 4 women, straight in 4 men ; the al tal ~ac i a l and upper facial ind ices, one man only being an 111 both respects.. The forehead is good in 3 of each excep t ~ o~ Seven M rLANAU men, consisting of 6 Narom and r , were sex, fai r 111 3 men, rather narrow in 2 men and r woma n. T he measured. ~h eek- bon es are prominent in 8 men and 2 women, not prominent m 2 a~d 3: T he lips are moderately thin in 4, men but tend to Headform : Ail are brachycephalic,.but it shouJd be rem ember~d be th1ck m 2 men a nd 4 women. The chin is usually well that deformation of the head is pract1sed by these people (vol. 1., developed, but is small in 2 women. Nose : Tl1ree men and p. 48), and it is probable that .th~ cephalic index is very rarely r woman are mesorhine, the rest platyrhine, r woma n being normal, consequently the head md 1ces may be n eglected. Three ------...------


are flat behind and bread in the parietal region, of whom 2 are Head.jorm : The cephalic indices show 3 men to be dolid~o­ narrow in front and 1 bread, 3 are more or Jess ovoid. cephalic, the rest of the men and ali the women are brachycephal1c, Face : lt is pentagonal in 4, the angle of the jaws is prominent the median being 8o.9 for the men and 8~ . 2 fo r the women. !wo in 1 ; the Miri man bas ~n oval face pointed below, with small men are platycephal ic both in length-height and b.re~dth-height, jaws and alveola.r prognatl11Sm. .Ali. ar~ chamœprosopic in regard 1 is platycephalic in length-height but . mesocephahc .m bre~dt~1- both to total fac1al and upper fac1al md1ces. The forehead is low height, 1 is platycephalic in len&th-?eight but hypsicephahc m and bread .in ~· high a.nd broad in 1, low in x, high in 2, and breadth- height, 1 is mesocephahc m l ~ngth- height ?u~ platy­ rather slopmg m. 1. 1he cheek-bones are prominent in 3 and cephalic in breadth-height, 1 of each sex. iS. mesocephah~ m both moderately la.rge m 4· The lips are moderately thin as a rule, in respects, 1 of each sex is mesocephahc m .length: height. b~t 1 they are fa.uly large. The chin is rather smali in 4, and fa irly hypsicephalic in breadth- height, 1 woman 1s .hypstcephahc m w~ll formed.tm 3· . Nose : ~our men are mesorhine and 3 platy­ Jength- height and platycephalic in breadth- ~e1gh t, the res~ a;e r~me, the h1.gh~st mcl~x bemg 8g. 1. The profile is straight in 4, hypsicephalic in both respects. The shape 1s usually ov01d 111 Wlth blunt t1p m 2, shghtly concave in 2 and sinuous with blunt the men, 2 are noted as pyriform; 3 women have round heads. tip in 1; the root is hi ~ h Ïl~ x, narrow a~d moderately high in 2, Face : The shape varies ; it is oval in 4 men and 2 women, but ?road and n~oderatel y h1gh ~n 3; the base is straight in 5, reflected owing to the general moderate prominence of the cheek-bones m r, ~ nd s!Jghtly con.cave m r ; the aire are moderate in 3, and and the smaliness of the chin, it becomes pentagonal (3 men) or smal~ 111 1; the nostnls are roun?ed in x, broad in x, moderately even lozenge-shaped or triangular (2 men); 1 woman has a bread o~al m 1. E!es: T?e aperture 1s moderatcly wide; it is straight face and 1 man a somewhat square, while 2 men have long WJt~ no f~ld m. x, shghtly oblique with no fol d in 3, more or Jess faces. Alveolar prognathism is noted in 1 case and supercili~ry oblique w1th slight fold m 3· The colour of the iris is medium ridges in 2 . Ali are cham

r.r are cinamon (6), r 6 are Iight cinamon (r4), 14 are lightest Stature : Ail but 3 of the men are of short stature, the cmamon (r2), 9 pale fawn (pale 17), 3 d ull fawn or light brown median being r. sso m. (5 ft. r in.). (17), 6 pale pink ish buff (n). [Forty-eight male and 30 female KAYANS were measured by Stature =. 7 met? (3 Madangs, 3 Long Dallos, r Long T i kan) Nieuwenhuis, also r Mahakam Kayan of each sex. Of these are of medmm hetght; the rest are sh ort; the median is 1.61 m. 5 were boys under 16 and 5 girls under r 6, who will be omitted (5 ft. 3! in.). T he stature of the 6 women ranges from 1.42 m. from the description where it is possible to d istinguish them. (4ft. 8 in.) to 1.57 m. (5 ft. ri in.). Head-form : The cephalic index of the men forms a graduai series from 7 5 to 85.4 with 6 higher indices; 8 are dolichocephalic, V. KAYAN G ROUP the median of the wh ole series of adult men being 81. r ; th at of T wenty-o ne KAYAN men and r woman were measured. the women ranges from 7 5 to 93· 2 , with a sl ight weakening in the series about where the median 82.5 occurs; one index, 97, falls Hea~form : The cephalic index fonns a graduai series with considerably outside; 4 are dolichocephalic. The Mahakam man a me~ tan. 79.8, ali. excep ~ 5 being brachycephalic. The o! bas an index of 78.3, the woman 74· r. head ts dtstmctly hyps t c~pha lt c, only 5 being mesocephalic as Face : One Kayan had a long face, 14 per cent (including regards length-hetght. F tve were noted as oval 2 ovoid r square ovoid, 3 round. ' ' children) had broad faces, the rest were medium. I n our and h is Kayans the bi-zygomatic breadth ranges from 132 to 150 mm., Face.= The fonn varies, 3 being more or less pen tagonal, except that two of his are narrower, 1 26 and 129 mm. Nose : 2 squa r ~ sh , 2 round, a ~d 5 oval. Ali are chamreprosopic except Breadth-measurements agree with ours. T wo males and 1 female I man m the total factal and upper facial indices and r of each are noted as having concave noses, 35 and 20 as broad and flat, sex in the upper index. The forebead is in 6, and ~ac i a l u~right 9 and 8 as straight, r of each sex as narrow and straight. These rounded and full m 6. ~he cheek-bones are moderate in 14, and characterisations are of course not mutually exclusive. No prominent in 3· The !Jps are moderately full, being noted as convex noses were observed ; 4 per cent are concave (" depressed," thic~ in 2 men. The chin is fairly weil developed, with 3 ex­ ceptions. Nose : T en are mesorhine and the remainder platy­ " sunken," or " hollow "). Eyes : The Mongolian fold does not occur. The iris is always dark. rhme, of whom 5 are. hyper-pla t.yrhi.ne, 2 of these latter are boys Hair: 28 per cent of the males and 17 per cent of the (aged 15) j ~he exceSS IVe pJatyrhmy IS due mainly tO the shortness females had wavy hair, r man had curly hair, the rest straight. of the nose 111 the th~ee adults. The profil e is straight in r6 and As a rule it is rather scanty, but 30 per cent of the Kayans had ~od e ~a t e l y concave 111 .3 ; the root is slightly depressed in r r and a moderate amount. T he colour is black. htgh .m 6; the base ts refl ected in I 1 and straight in 4 ; the Skùt : The colour is brown or yellow. nostnls are transverse.! y oval in . 2, oval in 5, and round in 5· Stature : Two men are taU, 6 medium and the rest short, Eye! : Th~ aperture ~ ~ narrow m 1 2 and medium in 4 ; it is 6 being below 1.5 m., of whom 2 are under r8 years old; the s tr~ t ght w.tth no fol~ 111 8 and with a slight fold in 2 , slightly median is 1.572 (5 ft. 2 in.). T he women over 23 average 14 cm. obltq ~ e With no fold 111 2 and with a slight fold in 6; r man with shorter than the men; this is a large difference, as it is usually a stratght eye and no fold is noted as having a lash fold which is ro-12 cm., as in our Sarawak figures.] ~he chara~ te r ?f a Mongolian. upper eyelid. The colour is Iight m 6, medtum m ro,. an.d dark m 3· Ears : T ype E uropean in 2, ~uro p ea n to ~egro td m. 3, orang in 3; angle slightly prominent VI. l nAN (oR SEA D AYAKS) GROUP 111 2 ; lo):ltlle d.tstended m 5, perforated in 2 ; descending helix F ifty-six !BAN men were measured by us. absent m r , mfolded less than 2 mm. in 8; Darwin's poin t Headform: T he cephalic index forms a graduai series, the absent ; trag u ~ under 3 mm. in 5, 3-5 mm. in 4; anti-tragus median being 83, and therefore shows brachycephaly. The ~nder 3 mm. m 8, 3-5 mm. in r; anti-helix below leve! of helix head is usually hypsicephalic, but r is platycephalic as regards m 4, a?out at. the s~ m e I.evel in 4, distinctly beyond in 1. bread th - height, 2 are mesocephalic both in length - height and H~zr : It IS stratght m 6, wavy in 1 2, wavy to curly in r, and curly m 1 (Pl. 22); the colour is rusty black in 12 black in 6 and bread th - height, 5 are mesocephalic in length - height and 3 in dark brown in r. ' ' breadth-height. T hirteen are n oted as round, 7 as ovoid, 4 as oval, severa! bad broad parietal and narrow frontal regions Skùz : The average skin colour is a light cinamon (1 4) or pale fawn (pale r 7). producing a pyriform norma verticalis. 340 PAGAN TRIEE S OF BORNEO APPENDIX 341

Face : The form is noted as pentagonal in 1 0 , oval in 5, broad Thirteen SJBUYAU men were measured by Mr. Shelford and 1 by us. oval in 4, the narrowness of the jaw ~rod ucin g. the pe n tago n ~l shape. The majority are c.h a ~ ::e~roso p1c, but 1 1s leptopros.op.I c I-Iead:form : Ail but two are brachycephalic, the median being in total facial and upper facial md1ces, and 7 are leptoprosop1c 111 83. Mr. Shelford d id not measure the radii and so the height upper facial index. The forehead is generally full or sl ightly indices cannet be given. bulging but may be straight and vertical ; 3 are notcd as being Face : Ail are chamreprosopic with regard to the total facial sloped.' The cheek-bones are prominent in 20, and moderately index and ali except 3 in the upper facial index. · so in 24. The lips arc moderately full. The chin is small and JVose : T wo are leptorhine, 7 mesorhine, and 5 platyrhine. moderately prominent. Nose : Sixteen are mesorhine, 21 platy­ Stature : Ail the men are short, 3 being under r. s m. ; the rhine and 19 hyper - platyrhine. The profil e is concave in 23, median is 1.535 m. (5 ft. i in.). straight in 18 and nearly so in 4; the root is more or Jess h igh in 19 more or Jess depressed in 2o, in most cases it is broad or m~derately so; the base is straight in 24, reflected in 25, defl ected in 3 ; the aire are wide in 8, moderate in 6, small in 9 ; the nostrils are oval in 10 , transversely oval in 8, round in 13, wide in 9· Eyes : The aperture is narrow in 13, medium in 18, wide in 3; it is straight with no fold in 1 0 and with a slight fold in u, slightly oblique with no fold in 10 and with a moderate fold in 2 r. The majority are normal as regards the eyelashes, but 3 have a distinct Mongolian character and 5 have it slight!y. The col our is intermediate in 2 5, clark in 22, light in 5, 4 cases were noted with a bluish margin to the iris. Ears : Type European in 31, European to Negroid in 2 , Negroid in 2 , orang fl attened above in 1 ; angle slightly prominent in 22, rather more so in 1, prominent in 8, more so in 1 , very prominent in 1 ; lobule distended in 10 and perforated in 5, very small in 1, small in 13, being adherent in 4, rather small in 1 , medium in 1 0 , 1 being adherent, 2 perforated, and r doubtful ; d escending helix absent in 2, infolded Jess than 2 mm. in 23, 2-4 mm. in 13 ; Darwi n's point an infolded tip in 1, an inrolled knob in 2, absent in the rest ; tragus un der 3 mm. in 1 r, being double in 1, slightly larger in 1, 3-S mm. in 25, being double in 3> 5-7 mm. in 1 ; anti-tragus absent in 4, under 3 mm. in 24, 3-S mm. in 8, 5-7 mm. in 1; anti-helix bt!low leve! of helix in 23, about at the same leve! in I S· . 1 . . 1 . 6 . 6 1 . b . Hazr: t 1s stra1g 1t m 1 , wavy 111 2 , cur y m 2 , r emg described as crisp. The colour is rusty black in 26, black in 17, . and dark brown in 1. Eigh t men had a slight amount of h air on the face; the body hair is absent or very scanty, but one had a quantity on his legs. Skùt: Five are dark warm cinamon, 27 cinamon (6), 5 light cinamon (I4), II dull fawn (r 7), rr light brown (near I 7), 5 various shades of a light greenish sepia (light 3 r ), 3 a still lighter greenish sepia. Stature : One man is tai!, 11 are of medium stature, and the remainder short, 2 bcing under r. s m. ; the median is 1.585 m. (5 ft. 2t in.). ~1 , ....~-=- -~-v . / ~- \PA - · C_~ G·E ' -!:\;'" ~i-::. ) - -~


