From the Gulf of Alaska and Southeastern Alaska

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From the Gulf of Alaska and Southeastern Alaska Recent Foraminifera From the Gulf of Alaska And Southeastern Alaska By RUTH TODD and DORIS LOW CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 573-A A study resulting from a search for evidence that Pamplona Searidge is the foundered remnant of the 18th century "Pamplona Rock" UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1967 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY William T. Pecora, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 55 cents (paper cover) CONTENTS Page A18 18 2 1 21 2 1 2 5 26 3 0 31 3 3 34 3 5 35 36 38 38 38 39 39 39 4 0 4 3 ILLUSTRATIONS [Plates 1-5 follow index] PLATE 1. Recent arenaceous Foraminifera from Alaska. 2. Recent arenaceous and porcellaneous Foraminifera from Alaska. 3. Recent Lagenidae, Polymorphinidae, and Buliminidae from Alaska. 4. Recent Buliminidae, Elphidiidae, Discorbidae, and Rotaliidae from Alaska. 5. Recent miscellaneous benthonic and planktonic Foraminifera from Alaska. FIGURE1. Map of Gldf of Alaska and southeastern Alaska showing locution of dredged samples- _._ _ _ A3 TABLES Page TABLE1. List of stations and locality data for Foraminifera samples- _ _._ _ _ _ . A2 2. Distribution and abundance of Iiecent Foraminifera off Alaska. _._ _. - _ _ 4 CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY RECENT FORAMINIFERA FROM THE GULF OF ALASKA AND SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA By RUTHTODD and DORISLOW ABSTRACT / In each of these places numerous species were found in common Pamplona Searidge is a northeast-trending submarine ridge, with the present assemblages. about 30 miles off the coast in the Gulf of Alaska, near the Comparisons were also made with three probably Pleistocene outer edge of the continental shelf. It now rises from sur- or Pliocene occurrences : a submarine beach deposit near Nome, rounding depths (of about 400 6athoms to within 68 fathoms of Amchitka Island in the Aleutians, and Middleton Island in the the surface and conceivably might have been what 18th century Gulf of Alaska west of the searidge. Here, too, similarities Spanish and Russian explorers reported to be the dangerous were found with the present assemblages. rocky shoal, "Pamplona Rock." Search for evidence that Pamplona Searidge had formerly Three samples dredged between 85 and 100 fathoms from near been at a higher elevation near sea level was fruitless, but the top of Pamplona Searidge contain rich assemblages of at the same time the Foraminifera showed nothing that would Foraminifera dominated by Caesidfrlina oalifornica and C. tor- rule out such an inltterpretation. tt~osa. Two samples were dredged from the sides of the sea- ridge between 133 and 205 fathoms. The fauna of the shallower INTRODUCTION one-that between 133 and 148 fathoms-is similar to those on Five bottom samples from Pamplona Searidge in the the summit, but the deewr sample is dominated by GoeseZ6a flintii. Gulf of Alaska and six samples from various localities For comparison with the Foraminifera of the searidge, six in the fjords and bays of southeastern Alaska have samples from depths between 10 and 215 fathoms, dredged in yielded rich assemblages, consisting mostly of Recent the channels and bays of the fjordland of southeastern Alaska smaller Foraminifera but undoubtedly including fossil were also studied. These six samples reveal the faunal dis- specimens as minor elements. tinctiveness of the various fjordland localities as contrasted with the comparative uniformity of the open environment of the Study of the Foraminifera from Pamplona Searidge searidge samples in the Gulf of Alaska. was made originally as a search for evidence that the Only two of the fjordland samples have dominating species, searidge had, within the last 180 years, foundered from namely EZpkidielZa groenlandioa and Cassidulina limbata at a near-surface elevation where it may have been the Hxcursion Inlet and Rotalia colztmbiettsis at Gambier Bay. ancient "Bajo Pamplona" reported in 1779 and charted Elsewhere, each assemblage contains a group of major constitu- ents with supplementary minor ones. Some of these major by the Spanish explorers as a dangerous rocky shoal constituents are Reopltur scorpitrruu, Haplopkragncoides planis- (Jordan, 1958, p. 34, fig. 2). Pamplona Searidge is simus, Cribrostomoides oraesimurgo, Snrn~otittm cassis, Garr- now a 15-mile long submarine ridge, trending approxi- drvina arenaria, Eggerclla adecna, Qtrinqrreloctrlina akneriana, mately northeast at right angles to the coastline, begin- Globobuliw~inaartricctlata, Bolivina alata, Ucigerina peregrina, ning about 30 miles offshore at the outer edge of the Sngulogerina fluens, Rosalilza ornatissirna, Buccella frigida, Elpkidittm clacatrtrn, E. frigidum, Cibicidcs Zobatulox, Florilus continental shelf. Its minimum depth, a rocky sub- labradoriclta, Nonior~ella pzrlclrcllcr, I'sordonottio~~artric~tl~rrt~, marine