• The Canandaigua Treaty of 1794: Compromise • No Taxation Without Representation: The Failed After Conflict Compromise That Led to a Revolution

• The Government Versusthe Farmers: George • Conflict in Salem:The Witchcraft Trials Washington's Lack of Compromise in the Whiskey Rebellion • Preventing Conflict: The Compromise of 1850

• The Treaty of Mortefontaine: Compromise to End the • Antebellum Politics: The Nullification Controversy Quasi-War • The Revolution of 1800

• The Second Great Awakening: Religious Conflict • The City Draft Riot of 1863 Driving Social Compromises • The Indian Removal Act of 1830 • Conflicting Ideas over Religion: New Immigrants Challenging the Protestant Ideal • Reconstruction: Conflict and Compromise in the South • Fighting in World War I and Not Compromising Ideals: The Harlem Hellfighters • The Compromise of 1877

• The Conflict of Monopoly and the Compromise of • The Pullman Strike the National Association of Theatre Owners • The Silver Question: FarmersVersus Industrialists • Social Conflict During War: Japanese Internment • The Burlingame Treaty and Chinese Exclusion • Conflicting Opinions, Compromised Values: • The Big Three: Conflict and Compromise at Yalta The Vietnam Generation • Dollar Diplomacy: Ending Conflicts Through • Rodgers and Hammerstein: From Lighthearted Economic Investment Musicals to Serious Social Issues

• UAWv. General Motors: Sit Down for Compromise • Ronald Reagan and the Berlin Wall • Conscientious Objectors in World War" • The Camp David Accords • Taking the Fight off the Ice:The Creation of • Theodore Roosevelt and the Completion of the the NHLPA Panama Canal • The Truman Doctrine • The Compromise: The Prevention of Conflict • The Marshall Plan

• Opposing the :The Hartford Convention • The Compromise to End All Conflict: The Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928