[NOICES. Stature. Head Head --- Lcngth. Srea~th . L.-br. L.·ht. Br.-ht. Tot. Fac. Up. Fac. Alv. Nasal. ! Nas.·mal. --- -· ------~lurut (4d)". min. •ss8 186 tJ6 72 .. .. 8o 45·2 .. 67·3 UT. l med. IS<)o 188 '45 77·5 .. .. 87.8 49·1 .. 99 n8.6 ma..x . t6~ 19t ISO 79 .. .. 94·4 55·• .. lOO 12S Kalabit (7 6) min. L48S 18o 14·4 72·7 62.2 8B.4 75 42·4 100 76.2 105·3 med. rs6s 186 146 18-s 72 91.8 78.8 46 !o6.4 Qt-5 110-5 max. 1016 '99 150 83·3 77 96-6 90·4 53·7 111.9 lOO 115-8 Land Dayak (42 6) min. '465 •7S 136 73·S .. .. 72-S 39·7 .. 71·4 101.1 med. •577 183 143 7g·4 .. .. 8o 46 .. 86.3 to8.3 max. 1~5 194 J53 86.9 .. .. 91 54·7 .. rr6.'2 u8.3 Ulu Ayars (A'.) (z6 6) min. 1471 178 l32 7' ...... meù. rssr 186 140 74·7 ...... ma.x. ·~ 195 ISO SI-4 ...... Maloh (76). min. 1470 '77 1.37 ~-1 89 41 98 So.4 104 7°·3 70·5 1 med. xs8s rSs 143 76.8 70·5 93·7 So.t 45 to8.7 97·4 109 max. t6to '95 145 So.S 79·' 98-s 95·5 53 110.7 I14·3 112. 1 Long Ki put (8 é) min. 1505 1 79 '42 75·9 65.6 8o 71.6 39·6 95·9 So.4 med. ,s6s !86 ISO So.6 ~-7 86.s 76-3 45·6 107-4 92·5 ~~-5 max. T630 '94 1 53 82.7 76-8 97·3 82.8 so 112.1 lOO ] I l o] Barawan (126) min. 1500 '77 •36 72 64.8 86.8 73· t 40·4 92.6 83·3 104 mcd. 1540 tgo.s t+,5 77·8 73·7 93·8 77·8 46.2 lOT 89· ' r07.8 max. r6oo 199 155 83·5 78 104·4 Q0-2 sr.S 107-3 riO 111-7 B"rawan (s 'i') min. 1395 •74 134 75·6 73·2 88.9 7•·7 •P·3 96-8 74·5 104· ' med. 1440 T8o T42 77·6 78·7 102 76·3 43 99 8g.2 TOS max. r;6s r87 147 8o So.z 105- J 78.8 45·6 II0.7 100 to6. x M"lang (16d) min. 1465 '74 142 7r.8 68.2 87.1 67· ' 37·9 95·8 70·7 to6 med. IS35 193 ' 47 76·9 ]'2.1 94·8 79·6 45·• J00-5 88-2 ro8.4 max. 1]40 207

1 Consisting of the Madang, Long Dallo, Apoh, and two others. To/ncr p. 342. :! Youth of x7, shortest man over 23 measures r482. ::J Youth of t7, minimum for men O\•er 23 is 138. TABLE B

I. MURUT GROUP --- - - N os E. CEPH.'\LTC I NDICJ:o:S. FACIAl. l NOICBS N ASAI. I NDICES. FACF. 1 ------__l ------HeÏJ\ht H cight ..ocalit y of Subjcct. .\uri cular Radii. Stan ing. Sitting. Span . 1 Bi·z y~ o· Inter- Bi-malar Na~· Breadth· Tot~! Naso· To t~! u ppe r Bigonial Length. llreadth. Length· u Pl?"' Al \'Colar. Nasal. - - -- mauc ocular Breadth. Bread th. lnalar breadth.~=gth· l height. height. FaciaL Fac ml. malar. Lcngth. L cngth. Bread th. \ \'id th. Li ne. 'ertcx. l_:·7 " 103 56 11 9 100 37 34 95 102 14!0 730 1450 72·7 78·1 107•4 86-6 1 4 01·1 91•9 !07•4 146 92 93 33 ,." 140 95 102 106 65 131 34 107 37 33 97 101 q8o 760 1490 77•7 74·5 95·9 80-9 4 07•4 89·2 104·1 143 84 89 99 53 134 33 11 4 36 37 95 102 146o 745 1515 8o-S So-8 l OO 73-9 1 3 o6 T02·8 !07·4 1 " --· -~ 'l'tl f ace p. 34~- T ABLE B


' FACP. NosE. HEAO. - - - Tri be, Sex, N umher -\- Name. Age. Auricular Rad ii. 1 Bi·ZYJ'O Inter- Bi-mJ of Card. Auricular Total Upper Bigonial Length. llreadlh. Length. mauc oculnr Breadth. Breac Breadth. .1c;'"m ference.· Vertical --- Length. Length. Width. "~'''· 1 ,;.,.,;, Arc. Breadth Vertex. , Nasion. Alveolus. ------.------1 -- ·-

0 46 i\!URU'I' 0 4J Orang Kaya Sutan . 45 191 ISO 134 s6o J20 108 61 135 38 1 IS 47 9 Piri . . . 126 118 '! 69 125? JO 118 52 3S 9 " 44 JO 187 143 533 330 llO Upai . . . 4S !86 147 138 545 3J9 121 68 135 J4 45 4S ~~ " 45 1 4S " 46 Rugu . . . 35 189 IJ6 132 543 325 110 61 128 J I 109 4S llO KA LA Il l'l' 0 47 Jangin 20 t86 146 122 546 J58 IJ4 91 94 llO 63 IJ6 36 4J 37 9 Tama Jangin 198 !JO IOJ l2J 7J 13,6 35 ll2 47 43 9 " 48 45 144 567 355 IJJ 93 104 42 32 AhanJok 40 !82 ISO 123 SJ9 J6S 1 98 98 108 61 144 JO 9 " 49 35 136 31 107 41 40 9 tl so Ahan Apoi 45 180 I$6 129 541 J64 137 94 100 us 64 Aban Liwai 65 195 146 128 370 129 lOI 113 Il3 66 146 38 123 47 47 9 " SI 555 1 I 10 37 9 " 52 Ami 22 199 ISO 125 555 354 141 9S lOS 108 63 J7 37 37 Siting 26 !83 146 121 141 lOO 106 61 140 31 109 43 36 9 " 53 539 355 95 100 '? 54 Obong 28 !87 IJ6 l lO S3J 366 146 92 93 103 56 119 33 37 34 ~ Awing JO 188 146 121 545 J6S 140 95 102 106 65 !J I 34 107 37 J3 9 " 5S I II4 36 37 9 " 56 Si na ill oh A nan 40 ' 77 143 124 52 5 363 143 84 89 99 53 134 33 TABLE B (contùwe d) GROUP IL KLEMANTAN GROUP: I. SoUTH-WESTERN ,, - - - IfRAI> . F ACE. --NosR. C E PH A I .. IC I NDICES. FACIAl~ l NDICKS. 1 N ASAL l ND 1 -~ --- 1 -- Auricular Radii. Span. Age. ,- T 1 1 • Naso· Stau ing. Sitt ing. Bi.auric Circum· Auric.ular l n ter · Bi-malar 1" '""' Length· Length- Breadth· T otal Upper ~ Total Upper 1 ocul ar TBi·gonial mala r Ah•eolar. Nasal. Il~~;'~o- "'~"' 1 Dreadth. breadth. height. Facial. Facial. Leng th. l Breadth. j Breadth. ference. / VA~~~al Length. Length. Breadth. Length. Bread th. Li ne. height Vertex. Nasion. , Aiveolus. Wid th. , llreadth. - -- - _j ------... j ...... 1600 825 !655 73·6 ...... 86·3 51·9 ... 78 25 131 54' 333 11 3 68 131 36 ros 50 39 ... 1~~83 ~ ~149 '39 538 320 103 63 142 34 Ill l 44 ...... 1535 790 1610 81·4 ...... 72·5 44'4 93'6 55 47 101 u S 802 1620 74·6 ...... 82·8 .. . 97'4 1 r8 189 1 141 133 543 300 Ill 6j 134 36 121 39 38 16oS 47 18J 142 128 526 320 106 !29 31 39 99 lOS 1475 747 1530 77·6 ...... 82·2 45•7 ... 90·7 re 17 59 116 43 ...... 71•4 l 23 186 '47 129 523 J21 l l j 67 !28 32 11 2 49 35 IOJ 120 '596 809 !655 79 ... 88·3 52·3 !615 82 ·1 ... 48·2 .. . 79·6 1 1 25 184 151 133 540 333 106 6s 135 ;l8 106 44 35 I DS !17 r552 8oo ... 78-5 1 147 1 102 61 !JO 29 39 106 120 1615 790 1720 84 ...... 78-5 46·9 .. 86·7 l 25 75 '34 5 5 333 104 45 ...... 78·7 li 18-20 175 1$0 13 [ sz6 315 103 57 131 30 Io6 47 37 93 110 rs6o ... ' 598 85·7 ... 78·6 43•5 1 1 1 104 11 8 l$43 .. . 1598 n6 ...... 86·s 54•1 .., 78 l 18-20 192 149 34 555 J22 Il$ 72 33 J6 IT6 50 39 .. . 120 ... z6os 8o ... 1 8j·6 77·1 l 23 185 148 128 537 333 117 66 140 37 I ll 48 37 109 1$52 ... 47'1 ...... 1!6·2 !( 28 18o 144 132 533 330 102 53 133 28 ll6 37 43 98 lOS zs87 ... z66s So ... 76·7 39•9 lOI Ill 1655 ... 1705 Sz-5 ...... 8r·6 44•1 ... 95 f( 22 184 ISO 135 547 J20 Ill 6o 136 35 zo8 40 38 . 178 124 520 J IO 126 40 95 I ll t6J4 ... r66s 7S·I ...... 78·6 45·2 .. 1 11·1 1 18 139 99 57 JO 105 36 ... Sj·2 .. . ros 1 23 185 lj6 126 535 321 114 65 137 35 116 40 42 97 Ill zs6o ... 1620 73'5 ... 47'4 ...... 1 ~ 28 194 145 120 554 315 114 70 128 35 l04 sr J8 102 IJ2 1$08 ... 1585 74•7 89· 1 54·7 74·S 180 142 322 116 61 132 37 99 r09 1557 ... 1664 78·9 ... . . 87·9 46·2 ... lOO il 26 125 527 35 108 37 ...... 91 ·3 II 22 175 150 135 530 333 llO 65 145 !13 46 42 98 11 4 1465 ... 1535 85·7 75·9 44·S 35 uS I$S2 ... 1532 7S·2 ...... 79•9 44•4 ... 93·2 II 28-30 193 15 1 138 554 J18 ns 64 144 41 107 44 41 !07 ... rq z8s 143 !JO 310 109 63 135 J I 43 40 98 105 1543 ... 1530 77·3 ...... 80·7 46·7 93 24 537 109 S2 ... So Il 178 1$0 132 11 4 64 1 46 37 95 112 ' 541 .. . 1612 84·3 ...... 46 38 530 340 39 29 99 ...... 100 186 144 130 545 .no 107 59 136 34 98 38 JS 102 llO 1$65 ... r6zs 77'4 78·7 43'4 35 104 I l l l$72 ... 1630 75· 1 ...... 73'6 4S ... 85·7 : ~ 23 r89 142 129 540 320 103 63 140 38 115 42 36 .. . 1 18 18r 137 125 530 312 107 62 123 JO roz 43 36 95 l lO 1495 ... 1535 75·7 ...... 87 50•4 83'7 S9 90 15S3 ... 166o 78·3 ...... 91 so·8 .. . 8 z !0 17 180 141 130 530 305 Ill 62 122 35 107 42 34 .. . So·9 li z8s 144 135 546 325 118 6s 141 38 107 47 38 99 l lO J66o .. . 1752 77 ·8 ...... sn 46·1 24 . ... 97•6 10 182 3 10 107 40 99 lOS l$89 ... I67s 79·7 ... .. 79·6 47·7 16 145 129 531 105 63 132 J I 4' 74• 1 46·8 ... 71•4 JO 24 181 !51 !36 549 335 103 6s 139 36 113 49 35 ros 11 2 1 ~35 ... 1745 SN ...... 1790 75·3 ...... S6·4 46•4 .. . 93 10 32 194 146 134 s6o 325 121 6s 140 39 110 43 40 !07 us 1695 . .. So !0 185 142 131 340 115 63 137 105 45 36 97 ros 1$84 ... !670 76.8 ...... Sj·9 46 31 .540 35 .. . 93·2 10 20 !76 153 135 540 340 ro6 63 141 34 I l$ 44 41 96 104 r631 ... 1708 S6·9 ...... 75·2 44•7 6j 107 89 1597 ... l $26 77 ·8 ...... 76-s 46·3 .. . 77'3 tq 45·50 180 140 129 520 330 104 136 JI 44 34 9S ... So .. . 79·1 IQ 20 !78 138 124 525 305 108 6o IJS 34 104 43 34 94 100 l$10 ... 16rs 77·5 .. . 44•4 ... 1700 78·6 ...... 76·6 45•3 .. . 86·1 1 ~ 21 182 143 !JI 547 340 105 62 137 J6 Il l 43 37 97 105 zsos .. . 10 176 139 129 530 313 112 67 140 34 ros 49 37 94 lOO 1603 ... 1615 7S·9 ...... So 47·9 75·5 43 102 109 !6!5 ... 16So 8o ...... 79 45•6 .. . 86·4 ICI 20 175 140 128 530 330 109 63 138 41 107 44 38 . 10 22 r8s 142 !JI 320 109 65 137 34 108 49 36 92 100 l$44 ... 1575 76·8 ...... 79·6 47'4 .. 73'5 sso ...... 102·8 I d 21 r82 137 125 $20 310 99 '54 136 33 107 36 37 95 98 l4S l ... 1595 75·3 72·8 39·7 1692 77•4 ...... So·6 41•7 .. . 87·S Id 55 186 144 !J I 540 325 n 6 6o 144 36 llO 49 43 97 105 1607 .. . 6o 141 42 100 !626 ... 1750 75·7 ...... 73'1 42·6 .. . 97·7 zr 19 189 143 130 555 330 103 34 Il S 43 "5 .. . 84•4 10 17 178 143 128 529 333 100 6o 13'-1 30 109 45 38 89 93 1607 ... r6ss So·J ...... 74·6 44•8 320 ros 64 140 104 42 lOO t603 ... r645 79•4 ...... 75 45·7 .. . 8S· I TQ 20 IS4 146 127 sso 33 37 95 8t·8 .. . S0·4 10 25 17S 140 126 529 310 112 6o 137 34 roS 46 37 94 101 1544 ... J650 78·7 ...... 43·8 1 Il IS5 142 127 526 36S 139 95 lOI 12S 71 '34 2S lOI 47 41 9' 102 JSSS 785 ... 76·S 75• 1 97·9 95·5 53 ro6·3 sn 55 Ro·8 79•1 92 so·7 98 80·4 55 177 143 129 515 353 J40 98 96 127 70 ljS 34 103 46 37 96 107 1470 no 1495 97·9 lOI 6o 103 I$00 765 1595 7S·8 70·1 89 74·8 43•2 Io6·J 95 :J 25 184 145 136 536 348 129 104 139 33 Il ~ 40 38 94 10 182 142 124 1 §~ 97 109 ss 136 36 !0 38 95 103 !610 Sos 1650 7S 73• 1 93·7 80· 1 42·6 1102 97'4 28 530 345 33 39 49·6 108·7 97·6 30 195 137 124 546 354 ' 35 92 100 ll2 67 135 38 llO 42 41 lOO 109 1610 Sos 1780 70·3 69·2 98·s SJ 1 lOI Szo 1630 75•3 70·5 93•7 70·5 41 108·9 11 4•3 : ~ 27 190 143 129 533 350 134 90 98 98 57 39 33 123 35 40 95 1595 100 10 I J I 1 lOO 8r5 !655 73'7 69·1 93 •7 76·3 45 r!0·7 25 194 143 120 541 343 134 84 93 100 59 35 ros 38 38 104 1 rs75