promontory at 68 fathoms, is found at its outer and Bstrononion gallowayi. (southwest) end. Alteogether, 140 species are recordrd, and their distributioll Three dredgings on the top and one from each side and ubundance indicated, but about 8.5 of them constitute a of Pamplona Searidge (hereafter referred to as Pam- clnantitatively negligible part of the \\.hole lmyul-ation of l'oraininifera. I"rom the total of 140 species, about 56 percent plona 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8) were made by the U.S. Coast have previously been recoluled as inhabiting Arctic regions, and and Geodetic Survey Ship Pathfinder in 1958. In addi- an additional S gerceiit :IS inliabiting .Intarctir regions. Only tion, six samples were obtained from various depths and 36 percent have not been reported in either ])olar region. localities in the inland waterways in southeastern C'umlrarisoiis are made with Recent Foran~ii~ifrraassemblages Alaska and used for comparisoll with the five samples fro111 elevated glacial sedin~eiitin ~outheastt~ri~Alaska, from dredged bottoin sediinent in sontliern British ('cdumbia, from from the searidge. Two of the fjordland samples the ilorthwrsterii IBac.itic.,froin shallow shelf water along the (Kasaan Bay and Clarence Strait) were also dredged Arctic coast of eastthrn Sibria, and fro111off the coaslt of Chile. by the Pathfinder; the remaining four (Excursion In- A2 CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY let, Taku Harbor, Lynn Canal, and Gambier Bay) were samples increased the total composite fauna by only 25 obtained in 1958 by the late D. J. Miller of the U.S. Geo- percent to a total of 140 species. logical Survey. Figure 1shows the geographic relation- In the 11 samples taken together, a total of 137 species ship of the two areas. Table 1 details all the localities (including one subspecies) has been identified. Three and bottom conditions and lists the USGS locality more were left indeterminate. The benthonic part of TABLE1.-List of stations and locality data for Foraminifera samples Station USQS locality Location Depth Type of sediment and conditions (fathoms) Gulf of Alaska: Pamplona 3. _ _ -- _ .. Lat. 59'30.65' N.;long. 142'36.40' W- Pebbly mud from trench on top of searidge. Pamplona 4- _ _--. - Lat. 59'31' N.; long. 142'35.70' W- _ Pebbly mud from top of searidge. Pamplona 5- - -- -- - Lat.5g032.65' N.; long. 142°36.05' W- Mixed sand and clay with few pebbles from west slope of searidge. Pamplona 7 -.----- Lat. 59'31.50' N.; long. 142'35.45' W- Pebbly mud from trench on top of searidge. Pamplona 8- ._-.-- Lat. 59'31.80' N.; long. 142'35.00' W- Muddy sand with pebbles and cobbles from east slope of searidge. Clarence Strait- - -. Lat. 55'21.3' N. ; long. 131'57.5' W-- Silty clay (ooze). Kasaan Ba ----- Lat. 55'26' N.; long. 132'14.2' W- __ Pebbly mud. Excursion {if&: I I _ _ - _ - West arm, 400 ft off west shore; 0.9 Sandy mud; water turbid from glacial mile N. 60' W. of point between streams. two arms. Taku Harbor-. _____-.. About 3,500 ft N. 42' E. of 11% Sand; strong tidal current at surface. Stockade Point. 1 Lynn Canal .__--.-_--. West shore, =t1,000 ft offshore, 10fi Silty clay. 2.90 miles N. 53' W. of south end of Sullivan Island. Gambier Bay --____.-_. Channel between Church Point Coarse sand (partly inside shells of and south end of island to north. dead mollusks and brachiopods) ; very strong tidal currents. numbers assigned to the samples of Foraminifera. The this population accounts for 133 species, and the plank- samples obtained from the top and sides of the searidge tonic for 7. come from depths between 85 and 205 fathoms; those From the entire 140 species, 85 (almost 60 percent) from the southeastern Alaska f jordlands from depths may be eliminated from consideration in this analysis between 10 and 215 fathoms. because they constitute a quantitatively negligible part Acknozu2edgnzents.-We owe our thanks to Don J. of the whole. The remaining 55 species (53 benthonic Miller, who provided us with the material that forms and 2 planktonic) are estimated to constitute between the basis of this report, as well as other material used 90 and 100 percent of the specimens in the composite set for comparison. We are indebted for assistance of vari- of samples, but with no more than 18 of these 55 species ous kinds received from mniiy colleiagues, chiefly F. L. constituting significant percentages of the specimens in Parker and Erk Reimnitz of Scripps Institution of any one sample. Species having Arctic records are indicated by an Oceanography. asterisk in the distribution table (table 2). Of the total DESCRIPTION OF FAUNAS 140 species, 77 (or about 56 percent) have been recorded in Arctic regions, an additional 8 percent from Antarc- The searidge samples are the richest ; 112 species were tic regions, and 36 percent have not been reported in identified from the 5 samples taken in the Gulf of the polar regions.
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