1 ~- - -- TABLE B (ronthmed)


Nost•. FACIAl. I NDJC&S· NASAl. ,~lli CES. r --- Ct PIIAI.IC f NDICK,. '1

lleight Span. Loc.'llity of Subject. Nnw· Standing. Total UpJ>

IIJ !JI J6 105 50 39 1 16oo 825 1655 73·6 86·3 51·9 78 Bcnnnh, Sarnwnk R. IOJ 142 34 III 47 44 1535 790 1610 s ..., 72·5 44'4 93·6 , , Ill 134 36 121 39 3S 101 118 •6os 802 1620 74·6 82·8 47 97'4 1 t6·8 Singgi, Upp~r Samwnk. 106 129 JI 116 43 39 99 105 1475 747 1530 77·6 82·2 45•7 90·7 100·1 , , )J IIJ 128 32 112 49 35 IOJ 120 1596 809 1655 79 88·3 52·3 7 1•4 rr6·s Hnmbok, Scrnmbu, Upper Snrnwnk. 106 135 38 106 44 35 105 117 1552 8oo 1615 82·1 78·5 48·2 11 79·6 Il 1·4 102 IJO 29 104 45 J9 !06 120 1615 790 1720 84 7B·s 46·9 86·7 1 13·2 " " " 103 IJ! JO lo6 47 37 93 llO •56o 1598 85·7 78·6 43•5 78·7 1 18·3 115 133 J6 116 50 39 104 n S 1543 IS98 77·6 86-s 54•1 78 1 13·5 117 140 37 Ill 48 J7 109 120 1552 16os So 83·6 47•1 77· 1 1 IQ-1 102 IJJ .zS 116 37 43 98 105 1587 1665 So 76·7 39'9 1 16·2 107·1 Ill 136 35 108 40 31l 101 Ill 1655 1705 S•·s 81·6 44•1 95 109·9 126 JO 105 36 40 95 Ill 16J4 1665 78·1 78·6 45·2 111•1 116·8 l ~~ IJ7 35 116 40 42 97 Ill 156o 1620 7J·S 83·2 47'4 105 1 14•4 114 128 35 104 51 38 102 11 2 15o8 1585 74•7 81)·1 54·7 74•5 10<)·8 Snn;Îm, r);,tch Bo~~eo. 116 132 35 108 37 37 99 109 1557 1664 78·9 87·9 46·2 100 1 IQ-1 Krokong, Upper S nrnwnk. Il 110 '45 35 113 46 42 98 114 q6s 1 S35 85·7 75·9 44•8 91•3 116·J Snmbns, Dutch Borneo. 115 'H ·l' 107 44 .p 107 11 8 1552 1532 78·2 79·9 44'4 11 93•2 1 10·3 Krokong, Upper Snrnwnk. 109 IJ5 JI 109 43 40 98 105 1543 ISJO 77·3 So-7 46·7 107·1 Singgi 112 1612 84•3 82 t q IJI) 29 99 46 37 95 '5·11 46 ~ 1 17·9 Krokong 11 107 136 34 9S 38 JS 102 110 1565 1615 7N 78·7 43'4 lOO 10]·8 IOJ qo JS 115 42 j6 104 I ll 157.Z 1630 75·1 7J·6 45 85·1 106·7 Jag~i 107 12J JO 102 43 j6 95 110 1.195 1535 75·7 87 5<>-4 sn 1 •s-s Tnbeknng, Upp~r Sadong R. Ill 12.l lOi 42 34 89 90 1583 t66o 78·J 1)1 5<>-8 8J 101·1 118 lp 1~ 107 47 38 99 110 J66o 1752 77·8 83'7 46·1 8o·9 111·1 105 IJ2 JI 107 41 ..JO 99 105 1589 1675 79•7 79·6 47'7 97·6 Jo6·1 103 139 J6 113 49 35 105 11 2 1635 1745 83'4 74· 1 46·8 71•4 Jo6·7 121 140 39 llO 43 40 107 11 5 161)5 1790 75•3 86·4 46·4 93 107·5 " 115 137 35 105 45 36 97 105 1584 1670 76.8 8J·9 46 So 108·2 to6 141 31 115 44 4 1 96 104 1631 !]OS 86·9 75·2 44'7 93•2 108·3 104 13u JI 107 44 34 89 9S IS97 1526 77·8 76·5 46·,3 77·3 to6·7 toS 1 35 .H 104 43 34 94 100 JSJO 161 5 77·5 8o 44•4 79· 1 106·4 ,, 105 IJ7 J6 Ill 43 37 97 105 IS05 1700 78·6 76-6 45•3 86·1 toS·z 112 !JO 34 105 49 J7 94 100 16o! 1615 78·9 8o 47•9 75·5 106·4 109 IJS .p 107 44 38 102 101) •6•5 168o So 79 45·6 86·4 lo6·9 109 IJ7 34 10S 49 36 92 100 1544 1575 76·8 79·6 47'4 73'5 loS·] Kurnu" 99 136 33 107 36 37 95 98 q8J 1595 75·J 72·8 39·7 102·8 103·2 Engkro 116 I.JI 36 llO 49 43 97 105 1007 161)2 77•4 8o-6 4 1•7 8]·8 Jo8·2 Piching 103 141 3·1 1 '5 43 42 100 115 J626 '750 75·7 7J·l 42·6 97-7 11 5 100 IJ~ JO 109 45 38 89 93 1007 1655 80·3 74·6 44•8 84•4 104•5 l OS 140 33 104 42 37 95 100 IOOJ 1645 79•4 75 45•7 88·1 IOS·J 112 IJ7 34 to8 46 37 94 101 l)H 1650 78·7 81·8 43·8 8o·4 107•4

101 128 71 IH 28 101 47 91 102 1585 76·8 75• 1 97·9 53 1o6-3 87·J 1 12·1 (Knnyau) Knpuas RÎ\'er. 96 127 70 13S 34 IOJ -t6 96 107 1470 1495 So-8 79·1 97·9 so-1 98 So-4 11 1·5 101 104 6o 139 33 1 •s 40 94 IOJ 1500 1595 7S·S 70·1 89 43•2 Io6·J 95 109·6 (Kn'lis) 97 101) 58 136 j6 loS 39 95 103 1610 165o 78 73· 1 93•7 42·6 1 IQ-2 97'4 loS·4 100 112 67 IJS JS 11 0 42 100 109 1610 178o 70·J 69·2 98·5 49·6 108·7 97·6 101) 1)8 98 57 !JI) 33 123 35 95 101 1595 I6JO 75·3 70•5 93·7 41 lo8·9 1 14·3 Jo6·,1 93 lOO 59 !JI 35 105 38 l OO 10-1 1515 t6ss 73'7 61)· 1 93·7 45 110·7 100 104 TABLE B (contitmed)


NA5AL J~DJCJ-:.... CKPHALIC J NDILg~. l'o\CL ~ost•. Localitr of Subject. lleight lleight Span. Name. 1\gc. ~uricnbr Rndii. StAnding. Sitting. Tot ni Upper Naso· Auriculnr Totnl 1 Upper Bi·'Y!IO· Naso· Length· l l..en!(lh- 1Breadth­ i\1\'eolar. Nasal. rnalar. Circum· Vcrticn.l nuuic ~l,~1,~; Bigonint mal ar breadth. height. height. facinl. fncml. re renee. length. lcngth. ll'idth. lncadth. Arc. Vertex. Nasion. Alveolus. hrendth. tine.

72•9 g6·6 102·1 93 109·2 Baram. lla Ipoi 145 J3t 5·!5 95 97 JIO 139 J4 11 5 43 40 107 97'7 106·7 Lobok Snrni. !02 11 2 1 I l l 1705 6S·6 82·5 .ing 27 154 IJO 542 370 127 98 67 44 37 4J 42 105 112 So·s Ill·] . 132 86 88 100 57 1 32 100 41 ros n-6 91·7 oh . . . . 24 144 124 sos 345 35 33 94 73'9 93·8 88·1 II0·8 ng Kaya Tumongong Gurong 45 145 1 35 526 J62 136 g8 99 104 59 143 36 JO] 42 37 102 IIJ 102 Long Sinong (Long Ak:1r 9 ). 6z 8oo 168o 75•5 g6·6 90·5 ing JO r88 147 127 554 373 93 97 35 11 7 38 102 104 8S·I 106 76o 1470 77'4 99·3 102·2 a Peng 186 145 124 540 358 144 89 91 104 59 J6 37 98 103 112 Jo6 112 825 90·9 10J·2 74 105·7 (Knynn 9) 1a Kulat Liah 50 185 143 137 52 5 347 !JO 94 97 116 69 36 50 37 102 100 112·5 Apoh. 1 41 41 104 117 78·s 74·9 79 ng Ipi . JO 1$0 133 553 372 143 98 100 113 62 4J 37 109 Jo8·6 Long T amnln (~lurik 9 ). r63o 895 ]6·5 73 80·9 Il 1·8 97·5 196 135 565 385 143 93 104 114 59 141 J6 JI6 39 105 r 14 106·3 Long Dnpoi. 1n Aping Kulch 40 36 101 1430 750 76·8 77·8 74•6 97·9 94·7 19 185 Il ] 53 ! 375 144 97 95 97 6o IJO 35 IOJ 95 76·8 74•3 89'4 IOJ Long Tutau. 146 107 144 37 115 42 101 104 78·9 95•9 .n Jau . 6o 190 134 542 360 97 93 57 75·':1 69·5 S2·8 103·3 90•5 Il I•J 1 IJO 91 ro6 6J 128 32 105 38 97 108 , " ong Ang 46 187 128 535 35 94 1675 ]8·9 ] 1·6 72·7 107·3 94'4 109•9 Lobol; Nibong, Bnram River. 139 540 360 139 96 103 104 63 14J 34 102 34 101 Ill 1610 1 . JO 194 1 1570 8o·6 ]0·4 76· 1 105•4 95·2 109·7 " , JJ r86 129 363 IJ I 92 97 105 63 IJ8 34 10<) 40 " 3 565 107·1 Lelak village, Long Tru, Tinjnr. 3S sso 38 ~ ~~ 105 r6os 1665 82·3 70·4 76·4 112·1 84'4 ng 25 !86 13 5 544 348 ! JI 99 III 11 0 70 144 34 114 100 ros Long Tutnu. 11r 40 100 105 8o·6 68·3 7•·6 107·5 ang 25 !86 133 539 352 127 93 100 101 57 141 32 So·6 108·6 80·4 !0]·3 10! Io8 32 roS 37 96 103 •sos 1595 82·7 69·3 a . JO 179 127 525 344 124 93 67 IJ4 SI·8 95·1 111 ·7 gS Io8 6o JO 105 39 94 105 1505 1565 82·0 65·6 lo8·9 nbal 34 183 126 537 350 120 90 IJ2 Tinjar River, Bnram District. Ill 75·1 72·9 102 97·8 104·5 s6o 102 104 TI J 65 155 42 109 46 45 116 1519 •sSo an . . 18 189 '59 139 374 S] 1610 71 ·9 74·6 107•3 6]·9 110·3 Long Tru, T injnr. 178 IJ9 120 82 88 103 66 137 J I roS 53 36 96 1535 ng Kap. Luak 65 5'4 335 101 109 1553 J6oo 66·8 70·3 109·8 87·2 107·9 t. 20 187 150 129 543 359 92 101 102 6 1 145 35 1 r8 39 34 L elak River, Tinjar (Long Kiput cl). 102 112 1595 85·9 76·4 ns 42•3 95·1 J09·8 •on 22 164 139 s6• 377 146 96 105 110 63 149 35 11 7 39 40 102 1585 1620 8o·] 76 94•2 '77·2 46·3 100 83·3 107·4 Long Tisam (chief). 192 1 138 s6o 374 146 96 96 11 5 69 149 31 109 48 95 .n Abit. 55 IOI 110 1565 77·6 73'4 94·6 18·5 47·2 102 100 Jo8·9 1 1 141 101 103 113 6S 144 37 109 40 40 1530 ng 25 192 49 !J I 554 ' 361 ] 1·5 90·2 50•4 92·6 S9·4 107 1 120 67 1 29 103 47 42 86 92 1540 1655 78 91·7 Jaat . 45 !86 145 127 535 331 33 94 87 33 75•7 47· 1 102 84·4 10]·4 98 100 103 64 IJ6 J I 104 45 38 94 101 1595 1575 79•1 77'4 97·9 1a Lahing so 177 qo 12.5 5'3 358 137 ]2 S8·s 51·8 92·9 8]·2 104 " " 9 1 123 72 1 105 47 41 99 103 1540 1585 75•1 104•4 iju 189 136 rr8 536 339 142 9S J9 35 JI 45 Jo6 36 IO!i 1$ 10 1575 73'3 74•4 101•4 78·8 40•9 96·9 8J·7 1·3 1a Piut 195 143 !22 546 350 145 96 93 !oS s6 137 33 43 97 111·7 Tr;;, Tinjnr Ril'cr. 43 Ill 42 103 11 5 1500 168o 83·5 78 93'4 79•2 43•1 IOJ·1 93·3 22 182 152 IJI 552 J64 142 97 100 114 62 144 J6 45 " T isnm. ~a ng . 101 109 1 1585 ]2·9 74 g6·6 73·1 40·4 97 110 107·9 1 IJ I 140 l O I 9S 103 57 141 35 116 4Ü 44 535 Seni . so 199 45 ss8 350 40 101 166o 73·1 64·S 8S·7 76·2 46· 1 105·2 88·9 107•9 Jigan. 141 126 548 125 96 101 Jo6 65 141 39 107 45 109 1559 24 193 355 41 96 IOJ 1524 1553 76·2 66·1 86·S 82 49·6 107·3 89·1 107·3 1a Madan 26 189 144 !26 535 345 125 96 103 114 69 139 33 105 46 89·1 111·5 D~jX>i, Upper Tinjar Ri,•cr. lO I Il l 67 l lO 46 41 96 107 rs8s 1640 79•9 69·6 S7·1 75·5 45·6 97 g. . 28 194 155 1 33 sss 366 13.) 98 147 37 102·2 100 107·7 Tisa m. 61 32 102 42 42 91 98 1600 1675 8J 73 90 74'3 42·4 1a Sekala 185 I SO 134 52 5 352 1J5 93 95 107 144 JO 13S roS 37 100 105 ' 440 ' 475 78·6 So·2 102 71•7 41·3 97·9 100 105 .1 Silian 28 187 147 120 544 365 150 96 94 99 57 37 37 Io6·I 98 97 102 62 136 35 90 41 33 98 104 1395 1425 75·6 79·4 105· 1 75 45·6 99 8o·s i K alijil 35 !80 136 113 517 361 143 1520 8o 88·9 76·3 g6·S 74•5 104•1 128 139 91 IOJ s8 135 36 103 47 35 97 101 1450 77'2 43 1 • 25 180 144 535 360 94 102·2 ]6·6 42•2 110·7 Sg·2 105•4 , (chiers wife). 84 98 54 128 29 10] 37 33 93 98 1465 ··szs 77 ]8·7 l J epeh 28 174 134 !18 50 1 351 137 93 7]-6 roS lOO 104•9 104 132 105 36 36 102 107 1430 1415 73'2 94'4 78·S 44'7 Ill 20 183 142 120 53 2 358 134 ss 95 59 37 91·9 41 •3 104•4 81·8 107·4 Long Tisnm (Scbop x Hnmwan cl l~nrawnn 9 ). 124 94 102 57 33 113 36 94 101 •sos 775 73 67 73·9 ng I8S 135 IJI 525 J20 90 1 10·5 Jo6·4 (Bamwnn & Scbop 9 ). 105 rog 62 JO Ill 3S 94 100 1520 7]0 1595 77·9 ôS·s 87·9 79 44•9 95 n. . 40 !81 141 128 527 331 124 95 103 10]·6 (Scpcng cl Barawnn 9 ). 100 103 122 74 120 40 105 IIJ 166s 820 1725 Ss·6 74·6 87· 1 78·2 47'4 75•5 1a Sulan 45 181 1 55 145 544 365 135 35 93·5 101 Nenr Knpit, Rejnng River. 64 ro6 43 96 97 1456 1485 86·3 79·6 45·1 1alink . 158 '35 538 350 113 32 87·5 1o8·2 'l'alan River. 45 64 Ill 42 97 105 1620 '755 ]8·8 81·4 45·7 ·ng 50 '45 129 540 335 1 14 32 Long Dapoi. 58 41 llO 43 100 107 730 1535 80·2 74•7 ns 98·9 104·9 107 1a Balari Kajaun so 523 363 92 1 e. 91 104

72·1 ro6 Long Tisnm. 100 Ill 67 103 Ill r62o 825 1625 77·1 43'5 1a Aping 23 192 553 139 '51 3S 109 (Kannuil 9 ). 59 147 91 11 0 1590 J66o 120·9 eh 40 182 1$ 1 136 535 320 113 35 115 TABLE B (contimœd)



Hcight Height N:lme:. Age. Audcular Rndii. Standing. Silling. Span. T.ocnlity of Subject. T ribc, Sex, Number Auricular Nn~:~ o · of Cnrd. Circum· Length· l"'ngth· Breadth· Total Up~r Brendth. Bi-a\lriC Vertical - malar Alveolar. Na"'' "'ngth. Br-7 44'S 111·3 S7·8 107•7 ' " JS .. 1.11 S2·2. Bi long 28 14J 123 $20 92 96 Jo6 64 '35 39 39 36 92 lOI 1500 7SO 1.)75 77·6 94'4 78·s 47'-1 104 ·J 92·3 109·8 1 " 19 ' 74 106 8oo 70·5 fpoi 40 20] 156 124 562 96 95 120 70 IJ] 36 108 45 35 95 ISIS 1565 75·4 93·6 87·6 51·1 99 77·8 111·6 '' 20 102 lo6 6o 38 llO 4I 38 100 108 1570 86o 1Sos 75 70·5 94 73'6 41·7 IOJ 92·7 to8 IJ 2 l Ugang . . JO 200 150 132 570 99 '44 72·1 46·2 lOI )[{)o 1 12 1 100 100 6o IJO 34 98 J9 34 97 107 1440 725 1435 74'9 96·3 76·9 87·2 J 9 22 Tina Wing Bunyan 23 179 34 514 99 110 82·2 (high cla,s). ISS 136 525 97 [c. SS] ros ss 135 39 104 45 37 9~ 146o 740 [1 500) 73•5 73 99·J n-8 43 ll2·2 " 2J Pwetnbang so ''5 100 98 106 ]lO 77·9 75·6 40 97·2 108·2 . (middle clnss). U tan Urai 25 181 141 11 7 530 I02 54 ' 35 37 36 35 '440 1440 " 24 120 2 144 98 lOI 64 128 JI 107 40 J5 94 99 1455 755 1460 ]8·6 100·7 78·9 50 IOJ·2 87·5 IOS·J " 25 Mnjan . 182 I43 5 4 95 40 100 105 7SO 74•5 94'7 76·9 44•2 100 105 Long Lobang, Upper Tinjar. d Suran!:' . 2J 204 1$2 135 577 144 9S 98 llJ 6s 147 36 1475 1465 \llAI.O 9s 107 rsSs Srs t675 8!·4 Ss·9 70·8 48·6 109·5 IOC)·2 ., 2 Sadi J.ajau 183 149 135 5J4 !28 95 104 102 70 144 35 45 45 40 91 98 1530 1610 77'3 89·5 72·9 J9·3 101·1 10]·7 ,, , J Oyong Chen 35 !85 143 127 534 128 92 93 102 55 140 JO 779 Long Sulnn. 100 uS 69 116 37 !03 IIJ ISIS 8oo '570 80·3 86-5 78·7 46 IOJ S2·2 101)'7 ):-

7iJ/irr< f. 342. 1 The signs d or ~ indicate thot the su&jecl's f."her or mother belongs to tho tribe narned wi thin the brackets. TABLE B (cotttinued)


N osP.. CP.ttiiALIC J N IJJCE.... . F ACIAl. I ND I~ES. :-IASAL I NDICES. ,------nr Rnd ii. Locality of Subject. U 1 Bi·>y_go· -, Inter· Bi·goninl 1 1 B d Bi·mular l.cugth· Length· llreadth· 1 T c)lal Upp<:r 11 Naso· 1 ppeh nuutc ocul:\T bread th. .cngt '· rea th. width. breadth. heigl\1. height. facial. fncoal. Alveolnr. N as.~ l. malar. cugt · breadth. \vidth. 1 l~ion. Ah•eoln~.

32 102 4 1 96·4 105·5 110·8 112 Tutau River, Baram Dist. 91 96 1 51 37 92 IoJ 98 I105-:: 6o 34 109 4' 35 97 91·2 108·9 85·4 Io8·2 90 105 168o 101· 1 95•2 105·2 ·ri~jar 92 93 6o 35 11 3 42 40 97 !OZ 1610 815 !04·7 10<)·3 82·6 Io6·3 Nibong , T injar Dis!. 97 Io6 66 36 l l O 46 38 96 roz 1585 810 1640 88·5 32 ros 48 96 1550 Sos 1625 90·2 99 72·<) 108·3 98 c. 97 1 61 35 104 110•4 11::4~ 66 29 Ill 48 34 96 Io6 1565 785 '570 90·3 100 70·8 .. 95 95 902 112·1 97 94 11 8 65 29 103 .p 37 91 102 1460 no 1470 97·9 96·9 101 6o 34 11 6 ·Il 104 I6oo 810 1635 86·6 104• 1 91 ·1 Ill·5 97 11 4 45 116 Io6·1 c. 97 110 62 34 103 45 37 99 105 1475 735 1565 86 104•3 82·2 93 101·1 100 Io6·3 92 93 107 57 35 113 37 37 96 102 1450 775 146o 97•2 117 66 J I 107 47 36 100 1515 775 1535 89·9 104·2 76·6 107 99 107 72·2 104·8 ~g 96 12j 73 37 107 54 39 104 1()(} 1635 1715 81·8 98 100 112 JI 11 0 41 101 1522 1620 8o·s 11 1·1 83·7 105 9<> 65 49 to6 107 89 99 102 59 37 104 39 J6 100 107 1455 1522 77·9 11 1·2 92•3 84·6 108·1 84•4 110·7 99 107 107 66 34 102 45 38 103 114 1560 1705 121 6; 42 120 11 2 122 r662 176o 84'4 lo6· I 91·5 Io8·9 99 105 47 43 102·3 101·9 101 1 13 61 34 Ill 43 44 IOJ 105 1612 c. 1665 87·2 to6·3 95 !00 B~lo i , Rc]~ng , Io6 39 11 r 40 40 104 112 1530 8oo 1610 92·5 101·1 107·7 95 96 63 88· 1 109·9 Rejang Dist. (Kenynh '( ) 103 37 114 42 !01 Ill 1518 1 1590 57 37 I03·5 103·3 Tutau River, Baram Dist. 76 82 88 48 29 97 29 JO 90 93 81·6 107·9 87'] 105·8 87·2 110·8 86 9' 93 s6 35 87 39 34 93 IOJ 110·6 106·6 75 83 88 49 36 91 34 29 91 97 92·8 85·3 108 Bok T injar , 88 103 " 5 64 32 41 38 100 Io8 1542 84 117 92·7 10) 1620 83·8 115•4 Near Kapit, Rejang Dist. 11 4 68 37 91 ' 585 112·2 186 73 40 98 110 ' 735 1682 74•7 " 109 67 40 l OO 110 rs8s 1590 79 l lO llaloi, Rejang Dist. (Kenyah 9 ) 103 102 lo6 40 4 1 102 109 1550 810 102·5 74·6 99 !02·5 Io6·9 Io6 73·6 Il l 104·9 Jo6·6 , ( Kenyah 9 ) roo I I I 109 41 43 113 159<> 855 93 , , , (Kiemantnn 9) g8 llO 44 37 100 105 1530 820 92·6 78 I OJ·2 84 105 95 Io6·3 86·4 105·8 Bok R., Tinjnr Dist. (Lelak cl) 95 l O I 11 3 44 38 104 110 1$01 83·7 79 10 1 90·4 76 104•4 79· 1 103 , (Lclak cl) 9' 95 Ill 43 34 104 1508 (Lelak cl) (chief) 124 48 37 107 118 I615 82·4 8o·5 104 77·1 11 0·3 99 103 w8·s , ,. , (; Lelak & ) lOI 41 39 Io6 11 5 1571 83·9 74•5 104•1 95• 1 97 " 7 Ukit o , , 82·6 102·1 Io6·7 97 99 11 9 37 117 45 43 10 4 Ill I570 167 5? 1 7 5 85·3 95·5 { Balaga Pu nan x Milnnau 9 112·2 llok R. , Tinjar Dist. ( ~ l\1 ilanau cl ) 90 101 113 37 II 1 46 40 103 108 1612 1717 82·1 78·2 76·9 87 104·9 82·6 103•3 79• 1 106·9 Long Dnllo (Kc nynh cl) 90 93 109 39 107 43 34 101 ro8 1480 1490 97·5 98

'l'o/ace />· 34•· T ABLE B (contùmed)


1 1 FACE. NosE. H EAO. __ l 1, ~ Cm-'HALrc I Nut 1 • H ei~ht ~ !ei_ght T Auricular Radii. stand mg. sntmg Span. >e Sex, Number of Card. Namc. Age. Bi·zy_go- Inter· Naso· 1 Auricular Bi·gonial B d h 1 Bi·malar Il Len 4 Total Upper gth· Length· Breadth. l Bi-auric Circum mat le ocular Length. rea 1 ' width. mal:u Length. ference. vertical lcngth. length. bread th. brea dth. height. bread th. arc. bread th. \\•idth. VerteX". 1 Nasion. Alveolus.ll lin:_ \ ,__ ------;-~, ------1 138 123 $12 1 1 96 100 51 136 32 102 37 41 92 103 ...... 78 ·4 75·6 lAN 0 2 Tama Sutit 40 176 347 33 91 1 <)0 ros 6o '38 34 !09 41 35 97 ros ...... 80 ·3 73·2 l3enian 22 J!!3 147 127 538 353 34 98 J6JO 5 176 149 129 536 365 rs6 92 93 107 6o 142 35 113 42 40 97 102 8rs 168o 84•7 88·6 " 6 Tama \Van 25 96 102 1$85 810 1 " Taman Kutan 32 !89 148 133 55S 366 131 97 1o6 118 66 144 36 llO 46 38 1640 78·J 69·3 " 7 r86 1 J2S S41 363 138 q8 c. 97 1! 8 61 136 32 ros 48 3S 96 104 1SSO Sos 1625 82·J 74·2 s Tama Lutong 40 53 Ill 96 106 1$65 " Taman llei 30 175 145 124 517 344 13 1 95 95 ll4 66 135 29 48 34 785 1570 82 "9 74·9 9 103 91 102 1460 770 1 " JO Tingang . 30 187 143 Jl8 534 358 140 97 94 11 8 65 130 29 41 37 '470 76 ·5 74·9 101 6o 34 JJ 6 41 !04 !16 J6oo Sro 163S 86 ·3 74·7 " 11 Tama Tijat 35 182 '57 134 545 365 136 97 114 ' 54 45 143 !24 123 c. 97 11 0 62 138 34 103 45 37 99 105 1475 735 ' 565 77 •3 66·5 " !2 Ta lang 40 J85 535 334 93 96 102 1450 " Tama Tari 40 18J 142 132 5J3 353 138 92 93 107 57 144 35 113 37 37 77S ' 46o 77 ·6 75·4 !3 107 100 107 1515 8o ·1 72 " Tama Lango 35 J86 149 123 545 352 134 95 99 117 66 141 3' 47 36 775 '535 14 ! JO 98 96 123 144 37 107 54 J9 !O+ 10!) 1635 ... 1715 82 "4 67·4 " J6 Demina so 19J 159 ' 33 570 J75 7J lOI 106 1522 ... 1620 " T ama Tungan 188 149 IJ5 348 120 90 100 1!2 65 143 3' 11 0 49 41 79 "3 63·8 " 17 3S 537 100 .. 1] 149 125 523 340 116 89 99 102 59 142 37 104 39 36 107 1455 1522 84 ·7 65·9 !8 Iniau 176 IOJ 114 1500 ... " Tama Pajiring 28 189 149 127 548 362 126 99 !07 107 66 144 34 102 45 38 1705 78 ·8 66·7 " 19 120 IJ2 122 1662 ... !760 81 68·8 Entiwai 38 J89 IS4 '34 552 370 130 99 105 121 6·1 !50 42 47 43 ·s 20 I l l 103 10$ 1612 ... C.I66S 8!• 4 " Oiau (Tabanau) J83 149 !JO 540 358 130 95 101 1!3 61 149 34 43 44 71 2! 45 106 1$2 11 1 40 40 104 112 1530 8oo 1610 93 86 (* deformccl) . " 22 Saran 40 172* r6o* 142 5J8 370 148 95 96 63 39 2 103 135 J7 11 4 42 J7 [01 Ill 1518 ... 1590 90 ·1 " 50 Apoh 17 172 155 135 5 5 3J5 57 ...... " !66 147 124 SOJ 348 120 76 82 88 48 134 29 97 29 30 <)0 93 . .. 88·6 72·3 9 I Ben a 35 103 ...... •3 138 I 17 512 342 121 86 91 93 56 121 3S 87 39 J4 1 93 79 69·5 J Bung~n Urai 25 174 122 91 ...... 82·6 76·6 " l\lujan x8 167 138 110 490 329 128 75 83 8S 49 J6 91 34 29 97 4 !26 " 125 J70 f 88 103 115 64 q 2 32 110 4' 38 l OO roS 1$42 ... t58S 79· 8 67 " 15 Lijan 30 !88 150 543 l max. 131 ...... 2 ...... 114 68 IJ6 32 110 46 37 91 105 1585 ... r62o 83 ·J IT Nonycng 35 174 145 !JO 524 3 7 .. . 0 47 . .. r86 142 1 13 40 98 110 ' 735 .. . r682 82· 4 , 48 Berahang 23 J82 rso 131 530 340 .. ... 7J 37 54 151 !JO 540 340 ...... rog 67 IJ8 32 Ill 50 40 l OO l lO 1585 . .. 15<)0 86 •3 " 49 Ujan 35 175 1 1 132 572 391 161 103 102 to6 62 142 39 107 40 41 102 109 1550 8ro 1630 78· 9 80·9 nan 1 la lf-brceds) ô 2J T ama Ngipa Jau 50 99 57 106 !670 $4 78·1 187 142 548 J80 146 l OO Ill 109 62 148 37 108 41 43 113 1590 855 , 24 Matu 35 157 l OO 820 x6oo 8!· 22 183 127 54J 360 !J8 9S 98 llO 62 141 35 109 44 37 lOS 1530 4 75"4 26 Bugong 149 104 110 1501 ... 1$78 84· 5 ]0·7 " Pengawi 18 r81 153 128 534 367 128 95 !01 113 68 143 36 107 44 38 " 27 132 91 Il l 65 146 37 !16 43 34 lOI 104 1508 ... 83 75 28 Samadi 22 176 146 !24 525 370 95 1 8!·8 6]"4 1 IJO 370 126 99 IOJ 124 69 ' 54 37 1r 8 48 37 107 118 r615 ... 1663 ," 29 T ama Dimong so !87 53 545 !16 106 115 157 1 ... 1643 81·6 68·4 Dimong 27 190 138 553 J82 !JO 97 101 l 17 65 ' 57 J6 41 J9 " 30 '55 1 104 Ill 1570 1 ... !675? 75 64 Tama Anjang 25 200 1$0 127 56J 365 !28 97 99 119 67 144 37 l 17 45 43 " 31 1 122 90 lOI 1!3 66 1 37 Il l 46 40 103 !08 !612 ... 1717 82· 64·2 32 Giyong 25 190 156 128 563 370 47 10! roS 1480 14<)0 97· 95·5 " 1 1 1 1 127 524 372 ISO qo 93 109 64 IJ2 39 107 43 J4 7T5 9 25 Lann ' 7 57 53 1 1 1 TABLE B (contùmed)


Nose. . 1 c~ ...... , '""'~ !.____':_""· '""""'· N•~· ' """~ Localil)' of Suhject. llcight Jleight Span. Auriculnr Rnd ii . Standing. Sitting. :\uriculnr Na«>· Length- l.. 37 1 143 96 94 107 84·2 68·4 81·3 , (upper class). 102 107 6 1 33 Ill 39 36 96 !CO 95·2 104•9 ;s8 35l> 130 91 Il 40 102 107 75·6 74•1 97·1) 143 103 IOJ 106 66 37 llO 42 147 370 I IJ·2 Long Dnllo. 120 1634 885 79·1) 72·4 90·6 99 12 1 64 143 37 Ill 45 !06 ·54 382 144 96 95 Il LC::pu Tèpu, Batnng Kaynn 1 82·5? 9 1·8 102·9 11 0·9 113 4 1 l OI 112 1535 no 590 75·7? (upper class). 42 358 134 102 11 3 62 36 43 ros Il 103 Long Sinong. 1430 80·2 77 96 102·! 100 144 36 11 4 34 34 100 103 1420 735 100 105·2 58 363 94 96 99 57 102 1525 Boo 1520 93·8 88·2 94 97·9 102 55 138 30 94 34 34 97 95·1 101)·2 22 372 95 93 98 107 1450 754 1450 82-8 85-6 103•4 97"1 102 99 96 s8 134 37 10-~ 41 39 95·2 95·7 88·9 lo8·4 25 372 36 32 95 103 1500 745 1530 83·5 79·5 25 374 93 89 98 55 132 34 99 !02·6 Dnpoi !{., T injar Disl. 8oo 1705 75 ·1 92·9 100·3 105·9 !01 105 61 143 108 39 102 108 82·4 101)·6 70 143 95 825 1635 82·7 89·5 101·9 105 11 127 73 ISO 118 42 104 I 14 44 137 l03 Long Sinong. 43 35 l OO Io8 750 1530 77·8 Long Dallo (:\1urut o ). 38 105 s6 133 94 86o 79•7 Ill 68 14 1 118 49 39 68? 11 3 45 Long Silin (Kayan 9 ). I 12 Bso ' 590 1$0 97 10 1 IlS 70 144 39 118 49 1 ros 'lo/nu /'· 34•· TABLE B (contimmf)


NosE. . H t.«>· l.ength· Length· Bre.dth· Totnl Auricul:u Total Upper Di·<}'l\0 ' lli·goninl Jl R1·111>•" 1 ~~f~; l.ength. readth. llrc:uhh. Lln~~ breadth. height. height. Il Facial. ' . 11 Bre·. tl th. Hi·auric 1 Circum· Vertic:\1 ucngt ' ·• Jlre>dth. ference. Arc. ).engtb. Length. 1 B~~~d~h . Width. BreoJth. Vertex. Nnsion. L.\tveolus.

100 llO 1630 sos 1770 82·2 90·8 78·2 1 67 147 37 !10 43 39 0 4 Udau 26 !85 152 133 564 380 138 97 100 ns 103 11 3 1520 790 166o 76·9 9<>-2 71·9 g6 101 105 61 146 37 118 40 42 Balan Sigo 20 199 !53 134 567 363 138 11 3 42 41 98 ro6 1520 795 1595 80·1 87·6 76·9 " 65 Aban Tnmat. 26 191 153 !JO 550 363 134 96 100 110 62 143 35 820 1655 74·7 93·1 78·4 62 139 37 J lJ 42 40 98 106 16o5 .. 7 Tama Sigo Odoh . 28 194 145 127 550 358 135 94 100 109 127 38 105 11 3 1655 88o 1730 74·9 92·! 8-l· l I 10 122 74 145 34 45 8 Boi Sigo . . 40 20~ 152 134 578 366 140 103 110 40 105 1 rs 1625 845 !675 79•3 90·6 79·5 18 !JO 552 356 104 1I6 66 146 38 45 " 9 Tama Kajan Ocloh 38 149 '35 99 148 36 118 46 43 105 Ill 16oo 8oo 1635 79·8 95·5 73 0 68 lmoh . . . 30 193 141 s64 362 147 104 115 loS 64 1655 86·8 86·7 77·5 ' 54 68 151 39 11 7 49 39 106 11 2 1 1630 8so Tama Sinan ~latan 62 182 158 147 s5S 367 137 98 92 11 7 1640 870 So-s 78·3 " 67 119 71 152 40 11 5 51 41 107 134? " 66 \Van 17 195 157 148 6os 375 102 !18 1650 845 1635 81· 8 80·2 98·1 83·3 141 384 1 1r 1 125 74 ISO 29 11 3 50 43 76·9 100 ,, 6o Ahan Lawai. 35 192 157 577 54 99 140 32 101 38 39 95 105 76·9 73·6 Tam Aping Lalan . 28 182 140 125 530 362 140 93 98 103 s8 r6ro 1630 87·2 77 88·3 8! ·7 .• 59 153 J6 122 s6 37 107 120 840 Tama Bulan \\'ang 52 !87 IU3 150 568 383 144 ros 107 125 79 121 109 118 IS92 86o 1590 79·9 82 102·6 74·2 " 65 Il J 109 s8 147 38 43 44 " 64 , \ban Tin gan so 19-l 155 137 570 375 159! IOJ 120 108 ll9 •s5o 8oo 1600 8Jl 74·3 89·5 79·5 28 152 143 136 100 103 120 57 1$1 37 45 39 1615 81·4 109·3 , 63 Halari . 1 8~ 555 357 34 11 4 42 37 99 Io6 rs6o 810 74•5 73'4 lhtn Jaya !8 140 13J 542 373 153 98 97 102 s8 139 103 8oo 147S 77·2 8 5'7 I ll 79·9 " (iz 162 ICJ7 66 134 37 10 7 44 34 95 1495 9 69 :\lujan . 18§ 146 117 552 386 93 89 10 46 98 117 1570 8ro 1570 81·5 85·4 104·8 8o-s 1 2t~ lOI 107 56 133 33 5 33 Il " 70 Sa rn 28 17 145 525 370 152 93 ...... 1 78·2 71 90·7 77·7 148 li7 46 37 98 107 ... Oyoug Kajan 1 151 1 560 362 137 98 97 115 67 35 .. . S4 73•3 87·3 72•4 0 76 J5 93 33 ro 8 40 go 106 ...... 1 g8 105 su 145 33 43 1 73 Jauh . . 21 187 157 134 553 337 137 98 10 41 100 104 ...... 8::> 77 ·1 87·7 65·3 .. 1 136 368 135 97 lOI 98 ss 150 34 4 38 .. . 1 93-9 70·4 79 Ahan Jing so 75 154 544 142 38 10 38 32 100 105 ...... 79·9 75 " Linjon . 1' 184 147 125 362 138 90 102 100 57 .. . 1 88·4 73'4 83 75 72 .l 535 140 36 10~ 39 38 102 ! JO ...... 1 " 71 Silong . 20 17J 153 !25 534 365 !27 90 92 ros s6 1 ...... 76·9 1 72·8 94•7 69-4 " 100 6o 144 32 112 ,38 41 97 107 74 :\lnwa Obat . so 195 ISO 132 548 362 142 97 11 3 40 100 110 ...... ss 79·4 93•5 82·1 " 180 125 371 143 g6 94 11 5 66 140 32 104 40 84·2 68·4 81·3 72·3 77 'l'am Usan Long 55 153 531! 61 I l 1 39 36 96 107 ...... " Lasa JO 190 16o 137 558 358 !JO 91 102 107 148 33 102 ...... 75·6 74•1 97·9 75•2 .. 78 1 lo6 66 141 37 llO 42 40 107 75 Balan 22 193 146 134 547 370 143 103 103 106 120 !634 88s !633 79·9 72•4 90·6 84·6 144 96 95 121 64 143 37 JI 1 45 38 1 0 10 I'Tama Kulchjau . 25 199 159 134 554 382 1 1 Il 11 2 1 770 1 82-5 ? 75·7? 91·8 79·6 105 I IJ 62 142 36 11 3 43 41 101 535 590 0 11 Tama Awing Kiriu 40 177? 146 125 542 358 IJ4 102 1 1 1 100 103 1420 735 1430 80·2 77 96 68-8 1 T • Il 144 36 114 34 34 9 81 .. ua1 21 187 150 134 558 363 144 94 96 99 57 102 1525 8oo 1520 93·8 88·2 94 73•9 102 55 138 JO 94 34 34 97 82 ~[adun. 25 161 1S I 121 $22 372 142 95 93 98 107 1450 754 14$0 82-8 85-6 103•4 71 ·6 " 180 116 372 154 102 99 96 s8 134 37 104 41 39 83-5 1 95•2 74•2 " 83 Bingan . so 149 525 1 132 99 36 32 95 103 1500 745 1$30 79•5 .. 84 Sinan 20 176 147 121 525 374 140 93 89 g8 55 34 Il KL HM ANTAN ro8 102 loS 1640 8oo 1705 75 •1 69·8 92·9 73'4 22 1 136 143 95 101 Il 105 61 143 40 38 39 82·7 1 89·5 84·7 0 !6 llei 205 154 570 364 ISO 36 118 51 42 104 114 1580 825 r63s 74' 15 Tingang 40 185 153 141 544 364 137 103 105 127 73 " 100 Io8 1480 750 1530 n-8 ...... 78·9 Tina Usun Abu 185 144 123 538 367 105 56 133 35 94 43 35 86o ...... 78·7 0 So JO 1 141 11 8 49 39 68? 113 1690 79'7 61 Oyong Jau 187 149 142 545 385 11 1 68 33

Il KA VAN 99•3 81·9 11 8 118 49 42 105 11 2 1565 8so 1590 79•5 78·9! 1 ~ 17 1 Aban Mato 49 190 151 1 139 557 365 1$0 97 101 70 144 39 1 1 1 ------'------TABLE B (contùmed)


---- NA~At. l t\mcss. TI>:An. FAc.-. N'ost:. 1 Ct:J•IfALrC lNbl( f<:~. f-'ACIAL [ NOICI'>•.

Localit)' of Snbject. Auriculur Radii. 1-- Hc i~t.ht 1 lid)lht 1 Span. 11 - Standong. Sitttng. urie Circnm· l Upper 1 Hi·7)')IO· Naso· Length· T otnl 1 Upper N 1 Naso· Anri~ulnr Total 1ntcr- ~ lli-goni,;l L h d h Bi-malarl l.t·n~th· flroadth· .\lveolar. .a: :l"-'l1 · malar. dth. fercncc. Verucal Llogth. matte 1 engt . Ill rea t . Breadth. malar htight. height. l'acini. Faciol. Arc. Length. ~i~ ;b_ Breadth. Li ne. brc.tdth. Verte:\. Nnsion. Alveolu... Brt:adth. _,

121·7 Long Lama. ;2 346 10 1 rr6 c. 6 llO 101 123 77•7 70·7 91·2 8o 44•8 102 82·6 535 IJJ 99 5 145 34 46 38 1495 795 1595 105·8 ,o 558 374 138 104 roS 64 40 10<) 44 4 1 104 llO 1540 ]cp 1575 80·1 72·3 90·2 44•8 105•1 93· 1 99 143 75·~ 105·2 79•2 112·2 ,1 572 368 132 96 lOI !22 74 1 32 107 48 38 98 llO I6oS 8oo 1685 79·4 69·8 88 87· 53•2 39 1 110·4 0 547 378 147 10 1 122 Il l 96 106 1550 8 10 1600 81·3 78·6 96·7 8s·9 49•3 97 79•6 98 1 c. 70 142 32 49 39 107·4 527 36o 92 TOJ 58 103 42 40 102 1625 1740 8t~·7 77·8 91•9 76·3 43 IOI·l 9~·2 5 ' 37 93 135 34 95 795 !10 6 7 ·6 105·6 9 532 129 85 1 104 6o 132 28 to6 42 89 1595 75•3 69'4 92·1 78·8 45•5 353 94 33 94 1 1515 750 80·4 103•9 5 562 381 148 92 88 11 2 61 146 1 LI 46 37 103 107 1630 8JO 1700 87·2 78·7 90·2 76·7 4 1·8 95·7 33 103·1 100 106·9 " 5 534 37' 133 98 10 1 107 139 32 104 40 40 101 108 1500 166o 75 67·9 90·5 77 42•4 1 59 715 100 9 1·6 108·2 Long "Lapan. 0 545 368 136 127 c. 69 IJ8 36 ro6 48 44 97 105 ,c. 1480 c. 745 c. !670 83·2 71·6 86·1 92 50 99 99 Io6·2 100 114 Tutau Ri\'er. 0 S49 351 132 97 103 99 56 138 29 108 42 42 93 lo6 1580 1700 76·7 68·4 89·2 71 7 4<>-6 795 114•4 ( 11 ppcr claSI 6 550 355 130 98 115 65 14 1 104 49 97 Ill '570 879 1585 75·6 6]'4 89 81·6 46·1 104·2 79·6 94 33 39 107•9 108·1 2 554 J6o 138 9 1 98 Ill 150 J I 110 38 4 1 107 ISSO 8oo 1590 82·4 n8 89-6 74 39•3 107•7 59 99 102·9 106·3 0 516 340 126 86 91 56 1 38 105 36 10 1 1$25 1550 ?8·C) 70 88·7 67•7 42•1 105·8 90 33 35 95 750 100 104·3 Long "Apoh. 7 5:14 358 88 IJ2 32 101:1 97 14201 750 1425 79·1 73'3 92·6 72 41 ·7 105·7 ' 37 95 55 35 35 93 1 10·1 90·2 104 13:nvang Takun (low clnt 102 1 100 104 1500 Szo 1530 79·5 74•1 93·2 71·3 40·6 7 534 347 '37 89 ~~ ss 43 32 11 7 41 37 Long Sinong (middle cl( 8 550 382 1 101 107 67 Io6 Il2 1540 8oo 1585 72·2 86- 72·8 45·6 103·1 95•7 114•3 35 98 147 34 47 45 98 8~·4 5 Long Lutin. 2 542 352 136 98 107 6z 1 100 42 IS8o 78o 1620 1 73•1 93·2 79•3 45·9 107·7 92·9 9 ' 35 35 39 93 ·s Io8·7 3 557 370 142 100 92 Il l 64 14 1 38 110 34 104 1630 840 168o 79·8 75·5 94•7 78•7 45'4 92 75·6 45 " 3 So-8 108·7 Long" Tejin. 9 558 36o 1 l OO lo6 11 3 69 148 38 105 38? 103 II2 I6oo Soo !675 82·8 73"7 89 76•4 46·6 lOO 37 47 110·8 Long Sinin. 4 555 368 138 95 116 63 143 l oS 45 38 102 11 3 !620 830 1670 8<>-4 73 90·8 8 1·1 44'' 84•4 35 1 10·6 107·8 Bawang Takun (middle 3 543 355 14 1 94 104 l lO 62 143 35 Ill 43 4 1 102 l lO 1500 750 1590 8o 76•2 95•3 76•9 43'4 95•4 76•5 102·8 Long Tejin. 9 535 365 150 107 94 rr6 70 '37 41 112 5' 39 lo8 I l l 1465 731 83·3 83'3 100 84·7 SI·! 87·9

t Omitted in Tnble A being a boy. TIJ/nce 1>· 342. TABLE B (contùmed)


- 1 1 Nos.:. Cto:PHALIC HEAIJ. -~~ F AC~- ,' ____ H eight Height Span. Tri be, Se x, N umher 1- Sitting. N:1mc. Age. Auricula.r H.adii. Naso· St>nding. Length- or Card. Auriculnr Bi-zyj:O· Inter· lli-gonial Bi-malar Len ~ Bi-marie Circum· Total Upper ocular Lengtb. Breadth. malar breadth. htig Length. Bread th. Vertical mauc l.lreadth. Breadth. Line. Breadth. fe renee. J.ength. Length. Bread th. , Width. Arc. Vertex. Nn.sion. Alveolu> ------1 IO 46 38 TOI I23 1495 795 I595 77·7 70 KA VANS I Bui .i\fong I88 I46 I32 346 133 99 lOI 116 c. 65 145 34 0 45 535 109 41 104 IIO 1540 790 1$7$ 80·1 72 (Uma Pliau ), 2 lm ~ng Ivun. 33 I9I I$3 IJO ss8 374 I38 99 104 I08 64 143 40 44 10] 48 38 g8 110 1605 8oo 1685 79•4 69 3 Oyong Anyé 54 I89 I50 131 572 368 132 96 101 122 74 I39 32 810 1600 8I·J " I01 122 c.70 I42 32 Ill 49 39 96 106 1550 78 4 Aknm \Vaan so 187 1$2 130 547 378 14 7 98 40 102 I625 795 I740 84·7 77- " Semnring 20 176 149 125 527 J60 I37 92 93 103 s8 I35 34 103 42 95 5 28 I06 42 33 89 94 ISIS 750 I$95 75•3 6g " 6 Ingau . 29 I86 I40 129 532 353 129 85 94 104 6o I32 I700 8]-2 78 " 61 I46 I LI 46 37 103 10] I630 830 ..,"\ 7 Halo . 21 I88 164 135 562 381 148 92 88 II 2 33 166o . 1 1 g8 lO I 32 104 40 40 101 108 rsoo 775 75 67 8 Ain . . . 35 196 I47 12$ 534 37 33 107 59 139 10$ c. q8o c. 745 c. 1670 83·2 71 " Oyong Hring Ajnn 6o I90 !58 130 368 136 99 99 127 c.69 138 36 106 48 44 97 r\ 9 545 108 42 42 93 106 I$80 795 I700 76·7 6a JJ" 10 Knwil. 1 148 130 )49 35 I 132 97 103 99 56 138 29 44 93 97 Ill I$70 879 rs8s 75·6 6~ ') ,, 1 [ Aknm Deng 48 146 126 $50 355 !JO 94 98 115 65 14I 33 104 49 39 193 llO 38 41 99 10] I$$0 8oo 1$90 82·4 73 / ,, 1 2 Boi Ngau . 187 1$4 !42 554 360 138 91 98 111 59 I$0 J I 43 36 95 IOI 1$25 750 1550 78·9 70 Ni pa 15 180 142 130 $16 340 126 86 91 <)0 s6 133 38 105 35 1 " ' 3 88 132 32 roS 35 35 93 97 1420 750 1425 79·I 73 " 14 i\f ering 1$ 187 148 127 534 358 137 93 95 55 I$00 820 1530 79·5 74 137 89 g8 I02 ss 143 32 Il] 41 37 IOO I04 ,, 15 Ngau Aran . 30 185 147 137 534 347 8oo I$8$ 83-4 7~ 382 g8 101 107 67 I47 34 I06 47 45 98 112 I540 JJ J6 Akan Ngau. 40 187 I$6 I38 sso I35 ... rs8o 780 I62o 78-S 1 IOO 42 93 73 "I] Anie J ok 22 I86 I46 122 542 3$2 136 91 98 107 62 I3$ 35 39 1 llO 104 113 1630 840 I68o 79-8 75 , 18 An i ~ Lah I88 I$0 370 142 100 92 Ill 64 141 38 45 34 42 133 557 103 112 16oo 8oo I67S 82-8 73 Oyong Luhat 28 186 I$4 139 558 36o 1 100 106 11 3 69 148 38 10$ 47 38? " 19 37 I08 38 102 IIJ !620 830 I6]o 80·4 ,, 20 Aban Batu . 189 1$2 134 555 368 138 95 TI6 63 143 35 45 55 110 62 143 III 43 4I I02 ITO I$00 750 1$90 8o ~~ JI 2[ Aknm Anie. 55 J85 148 133 543 355 14I 94 104 35 11 1 ... 83·3 8J 1 ll6 70 137 41 I 12 SI 39 108 1465 737 '?22 \Van Deng 45 I80 1$0 I19 535 365 I SO 107 94 1 ------1 1 Omitted in T able A being a bor- TABLE B (co?ttùmed)


CRPIIAI.IC I N"Ul(BS. f ACT AL JSUICI!S. H ~AD. FACE. N osP.. f.oc:tlity of Suhject. 1 Height Height Span. Tribe, Sex, Numher of Cnnl. N'ame. Age. 1 Auriculnr Radii. Standing. Sitling. LCr !Aivcolar. Nn... al. Nn~· li" . Circum· Auricular ny.zygo-l l nter· Il' . 1 1 B' 1 / Naso· Faci:.l. Fac1a1. ma1ar. J.ength. Total U pper matie ocular l·gom.."t l ..ength. Bread th. Hna ar malar bre~dth . height. heigho. Hrenùth. n:~~d:h. ference. V~;~al l.en~tth . Length. Jlreadth. Widt h. Brendth. Bread th. J.ine. Vertex. Nasion. Alveotu .... _1:- 1 104 74•5 117 Batang Lupar R. 110 1592 S2o 1620 70·5 S3·2 5 '7 ! BAN { 2 Manchu 177 129 522 365 125 103 143 33 103 51 3S 94 S6·7 100 84 IIS-6 & ) 99 119 74 121 1663 1698 75 1 s•·J 3 Owan 18o 12S 3S8 102 102 130 150 33 103 so 42 102 S99 2 105•4 97•4 547 l.J5 77 lOI !625 810 1695 70·6 75 4 ·9 102 1 " Ulu Ai l ban 4 Ragai. 28 r8o 129 529 35 1 127 9S 105 6o 140 32 98 39 38 99 76·6 40·7 103·2 100 110·9 93 lOI to6 !615 S6o 1712 78·4 112·6 1s 1 1 Ill 145 39 106 39 39 1 92·7 5 Scngalnng 25 5 132 55 3SO 45 95 9S 59 10S I6oo 840 !640 81·2 73'8 45'5 97·9 ,, " , 6 Nang. 16 170 134 533 371 138 95 93 107 66 145 J3 loS 41 JS 95 69·1 78·S 48-s !16·3 108·1 107·6 1 !81 100 1J2 JO 9S 37 40 92 99 1485 8oo 1485 !o6 102·3 lo6·1 u u ,, 7 Knlum 21 105 s•6 339 125 86 104 64 So4 1610 77 79 49 lOO 106 143 37 107 42 43 99 105 rsSo tOS·2 95·3 113·3 S Jilom. 24 •78 133 538 365 137 11 3 70 1630 840 1705 77 7S·S 45•2 9 Sumok 29 135 3S4 134 9S Io6 115 66 146 JS 114 43 41 105 11 9 41 •3 103 107·5 lo6·7 , n '' '74 5J7 1610 1740 68·9 73'4 26 1 102 105 143 35 121 40 43 105 l12 S35 43·6 109·9 113·5 107•1 10 1 Unjup 193 134 567 369 J3 99 59 lo6 I$70 790 !655 74'4 72·9 " 11 Bain . 176 131 527 345 IJI 91 100 102 6! 140 37 110 37 42 99 84·1 47·• 100 82·6 110·3 35 ,,6 107 1 575 8oo •Gss 77·8 12 ilfatnn 23 176 IJ I 526 341 137 99 99 u6 Gs 138 37 113 J8 97 815 1710 78-5 85'4 48·') 99 84·8 107·1 20 181 124 528 142 102 101 67 IJ7 35 105 46 39 99 100 1615 41·7 11·22 100 lo6·3 " 13 Antong 365 117 96 102 1570 835 1620 76·2 75·5 , , ,l:lnlnu 9) J8 172 13J 524 356 131 90 101 105 ss !J9 J I 110 41 41 41•4 105·7 100 106·1 S'Krang R. 14 1 Datu. 38 Il l 40 40 98 104 1520 8j2 1556 69· 1 75·7 S'kran~ , •S Jambah 178 120 515 350 123 87 92 Jo6 58 140 1616 1620 73•2 83-6 so 107·7 83 112·5 J6S 131 140 34 11 2 47 39 104 11 7 855 110·3 16 ;\Joang 179 125 sz8 91 98 117 70 107 •sso 775 1500 7J·6 76·9 42 111•7 75•5 17 Lanyan 174 520 353 128 94 105 110 6o 143 35 ll2 53 40 97 86 lo6·2 '33 97 103 15So S1o 1630 7S-5 75·2 46·7 103•3 18 Hantai 181 IJI 530 361 142 91 94 !OJ 64 137 36 103 43 37 1620 75·1 74·5 44•1 108·6 110·5 110·8 1 10 1 36 11 2 38 42 102 I IJ J$6o 825 , , 19 Ahun. 22 177 33 5J9 363 133 93 !OS 64 145 16o6 1656 72·6 85-4 4S·I to6·s SI 101·1 1 32 109 42 J4 92 93 S55 " Bal nu 20 Tnsnm 75 125 szo 354 127 92 98 117 66 137 1520 SJO •s8s 68·9 76·6· 40•7 104•2 90 107·3 Ill JO 1o6 40 36 96 103 21 Enchana 21 190 136 ss8 350 131 95 99 59 145 102 1 102•4 105·1 41 42 99 104 1630 S25 1700 71 76·6 45'4 22 Goun. 25 183 135 538 340 130 99 101 ! oS 64 141 J6 105 70·6 36·6 109·3 lOO 97 ·2 1 Io6 1$3 3S 116 3s J8 107 11 4 !657 s8s 1770 76 23 Anggit 22 179 140 543 J6o 136 97 !oS s6 69·4 42•9 lo8•4 97·6 106·9 1 101 lOS !630 Sso 1670 74•2 1 24 Sigi . z6 178 136 535 346 132 95 103 102 6J 147 35 103 42 41 76-s 44•8 IOS·9 roo 110 Und up R 145 33 114 43 43 100 11 0 1570 SJO 1630 75•7 1 " 25 l!ijl 0 177 129 sz8 377 134 90 98 Ill 6s S40 !672 70•9 S7·5 56·2 111·7 84·8 112·9 182 129 105 120 137 34 JO$ 46 39 10 1 11 4 1634 " 26 Sul 124 524 355 94 77 120 1596 SS7 1659 6S·8 S6 49 109·1 8o·S 11 2·1 27 Layat. . •86 125 538 357 t2S 99 108 123 70 14J 39 109 47 3S 107 lOS 102·6 110·1 " " 38 108 40 99 109 1540 8oo 1545 76·3 80· 1 47'5 28 Nyandang . 20 1 77 132 538 J76 135 lOO JOS 113 67 141 39 83·1 46·3 111·6 Ill 107· 1 " " 106 !36 32 107 41 46 99 Jo6 1580 SIS 1615 72·5 29 Ens:~nun 40 189 127 538 36o 137 95 11 3 63 870 !856 76·3 72·8 43'7 96·1 100 110·2 Lingga R. Bal';u 177 53S 380 1 102 98 110 66 151 35 112 43 43 toS ll9 1734 Saribas R. " 30 Kidara 135 35 103 1550 S10 1640 67-4 75·5 41•3 104•3 S9·7 108·4 J I lluli k. 181 132 529 350 122 94 9S roS 59 143 32 ro6 39 35 95 Saribas , I !650 76·S 67·1 37'5 101 104•9 104•7 2 102 102 152 38 123 4 1 43 Jo6 Il IS95 S51 32 Vgap . S.'i 181 145 55 385 139 103 57 !610 7SO 1625 c. 75·7 S4·2 53'4 c.t 10·2 82·6 to6·r .. 18 1S1 122 521 c. 137 c. 9S c. Jo8 112 71 133 32 11 3 46 38 98 104 Il 33 Jcragum 364 72·1 80·9 48-s 9S SS·4 110·1 18 132 100 98 110 66 136 35 105 43 3S 99 109 1570 SIS 1640 34 Ngabong 183 13 1 54° 346 1510 7SO •5So 77'4 S2·4 c. 47·8 103·2 8o 110· 1 128 1 137 98 112 c. 65 136 33 110 45 36 99 109 35 Santap 40 177 5 9 363 95 11 3 1)63 S20 1675 79·2 S4·2 53·2 IOS·9 7S 109·7 36 Lanyun 183 130 370 145 lOI 11 0 11 7 74 139 37 110 so 39 103 102·S to8·1 543 107 15So 810 16so 74•1 77·9 44'3 105·3 37 Umbang 17 174 125 527 35S 129 95 lOO 109 62 140 33 Ill 36 37 99 42·1 95•1 Jo6·6 1 42 Jo6 IIJ 165o 8so 1 1685 75•7 95·1 1 38 Ngad:~ng so 166 •sr 549 3So 145 102 97 • 15 64 1$2 34 102 44 76·2 109·5 92·7 11Qo4 1 104 109 63 143 34 108 4 1 38 96 lo6 1615 8so !693 S7·9 91•4 44'' (Halau 9) 39 i\Janggit 17J 132 535 36o 39 95 104 8!4 t620 7S 92·6 Sl·9 47•8 100 72·5 108·3 Kalaka R. KaÎ;ka , 40 Ulok . 191 127 55 1 138 91 91 11 3 66 138 34 104 49 36·5 96 1557 Rejang R. 374 Il l IS22 S3·7 8s·z 74•3 45•1 103 8S·4 11 5·6 178 370 127 102 107 65 144 31 108 43 38 96 1710 S95 Rejang 41 Sunang 25 135 530 156o 78o 1670 83·2 92·4 So-6 49'3 112·8 89·2 11 2·6 42 Lank:l 17 126 525 365 133 ~~ 97 loS 66 134 33 104 46 4 1 95 107 173 96 103 1620 85o 1 166o 79•5 95•4 St·3 4S·5 102 100 107·3 43 Anyu. 20 190 128 55s 381 144 99 101 109 6s 134 34 108 40 40 42•3 105•4 91 •3 107·3 1 42 96 103 1575 SIO 166o S2·2 102·7 S4·7 44 lmbo. 35 18o !JI 53S 367 152 93 9S 116 5s 37 J2 11 7 46 42·2 103·2 105·3 lo6·3 " 38 40 96 102 1580 Szo 166o S6·4 S6·2 78-s 45 Buau . 20 176 125 530 345 131 95 98 Jo6 57 135 33 Jo6 43'6 104•4 102·5 Ill lOO 41 91 101 1475 710 1620 S4 92·5 1 75·2 46 Gorang 22 175 122 522 350 136 90 94 ss 133 JI 1o6 40 4Qol 100 97·6 110•4 .. 101 61 1$2 36 105 41 40 lo6 11 7 .. S6 S9·4 66·4 ., 47 Uga . 40 t86 139 559 37S 143 97 97 77·9 so 104 75 109 " lOO 140 37 114 4S 36 100 109 1640 S1o 1675 79·9 93·2 48 Saliong 20 IS4 129 542 350 137 104 109 70 8 1·1 46·2 88·9 11 1•5 1 40 96 107 rs8o Sro 1675 84 90·4 96 49 Band:~ JO t87 129 564 379 142 99 95 116 66 43 34 104 45 Kap1;~s R. 101 !Tl 16oo S25 11'i70 77·6 91·3 70·9 42•4 105•2 97·6 109·9 Undup ( Bugau 9) 50 Bulnng 30 192 IJ6 554 364 136 97 102 107 64 151 36 107 41 40 107•2 95·2 107 ·7 Dau R. Batang Lupnr R. .. 110 68 141 36 109 42 40 104 112 1585 sos 1725 S1 ·4 92·4 7S 4S·2 Dau sr Sajai . JO 177 133 529 362 133 97 104 SJ-9 71 42•1 107•4 95·2 11 1·5 rzs 101 103 61 145 34 l lO 42 40 96 107 1515 S10 I$S5 82·3 ? " " 52 Sukun 23 181 134 541 349 94 1 So·J 103 8z·6 11 3•7 r: t;;,oligo. 1 102 11 6 1$72 S2S 590 83·1 90·S 4S·9 53 Blind:\ •83 122 535 3S6 138 99 102 110 67 37 34 103 46 JS 69·2 1 12·2 Sibaior, Sarawak R. 98 ° llO l$o8 1 SJ·9 94·6 5o-S Bal au 58 Lngn . . . . 6o 1 130 517 315 123 66 IJO 31 I ll 52 36 595 Krian R. 74 11 2 r662 1730 77·3 1 82·5 46·9 89·4 115·5 69 Pengulu Dalam i\[unau •Ss 132 525 345 11S 67 143 37 112 47 42 97 lo6·8 Rcjang R. 45 110 1713 79•7 1 S2·7 46 ss-7 182 1 124 69 ISO 35 119 49 42 103 •6os Rcjang 70 Tayum JO 33 53° 310 !oS 1550 1585 77•5 73•1 39·6 97'5 112·5 Lcma R., Rejang R. 71 Jamal. z8 17S 127 510 325 98 53 1 34 35 Il l 40 J9 96 8o-S 107 109 •7 Tebuan, Sarawak R. 62 93 102 1570 !66o S6 ss-s 47·7 S IIIUYAU ( & ) Ahal . 19 172 122 523 359 r31 85 91 105 130 J I 109 43 39 So-6 45•3 107·5 Sibaior , 112 1 JO 117 48 93 100 1495 1545 85·3 55 Jalil . 45 177 1 35 530 J IO 63 39 37 St·3 47·8 lo8·7 64 134 32 Ill 37 92 100 1567 1632 Sz·s 56 DaU

Breadth·height. & 9 Length·breadth. Length·hcight. - - -- Med. lll~x. No. Min. Med. Max. Min. l Mcd. M~x. Min. ------·-- l\'[urut 27 68·9 73 78·9 69·7 74·7 78·9 92·7 100·8 108·4 .. 103·7 .. . Pandaruan 1 ... 75 ...... n-8 ... . Tagal 1 ... 82·1 ...... 73-2 ...... 89·1 .. . 97·8 !01·3 104·7 Dusun 3 74 76·5 78·9 77•1 177·3 77'5 10!·6 105·3 K::dabit 3 72·8 75·8 78·8 73'5 , 75•7 77 ·8 97·8 104 105·5 Lepu Potong. 9 71 74'4 78 74·2 75• 1 79•4 95'4 102·5 ro8·4 Tring 4 72·8 73'9 81·2 72·4 76·7 78·9 96·5 .. L and Dayak . 1 .. . 7 1·3 ...... 75·9 ...... 100·5 . 90·1 !02·1 102·1 Maloh 4 75·7 79•3 SJ-4 75·1 78·7 8o-5 8o 101·5 103·7 Hisaya 4 75·5 78 78·8 77'9 79 99·3 102·2 .. . Tabun 1 ... 76·1 ...... 77·8 ...... 101·5 105·3 Orang Dukit . 4 73'5 75·9 77'9 72 74'4 77·3 98·9 Kadayan 2 75·3 76•4 88·5 76·4 77 77•5 89·4 96·2 103 100 Kanauit 1 ... 74·6 ...... 77'4 ...... 107 Pu nan 2 75•7 76·3 76·8 78·6 79·4 82·1 103·8 105•4 . 100·7 ... Ukit 1 ... 78 ...... 78·6 ... .. llO i\fadang 2 74·3 77·8 81·3 72•9 77'3 8 1·7 89·6 99·8 85·2 102·8 Kenyah 3 8o·8 84 87·1 74•1 78·6 83 94 100·7 Kayan 6 74·6 77 94'3 71•9 75• 1 84'7 89 95•7 98·5 Iban 4 79•5 82 84·7 73'9 n-6 81·8 90·1 94'7